The Jewish
Post Opinion&
Indiana Edition
Presenting a broad spectrum of Jewish News and Opinions since 1935.
Volume 89, Number 1 • November 30, 2022 • 6 Kislev 5783 •
Festival ofLights!
Cover Art by Reuben Haller (see About the Cover, p. IN 4)
2 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
Simcha Announcements Arnie Lewin and Harriet Greenland Eddie Roger, son of Brandon and
on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson,
Moshe Lewin (below with Arnie), the son Cantor Janice Roger, on his marriage to
Allie Brooke Staub, daughter of Larry
Mazel Tov to… of their eldest son, Gabe Lewin. It was and Beverly Staub of Carmel, Ind., on Oct.
held at Congregation Ner Tamid in 8, 2022 at the Hotel Carmichael in Carmel.
P Baltimore on Shabbat Shuvah Oct. 1. 2022. Daniel Dorson (below), son of Patti
atti Heldman for receiving the 2022 Moshe chanted the entire Torah reading
Community Service Award from the and all of the aliyahs. Among the things he Freeman Dorson and Roland Dorson, on
his marriage to Colleen Hollern on Oct. 29
American Jewish Committee (AJC) at a spoke about in his d’var Torah is the fact in Columbus, Ohio. (Photo by Ben Dorson.)
reception in Cincinnati in that his family are fans of the Chicago
June. AJC’s Human Cubs. Learning to be a Cubs fan, he found
Relations Award recog- a great lesson in the patience of the Jewish
nized her exceptional people in waiting for Moshiach.
social vision and civic
leadership, in the Jewish
and greater Cincinnati
community. Inspired by Patti Heldman
the values of compassion, empathy, and
tikkun olam, helping repair the world, Patti
has been tireless in her efforts to help
build a brighter future. Patti is the daugh-
ter of the late Ben and Gertie Dock; she
grew up in Indianapolis. She is married to
Fred Heldman and is the proud mother
of Matthew and Michael.
Scott Romer for being
honored by the Indiana
Sports Hall of Fame for his
Mark Kosene on the Scott Romer
birth of his new grand-
daughter named Mimi after his mother.
(Photo of Mark (below, right) with Herb
Passo, at the Broad Ripple High School
Class of 1972 50th reunion held on July 23,
2022. Photo by Scott Romer.)
HHAI Stars (elementary school
level) for winning the 2022 IISL Volleyball
Championship, (below, with their coach
Michael Voskoboynik). This is a team
that shows great dedication to their sport
(see Mazel Tov, page IN 5)
Adrienne Reiswerg on the birth of
her new granddaughter, Delilah (middle,
above), who has red hair, born Sept. 7,
2022 in Chicago to her son Matthew and
his wife Maggie. Her big brother, Joey, is
18 months old.
Rachel Abrams Hiller (right), daughter
of Jeff and Lynn Abrams, on her
marriage to William Kyle Hiller on Oct.
1, 2022.
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 3
Editorial vote. Miriam was volunteering with Inside this Issue
the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
This edition includes a focus on the Committee (SNCC) as were the three Simcha Announcements..........................2
who were murdered in Mississippi in 1964 Jennie Cohen: (Editorial).........................3
lives of Hoosier Holocaust survivors that – James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Rabbi Benzion Cohen: (Chassidic Rabbi)
have past away over the past year (pages Michael Schwerner.The last two were Jewish
IN 12-13). The reason for these special as were many of the SNCC volunteers. A Very Special Month .........................4
pages is to help put life in these challeng- R. Eliyahu Schusterman: (Parasha Noach)
ing times in perspective and to showcase The activists knew before the public that
those who had lived through the worst something was wrong because the three Riding High...........................................4
possible conditions, but eventually made did not call in at their scheduled time.You About the Cover .......................................4
commendable lives for themselves and can hear Miriam interviewed about that at CANDLES Honors Awarded ................5
their families. the following link and about that situation Miriam Zimmerman: (Holocaust Educator)
specifically in the last two minutes of it:
At the time of Kristallnacht, Walter Spinning the Passion Story:
Sommers could not be sure he would even A New View of Jews.............................7
survive, let alone live a long, successful On a similar subject, about a year after I Jewish Theatre of Bloomington
life. I would never wish for anyone to started writing a regular editorial, I was 13: The Musical ......................................9
endure this tremendous challenge, but I surprised to receive a phone call from a Cantor Janice Roger: (New Music Review)
wonder if going through it and coming man named Jeffrey Jones calling from Az Yashir: A Debut Album
out on the other side made him a stronger Atlanta. His father Johnny Jones, of by Yair Rosenberg...............................11
person. With hindsight after his passing, blessed memory, from Springfield, Tenn., Hoosiers Mourn the Passing
it is easier to see a bigger picture. who had only a sixth grade education had of Holocaust Survivors.....................12
been hired by my father in the early 1960s Obituaries ...............................................14
After he was able to get out of Germany to work at the newspaper when it was Sybil Kaplan: (My Kosher Kitchen)
and immigrate to the United States, he difficult for African Americans to get jobs. Not Just Potato Latkes ........................15
served in the U.S. Army, got married, raised Abrams EyeCare’s Newest Optometrist ......16
a big family, had a successful business, and Jeffrey Jones wanted me and my family Sybil Kaplan:
contributed to society by volunteering for to know how much he and his family National Hadassah Celebrates
27 years. So perhaps in this time of change appreciated my father’s courage. He said 100th National Convention ..............19
that we are going through now will also have his father learned from this job and went on Stacie Stufflebeam:
positive results that we cannot now see. to establish several businesses and become Tearfully Remembering October 27th .....20
one of the first successful black entrepre- 2022 Indianapolis Community
Another example that makes me hopeful neurs in Indianapolis while helping to Hanukkiah Lighting ..........................24
is Miriam Zimmerman’s column on page raise Jeffrey and his nine siblings.
IN 7. I cannot say that the positive results PoThse Jtew&ishOpinion
of the rabbis working together with the Jeffrey continued by saying that what Jewish News and Opinion since 1935.
Catholic priests to make the Passion Play my father did for his father is still making
more favorable to Jews happened over- a difference. It not only improved his 1389 W 86th St. #160
night. A gradual process with some key parent’s lives at the time, it had a positive Indianapolis, IN 46260
changes taking place over many years effect on their children, and to this day email: [email protected]
resulted in a revised Play that had previ- even Jeffrey’s children and grandchildren phone and fax: (317) 405-8084
ously resulted in a rampant antisemitism. are reaping the benefits. website:
You can read more details about this in her publisher & editor: Jennie Cohen
column about her preparation before The following is quoted from a longer graphic designer: Charlie Bunes
viewing the Play revision on page IN 10 at letter he and his wife Sherry Jones sent
the following link: shortly after the phone call.“For my mother, See Historical Digital Issues of
wp-content/uploads/2022/04/IN_4-13-22.pdf myself, and my siblings, I like to extend The Jewish Post & Opinion since 1930
my deepest thanks and appreciation to the
Knowing that this could be accom- Jewish community for their strength and at,
plished with the Play gives me hope, kindness that made this African American
because it demonstrates that it also might family a stronger unit. Read recent digital issue online at:
be possible that the recent antisemitism
especially coming from male African “As a young child I remember the thrill
American pop culture athletes and stars and excitement of going into the newspaper Follow us on Facebook at:
can also eventually result in improved office. Not understanding it was not only Jewish Post & Opinion, newspaper
relations between our two communities. the beginning of my life, but it was the real
beginning for my father’s life. As a young Follow us on Twitter at:
Perhaps one day Jewish and African man his eyes were wide open for growth, # JewishPostOpin
American clergy along with their leaders and this family of the Jewish newspaper
will get together like Abraham Joshua could see the spirit and sincerity in this of Israel website at the following link:
Heschel and Martin Luthur King Jr., did in young man’s heart. With their support and
the 1960s along with other civil rights encouragement it triggered a lifetime of 10/20/01/page/6
activists to create plays, movies and other happiness, fortune, and opportunity for
media that will brings more understand- his children.” We wish our dear readers a Hanukkah
ing and peace between these two groups. filled with light and a Happy 2023!
I told my seven siblings about this and we
My sisters Miriam Glickman and all remembered with great fondness Johnny Jennie Cohen, November 30, 2022
Debbie Cohen were two of those activists and also Bobby, another African American
who traveled to Georgia, Tennessee, and man who worked for our father at the
Mississippi in 1963, 1964, and 1965 to help same time.
African Americans acquire the right to
One can read the entire editorial from
Oct. 20, 2004 and see photos of Johnny,
Jeffrey and his son on the National Library
4 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022 About the Cover
Chassidic Rabbi Parasha Noach Bear Balances a Dreidel
By Reuben Haller
AVery Special Month Riding High Bear Balances a Dreidel
is a celebration of the
We have recently moved on from a The Torah tells us that the Ark was
whimsy, fun, and special
very special month, the Hebrew month riding on the water. It actually says, the
Tishrei. The first two days of this month waters lifted the ark from the earth. foods of Hanukkah. Pen R. Haller
were Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. and ink, and watercolor
These are special days, High Holidays. On In Chassidus, the Ark represents the
Rosh Hashanah we blow the shofar. The relationship that we have with G-d and were used to create it.
call of the shofar helps us to call out to G- our purpose on this earth, the inner
d to give us a good year. No more suffer- sanctum, the safe space. The waters of After learning the basics of Hebrew
ing, no more exile, no more death. We the flood represent the challenges we
want to live forever! We want Moshiach encounter in life, the challenges from calligraphy while living in Arad, Israel,
(the Messiah) now! without: making a living, relationships,
and so forth. And the challenges from little did I know 30 years later I would use
This year I myself blew the shofar, about within: navigating our own character,
50 times! I live in Kfar Chabad, a village in triggers, upbringing, and such. those skills to create drawings that convey
Israel. I walked for about 40 minutes with
a group of friends to a neighboring village. One might see these as negative things my love of Jewish writing, chant, ritual,
There we went from door to door, asking out to get us. We can be the victim.“How
people if they would like to hear the sho- do I survive these challenges?” prayer, and holy days.
far. Many people were very happy to hear
me blow the shofar. And this made me The Torah is telling us that our inner Judaism infuses my life with meaning
also very happy. I was happy to help a lot sanctum is lifted up through the chal-
of people to do a very important mitzvah. lenges of the waters of life. They are not and connection. I am an active member
And I was happy to make people happy. out to get us, they are actually the means
This is a wonderful way to find happiness. by which we are lifted up. It is through of my shul, Congregation Bet Haverim
the challenges that we actually are able to
I was born and raised in Indianapolis, discover the core of who we are and our (CBH) in Atlanta, Georgia, where I lead
Ind. In 1963 I started high school, and purpose on this earth.
started to look for happiness. Well, I was children’s high holiday services. I also
not very successful. In 1968 I started to We don’t ask G-d for these challenges,
learn in Yeshiva in Israel and finally found nor do we want them. But when He sends have the honor of playing mandolin in the
a lot of happiness. them our way, we are taught how to view
them. The key is not to see the waters synagogue band. I am also active in our
In high school I was trying hard to serve as the enemy, but as a friend who is
myself. I wanted to be popular, to have a challenging us to look deeper, to rise CBH chant group. In the past I was a
lot of friends, to have a beautiful girl above, to rise up and to ride the waves to
friend, and so forth. I wasn’t very success- further and greater heights. Soviet Jewry activist, a college Israel
ful and I wasn’t very happy.
Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman, the brother supporter, and I worked as an activity
In Yeshiva, I was trying hard to serve of Rabbi Mendel Schusterman (of Indianapolis,
G-d, to learn His Torah and fulfill His Ind.) is from Chabad Intown in Atlanta, Ga.
director at San Francisco State Hillel.
commandments, to love G-d and love
His children. Wow! I finally found success ji Eclectic? That’s me! Originally from San
and a lot of happiness.
and happier. Francisco, I have lived in Atlanta for
This is the secret of happiness. To come Three other holidays during the month
closer to G-d, to devote ourselves to doing almost three decades. I am a professional
good. When we do good and help some- of Tishrei are Yom Kippur, Succos, and
one, it makes them happy. And then we Simchas Torah. Yom Kippur is very special. clown, yes – that’s right! I clowned at
are happy that we have made someone I don’t eat anything or do anything except
happy. If two people get married, each to pray and feel close to our Father, our special events for Cirque du Soleil and for
thinking how much they can get from the Creator. Succos is also very special. Our
marriage, it will most likely eventually fail. teacher and master, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, over a decade worked for The Big Apple
But if they get married thinking how much taught us to celebrate by dancing all night.
they can help and give to their partner and In Crown Heights, Brooklyn, the police Circus. For 20 years I have been a Health
make their partner happy, they will prob- close off five blocks of Kingston Avenue
ably stay happily married. every night of Succos until 6 a.m. All night Care Clown working as a ‘Clown Doctor’
people are dancing and singing in the street.
The Torah teaches us the importance of in children’s hospitals.
marriage, that my soul is just half of a soul. Here in Kfar Chabad we also dance all
The other half of my soul is in my wife. night and we do this on Simchas Torah as I am currently the Site Supervisor for
Until I find my soulmate and marry her, well. This has been going on for many
we are both missing our other half. When years, and the word has gotten around. Humorology Atlanta (see more on
we marry and live together happily, we Now many people know that they can
both become whole. Of course marriage is find a lot of happiness here in Kfar Facebook at (humorologyatlantaha/) at
not always easy, but if we work hard to Chabad. Thousands come from far and
make it work well, our life is much better near to celebrate and be happy. Here also Egleston Children’s Hospital. Among my
I was able to make a lot of people happy.
For two of the nights of Succos I organized many roles, is “Fiddlin’ Dan the Mountain
Man”, in which I pay homage to
Appalachian culture through stories and
original songs. I play violin, mandolin, and
percussion. You can hear my music on
YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music under
Summer Stomp and my CD titled, Stomp
Your Feet! Clap Your Hands! See more of
my work at and clown-
the dancing in our neighborhood and
helped a lot of people to dance, celebrate
and be happy. And this helped me to
dance for many hours and be very happy.
The moral of the story? Learn Torah and
do mitzvahs, follow the guidance of our
Rebbe and find a lot of happiness. This will
make your life and the whole world much
better and happier. Soon the world will be
completely good! We can bring Moshiach
Rabbi Benzion Cohen lives in K’far
Chabad, Isarel. He can be reached by email at
[email protected].
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 5
MAZEL TOV Damar residents each month and fit them CANDLES Honors
with glasses.” This takes place at the new Educators and Students
(continued from page IN 2) J J Abrams Memorial Eye Examination
Suite at Damar Health Center. Monthly, TERRE HAUTE, IND. – On October 22,
practicing every day after school. The team Drs. Abrams, Mann, and Jones provide
celebrated with their families and enjoyed exams and fit glasses to those in need. 2022 CANDLES Holocaust Museum and
celebrating with the entire community on Education Center hosted “An Evening
the floor of Gainbridge Fieldhouse before Robert Katz on starting a new position of Light” dinner at the Indiana Historical
the Indiana Pacers’game on November 21st. Society located in downtown Indianapolis.
as Senior Researcher at Five educators and two students (below)
Jerry and Karen Stern (below) on Anti-Defamation League were recognized for their exceptional
Center for Antisemitism work in front of the sold-out crowd.
celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary Research. He was asked
on Oct. 29, 2022. to speak at the ADL’s CANDLES Holocaust Museum and
Never is Now summit, Education Center will recognize educators
the world’s largest annual each year through the Terry Fear Holocaust
summit on anitsemitism Robert Katz Educator in Action Award, established
and hate held in New York City on Nov. in 2022. CANDLES honors Terry’s legacy
10. He is writing, Antisemistism and the
Law, the first casebook on the subject, and (see CANDLES, page IN 6)
preparing a law school course to accom-
pany it. He also co-organizes the Law vs.
Antisemitism conference and works with
his institution’s DEI program to raise
awareness about antisemitism on campus.
Abrams EyeCare and Dr. John Dr. Jerry and Beth Lande on their 2022 Terry Fear Holocaust Educator in
Action Award Honorees (above) were:
Abrams (below) for being honored on son’s, Alex Lande (below), marriage to (Left) Tony Young, Sycamore School,
Nov. 10, 2022 at the Damar Difference Rebecca Mentser on Nov. 12, 2022 in Indianapolis; (Right) Peggy Grabowski,
Makers Awards Breakfast as a“remarkable Columbus, Ohio. They also became Terre Haute South Vigo High School,
corporate partner” for the difference they grandparents when their daughter and Terre Haute, Ind.
are making with the residents’ visual son-in-law Jennifer and Mike Gross had
health. The award was presented by daughter, Dylan Rose Gross. 2022 Terry Fear Holocaust Educator
Damar president and CEO, Dr. James in Action Award Finalists were: Nikia
Dalton. For more than 50 years, Damar Jeremy Rosenstein (below) upon Garland, Arsenal Technical High School,
has been one of America’s leading Indianapolis; Storm Murphy, St. Michael’s
providers of services to people with devel- receiving a Sports Emmy for his 7 days of Catholic School, Greenfield, Ind.; and Ryan
opmental, behavioral and intellectual dis- (see Mazel Tov, page IN 6) Trieschman, Columbia City High School,
abilities. Dr. Jerry Abrams, z”l, Dr. John’s Columbia City, Ind.
father, started this many years ago and his
son is keeping this relationship going.
“With the help of a few of our doctors and
staff members we are able to see 15-30
Two students (above) were honored as
the 2022 “An Evening of Light” Essay
Award Winners: (Left) Brock Walley,
Sophomore, Celina High School, Celina,
Ohio; (Right) Achilles Nieves, Junior,
Terre Haute South Vigo High School,
Terre Haute, Ind.
6 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
MAZEL TOV the second year. At the competition at CANDLES
University of Illinois, Rivkah was awarded
(continued from page IN 5) Outstanding Attorney, and at Carnegie (continued from page IN 5)
Mellon University, she was awarded for
work as Video Engineer on the National Defense Attorney and her team won its by presenting this award to educators
Championship game where Georgia beat first First Place. Rivkah interned for the who support Holocaust and Genocide
Alabama in Indy. He was excited to be ACLU-Indiana this past summer in com- Education. This award seeks to identify,
honored and never imagined he could win munity outreach and event coordination. support, and celebrate educators who live
an Emmy; it made his week to have this She plans to attend law school for a career and teach in a way that honors the life and
honor show up at his door! specializing in civil liberties law and work of Terry Fear.
Rivkah Bunes (below), daughter of “Do Justice. Love Mercy. March Proudly.”
Naomi Farahan (below), daughter of These are the words that guided Terry Fear,
Charlie and Stacey Bunes, upon her recent a dear friend of CANDLES, who served
accomplishments on the Mock Trial team David and Vica Farahan, on her recent on the CANDLES Board of Directors and
at Indiana University-Bloomington for engagement to Tom Eldar, son of Ravit volunteered as a docent at the museum.
and Eran Eldar.
Her dedication to Eva’s mission was
selfless and unwavering. As an educator
for 35 years, she was a tireless advocate
for social justice. She promoted peace
through Holocaust and genocide educa-
tion. Terry is remembered for the passion,
generosity, and grace with which she
lived. She believed the world could be a
more compassionate place and worked
tirelessly toward this goal.
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 7
Holocaust The renovated Passion Play Theatre has Since the 1970s, Jewish and Catholic
Educator been listed as a UNESCO monument since theologians together have worked with
October 2020. (credit: Oberammergau the producers to bring the play up-to-date
BY MIRIAM L. ZIMMERMAN Passion Play 2022, Birgit Gudjonsdottir) in accord withVatican II teachings. Christian
Stückl, scriptwriter and director of the play,
Spinning the with a seasonal audience potential of a half- has worked with the American Jewish
Passion Story: A million spectators from all over the world. Committee (AJC) to expunge anti-Jewish
New View of Jews Although billed as the “world’s largest elements from the play. No significant
amateur play,”the almost six-hour Passion changes were made to the script until
Munich, May 6, 2022. My husband Play seemed completely professional to Stückl became director in 1986, after the
me. Its high production values in staging, villagers elected him their director.
Richard and I arrived on my birthday to acting, singing, costumes, sound, and
visit our daughter Leah and her family, lighting elevated it beyond amateur status. Many institutions have honored director
who moved to Munich in 2017. Being with Stückl for his work in eliminating the anti-
family is one of the best birthday presents The 1,800 cast members, almost half the Jewish bias in the play. He is the recipient
I could have. As a Holocaust educator, it population of the village, were either born of the 2020 Abraham Geiger Prize from
was difficult to accept the fact that Leah in Oberammergau or have lived there a Abraham Geiger College at the University
and her husband chose to live in the very minimum of 20 years, a requirement to act of Potsdam. This college is the first
birthplace of Nazism. It has been a process: in the play. The twenty leads are double rabbinical seminary in Germany since the
my moving from passionate resistance to cast, alternating performances. Unfortunately, Holocaust. The deliberating jury noted
reluctant acceptance of Munich. there are not many roles for women. that the director moved“the internationally
The play itself is a UNESCO Intangible renowned Oberammergau Passion Play
Richard and I stayed in the historic Hotel Cultural Heritage Site. away from Christian hatred of Jews and
Alte Post in the heart of Oberammergau. towards a balanced portrayal of inner-
(credit: Oberammergau Passion Play 2022) Despite Vatican II’s 1965 mandate to Jewish conflicts.”
revise Church teachings about the Jews, it
Oberammergau, May 14, 2022, the took decades before changes were made In the awards ceremony, Dr. Josef Joffe,
premiere of the Passion Play. The seed to the play. More formally known as the editor of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit
planted by Sister Roseanne Murphy of “Second Ecumenical Vatican Council,” and chair of the jury, stated,“We think that
NDNU, more than 20 years ago (see Vatican II declared, “what happened in you [Herr Stückl] have given weight to an
“Preparing for the Revised Passion Play,” [Jesus’s] passion cannot be charged important message: that we [Germany]
P&O, April 13, 2022), sprouted into against all the Jews, without distinction, must stand up against racism and anti-
fruition. That morning, Richard and I took then alive, nor against the Jews of today.” Semitism in our country to ensure a
the shuttle from Munich to the pictur- pluralistic society.”
esque village of Oberammergau, nestled My first encounter with Vatican II was
in the foothills of the Alps in southern from my dad, of blessed memory. He Award of the Buber-Rosenzweig Medal
Germany. Natives wearing Lederhosen called me one day in late October 1965 2021 to director Christian Stückl (far right).
and Dirndls staffed restaurants and shops, during my junior year at Northwestern (credit: SWR, Ulrich Oberst)
adding to the Bavarian ambience. University. A 1937 German-Jewish refugee,
Dad grew up with the European anti- In 2021, Stückl was awarded the Buber-
I would be able to see for myself the semitism of the times, grounded in histor- Rosenzweig Medal, by the Deutscher
extent to which the producers of the world- ical Church-sanctioned anti-Judaism. Had Koordinierungsrat (DKR – German
famous Oberammergau Passion Play I heard the news? I had not. I can still hear Coordinating Council), which is the
excised the anti-Jewish virulence from the the elation in his voice: “The Church just national umbrella organization represent-
play. Adolf Hitler himself endorsed the declared that Jews [today] aren’t responsible ing more than 80 societies for Christian-
play after seeing the 300th anniversary for the death of Jesus. If that had happened Jewish cooperation in Germany. The
production in 1934. Hitler “was warmly before, there never would have been annual medal, named for two Jewish
received by a cast that included a high the Holocaust.” philosophers, is bestowed on individuals,
percentage of Nazis,” according to James initiatives, or institutions, that have actively
Shapiro, writing in the May 14, 2000 In the play, the Last Supper is now depicted contributed to Christian–Jewish under-
edition of The New York Times. as a Passover Seder. (Photo: Oberammergau standing. Who knew there are more than
Passion Play 2022) 80 societies of Christian-Jewish coopera-
The play is the economic engine of the tion in Germany?
