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Published by YEP DTI-Nueva Ecija, 2023-04-19 23:35:03

Youth Entrepreneurship Program 2021

YEP Digest 2021


2│Page TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 YEP YEAR-END REPORT ❑ OVERVIEW - Program Rationale 2 - Target Beneficiaries 3 - Components 4 ❑ SUMMARY OF 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT - 2021 Accomplishments 5-6 ❑ 2021 YEP HIGHLIGHTS - YEP Officers 7 - Webinar on Food Safety cum Product Packaging and Labelling 8 - Webinar on Digital Marketing 9 - Webinar on Entrepreneurial Mind-setting and Business Registrations 10 - Skills Training on Pottery Making using Recycled Materials 11 - Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights 12 - Skills Training on Basket Weaving and Placemat Making 13 ❑ YOUTH ENTREPRENEURS - 3’S MARIAS HOMEMADE PEANUT BUTTER 14 - BELLE’S KAPECAKES 15

3│Page PROGRAM RATIONALE YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM Harnessing Our Own Resources for the Advancement of the Youth! Republic Act No. 10679 otherwise known as the Youth Entrepreneurship Act mandates the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and MSME Development Council (MSMEDC) to implement a national program to promote youth entrepreneurship development. As a response, the Youth Entrepreneurship Program or YEP was launched as a focused program to address the young demographics of the country to become productive individuals through entrepreneurship. It aspires to help youth develop their entrepreneurial skills by offering them a comprehensive package of interventions. An initiative intended to harness public and private resources and direct these resources to the development of youth entrepreneurship, YEP’s tagline is “Harnessing Our Own Resources for the Advancement of the Youth!” (HOORAY!). With the end goal of improving national development, YEP encourages upbeat actions toward strengthening economic independence among individuals. YEP is composed of three components namely, Youth Start, Youth Net, and Youth Match, that take into consideration the DTI 7Ms for MSME development: Mindset Change, Mastery, Mentoring, Money, Machines, Market Access, and Models of Business. TARGET BENEFICIARIES OVERVIEW YEP targets to help aspiring and existing entrepreneurs aged 18 -30 (Source: Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) | Department of Trade and Industry Philippines (

4│Page COMPONENTS YEP is composed of three components namely, Youth Start, Youth Net, and Youth Match, that take into consideration the following DTI 7Ms strategy for MSME development: Mindset Change, Models of Business, Mastery, Mentoring, Money, Machines, and Market Access. YOUTH START Relevant cooperators shall provide services to stir the entrepreneurial interest and encourage youth to start and grow their business ventures. The component focuses on mindset change and models of business of the DTI 7Ms strategy. ➢ Possible Interventions : ▪ Entrepreneurship Seminar and Skills Training ▪ Business Registration Assistance ▪ Business/Franchise Opportunities ▪ Business Ideas (Case Studies) YOUTH NET Networking with industry leaders through membership with local chambers, young entrepreneurs, including school based organizations will be encouraged under this component. Participation in organizations will provide young entrepreneurs information on how other members were able to overcome startup challenges, develop innovative idea and find mentors from experts in their organizations. This component focuses on developing mastery of business concepts and strategies as well as providing mentoring support to young entrepreneurs. ➢ Possible Interventions : ▪ Mentoring Sessions ▪ Network Activities ▪ Assistance on establishing young entrepreneurs organization YOUTH MATCH Collaboration is another essential tool that enables youth entrepreneurs’ access to new resources which will bolster their business. Highlighted under this component are Money, provision of Machines, and Market aspects of the 7Ms framework. ➢ Possible Interventions : ▪ Business Pitching ▪ Business Matching ▪ Trade Fair Participation ▪ Business Expansion Opportunities (Source: Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) | Department of Trade and Industry Philippines (

