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AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality 2017 Program: Master Classes, Courses, Information Sessions & Services

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Published by AISWA, 2017-03-13 02:21:09

Leadership Booklet

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality 2017 Program: Master Classes, Courses, Information Sessions & Services

2017 Program

Leadership and Teacher Quality

Master Classes, Courses, Information
Sessions & Services

Contents 4
Master Classes 6
Using Data for Effective Leadership
Hard Conversations Unpacked 8
Being Generationally Savvy: Working Effectively with all Generations 9
Emotional Intelligence, Resiliency, Optimism 10
AISWA Courses 12
Administrative Leadership 14
Graduate to Proficient
Aspiring Leaders 16
The Great Nudge Quest 17
Catering for All: Year 2 of the Early Career Teacher Program
Classroom Observations & Collegial Coaching 18
Middle Leaders

Trial & Info Sessions

Teacher Effectiveness and Student Feedback
HALT Certificate Information Sessions

AISWA Services

Performance Development Network Meetings

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

Leadership is not about the crown you wear.
Leadership is about the person you are.

Simon Sinek

Coastal Albany

Master Class

Using Data for Effective Leadership

Guest Presenter Sandy Heldsinger

14 July

Targeted at leaders and leadership teams who seek to learn how to evaluate school programs
and student growth in learning, the course will also focus on developing a school-wide culture of
data and evidence-based decision making.

CN11163 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

4 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

Effective leaders are individuals who help us overcome our own selfishness, weakness and
fears and get us to do harder, better, more important work than we would on our own.

David Foster Wallace

City of Perth Library Precinct

Master Class

Hard Conversations Unpacked

Guest Presenter Jennifer Abrams

4 September

As school leaders we often come up against situations where difficult topics must be addressed.
What do we know about the best strategies for those moments? What questions should we be
asking ourselves before we speak?

This day long master class will provide plans, tools and strategies for being more
compassionate and confident when faced with situations involving conflict. This masterclass
will draw on the work in Jennifer Abram’s books Having Hard Conversations and Hard
Conversations Unpacked.

CN11264 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 5

You don’t have to be someone special to achieve something amazing.
You’ve just got to have a dream, believe in it and work hard.

Jessica Watson

National ANZAC Centre Albany

Master Class

Being Generationally Savvy: Working Effectively
with all Generations

Guest Presenter Jennifer Abrams

5 September

Have you noticed your newer employees feel and look and act differently than novice
colleagues you remember? Are you hearing of communication challenges between colleagues
of different ages? Are you becoming aware more employees want a life-work balance vs. a
work-life balance?

Generational factors might be coming into play. Who are these four generations in our
workplaces? What are their strengths and needs? What structures and communication
protocols should we design to work well with them all? And, what knowledge do we need to help
every group thrive?

CN11265 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

6 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

True leaders bring out your personal best. They
ignite your human potential.

John Paul Warren

Kimberly Colour

Master Class

Emotional Intelligence, Resiliency, Optimism

A closer look at social and psychological leadership practices

Guest Presenter Jennifer Abrams

6 September

This workshop can be customized for leaders in all fields. An educational leader’s work is
emotionally and psychologically demanding. One’s ability to be both intra-personally and
inter-personally intelligent is essential for meeting the challenges of the day-to-day work and
achieving the academic and organizational outcomes of a school district.

This workshop will assist leaders at all levels in developing their self-awareness and
interpersonal skill set so they are even better able to deal with the complex needs of their
district, department or school, and will provide workshop participants with strategies and
resources to help those they manage and support to do the same.

CN11266 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 7

Strengths are largely behaviours, and they are those that come
naturally to us, that energise us, and at which we excel.

Robert Biswas-Diener

North West Cost Australia

AISWA Course

Administrative Leadership

4 Days: 10, 11, 12, & 13 July (Repeat of January Course)

The first unit of the Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership delivered in partnership with
the University of Western Australia. Participants may also choose to complete this solely as
PL. The course will cover topics including, school finance, school registration, the roles and
responsibilities of school boards and what school leaders need to know about the law.

CN11164 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

8 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

True leaders bring out your personal best.
They ignite your human potential.

John Paul Warren


AISWA Course

Graduate to Proficient


Mentors | 11/2 Days: 10 & 13 February


Teachers | 5 Days: 13 & 14 February, 13 April, 6 July & 16 October

This course is designed to meet the needs of early career teachers as they work towards the
proficient career level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and applying for full
registration with the TRBWA. One and a half days training is also provided for those mentoring
early career teachers.

