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Published by katie.smith, 2019-04-02 10:05:52

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1st XV Rugby team make it to national quarter finals. Great effort boys

Year 7 pupils read to Lower Prep children during Poetry Week Sixth Form pupils ran short lessons during STEM Day Prefects organised activities for Year 7’s camping trip

Wycliffe pupils are giving back

From Prep to Senior, Wycliffe pupils are which successfully introduced the children to on the Prep’s core values of Responsibility, Reception children organised a party for the older children
giving back to their school and sharing scientific investigation,” said Lenka. Resilience, Respect and Empathy.
their knowledge, time and experience. “I loved being part of their learning complicated poems! They enjoyed it and
experience. Previously, by volunteering in a “We, as Prefects, got as much out of it as there was lots of laughter in response to
This giving back is very much a two-way kindergarten I’d taught English, but helping the children,” said Noah. “By taking the time some of our funny rhymes. We all enjoyed it
experience with pupils gaining as much the children tackle practical exercises in to prepare workshops based on our chosen too!”
from the encounters as those receiving the Science was enticing in a different kind of themes (Responsibility, Resilience, Respect
attention. way.” and Empathy), we learnt and took away just And in Reception, the children organised a
Mr Archer, Head of Sixth Form, said: “By as much. special party and invited the older children
Lenka Milojević was one of the Sixth Formers teaching lessons, our Sixth Formers learn from Years 1 and 2.
involved in Wycliffe’s STEM Day which more about themselves than probably any “It was very beneficial to interact with
involved hundreds of primary school children. other two or three weeks of the year, helping younger pupils because we don’t get the This giving back continues after people
The Sixth Formers led short lessons and them to build their confidence and grow as chance to interact with them every day. It’s leave Wycliffe. This term saw OW Andrew
supported the children from Wycliffe Prep individuals.” something that will help to bridge any gap Robinson (P C 1997-2004) return to hold
and other schools. Head of School Noah Murray and the between the Prep School and Senior School. workshops during STEM Day, OW Jeremy
Prefects ran activity sessions during a Year Woolcock (J SH 1957-1965) was adjudicator
“I was excited for the opportunity to teach 7 camping trip, with the sessions focussing “There are future events such as Year 8 for House Drama and OW Jonty Messer
Biology to primary pupils. Ms Trainer, James Academic Mornings and other workshops by (P H 1995-2002) spoke about his
Clements and I ran four interactive sessions Sixth Formers organised Wycliffe Talks the Prefects that will also help towards this broadcasting career in the Wycliffe Talks
greatly.” organised by Sixth Formers.

A group of Sixth Formers were so inspired
by a TED talk event organised by a pupil last
year that they decided to organise their own
Wycliffe Talks whilst juggling school work.

In the Prep School, Year 8 pupils read to
Lower Prep children as part of Poetry Week.

“We visited Reception and Year 1 to read
a variety of children’s poetry and nursery
rhymes,” said Takara Harris, Year 8.

“The following day, we went to read to the
Year 2 pupils, this time with longer and more

Wycliffe Open Day - Saturday 9 March 2019

Senior School: 9.00am - 12.00pm Prep School: 10.00am - 12.00pm

2 STEM Day and Science focus I want to pass on that
passion of Science
Fusion trip is
an eye-opener By Dr Sarah Owenson,
Deputy Head of Wycliffe Prep
By Seb Clarke, Year 12
When I attended school my Biology
The Physics A Level pupils travelled to teacher was amazing. He had climbed
the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Mount Everest and was a stunt man in
Oxfordshire, the UK’s national centre for the 1975 action film The Eiger Sanction
fusion research. - not your regular Science teacher.

At the JET facility, (Joint European Torus), He ignited within me a passion for learning
we were greeted by one of the facility’s and a drive to share it with others. I have
members who gave a brief talk on the so many happy memories of him within
basics of nuclear fusion; fusing light lessons.
elements together creating heavier
elements and releasing energy that I recall him running around the classroom
can be converted to electricity with no pretending to be a hummingbird as he tried
environmental effects. desperately to convey the crucial role of
mitochondria within a wing cell!
We were split into two groups before
being taken on tours around one of With memories like that it is no surprise
the main fusion buildings. This was an that I am now a Science teacher and, with
extremely eye-opening experience. nearly 20 years’ teaching experience under
my belt, I am as keen as I ever to ignite
As a group we had underestimated the that passion within my pupils.
amount of preparation required for just
a few seconds of fusion to occur, the For me, Science isn’t about text books and
number of specialist computers and team exams, it’s about the world, life, machines,
members required to plan and allow the space – the list is endless and, more
process to take space and the sheer size excitingly, the list keeps getting longer.
of the fusion torus.
One of my all-time favourite lessons started emotional response of the children is one learnt in a lab at school could one day
Also on the tour, we got to see the new with the children watching a YouTube clip I will never forget. The discussions that impact on a young boy’s life.
technology designed to fix the inside and about a little boy called Jonathon who had followed were mature, thought provoking
outside of the torus. We were even told undergone cochlea implant surgery. The and excited to imagine that the Science It’s that thrill of Science that I hope to
about the jenga games played with these clip shares the moment that the implant pass on to our Prep pupils.
machines. was turned on for the first time. The

We would like to thank Mr Waller, Dr York
and Mr Clements for organising the trip
and explaining anything we weren’t able
to comprehend, giving us great benefits
for our Physics A Level.

Dr Owenson joined Wycliffe in September. of external organisations, including the
She taught Science in a number of state Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
schools over the years, teaching children Research Council (BBSRC), The Charles Darwin
from Year 3 to 13. She was working as Head Trust (CDT) and Honda UK. The purpose of
of Teaching Development at an independent these projects was to further enhance each
school in Oxfordshire. individual pupil’s engagement in the fields of
science and engineering.
Alongside her teaching, Dr Owenson has
led many projects working with a variety

STEM Day hosts
amazing speakers

To buy tickets, visit By Lily Gibbons, Isla Skelston and reaching 2.5 million views. His opening statement
Takara Harris, Year 8 consisted of saying he was an Aquanaut, a title
he got by exploring the sea. Aquanaut means
STEM Day is an annual event held at the Senior “underwater explorer”.
School for local primary school children. They
take part in interesting demonstrations, practical While Mr Foot only went 245m down, his friend
sessions and lectures. Dr Jon Copley was one of the first humans to go
1000m and 5000m underwater. Dr Copley also
Wycliffe Prep also joins in on the fun with Years 7 made a discovery, but not a good one, at 5000m
and 8 joining workshops and talks. he found . . . a pop can and a plastic bag. Even at
5000m there is plastic, how horrible is that?
As part of the lectures, Matthew Tosh performed
an array of fantastic experiments in order to Whether you know this or not, our oceans are
explain the Physics and effort put in to be able to dying. Coral is becoming less colourful, because
host a fireworks display. our oceans are getting hotter. We can help stop
this by; using less energy, sharing lifts and eating
In the afternoon, Greg Foot gave a talk in the less meat. You don’t have to become vegetarian
Chapel. Mr Foot has worked for the BBC, Blue or vegan, just decrease the amount of meat that
Peter and has a YouTube channel with a video you eat.