SUMMARY OF 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 5│Page Launched: 21st July 2021 in Nueva Ecija Two Cooperators Engaged Two Youth Organizations Established No. of Trainings Conducted CLSU-YES YEP-NE Two products developed The Nueva Ecija Youth Entrepreneurship Program By: Debbyriza T. Hidalgo, DTI-YEP Focal Person DTI successfully launched the Youth Entrepreneurship Program in Nueva Ecija on July 21, 2021. True to its tagline, “Harnessing our Own Resources for the Advancement of the Youth” the program has awaken the youth from the slumber brought about by the current pandemic and instilled entrepreneurship values among young Novo Ecijanos through the conduct of Webinars on Entrepreneurial Mindsetting, Financial Management, Digital Marketing, Food Safety, and Product Packaging and Labelling. Several skills trainings were also conducted, to wit: Basket Weaving and Placemat Making and Pottery Making using recycled Materials. The said activities were participated by students coming from different schools and universities. The YEP-Nueva Ecija is also a member of the Nueva Ecija MSME Development Council and has also partnered with its cooperators JCI Golden Grain Cabanatuan and Philippine Institute of Public Accountants-Cabanatuan Chapter.

6│Page 2021 YEP HIGHLIGHTS 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Region/ Office Title of Training/ Assistance Provided* (a) No. of youth assisted Target ** ACCOMPLISHMENT TOTAL Male Female Existing Entrepr eneur Aspiring Entrepren eur Youth Organizati ons In-School Youth Indigeno us Youth Youth with Disabilit ies NEET DTI-III NUEVA ECIJA Webinar on Business Promotion thru Social Media on April 20, 2021 50 26 7 19 26 YEP Launching and Webinar on Entrepreneurial Mindsetting on June 21, 2021 50 186 45 141 142 44 Webinar on Basic Business Registrations and BIR Compliance for Central Luzon State University on Sept 7, 2021 0 44 12 32 44 Webinar on Basic Food Safety and Packaging and Labelling for Nueva Ecija Univ. of Science and Technology on Sept 15, 2021 0 78 16 62 78 Webinar on Digital Marketing for Wesleyan University of the Philippines on Sept.21, 2021 0 81 28 53 81 Webinar on Entrepreneurship Mindsetting cum Business Registration for PHINMA-Araullo University on Oct 4, 2021 0 505 93 412 505 Skills Training on Basic Basket Weaving and Place Mat Making for College for Research & Technology on Oct 7, 2021 0 10 5 5 10 Webinar on Financial Management for College of Immaculate Concepcion on Oct. 8, 2021 0 44 8 36 44 Skills Training on Pottery Making using Recylcled Materials for ASKI Skills and Knowledge Institute, Inc on October 12, 2021 0 15 4 11 15 Webinar on Student Power for Good Governance on October 19, 2021 0 65 13 52 65 Business Forum on October 28, 2021 50 197 38 159 197 Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights on October 29, 2021 0 74 15 59 74 Webinar on Entrepreneurship on November 16, 2021 0 145 23 122 145 Participation to the Bida MSMEs Trade Fair on November 17-21, 2021 0 2 2 2 Total 150 1472 307 1165 2 0 0 1426 0 0 44 1,472 YOUTH ASSISTED 1,426 IN-SCHOOL YOUTH 44 NEET 307 - MALE 1,165 - FEMALE

Central Luzon State University as the Vice President, Ms. Danica Valentino of ASKI Skills and Training Institute as the Secretary, Ms. Pia Dalusong of Nueva Ecija University of Science & Technology as the Treasurer, Mr. Chester Bejosano of PHINMA – Araullo University as the Auditor and Ms. Kim Clarisse Zabat of Wesleyan University as Representative. Keeping the objectives and goals of the organized youth group, the elected officers actively performed their duties as they assisted the YEP Focal Person, Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo of DTI Nueva Ecija in the conduct of activities and trainings, as the organization is leading the way in nurturing youth's expertise in entrepreneurship. 2021 YEP HIGHLIGHTS The YEP Nueva Ecija as a youth organization was officially guided by its elected officers from different schools in the province. The election took place via Zoom poll that lasted an hour. Mr. Ferdinand Gabon from College of Research and Technology was elected the President, Ms. Pamela Arceo of 7│Page 2021 YEP HIGHLIGHTS

