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Published by melissa, 2019-04-09 20:20:33

2019 Jabez Spring


Spring Edition 2019 • Number 2

Greater Saint John Cathedral

11425 Old Marlboro Pike • Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
301.574.5100 • 301.574.5160 (fax) •

Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr.
Senior Pastor/Teacher

The Jabez Report is published by Contents
The Magazine Ministry
April 2019 | spring edition 2019 | number 2
Greater Saint John Cathedral
11425 Old Marlboro Pike Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr. Anniversary:
Celebrating 30 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
301.574.5100 Sometimes It Has To Hurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr.
Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr., Senior Pastor
Recognition is Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Jabez Report reserves the right to edit, change
or exclude any article or portion thereof that is Sister Sylvia Tyson
deemed inappropriate, contrary to the mission
of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, and The Dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

encouraging or winning souls to the ministry. Sister Janice Shields

Mention of any product or service within this report Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
should not be construed as an endorsement or
acknowledgement of the product or the quality of Minister Jackie Johnson
service. Any photos submitted to or taken by The
Jabez Staff constitutes an implied authorization for Our Testimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Reginald, Laura & Ramiya Shelton
usage in the printed or electronic publication.
10 Great Benefits of Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Magazine Ministry MIT Paula Allen
Collage of Inspirations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Executive Editor Sister Janice Shields
Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr.
Let’s Eat - Recipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Sylvia Tyson Health & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Editorial Board Advertisements:
Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr. Robert Ratliff Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
FREE Word, Excel or PowerPoint Lesson! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Sylvia Tyson Vacation Bible School 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Janice Shields Meet The Graham Home Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Avon: Rhonda Burnett-Chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Photographs Insurance Claim Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Photography Ministry Single Parents Unite! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Greater Christian Community Daycare Center . . . . . . 19
Design/Layout/WEB Designers The Gathering 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Deaconess Wynnice Pointer-Napper Kendra Smith Family Lifeline Movement . . . . . . . . . 21
Culinary Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sister Melissa Monroe
Fun Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
To all readers and advertisement contributors of
this newsletter: If you wish to use any portion(s) of this Upcoming Events:
newsletter, articles or photos, you MUST obtain written Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
permission from the managing editor of this newsletter. Think on This . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

All ad contributors, if your ad was redesigned specifically
for “The Jabez Report,” you must obtain written
permission from the managing editor and designer
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managing editor, writers, contributors and designer
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Cathedral IS NOT responsible for any information that is
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Thank you for your cooperation.

Articles for inclusion in the Summer 2019 issue are due by
June 2, 2019. If you have an article to contribute; business
advertisement; testimony or have reached a milestone in
your life; i.e., retirement; birth of a child; graduations or
other accomplishments, please forward this information
to: [email protected].

ii | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 1

A Message
from the Bishop

Sometimes It Has To Hurt

I have noticed that some of the best lessons I have learned in life came through pain. There is an essential and
quintessential difference between what you want to hear and what you need to hear.
Now let’s be honest, no one likes hearing what they don’t want to hear, but if you only hear what you want to hear
when and where will the growth take place? I have a granddaughter named Kalie and she is in the process of life of
called cutting teeth. I know that it has been many years since you and I were in the life stage of cutting teeth, but the
process is something that everyone experiences. The cutting of teeth is a painful process, and what is fascinating
to me is that Kalie does not know that the process is necessary. All she knows is that she is in pain.
There are things parents can do to alleviate the pain, but the reality of life is that the pain is there and it is real. Paul
writes to his understudy Timothy, let’s listen to his words:
2 Timothy 1:8–9 (NKJV)

8Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the
sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, 9who has saved us and called us with a holy calling,
not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ
Jesus before time began.
The real truth of the Gospel is victory through pain. Paul points out in vs 8 that we need to share with him in the
suffering of the Gospel. It is through the suffering, Paul tells us that the purpose and the grace of Christ Jesus is
given to us.
Therefore, I would like to thank you for allowing me to preach not always what you want to hear, but messages that
you need to hear.

Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr.

2 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Recognition is Key

By Sister Sylvia Tyson

If it is one thing that we all can agree on it is the fact that everyone is going through something be it health,
finances, relationships, family, jobs, loneliness, etc. I must admit that life can be overwhelming at times and
everyone’s tolerance level is not the same.

Depression - the key is recognition and doing something about it. How you do emotionally affects you
physically. Determining if persistent, dark feelings are a result of depression can be the first step toward
healing and recovery.

Please remember that seeking professional help is no longer considered taboo or a sign of weakness. Self-
preservation is of utmost importance, not what others think – it’s your life to live. You cannot control what
others do, think or feel, you must learn how to control your reactions.

Some of the symptoms are:
1. Feeling hopeless or helpless is the most common symptom of depression. Other feelings may be
worthlessness, self-hate or inappropriate guilt. Common, recurring thoughts of depression may be
vocalized as, “It’s all my fault,” or “What’s the point?”

