About Appirio (full description)
About Appirio (50 word)
About Appirio (1 line)
Company Tagline (unofficial)
Actionable Strategy
Implementation & Integration
Change Enablement
Application Development
Support & Managed Services
Actionable Strategy
Free-Thinking Consultants
CMC (Cloud Management Center)
Virtuous Cycle
An Exceptional Worker Experience
An Exceptional Customer Experience
Industry Solutions
Our Key Offerings: Next-Generation Worker and Customer Experience — delivered through:
The Age of the Customer (Forrester)
The Virtuous Cycle
Days and Weeks, Not Months and Years
Actionable Strategy
Free-Thinking Consultants
CMC (Cloud Management Center)
The Appirio Way
Cloud Management
2016 Appirio Messaging Bible - CONFIDENTIAL | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
About Appirio (full description)
Use: All internal and external communication where a full company description is required.
Appirio is a global services company that helps customers create next-generation Worker and Customer Experiences using the latest
cloud technologies. Our free thinking consultants deliver unmatched customer value by creating actionable strategies, delivering results
quickly, and helping organizations adapt to a new experience-driven era. We do this by harnessing the power one of the world’s largest
crowdsourcing communities and thousands of pre-built solution accelerators. Appirio is a trusted partner to some of the world’s largest
brands, including YP, Cardinal Health, Coca-Cola, eBay, Facebook, Home Depot, Sony PlayStation, Moen and IBM.
About Appirio (50 word)
Use: All internal and external communication where a limited description is required (events, guides, publications, etc.).
Appirio is a global services company that helps customers create next-generation Worker and Customer Experiences using the latest
cloud technologies. Our free thinking consultants deliver unmatched customer value by creating actionable strategies, delivering results
quickly, and helping organizations adapt to a new experience-driven era.
About Appirio (1 line)
Appirio is a global services company that helps customers create next-generation Worker and Customer Experiences using the latest
cloud technologies.
Company Tagline (unofficial)
A Different Experience
We help organizations create next-generation Worker and Customer Experiences by designing strategies that get them moving quickly,
implementing & integrating the right cloud technology, ensuring adoption across the organization, developing custom & mobile apps to
enhance those experiences, and manage those systems after go-live.
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We believe Worker and Customer Experience are intrinsically linked and must be addressed together. By leveraging cloud technology,
new ways of working like crowdsourcing, and using solution accelerators to rapidly build and integrate solutions, customers can create
both amazing Worker and Customer Experiences that drive profitability and growth.
Actionable Strategy
Strategic guidance focused on the investments in people, process, and technology that deliver tangible results in year one, and help
transform over time.
Implementation & Integration
A highly iterative implementation & integration approach powered by collaborative technology, solution accelerators, and unlimited
resources through crowdsourcing.
Change Enablement
An integrated portfolio of methodologies, tools, and deliverables to rapidly drive adoption of Worker and Customer Experience programs.
Application Development
Custom applications to power and enhance your Worker and Customer Experience programs.
Support & Managed Services
Ongoing advice, enhancements, support, and administration of implemented cloud solutions (Cloud Management).
2016 Appirio Messaging Bible - CONFIDENTIAL | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE 3
Actionable Strategy
Strategic guidance focused on the investments in people, process and technology that deliver tangible results in year one, and help
transform over time. These are actionable recommendations can be deployed almost immediately to help overcome inertia.
Free-Thinking Consultants
Real-world practitioners who, in today’s world of on-premise, cloud, mobile and other technologies, understand there is no
“one-size-fits-all.” These are remarkable people who are masters at challenging conventional thinking to spark change and create
CMC (Cloud Management Center)
Cloud Management Center (CMC) is an integrated suite of applications (e.g., Work Manager, Metrics, Asset Library, Environment
Comparisons), assets, analytics, and access to a crowdsourcing community to implement, manage, and measure enterprise cloud
1. We Work Differently: A Culture of Free-Thinking Consultants
Our free-thinking consultants - many of whom are practitioners themselves - challenge conventional thinking to lead your organization in the creation
of next-generation Worker and Customer Experiences.
2. Actionable Strategy
Our strategic guidance focuses on the investments in people, process, and technology to spark change and deliver results in days and weeks, not
months and years.
3. The Appirio Cloud Management Center
We deliver every project using the Appirio Cloud Management Center - a one-of-a-kind suite of applications, pre-built solution accelerators, and access
to a 1 million-member crowdsourcing community.
4. Cloud Management
We provide ongoing advice, enhancements, support, and administration of your cloud solutions, allowing you to focus on transforming your business.
5. We Practice What We Preach
We run our own global business 100% on cloud-based technology.
