The Lost Coast’s SHELTER COVE
Article on Pages 14-16
MAY 18, 2019
Tickets starting
at just $26!
SAT. MAY 18, 2019
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 1
THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE NorCal editor’s letter
P.O. Box 794
Orangevale, CA 95662 April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Terri and I
Office: 530.368.6579 or 530.305.7992 have committed ourselves to doing what we can to bring
Fax: 530-831-4758 more attention to what has become an alarming epidemic
Email: [email protected] - so please make sure to follow along with the articles that we
Website: www.thunderroadsnorcal.com will be publishing over the course of the year. And if you feel
inspired to get more involved in this mission - then even better.
Northern California It started for us when Shauna - along with her uncle reached
State Editors / Owners out to us with her heart wrenching story of what their family has
gone through after her father was killed by a distracted driver
Stan & Terri Hill while he was on his motorcycle. It just so happened that Terri
and I had been in a very close call at a red light in Vallejo when
On The Cover: a driver of a truck pulling a large trailer and distracted by his
phone failed to stop. Had I not split the lanes we would most
The Lost Coast’s SHELTER COVE. Photo by Stan Hill certainly not be writing this right now as the truck slammed
into the back of the car right next to us. It was one of those
Art Director/Layout & Design pucker moments that will stick with you for a while. This type of
Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics accident is 100% avoidable if drivers would just be more aware
of the life or death responsibility that they assume every time we
Magazine Contributors get behind the wheel. I typically am not in favor of more laws; but
Wild Bill Hill there has to be a way to drive home the importance to all of us
that use the road that distracted driving is in no way acceptable
Billie Wilson/Billie The Kid Photography behavior. When we make the choice to drive distracted we not
Taleah Ebey / T3 Design Studios only risk our own safety but all of the innocent people that are
near us, this behavior truly needs to stop. This is also a perfect
Rich “Foot” & Jennifer “Sunshine” Elkins example of why I believe lane sharing for motorcycles should
Randy Wenslawski be allowed in every state of this country as a safety measure to
Rae Lynn Flippo allow motorcyclists access to safer places on the road.
Barry Mendenhall
Dan & Nad Rogers On another note, we just want to let those of you that did
not already know that Terri and I have been working hard
Gary & Mary Hoffman on developing our YouTube channel. You can find us at
Bobby “G” Godwin (Hillon2wheels on YouTube) or visit our website: Hillon2wheels.
com. Check it out - you can see some behind the scenes action,
Cyndee Reed Van Hooser as well as bike and parts reviews, along with our on and off
Tina Oakland / Awesome Photography the road adventures. Plus we will be doing more interviews of
interesting characters that make up this crazy motorcycle life
My Two Cents that we all love. So come check it out and if you like what we
Al Cagle / [email protected] are doing hit the subscribe button and click the bell which means
you want to know when the next H2W video comes out. We
Thunder Road Biker Church upload a new video every week on our channel. We really enjoy
Pastor Johnny/[email protected] 916-521-5706 doing this because it allows us to interact with all of you in a
more personal way than some of the other social media options.
Ride Destination
Chuck & Cindy Loseth RIDE FREE
NorCal Sales Representatives/Magazine Contributors
Russell “Raz” Holder
(916) 425-2377 Stan & Terri Hill
[email protected]
National Founders
Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon
1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN 37035
Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580
[email protected]
(for information regarding Thunder Roads Northern California,
please use contact information at top of column
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 2
5th Annual
Cove Rats MC
Crab Feed
18 Mail Check and This Form for 1 Year Subscription 12 Issues $30
RIDE PRIDE: P.O. Box 794 – Orangevale, CA 95662
Now accepting credit cards – Call 530.305.7992
Pounder 124
30 STREET OR P.O. BOX_______________________________________________
Ride Destination................................................. 6 EMAIL_______________________________________________________________
If You Can See What I Can See ….................... 8
Bobby G Visits Vintage Monkey....................... 22 Make check payable to Thunder Roads Of Northern California
Distracted Awareness Month............................ 24
Calendar........................................................... 26 ADVERTISE YOUR
Thunder Road Biker Church............................. 34 BUSINESS HERE
Biker Band Revue: Oleander............................ 38 AND RECEIVE FREE
Biker Friendly Directory.................................... 40
Joker’s Wild...................................................... 42 MAGAZINES
Marketplace...................................................... 43
Events.............................................................. 48
Thank You To Our Sponsors............................. 53
(530) 368-6579 / (530) 305-7992
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 3
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 4
Fairfax Bolinas Rd
San Rafael - Mill Valley - Bolinas
‘Well, there ain’t no change in the weather, Dam At Alpine Lake
ain’t no changes in me.’ That J.J.Cale line
pretty much sums up the last month. More this time, I hung a right on Pan Toll Road, from there it was a
crappy no riding days that definitely make short shot to E. Ridgecrest Road, and on to Mount Tamalpais
me anxious for some kind of change. So as usual lately, we (pronounced TAM-al-PIE US), or just Mount Tam.
had to wait for a couple of decent days to get out and about. East Ridgecrest will give you a glimpse of what you’ll see at
Finally, it did clear up a little and I was able to make my way the top. A fabulous view of San Francisco and the Bay area.
to the Bay Area. Cindy was nice enough to hold down our Reaching the parking area, I put down the old kickstand
babysitting gig while I was out of town. and changed into my hiking shoes. It’s about a quarter of a
Leaving Hwy 37, I rolled south on 101, passed through San mile up to the lookout tower. It’s a little rugged in a couple of
Rafael and butt-breaked in Fairfax. There, off Center Street, places, but unless you’re totally out of shape or are hurting,
you will find Bolinas Road. It’s mostly no center line asphalt it’s not a difficult hike. Well worth the time. You’ll almost be
that meanders through redwood forests, along Alpine Lake, overwhelmed by the sights. Lake Lagunitas, San Pedro Bay,
over the dam and down to Bolinas. On this day, I would only San Quentin, Alcatraz, the bridges and the rest of the Bay
enjoy the ride down to the W. Ridgecrest Rd. turn-off. The
visuals travelling this road are incredible. You’re surrounded
by beautiful endless rolling hills. Look west, and the hills
seem to blend into the ocean. At the same time, you’re
soaking in Bolinas Bay and the peninsula. Very nice!
It was mid-afternoon now and I figured I would head to my
lodging for the night; the Marin Lodge in San Rafael (www.
marinlodge.com). I took the Pan Toll Road turn-off and
soon came to the Panorama Highway. And panoramic it
is! Cut out of the forest, it twists and turns right on into Mill
Valley. Once through Mill Valley, I headed north on 101 to
N. San Pedro and backtracked to the lodge. A nice clean
place to stay, very reasonable for Marin County, and a very
friendly staff. As a matter of fact. I came out the next morning
and they had taped a sheet of paper to the front of my bike
cover with the words “don’t hit me” written on it. Since the
parking area was fairly dark, and my cover is black, they
didn’t want anyone to try and pull in without seeing the bike.
I’d say that’s great customer service!
