“Let noble thoughts come to us from every side”
Monthly Newsletter
Editor : SHYLESH .V Layout & Design: KRISHOK Special Thanks: LAKSHMI ARAVIND
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Kindergarten opening day
Kindergarten is a stepping stone towards the learning process descriptive narration. The children were welcomed with a wel-
in a child’s lifetime. It is that pedestal from where the child is come card which they coloured according to the colours of their
exposed to learning in a more fun and colourful way. It ignites choice. The stationery brought by the children were neatly la-
the little ones with a thirst to explore the world around them. So, belled and stacked away in their respective shelves.
the first day at school or at kindergarten is special for the child
and for the parents as well.
Bhavans has always laid emphasis on the overall development
of the child right from kindergarten. So the little freshers of KG1
at IES and Jack and Jill (branch of Bhavans at Mangaf) were
extended a warm and hearty welcome on April 3rd 2019 with a
huge garland of balloons, decorative bulletin boards, welcome
cards and lollipops. The KG team led by the KG supervisor of
IES Mrs. Sushama Joe and Jack and Jill - Principal - Mrs. Rathi
Ravindran, created an instant and friendly connection with the
first timers reassuring them a home like school environment.
The Jack & Jill teachers welcomed their kids with great enthu-
siastic performance with a comedy dance, a cinematic dance
and an action rhyme. The kids were entertained and amused by
watching their teacher’s performances.
A deep trust was build between the new kids and their teachers
with various activities and routines. Children were given orien-
tation with a walk around the campus making them familiar with
their classes and the kindergarten play areas. Once again kin-
dergarten team establishes the beginning of a journey on the
road to education.
The new session (2019-2020) of KG2 began on April 7th. The
little ones were excited to be back to school. They brought in
memories of their two weeks break in a collage of images and
narrated to their friends and teachers their holiday story in a
Indian Educational School Widening Horizon 1
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Laziness – Does it
During several meetings with teachers and parents I have hidden – and fixable - barrier.
heard both the stakeholders mention the word “Laziness” as
the main cause for poor performance. Parents say at home Curiosity beats judgment. Which is the point? Yes, not being
he/she is very lazy and teachers say in the classroom the judgmental of other people will make you a nicer teacher or
student is very lazy!! Is there anything really called “Lazi- boss. But not labeling people as lazy and instead trying to
Curabitur varius
ness?” understand what's holding them back is also simply more
lobortis lectus,
If you want to beat procrastination, stop blaming 'laziness' It’s really helpful to respond to a person's ineffective
and instead dig into what's really killing productivity of a stu- behavior with curiosity rather than judgment. "If a person's
quis pharetra eros
dent in the class or for that anyone in the organization. behavior doesn't make sense to you, it is because you are
dictum sit amet missing a part of their context. It's that simple."
Most of us think we know laziness when we see it - the stu-
non volutpat
dents and the employees who routinely turns in work late, Being curious enough to look into what barriers a student
the student who waits until the last possible moment to start is facing will enable you to help him or her overcome them.
writing the assignment or the lab record or in the examination Those paralyzed with anxiety can learn strategies to talk
Sed non nulla tellus, tristique ultrices
hall starting to write the paper, the unhealthy person who back to the terrified voices in their heads. If a task seems
leo. Aliquam eu ligula mi, eget congue
can never manage to make it to the gym. Most of us see too huge, getting some help in breaking it down into man-
turpis. Aliquam consectetur, nisl quis
this sort of procrastination and immediately get annoyed with ageable chunks can make all the difference. And if mental
interdum vulputate, felis enim semper
people's lack of willpower. health struggles are behind apparent "laziness," under-
mi, id gravida erat orci id justo. Morbi standing and accommodation won't just increase produc-
consectetur ultrices arcu, a aliquet
That's a huge mistake, according to one psychology profes- tivity; they might even be life changing.
sor, not only because shame and anger do nothing to stop
diam blandit ac. Integer sodales, neque
procrastination, but because laziness doesn't even really ex- Next time, before you label other people (or yourself) as lazy,
non ultricies consequat, felis lectus
ist. bibendum ante, in tempor tortor justo take a moment to consider what barriers might lay behind
hendrerit magna. that behavior. When it comes to procrastination, curiosity
Context is more important than character. Behavior we gen- and kindness will probably do a lot more for productivity than
erally think of as lazy is certainly real enough. People miss blame.
