Handbook for Students and Parents
Table of Contents 3
Who’s Who at Southwest High School 6
Living The Raider Way 9
How to Live the Raider Way 10
Dates to Remember 11
School Policies 12
Dress Guidelines 16
Progression of Discipline Guidelines 17
Things to Know 20
Compact and Parent Involvement Policy 20
Athletics 24
Associated Student Body 33
ASSETS-Afterschool Program 34
Wellness Center Room 201 34
Counseling Center 34
Library 35
Office of Curriculum and Instruction 35
Student/Parent Textbook Guidelines and Responsibilities 35
All 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will get a district provided laptop!
Who’s Who at Southwest High School
1685 Hollister Street
San Diego, CA 92154
(619) 628-3600
Administration [email protected]
Principal: Froylan Villanueva [email protected]
Assistant Principal: Bobby Bonilla [email protected]
Assistant Principal: Ronne Pietila [email protected]
Assistant Principal: Aaron Magnan [email protected]
Assistant Principal (ASB): Patricia Perez
Front Office Support Staff [email protected]
Administrative Assistant (Principal): Vanessa Murillo [email protected]
Administrative Assistant (AP’s): Angelica Rivas [email protected]
Office Assistant: Frances Larson [email protected]
Office Assistant: Dennya Macias [email protected]
Office Assistant: Maribel Valenzuela [email protected]
Attendance Clerk: Lupe Best [email protected]
Plant Operations Supervisor: JP Garcia
[email protected]
Teachers on Special Assignment gloria.rodriguez@sweetwaterschools
Attendance Coordinator/Athletic Director: Manuel Tapia
Restorative/ASSETS Coordinator: Christina Rodriguez [email protected]
[email protected]
Health Clinic
Nurse: Carolyn Ross RN [email protected]
Health Tech: Aileen Serrano [email protected]
[email protected]
Counseling Center [email protected]
Counselor: Stephanie Stephens (A-Casillas) [email protected]
Counselor: Llacneli Castellanos(Cask-Garza) [email protected]
Counselor: Erica Alama (Gastelum-Martinez, O) [email protected]
Counselor: Monica Del Rosario (Martinez, P.-Rodas) [email protected]
Counselor: Ron Tulao (Rode-Z)
Counseling Secretary: Raquel Templeton [email protected]
Registrar: Talia Brosz [email protected]
Speech Therapist: Robert McKinney
Psychologist Office
School Psychologist: Patty Rivas
School Psychologist Secretary: Aurelia Thrasher
Alternative Education [email protected]
Learning Center Coordinator: Russell Moore [email protected]
Learning Center Counselor: Armando Melendrez [email protected]
Learning Center Registrar: Norma Flores [email protected]
Learning Center Teacher: Thomas Carnahan [email protected]
Learning Center Teacher: Jeff Mechling
[email protected]
Independent Study: Antonia Leivas [email protected]
Independent Study: Derek Depace [email protected]
Life School: Stacey Musso [email protected]
Life School: Alice Faulk [email protected]
Life School: Ann Lacy
[email protected]
Student Resources [email protected]
Librarian: Ana Banos
Librarian Tech: Berenice Rosales
Living The Raider Way
Southwest High School educates and empowers students to become productive members of society by
embracing The Raider Way.
The Raider Way provides a rigorous, relevant and supportive environment where all the Southwest High
School stakeholders- staff, students, parents –share the responsibility for ensuring that our graduates will
achieve career and personal goals.
As students, we actively engage in our learning and personal growth by:
Having High Expectations
❖ Stepping up to the challenges offered on campus such as rigorous electives and classes
❖ Striving to succeed at the highest level
Communicating Effectively
❖ Expressing thoughts with clarity when speaking or writing
❖ Appreciating what others have to say
Appreciating Diversity
❖ Supporting multicultural clubs and activities
❖ Understanding we all have different experiences and respect those differences
Becoming Life-long Learners
❖ Taking advantage of the programs that may relate to my interests
❖ Creating opportunities that reflect our interests
Becoming Confident Individuals
❖ Asking questions or bringing up concerns to teachers
❖ Participating in class discussions
❖ Recognizing that our opinions are all equally valuable
❖ Respecting each other’s voices and feeling safe to share my voice
❖ Becoming involved in school clubs, activities or athletics
How to Live the Raider Way
Student/Staff/Parent Expectations
We the community of Southwest High School, in order to maintain high expectations, communicating
effectively, appreciate diversity, become life-long learners, and confidential individuals, will:
Demonstrate self-respect, respect for staff, and respect for our peers.
● Respecting school rules and policies.
● Respecting individual classroom rules.
● Respecting our peers’ perspectives.
● Being courteous, using basic manners, and saying please and thank you.
● Speaking respectfully to others when voicing concern, requesting assistance, and during discussions or
● Having high behavioral expectations for ourselves and our fellow students.
● Embracing our parents’ participation in all school related issues.
● Wearing clothing that shows respect for our bodies, our classmates, our learning short-skirts,
short-shorts, exposed midriffs, and clothing depicting drugs, alcohol, weapons, and/or sexually explicit
images will not be permitted)
Hold high academic e xpectations.
● Striving for success, working hard, taking risks, and persevering.
● Participating actively in class discussions and activities.
● Possessing a positive attitude toward our education.
● Completing tasks, classwork, projects, and homework on time.