The next morning, I made my way back down to Mill Valley
and the Panoramic Highway. Going in the opposite direction
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 6
Marin Lodge Sign At Gravity Train Smileys Saloon
Area. that, as I got closer to the coast, the trees had turned to
Early last century, Mount Tam (At 2,571 Ft.) was a huge mostly eucalyptus, mixed with various species of evergreen.
tourist destination. Before the automobile became popular, Awwww…the fine aromas permeating the air.
folks would get to the old Summit Restaurant and Hotel Soon, the smell of salt overtook all, and I knew I was getting
by the Mount Tamalpais Scenic Railway. The route was so close to the peninsula. The small town of Bolinas is out at the
steep that there were 281 turns and garnered the name, end of this strut of land. It’s a reclusive kind of hippie town.
‘The Crookedest Railroad in the World.’ One section called So reclusive that the locals would tear down any signs that
the ‘Double Bow Knot’ paralleled itself 5 times within 200 the state would put up pointing out it’s location.
yards. There was also a Gravity Train that would take people Well, it was lunch time, so the Coast Café looked like the
back down the mountain. A top speed of 12 mph and only a spot to be. And it was! Some of the best gumbo I’ve ever
brake to slow or stop. A huge fire on the mountain in 1929 had. Smiley’s Saloon and Hotel is right across the street
hastened the end of the railroad. But the writing was on the if you need some refreshments (www.smileyssaloon.com)
wall already as cars became the choice of travel. Look up Certainly, the place to be on the weekends. They must be
Crookedest Railroad on YouTube and you’ll find a few nice doing something right...it’s been around since 1851. It was
videos. now time to head back to the homestead. Although I did get
My workout for the day over, it was back on the scoot, to enjoy a beautiful ride up Highway 1 and the Panoramic
down the mountain and on to Bolinas. I was very happy Highway along the way. Until next time…
to ride W. Ridgecrest again, this time in the other direction.
Once I made Fairfax-Bolinas Rd, I turned west and noticed Article and photos contributed by Chuck Loseth
Lookout At Mt Tamalpais W. Ridgecrest Road
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 7
Might Be Riding On The Back of a Harley
The Camp Fire at Paradise California
All burned including the cars Daffodils and Hazmat Crew Sifting thru the Rubble
Butte County, November 8, 2018. The sun came up ever been. Estimated total cost of damages is $16.5 billion.
early in morning, just like the day before, but that is The point of origin was later determined by the discovery of a
where the comparison ends. That morning, around single broken C-hook that held up a high voltage line on a high
6:15am, a problem was noted on a PG&E power voltage transmission tower. There was a flash burn marking
transmission line above the Poe Dam near Pulga, California. found on the nearly 100 year old high voltage transmission
Barely 15 minutes later, a PG&E field crew reported to the tower. The power line broke and made contact with the tower,
Rock Creek Powerhouse that there was a fire under the power likely due to the high winds. It was named the Camp Fire
transmission lines. PG&E notified Cal Fire and a fire size up because the fire began on Camp Creek Road. After 17 days
Officer was dispatched. It is the size up Officer’s responsibility of fighting the fire, it was fully contained on November 25,
to do an initial size up of the situation, make decisions and 2018.
institute the proper tactics to safely and efficiently attack the
fire. Within the next 10 minutes numerous other reports of the Californians and people across the nation followed the
fire were received, and Captain Matt MacKenzie arrived on Camp Fire news, devastated and in awe over the dramatic
scene. He observed the fire, taking note of its rapid growth pictures and videos that showed the total destruction. We
and extreme behavior. He was having trouble finding a way saw people being chased by flames as they were running
to directly access the fire though he knew the location of the from their homes. Some drove their cars through the flames
fire was accessed by Camp Creek Road. He immediately just to get away. Traffic jams and total fear caused others to
called for resources to attack the fire. He said this fire has the abandon their vehicles on the road, leaving them to burn.
potential for a major incident and requested evacuations. His Concerned for their own life and that of their family, most left
immediate call to evacuate is now credited to saving many behind everything they loved and owned, including their pets.
lives. Ground crews rushed to fight the fire. Unfortunately The speed of the flames was so quick, that even though they
due to high winds, fire crew aircraft could not be dispatched were attempting to prevent the fire from entering Paradise
until that afternoon. Less than 2 hours after the fire began, it and nearby towns, firefighters instead sought to help people
entered the town of Paradise at 8 a.m. The hot gusting wind get out alive.
drove the fire at speeds up to 50 mph. The fire moved so
quickly that people were not able to evacuate in time. Soon Makeshift camps were formed wherever space was
the wildfire became a very deadly firestorm. available with hopes of water and food nearby. People and
businesses were giving away tents, loaning their campers,
The Camp Fire was the deadliest and most destructive trailers, motorhomes, warehouses, barns, and even their
wildfire in California history. 52,000 people were evacuated. backyards, for temporary housing of the victims. An
The death toll is currently 86 victims, aged 36 to 95, with 2 encampment developed in a vacant lot next to a local store.
people still missing. Injuries were reported by 3 firefighters, 2 The population of this camp grew to over a thousand people.
prison inmate firefighters and 11 civilians. The fire covered an Volunteers from across the region came to the camp and
area of 240 sq. miles, 153,336 acres. 18,804 structures were provided services for food, shelter, and sanitation. The Red
destroyed, another 675 were damaged. 5,827 vehicles were Cross set up evacuee shelters at the County fairgrounds.
destroyed. The smoke from the fire resulted in widespread People were dazed, just trying to determine what to do
air pollution, and traveled a distance of over 3,000 miles. Air next. Good Samaritans brought essentially needed items
quality in Northern California was at the worst condition it had to these camps. They brought so much that they were
asked to stop and bring no more. President Donald Trump,
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 8
57 Chevy
California’s Governor and Governor elect toured the area Graffiti Art Lady’s Face
with the FEMA director, promising the government will help.
We don’t hear or see much about the Camp Fire in the news and seek reimbursement from their insurance companies. If
anymore. That is why I decided to write this story. I wanted to they fail to clean their properties, Butte County ultimately will
see for myself, and share my story about what I have seen. declare their land a nuisance.
Telling Curt my idea, we made a plan to ride to Paradise that
coming weekend. It just so happened, on that same weekend As we cruise through the town, the road is wide open. There
an event was being held at Sierra Steel Harley-Davidson in are only a few other vehicles traveling through. We recognize
Chico. The Ribs for the Ridge event was hosted as a way the road we took has led us into a commercial business
for people to have fun and raise money to support relief zone that is now destroyed. There are no businesses open
efforts due to the Camp Fire. It was the perfect tie in to my for business and there is no community to enjoy. The only
idea. Saturday morning we gathered with Folsom H.O.G. people we see are workers who are busy working. Crews
friends, and 11 bikes with 14 riders rode to Chico. A whopping are everywhere. Chainsaws are buzzing as trees are being
$23,000.00 was raised. When it was time to leave, instead of cut. Backhoes and tractors are scraping the land and loading
heading home with everyone, we rode on to Paradise. trucks. Everyone is cleaning up. Electrical and telephone lines
are being hung where new poles have been placed. In the
On the edge of Chico and just before Paradise we pass parking lot next to a former service station, we see a large
numerous billboards with different messages. Many carried boat that has melted. The wheels on the trailer appear as if
words of encouragement and support, such as Paradise they hold the remains safely. A closer look shows the wheels
Strong – Butte Strong, though most were advertisements are melted and the tires are flat. Behind the mess is a group
from services for hire. I saw ads for Attorneys, Contractors, of camp trailers and garbage cans. People have set up camp
Destruction Removal, Insurance, Lenders and Banks. As we and are living in this parking lot.