8│Page NUEVA ECIJA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY YEP WEBINAR ON BASIC FOOD SAFETY CUM PRODUCT PACKAGING AND LABELLING By: Sofia Dalusong Another YEP Webinar was conducted on September 15, 2021 by DTI Nueva Ecija in collaboration with Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) on Basic Food Safety cum Product Packaging And Labelling. Youth participants from NEUST totaled to 78, 16 male and 62 female who were mostly students of Entrepreneurship under College and Business Management Technology. This event was facilitated by Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo with the assistance of YEP-NE officers which aimed at providing insights and knowledge to potential youth entrepreneurs through the resource speaker Mr. Rom Tapel of Trendisenio Product Design and Consultancy. This webinar also discussed the importance of product packaging and labelling design. Some entrepreneurship students shared the product labels created for their products under business implementation plan as course requirement. Mr. Tapel did critiquing on each presented label and gave suggestions for its improvement. The webinar resumed in the afternoon with the discussion on Food Safety. Ms. Veronica A. Presentation, a Microbiologist served as the resource speaker. She discussed the importance of food safety and risks of foodborne diseases and identified specific behaviors to avoid those risks during food purchase, storage and food preparations. It gave the youth insights on health risks due to improper food handling and sanitation. Dr. Richard V. Simangan, OID-Provincial Director of DTI Nueva Ecija delivered the closing remarks and encouraged the students to pursue their business plans and become successful entrepreneurs.

Participants of the webinar were equipped with the insightful tips and styles in designing publication materials for Digital marketing. And were further drawn into learning how advertising, boosting, and engagements in this digital age plays a big part on marketing. Maximizing the use of social media and applications for business that can lead to a greater potential and success of youth entrepreneurs. 9│Page WESLEYEN UNIVERSITY PHILIPPINES YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM WEBINAR ON DIGITAL MARKETING BY : Kim Clarisse Zabat 81 participants (53 female & 28 male) majority were members of the Junior Marketing Association, an organization of BSBA major in Marketing Management students from College of Business and Accountancy of Wesleyan University – Philippines. The activity was facilitated by Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo of the Business Development Division of DTI Nueva Ecija. The webinar started with an acknowledgement of participants by Ms. Jelly Ann M. Arceta, Vice President of WUP - Junior Marketing Association followed by the welcome remarks delivered by Prof. Jose Arsenio R. Adriano, Associate Dean of WU-P College of Business and Accountancy. Proceeding to the webinar proper, the resource speaker Ms. Jan Czarina Salas, owner of Toss that Wing, a graphic designer, and an illustrator discussed the basics, elements, and strategies for Digital Marketing. Ending the webinar with a closing message from Dr. Richard V. Simangan the Chief of Business Development Division - DTI Nueva Ecija. On September 21, 2021 via Zoom Cloud meeting, the Department of Trade and Industry – Nueva Ecija in partnership with Wesleyan University of the Philippines conducted a Webinar on Digital marketing with the total of

10│Page PHINMA – ARAULLO UNIVERSITY YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM WEBINAR ON ENTREPRENEURIAL MIND SETTING AND BUSINESS REGISTRATION By: Chester Bejosano The resource speakers, Mr. Ruben Lanot ll, owner and Board of Director of EEEYEAH Corp. and Meatheads Inc, and Mr. Angeles Edward Jose, CB,CPA,MBA, and Corporate Social Responsibility Officer of PICPA-Cabanatuan Chapter discussed the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset and registering a business in today's business environment. Dr. Richard V. Simangan, OIC-Provincial Director - DTI Nueva Ecija, concludes the webinar with a closing message. The participants were given helpful hints and learnings on how to have an entrepreneurial attitude in a modern business context, as well as understanding the various procedures involved in business registrations. The Department of Trade and Industry – Nueva Ecija, through the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) in partnership with PHINMA-Araullo University, conducted a Webinar on Entrepreneurial Mind-Setting and Business Registrations on October 4, 2021 via Zoom Cloud meeting. Students and faculties from the College of Management and Accountancy, Business Administration and Entrepreneurship attended the virtual activity which was facilitated by Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo as the YEP focal person of DTI Nueva Ecija. The webinar started as Ms. Reydianne Ramos, a JPMAP officer acknowledged the attendees, followed by Ms. Belle Lutap, President of the Junior People Management Association of the Philippines (JPMAP) as she delivered a welcome message.