Subject focus: Science 3

We Year 8 pupils studied light and sound Year 1 pupils look at the materials the Three Pigs used for their houses Year 13 pupils helped with short lessons during STEM Day

make Science matter
From the moment children start at
Wycliffe Nursery, Science becomes a vital The pupils learn about Physics and forces dangerous science, Year 7 started the year Learning about cells at the Senior School Science Club
part of their education, in the classroom with push and pull equipment and magnets. by looking at hazards in the labs. This was
and beyond. followed by two Biology units on variation, Science Live trips for Chemistry and Physics
Reception pupils have been busy creating classification, ecosystems and feeding where pupils saw presentations from a
Nurturing that early interest in Science their own weather charts to record the habits. variety of engaging Scientists on cutting
is vital says OW Andrew Robinson (P C different types of weather. They created a edge applications.
1997 - 2004) who, as Managing Director of front cover on the computer and record the Chemistry has been Year 8’s focus before
Arc Energy Resources, held workshops at weather daily. half term, this has included atoms, Physics pupils in Year 12 and 13 visited the
Wycliffe’s STEM Day. elements, compounds and mixtures. After national centre for nuclear fusion research
“We are well aware there is a massive skills In Year 1 the Science focus has been on half term pupils looked at light and sound, in Culham, Oxfordshire. Both year groups
shortage in Engineering and Science, and Materials. After finding out about the how they work and how they relate to the were also heavily involved in STEM Day, with
we have to find a way of addressing that. If different properties of everyday materials, real world. Science pupils helping or presenting short
we want there to be engineers, welders and they looked at the materials the Three lessons to groups of visiting primary age
project managers available in the future, Pigs used for their houses and had a go at A popular Science Club is run in the pupils.
then we need to get them excited about making their own houses for toy pigs out of Prep School on Thursday afternoons.
Science and Maths at prep school age.” lolly sticks, paper straws, Lego, bread sticks, Occasionally, these sessions are run by Year 13 Physics pupils also had the
Nursery children spend a lot of time outside strawberry laces and sugar cubes. Senior School teachers, giving the younger opportunity to take part in the British Physics
observing weather and seasons, growth and pupils an opportunity to experience Senior Olympiad A2 Challenge.
decay. Pupils in Year 2 have been concentrating School Science labs and to meet some of
on animals and plants and their habitats – their potential future teachers.
Understanding magnets in Nursery amongst other things this involved making
a wormery and ensuring the Lower Prep In Senior School, Year 9 started studying
bug house was fully equipped with suitable GCSE Sciences in September. The early start
materials in time for winter. enables Wycliffe to dedicate time for pupils
to reflect and improve upon work done in or
Year 3 looked at light, including prisms and out of lessons throughout the GCSE course
light ray boxes. In the second half of the (known as DIRT, Dedicated Improvement
Autumn term they focused on the skeletal and Reflection Time).
and muscular systems of humans and how
these work. Year 10, as part of their GCSE studies,
will attend a Science Live event in Bath
Year 4 learnt about living things and their in February where they will experience a
interdependence through food webs while range of inspirational talks from prominent
Year 5 studied about the properties of Scientists.
materials followed by forces. This has been
through various experiments aimed at Year 11 have been concentrating their
building their investigative skills. studies on their first set of mock exams. A
small group of pupils also visited Oxford
In Year 6, pupils built their own ‘Operation’ University to experience a series of lectures
game where they learnt in a more profound on Science, Maths and Computer Science.
way about which materials conduct
electricity. Year 12 pupils had a number of Science-
themed trips this term. There have been
Now that they are ready to move on to more

Mavericks offer right medicine

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of who talked pupils through all the various Pupils used an Electrocardiogram (ECG)
the NHS, Wycliffe invited in Medical medical equipment first. monitor and printed out their results
Mavericks to educate pupils in Years 9 and listened to blood pumping through
to 11 about some of the 350 roles that Armed with their own blank medical their arteries with a Pulse Doppler and
the NHS currently provide. chart, pupils proceeded around the hall, viewed their veins with an infra-red vein
taking measurements and filling in the scanner.
Pupils also had a chance to try out some various sections of their charts.
truly awesome medical kit with which to Labels clearly defining the medical
observe our own bodies and systems. Those with aspirations to become a practitioners that use each bit of kit and
surgeon had the opportunity to perform the A Level grades required for these
The Medical Mavericks team consisted key-hole surgery using long precision roles, maximised the educational value
of Katie, a just-qualified Paramedic and tools to move a rubber band around of this inspiring day.
Sam, a recently-qualified Biochemist pegs (to form a figure of eight).

4 Learning Beyond the Classroom

Visits bring History to life

Year 1 go back in time There has been plenty of hard work The Sixth Form History pupils went
by pupils in History lessons but also a to Hampton Court Palace in October.
Year 1 visited Tyntesfield House to find out number of educational visits. They were accompanied by the
about life before there was electricity and Rev John McHale who added many
running water, as part of their homes topic Pupils have studied a wide variety of specialist details to our visit to the
in History. subjects; from Edward I to Vietnam, Cardinal’s Palace.
They learned about lots of artefacts that and The Ottoman Empire to Medieval
were used like chamber pots, washboards, Medicine. In November the Year 13 History
mangles and kitchen ranges. The children pupils had the opportunity to hear
explored the grounds of the house too. The whole of Year 9 visited The Black leading historians discuss the Tudors.
Country Living Museum in Dudley All of them gained so much, listening
Bien joué - for our Year 9s to experience Victorian life which to John Morrill, Anna Whitelock and
included a school lesson, a canal David Starkey.
“C’est Bernard??” It is always Bernard. tunnels trip, and being coal miners.
Each year, the French department holds
a Guess Who competition, where pupils Gold expedition Sixth Form Historians at Hampton Court Palace
deploy the super-useful language of
physical description to guess the identity is
of their opponent’s character. resounding success
The finals were held on November
9. Charlie Floyd and Lucy McKerrow A team of resoundingly capable
contested a tense semi-final with Lucy participants earned Gold expedition
progressing. In the grand final, Hannah awards this September and October in
Tavner faced off against Lucy and both the Brecon Beacons.
girls used superb French, and great skills of
deduction, with Lucy emerging the victor. Launching their practice bid in September five of the original team members now They completed it with notable panache,
near Hay Bluff in the Black Mountains, remained to face the challenge. scaling 3,157 metres including the highest
Pick up an instrument James Clements, Amy Cook, Archie York, peak, Pen y Fan along the way. Rewardingly
Katie Cruickshank, Jacob Palmer and Iona With a comfortable night’s sleep in a snug, spectacular views from the summit
Year 2 pupils are proving they are a Farrow-Wilton brushed off the three-day remote youth hostel and a full English contributed to a fantastic expedition
musical lot. There are seven violinists, four challenge with apparent ease, covering a breakfast to follow, the group’s energy experience for staff and pupils alike and a
recorder players, two cellists, one cornet circular route of 65 kilometres and a height levels were kick-started for the four-day, 80 thoroughly well-merited achievement for
player plus the Lower Prep choir. Mrs of approximately 2,400 metres with loaded kilometre venture. this competent group.
Taylor’s plans for a Year 2 orchestra are rucksacks.
coming together nicely.
As temperatures dropped to below freezing
Poetry Week a success at night, they staunchly huddled in their
sleeping bags playing cards.
Poetry Week was a great success again
this year, with all of the Prep School taking During October Half Term, distant moorland
part across the curriculum. in the western extremity of the national
Highlights of the week included park bore witness to the final trek, and
pupils taking part in giving live poetry
readings during break times, a range of Night navigation Great views from the common to the valley event in Stonehouse.
competitions run by the library, Year 8 below and thanks very much for Mrs King’s
pupils sharing some poetry with Lower Thirty-two participants donned warm idea and organisation. They also raised extra money from
Prep, and a visit for Year 3 and 4 to hear clothing and head torches and set off for donations. The team of Madeleine Stokes,
Matt Goodfellow (children’s poet and Selsley Common just after dark. Raising funds Maddie Taylor, Georgina Loring, Ben Tovey,
author of Chicken on the Roof) speaking at Harry Tovey and Albert Fan worked through
the Cheltenham Literature Festival. Pupils followed a circular route in teams A group of seven Silver level participants November preparing and coming up with
with activities to do at various checkpoints. from Year 10 are raising money for the ideas for products and prices. They plan to
It was exciting and fun at night, and a great Teenage Cancer Trust and have collected organise further events later in the year.
way to acquire compass skills quickly! over £100 from sales of mince pies, cookies, Many thanks to Miss Kneller for organising
mulled wine, hot chocolate and candy this activity.
Luckily we had Mrs King’s dog to follow. canes by running a stall at the Goodwill