tiny village, providing village and villagers
income for a decade in just one summer. By 2010, gone were the hideous,
The open-air theatre accommodates 4,700, medieval costumes that gave a devil-like
appearance to actors portraying Jews. The
Jews no longer lurked about a darkened
set, accompanied by sinister music, thus
requiring a new score. In the current pro-
(see Zimmerman, page IN 8)
8 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
ZIMMERMAN on rabbinic law. toothless actor”to utter this damning line,
By this time, my husband had joined us, an actor who could barely be heard. When
(continued from page IN 7) the priest complained, Stückl could
and it felt like a conversation among friends, honestly say that the line had been deliv-
duction, Jesus and the villagers wear not an interview. ered. Instead of hearing the verse that has
caused so much misfortune, the audience
yarmulkes, and his followers address him I asked if there had been resistance to saw Pilate washing his hands before leaving
reforms from the establishment. Stückl the scene. I must admit, the subtle change
as“Rabbi”instead of“Meister.”In the new cited the controversial mob scene at the from words to the action of hand washing
trial of Jesus. Since it was Passover and escaped me.“It is not enough to take the
Last Supper scene, a menorah enjoys most people were home preparing for the line out,” maintained Stückl. “We have to
holiday, many Jewish experts say the change people’s minds.”
center stage, in the middle of the long crowd at Jesus’s trial would have been
small. This is one point Stückl is not ready Stückl introduced many firsts as he
table. At one point, Jesus lifts a Torah scroll to change. He wants as many actors on went about reforming the Passion Play.
stage as possible for this climactic scene. In addition to trips to Israel, this year he
for all to see. The people reverentially sing initiated two “Youth Days.” These full
In the current production of the trial, performances at reduced rates exclusively
the Shema prayer, to new music intro- some Jews shout,“Save him! Save him!”in for those between the ages of 16 and
counterpoint to the dominant, “Crucify 28, reached 8,000 young people. They
duced in 2010 by Markus Zwink, music him! Crucify him!” Thus, the script dra- received curricular materials “to start a
matically demonstrated that not all Jews discussion.” Stückl wanted “to address all
director. Almost one-third of the five and at the trial called for Jesus’s crucifixion. denominations and nationalities with this
Allegedly, Jews acknowledge their com- project and thus promote intercultural and
one-half hour play is music. By employing plicity in Jesus’s death by avowing, interreligious exchange.”
“His blood is on us and on our children.”
the Hebrew language and other changes, This blood libel, from Matthew 27:25, He pointed out that Muslims have per-
eternally damned Jews for the death of formed in the play since 2000, qualifying
“the intention was to situate the Jew Jesus Jesus, and is the greatest source of vio- because Turkish Muslims have lived in
lence over the centuries by our Christian Germany since the 1960s, enabling some
in his surroundings at the time: less from neighbors. Until 1965’s Vatican II. to meet the strict residency requirements
of Oberammergau. Also until 2000, only
a Christian perspective and more as a Although Jewish experts wanted the line Catholics could perform; Protestants were
from Matthew 27 out, the Oberammergau
child of his time,”according to Zwink in a priest wanted it to stay in. Stückl creatively (see Zimmerman, page IN 9)
solved the problem by casting an “old,
press release.
Munich, May 23, 2022. The week after
the play, Herr Stückl met with me at the
Münchner Volkstheater
(Munich Folk Theater),
which he has directed
since 2002. Frederik Mayet
(credit: Oberammergau
Passion Play 2022, Andreas
Stückl), the artistic director F. Mayet
and press officer, who was
the actor who portrayed Jesus at the
Passion Play premiere carried my coffee to
our table in the expansive courtyard of the
newly rebuilt theater. Mayet very much
embodied the stereotypical image of Jesus. Happy Hanukkah!
With flowing light brown hair, blue eyes, from
and a fair complexion, he resembled the Perfect Touch
Jesus depicted in Christian art over the
centuries. However, the historical Jesus
and his disciples would have looked
Semitic, with honey-brown skin and dark
eyes. I fleetingly wondered if the reforms
of the Oberammergau Passion Play would
ever encompass such a change.
The three of us enjoyed a perfect spring
afternoon over coffee, the sun having
defeated the threatening rain. In our 90-
minute dialogue, I learned that it was
Stückl who introduced Hebrew into the
script in 2010. Actors must now learn
Hebrew, to their chagrin. Since he became
director for the 1990 Passion Play, he started
making yearly pilgrimages to Jerusalem
with the lead actors. In 2019, the choir 8435 Ditch Road
(317) 259-7837
soloists joined the Jerusalem pilgrimage.
Serving your community
“[We] learn about Jesus and how Jewish for over 25 years.
people think,” Stückl declared. In Israel,
they came to understand the Jewish Jesus,
free of the Christian perspective. The
actors followed the footsteps of Jesus
along the Via Dolorosa and the Stations of
the Cross, reviving memories of my own
encounter with this sacred path. While in
Israel, Stückl and the main actors studied
with Prof. Yair Furstenberg of Hebrew
University, who has researched early
Christianity and the effect of Roman law
Jewish Theatre November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 9
of Bloomington
The Jewish Theatre of Bloomington is
(continued from page IN 8)
collaborating with Stages Bloomington
( to bring you grappling with how to love each other not permitted. In this year’s production,
Jason Robert Brown’s 13, a rollicking through haunted pasts, shared grief, and he cast the first Muslim actor in a lead
musical comedy made up of a cast exclu- the solace of baking together. role. Perhaps someday, with Christian
sively of teenagers. 13 tells the story of Evan Stückl at the helm of the Oberammergau
Goldman, a young Jewish boy preparing Keep an eye on your email and our Passion Play, a dark-skinned Jewish immi-
for his Bar Mitzvah, dealing with his par- social media for more information on this grant from the Middle East will play the
ents’ divorce, and navigating life as a 13- production, including cast announce-
year-old in a new school in Indiana. ments and ticket sales! (see Zimmerman, page IN 11)
The music and lyrics of 13 are by Jason Support the Jewish Theatre of Bloomington ji
Robert Brown. Book by Dan Elish and JTB is thrilled to bring these two very
Robert Horn. Directed by Rick Armstrong. Become a Show Sponsor
Performance Dates: Dec. 8, 10, and 11, different, and very special shows to Interested in supporting one of our pro-
2022. Location: Waldron Arts Center Bloomington. But we can’t do it without
Mainstage. Find more information on the your help. Your gift – whether it’s $5 or ductions directly? Become a show sponsor!
Stages Bloomington website. $5,000 – makes an impact. And best of all, Sponsors receive free tickets to perform-
your gift is tax-deductible. Donate today: ance and are recognized in our marketing
The 2022-2023 Season ( We want materials and at each performance. If you
JTB roundss out the season with Beth to hear from you! are interested, email us at jewishthe-
[email protected].
Welden’s Madeleines at the Waldron Arts
Center in May, directed by Darrell Stone. Your Jewish Theatre of Bloomington
Madeleines recently won the Jewish Plays family: Producing Artistic Director Audrey
Project’s 11th Annual Jewish Playwriting Heller; Administrative Assistant Kathleen
Contest. Spiced with poetry and smatter- McConahay; Board: President Iris Kiesling;
ings of Yiddish and Spanish, Madeleines Secretary Anne Steigerwald; Treasurer
tells the story of a family of Jewish women Deb Allmayer; Sheryl Doades, Ray Hedin,
Audrey Heller, Cindy Hmelo-Silver,
Marshall Jacobs, Judith Rose, Darrell
Stone, Stan Wasserman, Linda Whikehart
and Amalia Shifriss. Follow us on social
media: Facebook @JTBBloom and
Instagram @jewishtheatrebtown
10 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
Why God Why?
How to believe in Heaven when it Hurts Like Hell
by Rabbi Gershon Schusterman
(father of Rabbi Mendel Schusterman)
Rabbi Gershon Schusterman
knew all the textbook an-
swers when comforting
bereaved community
members who asked
him, “Where is God?
If God is loving, how
could this happen?”
But when the rabbi’s young wife
died suddenly, leaving him a 38-year-
old widower with eleven children to raise, he found himself reeling.
His personal quest for answers to these timeless questions led him
to a deeper exploration of Judaism’s teachings about how to cope
with and transcend tragedy, teachings that have provided comfort
and understanding to millions of people throughout the generations.
Rabbi Schusterman will share some of his journey and insight
as well as autograph your own copy of his book.
December 3rd, 7:15 p.m. Motza'ei Shabbos (Saturday night)
• 7:15p Wine and light appetizers by Dina
• 8:00p Lecture & Book Signing by the Author
• Cultural Arts Center of HHAI, 6602 Hoover Road, Indianapolis
• Event is free. RSVP for both events: (
• Event sponsor: $100 (sponsor will receive a complimentary book)
• Books will be available for purchase while supplies last at both events
December 4th, 11:00 a.m.
• Coffee & light brunch with the Author
• Yaari home (see address when you R.S.V.P.)
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 11
New Music ZIMMERMAN vision, but a vision from the Gospel of
Review Matthew, probably written from 70 to 110
(continued from page IN 9) years after the crucifixion of Jesus. The
REVIEWED BY CANTOR JANICE ROGER ensuing centuries of Jew-hatred are not
role of Jesus. Hitler would be appalled. consistent with the teachings of Jesus.
Az Yashir: A In addition to the ban on non-Catholics,
Debut Album by It reminded me of a long-ago conversa-
Yair Rosenberg certain groups of women were also barred tion I had with the Rev. Kristi Denham,
from the play. At some point, the require- retired pastor of the United Church of
T“ radition,”it’s a fundamental concept ment that only a certified virgin could play Christ in Belmont, who has become a
the role of Mary was eliminated. In the close friend. Co-founder of the Peninsula
of Judaism. It is a love for same 2000 New York Times article cited Multifaith Coalition, Rev. Kristi and I
Jewish traditions, a love above, Shapiro explained, “After court speculated what if women had political
for music, and a love for battles inaugurated a decade ago by power in biblical times. In those days,
Shabbat that sent writer feminists in the village, women who are women were little more than property.
Yair Rosenberg on a married, divorced, or over 35 – a group What if the Jewish high priest had been a
seven-year quest to create traditionally excluded from participation – woman, and thus presided over Jesus’s
music that could speak to will [be able to] take part in the play.” trial? What if the Pontius Pilate character
Jews wherever they are Rosenberg had been a woman? Given women’s
and whatever their approach to our After Munich. Since 1985 when I first different leadership styles, verified by
ancient traditions. began writing columns for the P&O, I modern research, perhaps a way of incor-
have learned so much from researching porating the teachings of Jesus into
This past October, Yair Rosenberg them, such as these last two articles about Judaism could have been implemented.
released his debut album, “Az Yashir.”The the Oberammergau Passion Play. Stückl’s Why not? Debates between of the Houses
title is taken from the opening words of passion to reform the play made me of Hillel and Shammai are both in the
the “Song of the Sea” in the Book of realize the extent to which the crucifixion Talmud. Such “arguments for the sake of
Exodus. That was the first song of over two was the culmination of an inner-Jewish heaven,” according to the Mishnah, have
millennia of words conflict and not about starting a new “lasting positive power.”
and music that our religion. By portraying a very Jewish Jesus
people have creat- who wanted his followers to return to Stückl would agree. Reform of the
ed to express their piety and prayer and to rid the Temple of Oberammergau Passion Play is “not
love and devotion its despoilers, Stückl helped me set a finished,”he concluded.“Jews and Christians
to God. The press boundary between Jesus and his followers. have to speak together. It is a process.”
release for “Az The blood libel was not part of Jesus’s
Yashir” calls the Stückl’s words helped me transition
album “a marriage ji from grudging acceptance of Leah’s
of ancient words and modern melodies.” adopted home in Munich to embracing it.
adapts to a variety of styles. He worked It will probably be the only home her
In Rosenberg’s own words: “Music has with expert musicians to enhance the daughters, just three and 18 months when
long been a universal language among melodies of each song. For those who they moved to Munich, will remember.