2. A loss of interest or withdrawal from activities that you once looked forward to; i.e. sports, hobbies
or associating with family and friends.

3. Lack of energy and an overwhelming feeling of fatigue can lead to excessive sleeping.

4. A feeling of anxiety, irritability and trouble focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than the
thing you’re worried about.

5. Weight and appetite fluctuation.

7. Mood swings

If you have been experiencing any of the above symptoms for two weeks or more, it is time to seek
professional help. You need to speak with someone who has no familiarity with you or your situation and
only has your interest at heart. Health insurances cover counseling sessions and there are self-help groups
available. Talk to your Primary Care Doctor. Needless to say “the internet” has a wealth of information.

Life is not without challenges; however, how we face them makes all the difference.

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 3

The Dash

By Sister Janice Shields

We all have a beginning (pre-determined birth); we all have an end (pre-determined death)
and we also all have the dash (the time in between those two established extremes that we call
The dash journey for each person is as unique as the person who journeys through that
space of time.

What will each of our dash journeys say about us?
It is hard to see, hear and read about many who have decided to live their dash journey by openly
and boldly embodying greed, jealousy, evilness, dishonesty, arrogance, selfishness, hatred and a
host of other negative and questionable characteristics and behaviors. It is unfortunate that many
are putting all of their right now dash journey eggs in the right now basket with little or no regard
for what happens after this earthly life.

Will your dash journey represent the man/woman in the mirror?
Is this the story you want to leave behind?

It is easy to see, hear and read about many who have decided to live their dash journey by openly
and boldly choosing to journey through this life with love, compassion, respect, service and a host
of other positive life-changing characteristics and behaviors.
While none of us are perfect, GOD offers the hopeful a guide for our dash journey and it is
found in Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV) 22But the fruit of the Spirt is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23(a) gentleness, self-control.
Finally, I am able to live my dash journey as a believer that GOD is still in control and that one
person can make a difference. Doing the “Right Thing” is just a mind change away! “Doing the
Right Thing” is still an achievable and self-respecting thing to do!

4 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

By Minister Jackie Johnson

You have probably heard the phrase “a penny for your thoughts,” and wondered about the origin
of these words. Credit is given to Sir Thomas Moore from his book “Four Last Things”. Which
was written in 1522. This phrase is often used to inquire into the thoughts and feelings of another,
especially when that person appears pensive or conflicted. In today’s world, we would probably
have to offer at least five dollars for another’s thoughts.
Psalm 40:5 reads ”Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; And
Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order; If I would declare and speak of them,
They are more than can be numbered. In Psalm 139:17, we are told that our Lord’s thoughts toward
us are more in number than the sand. This lets us know that thoughts are extremely important in
our lives. Thinking is what we do in all our waking hours. No matter what, we are always thinking.
More amazing is that our Lord and Savior is constantly thinking about each one of us. His thoughts
toward us are for us to remember His promises, to remember His instructions for our lives, to know
He desires peace and hope for us, and to know He will never leave us, nor forsake us.
He tells us in Isaiah 49:16 “that He has inscribed our name on the palms of His hands.” In today’s
vernacular that means that our picture is on His refrigerator and His desk. We know that thoughts
always proceeds action. Before we swing our legs off our beds each morning, our thoughts have
begun. Let’s decide to have thoughts of good, and not of evil, thoughts of thankfulness and not of
lack, thoughts of love and not of hate, thoughts of forgiveness and not of bitterness, thoughts of
health and not of sickness, thoughts of our Lord and His love for us. First Corinthians 2:16 says
“we have the mind of Christ.”
Please let us think on these things.