Ready for the charge as battle begins

By Kate Cox, Year 7 the ‘Saxons’ on the hill and us, the us what to do.
‘Normans’ at the bottom. Kevin explained
The entire Year 7 and I thoroughly enjoyed to the Saxons what to do and Mr Arman We did it quite well. Next Kevin gave us
our Battle of Hastings re-enactment day. told us Normans to ‘just charge’. We did and the Saxons more instructions. The final
An amazing re-enactor and veteran, that a couple of times and then Kevin told charge, us ‘Normans’ had to win. It was
Kevin, gave us a feel of what the battle of written in history. “3. . .2. . .1. . .CHARGE!”
Hastings was really like.

We first made shields - Grenfell and
Shaftsbury made Norman ones and Scott
made Saxon shields. On the re-enactment
day, Kevin gave an incredible presentation
about the Battle.

During break we all got changed and
excitedly waited for the bell to ring. We all
rushed off to Mr Arman’s room to collect
our shields and weapons. After getting our
weapons checked to make sure they were
safe to use we headed to the ‘battlefield’.

Once we got there we set up our positions;

Learning Beyond the Classroom 5

The Wrecking Crew are aiming for the top

The Robotics Club has been working hard with more than 11,500 teams competing Robotics Club’s core members are Faith-
to develop a robot ready to compete early in 40 countries. Ann Fitzpatrick (Year 10), James Waller
in 2019. (Year 10), Brendan Ind (Year 11), Matt
The pupils are given a yearly challenge Butler (Year 9) and Hamish Armstrong
The group, called The Wrecking Crew, where they must design, build, program, (Year 10), along with James Colvin (Year
hope to build on last year’s success with a and drive a robot to complete the 12), Joshua Yan (Year 12) and Albert Fan
rebooted version of their robot The Griffin. challenge as best they can. (Year 10).

They will first compete at regional level This year’s competition sees them The Robotics Club meets once a week
but have the potential to move on to attempting ‘Turning Point’ where they during Monday activity session in the
nationals and beyond. Vex Robotics must tip over disks, fire balls at flags and Design & Technology block.
competitions are the largest in the world park to perfection.

We’re wild about our Leading expert inspires
new Forest School our musicians

Learning for the Lower Prep children the chance to take supported risks. It is Wycliffe was fortunate to welcome leading
has become wild and wonderful with already proving a hit with the pupils. expert Michael Griffin to the College as part of
the launch of our Forest School. his European tour.
Dylan, from Year 1, said: “We get some
Children from Reception to Year 2 pull on hot chocolate. We found some wood He gave a hugely valuable and inspiring
their waterproofs and boots to enjoy the that we can use next time to build a little presentation to our musicians on the topic of
Forest School for two hours every other house or something. ‘Developing Musical Skill’.
week as part of their school day.
“We got some stuff out of a bag, a leaf Mr Griffin focused on concepts including
Forest School is an educational concept card that shows all sorts of leaves. There repetition, chunking, slow practice and the
where children go to the same natural was something sharp for cutting down core importance of developing a growth
space on a regular basis to play and trees.” mindset, applying this to a wealth of
learn. disciplines, not just music.
For Martha, from Reception, the best
Highlights of some of the great activities part of Forest School is the outdoor Our pupils were left with the methods and
include: games, nature studies, rope hammock. “I liked going in the hammock mindset required to maximise the prospect
work, fire lighting and the use of hand because it was really fast.” of learning music enjoyably and successfully,
tools and using natural materials in and it has been wonderful to hear them
creative ways. Some of the activities are putting this into action.
part of the ‘Wild Passport’ outdoor skills
curriculum. Pupils enjoy Orchestra Day

The children have the opportunity Members of the Prep Orchestra travelled to
to engage in achievable tasks, use Dean Close School in Cheltenham for their
their creativity and initiative, play in annual Orchestra Day.
a group or by themselves and learn
about the natural world. They develop Pupils joined with others from local schools
their resilience, confidence and their to rehearse in instrumental groups with
knowledge in various areas and have members of the Carducci quartet.

After lunch everyone came together to form
an orchestra of well over 150 to perform a
concert. Pieces played included Dambusters
and Jurassic Park.

It was a fantastic opportunity for the Wycliffe
pupils to play in such a large group and
alongside professional musicians.

Happy reading

Year 7 pupils enjoy life under canvas The Summer Reading Challenge was a huge
success. All pupils coming into Year 9 read the
By Miles Menon, Abigail Opaleye and book The Everest Files by Matt Dickinson.
Charlie Hart, all Year 7
As readers progressed through the book,
Year 7 went on an overnight camping trip to they customised their personal copy of the
Sheepscombe. We arrived hungry wanting Everest Reading Challenge poster, created to
to go to dinner, but to our dismay, we still encourage an analytical and creative response
had to pitch our tents. to the text.

After a problematic attempt, the vast value workshops for us to enjoy. themselves and also about how we can All the posters were displayed in the Senior POETRY CORNER
majority of us had to ask for help from a always try to be resilient, through games. School Library. The winner was Oli Moores for
member of staff. In the early evening, we In the respect activity, we were asked to a really detailed entry, highly decorated and
started the adventurous trek down to the create a short play or rap about ways of Finally, it was the empathy activity. For this entering into the culture of the area.
village hall for dinner. respect. For the responsibility activity, we one, we made paper chains and on each
spoke about how to be more responsible, chain, we wrote ways of being empathetic. Naomi Opaleye and Yao Feng shared second
To our delight, the Prep School catering staff inside and outside of school. place while James Cox and Hettie Hunt were
had already made our favourite lasagne, We can all say that taking down our tents joint third place winners.
garlic bread and salad. After that, we then Next we did the resilience activity - they was a lot easier than putting them up, in
had to walk back through the woods in the taught us that people can be more the same way, walking down to breakfast The Sea Stallion
ominous dark with only the light from our resilient when they are feeling good about was easier than walking up from supper. The sea is like a rearing, thunderous stallion,
small torches. He pounds his hooves upon the shore,
He thrusts and tosses many a galleon,
When we arrived we were introduced to As if he were fighting a bloody war.
Noah Murray (Head of School) and the
Senior School Prefects, who organised core Sometimes he is like a gentle lamb,
Playing with the little children on the sand,
Then he rears his mighty head and SLAM!
He chases the children on to land.