approached Paradise, the view was beautiful. We saw blue
sky over green hills and faraway mountains. Immediately we Rolling down the street we are stunned at what is still standing
noticed all of the trees within our sight are dead. They have and what is left behind. A firehose remains, lying on the sidewalk,
been burned. Then we realize the hills are green because the all tangled up but does not appear to be burned. Behind the hose
season is changing to spring and the grass is beginning to is debris. There are burnt cars, and a few freestanding walls
grow back. Looking closer I see some trees are already cut with one side burned and the other side untouched. One wall
down. They are lying still, next to their stump, as if they were proudly bears the name of the business that was there only a
not ready to leave. Disaster relief crews determined 443,000 few months ago. Looking to the right, I see a home standing in
trees were killed by the fire. All of the dead trees must be the background. In front of the house is what remains of another
logged within the next few months, before they rot and cannot building. Painted on the wall is the face of a woman. This art
be used as salvage wood. The dirt on the ground is dark, is beauty amongst devastation. Researching later, I discovered
often still charred black, but also covered with netting, mulch the painting was done with spray paint, by a former graffiti artist,
and hay. This is to prevent soil erosion that is expected due Mr. Shane Grammer. He grew up nearby and had visited often.
to winter rains. We approach the first burned structure on He has friends who lived a lifetime in their hometown area.
our path. It is a metal commercial building with two walls still Throughout the town that he remembers so fondly, using cans
standing. There are large signs next to this building advertising of spray paint, he has painted amazing heartfelt murals on the
help is available for hire. remnants of abandoned houses and burned out cars, offering a
haunting tribute to a community that has lost almost everything.
Fire crews tested burned debris for environmental and
hazardous materials that may have burned or spread in the fire. We take a turn onto another road and are now in a residential
The Butte County Health Officer declared the burned region area. Most of the properties are behind temporary chain link
uninhabitable. Federal disaster assistance is predicated on the fencing. We come upon a corner lot with a crew of workers,
need to remedy health and safety hazards. It becomes clearly
evident to us that cleaning up is the current goal. Without continued...
clean up there can be no rebuild. Private property owners are
faced with worry over the monumental task of how to clear
their land. Those who do not sign up for the government’s
help are required to hire their own debris removal companies
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 9
Ribs for the Ridge Fundraiser at Sierra Steel HD
in Chico
from one side of the road to the other, I realize this is a point
where the fire crossed the road. The road has been burned,
scorched, melted and was not yet repaired. Coming into
the hills we see thousands of feet of straw wattle already in
place. There is a worker distributing hay onto the ground by
Paradise Sign Hwy 191 hand. I look to my right and I see a metal building. Twisted
each dressed in masks and white Tyvek hazmat suits. We and still standing, this was someone’s shop. Outside the shop
watched as they sift through the steel, rubble, ash and debris. are burned cars that were once part of a cherished Hot Rod
We know there are two people missing and wonder if that collection. We arrive at the next corner and are surprised to
is what they are so carefully looking for. Looking closer we see amidst everything destroyed, the church is still there. The
see the land is already trying to recover. There are beautiful church is a home of safety, love and hope. That is probably
daffodils in bloom, growing in front of the fence that the hazmat why we see someone’s pride and joy, a baby blue and white
crew is working behind. A white picket fence stands tall, 1957 Chevrolet, sitting alone in the side parking lot. It gave me
attempting to protect the home that is no longer there. It is the tears to see that once beautiful car slightly scorched, with the
same total devastation everywhere. House after house, gone windows gone and tires melted, waiting for its owner to come.
with burned vehicles left behind. Then there is one house still
standing, untouched and vacant. Next to it is another house, We turn and travel down a desolate road that sits along
half gone. Almost every lot has a brick fireplace still standing a hillside. It feels sad to be riding on this road. We turned
upright and tall. Concrete statues remain in place as if they around and went back the way we came. We had seen
are trying to decorate the yards where they sit. Every once in enough and decided to head out of town. Traveling slowly
while I see the metal structure of a child’s swing set, waiting on the way out, we are riding behind a row of semi dump
for the children to come home. I feel pain resting on my chest trucks. It dawns on me that we had been passing trucks all
and sadness in my heart. day, going to and away from Paradise. The load on the trucks
is wrapped with tied down tarps. The tarps are used to keep
There is a lone mailbox waiting for the mailman. Lives and toxic ashes from flying out during transit. Officials estimate
dreams are shattered. Barricades, cones and flags indicate an average of 350 tons of debris will be removed from each
the property has been inspected. Ribbons on trees and property. Most of the debris is contaminated and will be buried
large X’s painted on the burned vehicles indicate pending in nearby landfills. Every truck had an orange sticker on the
removal. Occasionally there is a small insurance company side that said DROC, Debris Removal Operations Center.
sign, proudly announcing “Help is here.” Those simple words On the outskirts of town we see numerous camps set up on
give the feeling that the Super Heroes have arrived, and the private property. On our right we saw the last reminder of
certainty that everything will be all right. Yet that may not be Paradise, a road sign directing us to town. Sadly yet fitting
true. Still all of the trees are burned, even though most are to all we had seen, the sign is damaged and leaning on a
standing and only a few have been cut down. Streets with no broken post. There was very little conversation between us
driveways, driveways with no houses. Street signs are gone, as we rode through Paradise. One thing we discussed was
replaced with large cardboard signs bearing the street name, the feeling of death. We felt like we had just gone through an
quickly hand written with spray paint, telling people where they unkempt cemetery. I heard someone had described it like a
are. Homeowners cannot return to reside in their homes even war zone. The town is in recovery mode, working on the first
though they appear to be untouched by the fire. The ground is step which is clean up. The cleanup represents a financial
contaminated and the water may be also. Inside those homes boon to a region that needs it. The project has drawn the
there is damage from the heat, smoke, water and toxins. Even attention of national and international companies eager to sign
though the house appears to be fine, it is destroyed. a contract and be part of the multibillion dollar project. Once the
cleanup is done, the town can rebuild. Some will come home,
Another turn onto a different road and we find ourselves
heading out to a rural area where there were more trees and some are gone forever. One thing for certain, the
less houses. The road is smooth when all of a sudden we hills are already green and daffodils are blooming.
ride over a torn up section about 20 feet wide. This part of the There is hope.
road is blackened and large pieces of asphalt are missing. As Article and photos contributed by Cyndee Reed
quickly as we approached this, we passed over it. Looking Van Hooser
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 10
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 11
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 12
Why Be Ordinary?
