Guangzhou MIGE Office Furniture Co.,LTD 睿克·智慧之选
电话:400-8888-628 传真:+86-20-85209256
E-mail : [email protected]
Guangzhou MIGE Office Furniture Co., LTD
Tel:+86-20-37349937 Fax:+86-20-85209256
Wechat/Whatapp : +86-18666026876
E-mail : [email protected]
Add : No.102 Keyun North Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou
Fa cto r y : N O . 1 0 H o n g Q i Roa d , Z h u L i a o v i l l a ge , Z h o n g Lu oTa n To w n , B a i Yu n D i st r i ct , G u a n gz h o u .
index 1-24
﹤睿克 RECO 49-64
睿克A系列 (A Series)
睿克B系列 (B Series)
睿克C系列 (C Series)
睿克A系列 (A Series)
Make Office Life Innovated
Modern stylish 产品型号: RECO-BT-A01 Model No: RECO-BT-A01
规格:1800X1800X750 2000X1800X750 2200X1800X750 Sizes: 1800X1800X750 2000X1800X750 2200X1800X750
Make Office Life Innovated 板颜⾊ : MG-812-11/MG-ES04铁灰 Panel color: light grey MG-812-11 & dark grey (No.: MG-ES04)
钢架颜⾊ : 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰 Steel frame color: mat dark grey(No.:MG-204)
描述 : 巧妙的打通柜⼦与台⾯的通道,优化布线结构,给⼈更的⽅便 Selling points: Opening the passage between the cabinet and the countertop
的使⽤体验,合理储物功能,⿊⽩配⾊款式时尚现代. artfully, this wiring structure makes people more convenient; reasonable storage,
black and white color--modern and fashionable.
01 02
产品型号: RECO-BT-A02 Model No.:RECO-BT-A02
规 格:1800X2050X750 2000X2100X750 2200X2150X750 Sizes: 1800X2050X750mm 2000X2100X750mm 2200X2150X750mm
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-ES04铁灰 Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11)& dark grey(No.: MG-ES04)
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰 Steel frame color: mat dark grey(No.:MG-204)
描述 : 可移动式副柜, 满⾜您的各种空间搭配,让办公⾼效运转. Selling points: Mobile side cabinet, various space combinations makes the office work efficiently.
03 04
产品型号: RECO-BT-A03 06
规格:1600X1600X750 1800X1700X750 2000X1800X750
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-ES04铁灰
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰
描 述: 斜切台⾯,观感轻薄时尚 ,充分展现了产品的现代商务⽓息.
Model No.: RECO-BT-A03
Sizes: 1600X1600X750mm 1800X1700X750mm 2000X1800X750mm
Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11) & dark grey(No.: MG-ES04)
Steel frame color: mat dark grey(No.:MG-204)
Selling points: 45 degree inclining edge banding table top, which makes a
stylish sense and fully demonstrate a modern business atmosphere.
型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-A01-2
型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-A01-4
型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-A01-1 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-A01-2 产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-A01-4 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-A01-3
规格: 1400X1100X750 1600X1100X750
07 板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-007-28 Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-A01-4
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-206哑光深蓝/MG-983哑光⽩ Sizes: 1400X1100X750mm 1600X1100X750mm
描述 : 铝合⾦中杆,集多种功能于⼀⾝,加载屏⻛档板、加载置 Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11)& dark blue(No.: MG-007-28)
物板、加载物品槽都不在话下,还能让桌屏左右滑动,更加的与众 Steel frame color: mat dark blue(No.:MG-206) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
不同的设计,可外挂安装多功能插座,触⼿可得使⽤⽅便. Selling points: Movable functional aluminum desktop beam are capable of fixing
screen divider and hanging slot.
Another special design is multi-functional socket can be installed externally for easy use.