● Asking for help and attending tutoring when needed.
● Participating in extra-curricular activities as appropriate.
● Helping others students whenever we can.
● Attending school regularly and being on time for all classes.
● Bringing all necessary materials to class daily.
● Sitting in assigned seats, ready to learn when the bell rings.
● Eating healthy food and drinking water regularly.
Demonstrate parental support.
● Encouraging our children to do their best and persevere.
● Having high exceptions for our students’ success.
● Teaching our children to behave respectfully.
● Teaching our children to help others in need.
● Checking our children’s grades regularly.
● Answering and responding to correspondences from school personnel.
● Allowing our children to be self-reliant and to deal with consequences on their own as appropriate.
● Ensuring that our children have a nutritional breakfast before coming to school.
● Assisting our children with after school learning opportunities and extracurricular participation.
● Encouraging our children to create healthy habits.
Provide staff/administrative support.
● Demonstrating professionalism.
● Having high behavioral and academic expectations of our students.
● Making frequent parent contact and encouraging parent involvement.
● Using restorative practices to build and maintain relationships with students and colleagues.
● Being a lifelong learner and attending professional development opportunities.
● Striving for quality first instruction.
● Challenging students to achieve at a high level.
● Actively participating in PLC collaboration.
● Providing tools and a clear path for student success.
● Providing clear expectations for academic and behavioral success.
● Integrating life-skills into the curriculum as appropriate.
● Creating and reflecting upon “First Best Lessons”.
● Assuming the best and being positive.
● Providing administrative support and communication.
Dates to Remember
School Policies
Electronic Devices
Students may possess or use personal electronic devices:
1. The use of electronic devices in the classroom is at the teacher’s discretion. Each classroom will have it’s own
2. Electronic devices should not disrupt the educational program or school activity.
3. Southwest High School and the Sweetwater Union High School District is not responsible for damaged, lost, or
stolen devices. Bring at your own discretion.
4. Student cell phones, including, but not limited to, text messages and digital photos, may be searched by the
District, under limited circumstances, in accordance with the limitations imposed by state and federal law.
Specifically, school officials may not search students’ cell phones, including the accessing and reading of their
text messages and digital photos, unless those officials:
a. have a reasonable suspicion, based on objective and articulable facts, that the search will provide
evidence that the particular student was violating either the law or a school rule; and
b. the scope of the search is reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive
in light of the nature of the infraction.
Discipline for Violation of Classroom Policies
Students are subject to progressive discipline for violation of this policy, as follows:
1. A first-time offender- electronic device confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day;
2. The second infraction- electronic device confiscated, after school detention, electronic device to be retrieved by
child’s parent or legal guardian;
3. The third infraction- device confiscated, Saturday School assigned, electronic device to be retrieved by child’s
parent or legal guardian;
4. The fourth infraction- device confiscated, 1 Day Suspension, student shall be permanently banned from
possessing a cell phone on school property for a period of one year from the time of infraction.
Southwest High School and SUHSD is not responsible for lost or stolen personal electronic signaling devices, pagers,
beepers and cellular/digital telephones.
Education Code:
48901.5 Cell Phones
4th Amendment to U.S. Constitution
Southwest High School and the Sweetwater Union High School District do not tolerate Bullying. Southwest High School
believes in creating and maintaining a safe, orderly, environment in which students can learn. We believe that all
students and staff have the right to attend a campus that is safe, secure, and peaceful.
AR 5131.2 – BULLYING
Definitions: Bullying means, “any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications
made in writing or by means of electronic act, as defined, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, hate violence,
or harassment, threats, or intimidation, that has the effect or can reasonably be predicted to have the effect of placing a
reasonable pupil as defined*, in fear of harm to that pupil’s or those pupils’ person or property, causing a reasonable
pupil to experience a substantial detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health, causing a reasonable pupil to
experience substantial interference with his or her academic performance, or causing a reasonable pupil to experience
substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges
provided by a school.” Education Code 48900(r)
To report a bullying incident, c lick on this link.
General Policies
1. Southwest High School is a closed campus. You may not leave campus without an off-campus pass.
2. Food Deliveries: All food deliveries from your parents must be dropped off in the main office. Food delivery
services, e.g. Uber eats, Grub Hub, or Door Dash are not allowed.
3. Students may park their vehicles in the South Parking lot only.
4. Students must carry their school ID at all times.
5. Students who are sent to the office for not following the Dress Guidelines will be asked to wear a loaner
t-shirt/shorts and sent back to class until a parent/guardian can bring a change of clothing.