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 5

Our ESTimony

By Reginald, Laura & Ramiya Shelton

In May 2018, an insurance salesman approached me grown at all, it was determined they would just monitor
about purchasing a supplemental insurance plan for them. Reggie returned to work 29 days after his surgery.
catastrophic illnesses like cancer, heart attack and
stroke…I did NOT purchase it…does anyone besides MY STORY begins pretty much the same as his. Just
me see the irony in this? after my annual physical, some additional tests revealed
BY ACCIDENT a nodular growth on my thyroid. Now
We try to project that ‘power of positive thinking’ and those of you who know me know that I am a practical,
hope we won’t ever have to experience such things. rational and analytical person. At first when it was
Little did we know that soon after, we would be forever still undetermined the TYPE of cancer, I maintained
changed when confronted with not one but two of the my persona in processing the information provided.
aforementioned conditions. However, while waiting for those final test results that
would yield the official diagnosis, I did the wrong thing.
OUR STORY actually began two years ago around I looked it up on the internet….and this time a fear
this time when a doctor’s visit and tests revealed, BY crept in. Therefore, when the doctor called to advise I
ACCIDENT, spots on Reggie’s lungs. And there it had what they call Medullary Carcinoma, a rare form
was - Reggie had lung cancer. What?!…Why? How? of thyroid cancer… I lost it - and I do mean I lost it! It
He doesn’t smoke…unless prolonged exposures from really doesn’t matter how much FAITH you THINK you
his work with buses or as a volunteer fire fighter were have, or that you SAY you’re a Christian and BELIEVE
impacting…unsure as to the cause but on Friday October that God is a healer, because we are human and faced
20, 2017 he underwent surgery to remove much of the with a devastating diagnosis or the possibility of NOT
middle lobe of his right lung and the cancerous growth being able to care for yourself or those you love, fear
which was then identified as a Malt Lymphoma. seems to consume us. While I do believe His word, have
seen Him do miraculous things and believed and trust
This was now the MOST serious medical crisis our Him for my husband’s healing, in THAT moment I did
family had faced. From the minute the doctor verbalized not TRUST him to fix my situation. Then our Lord and
the diagnosis…CANCER…there was a calming Savior comforted me…he reminded me that he gives
SPIRIT about this circumstance which ASSURED us us PROMISES…that if we ask Him to heal us, then we
both that everything was going to be alright. Don’t get shall be healed (Jeremiah 17:14) and that He is “able to
me wrong, of course there was an uncertainty about do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think…”
what this would mean for our family; would he require (Ephesians 3:20).
additional treatments; such as radiation or chemotherapy
afterwards? Reggie (the workaholic that he is) was October 17, 2018…a little over 6 and 1/2 hours of
now also concerned about being able to provide for his surgery later, the surgeon had removed my thyroid along
family. Although his recovery was without complication, with the cancerous tumor, 32 lymph nodes and the final
post-operative tests did show remnant spots along with pathology reports showed they were ALL BENIGN!!!
fluid which INITIALLY they thought they would have
to remove. BUT GOD!! Follow-up visits reflected the
fluid was GONE and would not require a procedure.
Additionally, since the spots were so small and had not

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Meaning it looks like she got it all and the cancer had as her Lord and Savior so fast forward a year to the
not spread. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! news that now her mother has cancer and she too would
require surgery…she was better prepared.
HIS STORY continues on October 21, 2018. Just four
days after I had surgery, almost a year to the day from his It was this last event - the stroke - that was most
surgery, Reggie suffered a STROKE! THIS STROKE traumatizing for her as it was RAMIYA who discovered
DID SOMETHING TO HIM. About a week after it her dad on the floor downstairs. It was RAMIYA who
happened, I recall waking in the middle of the night and called 911 and my mother-in-law…No doubt she felt a
hearing what I thought was a sound of distress; I walked tremendous amount of pressure as BOTH of her parents
into the living room to find Reggie crying out to God… were temporarily incapacitated. We relied heavily on
he was listening to “My Testimony” by Marvin Sapp… her during this time for support. In the coming weeks,
and he was in that moment expressing gratitude to God she would watch us BOTH go through numerous visits
for sparing his life. While trying to put this experience to the doctors’ offices. She had one parent at home
on paper, I was reminded of a text message I received for much of the next month as Reggie and I both had
from my husband while I was in the hospital. He sent subsequent hospital stays. She tried to remain focused
me a picture showing me that he had made the bed. We and keep up with her school work, but sometimes she
had to celebrate this HUGE victory of his being able felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation. We
to make up the bed! The reality of the seriousness of are so grateful for family and friends who supported our
this event and the coming challenges had now set in. efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy by transporting
However, Reggie was determined that GOD had the her to activities and creating moments of escape.
final say and to NOT let what the Doctor said dictate his
rate of progression. What followed was a 3-month long OUR JOURNEY CONTINUES
recovery that included both physical and occupational We have both made good progress with our respective
therapy, along with numerous medical evaluations. recoveries. I returned back to work just after Thanksgiving.
PRAISE GOD the doctors released Reggie to return
It was both unsettling and a humbling experience that to work the 27th of January. We are both still making
everyday tasks such as walking, bathing and eating had adjustments to compensate for those deficiencies that
become challenging and strenuous chores for us both remain, but we are believing God for TOTAL restoration!
during our recovery. It is only when you are no longer The phrase BY ACCIDENT was capitalized because
able to perform routine tasks that you realize how God is PURPOSEFUL in all his ways. He has allowed
blessed you are…how much we take for granted. us to weather this storm for a reason.

HER STORY Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,”
The most difficult aspect of our ordeal has been its declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to
impact on RAMIYA…our daughter. How do children harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
process or cope with having sick parents? While she has
been incredibly strong and presents herself as a brave, We are THANKFUL for the medical professionals God
composed young lady, underneath she suppressed used in this season for this reason. We APPRECIATE
those fears and concerns mostly about the unknown. I our family and friends who stepped in to support
mean, when her father had surgery, her curious mind us during this time. We are GRATEFUL for our
wanted to WATCH along with a group of other high GREATER family…especially our Pastor, Bishop
school students who would be in the observation room! Kevin V. Gresham, Sr. and First Lady Denise Gresham
This preoccupation with the mechanics of what was who answered the phone when we called and prayed
happening, were a blessing in that her attentions were with us before, during and after each procedure.
redirected and there was little opportunity for her
mind to embrace any negative thoughts. But the reality These events and others that occurred during this time
that her father had cancer and had undergone surgery have redirected our focus; through prayer, study and
DID register a few weeks later and she experienced worship we are growing our relationship with GOD. We
an emotional breakdown during Children’s Church. still have a long way to go, both naturally and spiritually,
Children are resilient! PLUS she knows Jesus Christ but this season we see as the first steps on our ‘path to
a fighting faith’.