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-A01-5
规格: 2400X2200X1050 2800X2200X1050
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-007-28
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-206哑光深蓝/MG-983哑光⽩
描述 : 办公⽤具、储物板、以及私密性桌屏隔断都可轻松加载在⼀个易于移动的集成轨道上
Model No.:RECO-ZYZ-A01-5
Sizes: 2400X2200X1050mm 2800X2200X1050mm
Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11) & dark blue(No.: MG-007-28)
Steel frame color: mat dark blue(No.:MG-206) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
Selling points: Office appliances, storage boards, and privacy desk screens can be easily use on an easy-to-move integrated track
Power outlet installed on the desktop with plug and play. Storable frame, computer space, and sophisticated power supply
09 10
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-A01-6 Model No.:RECO-ZYZ-A01-6
规格: 3600X2200X1050 4200X2200X1050 Sizes: 3600X2200X1050mm 4200X2200X1050mm
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-007-28 Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11) & dark blue(No.: MG-007-28)
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-206哑光深蓝/MG-983哑光⽩ Steel frame color: mat dark blue(No.:MG-206) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
描述 : 从1到N,从⼩到⼤,从您的需求⼊⼿,打造适合不同空间的产品 Selling points: From 1 cluster workstation to different layout, can meet your different spaces
11 12
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-A02-6 Model No.:RECO-ZYZ-A02-6
规格:3600X1200X1050 4200X1200X1050 Sizes: 3600X1200X1050mm 4200X1200X1050mm
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-007-28 Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11) & dark blue(No.: MG-007-28)
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-206哑光深蓝/MG-983哑光⽩ Steel frame color: mat dark blue(No.:MG-206) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
描述 : 稳定的结构,化繁为简的⼒量,历久不衰. Selling points: simple and sturdy structure, it has great power to last forever.
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-A02-5
Freely choose your easeful work posture 14
Remember which working height you like.
Goodbye to the traditional sitting way
To diversify your office working style.
Make you more closer to health
Open workspace design
Maximum balance between privacy and openness
Ev e r y t h i n g go e s w e l l
So does the Inspiration
产品型号:RECO-HYZ-A01 Model No.: RECO-HYZ-A01
规格: 2000X1000X750 2400X1200X750 Sizes: 2000X1000X750mm 2400X1200X750mm
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-007-28 Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11) & dark blue(No.: MG-007-28)
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-206哑光深蓝/MG-983哑光⽩ Steel frame color: mat dark blue(No.:MG-206) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
描述 : Reco系列为⾏政会议室、会议室和⼀般会议场所,提供了时 Selling points: Reco series’ meeting table supply diversity shape, various
尚的解决⽅案,桌⾯多元化的形状和尺⼨选择,配合低调的 sizes, practical storage, which is suitable for executive meeting rooms, conference
储存组件,把优雅品味表露⽆遗. rooms and general meeting rooms.
产品型号:RECO-HYZ-A01 产品型号:RECO-HYZ-A02
15 16
Negotiation Table ⾼效 \是MEET的
Meet your office style 我答应过我的客户,把最好的⽅案留给他!
产品型号: RECO-CT-A01
规格:ø 900X750 ø1000X750 ø1200X750
板颜⾊: MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯/条纹MG-MY155封边
描述 : Reco系列灵活洽谈桌,既可符合您现有的布置,
Model No.:RECO-CT-A01
Sizes: ø 900X750mm ø 1000X750mm ø 1200X750mm
Panel color: dark grey(No.: MG-ES04) with striped edge banding (No.:MG-MY15)
Steel frame color: mat white(No.:MG-983)
Selling points: This flexible negotiable table can meet your important social space everywhere.
17 18
产品型号: RECO-WJG-A01
规格: 2000X400X1600 2400X400X1800
板颜⾊: MG-812-11/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
柜脚 : MGPJ-02柜脚 Φ38XH50,颜⾊:MG-204哑光碳灰
描述 : Reco作为⼀套灵活并且节省空间的储物解决⽅案让现代办公环境越发有条不紊。
Model No.: RECO-WJG-A01
Sizes: 2000X400X1600mm 2400X400X1800mm
Panel color: light grey (No.: MG-812-11) & dark grey(No.: MG-ES04)
Steel feet: mat dark grey(No.:MG-204), size: Φ38XH50mm
Selling points: A flexible and space-saving storage makes the modern office environment systematically.