Pellentesque venenatis arcu felis.
deadlines and dodge work all the time. The problem arises T.Premkumar
Vestibulum nulla tellus, consectetur
when we assign this behavior to some character flaw and Principal
in facilisis nec, tempor vitae est. Proin
think berating people about it is going to improve the situa- Indian Educational School ,Kuwait
tion. scelerisque felis commodo quam
scelerisque consectetur sit amet a
nulla. Nulla quis tortor quis ante viverra
Conscientiousness is one of the so-called "Big Four" person- “All the world’s a stage”
vestibulum. Suspendisse sit amet
ality traits and varies person to person, but it plays a minor WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
nulla arcu. Phasellus adipiscing arcu a
role in whether we get stuff done. "Situational constraints All the world’s a stage,
purus consectetur tempor. Vestibulum personality, intelli-
typically predict behavior far better than And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
gence, or other individual-level traits,” Last week I had given And one man in his time plays many parts,
fermentum felis sed nisl pharetra at
an assignment to my class children and gave them a week His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
faucibus mauris eleifend. Praesent
to complete and submit. 20 out of 26 did a decent job and Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms;
sollicitudin metus non nulla faucibus
6 of them did not much to my surprise. “When I see a stu- And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
vestibulum. Suspendisse ut lacus
dent failing to complete assignments, missing deadlines, or And shining morning face, creeping like snail
elit. Donec consectetur ullamcorper
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
not delivering results in other aspects of their life, I'm moved Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
eleifend. Aenean tincidunt nunc ac
to ask: What are the situational factors holding this student Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
turpis interdum quis consectetur velit
back?" I wrote to the parents of these six students asking the Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
same question. Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Vivamus viverra velit id nisi dictum
"There are always barriers. Recognizing those barriers - and Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
mollis. Morbi lectus ipsum, eleifend
viewing them as legitimate - is often the first step to breaking With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
'lazy' behavior patterns," I believe. Full of wise saws and modern instances;
non hendrerit sit amet, condimentum
et nisi. Maecenas vel tellus nulla, eu And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Some of my observations are - a student with mental health Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
euismod dui. Quisque sapien sapien,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
issues who is reluctant to speak in class, to others who are His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide
iaculis non blandit vitae, adipiscing in
crippled by their fear of failure, to grade 12 students para- For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
urna. Vivamus sed nulla vel nisl vehicula
lyzed by the overwhelming scale of finishing their projects Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
sollicitudin non eget augue. Nunc
and record books. In each case, behavior that apparently And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
looks like "laziness" at first is actually a symptom of some That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion;
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
2 Widening Horizon Indian Educational School
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Switzerland, The Chocolate House of The World
22ND March 2019, the day we cony views we got dresses in ment and sports. We then seemed like never ending flight
all had been waiting for finally warm clothes and snow boots drove to dinner at the border of of stairs to the top to see the
came as we bid farewell to our and headed down for break- Switzerland and France, which gorgeous view of Geneva. We
very much concerned parents fast. We started our journey was exciting for us since we had a quick lunch at McDon-
and boarded our flight to Tur- to Engelberg, the fairly long were technically in France. We alds and took the bus to the
key. From Istanbul we enthu- ride went by with us jamming checked in at our grand hotel UN Office. Our very sweet tour
siastically boarded our flight out to songs, taking pictures in Veigy, France. guide Ms. Monica first took us
to Zurich along with our team and laughing our hearts out. to a conference room where
from UAE who were joining us We all excitedly got on our ca- Day 4 – CERN she explained the basic layout
for this trip. We enjoyed the ble cars and started our ride After le petit dejeuner we start- of any room at the UN Office.