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 13
5th Annual Cove Rats MC Crab
Feed at The Inn of The Lost Coast
March 1 – 3 (Shelter Cove): Our Thunder Roads NorCal Although the non-stop winter storms early in the week tried to
group was once again welcomed with open arms to The Inn put a damper on the weekend, Mother Nature didn’t stop this
of the Lost Coast. The Inn is in Shelter Cove on California’s hearty crew from ‘getting lost’ in Shelter Cove. It is a special
Lost Cost perched on a cliff above the crashing waves of the trip for us as this group of cohorts has become family after
ocean below. There are 18 rooms with the most spectacular 5 years of making this trek. We visited, stuffed ourselves
ocean views you could ask for. Each room you can step with crab and tri tip and listened to live music. On a mild
outside your deck or patio to see whales go by or just listen winter evening, the party continued into the night onto the
to the sound of seagulls and the ocean waves. As they say, deck around a bonfire raging in the large fire pit with flood
you should come to the Inn of the Lost Coast ‘when getting lights lighting up the waves in the cove below before one by
lost is just what you need’. I know from time to time we all one - we all wandered back to our rooms for the night.
feel that need to just get away; and for Terri and I this is our The next morning was relaxing as we started getting around
favorite place to do just that. After we rolled in and settled and meeting up in the Fish Tank Coffee shop that is attached
into our rooms we all headed up to the large meeting room to the Inn. It is here that you can order a nice, warm tasty
to gather and have a few local craft beers from Gyppo Ale cup of coffee but they also have wonderful breakfast treats
Mill before enjoying some fresh Humboldt crab from Crab e to get the day off on the right foot. Later, we jumped on our
Tom’s in Fortuna. A special thanks to The Inn of the Lost bikes for a little tour of the cove that included a walk on the
Cost staff and the Cove Rats MC for hosting this weekend’s beach before heading over to Gyppo Ale Mill for lunch and
guests with a delicious crab feed. you guessed it - some more tasty beer. After a little more
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 14
exploring, we headed back to
the Inn. Later that evening, we
were treated to an awesome
spaghetti dinner that was
made for us by Brian of the
Family of Humboldt MC. I do
not know how Brian does it,
but his spaghetti is amazing!
We have run into him cooking
at several NorCal MC events
in the past and there is good
reason he is in high demand.
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 15
Later it was more music
and a trivia game with the
grand prize was a cool
poster of Carlo Lujan –
owner of C&E Auburn
Indian & V-Twin launching
his drag bike down the
track back in the day.
After that Terri and I snuck
off to the lower deck and
jumped into the hot tub
watching a late night
fishing boat and listening
to the waves roll in.
Shelter Cove is truly
magical to us and we
hope that you all get a
chance to experience it
for yourselves someday.
Or you can always come
and join us as the cohorts
will be heading back to
the Cove next March, so
give the Inn of the Lost
Coast a call to book your
reservations today!
Article and photos by Stan
and Terri Hill. Additional
photos contributed by
Mary Hoffman, Cindy
Loseth, Nadia Parham
and Barbara Fryed.
Check out ‘California’s
Lost Coast’ video on
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 16
When getting lost is just EVENT
what you need...
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 17
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 18
already knew
this, but in case
you forgot - I
have a special appreciation
for the guys and gals that
are building their bikes in
their spare time in their
garages. This ‘07 Super
Glide is a great example
of just how creative
some of our local NorCal
riders are when it comes
to getting the job done.
Resourcing parts and
using imagination is a test
of patience and fortitude to
keep the project on track
to completion. This project
was a family affair as the
kids would come out to
the garage to help their
dad any way they could as
the project kept inching
ever closer to completion.
In the end, they all have
something to be very
proud of and we are very
happy to have the chance
to share it with you.
Article and photos by
Stan Hill
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 19
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 20
BIKE: 2007 HD Super Glide
ENGINE: Stock 96 ci
AIR CLEANER: Arlen Ness Big Sucker
PIPES: Thunder Header
FORKS: Showa
WHEELS: Switchblade 19” front 17” back
BRAKES FRONT: 15” Arlen Ness Rotor
BRAKES BACK: HD turbine rotor
BARS: Big Al’s with 10” pull back Bubba Risers
GRIPS: Renthal dirt bike grips
MIRRORS: HD with integrated signals
FRONT FENDER: Russ Wernimont Design
SOUND SYSTEM: Alpine deck, JL Audio 400.4 AMP, 6
Kicker Marine speakers
PAINTER: Painted by owner
PAINT: House of Color Ultra White
POWDERCOATING: Show off Powdercoat flat metallic
Silver and white
Addition of Road
Glide crash bars,
extensive work to
FXRT OG Fairing,
custom rack built for
the custom Grizzly
Coolers as saddle
bags that will hold a
30 pack on ice!
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 21
Bobby G visits Vintage Monkey
The Vintage Monkey first
caught my attention when
I was a judge at the Moto
Envy Motorcycle Show
in Eureka a few years ago. The
event had five judges and one of
them was Shasta Smith, the owner
of Vintage Monkey in Sacramento.
Her shop is a motorcycle restoration
garage and showplace. It is also a
venue for motorcycle events and
parties. Since meeting her, I have
been eager to come see Vintage
Monkey for myself. Since I was
in Sacramento for the Easyriders
Show in January - I made it a
priority to visit Vintage Monkey.
The shop logo is what drew me in
off the street. The giant monkey,
on the side of her shop in an old
warehouse on the industrial side of
town, is hard to miss!! The name
comes from her son. He would
kid her about always “monkeying
around” with motorcycles in her
garage. In fact, she still gets her
hands greasy “monkeying around”
in her garage!
Shasta has transformed this old
warehouse into a real showplace.
The first thing you see as you
enter the shop is the large bar in
the center. Encased on the top
of the bar are thousands of spent
cartridges from the local gun
range. On the walls are shelves
with vintage cycles stacked three
high and changed from time
to time. Denis Jiron was in the
garage area in the back working on
restoring one of four motorcycles
that were torn down in the shop.
My favorite, of the completed
bikes, was a pristine MV Augusta
now in prime condition waiting for
its owner to pick it up. I also liked
Shasta’s Honda #5, her personal
bike. Average turnaround time to restore a bike is between 6 to 12 months,
but depending on difficulty finding parts, can be up to 3 years! Vintage
Monkey’s main room has become a gathering spot for weddings, corporate
events and memorials. Triumph North America hosted an event there in
February to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Triumph Bonneville. If
you are in Sacramento, you will find it worth your time to check out her shop
at 400 N. 16th Street. It’s certainly unique!
Article and photos contributed by Bobby “G” Godwin
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 22
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 23
In the previous two TRM NorCal issues, you read my family’s
story about my dad, a Vietnam Vet, who was out for a ride on
his new Harley when he was killed by a texting driver in Oct
2015. It took 3 years to get some sort of justice, for lack of a
better word. What that 3 years showed me was that the laws in
California are far too lenient for these incidents and that distracted
driving has become an epidemic, one that quite possibly has
surpassed drunk driving.