Dress Guidelines
Guideline Yes No
Any shirt or blouse should cover the
back, top of shoulders, and stomach,
Halter-tops, spaghetti strap shirts,
low-cut tops, or tops that expose the
midriff or undergarments are not
Shorts and skirts must be no shorter
than mid-thigh
All pants, shorts, skirts, and shorts
must be worn no lower than the hips,
no sagging or undergarments
Clothing or personal items that
promote drugs/alcohol/tobacco, or
vulgar in interpretation are not
Progression of Discipline Guidelines
Classroom Managed Responses Possible Interventions Possible Consequences
These consequences and interventions ● Establish positive relationship ● Contact parent
aim to teach correct behavior ● Referral to Counselor
with student ● Verbal corrective feedback
● Seat change ● In-class time out
● Pre-correction and ● Parent/guardian conference
● Student verbal/written
● Role play replacement apology
● Use buddy teacher system
behavior ● Loss of classroom privileges
● Establish buddy teacher ● Student written reflection
● Parent/guardian accompany
student in class
● Daily progress report for
● Increase positive recognition
● Goal setting with student
● If student has an IEP, contact
case carrier
Referral to Counselor ● First offense for plagiarism or ● No book or required
cheating materials
If any of the items to the right occurs,
please refer to the student’s Counselor ● Minor classroom disruptions ● Using foul language or
● No homework/lack of gestures
Referral to AP’s office
progress in class ● Physical or emotional
If any of the items to the right occurs, ● PE non-suits concerns
please refer to the Assistant Principal’s ● Academic defiance/multiple
office ● Lack of participation in class
D/F grades activities
● Defiance/refusal to follow ● Chronic
directives disruptive/disrespectful
● Major classroom infraction
● Serious behavior problem
Behavior Matrix Offense/Level 1-2 Offense/Level 2-3 Offense/Level 4-5
Violation Suspension, Behavior Suspension, Transfer Possible Expulsion
Alcohol, drugs Recommendation
Drug Paraphernalia Contract, Drug intervention
Drug/Alcohol Sales
Suspension, Behavior Suspension, Transfer Possible Expulsion
Tobacco Recommendation
Contract, Drug intervention
Suspension, Behavior Involuntary Involuntary
Contract, Drug intervention Transfer/Possible Expulsion Transfer/Possible Expulsion
Recommendation Recommendation
Suspension, Behavior Suspension, Transfer Involuntary Transfer
Contract, Drug intervention
Violation Offense/Level 1-2 Offense/Level 2-3 Offense/Level 4-5
Dangerous Objects Suspension, Behavior Expulsion Expulsion
Contract, Drug intervention Recommendation
Possession, Selling, or Expulsion Expulsion Expulsion
Furnishing a Firearm Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation
Brandishing a Knife Possible Expulsion Possible Expulsion Possible Expulsion
Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation
Imitation Firearm Involuntary Transfer Involuntary Transfer Involuntary Transfer
(possible expulsion) (possible expulsion) (possible expulsion)
Explosives Expulsion Expulsion Expulsion
Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation
Disruptive Behavior* Counsel/warn student, call Call home, Behavior Suspension
home, notify case carrier contract, notify School
(SPED) Psych.
Defiance* Counsel/warn student, call Call home, Behavior Suspension
home, notify case carrier contract, notify School
(SPED) Psych.
Dress Code Violations* Warning, Loaner Apparel, Warning, Loaner Apparel, Loaner Apparel, call
call home call home home, parent meeting
with Admin
Leaving Campus Without Search student, contact Search student, contact Search student, contact
Permission/Off Campus parent, detention parent, In-school parent, In-school
Suspension Suspension, attendance
Forgery of Parent Counsel/warn student, call Call home, Behavior Call home, Behavior
Notes/Bogus Calls home, notify case carrier contract, notify case contract, notify School
(SPED) carrier (SPED) Psych. (SPED)
Cutting Class (Period Counsel/warn student, call Call home, Call home,
Truancies) home, notify case carrier Behavior/Attendance Behavior/Attendance
(SPED) contract, notify School Psych. contract, notify School Psych.
Reckless Driving Notify parents, warning Notify SDPD, ban from Notify SDPD, ban from
parking in student lot parking in student lot
Skateboards, Warning, confiscate, Pick Confiscate, Parent must Confiscate, parent
pick-up, detention conference with AP,
Rollerblades, Scooters, Up After School Banned from carrying
skateboard on campus,
Bikes (riding on campus) detention
Cell Phone/Electronic Confiscate, Student Pick Up Confiscate, Parent must Parent meeting with Admin
Device* to pick-up
After School pick-up after school,
Violation Offense/Level 1-2 Offense/Level 2-3 Offense/Level 4-5
Damage to *Detention or 1-3 In-School Suspension, Suspension 5; Involuntary
School/Private Property Suspension, Restitution Suspension 3-4, Restitution Transfer, Restitution
Theft Contact parent, suspension Contact SDPD, Suspension Suspension 3-5, Involuntary
and/or Restitution 1-3, Restitution Transfer, Restitution
Theft in Excess of $400 Contact SDPD, Restitution, Contact SDPD, Restitution, Contact SDPD, Restitution,
Involuntary Transfer Involuntary Transfer Involuntary Transfer
Cheating/Plagiarism Loss of Credit, Call Home, Loss of Credit, Call Home, Loss of Credit, Drop from
student meet with parent meet with counselor Class, parent meet with
Curriculum AP
Physical Injury: Caused Suspension 3-5, No Contact Suspension 3-5, Involuntary Contact SDPD, Suspension
or Attempted, Fight
(Mutual Combat) Contract Transfer 3-5, Involuntary Transfer
Caused Severe Injury Suspension 3-5/Involuntary Suspension 3-5/Involuntary Suspension 3-5/Involuntary
Not in Self Defense Transfer/In lieu of Transfer/In lieu of Transfer/In lieu of
Expulsion/Expulsion Expulsion/Expulsion Expulsion/Expulsion
Assault/Battery of Recommendation Recommendation, Contact Recommendation, Contact
School Personnel: SDPD SDPD
Caused or Attempted
Suspension 3-5/Involuntary Suspension 3-5/Involuntary Suspension 3-5/Involuntary
Extortion: Threats Transfer/In lieu of Transfer/In lieu of Transfer/In lieu of