Filing cabinet: With the indispensable passion and power in working, Passion and motivation are indispensable to work.
exquisite arrangement , honestly ser vice, fully respect your work and We will follow your needs closely both in our ser vice and elaborate collocation,
make you feel the perfect combination of fashion and practical in job. And make sure that you feel the combination of fashion and pratical.
19 20
45 degree of aesthetics shows intelligence -The beauty of 45 degree is solid and permanent. Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
The segmentation aesthetics is realized through processes and steps of crafts,it shows high demand New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the right to choose own work space in this
of working environment and respect for human intelligence as well as delicate technology. coloful world. The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
RECO 2020 Angle RECO 2020 CM Angle
4X 1X
RECO-BT-A01 CM 4X RECO-ZYZ-A01-4 1400X2200X1050
1800×1800×750 1600X2200X1050
RECO-BT-A02 1800×2050×750 RECO-ZYZ-A01-5 2400X2200X1050
2000×2100×750 2800X2200X1050
RECO-BT-A03 1600X1600X750 RECO-ZYZ-A01-6 3600X2200X1050
1800X1700X750 4200X2200X1050
RECO-ZYZ-A01-1 1400X1100X750 RECO-ZYZ-A02-1 1200X600X1050
1600X1100X750 1400X600X1050
RECO-ZYZ-A01-2 2400X600X750 RECO-ZYZ-A02-2 2400X600X1050
2800X600X750 2800X600X1050
2800X700X750 1X 2800X700X1050 1X
RECO-ZYZ-A01-3 3600X600X750 RECO-ZYZ-A02-3 3600X600X1050
4200X600X750 4200X600X1050
4200X700X750 1X 4200X700X1050 1X
In view of the continuous upgrade of our product, there may be changes, please prevail in kind!
21 22
45 degree of aesthetics shows intelligence -The beauty of 45 degree is solid and permanent. Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
The segmentation aesthetics is realized through processes and steps of crafts,it shows high demand New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the right to choose own work space in this
of working environment and respect for human intelligence as well as delicate technology. coloful world. The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
RECO 2020 Angle RECO 2020 CM Angle
RECO-ZYZ-A02-4 CM RECO-WJG-A01 2000X400X1600
RECO-ZYZ-A02-5 2400X1200X1050 RECO-WJG-A02 800X400X1600
RECO-ZYZ-A02-6 3600X1200X1050 RECO-WJG-A03 800X400X1200
RECO-HYZ-A01 2000X1000X750 RECO-WJG-A04 800X400X1200
RECO-HYZ-A02 2800X1200X750
RECO-CT-A01 900X750X750
In view of the continuous upgrade of our product, there may be changes, please prevail in kind!
23 24
睿克B系列 (B Series)
Make Office Life Innovated
产品型号: RECO-BT-B01 Model No.: RECO-BT-B01
规格:1800X1800X750 2000X1800X750 2200X1800X750 Sizes: 1800X1800X750mm 2000X1800X750mm 2200X1800X750mm
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯ Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 )
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰 Ste e l f ra m e co l o r : m at d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - 2 0 4 )
描 述: 巧妙的打通柜⼦与台⾯的通道,优化布线结构,给⼈更的⽅便的使 Selling points: mature cable management system ; large space saving storage.
产品型号: RECO-BT-B02 Model No.: RECO-BT-B02
规格: 1800X2050X750 2000X2100X750 2200X2150X750 Sizes: 1800X2050X750mm 2000X2100X750mm 2200X2150X750mm
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯ Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 )
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰 Ste e l f ra m e co l o r : m at d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - 2 0 4 )
描述 : 全新专利技术打造的⾦属脚架,增加了产品的现代⽓息,满⾜客⼾个 Selling points: New patent designed metal frame, increase its modern
性化和对极致的追求. flavour to the product, meet client’s personalization and pursuit of perfection.
27 28
产品型号: RECO-BT-B03 30
规 格:1600X1600X750 1800X1700X750 2000X1800X750
板式颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰
Model No.:RECO-BT-B03
Sizes: 1600X1600X750mm 1800X1700X750mm 2000X1800X750mm
Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 )
Ste e l f ra m e co l o r : m at d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - 2 0 4 )
Selling points: L shaped simple design,enlarge your working space.