Distracted driving is anything that takes your attention away from
driving. In today’s technology age, distraction could include anything I presented three very different cases in California that all have
from holding your cell phone and talking on it, texting while driving, a common thread…distraction while driving resulting in fatalities.
sending a Snapchat, looking at your Facebook, as well as, eating, There were two different outcomes with the first two cases. We
using your navigation system or putting on makeup as a few examples. have a woman who drove at a high rate of speed while being
Sending or reading a text message takes your eyes off the road for distracted who was convicted of a felony and received one year in
about 5 seconds, which is long enough to cover a football field while jail and 3 years’ probation. We have a woman who killed 2 people
driving at 55 mph. But let’s be honest here, how often are we going 55 and received a misdemeanor conviction, 300 days in jail and 3
mph? The average speed on a highway/freeway is 70 mph which is years’ probation. With my dads’ case, the girl received a felony
where the majority of people spend their time driving. conviction, 1 year in jail and 3 years’ probation. I have to question
The following are cases that I had researched after my dad was California in the lack of uniformity of the laws and sentencing
killed. surrounding these incidents. I have to question why sentencing is
CASE 2011: On April 27, 2011, J. Nicolas slammed into the back so lenient when in the felony cases, a maximum of 6 years in prison
of an idling car on an Orange County freeway, killing the 23-year- can be awarded.
old driver. An Event Data Recorder – known informally as a “Black If an officer suspects drunk driving, there are protocols in order for
box” – in Nicolas’ 2006 Prius indicated she was driving 85mph at arrest to be made. These range from Field Sobriety Tests to Preliminary
the time of the 10:58 collision, according to the prosecutor. From Alcohol Screenings. If the police officer gathers enough evidence to
10:42am until 10:56am, there’s a record of the defendant sending establish probable cause for an arrest, the suspect will be arrested for
13 text messages. Let that sink in a minute…you’re on a freeway, suspicion of DUI and will be required to submit to a chemical test of
going 70-85 mph and you’ve sent 13 text messages in a span of 14 their blood, urine or breath in order to determine their blood alcohol
minutes. I can’t even wrap my head around it. At 10:57am, records content (BAC). This is whether and accident has occurred or not.
indicate Nicolas took a call and then at 10:58am she slammed into
the car in front her that was idling in traffic. So, why didn’t she see So, I have to ask, in todays day and age, why is there not automatic
that there was a standstill on the freeway? Distraction…. Period. protocol for distracted driving? Although, in my dad’s case, the officer
Ultimately, after a trial in 2014, a retrial in 2015 and an appeal in did actually ask for the cell phone of the driver who killed my dad, while
2017, Nicolas made a deal to plead guilty to felony manslaughter at the scene, but she was unable to produce it as she “didn’t know where
and be sentenced to one year in jail and three years of probation it was,” even though she had just used it right after the incident. The
in 2017. officer later subpoenaed the phone records which led to the fact that she
This is another case I had researched and one in which I had was distracted driving. So why not have a protocol to lock down scenes
actually reached out to one of the widows. in instances like that, to find the cell phone or for it to be mandatory to
CASE 2015: On September 12, 2015, California Highway Patrol check cell phones and their usage at the time of collisions or the minutes
state that R.Hill was driving south on Moorpark Road in Moorpark, leading up to.
CA at 5:19pm when her vehicle swerved to the right and hit 53 year WHY are some cases of distracted driving fatalities charged as
old M. Malish as he was riding a bicycle on the shoulder. Hill then misdemeanors and others as felonies? My family, along with the District
overcorrected and turned the vehicle into the northbound lanes, Attorney, had to fight for the felony conviction in my dads’ case. WHY?
where it hit a 43 year old motorcyclist - J.Cushman. Both men were I’ll tell you why, it’s because driving while distracted is an infraction
wearing helmets and both died at the scene. The police report in California. You have to prove gross negligence in cases like these.
stated Hill was distracted by her cell phone. Hill was charged with Gross negligence is key to the legal definition of vehicular manslaughter
two counts of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter, which she under Penal Code 192(c)(1). If the prosecutor cannot show that you
later plead no contest to. She was sentenced to 300 days in jail acted with gross negligence, then you may only be guilty of normal
and 3 years’ probation. She received less than a year in jail and a (misdemeanor) vehicular manslaughter. Gross negligence is something
misdemeanor on her record. SHE KILLED TWO PEOPLE! more than ordinary carelessness, inattentiveness, or error in judgment.
In more recent news, and probably one of the more notable cases Gross negligence occurs only when:
is involving CHP Officer Kirk Griess of Vacaville.
CASE 2018: The Solano County District Attorney alleges that 1. A person acts in a reckless way that creates a high risk of death
S. Walker, of Rocklin, was traveling at a high rate of speed at or great bodily injury; AND
9am on August 10, 2018 and using his cellular telephone, when
veering onto the westbound shoulder of Manuel Campos Parkway
in Fairfield, he slammed into a CHP motorcycle officer and J. 2. A reasonable person would have known that acting in that
Manuel, a resident of Vallejo who were amid a traffic stop. The way would create such a risk.
two were taken to the Medical Center in Fairfield where they later It is only gross negligence if the person acts so differently from
died. Walker was treated and released. Walker is charged with two how an ordinarily careful person would act in the same situation
counts of gross vehicular manslaughter and a preliminary hearing that his or her act indicates a real disregard for human life or the
is set for March 29, 2019 in Vallejo. consequences of his/her actions.
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 24
Well, isn’t being distracted while you should just be DRIVING not But, with regard to the distracted driving fatalities, there needs to
then a reckless way that creates high risk of death or great bodily be protocols and stiffer laws. No one should have to go through
injury? I am a reasonable person, I know that acting in that way years of court dates and reliving tragedy as my family and as the
has risk, which is why I DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE because I have families you read about above did, to get justice for their loved
regard for not only my life, but others as well. It doesn’t take a ones. Those of us left behind are handed a life sentence. Why are
rocket scientist to figure this out. Distracted driving fatalities should the ones who caused it getting off so easy?
be automatic felony charges. Period. So you may ask - what can we do? Where can we start to make
change? That is where I’m at right now. I am sending my family’s
The state of California has banned all drivers from texting, and story to people (who I HOPE can help make a difference) at the
this ban is considered a primary law. Furthermore, drivers are also Capitol. I’m in the process of starting a foundation, in memory
prohibited from hands-free text messaging, as well as voice-operated of my dad, that will hopefully help bring awareness, that will be a
text messaging. The text messaging fine is $20 for a first offense, and platform for others to speak out on as well as a platform to move
$50 for a repeat offense. Senate Bills are being presented that would forward for change here in California. We need to ban together as
make distracted driving a moving violation and add a point to the there is not only safety in numbers, but a louder voice to be heard
driver’s record. This is a great start as any points added to a driver’s when you have the support behind you. I hope you’ll join me in the
license make insurance rates go up, which hits your pocketbook….it future because together…we can make change.
also makes the insurance companies more money. Article contributed by Shauna Judnich / #JustDrive
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 25
Dan and Nadia at The Lost Coast’s SHELTER COVE. Photo by Stan Hill
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 28
IF YOU SEE this 2013
Road Glide rolling by it
will be next to impossible
to not notice it. With its
deep blue metallic paint
laid down by Jason Lloyd,
it will catch every ray of
sunlight and reflect a brilliant
metallic blue back out. The
custom seat accentuates
its blue color scheme that
you might get mesmerized
by its cool appearance and
not notice the beast that lay
beneath the beauty. Ride-
On- Motorcycles in Vallejo
has done their magic on this
bike for owner Mike Rogers.