ride from Istanbul to Zurich, up the mountain, which was ed our drive to Geneva. We We then went to one of the re-
taking in the scenic views and breathtaking as we saw the entered CERN and got our offi- cently renewed rooms, a gift
getting ready for our long day snow covered mountains, pine cial ID cards, and then went to by Spain with an artistic ceil-
in the financial capital of Swit- trees and people skiing. We see an enlightening short film ing, where we discussed the
zerland. had a flavorful lunch at the top on the Big Bang Theory which general information regarding
of Mount Titlis which shook our minds. After lunch, the UN and its various bodies
the thought of still we met with our tour guide after which we were taken to
makes my mouth Mr. Mark Tyrel, a retired old the largest room in the build-
water. We moved on man who had been working at ing where we discussed some
to the most await- CERN for more than 30 years. major topics, some informative
ed part, PLAYING We first went to the CERN au- facts regarding the building of the
IN THE SNOW! We ditorium, which was the very UN, and of course some nice pic-
spent quite a while place where physicists from tures. Our tour ended with a visit
targeting our friends ATLAS and CMS celebrated to a conference room gifted by the
with snowballs, run- the award of the Nobel Prize in UAE and we were also shown a
ning around in the physics to Francois Englert and gift by Kuwait. After a few pictures
snow, and taking Peter W. Higgs, and watched with Monica, we all entered the
some memorable a short introduction film on UN Gift Shop and bought some
pictures. After tiring ourselves CERN after which Mr.Mark in- beautiful souvenirs, then moved
Day 1 – Zurich physically, we went to the sou- teracted with us on the topic on to our last shopping session
As soon as we got our luggage, venir shop to open our wallets. “antimatter”. We then moved to and ended our last night with a
we met with our bus driver Mr. We descended the mountain see the first ever working ma- typical French dinner and yummy
Tell, a very bubbly man I must and hopped on our bus to start chine built at CERN and saw dessert. We all packed our bags
say. We got on our coach and our journey to Luzern. We another explanatory video on as we were bound for the airport
went on to have lunch at a lo- walked around Luzern, cap- the working of that machine. the next morning and went to bed
cal Indian restaurant, a beauti- turing the beauty of the city in We had a great time at CERN with upside down smiles.
ful place full of Indian antiques. pixels, did a spot of shopping and all of us were speechless
After lunch, we walked down to there, moved on to dinner and by the end of our tour after all Day 6 – Travelling
a picture spot and spent some ended night at the hotel. the new information about our The last breakfast ended with a
quality time breathing universe we had just learned. quiet sadness as we all bought
CAPTION: sumquunt adi in the
fresh air. We soon met with our Day 3 – Interlaken We took the bus to dinner our luggage down and got on
aut aut atis quiscia pro ini-
mos que di dus conecuptas
tour guide, Ms. Evanna, a pret- We all packed up, had break- where we also celebrated one the bus which would take us to
as maximo que n quiscia
ty lady with blue eyes and a lot fast and said goodbye to our of our dear friend’s birthday the Geneva Airport. Upon ar-
of energy and started our tour beautiful hotel at Weggis as we with burgers and a tasty des- rival in Istanbul, we had a few
of Zurich. We walked around started our journey to Interlak- sert. Back to the hotel at Veigy hours before our flight back
Zurich, visiting the beautiful en, a rather calm town situated to end the adventures day. home so we did some more
old towns of Neumarkt and between the two lakes of Thun shopping and finally boarded
Oepfelchammer, from where and Brienz. We passes by the Day 5 – UN the flight back home. We were
we could see the University of Casino Interlaken and walked The day most of us had been received by tired but loving
Zurich, where Albert Einstein to the shopping area. We in- waiting for arrived as we ate parents with hugs and kisses.