Expulsion/Expulsion Expulsion/Expulsion Expulsion/Expulsion
Aiding/Abetting a Fight Recommendation Recommendation, Contact Recommendation, Contact
or Physical Injury SDPD SDPD
Suspension 3-5/Involuntary Suspension 3-5/Involuntary Suspension 3-5/Involuntary
Transfer/In lieu of Transfer/In lieu of Transfer/In lieu of
Expulsion/Expulsion Expulsion/Expulsion Expulsion/Expulsion
Recommendation Recommendation, Contact Recommendation, Contact
Suspension 1-5, Referral to Involuntary Transfer Involuntary Transfer
Profanity/Vulgarities* Counsel Student, Contact Counsel Student, Contact Parent meet with AP,
Profanity/Vulgarities* Parent Parent, detention In-School Suspension
Sexual Parent meet with AP, Suspension 3-5, Involuntary
Harassment/Battery Counsel Student, Contact In-School Suspension Transfer
Parent Expulsion Expulsion
Sexual Assault Recommendation Recommendation
Suspension 3, Contract,
Possible Expulsion Expulsion
Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation
Unprovoked Assault Expulsion Expulsion Expulsion
Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation
Violation Offense/Level 1-2 Offense/Level 2-3 Offense/Level 4-5
Bullying-Harassment/Pe Refer to CLinic/FRC, Refer to CLinic/FRC, Suspension 5, Involuntary
rsonal Detention, ISS/Suspension, Detention, ISS/Suspension, Transfer, Contact SDPD
Behavior Contract Behavior Contract, Contact
Bullying-Harassment/Cy Refer to CLinic/FRC, Refer to CLinic/FRC, Suspension 5, Involuntary
ber Detention, ISS/Suspension, Detention, ISS/Suspension, Transfer, Contact SDPD
Behavior Contract Behavior Contract, Contact
*Restorative Practices: reflection activity, refer to counselor, Restorative Circle, Restorative room (In-School
Things to Know
● Southwest High School is a closed campus.
● Southwest High School is not responsible for any personal item that is lost, damaged, or stolen. Bikes,
skateboards and electronic devices are brought at your own risk.
● If you have to leave campus for a non-emergency, you need to bring a note to the attendance office first thing
in the morning.
● Students who do not have a 1st period, but arrive to school early may wait at the tables in Parker Plaza.
● Students who do not have a 7th period may only be on campus if they are participating in the after school
program (room 711), are a member of an athletic team on campus, or are in a classroom for tutoring.
● Bike racks are located to the north of the gymnasium behind the 700 trailers. Skateboards should not be ridden
on campus at any time. You may leave your skateboard in the main office if you do not want to carry it.
● Students should only park in the South parking lot. All other lots are designated for Staff or Visitors.
● Passes out of class are not allowed the first or last 10 minutes of each period.
● All parent food deliveries must come through the front office. Food delivery services (Uber Eats, Door Dash, et.)
are not allowed at any time.
Compact and Parent Involvement Policy
Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy
Southwest High School
Southwest High School has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents.
provided input at our School Site Council meetings. SOH distributes the policy to parents of Title I students via SSC, ELAC,
and Title I Parent meetings. It is available through the school’s website and in the main office. The policy describes the
means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(a)-(f)
inclusive]. The policy is also mailed home.
Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
To involve parents in the Title I program at Southwest High School, the following practices have been established:
● The school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students about Title I requirements and
about the right of parents to be involved in the Title I program. SOH’s Title I Parent Meeting is scheduled at the
beginning of the school year. A PowerPoint with the regulations/requirements of Title and the rights of our Title
I parents is shared at the meeting. Parents are provided with interpretation when needed.
● The school offers a flexible number of meetings for Title I parents, such as meetings in the morning or evening.
Morning meetings are scheduled once a quarter. Evening meetings are scheduled per parents’
requests.Announcements of meetings are done via flyers, Connect Ed and school’s website.
● The school involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning,
review*, and improvement of the school’s Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy.** Parents
are invited to all school functions, such as Open House, Grade level meetings, and School Academic assemblies
to ensure that all parents, including Title I, have open access to the school. Feedback from parents is encouraged
at these events. Our DAC/Title I/SCE parent representative is always invited to SSC meetings, ELAC meetings and
to debriefings of our Site Plan. The CIS Coordinator meets with the Title I / DAC parent representative.
● The school provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs. Title I funded
programs, such as after school Interventions for math and English, Homework Center, and CAHSEE prep are
discussed at SSC meetings, parent meetings, and Title I Meetings. Schedules of interventions are sent via flyers,
Connect ED and school website.
● The school provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the
assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. The
annual Title I Parent Meeting includes explanations of our school wide strategies, State Mandated Assessments,
District’s Quarterly Assessments, departments’ CFAs (Common Formative Assessments), and scoring rubrics per
proficiency levels.
● If requested by parents of Title I students, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the
parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. The agendas for Parent Meetings
include items that ask parents for input and that ensure that they are provided ample opportunities to be part of
the decision making process. Our Title I/DAC/SCE Parent representative facilitates these agenda items. Parent
surveys facilitate parent Involvement in order to improve school curriculum.