Jews, transcending time periods, ideolo- wish to use his music, Rosenberg is also They are now ages eight and six. Like a
gies, and denominations. Jewish commu- releasing sheet music of each selection for Jew playing Jesus, what could be more
nities that would never speak to each use in schools and synagogues. offensive to Hitler than a Jewish family
other somehow sing to each other, sharing living and working among an accepting
the same tunes even when they seem to There is a wide variety of styles to the Aryan populace? And with their two
share little else. My hope is that these new music of “Az Yashir.” Some of the pieces beautiful Jewish daughters in German
melodies can serve as such a unifying have an Irish folk feel; others evoke a public school?
force, enlivening Shabbat tables, syna- country/western mood. Still others are
gogues, and Jewish lives of people every- not in a specific genre. The most singable The Oberammergau Passion Play ran
where that the songs can reach.” melodies to my ear were those of “Yedid through Oct. 2, 2022. For more information,
Nefesh,”“L’cha Dodi,”and“D’ror Yikra.” browse to https://www.passionsspiele-
According to Mark Gorney, Rosenberg’s
publicist, eight of the ten selections are For anyone interested in exploring new
original melodies by Rosenberg; two are ways of singing our ancient texts, “Az Dr. Miriam Zimmerman is professor
adaptations. Although there were no liner Yashir” is just the thing. One caveat: In emerita at Notre Dame de Namur University
notes to tell which those were, a search of order not to transgress the commandment (NDNU) in Belmont, Calif., where she
the internet and some intense listening about taking God’s name in vain, taught the Holocaust course for 25 years.
leads me to believe that“Anim Zemirot”is Rosenberg substitutes traditional varia- She can be reached at [email protected].
a re-imagined traditional melody. Also, tions for texts with that name on the
the setting of “V’shamru” is an adaptation album. That may also be the case in the
of “Evening Prayer,” a song created by sheet music (which I did not see). When
Eclipse 6 — which Rosenberg received used in a worship service, however, use
permission to use. “Az Yashir” is a well- the words of the prayer book.
performed and well-produced collection
of interpretations of Shabbat texts. Janice Roger is the Cantor Emerita of
Rosenberg has a clear, natural voice which Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, which
she served from 1979 until 2017. Now
retired, she serves as chaplain for Jewish
Family Services and volunteers with
Indiana Reading and Information Services
(IRIS), The Great American Songbook
Foundation, and Classical Music Indy. She
is married to Brandon Roger and they have
two sons, Eddie (Allie) and Miles.
12 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
Hoosiers Mourn the Immediately after the Japanese attack messages about history to thousands of
Passing of Holocaust on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, Walter went visitors over the next 27-years, speaking
Survivors to the recruiting office to enlist. He was and volunteering at the museum and
later drafted in 1942, volunteering for local schools. Museum visitors, especially
In commemoration of the 84th anniver- artillery. Assigned to Battery A, 306th Field high school students, were mesmerized
Artillery Battalion, of the 77th Infantry by his stories. With his dear friend Terry
sary of Kristallnacht – the Night of Broken Division, known as the Statue of Liberty Fear, he created powerful presentations,
Glass – on November 9th and 10th in 1938 Brigade, Walter served as a forward sometimes lecturing to as many as 150
in Nazi Germany, we remember the observer and calculated artillery fire students, encouraging students to face
Holocaust survivors that made lives for control in the Pacific. He participated in history, speak openly, and confront
themselves and their families in Indiana three major island landings – Guam, religious and ethnic prejudice.
that we have lost over the past year: Leyte, Okinawa – and was one of the first
Michael “Mickey” Kor, on Oct. 19, American combat soldiers to set foot on In 2016, in recognition of Walter’s efforts
2021 Dr. Frida (Schkolnik) Kagan, the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. to promote peace and tolerance through
on Dec. 5, 2021; Michael A. Blain, on Holocaust education, Walter was awarded
May 15, 2022, and the following: It was in the army that he learned to be the Cross of the Order of Merit, Germany’s
an American, picking up American slang highest civilian award. In 2021, Walter
Walter Sommers, 101, passed away and customs, and becoming an American was awarded The Honorable Order of
Feb. 17, 2022. Born in citizen in 1943. During his citizenship Saint Barbara, the highest recognition for
Frankfurt, Germany, on hearing, the judge remarked that the name service in the Field Artillery for those
Dec. 29, 1920, to Julius and Sommer was too German and that he who have served with selflessness and
Helen Sommer, Walter’s would be known as Sommers, an American demonstrated the highest standards of
family roots in Germany name. Throughout his long life, Walter cel- integrity and moral character.
can be traced to the 18th ebrated his citizenship: “I love America,”
century. he would say,“this country saved my life. On Walter’s 100th birthday, Leah
We’re not leaving here; here matters.” Simpson organized the Candles Museum
Walter’s stories about his life in community to send Walter 100 cards.
Germany were filled with a before and Walter and his sweetheart Louise Levite Cards arrived from all over the world,
after – before the rise of Hitler and the were married in 1947 and for 73-years around 350 in total. One card read: “To
Nuremberg laws, there was a life of pros- formed a close, loving partnership as know you is to know that this is one
perity and peace, family outings and brave companions over their decades more day that hate loses. This is one more
school trips, but after 1935, Walter was together. Louise, his sister Lore’s best day we can learn to do what is right in
expelled from his school and hockey club; friend, and the daughter of his father’s the world. In you, our world knows the
his family could no longer own a home; business partner, wrote the best letters to best of humanity.”
his father was forced to sell his 38 stores; Walter during the war. In 1948 Louise’s
their German Citizenship was revoked. uncle, Salo Levite, asked Walter to work Walter leaves behind his grieving
with him at the Meis Department Store in family – son Ron (Charles Mary Kubricht);
On November 9, 1938, Kristallnacht – Terre Haute, Ind. Walter eagerly accepted daughter Nancy (Joshua Alper); grand-
the Night of Broken Glass – retail stores, the offer to leave New York City for a safe, children Demian, Liz, Devin,Yuval, Rachel,
including Wittwe Hassan, were destroyed; small Midwestern town. Alexandra and Brian; great-grandchildren
synagogues burned; some 30,000 Jewish Asher, Isabelle, Lailah, and Oren; nephew
men arrested and taken to concentration For 40 years, Walter had a successful and nieces, brother-in-law Ron Levite;
camps. Among these men was Julius business career at the Meis Stores as Vice- beloved friends and his devoted caregivers.
Sommer, Walter’s father, who was sent to President and Merchandise Manager, a
Buchenwald Concentration Camp. For over buyer for ladies’ coats, furs, and suits. He In lieu of flowers, donations may be
six weeks, and through efforts on Walter’s helped expand the one Meis Store into 10 made in Walter’s memory to Candles
part and through bribes and efforts of stores in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. Holocaust Museum. Google Walter
Julius’s business associates, Walter secured Sommers for the videos and museum
his father’s release from Buchenwald. In 1988, Walter retired and began a new presentations that let you hear his story in
career as a volunteer. After first volunteer- his wise and folksy voice.
Although Walter spoke English when ing for the Red Cross, Hospice, and Union
applying for a visa at the American Hospital, he found a new possibility as J. Henry Schwartz,
consulate, he was unable to secure a visa an English language instructor at the 93, died peacefully in
for his family until he located a relative Terre Haute library. Knowing English had Indianapolis on Aug. 14,
in America willing to sponsor the family. opened a world for him, and he wanted to 2022. Born Josef Henryk
Walter searched for months until he found do the same for his students. Kruk in Warsaw, Poland,
a cousin of a cousin who agreed to sponsor on June 11, 1929, to
the Sommer family on the condition that In retirement, Walter found a new future, Szmuel and Regina Kruk,
they would ask for nothing but sponsor- with a quest to understand, intellectually he was always known as Henio to family
ship. With visas in hand, Walter and his and personally, what had occurred in and friends in Poland.
family fled for Holland, leaving behind Germany. How could it have happened to
eleven family members who would be his family, proud Germans who had He remained in Warsaw with his mother
murdered in concentration camps. fought in the Franco-Prussian War and in the immediate aftermath of the Nazi
WW I, that their country deprived them of bombardment and invasion of Poland in
From Holland, the family boarded the their home, their citizenship? How could September, 1939. In January of 1940, with
Dutch ocean liner in Rotterdam and landed a Rabbi, in 1934, urge his family not to the Soviets also invading Poland from the
in New York. Arriving in New York at age leave – to say to his father, “Germany is East, they escaped to the city of Vilnius in
18, with a quarter in his pocket, Walter felt our country; we’ve seen hard times before; Lithuania, where his father, a journalist
as if the Statue of Liberty was welcoming we need to stay.” who had been reporting on the fighting, had
him, personally, to his new home. found refuge with his brother Hermann
In 1993, when Eva Kor invited Walter to (see footnote 1). He and his mother were
become a docent at Candles Holocaust
Museum, he took his personal stories and (see Survivors, page IN 13)
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 13
SURVIVORS career working for construction firms transport. Estimates of the number of visas
based in the New York metropolitan area granted by Sugihara run from 2,100 to
(continued from page IN 12) including, Bechtel, Cayuga, Schiavone, about 6,000. Sugihara has been honored
and Perini. He supervised bids and by the Israeli Holocaust Memorial (Yad
detained by both German and Russian managed many major projects across the Vashem) as “Righteous Among The
soldiers along the way but were allowed to Northeast, including work on highways, Nations”, and posthumously by the gov-
continue. His aunt, who was travelling airports, bridges, subways, and sewage ernments of Poland, Lithuania, and Japan.
and detained with them, was deported to treatment plants. He retired from Perini in
Siberia by the Russian soldiers. 1998, and he and Alma moved to Jack Bronicki, 95 passed peacefully
Indianapolis in 2002, in order to be closer in his sleep on Oct. 15, 2022. Jack was born
InVilnius, the family obtained visas with to family during Alma’s battle with Dec. 5, 1926, the youngest of four boys of
the help of friends in the United States, but Alzheimer’s Disease. Fivel and Golda Bronicki. He was born in
those visas were issued under one of Szmuel’s the small village of Dworetz, formerly in
pseudonyms: Samuel Schwartz. Josef Alma passed away on January 1, 2007. Poland, now in Belarus.
Henryk became Joseph Henry Schwartz. Henry is survived by his daughter
Elizabeth and her husband, Dr. Paul M. When he was 13, first the Russians, then
There was no way, however, to get to the Calkins, his son Richard and his wife Beth finally the Germans invaded his town. His
US directly from Lithuania or Russia, so Chiaet Schwartz, and his grandchildren family was moved to a ghetto and when
they needed transit visas from another Avery and Eli Calkins, and Shaina and he saw the SS invading his town to liqui-
country. They obtained them from Chiune Leah Schwartz. date the ghetto, Jack fled to the woods. He
Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who is spent a year and a half surviving alone in
known as “The Japanese Schindler” (see A recording and transcript of an inter- the woods, lonely, terrified and fighting
footnote 2). By this time, Russia had view Henry gave about his life for the constant hunger. A random frightening
invaded Lithuania, and they were able to Veteran’s History Project of the Library of exchange with a Russian partisan led him
get to Moscow by train. From Moscow, Congress can be found at ( to the Bielski camp, deep in the woods
they took the trans-Siberian railroad to item/afc2001001.98776) where he met up with his brother and
Vladivostok where they boarded a ship to mother, and they survived until the end of
Japan. After a short time in Kobe, they Elizabeth and Richard request that anyone the war under the protection of this group.
boarded the S.S. President Pierce for the wishing to make a memorial donation in
journey to America and arrived in San Henry’s name consider one of the following When they returned to their village, their
Francisco on November 19, 1940. The family charities: World Central Kitchen (wck. home was gone, and it was 10 years of
completed their journey by traveling across org), World Central Kitchen, Inc., Attn: survival and DP camps before the family
the country and settling in New York City. Donor Services Team, 200 Mass Ave NW, qualified to come to the United States.