By Safi Curzon, Year 8

6 Wycliffe Community

‘Wycliffe Talks’ hailed a hit

Gig Night has By Isabella Naish, Year 13 Pupils organised every single element Each speaker covered a different and
international feel of the evening themselves, including exciting topic, spanning from business
Sixth Form pupils organised their own arranging the event’s media production, and media to professional sport and the
We were treated to a cosy evening of unique conferences event ‘Wycliffe designing the advertising materials and experience of being the first all-female
popular music on the last night of half Talks’. inviting the six speakers. group to trek across the Antarctic using
term, featuring a range of high-quality only muscle power.
performances. It followed the success of a Ted Talk The talks were split into two parts with
It was wonderful to have so many event hosted by a Year 13 pupil last year. three speakers delivering talks in each The talks covered a diverse range of
international pupils involved, representing section. The first session was exclusively interests and therefore the event proved
a wealth of different countries. The event was organised with the for pupils and teachers whereas parents to be an interesting and fulfilling
Particular highlights of the night were intention of inspiring their peers through and previous members of the College evening for all who attended.
the pupil band items, along with Gracie the theme of ‘Looking Forward’. attended the second part.
Welsh’s performance of an original song.
Special congratulations must also go to Race against time
Rebecca Taphouse for her stunning lead ends in great drama
vocals in three separate performances. We
look forward to the next Gig Night, which is The House Drama competition was a the ugly sisters and the fairy godmother Ollie Harris as Chad and the musical duet
open to everyone. race against time – 14 days to organise in Lampeter and Robinson’s ‘Cinderella’. of Beth Pritchard and Toby Collingridge as
a cast and a production. There was a great dance routine and a Gabriella and Troy who were accompanied
What great music mimed song. The directors, Ellie Vrabcova on the piano by Lewis Livingstone.
The directors faced one of the biggest and Rubee Graham, had written the script
The House Song Evening was the first challenges of their school career in and had taken some effective decisions. Ward’s-Ivy Grove’s Mamma Mia! was a
House competition of the year and one of organising the cast, costumes, lighting, The leading actress, Nastia Lialina, made wholesome and in tune production. The
only two to include every member of each sound, set and props. No easy task at the best use of noticeable talent. trio of singer dancers played by Izzy Naish,
House. best of times but the timing presented an Tillie Graham and Emma Livingstone
The standard of this year’s competition almost insurmountable obstacle. Collingwood’s ‘Lion King’ was a highly carried the show with poise and glamour
was one of the highest ever, with each commendable production. The costume allowing the boys a supporting role
song being sung strongly, accompanied by OW Jeremy Woolcock (J SH 1957 – 1965), and make-up should have won an award in their tribute. There were some well
well-choreographed dance moves. better known as Jeremy Nicholas, took and the cast had taken the time to learn choreographed and rehearsed set pieces
Loosley Halls and Collingwood House are on the difficult task of adjudicator. His their lines and keep the scenes flowing. that added to the fun.
to be commended on producing their early stage career included Edward II The adjudicator was blown away by Noah
strongest entries for a number of years, and Richard II (with Ian McKellen) and Murray’s performance of Pumbaa and
but it was Haywardsfield who claimed the two years at the famed Citizens’ Theatre, Heath Russell’s Mufasa, which brought the
trophy with their energetic rendition of Glasgow. house down several times with his comic
‘Uptown Funk’, led by the Head of House timing and deadpan delivery.
team of Munsi Shakantu, Jack Turvey and Loosley Halls chose ‘Mean Girls’, directed
Ollie Tomblin. by Lenka Milojević who, along with Directors Katie Cruickshank and Munsi
the cast, loved the film. Many of the Shakantu did a tremendous job with a big
Library hosts IT roadshow performances were charming and cast in 10 days with a complicated script
the choreography and dancing quite for Haywardsfield and Haywardsend’s ‘Hay
Wycliffe Library hosted the AccessIT professional. School Musical’.
Library Roadshow. School librarians from
across the South West of England attended The adjudicator loved the speed dating, The adjudicator gave a special mention to
the roadshow to learn about new ways
of using the latest version of this Library AND THE WINNERS ARE . . .
Management System.
Many new features were highlighted which Adjudicator’s discretionary trophy:
will help pupils make better use of the Best Directors: Ellie Vrabcova and
capabilities of this powerful software, both Rubee Graham
in school and from home. If parents would Best Actor: Heath Russell
like the ability to use this with pupils out of Best Actress: Nastia Lialina
school or would just like to find out more, Best Play: Cinderella
please contact AllLibraryStaff@wycliffe. for further information.

News 7

Year 8 pupils shine on stage

By Madeline Small, Year 8 brilliant thanks to Mrs Murray!

Year 8 have worked extremely hard this term, It was a long day of rehearsing and everyone
learning all the choreography and songs so that was exhausted by the end of it. Fortunately,
they could put on an outstanding performance of though, Year 8 managed to pull off two amazing
Thoroughly Modern Millie (starring Grace Gosling). performances which the audience seemed to
Excitement was in the air on the morning of the
first performance, as all the Year 8s were eager Mr Palmer came to both performances, and said
to try on their glamorous 1920s costumes. All the that “Friday night was one of the best Year 8
girls wore fantastic flapper dresses and the boys productions I’ve ever seen!”
wore groovy suits – they all looked absolutely