*It may be helpful to include the parental involvement policy review in the annual review of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
**The policy must be updated periodically to meet changing needs of parents and the school. If the school has a process in place for involving parents in planning and
designing the school’s programs, the school may use that process if it includes adequate representation of parents of Title I children. [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c)(3)]
School-Parent Compact
Southwest High School distributes the school-parent compact to parents of Title I students. The compact, which has
been jointly developed with parents, outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the
responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It describes specific ways the school and families will partner
to help children achieve the State’s high academic standards. It addresses the following legally required items, as well as
other items suggested by parents of Title I students:
The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
The ways parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning.
The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through: parent meetings; annual
parent-teacher conferences; frequent reports on student progress; access to staff; opportunities for parents to
volunteer and participate in their child’s class; and op-portunities to observe classroom activities.
Southwest High School has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents.
Parents provided input at our School Site Council meetings. SOH distributes the policy to parents of Title I students via
SSC, ELAC, and Title I Parent meetings. It is also available on the school’s website and through the main office. The policy
describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements [20 USC 6318 Section
1118(a)-(f) inclusive].
Building Capacity for Involvement
Southwest High School engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership
among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the
school has established the following practices:
The school provides Title I parents with assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards,
assessments, and in how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children. Parents are provided with the
school’s directory and website address to facilitate communication. Counselors’ presentations to parents include A-G
The school provides Title I parents with materials and training to help them work with their children to improve their
children's achievement. SOH’s Parent Center provides parents with accessibility to computers, a place to meet and a
location to hold trainings as requested by parents.
With the assistance of Title I parents, the school educates staff members about the value of parent contributions, and in
how to work with parents as equal partners. All Staff members are encouraged to attend parent meetings. The results of
parent surveys are shared with staff, SSC and ELAC.
The school coordinates and integrates the Title I parental involvement program with other programs, and conducts
other activities, such as parent resource centers, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the
education of their children. SOH’s Parent Center provides parents with a place to meet and a location to hold trainings.
Parent volunteers are welcomed. Title I parents are encouraged to get involved in the school’s different programs, such
as AVID, GATE, Dual Language Immersion, Pathways, ELD, SPED, and the bilingual program. Parents are invited to
meeting through flyers, Connect Ed and the school’s website.
The school distributes Information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to Title I
parents in a format and language that the parents understand. All informational materials for parents are translated.
Informational materials including Parent Involvement Policy are placed in main office, Parent Center and Counseling
The school provides support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents.
Parents’ requests for parent involvement activities are welcomed at every parent meeting. SOH’s DAC/Title I/SCE parent
representative meets with the Principal to assist in determining parent involvement activities.
*It may be helpful to include the parental involvement policy review in the annual review of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
**The policy must be updated periodically to meet changing needs of parents and the school. If the school has a process in place for involving parents in planning and
designing the school’s programs, the school may use that process if it includes adequate representation of parents of Title I children. [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c)(3)]
Southwest High School provides opportunities for the participation of all Title I parents, including parents with limited
English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. Information and school reports are
provided in a format and language that parents understand. All informational materials for parents are translated.
Informational materials, including the Parent Involvement Policy, are placed in the main office, Parent Center and
Counseling Office. The agendas for Parent Meetings include items that ask parents for input and that ensure that they
are provided ample opportunities to be part of the decision making process. Our Title I/DAC/SCE Parent representative
facilitates these agenda items. Parent surveys facilitate parent Involvement in order to improve school curriculum.
*It may be helpful to include the parental involvement policy review in the annual review of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
**The policy must be updated periodically to meet changing needs of parents and the school. If the school has a process in place for involving parents in planning and
designing the school’s programs, the school may use that process if it includes adequate representation of parents of Title I children. [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c)(3)]
Athletic Director: Manuel Tapia
Assistant Principal: Patricia Perez
ASB Phone Number: 628-3650
A ll athletes must meet the following academic requirements to be eligible to play any sport.
· 2 .0 unweighted (GPA) in Citizenship.
· 2 .0 unweighted (GPA) in Scholarship.
· M ust pass 4 classes in Citizenship and Scholarship
· M ust meet CIF residential eligibility.
Get a clearance information packet from the ASB
FALL SPORTS – Practice starts AUG 7, 2017
(Football, Volleyball, Water Polo – AUG 1, 2017)
· Cross Country - Coach Buse: Room 907 d [email protected]
· Cross Country - Coach Gio g [email protected]
· Football Coach Paco: c [email protected]
· M en’s Tennis – Coach Roncoroni: Room 1111 [email protected]
· W omen’s Golf - Coach Snyder: Boys PE j [email protected]
· Women’s Tennis - C oach Roncoroni: Room 1111 [email protected]
· Women’s Volleyball - Coach Barba:
· M en’s Water Polo – Coach Carson: Room 705 [email protected]
· Field Hockey - C oach Nestlerode: [email protected]
WINTER SPORTS – Practice starts NOV 11, 2017
o M en’s Soccer - Coach Gio [email protected]
o W omen’s Soccer– Coach Rodriguez Room [email protected]
o M en’s Basketball : Coach Selland: Room 213 s [email protected]
o Women’s Basketball : Coach Mariscal [email protected]
· Roller Hockey: Coach Nestlerode [email protected]
· W restling: Coach Garcia [email protected]
· Womens Water Polo: Coach Carson: Room 705 j [email protected]
SPRING SPORTS – Practice starts FEB 17, 2017
(Golf, Swim and Tennis FEB 10, 2017)
Men’s Track – Coach Thompson: Room 208 [email protected]
Women’s Track – Coach Tompkins: Room 209 c [email protected]
Baseball – Coach Tapia: Main Office m [email protected]
Softball – Coach Russell [email protected]
Men’s Volleyball – Coach Cabrera [email protected]
Men’s Tennis – Coach Roncoroni: Room 1111 c [email protected]
Men’s Lacrosse - Coach Santos [email protected]
Women’s Lacrosse - Coach Nestlerode [email protected]
Swim and Dive – C oach Carson: Room 705 j [email protected]
Men’s Golf – Coach Snyder: Boys PE j [email protected]
Steps to get Cleared
(First Sport)