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 7

10 Great Benefits of GRACE
By MIT Paula Allen

1 We’re Saved by GRACE – Ephesians 2:8-9
8For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not
of works, lest anyone should boast.

2 We’re Forgiven by GRACE – Isaiah 43:25
25“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.

3 We’re Sustained by GRACE – Philippians 2:3
3Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem
others better than himself.

4 We’re Healed by GRACE – Psalms 147:3
3He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.

5 We’re Liberated by GRACE – Matthew 11:28-30
28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take My yoke upon
you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For
My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

6 We’re Given Talents by GRACE – Romans 12:6
6Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let
us prophesy in proportion to our faith;

7 We’re Used by GRACE – Ephesians 3:7
7of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the
effective working of His power.

8 We’re Kept Saved by GRACE – Jude 1:24
24Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence
of His glory with exceeding joy,

9 We’re Transformed by GRACE – Romans 12:2
2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,

10 We’re Matured by GRACE – 2Peter 3:18
18but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both
now and forever. Amen.

8 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Collage of Inspirations
By Sister Janice Shields

(Disclaimer: I am not the author of any of these inspirational messages. I either discovered them on my
own or someone shared them with me or most importantly they are scriptures from the Bible.

We all have days when you read something or someone sends you the right message out of the blue and
it sticks with you, this Jabez insertion will highlight some of my favorite inspirations. I hope they bring

you the inspiration you need when and if you need it!)

Note: The inspirations are in no particular order.


Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in Prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
(Mark 11:24)

Even the strongest of us have moments when the burdens of life seem too great. It’s then that the Lord

whispers to our hearts…. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
(Matthew 11:28)

What if your Blessings come through raindrops? What if your healing comes through tears? What if a

thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you’re near? What if your trials of this life are your
mercies in disguise? (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge
HIM and HE shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right. (Author unknown)

When life puts you in situations ~Don’t say “Why Me”, Just say “Try Me”! (Author unknown)

Faith means believing in advance what will take place in reverse. (Author Philip Yancey)

Always know when to let go. When a thought is bringing you more misery than peace, let go of the thought.
When a person is bringing you more misery than joy, let go of that person. (Author unknown)

You cannot be your best if you lack joy and peace in your life. (Author—Inspirational quotes to live & learn)

Begin with the End in Mind ~ What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us. (Author: Henry David Thoreau)

Don’t think of the things you didn’t get after praying. Think of the countless blessings GOD gave you
without asking. (Author unknown)

Tears are Prayers too they travel to GOD when we can’t speak. (Author unknown)

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Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 9

continue from page 9

Ego says, once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace. Spirit says, find your Peace and then Everything
will fall into place. (Author unknown)
Life has no Remote; get up and change it yourself. (Author www.SpirituallyThinking
Everything will work out in the end; You don’t need to know how. You just have to trust GOD and believe
that it will. Amen (Author unknown)
In order to love yourself, you must behave in ways that you admire. (Author Irving Yalom)
To all my Wonderful Friends who listen when I am mad; lift me up when I am sad and laugh with me a
whole lot. Thanks for being there no matter what. (Author Women Working)
You relax on a plane even though you don’t know the pilot. You relax on a ship even though you don’t know
the captain. You relax on a bus even though you don’t know the driver. Why don’t you relax in life knowing
that GOD Is In Control? (Author A Spiritual Journey)
Everything About the future is Uncertain. But One Thing is Sure; GOD has already arranged our tomorrows.
We just have to Put our Trust in Him, and Have the Utmost Patience. (Author unknown)
Life is not measured by the breaths we take; but measured by the things that take our breath away.
(Author unknown)
GOD has protected me more times than I can count. So, I can only imagine the times I’ve been rescued
that I don’t even know about. Thank you, GOD for always being there, even when I don’t know it. Amen
(Author unknown)

10 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Let's Eat Recipe

Snowy Pink Coconut Bundt Cake

Snowy Pink Coconut Bundt Cake Feeling nostalgic for the pink Snowball snack cake? Try our giant
version — a moist chocolate cake covered in sweet marshmallow topping and covered with bright pink coconut.