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-B01
规格: 1200X600X1065 1400X600X1065 1400X700X1065
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-403哑光橙⾊/MG-204哑光碳灰
描述 : 台⾯采⽤肤感绒⾯三胺板,优质铝合⾦线盖,可移动式⽂件柜,给⼈移出更多空间。
Model No.:RECO-ZYZ-B01
Sizes: 1200X600X1065mm 1400X600X1065mm 1400X700X1065mm
Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 )
Ste e l f ra m e co l o r : m at o ra n ge ( N o. : M G - 4 0 3 ) & m at d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - 2 0 4 )
Selling points: Delicate touch feeling of MFC desktop, qualified aluminum
alloy Outlet, movable file cabinet for more space saving.
31 32
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-B01-6 Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-B01-6 RECO-ZYZ-B01-4
规格: 3600X1200X750 4200X1200X750 Sizes: 3600X1200X750mm 4200X1200X750mm RECO-ZYZ-B01-5
板式颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯ Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 ) RECO-ZYZ-B01-6
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰/MG-403哑光橙⾊ Ste e l f ra m e co l o r : m at o ra n ge ( N o. : M G - 4 0 3 ) & m at d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - 2 0 4 )
描述 : 六⼈⼯作位组合,橙⾊桌上屏,搭配移动式⽂件柜,集成 Selling points: 6 person combination with orange front screen, movable file 34
电源通过中脚接⼊. cabinet and supporting leg in middle as cable channel.
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-B02-2 RECO-ZYZ-B02-1
规格:2980X1200X1200 3380X1200X1200 36
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
钢架颜⾊: 喷涂颜⾊MG-204哑光碳灰/MG-983哑光⽩
描述 : 台⾯储物柜合理分配,利⽤每⼀⼨空间,台底使
Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-B02-2
Sizes: 2980X1200X1200mm 3380X1200X1200mm
Panel color: light Walnut (No.: MG-502-1) & dark grey(No.: MG-ES04)
Steel frame color: mat dark grey(No.:MG-204) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
Selling point: The storage cabinet on tabletop allocated reasonably , making
full use of every inch of space; meanwhile fixed cabinet under the top also with
complete wire management and storage function.
规格:4360X1200X1200 4960X1200X1200
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
描述 : 强⼤的储物功能,物品任由您的摆布,需要时轻松
Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-B02-4
Sizes: 4360X1200X1200mm 4960X1200X1200mm
Panel color : light Walnut (No.: MG-502-1) & dark gre y(No.: MG-ES04)
Steel frame color : mat dark gre y(No.:MG-204) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
Selling point: Multifunctional storage cabinet,the items can be placed according to
your preference; and the small conference table can meet your negotiation requirement.
37 38
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-B03-2 40
规格: 4340X2505X1065 (台⾯1100X600/1100X600)
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
描述 : Y字型⼯作位组合形态,打破办公环境的束缚,快速激发团队
⼯作热情, 让员⼯真正主动爱上⼯作.
Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-B03-2
Sizes: 4340X2505X1065 (Surface: 1100X600/1100X600mm)
Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 )
Ste e l f ra m e co l o r : m at d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - 2 0 4 ) & m at w h i te ( N o. : M G - 9 8 3 )
Selling point: Y-shaped workstation breaks the constraint of the office
environment, motivating the team’s enthusiasm for work. let employees
really take the initiative to fall in love with work..
产品型号: RECO-HYZ-B01
规格:2000X1000X750 2400X1200X750
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
Model No.: RECO-HYZ-B01
Sizes: 2000X1000X750mm 2400X1200X750mm
Panel color : light Walnut (No.: MG-502-1) & dark gre y(No.: MG-ES04)
Steel frame color : mat dark gre y(No.:MG-204) & mat white(No.:MG-983)
Selling point: This series conference table, no extra decoration, space open for
various combinations and sizes, ready to accommodate more members--efficient and disengaged.