Hannah proves she is Seeing Art up close
a world champion and personal

Wycliffe’s own Hannah Shakir-Apps won a global English Is Not Enough whole range of career areas. There Art pupils from Years 11, 12 and 13 visited
language competition, beating 17,000 competitors. were talks from Wycliffe staff and The Tate Britain and the V&A Museum to
The highlight of the term for the videos by former Wycliffe pupils see artworks and artefacts up close and
The Year 11 pupil scored Modern Languages Department who today use languages in their personal.
39,854 points and answered a is English is Not Enough, an event jobs that they studied at Wycliffe.
staggering 58,890 questions that brings together the whole of With the 38 pupils following individual
in the Language Perfect World Year 9 to focus on the importance Pupils attended presentations by project ideas from ‘Costume and Masks’ to
Championships. of studying a foreign language. representatives from GCHQ, Inside ‘Dereliction’ it was interesting to find out
Japan (a tour operator) and Bath what things caught their eye.
The Championships is a global The morning started with a University Languages Department.
competition that ran for presentation and quiz about For Sixth Form linguists, GCHQ Tate Britain was a chance to see the video
one week and encourages pupils to earn points by languages worldwide, featuring provided a taster lesson in Arabic, work from the Turner Prize. Some pupils
correctly translating between their target language and famous national and international encouraging interest in a wider were bemused by the contemporary work
English. The points earned enabled pupils to qualify for stars who speak languages other range of languages. on show and this led to thought-provoking
certificates, awards and prizes. than English. discussions.
The event raised awareness
Hannah spent all her free time on the competition, Miss Wisbey and Mr Lester (the that languages are not only for At the V&A some pupils headed to the
waking up at 3am and going to bed at 11pm every day new Ant & Dec) were fantastic teachers or interpreters, and the architecture, some the sculpture and
to achieve her high score while still going to lessons. in generating a great buzz in pupils all agreed that English is the impressive building was a source of
Chapel. The emphasis was on most definitely not enough! inspiration itself.
“I accidentally fell asleep in the last few hours of the using languages as a tool in a
competition, but waking up to see that I had won was Tuning up for weekend
incredibly relieving,” said Hannah.
Wycliffe Prep hosted a string workshop and
Hannah competed in French, Spanish and Japanese. performance with the Pro Anima String
She said the hardest questions were translations of full Orchestra, directed by Michael Bochmann.
sentences in Japanese and listening comprehension.
Players of all abilities and ages, as well
Her favourite language is Japanese. “Although it is a as some from other local schools, worked
challenging language to learn as an English speaker, together with violinist Jon Trim and Wycliffe
it is one of the most beautiful languages,” she said. violin teacher, Cathy Hill.
“The way that characters are connected to elements of
nature is very meaningful to me.” During the performance, Pro Anima
performed the Bach double violin concerto,
When Hannah was in Year 8, she scored the highest which had the pupils mesmerised, and then
number of points in the UK, so she has definitely the children joined with the professionals to
surpassed this achievement. perform the pieces they had been working
Wycliffe was one of the top five schools in the
competition with an average score of 1,895 points per Maths Challenge
pupil and the top school in the 1-50 pupils category.
Prep pupils also flew the Wycliffe flag with one The top Mathematicians in Years 5 and 6
pupil achieving Gold, two Silver, one Bronze and five were invited to the Senior School to take part
achieving the Credit award. in the Primary Mathematics Challenge.

Lights, camera, action! They enjoyed a carousel of group activities
before the event run by Senior School Maths
By Alex Hannard, Year 12 As we begin to apply to university, our staff before completing the challenge.
photography portfolios will be a point
Pupils in the Digital Arts department are of reference, and having good studio This is a paper of multiple choice problems
lucky enough to have regular access to level photos to our name will definitely completed individually. Bronze, Silver and
a photography studio. help to impress. The studio is also put to Gold certificates are awarded to the highest
good use by A level Film Studies pupils scorers after the event. Gold went to Charley
The studio is equipped with four light for their short film project. Thomas (Year 5), Clara Skelston (Year 6) and
sets, three backdrops, light reflectors, Lewis Ely (Year 6).
LED backlights and a tripod. The studio was also used during this
year’s STEM Day. Pupils were given Capturing life
It is an extremely useful resource for the hands-on experience during a stop
BTEC Digital Content Production pupils, motion film workshop. The enthusiastic An important part of any Art pupil’s portfolio
as it provides us with the opportunity pupils reported that they enjoyed the is evidence of life drawing, so Sixth Form
to take professional quality photos in a event and found it an interesting peek pupils went to a studio in Stroud where the
studio environment. into the world of media and film studies. unclothed model was suspended in straps
from the ceiling. This created extreme
and sometimes unexpected poses and

Pupils attending for the first time can be a
little apprehensive but settled down almost
immediately. The sessions helped pupils to
observe and draw in such a concentrated

8 Wider Community Year 6 pupils learn about their town and its history

So proud to represent county By Sam Burrell, Year 6 developed over time. area was because the Cotswolds is sat on
By Sjt Maisie Spiers, Year 13 Year 6 went to Stroud Museum to learn Some of the facts we learned included:
about the area’s history. Year 6 were • Limestone is useful for making things
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that allowed to do a lot of activities such as • The number of houses in a settlement it can be shaped into blocks. It absorbs
I had been selected as one of the Lord smashing and moving heavy limestone was recorded and is available for us to water which stopped places flooding so
Lieutenant’s cadets in the county. using the same methods as they did view still today. Forty-six households was easily.
Lord Lieutenant’s cadets are on hand in the Stone Age. We also explored the considered a really large settlement.
to assist the Lord Lieutenant of the museum’s artefacts. • When people tried to steal the red
county, who is the recently appointed • At that time there were no houses in cloth drying in the fields they would get
Edward Gillespie. The 10 of us act The trip was part of our Geography Stroud and Stonehouse had 19 houses found out as their hands would be dyed
as representatives for our different lessons as we are learning about and was classed as large. red. This is where the phrase ‘caught red
organisations, and, in the coming year, will settlements and how they have handed’ came from.
be on hand to accompany Mr Gillespie to • The reason why people settled in this
different events.
On 7th October I had my investiture where Wycliffe remembers
I got to know all the other cadets, and also their great sacrifice
Dame Janet (the retiring Lord Lieutenant).
My first duty took place on Remembrance Wycliffe joined the nation to mark the of the enormous sacrifices made by the Two of the School’s CCF cadets attended
Sunday in Gloucester Cathedral, where we centenary of the Armistice of the First young men remembered in the classroom Amberley Parish’s commemoration
assisted Dame Janet. It was an honour to World War and to honour the 550 and during the service yesterday was evening in memory of two OWs, Frederick
be present at the service, especially as it OWs who served in the war and the 78 clearly visible. We were moved by their Evers Swindell (H 1906 – 1910) and
was the centenary of the First World War who lost their lives. Nearly 400 OWs gravity, sensitivity and wisdom.” Douglas Scott (1907), who were from
and, therefore, many veterans and current served in the Second World War, 66 of the Amberley Parish and had lost their
servicemen and women also attended. whom died. The Prep School held a Service of lives in the First World War. The cadets
Remembrance, where the full 1914-18 roll laid a wreath and The Wycliffian Society
Maths Challenge The Prep School, under the guidance of of honour was read by the Head Boy and sponsored the silhouettes.
Head of History, Mr Steven Arman, has Girl and the choir sang an anthem by Mrs
Eighteen teams from local schools arrived POETRY CORNER been researching those young OWs from Taylor which used words from ‘We shall
at Wycliffe to compete in the annual Senior the First World War. keep the faith’ by Moina Mitchell, written
Team Maths Challenge run by the UKMT in November 1918.
(United Kingdom Maths Trust). This year the Year 8 pupils researched
Our Wycliffe team comprised Brian Ng the lives of Frank (Joe) Arkell (SH 1907 – At the Senior School Service of
(Year 13), Ella Kitching (Year 13), Joshua 1909), Stanley Bladwell (SH 1912 – 1917) Remembrance, a moving musical tribute
Yan (Year 12), and James Colvin (Year 12). and Hugh Jones M.C. (SH 1902 – 1905). All was created which included photographs
The competition involved three rounds and three died in 1918. of every OW who fought and died in the
Wycliffe held their place in the top five for First World War. Around 500 people,
the first two rounds before dropping lower The pupils’ task was to research and use including a number of OWs and their
after the final ‘Shuttle’ event. old documents to help them draw up a families attended the service.
new narrative to tell ‘their’ stories.
MAD returns in 2019 The Wycliffian Society was delighted to
Living relatives of Frank Arkell and Hugh invite back OW Captain James Brackley
The Senior School held its first Make a Jones were then contacted and invited to (P C 1999 – 2007) to lay the Wreath of
Difference Day (MAD) in 2018 which saw school to hear the pupils’ stories as well as Remembrance on behalf of all OWs and
scores of pupils donating their time and to share their own. to read The Exhortation. Captain Brackley
energy in 11 different activities to benefit of the 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
the community. MAD will return in June One of Frank Arkell’s family said of the was “honoured to be invited” and was
2019. Stay tuned for further details in the day: “Their (the pupils) understanding accompanied by his wife and family.
months ahead.
College sponsors book festival
America is the place to be,
Their country is supposedly free, For the second year running Wycliffe took Treated to a writing workshop with the his writing with poet Adam Horowitz and
The weather is nice, a leading role in sponsoring the Stroud much heralded poet Daljit Nagra, our tackling questions from the audience.
There’s barely ever ice, Book Festival as the locally run event, now Literature Sixth Formers were given a
America is the place to be! in its third year, continued to develop and unique perspective on the modern writer’s An excellent evening for all involved; we’re
England is the place to be, expand significantly. methodology before his reading in our own already excited to see what events and
It is surrounded by the sea, Sibly Hall. opportunities next year’s Book Festival
The weather is wet, With more writers than ever before visiting might offer.
You can bet, the festival and some 40 events taking Daljit, fresh from his stint as Poet in
Come and have a cup of tea! place over four days, the Book Festival had Residence for Radio 4, read aloud several
Russia is the place to be, something to offer to all ages – not least of his pieces covering themes such as
On one side is the sea, the Sixth Form pupils of Wycliffe. identity, multi culturalism and Indian
The weather is cold, mythology and folklore, before discussing
So I’ve been told,
Russia is the place to be!
By Ben Cook, Year 5