1. Pick up clearance packet from the ASB.
2. Follow instructions to complete Online Clearance at: w ww.southwestraiders.com
3. Print and sign your “Athlete Profile” page and bring with physical form to ASB.
(Second Sport)
1. Go to your online clearance account and register for new sport.
2. Print “Athlete Profile” page to ASB.
Head Coach of each program is in B OLD FONT.
Green Titles are COED sports.
Blue Titles are Boys sports.
Pink Titles are Girls sports.
Associated Student Body
Your student’s high school years should be among their most memorable times. At Southwest High School we
work hard to create “magical moments” that will give your students the opportunity to smile, laugh and
recall with great affection in the future when they are at home or in the workplace re- telling the stories of
Southwest High. Help your students build those memories by encouraging them to become involved in school
activities. Impress on your students that they are “part of the whole”, and that an important life skill is
learning to be selfless, contributing to make the group better, not just the individual. We have several interest
clubs, sports and academic clubs on campus for your student to take part in throughout the year.
High school is more than just taking classes and getting ready for college. Most major college and university
admission requirements include active school participation and service over an extended period of time as
important selection criteria. It is not necessary for your student to be in every club and organization, but it is
important that he or she is actively involved for four years in school life.
As parents, you are encouraged to visit school; attend our games, and musical performances, participate in
parent meetings and volunteer for activities often.
At orientation, ASB Cards will be sold for only $25.00. The ASB card will get you into all non-playoff home
games (excluding Homecoming) *Save $6 per home Football game and $5 per home Basketball game with an
ASB card. Other items will also be sold at discounted prices only on Raider Gear Day. A price list is included
below for your convenience.
Your student will take their school picture on August 1st -3rd depending on their English class. At that time
they will be issued a school ID. All students must carry their school ID at all times on campus and to off campus
functions. Replacement IDs can be purchased in the ASB for $10.
SOH Clubs on Campus
Below are the current list of clubs on campus. If your are interested in joining any of the clubs below or would
like further information please come by the ASB.
Academics Club Aesthetic Club AP U.S. History ASB ASU AVID
Band Biology Book Club Campus Clean-Up Campus Connect Cheerleader Club Chemistry Club Class
of 2018 Class of 2019 College and Career Readiness Competitive Video Game CSF Culinary Arts
EcoEngineering Ecology Club Electrical Reduction Gay/Straight Alliance Club Girl Empowerment Club
Health Career Academy Club Japanese Club Lion's Club Scholarship Literature Club Mariachi MEChA
Pan Asian Pep Club Robotics Royal T's Safe School Ambassadors Scholarships SOH Wave Catchers
SOHIKERS Speech and Debate SWest Coed The Revolution Theatre/Drama Club WHAMM Club
Yearbook Club
ASB Price List
Buy a package and save money! ASB ONLY ACCEPTS CASH PAYMENTS
Gear Day Shorts Package $40
ASB Card, Lock, PE Shirt, Shorts-$46 if purchased separately
Gear Day Sweats Package $45
ASB Card, Lock, PE Shirt, Sweats-$51 if purchased separately
Gear Day Yearbook Package $90
ASB Card, Spirit Shirt, Yearbook-$100 if purchased separately
Gradnite payment package two payments of $75
Payment one due by 9/8/2017
Payment two due by 1/19/2017
*this is for current seniors only *
A la Carte – Prices
ASB CARD - $20
LOCK- $6
PE Shorts -$13
PE Shirt - $7
PE sweatpants - $18
PE Sweatshirt - $15
Raider Pride Shirt - $10
Class Comp shirt - $5
Yearbook - $70
ASSETS-Afterschool Program
Coordinator: Christina Rodriguez
Site Supervisor: Jaime Raygoza & Luis Aparicio
Youth Leader: Geovanni Cordova
Hours: 6am - 7am
Monday -Friday 2:30 - 5pm
Saturday Varies
The after school program is developed to provide students the opportunity to participate in sports,
educational, cultural and community enrichment programs; to build confidence and self-esteem; to encourage
youth to stay out of the trouble and off the streets while focusing on school, learning and life. Our vision is for
our students to be safe and healthy, to graduate high school and go to either college or enter the workforce.