RECO-WJG-B03 规格: 2000X400X1800 2400X400X1800
板颜⾊: MG-502-1/MG-ES04铁灰绒⾯
柜脚: MGPJ-02柜脚 Φ38XH50,颜⾊:MG-204哑光碳灰
描述 : Reco作为⼀套灵活并且节省空间的储物解决⽅案让现代办公环境越发有条不紊.
Model No.: RECO-WJG-B01
Sizes: 2000X400X1800mm 2400X400X1800mm
Pa n e l co l o r : l i g h t Wa l n u t ( N o. : M G - 5 0 2 - 1 ) & d a r k g re y ( N o. : M G - E S 0 4 )
Steel feet: mat dark grey(No.:MG-204), size: Φ38XH50mm
Selling points: A flexible and space-saving storage makes the modern office environment systematically.
43 44
45 degree of aesthetics shows intelligence -The beauty of 45 degree is solid and permanent. Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
The segmentation aesthetics is realized through processes and steps of crafts,it shows high demand New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the right to choose own work space in this
of working environment and respect for human intelligence as well as delicate technology. coloful world. The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
RECO 2020 Angle RECO 2020 CM Angle
4X 1X
RECO-BT-B01 CM 4X RECO-ZYZ-B01-3 3600X600X1050
RECO-BT-B02 4200X600X1050
1800×1800×750 4200X700X1050
2200×1800×750 RECO-ZYZ-B01-4 1200X1200X1065
1800×2050×750 1400X1400X1065
RECO-BT-B03 1600X1600X750 4X RECO-ZYZ-B01-5 2400X1200X1065 1X
1800X1700X750 1X 2800X1200X1065 1X
2000X1800X750 2800X1400X1065 1X
RECO-ZYZ-B01-1 1200X600X750 RECO-ZYZ-B01-6 3600X1200X1065
1400X600X750 4200X1200X1065
1400X700X750 4200X1400X1065
RECO-ZYZ-B01-2 灰屏 2400X600X1065 RECO-ZYZ-B02-1 1600X1200X1200
2800X600X1065 1800X1200X1200
2800X700X1065 1800X1400X1200
1X 1X
RECO-ZYZ-B01-2 桔屏 2400X600X1065 RECO-ZYZ-B02-2 2980X1200X1200
2800X600X1065 3380X1200X1200
2800X700X1065 3380X1400X1200
1X 1X
In view of the continuous upgrade of our product, there may be changes, please prevail in kind!
45 46
45 degree of aesthetics shows intelligence -The beauty of 45 degree is solid and permanent. Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
The segmentation aesthetics is realized through processes and steps of crafts,it shows high demand New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the right to choose own work space in this
of working environment and respect for human intelligence as well as delicate technology. coloful world. The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
RECO 2020 Angle RECO 2020 CM Angle
RECO-ZYZ-B02-3 CM RECO-HYZ-B03 3200X1200X750
RECO-ZYZ-B02-4 4380×1200×1200 RECO-HYZ-B04 3600X1400X750
4780×1200×1200 4200X1400X750
RECO-ZYZ-B03-1 2170X2505X1065 RECO-WJG-B01 2000X400X1800
台⾯1100X600/1100X600 2400X400X1800
RECO-ZYZ-B03-2 4340X2505X1065 RECO-WJG-B02 800X400X1600
RECO-HYZ-B01 2000X1000X750 RECO-WJG-B03 800X400X1200
RECO-HYZ-B02 2800X1200X750 RECO-WJG-B04 800X400X1200
In view of the continuous upgrade of our product, there may be changes, please prevail in kind!
47 48
睿克C系列 (C Series)
Make Office Life Innovated
产品型号:RECO-BT-C01 Model No.:RECO-BT-C01
规格:1800X1800X750 2000X1800X750 2200X1800X750 Sizes: 1800X1800X750mm 2000X1800X750mm 2200X1800X750mm
板颜⾊:MG-ZY-1122⿊⽩根/MG-A299-1晨曦⽩绒 Panel color : synthetic marble(NO.:MG-ZY-1122)&suede white(No.:MG-A299-1)
描述 : 设计师以北欧⾃然⻛光为主脉,将⼭⽔的灵性融⼊设计 Selling points: Based on the natural scener y of northern
⽤⽯材的纹理和原⽊构筑天⼈合⼀的办公氛围 Europe, the designer integrates the spirit of mountains and rivers into the design.