Special equipment: a 12-cup Bundt pan, a skewer, a piping bag 1. For the cake and filling: Coat a 12-cup Bundt pan
fitted with a long thin round tip, a candy thermometer and a small with cooking spray. Prepare and bake the devil’s
offset spatula food cake according to the package directions.
Let cool completely.
2. Combine the butter and marshmallow creme in a
Cake and Filling: large bowl and beat with an electric mixer until
Nonstick cooking spray smooth and well combined. Add the confectioners’
One 15.25-ounce box devil’s food cake mix (plus sugar and heavy cream and beat until fluffy, about
required ingredients) 3 minutes. Transfer the marshmallow mixture to
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature a piping bag fitted with a long thin round tip.
1 cup marshmallow creme
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar 3. Flip the cake so it is flat-side up. Make 12 evenly-
1 tablespoon heavy cream spaced holes in the bottom of the cake using a
Topping: skewer, pressing only halfway down into the cake
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut and wiggling the skewer slightly to widen the
1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar holes until they are each about 1 inch wide. Insert
Pink gel food coloring the piping tip in each of the holes and pipe in some
One .25-ounce envelope unflavored gelatin (2 1/2 marshmallow mixture until it starts to ooze out
teaspoons) the top of the hole. Flip the cake flat-side down
3/4 cup granulated sugar onto a cake stand or serving platter.
1/4 cup corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 4. For the topping: Combine the coconut and
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract confectioners’ sugar in a large resealable plastic
bag, seal and shake well. Dissolve 5 to 6 drops of
food coloring in 2 tablespoons water in a small
bowl. Drizzle the food coloring over the coconut
and toss well, massaging the bag with your hands
to evenly distribute the color.

5. Combine the gelatin with 6 tablespoons water in a
small bowl and set aside. Combine the granulated
sugar, corn syrup, salt and 1/4 cup water in a
medium saucepan and cook over medium heat
until it reaches 235 to 240 degrees F (soft-ball
stage) on a candy thermometer, 5 to 6 minutes.
Remove from the heat.

6. Pour the corn syrup mixture into the bowl of a
stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, along
with the vanilla and bloomed gelatin. Whip on high
speed until thick and fluffy, about 6 minutes.

7. Spread the marshmallow mixture all over the cake
with a small offset spatula. Pat the coconut all
over the cake. Let sit 30 minutes for the topping to
set before serving.


Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 11

Health and Wellness 10 Most Common
Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an extremely serious condition which results in the breathing unlike usual, and it can actually become quite painful
inflammation of the tissue in your lungs. The condition can affect to simply take a breath.
one lung, though in many cases it does in fact cause trouble for
both lungs. The inflammation occurs as a result of an infection. Difficulty breathing can cause an oxygen debt, meaning your
body is constantly trying to catch up with oxygen it needs but
The sacs within the lungs which take in and hold air will hasn’t received, resulting in pain and wheezing. Your breaths
become inflamed and begin to fill up with fluid, making it hard will become more rapid and it can result in you hyperventilating,
to breathe and causing a cough that is usually accompanied which is what makes pneumonia so dangerous.
with a thick mucus.
6. Chest pain: As mentioned, pneumonia can result in a
If you show any of the following signs of pneumonia, it is shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. In turn, this
essential that you visit your doctor. In some cases you may causes severe chest pain. The pain doesn’t, however, only occur
require an X-ray, and in many cases you will be admitted for because of the wheezing.
specialist care so that the condition does not progress into
something much more serious. The pain actually occurs as the lungs have been infected by
a foreign body, damaging nerves and resulting in constant
1. Coughing: The first and most prominent symptom you will coughing. The coughing and wheezing combined can hurt the
notice with pneumonia is the coughing. You will cough because inside of your airways, making them feel rough and sore.
your lungs are filling up with fluid and the infection is causing a
build-up of mucus on one or both lungs. You will also feel pain in your chest walls, and you’ll struggle
getting rid of it. Don’t just take pain medication – seek
If you don’t have your pneumonia treated, the cough will get worse immediate medical help!
and so will the general severity of the condition. The inflammation
can get worse and you will end up with shortness of breath. 7. An increased heart rate: Pneumonia usually causes an
increased heart rate as a result of your difficulty breathing. The
2. Mucus: As a result of the infection, you will begin coughing quicker you breathe, the quicker your heart will beat as it is
up a thick, green mucus as you cough. It is important to cough it having to pump the oxygen around your body in more of a rush.
up so that it does not continue to cause a blockage in your airways, And, the less oxygen you take in, the more blood has to move
but it will not go away if you keep coughing it up. The mucus around the body pumping the limited resources it has to your
will continue to be created as a result of your body’s reaction to tissue and muscles.
the invading bodies, and it will only go away when you receive
proper treatment for the condition. 8. Sickness and nausea: Pneumonia can also cause sickness
and nausea, irritating your digestive system and making your
3. Fever: Much like other kinds of infections, pneumonia will vomit even when there is no real need to. This is an extremely
result in a fever. This is particularly true for small children whose common result of the infection.
immune systems are not as developed as an adult’s.
The feeling of nausea can be uncomfortable, but when you
Typically a pneumonia-related fever will go up to almost 50 are actually vomiting, you are denying your body a lot of the
degrees C (around 105 degrees F), and will progress as the resources it needs to survive – making the condition deadly,
infection gets worse. when combined with the difficult breathing.