11│Page ASKI SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTE INC. Department of Trade and Industry through the help of YEP-NE Officers conducted its second face-to-face Skills Training on Pottery Making using Recycled Materials at ASKI Skills and Knowledge Institute, Inc. Fifteen (15) Senior High school students participated in the activity. Mr. Jayson Natividad enthusiastically shared his skills among the participants. The training inspired the student to think creatively and to enhance their skills through innovation. The fruitful workshop and training took place from 9:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon on . The first part of the training focused on the process of how to craft a pot using recycled materials. The participants were engrossed and captivated on how creativity leads to making a wonderful product. As the workshop proceeded, participants were asked to create an output that they would showcase at the end of the training It was an impactful and productive day for all the participants. They were able to create pots using recycled materials. Fifteen (15) pots were made and aside from pottery making they were taught on the basics and techniques of using paint in designing. The learning was showcased through their creative outputs. They realized that creativity leads to personal growth and maybe a key to financial growth. SKILLS TRAINING ON POTTERY MAKING USING RECYCLED MATERIALS BY: Danica Valentino

12│Page CENTRAL LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY WEBINAR ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS By: Pamela Arceo On October 29, 2021 another webinar held via Zoom Meeting was successfully conducted by YEP-Nueva Ecija in partnership with College of Business Administration and Accountancy- Central Luzon State University and Young Entrepreneurs Society- CLSU Student Chapter. Seventy-four (74) students mostly from the Entrepreneurship section of Central Luzon State University actively participated during the said activity. The invited resource speaker Mr. Buenaventura D. Marcelino, of IPR Philippines gave a comprehensive presentation about Intellectual Property Rights including patents, trademarks, copyright and related legal protections. The said activity was facilitated by Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo, the TIDS, Business Development Division of DTI Nueva Ecija. Following by the acknowledgement of the participants lead by Ms. Divina Gracia A. Vergara, Instructor in Entrepreneurship Section of CBAA-CLSU, and adviser of YES-CLSU Student Chapter. Dr. Matilde Melicent S. Recto, Dean of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy at CLSU, welcomed the students, faculty members, and the speaker. Over the succeeding discussion of the guest speaker, Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo and Mr. Sherwin B. Celestino led the open forum for questions and clarifications which were all addressed by the speaker. Afterwards, Ms. Pamela Joy B. Arceo and Ms. Mary Joy Lampios of YES-CLSU student chapter gave a quick ice breaker in which the participants enjoyed while four students won the game with fifty pesos cash prize from their organization. The webinar ended with a closing remarks from Dr. Richard V. Simangan, OIC-Provincial Director of DTI Nueva Ecija. The participants of the webinar gained new learning about intellectual property rights and how they can use this in the future as someone who is more likely to establish a business.

13│Page 2021 YEP HIGHLIGHTS COLLEGE FOR RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY This activity was attended by ten (10) students from College for Research & Technology led by Dr. Reynato C. Arimbuyutan (CRT President) and Mr. Rainier Sulit (CRT Professor). Present also in the activity is Ms. Debbyriza T. Hidalgo of the Business Development Division, DTI-Nueva Ecija and Mr. Ferdinand S. Gabon - YEP-NE President. This skills training was led by Ms. Teresa Ignacio with her team from Orihinal na Magbabasket ng Nueva Ecija. During the training they discussed and demonstrated the basics on basket weaving. Moreover, this training aimed to enhance and share new knowledge to the youth and to make and develop future young entrepreneurs. It was a successful event because of the positive and inspiring feedbacks from participants. In addition, all students received training certificates and brought home all their outputs. On November 24, 2021, The Department of Trade and Industry – Nueva Ecija Provincial Office and YEP-Nueva Ecija Officers in partnership with College for Research & Technology (CRT) conducted its first face to face skills training on basket weaving and placemat making at CRT Community Learning and Research Center – Bangad, Cabanatuan City. SKILLS TRAINING ON BASKET WEAVING AND PLACEMAT MAKING By: Ferdinand S. Gabon