Ride-On-Motorcycles started
by building up this H-D
motor with S&S up to 124 CI
with a Arlen Ness air cleaner
and D&D Pipes. They then
went on to build out the
front end with Race Tech
parts and added custom
wheels and ape hanger
handle bars. The back end
of this bike is lit up with the
outstanding LED Tail Lights
from Custom Dynamics to
finish this ride off. There is
a great opportunity coming
up to come see this shop
in person and meet the fine
staff at Ride-On-Motorcycles
on May 4th for their Open
House Party to celebrate
the completion of their huge
expansion, hope to see you
Article and photos by
Stan Hill
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 29
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 30
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 31
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 32
Vintage F Cabooses
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 33
New Beginnings. It’s something that many hope for. clothes, jewelry and the like. They even have a vehicle and
If you’ve been locked up for any amount of time and boat donation program that is really helping. They are a
finally make it out of that deep dark hole, you long non-profit organization and everything is tax deductible.
for a new beginning. If you have been addicted to drugs With so many organizations and companies taking, this is
and alcohol to maybe find recovery, and have witnessed one organization whose entire business plan is to give back
the wreckage of your past, you long for a new beginning. If and help those that have slipped, to get back on their feet.
you have ever been homeless and felt the cold wind blowing We have all slipped up now and again and may even slip up
across your body during a freezing cold spell, you definitely again. Thank the Lord for programs like these that help us
long for a new beginning. You have longed for a new get back up, dust ourselves off, and start a new life. A life of
beginning, if you have ever been divorced, evicted, bullied, Love. A life of Hope. A life of Peace!
fired, and the list can go on and on.
James 5:20 “You can be sure that whoever brings the
Many of us have had the opportunity to have a new sinner back will save that person from death and bring about
beginning, a new start, a do-over. And I would have to the forgiveness of many sins.” (NLT)
bet that none of us that have had the opportunity to have
a new beginning could ever have that do-over if it wasn’t “Never Ride Alone”
for an organization being there to offer help. It could have
been a 12-step recovery program, a detox center, sober Pastor Johnny Lujan – Thunder Road Church
living environment, anger management program, self-
development program, internship, or someone just willing to
give us a second chance. I will be forever grateful for a few
of the programs mentioned that were there for me when I
needed a do-over. When I really needed some help to get
back on track, to get back on the wagon, to rebuild my life
and my future. I am forever grateful and spend many hours
of my weeks and months giving back and or participating in
programs to give the opportunity for others to find that new
start…That New Beginning.
Speaking of New Beginnings, there is another non-profit
that is doing some amazing work to help individuals receive
a New Beginning. As a matter of fact, the name of the
organization is called New Beginnings. They took over the
Thrift and Gift store on Missouri Flat Road in Placerville about
8 years ago and have been helping formerly incarcerated
individuals find new hope with a new beginning. I am
honored to say that Thunder Road Church supports New
Beginnings and have been doing so since their inception.
We have seen so many lives change through their program
and for almost 8 years, they hauled the whole crew down
to Thunder Road Church for a service 1 Sunday every
month. New Beginnings is dedicated to give the individuals
that come to their program a help up rather than just a hand
out. They currently have a furniture store on Main Street in
Placerville, selling chalk painted furniture that is beautiful.
They have a wood shop, and full-blown mechanic shop they
are looking to use as a mentorship program to help their
folks be productive and learn new skills for employment.
With an awesome success rate, New Beginnings is always
looking for donations for the thrift store such as furniture,
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 34
Half Page Ad 7.25 x 4.375
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Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 35
EVENT 10021 Wolf Road - SteC-17 Lake of the Pines, CA 95949
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 36
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 37
OLEANDER began paving their road to Rock Star In November of 2003, drummer Scott Devours announced
status in 1995 when lead vocals, Thomas Flowers, he was leaving Oleander. Steve Brown, previously from
bassist Doug Eldridge and drummer Fred Nelson the band Jet Red replaced Scott. Thomas Flowers told
Jr. formed the band. Oleander recorded their first LP Alternative Addiction Radio in 2004, “We toured relentlessly,
with Indie Label Fine Records. Two years later, the band we had done everything that was ever asked of us and more
recorded their first full length album titled “Shrinking by the record labels, and the payoff was diminishing. So,
The Blob”. The CD was given to one of their friends we made a conscious decision to get back to normal life.
that worked for Sacramento radio station 98-Rock. The Fast forward to 2008, Flowers began writing new material
station began playing two of their songs on air. The track for Oleander. He revealed to Alternative Addiction, “I just
“Down When I’m Loaded” became a regional hit. Soon picked up a guitar and started thinking about the guys, and
after opening for Sugar Ray, the post-grunge band was the places we’ve been and the people we’ve met, and the
approached by a representative of Republic Records (a music that we left behind. There was just so much left that
division of Universal Motown Records). Oleander was I wanted to say and that I wanted to write. He got a hold of
signed on with Universal Records and began re-recording the band members and started rehearsing the new material.
their debut major label album. On January 1, 1999 Oleander came out of retirement and performed their first gig
Universal Motown Records released Oleanders first major at the Boardwalk in Orangevale. The new hit single “Fight”
label album “February Son” produced by Steven Haigler. was used in the official videos for WWE ’12, a professional
The fans went wild and drove the album into Gold Status wrestling video game developed by Yuke’s and published by
buying over 500,000 albums. “February Son” climbed up THQ for Playstation3, WII, and Xbox 360 systems. Oleander
the charts to the number 1 position of the 1999 Billboard performed live at Madison Square Garden as a part of the
Top Heatseekers. Adrianne Stone of Rolling Stone wrote, WWE’s pre Survivor Series party which promoted the sub
“Razor sharp guitars on ‘Lost Cause,’ violin enhancing the sequential release of WWE 12.
warm tones of first single ‘Why I’m Here,’ and a surprise In 2012, Oleander signed
false ending on ‘Never Again’. “Jimmy Shaker Day” also with Carved Records to
from the album “February Son” was featured in the 2002 release their newest album
blockbuster Spider-Man. “Something Beautiful”. The
Producer Ralph Sall of Elektra Records (a division of Warner album was released April of
Music Group) was recording a tribute album dedicated to 2013 along with an album
“The Doors” was using various artists for the project “Stoned release party at the Ace
Immaculate: Music of The Doors. Ralph Sall posthumously of Spades in Sacramento.
used some of Jim Morrison’s recordings along with an all- Today, Oleander is once
star group of musicians to complete the project: Creed, again breaking all the rules
Bo Diddley, Aerosmith, John Lee Hooker and Oleander and climbing right back up
completed the remaining tracks. The completed project was the music charts…where
released November of 2000. Oleander released their second they rightfully belong.
major label CD “Unwind” in 2001. The last track of the album
“Champion” would become the theme for the firefighters of Article and photos contributed by Taleah Ebey /
September 11, 2001. All profits of the hit single were donated T3 Design Studios
to aid the victims in 9-11. Oleander left Universal Records in
2001 and signed on with Sanctuary, the largest independent For more information and scheduling
record label in the UK releasing their third major label album Website: www.oleander.net
“Joyride” that included the hit single “Runaway Train”. General Manager: Union Entertainment Group, Inc.