Clubs: Acadeca M.E.Ch.A
Anime/Japanese Club Outdoor Activities (Paddleboard, Kayaking,
AP World History tutoring Hiking..etc)
Baseball Club Pirated Newspaper
Basketball Club Photography Club
Campus Clean-Up Raiders Study
College Campus Visits Recycling Club
Culinary Arts Robotics
Dance ( Ballet/Jazz/Hip-Hop) Soccer Club
Drama Club Softball Club
Driver’s Ed Speed & Agility Club
Game Room A.M. Sports & Fitness Club
Game Room P.M. Surf Club
Leadership Tennis Club
Math Tutoring
Wellness Center Room 201
Nurse: Margaret McLean RN, MSN, PHN
Health Tech: Aileen Serrano
Phone Number 619-628-3670
Fax (main office, attention “Health”) 619-423-8253
Wellness Center hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 3:15pm. Closed for lunch 5th period (12:20-1:20).
Friday 7:00am - 1:50pm
Information for Parents and Students
Parents: To maintain optimal health please make sure your child gets at least 8 hours of sleep at night, eats a nutritious
breakfast, packs a lunch or has money for school lunch, and has a water bottle with them to hydrate throughout the day.
Should you send your child to school?
It’s often difficult for parents to know whether their child is too sick to attend school. Here are some general guidelines:
Do not send your child to school if:
● Temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit
● Vomited more than once, vomited the evening/night before
● Has frequent, uncontrollable diarrhea
If your child has complained of a non-specific illness, such as a cold or stomach discomfort and you have determined
s/he is okay for school, please encourage your child to stay at school the entire day. However, if your child begins to feel
worse at school, s/he may visit the wellness center for evaluation. If our assessment indicates illness/inability to stay in
school we will contact you using the contact information you provided in Infinite Campus.
When a child comes to the wellness center:
Students are evaluated based on many factors including, but not limited to: body temperature, symptoms, history of
similar illnesses at home or school. Our licensed, credentialed school nurse will make the final decision regarding
whether or not the child can stay at school.
If the child cannot stay, parents will be contacted. For those deemed well enough to stay in school, rest time will be
provided before returning the student to class. If you would like to be notified each time your child sees the school
nurse, please contact her directly.
Medical Conditions: Please inform us if your child has a medical condition which needs attention at school or has the
capacity to impact learning.
If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please contact the school nurse directly: Margaret McLean at
[email protected] or 619-628-3670.
Wellness Center - Information for Students
1. Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 3:15pm. Closed for lunch 5th period (12:20-1:20). Friday 7:00am -
2. Hall pass: all students are required to have a hall pass or they can come on their own during nutrition break or
3. Accountability: computer records are kept detailing each visit made by each student.
4. Restroom: the Wellness Center restroom is only for students visiting the school nurse or the San Ysidro Health
Center. There are restrooms located throughout campus for student use.
5. Female health: sanitary pads and tampons are available for 25 cents.
6. Illness: If you are sick, don’t come to school. Sick means a fever above 100 degrees, vomiting, uncontrollable
diarrhea. If you become sick at school ask for a hall pass to see the school nurse. We will discuss the best choices
for a speedy recovery. Please see the nurse before using a cell phone to call home if you are sick.
7. PE Limitations: Bring your doctor’s note to the nurse before you have PE class or ask your PE teacher for a pass.
8. Medication: we stock ibuprofen (“Advil”), acetaminophen (“Tylenol”), cough drops, and calcium carbonate
(“Tums”). An “Over the Counter (OTC) Medication Authorization” form must be signed and renewed each
calendar year. If you have an OTC medication that you’d like your student to have at school, add it to the OTC
form and bring stock in. B lank form available here:
9. Prescription Medications: your doctor needs to fill out the “Physician’s Recommendation for Medication” form.
Parents sign it as well and bring the medication in its original bottle. Long term prescriptions need to be
renewed every school year. Blank form available here:
10. Vaccinations: vaccines must be up to date as required by California state law for registration. For those students
starting the series over or catching up, please update the nurse when vaccines are obtained to ensure your child
can remain at school. More information on requirements at http://www.shotsforschool.org/k-12/
11. Referral Information: to clinics, social services, et cetera, is available for the asking. Please contact us for
12. San Ysidro Health Center operates a satellite clinic here Monday through Thursday mornings. It is for the
students only and is by appointment only. A consent form must be filled out by parents each school year.
Blank form available here:
We have 3 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) on campus:
We need the above form filled out for each student each year for school medications. Doctor, parents sign.
Student Health Services
Telephone: (619) 628-3670
Fax: (619) 628-3770
Physical Education Medical Notice
*Senate Bill 601 and California Education Code 33352 require all students participate in physical education courses in
grades 7-12. Students will NOT be exempt from this requirement under any circumstances. However, students with
health issues will be offered a modified or adaptive physical education program to meet this requirement. Please
check those activities the student may participate in. Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions.
To Physical Education Teacher,
__________________________________________ (Name, Date of Birth & Grade) was seen in my office
________________________________ (Date) for the following reason (brief description of the problem)
NOTE: If your student cannot perform the activity modifications offered by their physical education teacher, student will
need to complete written work from the book Fitness for Life. Written work needs to be completed fully and turned in
on due date.
Student MAY participate in the following activities (check all that apply).
___ Walk
___ Jog/Walk
___ Run
___ All flexibility exercises. Indicate if limited to upper body, lower body, or
___ All strength exercises. Indicate if limited to upper body, lower body, or
___ Contact sports activity
___ Full sun exposure
Student Signature: ___________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________
Date of the Injury_ _______ Student is released to full PE participation as of: ____________________
Provider Name (please print) : _______________________________ Provider Signature: _ ___________________
Phone: _____________________
For office use only.