7th Floor, Washington, DC 20001; With the help of the Jewish Federation,
Speaking no English when he arrived as Jack was settled in Indianapolis and began
a ten-year-old in 1940, Henry nevertheless United Nations World Food Programme to try to create a new life. Jack worked
graduated from the Bronx High School of (WFP) ( World Food various factory jobs until he got a job at
Science in 1947, and then enrolled at Program USA, PO Box 37239, Boone, IA Wishard Hospital where he learned some
Cooper Union, a small but prestigious 50037-0239; Feeding America (feeding plumbing skills. Later in life, he began to
engineering school in New York. After two Feeding America, P.O. Box branch out on his own, doing plumbing
years, however, Henry determined that his 96749, Washington, DC 20090-6749. repair work for rental homes and individuals.
lack of enthusiasm for partial differential He was known for his pleasant demeanor,
equations suggested that his talents would Footnotes: low prices and shabby not so chic clothing.
be better suited to Civil Engineering 1. Hermann Kruk did not leave Vilnius
instead of Electrical Engineering, so he with Henry’s family, choosing instead to He met his future wife, Maureen Garber
transferred to New York’s City College remain inVilnius as head of the Jewish library at a Jewish singles event and they were
where he earned his BSCE in 1952. there. His diaries, which were unearthed married for 57 years. Despite Jack’s early
That would eventually be followed by after the liberation of a concentration trauma, he and Maureen had two children,
his PE license, and an MS in Industrial camp in Estonia and were later translated who they raised together and supported
Engineering from NYU. by Szmuel, have provided valuable source through college. Both Laurie and Melissa
material for Holocaust scholars.The last entry are proud of the work ethic, strength and
Through an introduction by mutual in his diary was written on September 17, resilience demonstrated by their father.
friends, Henry met Alma Cohen, a native 1944. He and all other prisoners were
of New Hampshire who was a graduate murdered on the 18th.The Red Army arrived Jack was preceded in death by Maureen
student at Columbia University at the at the camp on the 19th. Hermann’s story and his brothers. He is survived by Laurie
time. They were married in August, 1952. was the inspiration for and namesake of a (Eddie) Freeman, Melissa Bronicki and
And after living in Georgia for two years, character in Joshua Sobol’s play “Ghetto”, grandchildren Sarah and Max Freeman.
where PFC Schwartz tested weapons for which came as a surprise to Henry when
the US Army at Fort Benning (and he and Alma saw the play performed in Graveside funeral services were held
suffered partial hearing loss – for which, London in 1989. October 19th in B’nai Torah Cemetery.
many decades later, the VA would give 2. Sugihara was the Japanese Imperial Memorial contributions may be made to
him hearing aids that never quite Vice Consul in Lithuania. Acting on his the United States Holocaust Museum
worked), they returned to New York City own authority, he issued thousands of ( The family would like
and had two children: Elizabeth Schwartz transit visas to Polish and Lithuanian Jews, to thank the staff of Traditions at North
Calkins, now of Indianapolis, and Richard granting them the right to enter and stay Willow for their kindness and care.
Schwartz, now of Nashua, N.H. The family temporarily in Japan while awaiting visas
moved to Somerset, N.J. in 1966, where and transport to other countries. In many May they rest in peace, and may their
Alma became a school teacher and cases, he knowingly issued these visas well-lived lives and their stories be
administrator, and then to Darien, Conn., to refugees who did not meet Japan’s testaments to all for “Never Again!”
after the kids had graduated from college requirement that refugees must already
and settled down. have visas to their destination country For all that mourn: May their memories
and enough money to pay for their own be a blessing. And may the Almighty
Henry spent his Civil Engineering comfort you among the mourners of
Zion and Jerusalem.
14 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
Obituaries She had a special knack for seeing the best To his last day, Mel was a true “east coast
in everyone. She had a generous heart, guy”– tough, always moving forward and
Myra L. Epstein, 83, and her kindness was unsurpassed. deeply passionate about the loves of his
of Indianapolis, passed Anyone who had the privilege of interact- life – his kids and grandkids, work, and
away peacefully on ing with Myra walked away feeling better. food! Depending on how hungry he was,
Sunday, August 7. Myra that order could change, as few things
was born June 15, 1939 to Myra had a great sense of humor and an distracted him more than the yearning for
Harry and Mary Lorber. eclectic range of interests which included a great hot dog!
She grew up in Columbia calligraphy, photography, sketching, collect-
City, Ind. with her widowed mother and ing coins, playing piano, tennis, coming After graduation from Bridgeport Central
sister, LuAnn. When she lost her father at up with interesting cereal concoctions she High School, Mel headed west to attend
the tender age of five, her uncles rallied called “Myra’s Mixtures,” playing games the University of Louisville. Soon he met
around the three Lorber ladies, making (including slots!), musicals and being an and married Doris Kort, our beautiful mother,
sure they were provided for. That principle inter-generational tutor at Oasis. and over time, they raised six kids, Susan,
of“family first”set in motion by her caring Fred, Bruce, Nancy, Harry, and Jennifer.
and dedicated uncles, stayed with Myra Myra was a fierce IU basketball and
her entire life. Indianapolis Colts fan; she had a talent for Eventually the family settled in
correctly predicting the outcomes of Indianapolis. It was here in 1960, Mel
Myra was the assistant editor of her games. Her love of the outdoors and started Floor Time Stores of Indiana which
school paper and played first chair clarinet nature was cultivated during her summer was the first chain of floor covering stores
in high school. She had fond memories breaks working in Yellowstone National in Indiana. His “secret” to growth and
of attending concert band competitions Park. She cherished the time spent with success, was opening stores in smaller
throughout the state, even winning some. her grandchildren having tea parties, play- markets with a solid workforce – Kokomo,
She was the recipient of many sportsman- ing checkers, going through her extensive Columbus, Muncie, Bloomington, Lafayette,
ship and academic awards. Following in coin collection, playing four-square, swim- etc. As a result, flooring became the
the family tradition, she graduated from ming, looking for four leaf clovers, and careers of Mel’s sons Bruce, Fred, and
Indiana University with a double major in going to the beach. Harry. Fast forward, after Floor Time
Spanish and Psychology. Stores of Indiana, Mel served in advisory
Myra is survived by her loving children, and consulting positions with various
In 1961, after graduation, she moved to son Alan Epstein, daughters, Amy Epstein, floor covering companies around the
Miami, to take a job with The Americana and Jennifer Epstein Faucett (John Faucett), country. He ultimately left retirement life
hotel chain. Being bilingual was a great grandchildren Lily and Johnny, and sis in Florida to take Fred up on his offer to
source of pride for Myra and proved to be LuAnn Brody (Larry Brody). Donations can join Fred’s company in Indianapolis.
an asset during the Cuban Missile Crisis be made to the Alzheimer’s Association. Initially called Realty Carpet, Inc., with
as she was the interpreter for many con- Mel now as President, it grew and became
versations. It was no coincidence that she A memorial service was held August Realty Wholesale Carpet and now is
chose to live near the beach, as she was a 12th in Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Funeral known as Tish Flooring. With Mel’s
self-described sun goddess. In fact, it was Home. For those unable to attend in relentless work ethic, and unmatched
on the beach that she met her future hus- person, the service is available through experience and knowledge, Tish Flooring
band, David, who was vacationing from, live streaming. In lieu of flowers, please has continued to flourish.
believe it or not, her home state. Myra and feel free to share a memory or thought of
David settled in Indianapolis to start their Myra with the family. These memories In his lifetime, Mel also loved playing
family. Her biggest joy in life was being a will be forever cherished by her children. handball, racquet ball, softball and being a
mother. She was grateful beyond measure pilot, but his greatest pleasure for the last
to have been able to stay at home and The family would like to express their 22 years was working with his son’s Fred
raise her three children. She was their deepest gratitude to the loving and and Harry, who joined Tish and helped
number one fan in every endeavor. dedicated staff at Magnolia Springs. guide its growth. Mel loved working at
Their thorough and compassionate care Tish with the wonderful, dedicated people
The most precious lesson that Myra is unmatched. there. At 93, he was still coming in to the
taught her children was unconditional office. Following a fall at work in 2019,
love and acceptance. She personified it. Melvyn (Mel) Tishler, 93, our most Covid in 2020 and other maladies, Mel’s
loved father, passed away Aug. 13, 2022. health declined, but the tough “east coast
Mel was born on Oct. 23, 1928, in Bridgeport, guy” never, ever gave up – not a chance!
Conn., to David and Estelle Tishler. However, in the end, Father Time, as
usual, proved too tough of an opponent.
Aaron The Jewish Funeral Home of Greater Indianapolis We will miss Mel’s incredible wit, and
Ruben 317-873-4776 concise thinking, his constant humor
A R N Nelson and solid, well thought advice (solicited
11411 N. Michigan Road or otherwise).
just north of I-465 Mel was predeceased by his mother and
father, sister Muriel, beloved son Bruce,
and his second wife Susan. He is survived
by his aforementioned children, and
grandkids, Gabi, Tatum, Beckham,
Maxwell, Coblens, Drew Hinton, Ryan,
and Melissa. Great grandkids, Anna Beth,
Nora Jean, Campbell, Easton, and
Landon, and stepson Adam Bray.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to
(see Obituaries, page IN 17)
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 15
My Kosher Grate unpeeled zucchini into a strainer. mixing bowl. Add eggs, salt and pepper,
Kitchen Sprinkle with salt and drain for 30 minutes. flour, parsley and cheese. Heat oil in a
Squeeze to remove remaining liquid. In frying pan. Form mixture into patties. Fry
BY SYBIL KAPLAN a mixing bowl, combine zucchini, salt, in hot oil until brown on both sides. Drain
pepper, onion, parsley, dill, eggs, matzoh on paper towels.
Not Just meal and 1 Tbsp. oil. Heat oil in a frying
Potato Latkes pan. Form zucchini mixture into patties. Carrot-Parsnip Latkes
Fry for a few a minutes on each side. Drain (source unknown)
An old folk proverb does say: on paper towels. (16 patties)
“Chanukah latkes teach us that one cannot Vegetable-Feta Latkes 5 grated parsnips
live by miracles alone.” Joan Nathan, (source unknown) 2 grated carrots
Jewish food writer and cookbook author, (10-12 patties) 1/4 cup flour
contends the word latke is not Yiddish, as 2 eggs
everyone presumes, but it stems from “a 1 cup grated carrots 1 tsp. dry chives or onion
Russian word, latka, and a pastry, from 2-1/2 cups grated zucchini 1 tsp. dry parsley
obsolete Russian oladka or flat cake of 1 cup grated potatoes or 1/2 tsp. salt
leavened wheat dough.” This, in turn, 1 cup grated kohlrabi oil
probably came from a Middle Greek word, 1/2 tsp. salt
eladion, or oil cake, stemming from elaion, 3 eggs Grate parsnips and carrots into a mixing
meaning olive oil. salt and pepper to taste bowl. Toss with flour. Add eggs, chives or
3/4 cup flour onion, parsley and salt and mix. Heat oil in
Potato pancakes do seem to have origi- 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley a frying pan. Make latkes by hand, add to
nated among poor Eastern European 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese oil, and fry until brown on both sides.
Jews, but potatoes did not become a staple 1/4 cup vegetable oil Drain on paper towels.
until mid-19th century. John Cooper, in Eat
and Be Satisfied – A Social History of Jewish Place carrots, zucchini and potato or Sybil Kaplan is a journalist, author,
Food, comments that Jews from Lithuania kohlrabi in a colander. Cover with cheese- compiler/editor of 9 kosher cookbooks and
ate pancakes made from potato flour for cloth or paper towels and squeeze out as food writer for North American Jewish
Chanukah and had borrowed the idea from much liquid as possible. Sprinkle salt and publications, who lives in Jerusalem where
the Ukrainians who made a potato pancake let them drain 15 minutes. Then squeeze she leads weekly walks of the Jewish food
dish with goose fat called kartoflani in paper towels. Place vegetables in a market, Machaneh Yehudah, in English.
platske, which they ate for Christmas.
Since Chanukah fell about the same
time, and there were plenty of geese to
provide goose fat or schmaltz, we could
conclude that schmaltz became a substi-
tute for oil. Jews living in the Pale of
Settlement in the 17th century probably
adapted it for Chanukah as a way to dress
potatoes differently for the holiday.
Cooper also states that many Eastern
European Jews ate buckwheat latkes for
Chanukah, while Polish Jews made placki,
pancakes, from potato flour and fried
them in oil.