So, if you develop a fever and have flu-like symptoms, it’s essential 9. Fatigue: Like with almost all infections, pneumonia will
that you seek medical attention so that your life does not become at make you feel tired. This is a result of the fever, the wheezing
risk – which is possible when the infection worsens. and of course, the lack of oxygen being taken in by the body. The
tiredness will be hard to combat. In many cases, fatigue can be
4. The chills: If you’re not experiencing a fever, you might get fought by simply doing more exercise and forcing the body to do
the chills instead. This is quite a common symptom of infections, more – but with pneumonia, it is not possible to exert oneself.
the flu and pneumonia. The severity of your chills will usually
indicate the kind of infection you have. The more severe your 10. Diarrhea: Finally, pneumonia can cause diarrhea as a
chills the more likely it is that you have pneumonia. result of the digestive system being irritated. Many people with
the condition report an upset stomach and indigestion, and
You might experience sudden cold that affects your whole body, regardless of the food they eat, they will experience diarrhea as
or you might feel constantly cold even when wrapped up warm the body attempts to expel as many foreign bodies as possible.
and in a warm environment. Both are serious and you should
seek medical attention if you experience them. The information on this website is
not intended to treat, prevent, cure, or diagnose any illness or
5. Difficulty breathing: When you have pneumonia, breathing disease. Please discuss the use of any home remedy or other self
becomes a real chore. The lungs become full of pus and fluid, treatment with your physician.
restricting the amount of air that the sacs within your lung can
actually take in. This means you really have to think about your

12 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

ToMy Greater Saint John Family

Colon Cancer is the 3rd most common cancer among African Americans and
the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths. Colon Cancer is preventable,
treatable and beatable.


Early screening at the age of 45 is
paramount and recommended.

LIVE FACEBOOK BROADCAST • Tune in every Wednesday - 8:30 pm:

“Get a colonoscopy. It saved my life.
And it could save yours as well.”

Frenchettia C. Payne, CEO
18-year Colon Cancer Survivor
P. O. Box 1603 • Upper Marlboro, MD 20773
[email protected] • 240.723.6683


Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 13

FREE Word, Excel or PowerPoint Lesson!

Greetings Greater Family,

As a disciple of Greater, I am offering my services for 3 free training lessons on Word,

Excel or PowerPoint. Additional lessons are only $15 each.

Please call me at 240-463-9733. Leave a message and I will call you back.

Sharon Denise Mack

14 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019



Vacation Bible School 2019

VBS will take place Monday, June 24 through Friday, June 28
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

VBS camp will be split up into sessions so that you will not be required to work the entire day. All persons
15 years of age and older are required to have a background check. If you feel led to join, please sign up at
the Concierge Desk. We have several positions open for disciples that only can commit to a part schedule.

Early bird registration is $40 through March 31
$50 through April 30th
$70 through May 31
$85 as of June 1

(Camp registration after June 1 - will receive T-shirts the week after VBS) .
Registration can be completed online on the church website using PayPal and credit card only.

Check payments can be made at the Concierge Desk.

Greater Saint John Cathedral
11425 Old Marlboro Pike • Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 • 301.574.5100
Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr.
Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 15

Meet The Graham Home Team! This dynamic duo
is comprised of a husband and wife team. Boasting
decades of experience in customer service and
deep roots in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan
area. Our team is licensed in Maryland and Virginia.
We are adept at navigating the complicated terrain
of traditional buy and sell transactions and property
management. If you are looking to buy, sell, lease or
invest in DMV real estate, look no more, contact
The Graham Home Team!

Kevin- 202-550-8085 or Thia-240-460-1397
Office- 301-352-4065

4201 Mitchellville Road, Suite 401
Bowie, Maryland 20716

E-mail - [email protected]
Web -

“Where honesty and integrity are
the standard”

Kevin & Thia Graham

16 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Insurance Claim Consultants

Greetings Greater Saint John Disciples

By Brother Maurice Marshall

I have great news to share! I am licensed by the state of MD and DC to make sure home
and business owners are treated fairly and compensated properly when negotiating a
covered insurance loss. I educate and protect residents by reviewing their homeowner’s
policies and, if permitted, completing a home inspection. There is NO CHARGE for this service
and all I ask is that if you learn any new information about insurance companies, you refer me
to any homeowner who you feel needs my service. I believe in using a proactive approach
and recommendations that will maximize coverage on the homeowners’ most valuable asset,
outside of the family, that they may ever own.

I work with a team of professionals who hold insurance companies accountable to the provisions
stated in the homeowner’s policy. Having a Public Adjuster is similar to having an attorney to
represent you in a criminal or civil matter. In all cases, you want the best representation possible. 