has studied. Our tour ended dulged ourselves in chocolate our breakfast and got ready in As we all said goodbye, we
with delicious Swiss ice cream covered strawberries at the formal clothes. We met again stored our unforgettable mem-
and a walk around Lake Zurich Vanini Swiss Chocolate chop, with Ms. Evanna for a short ories and our special bond with
which was very peaceful and various fashion outlets and tour of Geneva. We took some not only our friends but our car-
calming, followed by dinner some toothsome crepes. As beautiful pictures with the ing teachers in a special cor-
and check in at our hotel in soon as we were done with view of Lake Geneva with the ner of our hearts. FIRST BHA-
Weggis. lunch, we went to Lausanne faraway view of Mont Blanc, VANS MIDDLE EAST TRIP A
and visited the Olympic Mu- visited a few monuments and GRAND SUCCESS!
Day 2 – Mount Titlis seum where we saw many ex- visited the St. Pierre Cathe-
Waking up to our beautiful bal- hibits about the Olympic move- dral where we took the what
Indian Educational School Widening Horizon 3
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
World Health Day Celebrations at IES
‘Health is the greatest gift, contentment a day.
the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best Children need to be active every day to
relationship.’ Health is the most important promote healthy growth and develop-
aspect of one’s existence which cannot ment. Kids who establish healthy lifestyle
be ignored. To promote positive lifestyle patterns at a young age will carry them,
choices among the children for a healthy and their benefits, forward for the rest of
life, Bhavan celebrated the “World Health their lives. To make the children exercise
Day” on 7th April 2019 (Sunday), in a be- through fun, the students of classes 1 to 4
fitting manner. along with their teachers enjoyed a ‘ZUM-
The Department of Science in collabo- BA DANCE’ session in the school prem-
ration with the Department of Physical ises.
Education conducted a plethora of activ-
ities to instill in the minds of all, the im- To inculcate the habit of healthy eating
portance of fresh air and outdoor activities among students, children made their own
and healthy food habits for a healthy life. ‘VEGETABLE SANDWICH’ with the in-
The celebrations began with the morning gredients brought from home. When kids
assembly where Marushka Fernandez are given challenges and they succeed on
of class 10 spoke about the significance their own, they take pride in their abilities.
of the day and the theme for the year. A The children enjoyed their own sandwich-
healthy life inflicts a sense of confidence es and felt a sense of accomplishment rel-
and sureness within a person that enables ishing it. It was a nice way to celebrate the
an individual to work in the most accurate, ‘World Health Day’ by involving children in
efficient and effective way. This is the main a ‘Life Skill Activity’.
aim and purpose of World Health Day. The students of class 6 enjoyed a fun filled
World Health day works towards raising Physical education period wherein a vari-
awareness about various Health issues ety of TRADITIONAL OUTDOOR GAMES
and remedies. The theme of World Health were introduced to them.
Day 2019 is ‘Universal health coverage: As part of subject enrichment activity and
everyone, everywhere. in order to promote healthy diet for healthy
living habits the students of class 6 pre-
Bhavans has decided to observe a no non pared HEALTHY SALADS with fresh fruits
-veg day, every Sunday of the week on a and vegetables which they relished with
regular basis. It is with a noble thought of great enthusiasm.
influencing the food habits of our kids and The teachers spoke to the students about
ensuring a healthier life for them that this the importance of having healthy food for
NO NON-VEG DAY has been launched. a healthy life.
Bhavans has decided to observe a no non
-veg day, every Sunday of the week on a
regular basis. It is with a noble thought of
influencing the food habits of our kids and
ensuring a healthier life for them that this
NO NON-VEG DAY has been launched.