But what happens when you get tired
of potato latkes? Here are some variations
for Chanukah.
Old Jerusalem Zucchini Pancakes
(Adapted from The Delights of Jerusalem
by Rena Valero, Steimatzky, 1985)
(20 patties)
6 zucchini
salt and pepper to taste
1 diced onion
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley
2 Tbsp. chopped dill
2 large eggs
1/2 cup matzoh meal
1 Tbsp. vegetable oil
oil for frying
16 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
Abrams EyeCare’s Dry eye affects most people at some your eye care provider. Also available over
Newest Optometrist point in their lives and was thought to be the counter are artificial tears that one can
more of an age-related disease, but now use once or twice a day but again I would
Abrams EyeCare welcomes their she is seeing it at younger ages. She thinks check with your provider since some
this could be due to spending more screen brands are safer and better than others.
newest optometrist, Dr. Kylene Polhamus time while blinking less on these devices, Artificial tears can also be beneficial for
who is a graduate of which can lead to some damage to the oil people with allergies.
Indiana University School glands on the eyelids which can cause dry
of Optometry. Prior to eye symptoms. However, other factors can “Eating a diet that is healthy in fish oils
optometry school, she play a role as well in causing dry eye in such as the omega fatty acids is helpful. If
received her B.S. degree younger individuals, such as allergies, you fall short in that department, your
from Butler University. medications, hormonal changes, genetic provider can recommend a good quality
She is a member of the factors, environmental factors or autoim- fish oil supplement that is efficient and
American Optometric Association, mune diseases. may not have the side effects that the over
Indiana Optometric Association, and the counter products have.”
Optometry Divas. She is board certified in She said, “We recommend people have
Optometry and practices full scope a yearly comprehensive dilated eye exam “Luckily, we have multiple treatments
optometry including the treatment and where we are able to screen and check for options for dry eyes. We have many
management of ocular disease, surgical dry eyes regardless if one is having any prescription strength dry eye relief drops
co-management, and comprehensive symptoms. Often we are able to identify and we have treatment devices that we
medical and routine eye care for all ages. signs of dry eyes before the patient can use in office to physically treat those
She has a special focus on dry eye disease. becomes symptomatic and we are able to oil glands. These are minor procedures
intervene with some moderate therapies done outpatient that can take less than 10
Dr. Polhamus said dry eye disease is to help prevent dry eyes or prevent them minutes and are not painful.”
becoming an important area to address from them getting worse.”
because of the amount of people it affects The new Dry Eye Center of Excellence at
as well as the negative impact it can have “Another preventive measure for dry Abrams EyeCare will be opening after the
on one’s quality of life. Luckily, there is eyes is using a once-daily warm compress first of the year. It will be the first private
more public awareness surrounding the for five to ten minutes. This will help the practice in the world to offer an advanced
topic of dry eye which helps encourage oils along the eyelid margin express a little diagnostic camera, the Tear Film Imager, to
patients to see their eye care provider easier and this could help prevent those diagnose dry eye disease as well as direct
and become better educated on their glands from clogging up. Microwavable and monitor treatment for the many caus-
treatment options. eye masks are available for this but I would es of this chronic debilitating disease. It
suggest getting one that is approved by was developed by an Israeli company
(see Abrams, page IN 17)
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 17
OBITUARIES the golf course, driving his corvette with ABRAMS
the t-tops off, or spending time watching
(continued from page IN 14) IU basketball. After moving to Zionsville (continued from page IN 16)
in 2012 to be closer to family, Larry would
Gloria Pettigrew and Curtis Pennybaker be seen at every practice and game of his AdOM, co-founded by Dr. John Abrams,
who provided expert care and assistance grandsons. He loved to go on walks and
to Mel and became a part of our family. spend time taking care of his yard. with Israelis utilizing technology from the
Professional, reliable, and nurturing at all
times. We will always be grateful. Funeral services were held Sept. 3rd at IDF technology military unit, 8200. Dr.
Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Mortuary followed
There was a private family service at Beth- by burial at Zionsville Cemetery. In lieu of Abrams is hoping to have this device with
El Zedeck North Cemetery in Fishers, Ind. flowers, please consider a donation in
Contributions in Mel’s memory can be memory of Larry to the Noble County the latest treatment modalities available in
made to: I.U. Health Simon Cancer Humane Society.
Center, 1030 West Michigan Street, the early part of 2023.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202. Friends were Rory Rabin Samberg, 74, succumbed
asked to join the family for a memorial to respiratory complications on Sept. 4, Dr. Polhamas is excited about this new
service that was held August 17th, at 2022. She was born April
Aaron Ruben Nelson Funeral Home. 8, 1948. After successfully development and said it will revolutionize
receiving a lung transplant
Miriam Calderon, beloved mother, earlier this year, she was dry eye diagnosis and treatment. She lives
grandmother, great-grandmother and stricken with a deeply
community member, passed away on Aug. debilitating infection that in Fishers, Ind., with husband and their
16, 2022. she and her family could
not overcome. Rory passed away peacefully jthree children.
She is survived by her children, Stephen with her family by her side. Rory called her family her “Wheel.” We
C. Calderon and Diane Calderon Abrams were all the“spokes”and she was the“hub”
(Dr. John Abrams); grandchildren, Lisa Born in Indianapolis, Rory spent more that connected us and held us together.
Calderon (Shawn Thompson), Lorie than 64 years in her hometown before She made everyone feel special because
Calderon (Gaganjeet Singh), Dr. Leslie moving to Lincolnshire, Ill., in 2012 to be she knew exactly what each spoke needed.
Tobe (Matthew Tobe), David Calderon, closer to her beloved daughter, Blair, and Her spokes were her husband, David;
and Michael Abrams; and great-grand- her cherished sister, Wendy. But it was in her sister, Wendy; her brother-in-law,
children, Lucy J. Bennett, Bella Tobe, and Indianapolis where her story was first Darrell; her daughter, Blair; her son-in-law,
Dylan Tobe. Miriam is predeceased by her forged. Rory Rabin was the oldest daugh- Michael; and her precious grandchildren,
husband, Charles S. Calderon. ter of Beverly and Joe Rabin and after a Harrison, Maxwell, Graham and Isabelle.
nearly 10 year wait she gained a sister, Our wheel is broken without our hub. It
Graveside funeral services were held Wendy. Rory once described her life on will roll on somehow, but it will forever be
August 18th at Beth-El Zedeck Memorial Spring Mill Lane with her mother, father a bumpy road without Rory.
Park North Cemetery. Miriam was a long- and her sister as“absolutely perfect.”
time fan of the Indiana Pacers, attending Florence “Flo” Tamler Stillerman,
games and supporting the Pacer’s When she was in Junior High School
Foundation. In honor of her devotion to she met a boy who would become her life- 94, Larry’s beautiful bride,
the foundation’s good work, memorial long partner. Her romance with David beloved mother of three
contributions may be directed to the Samberg began when they were 14 years children, and everyone’s
Indiana Pacer’s Foundation, pacersfoun- old and spanned more than seven best friend left this life on decades. They were married for 42 years. Sept., 5, 2022. She was
Never has there been a couple more suited born March 25, 1928. In
Larry John Essley, 79, of Zionsville, for each other. her younger years, Flo
passed away on Aug. 27, attended Shortridge High School and The
2022. He was born in The greatest outcome of their relation- Art Institute of Chicago where she studied
Auburn, Ind., to the late ship was a beautiful baby in 1982, Blair. fashion design.
John and Vera Essley on Rory proved to be the quintessential
Dec. 26, 1942. Larry was a image of a mother, giving Blair the skill, Flo would give a listening ear to family,
graduate of Auburn High grace and strength that we all see in her friends and strangers alike, and respond
School and went to work today. Along the way, Rory and Wendy with her mix of wisdom, humor and con-
for Kraft in Kendallville for 6 years, during had to endure the loss of both their cern. Unconventional as Flo was, she also
which time he was drafted into the Army. parents. This made for an even tighter appreciated the unexpected as long as it
Upon his return from military service, he bond between these two sisters. didn’t include her. She enjoyed observing
became a 30-year dedicated employee at the world around her and philosophizing
the General Electric Wire Mill in Fort When considering her dear friends in about it. Travel, theater, musicals, literature
Wayne. After his retirement, he spent 13 Indianapolis, it was almost unimaginable and correcting the politicians on television
years working at Noble Hawk Golf course to ever think she would relocate anywhere were her enjoyed pastimes.
mowing greens and picking up loose golf else, but when Blair graduated college and
balls on the course, just to be around the moved to Chicago, where Wendy was Flo’s greatest love, aside from dark
game he loved. already living, a mighty force begin to chocolate, were found in family. She was a
brew. And after her first grandchild came devoted wife and mother who enjoyed
Larry is survived by his wife of 54 years, along, the magnetic pull was irresistible. nothing more than gathering her family
Marilyn Rose Essley; son, Eric J. (Amy Rory and David moved from the town around food and celebrations. Flo’s final
Pomeranz) Essley; and grandsons, Maxwell they had lived in their entire lives and words to all are, “be safe, safe, safe, and
and Phineas Essley. settled in Lincolnshire, Ill. Over the next love you, love you, love you.”
decade they added three more wonderful
During his years in Kendallville, when grandchildren. She is survived by her daughters, Irene
he wasn’t working, he could be found on (Perry) Olds and Susan Stillerman; her
son, Phillip (Della) Stillerman; seven
grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren;
and one great-great grandchild. Graveside
services were held privately. In lieu of
flowers, please donate in honor of Flo, to
the charity of your choice.
(see Obituaries, page IN 18)
18 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
OBITUARIES kind, dignified and unpretentious person 23rd and burial followed in Congregation
who was and will always be dearly loved Beth-El Zedeck North Cemetery.
(continued from page IN 17) by all who had the privilege and pleasure Memorial contributions may be made to
to know her. the World Central Kitchen, Indianapolis
Michael Ira Auster, 64, passed away Symphony or the donor’s favorite charity.
on Sept. 8, 2022. He was born on Aug. 27, PJ was a Hoosier almost her entire
1958 in Lynbrook, N.Y., to the late Stanley life. She attended college at Indiana Shirley Efroymson-Kahn, 96,
and Doris Brodsky Auster. University, majoring in music – piano was long-time community member, passed
He met and married his her instrument of choice. PJ met the first away on Sept. 25, 2022.
former wife, Susie Fogle love of her life, Bob Schwartz, at IU. They She was born on March 1,
Auster and they moved to married in 1949 and were blessed to share 1926, in Boston to William
Indianapolis where they 61 cherished years in both sickness and and Edith Green. Shirley
raised their family. health. They raised their three (almost) graduated with a master’s
perfect children Mark, Dee Dee (Alvin), degree in physical therapy
Michael owned and and Wendy (Lynn); travelled to many parts and worked as her hus-
operated Pyramid Plastering Inc. He loved of the world; enjoyed working out at the band, the late Sidney Steiman, attended
fishing and cheering on his beloved JCC, playing tennis, bridge, and golf rabbinic school. The Steiman family
Yankees and Miami Hurricanes. (which PJ took up later in life and to be moved to Indianapolis in 1961, as Rabbi
honest her “Bobby” did not enjoy golf as Steiman became the senior rabbi at
He is survived by his daughter, Abbie much after that because PJ was a quick Congregation Beth-El Zedeck. In the late
(Chris) Auster of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; son, learner and a better athlete). They were 1960’s Shirley re-entered the workforce
Steven Auster of Chicago; former wife and devoted parents, grandparents, and great as a physical therapist at the VA Hospital
friend, Susie Fogle Auster of Florida and grandparents. Phyllis treasured her role and later worked for the Indiana State
brother, Jon Auster of Florida. as Grammy to Erin (Brent), Jordyn (Dan), Department of Health as a site inspector
Rachel, and Leah (Matt) and kvelled over for physical therapy facilities.
