Severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS is an airborne disease If you are in close contact with
(SARS) a viral respiratory disease because the virus can be someone who has SARS, here are
caused by a SARS-associated transmit from person to
coronavirus. first appeared in China person contact. Infected some tips to avoid spreading
in November 2002, and scientists person can infect other SARS-CoV
identified it in February 2003. people by touching them
after touching an infected wearing a medical mask
According to the World areas. at public places
Health Organization
(WHO) When the infected person coughs or Frequently wash your
sneezes, virus particles are released into hand with soap
the air. People who breathe these Disinfect surfaces that
contaminated air particles can become may contain virus
infected and spread the disease.
Ways of transmitting the virus may include
touching someone directly stay at home and avoid
public places
8,098 774 hugging and kissing
staying at least 1m away
Infected died sharing utensils for eating and drinking from other people
Recently findings :
click on the icon to learm more about prevention in
bat domcaetstic ferret do not cover mouth and nose when maintaining good hygine
sneezing or cough
these animals can transmit SARS-CoV
Castaño-Rodriguez, M. Honrubia et al. (2018). Role of Severe Acute
click on the icon to know more about SARS-COV Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.
TREATMENT symptoms appeared 2–7 days after
a person was exposed to the virus,
There's currently no cure for
SARS, but research to find a but they could also take up to 10
vaccine is ongoing to develop days.
an effective antiviral drug for
SARS-CoV. first symptom was a high fever x-axis describe the period following infection
more than y-axis
TO RELIEVE THE SYMPTOMS, PEOPLE WITH SARS MAY describe the number of virus particles
RECEIVE SUPPORTIVE CARE INCLUDING THE USE 38OC capable to invade a host cell
Following by other early
Admitted to hospital and kept symptoms:
in isolation under close
Assisting breathing using a Vero E6 cells are commonly used for in vitro
ventilator to deliver oxygen studies of the severe acute respiratory
High doses of steroids to syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
reduce swelling in the lungs
Aches chills diarrhea
symptoms at 7- 10 days The growth kinetics of SARS-CoV in Vero E6
cells were studied by the load at different
time points post-infection.
Antiviral medicines Dry Shortness Low Oxygen 0-4h (lag phase) no increase in number of living bacterial cells
Cough of breath level (Hypoxia) 4-24h (log phase)
at 4h post-infection, the load was about 3x10^3
If you have the symptoms , please do self- 24-48h (log phase) fold higher than at the time of infection
isolate and quickly meet doctor for diagnosis 48-72 at 4h post-infection, the load was about
(stationary phase) 3x10^5 fold higher than before
rate of cell division and death
roughly equal
James McIntosh. ( 2020). Everything You Need to Know About Facts about (SARS). European Centre for Disease Prevention Cavicchioli, R., Ripple, W.J., Timmis et al. (2019). Scientists’
SARS. and Control. (2017, warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate
acute-respiratory-syndrome/facts change.