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 38
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 39
Automotive The Omelet House Indian Motorcycle of Jim Wall Insurance Agency
3455 Cherokee Road Hollister Kelly Weber – Owner/Agent
Rick’s Automotive
Biker Owned & Operated Stockton, CA www.hollisterpowersports.com 6045 Hazel Avenue
(209) 941-2750 411 San Felipe Rd Orangevale, CA 95662
3725 Pine Street Hollister, CA 95023 Email: [email protected]
Rocklin, CA 95677 Road Trip Bar & Grill (831) 630-5200
www.roadtripbg.com (916) 989-1915
(916) 632-8230 24989 State Hwy 16
Iron Steed Noble West Insurance
Bars/Restaurants Capay, CA 95607 Harley-Davidson® Services
530-796-3777 www.ironsteedhd.com
Bones Roadhouse 100 Auto Center Drive www.noblewest.net
Bar & Grub Romano’s Macaroni Grill Vacaville, CA, USA 95687 (800) 391-1313
We Cater / We Deliver
www.bonesroadhousehangtown.com 5420 Pacific Avenue 707-455-7000 Leather Goods
4430 Pleasant Valley Road Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 951-7064 Redwood Harley-Davidson® J&S Surplus
Placerville, CA 95667 2500 Sixth Street Eagle Iron & Leather
(530) 644-4301 Eureka, CA 95501 www.Surplusinc.com
(707) 444-0111 Hwy 1 & North Struve Road
Brownsville Station Café Valencia Club Moss Landing, CA 95039
8570 LaPorte Rd 2162 Taylor Road Reno Harley-Davidson
Penryn, CA 95663 www.RenoHD.com 831-724-0588
Brownsville, CA 95919 (916) 663-0300 2315 Market Street
(530) 675-2544 Reno, NV 89502 The Leatherworks, Inc.
(775) 329-2913 www.LeatherworksInc.com
Double D Steak Dealerships 188 Frank West Circle #C
Seafood-Bar-Grill Sonoma County
320 Main Street C&E Auburn Indian & Harley-Davidson® Stockton, CA 95206
Fortuna, CA 95540 V-Twin www.SonomaCountyHD.com (209) 983-9200
(707) 725-3700 7601 Redwood Drive
12015 Shale Ridge Cotati, CA 94931 Tomson Leather
Elkhorn Saloon Auburn, CA 95602 Est. 1985
www.elkhornsaloon.com (707) 793-9180
18398 Old River Road 530-885-5556 Custom Leather Clothing &
W. Sacramento, CA 95691 Heating & Air Conditioning Repairs
(916) 371-BARR (2277) Folsom Harley-Davidson®
www.folsomhd.com A&M Heating and Air Placerville, California
Georgetown 115 Woodmere Road Conditioning Call for appointment
Hotel & Saloon Folsom, CA 95630
6260 Main Street (916) 608-9922 www.AMHeatingandAirConditioning.com (530) 622-2453
HistoricGeorgetown,CA 95634 7625 Sunrise Blvd – Ste 208
(530) 333-4428 Harley-Davidson Citrus Heights, CA 95610 West Coast Leathers
of Rocklin www.westcoastleathers.com
Green River Brewing (916) 747-5654 10021 Wolf Road - SteC-17
& Taproom www.RocklinHD.com
4401 Granite Drive Insurance Lake of the Pines, CA
4513 Putah Creek Road Rocklin, CA 95677 95949
Winters, CA 95694 CycleInsure Agency
(916) 259-2453 www.cycleinsure.com (916) 803-6854
(530) 441-BEER (2337) 4201 Sunrise Blvd – Suite B
Harley-Davidson® Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Lodging & Resorts
Kenny’s Bar & Grill of Yuba City
www.kennysbarandgrill.com 800-800-0965 / Featherbed Railroad Bed
www.yubacityhd.com 916-200-1000 & Breakfast Resort
721 East Street 720 W. Onstott Road
Woodland, CA 95776 Yuba City, CA 95991 www.featherbedrailroad.com
2870 Lakeshore Blvd
(530) 662-3634 (888) 693-4509 Nice, CA 95464
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 40
BFD Business Sponsorships:
3 months for only $60
(receive monthly magazines for your customers!)
Inn of the Lost Coast Motorcycle Organizations Horse Power Rack and Pull
www.innofthelostcoast.com by Gerolamy Industries
American Legion Riders 4046 Wayside Lane – Ste J
205 Wave Drive Chapter 96 Carmichael, CA 95608 www.rackandpull.com
Shelter Cove, CA 95589 Lost Coast (916) 638-9008 (916) 899-1188
916) 485-8288
707-986-7521 Fort Bragg California Road Dog Cycle
americanlegionriders96.com Humboldt www.RoadDogCycle.com
Motorcycle Attorneys Performance Cycle
(907) 230-5857 1341 Evergreen Road #1 4600 Main Street
Jachimowicz Law Group Redway, CA 95560 Denair, CA 95316
1530 The Alameda – Ste 115 Powder Coating
(707) 923-7103 (209) 669-7404
San Jose, CA 95126 Performance Powder
(408) 246-5500 Coating & Sandblasting John Jessup’s Ride-On-Motorcycles
DREAM RIDES www.Ride-On-Motorcycles.com
Kirbys Law 6326 Main Avenue #4 www.dreamridesusa.com
www.KirbysLaw.com Orangevale, CA 95662 2275 N. Wilson Way 1416 Sonoma Blvd
California’s Motorcycle Stockton, CA 95205 Vallejo, CA 94590
(916) 987-1942 (209) 467-4669 (707) 647-RIDE(7433)
Lawyers 24/7
(800) 699-9097 Sales / Service / Accessories Miller Built Tattoos
Performance Cycles
Rushford & Bonotto Billy’s Motorcycle Shop 3293 Saratoga Lane – Ste A Wild Bill
Trial Lawyers 3233 Elkhorn Blvd. #1 Cameron Park, CA 95682 Tattoo
www.rushfordbonotto.com North Highlands, CA 95660 (530) 672-9141 115 Lincoln Street
1010 Hurley Way – Ste 410 (916) 332-3023 Roseville, CA 95678
Omega Motorcycle (916) 783-9090
Sacramento, CA 95825 Clinton’s Custom Cycle www.OmegaCycle.com
(916) 565-0590 555 G Street Tires
660 Harbor Blvd
Russ Brown Motorcycle Lincoln, CA 95648 West Sacramento, CA Cal Tire and
Attorneys (916) 645-0954 Auto Works
Brown, Koro & Custom Design Studios (916) 372-2206 CARS – TRUCKS
Romag, LLP – NorCal www.customdesignstudios.com 2710 E. Fremont Street
www.RussBrown.com 56 Hamilton Drive – Suite A Penngrove Motorcycle Stockton, CA 95205
2440 Camino Ramon, Suite 385 Company (209) 465-2805
San Ramon, CA 94583-4383 Novato, CA 94949
(415) 382-6662 www.penngrovemotorcycleco.com
(800) 4-BIKERS / 9585 Main Street
(800) 424-5377 Dirtbag Cycles
155 Nardi Lane – Ste B Penngrove, CA 94951
Motorcycle Detailing (707) 793-7993
Martinez, CA 94553
San Jose Hogwash (925) 372-3818
Motorcycle Detailing
P.O. Box 24273
San Jose, CA 95154
(408) 641-1940
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 41
Definition of A Smart Ass: ‘Towken’, a biker named Ken I quickly texted back “Noo!”
who drives a tow truck for a living, was driving along on My phone auto-corrected my reply to “Moo!”
an old gravel back road and noticed a sign that read: Cau- (just a tad scared to go home now)
tion: Low Bridge Ahead. In 5 seconds flat, the bridge is --------------------------------------------------------------
right in front of him and his tow truck gets wedged under A wife romantically texted her hubby, “If you are sleeping
it. Several cars are backed up and most are honking out send me a dream. If you are laughing share the joke. If you
of frustration. Towken is totally pissed. Finally a police car are eating send me a bite. The husband texted back “I am
arrives on the scene. The cop gets out of his car and walks currently on the toilet. Please advise”.
up to Towken’s driver side window, puts his hands on his A Perfect Man
hips and says, ‘Got stuck, huh?’ - wakes up at 5 am every day
Towken shakes his head and says, ‘No, actually I was deliv- - exercises daily
ering this bridge and just ran totally dry out of gas.’ - makes the bed
- cleans up after himself
-------------------------------------------------------------- - works quietly and steadily
You can’t count your hair. - does not drink alcohol
(providing you still do have hair) - helps out in the kitchen
You can’t breathe when your tongue is out. - does not indulge in the ‘night life’
(you just tried didn’t you? Of course you can breathe) - is always punctual
You can’t say the letter ‘P’ clearly without parting your lips. - prays daily
(you just tried didn’t you? Of course you can’t) - reads
- hits the bed at 9 pm sharp
-------------------------------------------------------------- - you can find this perfect man in jail.