My team represents homeowners when they negotiate with insurance company adjusters
in order to reach the best settlement for the homeowner. We speak the language of the
insurance industry which reduces the chance of a claim being denied. We also take care of
phone calls, process paperwork and anything concerning the proper handling of a claim.
This reduces frustration and anxiety that homeowners feel while going through this process.

I work on an appointment basis which gives me flexibility in
addressing clients’ needs and schedules. My email address is
[email protected]. You can also contact me by
cell/text at 202-413-4883.

Thank you.

Maurice S. Marshall

Claims Representative

Mobile: 202.413.4883
[email protected]

Corporate O ce:
3551 Bristol Pike
Bensalem, PA 19020
(800) 866-1994

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 17

By Brother Sean LaGrand

I am a member of Single Parents Unite. This organization issues monthly newsletters packed with information beneficial to
everyone. Even though some of the below listed events may have passed by the time the spring edition of The Jabez Report is
released, I thought it important to let you know the wide range of activities – some are free and others are at minimal cost. Enjoy.

Dating and Relationships
Two events are happening this weekend in MD on March 29 and March 30.

Education Corner
Great events including a National Black Memorabilia event happening in MD on April 6-7
It Takes Two is offering the Tools for Success Scholarship again this year. Please apply if you need help with school supplies,
uniforms and other expenses for your children.

Family Friendly Entertainment
Lots of entertainment events coming up including several clean comedy shows in MD on April 5, 6, 7 and 11.

Free Shredding/Recycling
It’s time for spring cleaning and several events are being held offering free shredding/recycling in MD on April 6 and 13.

Healthy Living
Don’t miss I Am Able Physical and Mental Health expo being held at Woodstream Church in MD on April 6.

Legal Corner
Legal workshops on family law matters are being offered in MD on April 8 and 27.

Prom Dresses
Proms are now very expensive, especially for single parents. There are two events where you can get a prom dress for free
or very low cost on March 30 and April 6.

Single Parent Events
Come out and join other single parents on events in MD on March 31, April 6 and April 12.

Single Dad’s Corner
Great gatherings for men in MD and VA on March 30 and April 5. Don’t miss the Washington Auto Show happening April 5-14.

The Men of Valor event is happening at First Baptist Church of Glenarden in MD on April 12-13.

Single Mom’s Corner
The Baltimore Natural Hair Care Expo is happening on March 30-31. Join the Grace Girls of First Baptist Church of
Glenarden for Spring Cleaning for the Soul on April 6.

I hope this newsletter is helpful to you. Please share it with others. Let me know what you want to see in your newsletter and
I will do my best to get the information for you. Look for another Single Parents Unite newsletter to come your way soon!
If you would like to see a copy, please contact me at [email protected].

Jackie Williams
Single Parents Unite

18 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

ABC123GreAateBr SCain1t2Joh3n CAathBedCral123 ABC123
Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr., Senior Pastor


The Greater Christian Community Hours of operation:
Daycare Center is now enrolling Monday ~ Friday
for our 2018 - 2019 School Year. 6:00am to 6:30pm
Spaces are available in our 2, 3
and 4 year old classrooms. Tours
are scheduled daily. Please call
the Center on 301-574-0935 to
schedule a tour or check us out




Located at

11425 Old Marlboro Pike • Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Phone: 301.574.0935 • 301.574.5160 (fax)

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 19

The Gathering 2019

July 9-12 in Paradise Island, Bahamas – Early Registration Rates now available
954.703.4828 [email protected]
To call in room reservations:1-800-FUN-4SUN

Please use the group name, The Gathering 2019 to book
For online hotel reservations:

*Room rates start at $189 per night

$20/$10 – During the month of April / Special Rate until April 30th, 2019
$25/$10 – Rate until June 15th, 2019
$35/$10 – Rate until July 1st, 2019 / Registration Closes
Reopens Onsite at Atlantis, July 8th @ $40/$10

20 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Kendra Smith

Fa m i ly

Lifeline MOVE with us toward our goal to support families affected
by Homicide.

Our mission includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Provide school uniforms to school-age children directly
affected by a homicide and

2. Assist with scholarship funds for high school students
throughout college.

Our long-term goal is to rent/purchase a dwelling that will provide
a temporary, safe and tranquil environment to ease the mental
and emotional transition to a “New Normal” after the murder of
a Loved One.

This non-profit tax-exempt organization is under Section 501c
(3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Donations in any amount will
help reach our goal. Gently worn school uniforms are accepted as
well. For more information on how YOU can help, please contact
Debbie Bailey at 856-319-3140.

PayPal & Cashapp Donations: Kendra Smith Movement

Checks: Kendra Smith Family LifeLine Movement, P.O. Box
31582, Wash., DC 20030

Email: [email protected] Phone: 856-319-3140

Visit our website:

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 21

Join the Culinary and Table Decorators Ministry Team

By Sister Ronnie Johnson

And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in
Me shall never thirst. (John 6:35). The Culinary and Table Decorators Ministry Team is a branch of our church
that shares the joy of our Lord and Savior through food and creative decorating.