The Wycliffian Society 9

A lifelong taste for adventure The Alma Tavern & Theatre,

November 2018

When OW Tim Luke (SH 1969
- 1974) decided to cross the
Atlantic single handed, he knew it
would be a challenge but Tim has
always had a taste for adventure.

Aboard his Vancouver 34, Medusa, Tim trying to avoid the worst of the spray but develop leadership skills on the sports
was the first to finish The Jester Single getting soaked through anyway. pitch and in the House,” he said. “At
Handed Transatlantic Challenge 2018. It Wycliffe there was an opportunity to
took him 40 days, facing squalls in The “Just as things were getting threatening identify and develop your strengths.”
Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic gales and I spotted something out of place - a fast
coping with an average of 75 minutes’ approaching pod of dolphins,” said Tim. Following eight years in the Army,
sleep at a time. Tim went on to a career in leadership
“Up to 30 of them with six airborne at development which also includes
Tim’s taste for adventure started not a time. We only shared one another’s mediating disputes and executive
long after he left Wycliffe and joined company for five minutes but it was as coaching. He organises trips for groups
The Paras. His first adventure as a if they were saying ‘don’t worry mate, to travel to remote parts of the world
young officer was to organise, in just 13 you’ll be fine’.” and gives inspirational talks in schools
months, an expedition with a team of and for corporate clients.
Fusiliers to climb the Matterhorn. Since Tim says it was the leadership
then he has never looked back. opportunities at Wycliffe which helped He is also researching a major
shape him. He ran Wycliffe’s first expedition for the near future but, is
The idea of sailing came during a student council, was Head of House, remaining tight-lipped about it at the
works Christmas party when a friend Captain of Boats and was involved in moment.
asked Tim if he wanted to be part of an numerous sports.
adventure to visit the ‘Five Kingdoms’ Wycliffians interested in Tim’s services
via a Wayfarer (a rigged sailing dinghy). “As 17-year-olds we were given a lot can contact him on
They never made it to Scotland but it of responsibility and had the chance to [email protected].
was such fun that Tim was hooked.

During strong winds mid Atlantic, Tim
spent hours huddled under the hood

East India Club, London

Kindly hosted by Patrick Price (P C 1998 – 2014) in October 2018

OWs in Canada TWS Carol Service, The Chapel

OW Reunion in Toronto, kindly hosted by December 2018
Roger Davies (H 1958 – 1963)

John Lumby, Roger Davies and John Drew Are you able to help?

More photographs on our website We know not everyone can get to our events, so we are looking for OWs
who would be interested in being an
ambassador for TWS and hosting an
event further afield in 2019, could you

We are looking for new and
different locations for our drinks
events in London in 2020. Are you
able to help us with ideas?

10 The Wycliffian Society

How the TWS Award
can change a life

The TWS Award, in just three years, to university. She describes the university
has already had a huge impact on lives. experience as the most amazing of her life
- and the scariest.
Stephanie Bagnall (C L 2014 - 2016), the
winner of the inaugural award, simply “Receiving the Award felt like someone
states: “Without the TWS Award I wouldn’t really believed in me. At Wycliffe I had
have been able to go to university. It has the support of teachers and my mum and
meant that money worries don’t get in the brother, but the award reinforced that
way of my studies. I can make the most of feeling beyond the school,” said Stephanie.
my time at university and be academically
focussed.” “I don’t have any members of my family Stephanie Bagnall Max Edgson with Tom Woods
who have gone to university so the TWS
Open to any Year 13 pupil, the award gives Award is like a security blanket, extending charitable trust, I was aware that university HOW TO APPLY:
a total of £9,000 over three years to a pupil the support beyond what I received at would be a struggle financially. My receipt
going to university who may not otherwise Wycliffe.” of the award has been an immense Timings for TWS Award 2019 are as follows:
be able to study in full-time higher advantage in terms of getting truly stuck-in The Award will be announced to Year 13
education. Stephanie had planned to go into media to university life and making the most of pupils by Mr Matt Archer at the end of
but after attending a recent TWS event in my higher education,” said Max. January. The deadline for applications from
A panel of the TWS Management London she is now also exploring how she pupils is 15th February and then interviews
Committee review the applications and can merge her passions of media and art. “Without the constant struggle of getting will take place in early March. The selection
all applicants are invited to present to the odd jobs (which is not as easy at campus process for deciding upon the awarding
panel on how the award will help them at Our 2018 winner, Max Edgson (P R 2010 universities as many imply) or even a of The TWS Award is undertaken solely
university and what they would hope to - 2018) started at Warwick University in position with contracted hours, I am and independently by TWS management
give back to The Wycliffian Society in terms September studying Politics, Philosophy always able to prioritise my studies where committee and we look forward to receiving
of support and participation in events. and Law. He talked about what the award necessary.” plenty of applications – there is £9,000
meant to him, at our London drinks in available!
Stephanie is now in her final year at Royal October and asked OWs for guidance on Watch a video of Stephanie talking about
Holloway, University of London studying careers in law. how the Award made a difference:
English and Theatre Studies. She is the first
member of her show people family to go “As a student who spent all of his time at
Wycliffe with a bursary and support from a





Sat 2nd Wycliffe Big Boats Head
Volunteers needed to help
run the event.

March Dan Harrison (P R 1991 – 1999) and his
fiancée, Andrea, celebrated the birth of
Fri 15th The Cheltenham Festival, their son Samuel who arrived in September
Gold Cup 2018 weighing a tiny 5lbs 10oz.
TWS event - limited
discounted ticket offer,
more details on the Congratulations to all from The Wycliffian
website. Society!