Definition of Honesty: It’s 4 a.m. and Joey is flying down
the interstate at around 270 mph in his new Hennessey ---------------------------------------------------------------
Venom GT. Lil’ Johnny was antsy as could be while sitting on the hard
He looks in the mirror and wayyyy further back sees those pew at church. His Uncle V-Twin had promised to take him
old familiar flashing blue lights. Joey pulls off onto the out riding on his bike after church. His Dad looked over
shoulder and checks his texts while waiting for the cop to at him and said “I’ve warned you 3 times now. Next time
pull up behind him. we’re dang sure enough headed out the door.”
The cop walks up to the car and says, “Well, I guess you Sure enough 2 minutes later Lil’ Johnny was swinging by
know why I pulled you over?”. Joey looks up at him, shrugs his belt loop as his Dad walked him towards the exit. He
his shoulders and replies, “Because I let you”. loudly yelled out, “Y’all be sure and pray for me cause’ he’s
dang sure enough gonna’ whup my ass!”
My wife texted me a selfie in a possible new dress from the ---------------------------------------------------------------
fitting room, “Does this make my butt look Professional Chef Tip - if you stir coconut oil into your kale
big?” it makes it easier to scrape into the trash.
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 42
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 43
27, 2019
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 44
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 45
Remember to check for MORE events submitted AFTER print deadline at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com
GOT EVENTS? Submit your events online at www.thunderroadsnorcal.com
APRIL 2019 APRIL 13-14
Demo Days
Treasure Hunt Run Sign up at Iron Steed Harley-Davidson - 100 Auto Center Dr. Ride
VACAVILLE every 2019 model. For more information: (707) 455-7000 / events@
Presented by Iron Steed Harley-Davidson - 100 Auto Center Dr. 9am-10am ironsteedhd.com. See flyer on Pg 11
$20 run ticket. Fun, games, raffles & more! Join us for a scavenger hunt!
A(7s0y7o) u45ri5d-e7,0f0o0llo/wevtheentcsl@ueisro, nfinstdeethdehdtr.ecaosmurSeeinesfidlyee!rFoonr Pmgor1e1information: APRIL 14
APRIL 13 TOPHATTERS 26th Annual Bike Blessing
Juggs Bunny Run 2019 HOLLISTER
SANTA CRUZ Presented by TOP HATTERS of Hollister. Check in at Hollister Power
Presented by Hells Angels Santa Cruz. Sign in 9am-11am at Callahan’s Sports - 411 San Felipe Road. 10am - 1pm. $10 donation includes
Bar - 507 Waters Street. $20 donation and a wrapped Easter basket. Bike Blessing Medal, Preferred Parking, Music & Meal. Church
Pack ride to VFW Post 7263 at 2259 7th Avenue. BBQ, Live Music, Service at 12ppmm.atASllaBcIrKeEdSHweaerltcoCmhuer.chFo- r6m80oCreoillnefgoermSta,tBiolens:sing
Support Swag, Wet T-shirt Contest, Good Times. See flyer on Pg 45 of bikes at
APRIL 13 Sideshow (831) 801-6737
Spring Fling 2019
Presented by Hells Angels Sacramento – 3405 9th Avenue. 6:30pm – 2nd Annual Bobber Mania
tAilw?e.s2o1maenBdBoQv,eRr. a$ff2le0PDroizneastiaonndPLreiv-eSablaen/d$. 3S0eeDoflnyaetrioonnaPt gthe43Door. SACRAMENTO
APRIL 13 Presented by Bobber Mania. Located at Renegade Classics Outlet -
10th Annual Rabbit Run Motorcycle Ride 6758 Folsom Blvd. 10am - 3pm. We welcome all bobber motorcycle
MARYSVILLE riders, builders, enthusiasts and moto-centric brands to join us in this
Presented by Sisters of Scota Womens Motorcycle Club. Sign in at local community-driven event that links past and present motorcycle
Gold Eagle Market #2 - 11269 Loma Rica Rd. 9am-10am. $20 per culture. Ride it in, push it in, bring it in, show it off! Open to all Bobber
person / $30 per couple. Pack ride to Dobbins. Festivities include MC riders, builders, lovers of Bobber Motorcycle enthusiasts. No fee
Bike Blessing by Christian Motorcyclists Association, live music by the mtoedeist poltahyeryoriudremrsoatonrdcybculield.ePrrsi.zeFsoofodrTbreusctkbsuOildnsciatete. gFoorirems.oCroeme
Swankmasters, raffles, ride-in bike show, and a specially prepared information: [email protected]
holiday luncheon. For 10 years, our organization has held the
Rabbit Run fundraiser to help foster children attend summer camp APRIL 20
a(bRtaaCnisnahmoerpeSR_hsoioncsekiw)n’mFUoc,[email protected]:sBaa5n0s1h(ece)(3(5) 3c0o)rp7o4r0a-t3io2n5.8 / Patriots MC 24th Annual Spring Run
ROMPS Veterans Memorial – Support the Troops Ride Presented by Patriots MC. Sign in at American Legion Post #593 -
MERCED 8300 Prunedale North Road.
Presented by Riders of Merced Power Sports. Merced Power 10am-Noon, $20 donation per person. Donation includes 5 stop
Sports - 265 W 15th St. No charge. 9am. Join us as we bring riders hand/high-low, 4th stop Rider Reward Ticket, BBQ meal, Live Band.
together to honor our Veterans and support our Troops benefiting Also famous Keg Toss, Door prizes, 50/50, and Rider Reward Prize.
the Merced County Blue Star Moms. This is a FREE RIDE, all we 5V9e5n6do/rfsmwaesloconmi@ey, anhoofeoe.c. oFmo.r more information: Frank (831) 636-
ask is for care package donations that will be shipped to our service
members deployed overseas. We will ride in one long procession APRIL 20
tsopethceiaSl caenreJmoaoqnuyinhoVnaolleriyngNoautior nVaelteCreamnse.teFryorinmSoarnetainNfoerllma afotiroan: ABATE Local 17 of California Spring Bingo Run
[email protected] VACAVILLE
Presented by ABATE Local 17 of California. Starts at the Hide-A-Way
Lounge & Grill - 1080 Orange Dr. $5 Donation per card. Enjoy a day
of riding and BINGO. Payouts at every stop. Join ABATE the day of
the run and ride for free. Ends at The Brass Tap - 783 Orange Dr.
For more information: Glenn Phillips (707) 624-6310
COTATI, CA 94931
Thunder Roads Magazine® Northern California 48