Please attach a copy of the medical note to this form.
Nurse Signature: _________________________________
Review Date: ____________________________________
Notice to PE Teachers:____________________________
Student Health Services
Telephone: (619) 628-3670
Fax: (619) 628-3770
Educación Física Aviso Médico
* Ley del Senado 601 y el Código 33352 de Educación de California requieren que todos los estudiantes participen en cursos de
educación física en los grados 7-12. Los estudiantes no estarán exentos de este requisito en cualquier circunstancia. Sin
embargo, los estudiantes con problemas de salud se les ofrecerá un programa de educación física modificada o de adaptación
para cumplir con este requisito. Por favor verifique en aquellas actividades que el estudiante puede participar. Por favor,
póngase en contacto con la enfermera de la escuela si tiene alguna pregunta.
Para Profesor de Educación Física,
________________________________________ (Nombre, fecha de nacimiento y Grado), se presentó en mi oficina
__________________________________________ (Fecha) por la siguiente razón (breve descripción del problema)
Nota: Si el estudiante no puede realizar las modificaciones actividades ofrecidas por su profesor de educación física, el estudiante
tendrá que completar el trabajo escrito del Libro de la Vida. El trabajo escrito debe ser completado en su totalidad y se deberá entregar
en la fecha indicada por el profesor.
El estudiante PUEDE participar en las siguientes actividades (marque todas las que aplican).
___ Camina
___ Trotar / Walk
___ Correr
___ Todos los ejercicios de flexibilidad. Indique si se limita a parte superior del cuerpo, parte
inferior del cuerpo, or other____________________________________________
___ Todos los ejercicios de fuerza. Indique si se limita a parte superior del cuerpo, parte inferior
del cuerpo, o other__________________________________________
___ Actividad Deportes de contacto
___ Exposición Plena al sol
Firma del Estudiante: ______________________ F irma del Padre o Tutor: ________________________
Fecha del Accidente________ Fecha que se libera para participación de PE: ____________________
Nombre del Proveedor ( En Imprenta): _______________ Firma del Proveedor : _ _____________________
Telefono: _____________________
Para uso exclusivo de la Officna
Fecha_ _____________________________________________
Favor de Adjuntar una copia de la nota médica a esta forma.
Firma de Enfermera: __________________________________
Fecha de Recivido:____________________________________
Notificacion al maestro de PE: __________________________
Counseling Center
Room 313
Administrative Assistant: Raquel Templeton
Registrar: Talia Brosz
School Psychologist: Nancy Park
Speech Therapist: Robert McKinney
Counselor: Monica Del Rosario
Counselor: Erica Lama
Counselor: Heidi Meza
Counselor: Stephanie Stephens
Counselor: Ron Tulao
Librarian: Ana Banos
Media Tech: Berenice Rosales
Library website: http://sohlibrary.edublogs.org
Office of Curriculum and Instruction
Student/Parent Textbook Guidelines and Responsibilities
The district provides each student with an adopted textbook. Each student is issued a textbook with a
unique barcode number and students must return that textbook with the same barcode. T extbooks are
on l oan to students and must be returned in good condition.
Ed. Code Section 48904(a) (1) holds students, parents or guardians responsible for the cost of replacing
textbooks ($60 - $190 per textbook) that are defaced/damaged or not returned including lost or stolen
textbooks. All replacement costs and damage fines must be paid in c ash. Be sure to review each
textbook when it is checked out to you and report any previous damage.
Please follow the guidelines below:
● Write your name on the inside cover as soon as it is checked out to you.
● Cover textbooks to keep them from incurring serious damage.
● Do not let your friends borrow your textbooks because Y OU are responsible for each textbook on
loan to YOU.
● Important Note: Even if a teacher allows a student to keep books in the classroom, the student is
still responsible for his/her books.
Student and Parent Responsibilities:
● Students must return/pay for all their textbooks before withdrawing/checking out to another school
or program including within the Sweetwater Union High School District. Ed. Code Section
48904(b)(1) a llows schools to withhold student grades, diploma and transcripts.
● Students must return/pay for all their previous year’s textbooks before the new school year begins.
● Students must return/pay for all their textbooks before they are allowed participation in extra
curricular activities (athletics, dances, field trips) including promotion and graduation ceremony.
● Incoming students must return/pay for their previous school’s textbooks before the new school year
Failure to return/pay textbooks will result in (Ed. Code 48900-48927; BP 6161.2):
● Students will be placed on the non-privileged list until the entire debt is cleared.
● Students will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities (athletics, dances, field trips)
including the promotion and graduation ceremony.
● School will withhold grades, transcripts, attendance records, promotion certificates and graduation
Textbooks Online Option - Students may have an option to use online (via internet) textbooks instead of
printed version if the textbook is available online and student has a computer/internet at home. Parent
signature and other requirements apply. See website: h ttp://curriculum.suhsd.k12.ca.us
Seventh Graders will receive iPads with specific textbooks downloaded; parents and students will receive
guidelines and forms regarding this initiative directly form each site.
CA Department of Education : h ttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/instrmatliable.asp
SUHSD Board Policy : https://goo.gl/tKX9Oh
All 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will get a district provided laptop!
YOGA 11E [link]