CN11186 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website
CN11160 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 9

I start with the premise that the function of leadership is
to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Ralph Nader

Canarvon Sunset

AISWA Course

Aspiring Leaders

3 Days: 27 March, 18 May & 31 July

Leadership is a core capability of teachers whose work is as the leader of a class community.
This three day spaced learning course will facilitate the development of broader skills,
knowledge and capabilities aimed at those who wish to become leaders of a wider school
community. Previous participants have reflected on it being both an inner and outer journey.

CN11161 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

10 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, and to use
yourself completely – all your gifts, skills and energies – to make your vision manifest.
Warren Bennis

Boorna Waanginy Kings Park PIAF 2017

AISWA Course

The Great Nudge Quest

4 Days: 15 March, 15 May, 8 August & 22 September

This four day course across 2017 is aimed at members of the school leadership team
(principals, deputies, HOLAs etc.) who are interested in working with their staff to better engage
and improve the achievement of the “cruising capable” students, the top 40%.

CN11173 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 11

Complacency is our enemy: more of the same our crime. Giving our students more of what we
had when we went to school may prepare them better for our world but not for their world.

John Hattie

Spring in Ferguson Valley

AISWA Course

Catering for All: Year 2 of the Early Career
Teacher Program

2 Days: 18 & 19 May

This is a practical two day course aimed at Early Career Teachers (those in years 2 – 5 of
their teaching career) who are interested in responding to the diverse needs of students in
their classes. The program will provide participants with an understanding of the learning
accommodations that may need to be made, the strategies that support the students, and the
resources and further support available.

CN11179 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

12 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

As women, we must stand up for ourselves. We must stand
up for each other. We must stand up for justice for all.

Michelle Obama

De Grey River

AISWA Course

Classroom Observations & Collegial Coaching

2 Days: 28 & 29 August

This course is aimed at those who seek to introduce or enrich the value of classroom
observation and conversations which are happening in their school. Learn processes to develop
collegial approaches for teachers.

CN11162 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 13

Our visions are only actionable if we say them out loud. If we keep our
dreams to ourselves, they will remain a figment of our imagination.

Simon Sinek

McDougal Park

AISWA Course

Middle Leaders

3 Days: 9 May, 2 August & 18 October

The focus of this course is on the shifting role of those in the crucial positions of middle
leadership. It is a practical research based course designed to assist middle leaders to prioritise
and integrate some of the complex tasks they are asked to undertake.

CN11283 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website
CN11286 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website
CN11287 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

14 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

Day 1


9 May

Contemporary roles and functions of middle leaders
• overview of current educational trends, initiatives and requirements
• investigate contemporary roles and functions of teacher leaders
• articulate a personal leadership identity

Day 2


2 August

Leading the Teaching and Learning
• ways of developing and leading professional learning teams will be shared
• reflection on frameworks and models of the development of teacher practice; and
• build understandings of how to model and build reflective practices in staff
Developing self and others
• investigating different models of classroom observation and giving feedback
• investigate mentoring, instructional coaching and collegial coaching
• the change process and factors which facilitate effective change will be investigated

Day 3


18 October

Taking care of yourself and others
• workshop ways of ensuring staff well-being and empowerment
• working with senior leadership teams

This course covers four discrete modules and participants are welcome to attend any
one or all three days.
Please note that you will need to enrol in each day separately.

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 15

As teachers we know we must both support and challenge students to help them grow. We need
also to employ a healthy balance of both support and challenge when working with our colleagues.

Jennifer Abrams

Canarvon Sunset

AISWATCrioaul r&seInsfo Session

Teacher Effectiveness and Student Feedback

11 May

The focus of this 1.5 hour session will be on utilising the tools for analysing data on teacher
effectiveness, the resources available on the Pivot platform, case-study examples and
showcasing research undertaken by Pivot with peak bodies across Australia, as well as models
of data-driven instructional improvement.

Participating schools will have the opportunity for a complimentary trial of the Pivot platform and
accompanying resources in 2017.

CN11178 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

16 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

To be creative you actually have to do something.
Sir Ken Robinson

South Coast Western Australia

Trial & Info Session

HALT Certificate Information Sessions


15 February


21 February


1 March

Expert teachers keen to learn more about the National Certification process for Highly
Accomplished and Lead Teachers are invited to attend this information session.

CN11187 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website
CN11181 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website
CN11193 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017 | 17

We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, understanding
that failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success.

Arianna Huffinton

Winter Sunrise Perth City

AISWA Service

Performance Development Network Meetings

16 February, 12 May, 4 August & 27 October

This network is aimed at those in school leadership teams who have responsibility for staff
development and capacity building. Each of the afternoon sessions will focus on sharing new
resources and thinking in the building teaching capacity space.

CN1117 For further information or to register visit the AISWA website

18 | AISWA Leadership and Teacher Quality Program 2017

Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia

Suite 3, 41 Walters Drive, Osborne Park WA 6017​

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