Sat 23rd TWS Sports Marriages (pictured above) Margie Burnett-Ward Please let us know of any
1:30pm OW Football v Wycliffe 1st (HOW, Former Headmistress 2001 - announcements to go in the next
2:00pm XI, The Berryfield Alexandra Orchard (P C 1994 – 2009) 2015) married Steve Terry on 26th edition. Contact Victoria Vicary,
OW Netball v Wycliffe 1st married James Gilchriest (R 2007 - 2009) August at Haddon Hall, Derbyshire. Wycliffian Society Manager at TWS@
VII, Sports Hall on the 4th August this year at Selsley
April Match tea afterwards in Church, Gloucestershire. Deaths
the Pavilion, spectators HOW TO GET IN TOUCH
welcome We sady said goodbye to: Garvin F
Pollock (P J S 1935 – 1945) Nigel D You can join our Facebook page
Thu 4th TWS Drinks, Birmingham Stockley (J W 1941 – 1951) A Sandy follow us on Twitter, Instagram
6:30pm - Primitivo Bar & Eatery, Thomas (SH 1958 - 1962) Tim J C Ellis and join our LinkedIn group The
8:30pm 10 Barwick Street (J SH 1944 – 1950) Ted Lyall (SH 1942 Wycliffians.
– 1946) W Mike Pope (W 1947 – 1951)
Fri 26th OW Lodge Meeting Stuart Burtt (P W 1941 – 1950) Tim D If you have any suggestions for
5:30pm Stroud Ladd (W 1956 – 1961) Dick G Evans future events, we would love to hear
(H 1942 – 1946) Patrick W M Revell (P from you. Contact Victoria Vicary,
For more information and to RSVP for J SH 1938- 1950) John B Heyman (W Wycliffian Society Manager at
each event please contact the office on 1946 – 1951) Martin H Baber (J W 1947 - [email protected] or
1953) John H Fearis (P H 1938 - 1946) R call 01453 820439.
[email protected] or phone Davin Barber (W 1949 - 1953) Ronald H
01453 820439 numbers required for catering. Bathgate (S 1945 - 1950)

To read any obituaries visit:

Sport 11

Girls make it to regional finals Well done to 1st XV Rugby team Ryan makes his
mark at Wycliffe
Girls’ Hockey had a great season with the Under 18, Under 16 The Wycliffe College 1st XV Rugby played their quarter final Schools
and Under 14 teams all qualifying for the West Hockey Finals Cup match at the Berryfield in terrible conditions. Ryan Gwidzima (Year 8) joined Wycliffe this
in the new tiered England Hockey School System. year from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He flew on
The rain made it tough work for either team to gain momentum. his own to embark on an adventure with
At the West Hockey Finals, the Under 18s won four matches, With the wind behind them Glyn School kept Wycliffe pinned in Squash at its heart.
drew one and lost one. They narrowly lost to BGS in the semi their own half and capitalised on this with hard runners through the
finals. Player of the Tournament went to Olivia Gerrard in middle of the defence. He already had a reputation in Southern
what was a great team effort. Africa of being a champion, he was the
Wycliffe stood strong but eventually the pressure told and the Glyn number 1 player for his age group and
The Under 16s qualified for the Regional Preliminary Rounds School scored. The first half remained the same with Wycliffe under winning titles against older boys too.
after winning all five games and finishing County Champions pressure with the wind in their faces but they remained resilient in
for the second year running. At the West Hockey Finals, they defence. His first tournament was the Welsh Junior
won two matches and lost one before losing 1-3 against Truro Open, where he came up against the England
High School in a tough semi-final match. Half time came and with the wind Wycliffe looked much stronger. number 1 to which he lost by six points. Ryan
In the last 15 minutes when Wycliffe crossed the line after a good was not accustomed to losing and now knew
The Under 14s performed brilliantly to reach the quarter finals. spell of pressure. Despite this late rally and the impact of the he would have to work harder, listen more
An early break gave KES Bath a 1-0 lead and, while Wycliffe Wycliffe substitutes it was not enough to win. and strive for improvement if he wanted to
worked tirelessly to get a goal, the girls didn’t make it. compete with the best.
The boys were disappointed but ultimately proud to have made it to
the last eight in the country in this competition. Since then Ryan has gone from strength to
strength, winning three Under 13 National
Cross-Country team make it and European events; the Manchester Junior
to National Schools finals Open, Hungarian Junior Open and the
Pontefract Junior Open.
An eight-hour round trip is only enjoyable
when it is in the company of exceptional He has competed for Wycliffe in both Under
individuals. This was what faced our Under 14 and Under 19 National Schools fixtures.
13 girls Cross-Country team in the National It is his character that impresses everyone
Schools Cup final. the most, as he plays with a smile that is
infectious to those around him, improves the
Having begun the season shakily, the team standard of the court he is on and is open to
consisting of Isla Skelston, Katie Rathbone, change.
Amy Bond, Alissa Goring, Olivia Larkman
and Abigail Opaleye went from strength Oliver chosen for
to strength as they progressed through UK junior squad
the rounds of the English Schools Cross-
Country Cup, gelling as a team as they Oliver Wilcox (Year 10) has been selected
went on. as a RYA UK Squad Member Junior Squad –
Becoming county champions in the 1st of the event was quite eye opening for An eight-hour bus journey for a 10-minute
round was a great achievement and the girls, with none of the team having run seems ridiculous, but seeing the ‘buzz’ Oliver’s selection for this squad recognises
gave a hint of what was yet to come. The experienced an event like this before. and excitement all six girls displayed after his potential to progress within the British
next round, held in Shropshire, the girls completing the race, and knowing they had Sailing Team, with the aim of winning
showed their class to become regional Very soon the girls found themselves given their absolute best for their school, selection for our UK Youth Squads or beyond
champions, led supremely by the two lining up in single file in their starting pen, teammates and themselves was certainly in to our Olympic Development programmes.
Year 8s in the team. This achievement surrounded by another 250 or so elite worth it.
put the team through to the National competitors. As the gun went off, and the We wish Oliver the best of luck in his training.
final at Woodbridge School, Ipswich, with ground vibrated to the beat of countless The fact that they became the 24th best
an opportunity to compete against the running spikes, it became very clear that school in the country was almost forgotten Congratulations
best 30 schools in the country, out of the our girls were, yet again, going to make the amid the sense of personal achievement
350 schools which originally entered the school proud. and camaraderie the team displayed. The following pupils have all been nominated
competition. for the Gloucester Rugby Development Player
Programme: Under 16 - Hugo Murray (Year
Arriving at the venue, and seeing the scale 11), Tom Rowland (Year 9), Harvey Rowland
(Year 11), Jasper Townes (Year 11); Under
Our Under 12 IAPS experience 15 - George Pillinger (Year 10), Heath Russell
(Year 10), Archie Davie (Year 10), Charlie
By Abigail Opaleye, Year 7 Foremarke Hall who had been unbeaten We faced Millfield in our final match. Hosking (Year 10), Jacob Howse (Year 10);
so far. As we went over to the pitch, we We set ourselves up particularly in the Under 14 - Harry Brownless (Year 9), Rohan
Nine excited girls and two enthusiastic were quite taken aback when we saw that defending area to try and stop them from Howard-Robinson (Year 9), Freddie Searle
teachers travelled to Crawley for a they were all about twice the size of us! getting any goals (or at least too many). It (Year 9), Naquan Smith (Year 9); Under
Hockey tournament which was held at (Though we remembered that being tall was an exciting game as we were so close 17/Under 18 Player Development Group -
Hurstpierpoint School. doesn’t mean you’ll be better at Hockey). to scoring a couple of times, but we came Nathan Berrecloth (Year 12), Will Naish (Year
We kept it together even though their off the pitch, with a score of 2-0, happy 11), Ethan Goring (Year 12).
The first match was against St Hugh’s. strikers were good and ended the match that we tried our best.
Unfortunately, they scored a goal in the 2-0 (to them). In girls’ Hockey Rachel Hatherell and
first half, but we weren’t going to let that It was a great experience that we all Evie Green have been selected to join the
get to us. We bounced back and made it a Next was Dorset House. They got 3 thoroughly enjoyed and we left for school performance centre and Harriet Thompson
1-1 draw. First match done! well-deserved goals, but we weren’t just with our heads held up high (as they and Evie Evans have been selected for the
going to let them win that easy. We tried should be). Academy Centre.
Unfortunately we lost 3-0 in our second our no.5 short corner and Alissa did an
match against Brighton College, but it amazing straight strike to land ourselves Playing for county
was in the first half when they scored all with a goal. We didn’t mind that we lost
the goals, so we actually drew 0-0 in the 3-1 as we were happy that one of our set Mateo Sanchez-Muñoz (Year 13) and Victor
second half. pieces had worked and helped us to get a Poirier Jimenez (Year 12) were selected
goal. for the Gloucestershire Schools Under 18
For the third match, we were against Football team after impressing at trials held
at Hartpury College.