April 7th was the first observance of such
Thunder Storm
As soon I see lighting in the dark It was a fearsome sight
I blink my eyes to see what happens Surrounded by lighting and thunder
When a strong wind happens it comes As I call this a thunderstorm
A storm occurs with lighting and thunder
I leave my room to the darkness outside By Vihaan Prasad 5K
And wander in the dark in awe and fear
Struck by lighting once or twice
I must be careful with my eyes
As fast as the wind it flows
Speeding through the lakes and ponds
I sit and wonder what will happen next
4 Widening Horizon Indian Educational School
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Childhood is a small window of my time
To grow and learn one step at a time
And blossom at my own pace
For Childhood is not a race!
Lead me, guide me, correct me
Tell me ‘where’ and not ‘what’ to see
Catch me right, to you I implore
For Childhood is a time to explore!
I’m a child, I’m curious
Your do’s and don’ts make me furious
Right from wrong, teach me to discern
For Childhood is when from you I learn!
Let me gaze at the rising sun
Let me dance around and have fun
Let me hear the blowing wind and see the flowers
For Childhood has no space for gloom!
Every day for me is a ceremony
With the world around, I’m in harmony
My hopes are high, give me wings to fly
For childhood is what I’ll cherish till the day I die!
Muneera Mammikutty
HOD English, Primary Section
Class 2A & 2I “CHILDHOOD” Assembly
The assembly was anchored efficiently by Niharika and Abel .
The assembly started with the Sanskrit Shloka and recitation of
the Holy Quran followed by the English Prayer, National song
of India( Vande Mataram) and Kuwait National Anthem. To en-
rich the vocabulary, new word ‘IMPECCABLE’ was presented by
Sharanya . Thought for the day was put forward by Samanyu.
To explain and spread the importance of Childhood, Childhood
quotes were presented followed by dances and songs.
To give more information about Childhood, a Skit followed by
Childhood memory Speeches in Hindi and English were pre-
sented. A small video on Orphan children was played. This was
followed by a group dance by girls. A small video with Child-
hood pictures of Class 2 teachers were also shown.
The students of 2-A contributed a small amount from
their pocket money towards Charity. All the Class Teachers of
class 2 were gifted with “Nithya Kalyani Plant” saplings to spread
the importance of gratitude. Quiz was conducted by Chandra-
kiran to enrich their general knowledge .
Later, Principal Sir, Mr Premkumar and Vice Principal Ma’am,
Mrs Lalitha Premkumar addressed the gathering and praised
the students and the Teachers of class 2-A and 2I for present-
ing a spectacular performance on the stage and spreading the
importance of Childhood, including the value of Charity. The pro-
gram concluded with the Indian National Anthem.
Indian Educational School Widening Horizon 5
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
GRADE 3 and 4
“Public speaking is the number one fear in America. Death is number
two.” From sweaty palms to cracking voices, speaking publicly can be
terrifying, yet it is a crucial skill that needs to be inculcated in every
child. We in the primary have a well-structured programme designed
to alleviate some of this stress by giving an extensive training in Public
Speaking to the students of Grades 3 and 4.
(2018-19) (2018-19)
Thirty five students from Grade 3 and thirty two students from Grade 4
participated in the contest this year. The students show cased a spec-
tacular display of their oratory skills and enthralled the judges and the
audience alike.
School education is not subjected which we found safe, at the same
to learning letters, numbers, draw- time, there were enough rides for
ing, singing, dancing and playing. them to enjoy. The children really
It also includes field trips, picnics enjoyed the rides and their fac-
and other outdoor activities which es were gleaming with joy. The
encourage socializing and enjoy- cheering and laughter amidst the
ing nature. Picnics relieve stress clanking of ride chains gave a real
and relaxes the mind. That is why, feeling of amusement and mer-
the students are taken out once ry-making. This idyllic park with
or twice a year for a picnic or field all the bumpy horse rides, bumper
trip. cars, merry-go-round and the
The upper kindergarteners of Bha- choo-choo trains added to their
vans IES went for picnic to the Ha- excitement
wally Park on the 28th of February Shortly before dispersal, the kids
2019. It was a pleasant day apt for had their breakfast and snacks
a day out. As was informed earlier, and they were lined up class-wise
the children came all excited with to board the buses back to school.