The Culinary Team is responsible for the feeding of God’s people at church supported activities. The Culinary
Ministry coordinates and organizes food and beverages and may be called upon to support, organize and provide
items for repast services. The Culinary Ministry oversees the operation of the kitchen, including its use, cleanliness
and ensures that the kitchen and its equipment are properly maintained.

The Table Decorating Team is responsible for creating table settings for the banquet hall and other church supported
events for the Senior Pastor, his family and guests.

The GSJC Culinary and Table Decorators Ministry wants you! We are looking for disciples who have an interest in
cooking, setting up, serving and/or table setting. Qualifications needed for this ministry are a willingness to learn
and the desire to be a part of a dynamic TEAM.

We are currently in need of disciples for the Breakfast Crews and Table Decorating.

Breakdown of Current Needs:

Breakfast Team – There are 5 teams, which includes a 5th Sunday team. Teams will prepare/cook breakfast
for the Senior Pastor, his family and other guests each Sunday.
Serving Team – Purpose is to build a team willing to serve fellow disciples at churchwide events.
Prep Team – This team will prepare all food for cooking and setup serving tables with chafing stands for food
with plates, napkins, utensils, etc.
Table Decorator – There are 5 individuals/teams which includes a 5th Sunday person/team who set tables in
the banquet hall for breakfast and lunch.
Setup and Breakdown Teams – This team is usually made up of the entire Culinary Ministry with assistance
from other disciples. They help with the setup of sterno burners and chaffing dishes, covering tables and other
areas needed to prepare for an event.
GYM Culinary Team – This team will consist of youth ages 8–17. They will be responsible for age appropriate
assistance. They will be the support team for all the Greater Youth Ministry and church wide events.
Men’s Team – This team will support the ministry during all the Men’s Ministry and church wide events.
Please contact Sister Ronnie Johnson at [email protected] or at 301.574.5100 if you are interested in joining
our team. We welcome you.

22 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019

Around God’s Throne

Bill Brinkworth

Word Finds:

Judgment Elders Beasts

Seats Jesus God

Book Heaven Sea of Glass

Holy Lightnings Angels

Answers on page 25
Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 23

24 | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | The Jabez Report | Spring Edition 2019


April June
16th — Seven Last Words (Ministers of Greater) 1st — Opening Reception at Museum of the Bible
19th — Bishop preaching Seven Last Words @
Bishops 30th Anniversary Celebration
Metropolitan Baptist Church 7:00pm
2nd — Pathways2Greater Fellowship
21st — Resurrection Sunday Services 9th — Academic Sunday
6am & 9:30am 16th — Fathers’ Day
26th — Spring Fling 24th-28th — Vacation Bible School
27th — Shred Truck
28th — Daycare Appreciation Sunday


12th— Mothers’ Day
19th— Young Adult Sunday

THEME FOR 2019 Answers for page 23

“Show Me The Path To My Fighting Faith”
Romans 1:16-17 (nkjv)

Think on This:

You’ve got to invest in the world, you’ve got to read, you’ve got to
go to art galleries, you’ve got to find out the names of plants. You’ve
got to start to love the world and know about the whole genius of
the human race. We’re amazing people. Vivienne Westwood

Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you
never got. Robert Brault

Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn’t given freely by
another person, it isn’t worth having. Unknown

Sometimes rejection in life is really redirection. Travis Smiley

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or
consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every
minute with love, grace, and gratitude. Denis Waitley

Spring Edition 2019 | The Jabez Report | GREATER SAINT JOHN CATHEDRAL | 25

Greater Saint John Cathedral

11425 Old Marlboro Pike • Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
301.574.5100 • 301.574.5160 (fax) •

Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr.
Senior Pastor/Teacher

Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr. and Mission Statement
First Lady Denise Gresham
Our mission is to proclaim the Good News of the gospel
and teach godly principles for a Greater Life.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to have an abundantly blessed ministry
that is both Supernatural and Spirit Filled.

Worship Services

Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School: 8:00 a.m.

Youth Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m.

Communion: First Sunday of the Month

Bible Study

Prayer, Praise & Study - Tuesdays - 7:00 p.m. | Youth & Young Adults - Tuesdays - 7:00 p.m.
Noon Day Prayer - Thursdays

Sunday Morning Worship Service is livestreamed online

Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Live online streaming can be accessed from

HOME page, right hand side, click on “3G TV screen.

Online Giving
Online giving for tithes and offerings is available at Greater Saint John Cathedral. It is a convenient and safe way
to give.

• E-Giving: accessed from
• Click on Online Giving button (middle of screen)
• Enter amount
• Enter payment info (re-directed to PayPal)

• Mobile Giving using the Givelify App.
• Download from the App Store or Google Play

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