让⼼灵从喧嚣的都市中解放出发,沉浸于⾃然的清芬 Stone texture and log builds a harmonious office atmosphere between human and nature,
Free u mind from the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse in the pure fragrance of nature.
49 50
产品型号:RECO-BT-C02 Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
规格:1800X1800X750 2100X1800X750 New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the
板颜⾊:MG-ZY-1122⿊⽩根/MG-A299-1晨曦⽩绒 right to choose own work space in this coloful world.
描述 : 北美FAS级⽩橡⽊,⻝品级⽊蜡油涂层,袒露⾃然肌理⾊泽 The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
边⻆45度斜切⼯艺, 令美感与触感交融.
Model No.: RECO-BT-C02 52
Sizes: 1800X1800X750mm 2100X1800X750mm
Panel color : synthetic marble(NO.:MG-ZY-1122)&suede white(No.:MG-A299-1)
Selling points: North American FAS rated oak, food grade wood wax oil coating,
revealing natural texture color, 45 degree inclining edge-banding technology,
makes the table aesthetic and tactile blend.
产品型号:RECO-ZYZ-C01-3 RECO-ZYZ-C01-1 RECO-ZYZ-C01-2 RECO-ZYZ-C01-3
规格:1300X1200X1100 1500X1200X1100
板颜⾊:MG-ZY-1122⿊⽩根/MG-A299-1晨曦⽩绒 54
描述 : 开放或独⽴办公,可在桌上屏之间便捷拆卸切换。环保型⿇布屏⻛,吸⾳降噪更灵动。
Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-C01-3
Sizes: 1300X1200X1100mm 1500X1200X1100mm
Pa n e l co l o r : s y n t h et i c m a r b l e ( N O . : M G -ZY- 1 1 2 2 ) & s u e d e w h i te ( N o. : M G - A 2 9 9 - 1 )
Selling points: open or individual office can be realized by remove or switch the middle
screens on table top. Also this environmental linen screen have sound-proof function.
产品型号: RECO-ZYZ-C01-4 56
规格:2600X1200X1100 3000X1200X1100
板颜⾊: MG-ZY-1122⿊⽩根/MG-A299-1晨曦⽩绒
描述 : ⼀⽓呵成的桌脚线,实⽊与⽯纹肌理构成搭配⾊彩,充满⾃然与⼒量
Model No.: RECO-ZYZ-C01-4
Sizes: 2600X1200X1100mm 3000X1200X1100mm
Panel color : synthetic marble(NO.:MG-ZY-1122)&suede white(No.:MG-A299-1)
Selling points: The table foot line is composed of solid wood and stone texture. It is full of nature and power.
Independent and neat side storage cabinet, with hidden wiring inside, keep our whole day work well organized.
The single or double or four seater workstation can be deployed freely, which can meet different spaces.
型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-C02-1 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-C02-2 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-C02-3 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-C02-4 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-C02-5 型号(Model): RECO-ZYZ-C02-6
尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 1200X600X750 尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 2 400X600X750 尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 1200X1200X1065 尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 3600X600X1100 尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 2 400X1200X1065 尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 3600X1200X1065
1400X600X750 2800X600X750 1400X1200X1065 4200X600X1100 2800X1200X1065 4200X1200X1065
1400X700X750 2800X700X750 4200X700X1100
57 58
产品型号: RECO-HYZ-C02 Model No.: RECO-HYZ-C02
规格:2000X1000X750 2400X1200X750 Sizes: 2000X1000X750mm 2400X1200X750mm
板颜⾊: MG-ZY-1122⿊⽩根/MG-A299-1晨曦⽩绒 Panel color : synthetic marble(NO.:MG-ZY-1122)&suede white(No.:MG-A299-1)
描述 : 当原⽊邂逅圆润的曲线,当⽯纹染上⽩花灰 Selling points: When the log meets the mellow cur ve, when the stone texture smudge with white ash,
当语⾔与设计汇成河流,就是⼀场⾝⼼愉悦的会议与交谈 when the language and design merge into a river, it is a delighted conversation among physical and mental world.