Funeral services were held September great grandchildren Evan, Madison, Ezra,
12th at Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Mortuary Kennedy, Bryce, Audrey, Wes, and Aoife. Shirley was a devoted member of
with burial following in Beth-El Zedeck Congregation Beth-El Zedeck (BEZ) and
North Cemetery. PJ was kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and its Sisterhood, a member of Hadassah and
spunky with a quick wit and great sense of an ardent supporter of Hillel Center at
Jack M. Kline, 99, humor. She could light up a room with Indiana University.
died peacefully on Sept. her gracious personality and natural beauty.
17, 2022. He was born PJ’s top notch listening skills and caring She was preceded in death by her son,
April 9, 1923. He is sur- demeanor made her a wonderful friend to Ben Steiman, and her three husbands,
vived by his son, Adam many throughout her life. Rabbi Sidney Steiman, Robert Efroymson,
Jay, and his daughter and and Kopel Kahn, who all brought rich and
son-in-law, Jennifer and When Phyllis lost her husband Bob after loving experiences into her life. She is
Michael Sontz. He was preceded in lovingly caring for him during his illness survived by her son, Aron (Georgia)
death by his wife, Charlotte. He lived for for over 3 years, she did not retreat from Steiman and daughter, Debbie (Tom)
his family and was very proud of his life; rather she embraced the blessings Steiman-Cameron; grandchildren, Jeremy
children. He was born to Joseph and of family and friends supported by the Steiman, Noah and Ezra Steiman-Cameron,
Gertrude Kline in Indianapolis and gradu- memories and strong foundation created Synthia and Shar Steiman; daughter-in-
ated Shortridge High School. during the marriage. Phyllis became law, Idrienne (Benny Weidberg) Steiman,
active in the senior living community and extended family, Lori Efroymson-
He served in the US Army as a cryptog- (Marquette) to which she moved. She hit Aguiera (Sergio) and their family.
rapher in World War II being stationed in the gym every day of the week, then sat
Iceland and England. After his discharge, with friends sipping their morning coffee Graveside services were held Sept. 29th
he attended Indiana University. In the and engaging in lively discussions. in BEZ North Cemetery and available to
early 1950’s, Jack was hired by Gene B. Glick view at the following link:
selling National homes and as the company PJ loved attending and supporting the Memorial
moved into multi-family housing, Jack Indianapolis Symphony and engaged in contributions may be made to Helene G.
grew with the company and was a many other activities offered at Marquette Simon Indiana University Hillel Center,
Divisional Property Manager for most of both on and off campus. PJ volunteered at, or
the Indiana region. He retired from the the community gift shop and as an American Parkinson Disease Association,
Gene B. Glick Company after 35 years of ambassador at Marquette introducing new
employment. residents to the people and amenities. PJ
neither looked for nor expected to find Clara (Lichtman) Cohen, 96, passed
After retiring, Jack and Charlotte loved another love relationship after losing Bob. away peacefully on Sept. 26, 2022, at Life’s
traveling. He was a volunteer for St. However, 7 years ago a new resident (Lee) Journey Hospice of Avon. Born on Dec. 25,
Vincent Hospital accruing over 5000 moved into Marquette; he had to have 1925, in Pittsburgh, Pa., to Morris and
hours, and was a Kiwanis Club member been heaven-sent. Lee became her Blanche (Rothschild) Lichtman, Clara
and a member of Indianapolis Hebrew “Love” and she his “Love”. And that has grew up in East Chicago, Ind., where she
Congregation (IHC). Graveside funeral been a beautiful thing. Lee is embraced by graduated from Roosevelt High School as
services were held September 20th in IHC PJ’s entire family and is known as “Grate valedictorian of her class. While attending
North Cemetery. Lee” to the grandkids. As much as PJ Purdue University to study bacteriology
wanted to leave her body that was failing she met Samuel R. Cohen of Indianapolis,
Phyllis Jean “PJ” her, she had a hard time letting go of the and the couple married in 1946.They resided
Schwartz, 93, passed beautiful life she and Lee made together; in the Indianapolis area for 75 years.
away on Sept. 21, 2022. “irregardless”, may she rest in peace!
She was a beautiful During that time, Clara found time to
woman with sparkly blue/ Funeral services were held at Aaron- (see Obituaries, page IN 21)
green eyes, full of person- Ruben-Nelson Mortuary on September
ality and grace. She was a
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 19
National Hadassah Interspersed were speakers such as Also participating in the program was
Celebrates 100th Nachman Shai, Israel Minister of Diaspora Michal Geva, singer and song writer; Eli
National Convention Affairs who commented,“ask not what the Huli, singer; Shiri Maimon, pop R&B
Diaspora can do for Israel, but ask what singer, TV show host and actress and the
BY SYBIL KAPLAN Israel can do for the Diaspora.” Hebrew choir from Dimona.
Monday, November 14, National Dalia Itzik, Chair of the Hadassah One of the features of Hadassah events
Medical Organization Board of Directors is to showcase special people. A youngster
Hadassah welcomed delegates, male and former Knesset member, the first and his Hadassah doctor were inter-
associates, and family members to its female speaker of the Knesset, and viewed; and a Ukrainian youth at one of
four-day, 100th National convention at the President of Israel in an interim capacity Hadassah’s youth villages was surprised
Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem with a welcome welcomed participants. with the appearance of his mother whom
dinner and program titled “Israel Today: he had not seen in eight months.
the new, the nightlife, the nuance – a Highlights of her address were:
behind-the-scenes look with people in “Hadassah is providing medicine with a Wednesday evening, Hadassah’s
the know.” soul…Hadassah medical organization is highest honor, the Henrietta Szold Award
one of the best medical centers in the will be presented to former National
On Tuesday, your reporter was privi- world…you make Israeli people better President, Marlene Post; and its first
leged to attend a program, “Hadassah’s every single day…Hadassah was the first Power of Esther Award will be given to
Pride,” a tribute to Hadassah’s historic start up with unbelievable success.” first lady of Israel, Michal Herzog at a star-
commitment to the Hadassah Medical studded program with distinguished
Organization and Youth Aliyah. Professor Yoram Weiss, Director General guests at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria.
of HMO, gave welcoming remarks saying:
After a welcome from President Herzog “We bring together Jews and Arabs, The convention closed on Thursday
on video, 24 people with a connection to Christians and Muslems as patients and as with an annual business meeting and
Hadassah, came on stage, one by one to workers…We treat more than one million singing and dancing farewell program.
introduce themselves and take a place patients a year.”
behind a four-level frame with 24 windows Sybil Kaplan is a former Greater Kansas
which they washed and then decorated. Rhoda Smolow, Hadassah National City chapter president, Great Plains
President then greeted those present with Regional President and National board
Screens showed the history of Hadassah inspirational comments. member. She has worked as a foreign corre-
through the years. After a singing per- spondent in Jerusalem for 14 years; her late
formance, teenage girls walked from A film of the Ukraine war was shown husband, Barry (z”l) photographed for her
screen to screen while an emcee and a highlighting Hadassah’s 15 medical dele- features. Currently she syndicates food
guide described Hadassah activities. gations and some of the 30,000 Ukrainian columns, book reviews, and features to
refugees treated by the 100 nurses and North American Jewish publications.
doctors who participated.
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20 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
Tearfully Remembering
October 27th
My Facebook memories
for today just popped up
and instantly brought me
to tears. For me, living in
Pittsburgh, memories of October 27th
aren’t about weddings or vacations, they
don’t include random witticisms or
memes. What they include is a post from
me saying “To all our family and friends
who I haven’t talked to yet please know
that we are safe, just shaken and saddened
by this horrifying tragic act of terrorism.”
That morning I was home, getting dressed
to go to a bar mitzvah. My husband, who
at the time was the Executive Director of a
synagogue in Squirrel Hill, came flying
into the house. He told me that there was
an active shooter at the Tree of Life (a half
mile from my house) and that everyone
was on lockdown. He grabbed his phone
and ran back out. At this moment I had no
idea that anyone had even been injured,
let alone killed. As I stood processing this
information, our phone rang, and the
caller ID displayed an Israel number, not
something that happens on Shabbat. Four
of our sons served in the IDF as lone
soldiers and at the time we had one in
active duty. When the phone rang all I
could think was ‘how could something
bad have happened in Israel too, are my
kids ok?’I answered with a sinking feeling
in the pit of my stomach and then heard
‘Ma, are you and Abba ok?’
I can’t begin to explain the mix of
emotions I had at that point. I didn’t
comprehend that the whole world already
knew what was happening right down
the block, things we didn’t even know
yet, about the first responders, about
the deaths……
I was relieved and grateful that my kids
were fine.Then the calls, texts and messages
started coming in from friends and family
all over the world wanting to make sure
we were ok. We were, but we weren’t.
In 2018 both my husband and I worked
for local Jewish organizations. The next
few weeks passed in an exhausting blur of
calls and emails from reporters trying to
talk to everyone, and from supporters
wanting to help. We didn’t watch the news
or scroll through Facebook, we didn’t need
to, it was all happening on our doorstep.
A drop-in counseling center was set up
at the JCC, and the worldwide Jewish
community, as well as those who support
us, flooded our city with help. Communities
that had experienced mass shootings,
of which there are far, far too many, came
to grieve with us.
(see Stufflebeam, page IN 22)
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 21
OBITUARIES and grandchildren Danielle and Eddison 1958. She moved to Philadelphia and
from Carmel; daughter Rochelle Greenwald began work as a public relations liaison for
(continued from page IN 18) from California; daughter Julia (James) Jay the National Student Association from
and grandchildren Theodore and Olivia 1958 to 1961. At age 25, she moved briefly
lend her services to social and religious from King’s Lynn, England. to Paris before returning to work at The
organizations while raising her three Wall Street Journal, where her editors
children. She was a life member of Funeral services were held on October quickly recognized her for her concise,
Hadassah and the Temple Sisterhood of 14th at Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Mortuary, effective writing. That same year, she was
the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation and burial followed in IHC North hired by the newly founded Dow-Jones
(IHC). In recent decades she was a member Cemetery. Memorial Contributions can paper, The National Observer, making
of Congregation Shaarey Tefilla in Carmel. be made to the Indianapolis BBYO her the first female staff writer there and
Endowment Fund/Jewish Federation of one of only a handful of presswomen at
Beloved for her kindness, wisdom, and Greater Indianapolis, Popsie’s Pantry, or Dow-Jones Publishing at the time.
gentle humor, Clara was a constant beacon the charity of your choice.
of strength and support to her family. At The National Observer, she wrote for
Preceded in death by her loving husband, William L. “Pete” Rose, 91, beloved the culture section, covering television,
Samuel; sister, Elsie Roth Mellick; and husband, father, grandfather, great grand- pop music, off-Broadway theater, books,
brother, Robert Lichtman. She is survived father, brother, and friend died peacefully and personality profiles throughout the
by her children, Denise (William) Topaz, on Oct. 19, 2022. Pete 1960s. In 1971 she took a job as the art
Janet (Bruce) Jenkins, and Howard (Darla) was born on July 23, 1931, critic for the Indianapolis News. She
Cohen; seven grandchildren; and eight in Indianapolis to John became editor of the Freetime Guide to
great-granddaughters. Leonard Rose and Grace Arts and Leisure Section from 1975 to
Thomas Rose. He attended 1998. When the Indianapolis News and
Funeral arrangements were made by Arsenal Technical High Star merged, Marion held the position
Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Funeral Home, School and worked as a of theater critic from 1999 to 2001 when
with services held graveside on September tool and dye maker and machinist. Pete she retired. Among her many accomplish-
29th at IHC North Cemetery. was a proud veteran of the Korean War ments as a groundbreaking journalist, she
serving in the US Army. was awarded Best of Indianapolis (cover-
Lawrence (Larry) age of arts) in 1984, 1st place for outstand-
Allen Greenwald, 81, Pete and his late wife Loretta Glazier Rose ing contributions in reporting in 2001
of Westfield, Ind., passed were members of Etz Chaim Sephardic by the Professional Journalists Society,
away Oct. 11, 2022, at Congregation. Pete was also a member of Indiana Chapter, and in 2008 and 2010,
University Hospital. He Monument Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite she won the Kate Milner Award for
was born on Jan. 18, 1941, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Professional Excellence and also was
in Indianapolis to Harry named a Who’s Who of American Women.