Both made the starting XI for the first match
against Worcestershire School Under 18
played at Malvern. Mateo scored the first
goal of the game which finished in a 3-1
loss. Both Mateo and Victor worked tirelessly
throughout the match and enjoyed playing
at a higher level.

12 Sport Shooting team in
national final
Emma sets personal best
The NSRA, along with ammunition
Emma Livingstone (Year 13) was selected Modern Pentathlon and is made up of a manufacturers Eley, sponsor a national postal
to represent the Under 19 age group and continuous run/shoot. In Emma’s case competition which attracts hundreds of
James Hulme (Year 10) competed in the she starts with a short run, shoots at a entrants from all over the UK.
Under 15 age groups in the Laser Run target aiming to gain five green lights
World Championships in Dublin. within 50 seconds and then completes Participating in class E, were Anson Tsang
an 800m run. (Year 12) and Henry Garrard (Year 10) along
Emma (pictured) came 5th and won with a number of other Wycliffians from both
Team Gold and James finished 14th. This is completed four times without Prep and Senior.
James also went to the school games stopping. Emma took two minutes off her
for the laser run and came 5th and won personal best coming 5th and the three From the field of 79 entries, both Anson and
Team Bronze. GB girls came 1st, 4th and 5th which Henry were promoted to round 2 after coming
meant they won the Team Gold World 24th and 21st respectively. Following round 2,
The Laser Run is the final event for the Champions medal. Henry was placed 37th and Anson 14th.

Welcome to Severn Stars Henry received a silver medal for reaching
Netball Nova Academy round 2, with Anson receiving a gold medal
and a place in the head-to-head finals at the
Wycliffe is now hosting one of eight against each other with monthly match home of British shooting, Bisley.
Severn Stars Under 17 Netball ‘Nova’ play sessions. Wycliffe has five girls
Academies in the West Midlands and currently in the Academy: Amy Cook From the field of 17 in class E, Anson carried
South West Regions. (Year 12), Olivia Garrard (Year 12), forward his good form to shoot a score of 490
Daniella Cruickshank (Year 11), Maddy from a possible 600. With the class winner
The Academy runs in partnership with Palmer (Year 11) and Francesca Lundie shooting 521, Anson was placed 5th overall.
Severn Stars Netball Super League (Year 11). Darcey Scott (Year 12) has He was also be the third best junior in class
Franchise which is jointly owned by made it through to final Under 19 squad. and the 10th highest junior shooter across all
the University of Gloucestershire and We look forward to tracking her journey five classes.
the University of Worcester. It extends once the season starts in January.
the provision of regular, high-level Evie joins Leopards
performance training to the next Wycliffe also sponsors a player as part
generation of potential Netball stars. of our work with Severn Stars and this Evie Green (Year 11) was selected into the
year we are working with Ella Powell- Under 16 Wessex Leopards squad to play in
The Nova Academies is the next step Davies. Ella will also be in school helping the 2018 Futures Cup, the pinnacle of the
for players as part of the England to coach the girls when her playing England Hockey Player Pathway.
Netball and Severn Stars Performance schedule allows.
Pathway, as they move on from County For many it will be their first experience of an
Academies. Severn Stars Executive Director and intense tournament-style competition on this
Co-founder Anita Navin said that scale. Evie played in all three games gaining
It provides talented Under 17 players by working with Wycliffe, with an in confidence and experience throughout the
with twice weekly training sessions, established sporting background, she tournament.
strength and conditioning programmes felt that the Nova Academy would
and provision, high-level technical “be vital in giving players the tools to She has now returned to the Under 17
training, as well as sports therapy and compete at the next level, while in a Performance Centre group where she will
off-court support. The Nova Academies nurturing environment”. continue to develop and work hard with
also have the opportunity to compete selection into the Under 18 Wessex Leopards
Wycliffe Sixth Form pupil Katie team in August 2019 as the main focus.
Cruickshank competed in the under
19 Severn Stars squad in the National Duo selected
Performance League for the 2017/18
season. Katie who first attended Ethan Freiler-Parker and Oska Graham were
Wycliffe Preparatory School and is now selected for the Stroud District Under 16
in the Sixth Form, has travelled around squad and played in the District Festival at
the country to play the other nine teams Cheltenham Tigers Rugby Club.
in the league.
On the day they played matches against
Core values a hit at Prep Gloucester, Cheltenham, Forest of Dean and
Bristol schools. Both acquitted themselves
Every boy from Year 3 to 8 has had the It is strongly felt that pupils will only other schools, and by half term, the well.
opportunity to represent the school in reach their potential if they display competition for places in the A teams
Rugby. Many of the boys have worked exceptional attitude and core values, had become extremely fierce, creating Contract offered
tirelessly at improving their skills and and this is the mantra being delivered a number of headaches for the
displaying exceptional core values on by coaches across the school. coaches. Will Naish (Year 11) has worked hard over
the pitch. many years in both Rugby and Cricket. He is in
On the pitch, performances have been Our flagship first team, beset with the Under 18 Gloucester Rugby EPDG and has
We have been delighted with the mixed, though this year there has been unfortunate injuries at the start of also been training with Gloucester Cricket. All
successful introduction of the new ‘core a hint of excitement about the future of the year, pulled together very well to his hard work has paid off and this term he
values’ Sports Club, which highlights Rugby at Wycliffe Prep. develop and progress into a formidable has been offered a Gloucester Cricket contract.
and rewards pupils not just for their side, the highlight being some excellent
performances in Sport, but also their For the first time for a long time, team performances in the recent FOR COMMENTS OR NEWS ON
attitude. our ‘B’ teams were pulling together Sevens competition at The Elms School. THIS PUBLICATION, PLEASE
and becoming competitive with CONTACT US AT:

Wycliffe College, Bath Road,
Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 2JQ
Tel: 01453 822432
Email: Tessa Nichols, Director of
Marketing and Admissions on
[email protected]
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Instagram: @wycliffecollege

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