14│Page Taking risk and putting it as an opportunity to create business was something that Angelica is proud of. She also want to encourage youths out there, who have passion for entrepreneurship but are afraid to take risk because of the crisis that may arise along the way. “Independency is easier said than done, but it does not mean that you need to be all alone in your passion. Support system is needed. Young entrepreneurs do not need to be alone in their endeavors.” Together with Youth Entrepreneurship program of DTI Nueva Ecija, all of this were made possible with the assistance and guidance of Dr. Richard V. Simangan, Ms. Odessa Manzano, Ms. Debbyriza Hidalgo, Mr. Darwin Manumbali of DTI and Ms. Sophia Dalusong, NEUST YEP representative. 3’S MARIAS PEANUT BUTTER Born on May 5th, 1999, Angelica A. Cabanilla, became a young entrepreneur at the age of 21. She is currently in her 4th-year, taking up Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology. She recently registered her business at DTI – Nueva Ecija and officially became a youth entrepreneur last September 27, 2021 with the business name 3’s Marias Food Products. When she entered Senior high, there was once a School activity where she was chosen as a leader in a group project. That project was to make products out of P500.00 capital and earn profit. Angelica falls into the realization that business was for her. She realized that she was good and organized at leading and that made them exceed their quota, earning more than what they expected. At the end of the project, her key take away learning is that risk taking is really a part of achieving a goal. In 2020, 3’s Marias Homemade Peanut Butter was cooked to reality. The peanut butter business was not a complete turnover family business, but a complete startup. Angelica used her own savings to use as capital to produce peanut butter. “I started to produce homemade peanut butter every week, because I saw the opportunity that people will like it if it is more accessible because of the pandemic, so I grabbed the opportunity to be fully equipped. I applied all the knowledge and strategies I gained from my course”. YOUTH ENTREPRENEURS

15│Page BELLE’S KAPECAKES Another product of a youth entrepreneur: Belle’s Kapecakes, homemade coffee cupcakes were officially established and registered last October 26, 2021, under the name “Belle’s Bread and Pastries”. Maybelle come up with the thought of making coffee cupcakes because of her love for coffee. Maybelle Salazar Rodriguez, born on January 04, 2000, a 4thyear college student from NEUST taking up Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship. Maybelle also faced difficulties. There were lot of struggles when it comes to concept making, the design for her logo, the name of her business, and such. But, with support from her friends and family, she overcame this tiny storm and decided to register her business to DTI. Just like any youth entrepreneurs, Maybelle also spends her free time watching and learning about business, especially in improving her baking. And once in a while she is also doing portraits as a hobby. Although independence is easier said than done, it does not imply that you must be alone in your pursuit of your passion. Help and guidance is there for young entrepreneurs, it doesn’t have to be completely self-sufficient. All of this was made possible by DTI Nueva Ecija's Youth Entrepreneurship Program. Peanut butter or cupcakes are not made easily, just like the path to success of a young business minded person. It takes many tools, ingredients, and time to make one. Patience, acceptance, and hard work is needed. And, once you smell the finish product, it sure leads to happiness. Starting a business at a young age was such a big risk jump to Maybelle. She believes that being resilient, aggressive, and risk taker, will help you put to the goal that you want to achieve. With passion for selling and connecting with people, business can be achieved even in the slightest of victory. YOUTH ENTREPRENEURS One day while pondering about coffee, she thought of how coffee would taste in a cupcake. She initially thought that coffee-flavored cupcakes is not common. The thought was poured into her mind like a hot water being poured into the coffee. Cupcakes added with coffee? Sounds interesting. And that is how her Kapecakes started.

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