型号(Model): RECO-HYZ-C01 型号(Model): RECO-HYZ-C03
尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 2 000X1000X750 尺 ⼨ ( S i z e ) : 3 600X1400X750
2400X1200X750 4200X1400X750
59 60
45 degree of aesthetics shows intelligence -The beauty of 45 degree is solid and permanent. Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
The segmentation aesthetics is realized through processes and steps of crafts,it shows high demand New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the right to choose own work space in this
of working environment and respect for human intelligence as well as delicate technology. coloful world. The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
RECO 2020 RECO 2020 Angle
CM Angle CM
RECO-BT-C01 1800X1800X750 RECO-ZYZ-C02-1 1200X600X1050
2000X1800X750 1400X600X1050
2200X1800X750 1400X700X1050
RECO-BT-C02 1800X1600X750 RECO-ZYZ-C02-2 2400X600X1050
2100X1800X750 2800X600X1050
RECO-ZYZ-C01-1 1300X600X1050 RECO-ZYZ-C02-3 3600X600X1050
1500X600X1050 4200X600X1050
1500X700X1050 4200X700x1050
RECO-ZYZ-C01-2 2600X600X1050 RECO-ZYZ-C02-4 1200X1200X1050
3000X600X1050 1400X1200X1050
RECO-ZYZ-C01-3 1300X1200X1050 RECO-ZYZ-C02-5 2400X1200X1050
1500X1200X1050 2800X1200X1050
RECO-ZYZ-C01-4 2600X1200X1050 RECO-ZYZ-C02-6 3600X1200X1050
3000X1200X1050 4200X1200X1050
In view of the continuous upgrade of our product, there may be changes, please prevail in kind!
61 62
45 degree of aesthetics shows intelligence -The beauty of 45 degree is solid and permanent. Longing for Perfection,Surpass Perfectly -Creating Space.......
The segmentation aesthetics is realized through processes and steps of crafts,it shows high demand New century and life is freely and artistic. Everyone has the right to choose own work space in this
of working environment and respect for human intelligence as well as delicate technology. coloful world. The best thing is the thing fits your need closely.
RECO 2020 RECO 2020 Angle
CM Angle CM
RECO-HYZ-C01 2000×1000×750 RECO-WJG-C01 2000X400X1800
2400×1200×750 2200X400X1800
RECO-HYZ-C02 2800×1200×750 RECO-WJG-C02 1800X400X1400
3200×1200×750 2100X420X1400
RECO-HYZ-C03 3600X1400X750 RECO-WJG-C03 800X400X900
RECO-CT-C01 1800X1236X1200 RECO-WJG-C04 1200X400X1200
RECO-CT-C02 1800X1200X750
RECO-CT-C03 2000X1200X750
In view of the continuous upgrade of our product, there may be changes, please prevail in kind!
63 64
Creating Space 812-11 007-25 Es04
25mm 983 204
983 206 204
812-11 Es04
⾦属脚架Metal tripod
25mm 204
3/4" 1122 A299
⾦属脚架Metal tripod 983
⾦属脚架Metal tripod
Make Office Life Innovated
September 2019 edition-Technical details can be modified
without prior notice.The color renditions are not binding as is the loyalty
of the reproduction. Data.measures and details details must be verified with the price list.
Guangzhou MIGE Office Furniture Co., LTD
Tel:+86-20-37349937 Fax:+86-20-85209256
Wechat/Whatapp : +86-18666026876
E-mail : [email protected]
Add : No.102 Keyun North Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou
Fa cto r y : N O . 1 0 H o n g Q i Roa d , Z h u L i a o v i l l a ge , Z h o n g Lu oTa n To w n , B a i Yu n D i st r i ct , G u a n gz h o u .