and Rose Greenwald. He graduated from He was deeply devoted to his family. He
Shortridge High School in 1959 and Butler is survived by his daughter, Joyce (Phil) A tireless supporter of Indianapolis arts,
University in 1965, BS in Accounting. He Rose-Weisberger and son, Barry Rose; Marion recognized and supported many
worked for Melvin Simon and Associates granddaughter, Dr. Braca (Robert) Cantor; talented Hoosiers, including; artist K.P.
for over 30 years where he started as the great grandchildren, Leigha and Eliana Singh, potter/artists George and Ilana
Corporate Controller, then on to Treasurer Cantor; brothers, Philip and John Rose and Debikey, playwright Rita Kohn, painters
and Senior Vice President before his numerous nieces and nephews. Pete was Martha Slaymaker and Ellie Siskind, and
retirement in 1999. preceded in death by his wife, his brother the Ronen Chamber Ensemble, naming
George Rose and sisters, Ruth Ann Picot, just a few. She covered the Beatles landing
Larry was active in numerous groups Margarie Forsgren and Sally Watko. in America and Johnny Cash landing in
throughout his life such as B’nai B’rith Men Folsom Prison. Marion raised the profile
and the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, Graveside funeral services were held of many young women novelists, includ-
the District Two Youth Council, and past October 21st in Etz Chaim Cemetery. ing Joanne Greenberg, Anne Tyler, and
President of the Bureau of Jewish A celebration of Pete’s life was held at Rona Jaffe. She was also one of the first
Education along with being one of the Traditions of North Willow on October 23rd. critics to feature groundbreaking sculptor
founders of the Israel Investment Club, Beverly Pepper and fine artist Dong
past President of Pleasant Run Children’s In lieu of flowers, memorial contribu- Kingman. One of the highlights of her life
Home, and many other organizations tions may be made to Etz Chaim was having the honor of meeting Eleanor
where he served on their boards. Sephardic Congregation, Indianapolis Roosevelt in the former First Lady’s New
Hebrew Congregation, Hasten Hebrew York City apartment.
Larry was an avid reader and loved Academy, or to a favorite charity. The
learning and reading about history. He family wishes to express their gratitude to Marion was a vigorous advocate of local
also had a second home in Ft. Myers, Fla., the staff and management at Traditions theater, music, artists, and other journalists.
where he loved to sit on the lanai and at North Willow and Accent Care Hospice. She never wavered in her love for the
relax during the winter months. Jewish faith and its people. An active
Marion Bess (Simon) Garmel, 86, volunteer for the Indianapolis Hebrew
Larry was married three times and was died peacefully in her home in Congregation, President of the Indianapolis
preceded in death by his second wife, Indianapolis on Oct. 22, 2022. She was Chapter of Hadassah, and engaged
Carol (House) Greenwald, parents Harry born on Oct. 15, 1936 in El contributor to weekly Torah studies at her
and Rose Greenwald, and brother Michael Paso, Texas to Marcus and Temple. She served on the Woman’s Press
Greenwald. He is survived by his current Frieda Simon. She began Club of Indiana board and was a jurist of
wife Jeraldine (Jeri) Schnese Greenwald, her career as a journalist the National Federation of Press Women’s
his first wife Sheila Greenwald, as well as and editor, writing and co- program for incarcerated women writers.
his sister Judy Sachs of Wisconsin and many editing her high school Marion also served on the board of directors
cousins. He has four children and five newspaper, The Tatler. She
grandchildren. His daughter Shelly (David) graduated with honors with a degree in (see Obituaries, page IN 22)
Malmon and granddaughter Adina from journalism from the University of Texas in
California; son Robert (Erin) Greenwald
22 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
OBITUARIES life. She is survived by her sons, Bruce, STUFFLEBEAM
Donald (Linda) and Steve (Kelly) Bodner;
(continued from page IN 21) grandchildren, Robert (Skylar), Daniel, (continued from page IN 20)
Richard, Molly (Andy), Brooke (Adam)
for The District Theater and Indy Fringe. and Austin (Sydney); great grandchildren, Here we are, four years later. Every
She was a founding member of the Ella, Rory, Charlie and Brooklyn and Yizkor service I attend now includes a
National Museum Of Women in the Arts, brother, Walter E. (Joan) Wolf, Jr. special prayer for the Kiddoshim killed at
DivaFest, and OnyxFest in Indianapolis. Tree of Life. With the rise of antisemitism
Funeral services were held October 28th worldwide I can tell you that in Pittsburgh
Among her countless interviews, some at Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation and every Jewish institution now has an
of her favorites include Joel Grey, James burial follow in IHC North Cemetery. armed guard standing outside its doors.
Turrel, Hal David, and Carol Channing. Memorial contributions may be made to IHC Sometimes we are advised to carry our
She loved tennis, the colors of the desert, or the Hamilton County Humane Society. cell phones on Shabbat because there are
tacos, and Cafe du Monde coffee and was reports of antisemitic activity in our area.
famous for her brisket with Claude’s sauce. Irving Katz, 98, a long time Carmel and I don’t wear my Star of David necklace
Indianapolis resident passed away on Oct. and my husband covers his kippah with
Marion is predeceased by her husband, 28, 2022. He was born Jan. 2, 1924, to the a baseball cap. Public figures and political
Raymond Lewis Garmel, of Brooklyn, NY. late Samuel and Ethel Katz in Brooklyn, candidates spewing hatred against Jews
She is survived by daughter Cindy Rogers N.Y. He was a graduate of New Utrecht are not only given a platform, but they are
of Rochester, N.Y., Stepdaughter Christine High School in Brooklyn and Adelphi also commended by some for their views.
(Samuel) Blum of Hendersonville, N.C., University. Irving was a US Army veteran.
granddaughter Emily Rogers of Queens, For those who say being anti-Israel isn’t
N.Y., step-grandchildren Josh (Cherie) In 1964 Irving moved his family to antisemitic I vehemently say, YOU ARE
Blum, of New York, N.Y., and Seth Ross Indianapolis to begin work with Melvin WRONG. This next year we will celebrate
of Hoonah, AK. Marion was “Bubbe” to Simon & Associates, working for the the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel.
Shalom “Lomie” Blum and step great- company for over 40 years as Executive A homeland and a refuge for all Jews.
grandmother to Cooper and Easton Ross. Vice President of Leasing. Thank G-d we have it, our safe place in
the world, protected by the best army in
Marion is also survived by her siblings, Irving was a member of Congregation the world because they truly know what it
Evelyn Ruth Fox, of Plano, Texas, Samuel Beth-El Zedeck and a strong supporter means to need this refuge.
A. Simon, of McLean, Virginia, and Susie of the Jewish Federation of Greater
Pickens-Owens, of Falls Church, Virginia. Indianapolis. He enjoyed watching sports, May the memory of Joyce Fienberg,
Marion adored her family and treasured was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan, enjoyed Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger, Jerry
her friendships most of all. She took great music and was a devoted grandfather. Rabinowitz, Cecil and David Rosenthal,
pride in each one of her children, grand- Bernice and Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein,
children, siblings, nieces, and nephews, He is survived by his daughter, Barbara Melvin Wax, and Irving Younger be for a
and kept an updated file of all their Levasseur; son, Michael (Shelly) Katz and blessing and may the world become a
accomplishments. grandchildren, Sean Levasseur, Cece Katz, safer place for all. Until that happens
and Ethan Katz. thank G-d we have Israel.
Marion was buried October 30th in El
Paso, Texas, beside her husband Raymond There was a private family funeral. Stacie Stufflebeam is the Executive
Garmel. An Open House remembrance of Memorial contributions may be made to Director of the Michael Levin Lone Soldier
Marion will take place some time in May Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis, Foundation and is the proud mother of five
at her home in Indianapolis. sons. Over the past nine years four of her
sons have served as lone soldiers in special
Elizabeth W. Bodner, 89, beloved Myrna Fang, 89, passed away Oct. forces units in the IDF. She resided in
wife, mother, grandmoth- 31, 2022. She was born in Indianapolis for 24 years before moving to
er, and great-grandmother Indianapolis to the late Pittsburgh 12 years ago. She is a regular
passed away on Oct. 25, Samuel and Anna Kaplan contributor to The Times of Israel Blogs and
2022. She was born in on March 21, 1933. She other Jewish chronicles around the country.
Indianapolis to the late earned her Master’s degree (Reprinted with permission from The Time
Walter E. and Tekla Wolf in Guidance and Counseling of Israel Blogs Oct. 27, 2022.)
on Dec. 11, 1932. Elizabeth from Butler University and
was a gifted student. Following her 1950 began working as a teacher and school ji
graduation from Short Ridge High School guidance counselor before focusing on
she was admitted to the prestigious raising her children. With this background, and caring person.
universities of Wellesley and Northwestern. she instilled in her children the value She is survived by her loving family
Marriage, however, was her first priority, of education, books, and the importance
and she married Robert shortly after of cultural enrichment through music, whom she cherished, her husband of 66
graduation. They were married for 35 theater, dance, and art. years, Leo Fang; children, Brenda (Scott)
wonderful years and raised three sons. Savader and David Fang; grandchildren,
Myrna was a lifetime Hadassah member Sam, Ben, and Rachel; and brother,
Elizabeth had many interests. She was and past president of the Indianapolis Kenneth (Phyllis) Kaplan. She will be
a master bridge player, enjoyed interna- chapter. She was also a tireless volunteer greatly missed by all, including Bagel.
tional travel, was a private pilot, published for Riley Hospital,The Children’s Museum,
author, served as a museum of art docent Beth-El Zedeck (BEZ) Sisterhood, and Funeral services were held at Aaron-
and was an instructor at Weight Watchers. Hooverwood. Most of all, Myrna valued Ruben-Nelson Mortuary, November 3rd
being together with family and friends and burial followed in Congregation BEZ
In her later life, Elizabeth went back to who were considered family. She never North Cemetery. Memorial contributions
college to pursue her degree and graduated forgot a birthday and let everyone know may be made to Hadassah.
from IUPUI at the top of her class. She also how special they were to her. Myrna will
embarked on a spiritual journey which includ- always be remembered as a sweet, good, May they rest in peace. For all that
ed travel to India and becoming a bat mitzvah. kind, generous, smart, articulate, humble mourn: May their memories be a blessing.
And may the Almighty comfort you among
Her family was the centerpiece of her the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
November 30, 2022 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN 23
This Chanukah, give the gift of life.
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Your gift to MDA isn’t just changing lives — it’s literally saving them.
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24 The Jewish Post & Opinion – IN November 30, 2022
2022 Indianapolis
Post OpinionCommunity
Hanukkiah Lighting 1389 W 86th St. #160 PAID
Indianapolis, IN 46260 INDIANAPOLIS, IN
All are welcome, so please join us each 5th Candle: Thursday, Dec. 22, at 5:30 p.m. – 8th Candle: Sunday, Dec. 25, at 5:30 p.m, –
Congregation Beth Shalom and Chabad Lubavitch of Indiana
evening of Hanukkah as our local Jewish Indianapolis Jewish Community
organizations lead us in the lighting of Relations Council HHaanpupykkah!
our community hanukkiah (located in
Celebration Plaza on the west side of the 6th Candle: Friday, Dec. 23, at 4:30 p.m. –
Max and Mae Simon Jewish Community Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation
Campus). Dates, times, and organizations
as follows: 7th Candle: Saturday, Dec. 24, at 7:30 p.m. –
Congregation Shaarey Tefilla
1st Candle: Sunday, Dec. 18, at 5:30 p.m. –
Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
2nd Candle: Monday, Dec. 19, at 5:30 p.m. –
Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis
3rd Candle: Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 5:30 p.m. –
Jewish Community Center and
Hooverwood Living
4th Candle: Wednesday, Dec. 21, at 5:30 p.m. –
Etz Chaim Sephardic Congregation and
Indiana Jewish Discovery Center
Happy Hanukkah!
Nora Corners Shopping Center
1530 East 86th Street
Mon.-Thurs. 10a – 7p
Fri. & Sat. 10a – 6p, Sun. 12 – 5p
Please visit our website:
New address (above) effective
January 16, 2023