their backpacks containing water The kids were less fatigued when
bottle, lunch and snacks. After tak- they reached school as the weath-
ing the attendance, the kids along er was rather fine. The teachers
with their teachers boarded the were also content that the day
buses at 8:00 am. The interesting ended well. All’s well that ends
feature of Hawally park is that they well!
have an indoor as well outdoor
games area. So, we chose to let
our kids play in the indoor area,
6 Widening Horizon Indian Educational School
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Last Day Of The Academic Year 2018-19
Kindergarten wing of Indian Educational School and Jack & Jill
(branch of Bhavans at Mangaf) celebrated their last day of the
academic year 2018-19 on Thursday (14th March 2019).
Children came to school wearing beautiful party outfits and they
were all set to rock for the party. Lots of exciting indoor games
and activities in which students participated were done in class-
rooms. Entertaining activities like singing and dancing were of
so much fun and joy for the children to take part in. Happiness
and laughter were all around the kindergarten wing.
On the other hand, this was last day for UKG kids in the kinder-
garten. We didn’t realize how quickly time had galloped by. Kids
and teachers were weighed down by the sad thoughts of de-
parture and goodbyes. But as we all know , everything that has
a beginning has an end. So we at Bhavans decided to make it
memorable for our little ones. The children were given ‘Goodbye’
cards which were coloured by them.
Sweets and momentos as a token of love were distributed
among the children. Students had lot of fun and they left with
gleaming faces.
Yes! It was definitely a memorable day.
Orientation Programme for Parents of Grade-1
“Education at Bhavans can be The Programme concluded with
likened to a great big canvas the assurance: ‘We believe that
and as always this year too we all children can learn in a car-
would like our students to throw ing, child centered environment
as much paint as they can on where learning is connected to
the canvas of their education.” the day to day life of the child.’
The Orientation programme
for the parents and students of
Grade1 of the Primary Wing of
IES, commenced with the above
opening lines on Saturday, 28th
April 2019. The Programme
began with a warm welcome
address by Vice Principal, Mrs.
Lalitha Premkumar. She en-
lightened the audience with her
words of wisdom. The parents
were briefed about the rules
and regulations of the school. A
few guidelines on effective par-
enting to reduce the anxiety of
parents were also highlighted .
Indian Educational School Widening Horizon 7
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
‘ABHINANDAN’, an epoch-making celebration of the brilliant
talents of Bhavanites showcased their finest flairs at various
venues of vibrancy, leaving the audience flabbergasted. Abhi- WINNERS OF ABHINANDAN
nandan, an interhouse cultural and literary fest, was organized
at the Indian Educational School, Kuwait on April 25, 2019.
Abhinandan stood unique as the income generated from the Individual Champions
food kiosks would be given away for charity.
Abhinandan - 2019 was inaugurated by Mrs. Nitya Balagopal,
a well-known playback singer from the Malayalam film industry Anagha Suraj
and Dr. Meera Rajeev, an assistant professor of Madras Chris- Category 1&2
tian College in Chennai and an eminent classical dancer who
founded ‘Sankara Narayana Nrityalaya’ in Chennai. The duo lit
the lamp of knowledge and unveiled the rainbow-colored back-
drop of the fiesta amid jubilation.
There was an array of events for the children to prove their
mettle such as story writing, storytelling, poetry writing, poetry
recitation, ‘doha’ recitation, hashtag, debate, fancy-dress, ac- Haridathan Madhusoodhanan
tion song, mime, spell bee, advertisement making, character Category 3&4
portrayal, patriotic song, bharatanatyam, cinematic dance, In-
dian folk dance, beat boxing and band performance. The stu-
dents under the able guidance of the four housemasters repre-
senting the four houses of the school viz. Satya, Seva, Tapas,
and Sanskriti were on their toes to motivate the students under
their care. SunanthaLakshmi Senthilkumar
The four houses raced for the coveted trophy. The perfor- Category 5&6
mance art competitions won plaudits from the onlookers. All
the venues were abuzz with vibrant participants, their parents,
and the spectators.
