Ready to be SPOOKED? o
h Check out these haunted local pitstops
Ohio Reformatory Blood Prison Haunted Hoochie
A scream-fest full of scares sure to A well-known haunted house
cause an adrenaline rush. Located located in West Pataskala, Ohio.
inside an active paranormal site, it This eerie adventure is sure to make
is the only haunted house located the heart pump. This year featured
inside a prison in all of Ohio. Tickets a simulated live demon birth, which
were $25 for general admissions. was never done before. Tickets
Grab your favorite fear fanatics and were $25 for general admission.
add this to your 2021 bucket list!
13th Floor Haunted House Ohio Theatre
This haunted location features two This theatre is said to house three ghosts,
attractions this year. Tales of the Unknown one of which is a stagehand who died in the
captures the chaos inside the city of middle of a show ages ago. He is known
Rapture, after patients from the asylum to pull pranks on staff in the theatre. The
escaped. Darkest Dreams displays a family other two ghosts are a woman and a child.
being plagued by nightmares so horrid, they All of these ghosts like to cause a stir in
have chosen to forgo sleep all together. the night hours, inside and outside of the
Tickets for these exhibits are $25-$30, and property. It is said people have seen them
should be purchased online. Do not miss wander around the grounds in dawn and
out on the last weekend of the year!