The food stalls with a variety of cuisine in parent-teacher
partnership served mouth-watering delicacies. The gourmets
among the audience jostled to relish the savories and sweets
alike. Harigovind Sajith
Mr. T. Premkumar, the Principal of IES declared Seva House Category 7&8
the overall champion of Abhinandan-2019. Excited clapping
nearly brought the roof down. The champions were bestowed
upon the championship trophy by the chief guests, Mrs. Nitya
Balagopal and Mrs. Meera Rajeev.
The valedictory ceremony was held in the school auditorium.
Mr. Ramachandran Menon, the chairman, Bhavans Middle
East, addressed the august gathering. He said that he was Lakshmi Sahiti Vallabhaneni
astounded to see the children full of beans throughout the day
and appreciated the enormous efforts and unstinting support Category 9&10
of the teacher-parent-student community. An eventful day that
witnessed unparalleled camaraderie, and the culmination of
competitive spirit eventually came to an end leaving behind
memories that will be cherished for a very long time by the
Bhavan’s family.
Aparna Sudheer
Category 9&10
Position House
1 st Seva House
2 nd Sanskriti House
3 rd Satya House Aaliya Yasirah Sageer
4 th Tapas House Category 11&12
8 Widening Horizon Indian Educational School
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Astounding moments from Abinandan 2019
Indian Educational School Widening Horizon 9
April 2019 Volume 78 Issue 6
Jleeb, April 22: With a slew of
thought-provoking activities to spread
awareness on the importance of pro-
tecting the Mother Earth, IES com-
memorated Earth Day on the theme
‘Conserving Nature and Protecting
the Endangered Species’ on April 22,
The day began with a special assem-
bly enlightening the relevance of Earth
Day keeping in mind to educate and
raise awareness about the accelerating
rate of extinction of millions of species
and the causes and consequences of
this phenomenon, achieve major poli-
cy victories that protect broad groups
of species as well as individual species
and their habitats, build and activate a
global movement that embraces nature
and its values, and encourage individ-
ual actions such as adopting a plant-
based diet and stopping the use of pes-
ticide and herbicide.
Mr. T. Premkumar, Principal, Indian
Educational School, Kuwait, distributed
a sapling each to all the class prefects.
Bhavan’s corridors were transformed
into a green valley as every class was
given away a plant to nurture with love.
It is indeed true that green radiates pos-
itive energy and the corridors turned
gardens testify the same. The Depart-
ment of Science made the celebration
eventful and momentous, by taking
the initiate to organize the events of
the day. The primary wing has always
been vibrant on the activities front and Every day is Earth Day
did their bit to make the programme Animal and birds Brings out its loom
truly memorable. A collage-making Flowers and trees
activity was conducted by the primary Bring to our earth I heard a whisper
wing. The participants were encour- Beauty and peace Curious to know
aged to present their creativity based
on the theme ‘Protect Our Species’.On Who would this be?
a whole, the collages appeared to be a The chirps at dawn Friend or foe
primitive forest untouched by humans. The doe and her fawn
With a compendium of colourful and The rustle of leaves I’m mother earth
meaningful activities, the earth day cel- And the sweet summer breeze Before I meet fate
ebration of 2019 concluded with mirth
and value. Cherish me
Whispers of the rain Before it is too late
Takes me down memory lane
Spring out of bed Beauty and peace
Before the leaves spread Bring to our earth
Else before you can blink
The flowers She’s gone in a wink.
Shall bloom
As the spider Reine Mary John
Class 4-K
10 Widening Horizon Indian Educational School