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Organizations are challenged to create the kind of next-generation Worker and Customer Experience necessary to drive profitability &
growth. Because of the way legacy systems, processes, and traditional service providers work, organizations are unable to keep pace with
technology revolutions. This creates an overwhelming challenge where getting started is often the hardest part.
We know CX and WX are inextricably linked to one another - you can’t deliver an exceptional customer experience with a disengaged
employee- so it is critical that we help our customers address both Customer and Worker Experience - and this is where we excel.
We bring energy to these experiences because energized customersbuy more, refer more often and drive higher NPS scores and
energized workersare more loyal, perform better and provide better service. This creates a virtuous cycle.
Virtuous Cycle
Profit and sales growthare stimulated primarily by customer loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of high customer satisfaction. Satisfaction
is largely influenced by the quality of service provided to customers by workers. Value is created by energized, loyaland engaged
workers. And employee satisfaction is a result reinvesting profits into of high-quality systems and tools that empower workers to serve
customers well.
2016 Appirio Messaging Bible - CONFIDENTIAL | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE 5
An Exceptional Worker Experience
We believe the formula for helping our customers to deliver an exceptional Worker Experience is to: Provide a consumer grade
experience,adapt to the new ways people work, and eliminate barriersbetween workers and the information they need to serve
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An Exceptional Customer Experience
We believe the formula for helping our customers to deliver an exceptional Worker Experience is to: Gain meaningful insight into
customer behavior,create breakthrough digital moments, and empower an engaged workforce.
Industry Solutions
In 2016 we will focus on 3 Key Industries as a part of our go-to-market strategy with Salesforce:
Nonprofit Retail Communications & Media
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Industry Challenge: Market Shift New expectations for Worker and Customer Experience. Both are key to organizational growth & success.
Next-Generation Technology Cloud, Mobile, Social, Crowdsourcing, IoT, Data Science
Customer & Worker Revolutions
Experience Organizations are unable to create the kind of next-generation Worker and Customer Experience
Customer necessary to drive profitability & growth. Because of the way legacy systems, processes, and traditional
Challenge service providers work, organizations are unable to keep pace with technology revolutions. This creates
an overwhelming challenge where getting started is often the hardest part.
Our Vision
Worker and Customer Experience are intrinsically linked and must be addressed together. By leveraging
Our Vision cloud technology, new ways of working — like crowdsourcingand using solution acceleratorsto rapidly
build & integrate solutions — customers can create bothamazing Worker and Customer Experiences that
Our Solution drive profitability and growth.
Key Solution Our free-thinking consultantslead organizations in the creation of next-generation Worker and Customer
Messages Experiences by first creating actionable strategiesto deliver results quickly, and then help organizations
adapt to a new experience-driven era over time.
Our Partners
● Appirio offers a different experience
What We Provide ● We challenge conventional thinking to spark change and create the momentum necessary to overcome
Appirio Difference apathy and complacency
● We deliver results in days & weeks, not months & years
Proof ● We focus on experiences, with free-thinking consultants — many of whom are practitioners — combined
with 1M+ crowdsourced experts
Salesforce, Workday, Cornerstone, Google, Medallia, ServiceMax
Next-Generation Worker and Customer Experience through:
> Actionable Strategy > Cloud Implementation & Integration
> Change Enablement > Application Development > Ongoing Support
Our free-thinking consultants bring the latest cloud platforms, crowdsourcing capabilities, and pre-built
solution accelerators to spark change & deliver results in days and weeks, not months and years.
Our culture: We are passionate about our customers’ success and we love what we do.
71% higher NPSthan industry average, 83% shorter project durationthan industry average
Sources: ZDNet Worldwide Cost of IT Failures & Appirio, A Plea to the Cloud Industry
2016 Appirio Messaging Bible - CONFIDENTIAL | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE 8
Our Key Offerings: Next-Generation Worker and Customer Experience — delivered through:
Solution Offerings Actionable Strategy Implementation & Change Enablement Application Support & Managed
Integration Development Services
Definition Strategic guidance focused on the A highly iterative implementation An integrated portfolio of Custom applications to power Ongoing advice, enhancements,
investments in people, process, & integration approach powered methodologies, tools, and and enhance your Worker and support, and administration of
and technology that deliver by collaborative technology, deliverables to rapidly drive Customer Experience programs. implemented cloud solutions
tangible results in year one, and solution accelerators, and adoption of Worker and Customer (Cloud Management).
help transform over time. unlimited resources through Experience programs.
Value Proposition Actionable recommendations can Results in days and weeks, not Rapid adoption of key behaviors & Consumer-grade Worker & Pay for results, not hours.
be deployed immediately. months and years. actions that matter. Customer Experience.
Key “Why-to-Buy” ● Adapt to the new ● Deploy technology with a deep ● Create a Change Strategy that is ● Create custom platform and ● Cost-effectively manage all of
Messages experience-driven business era understanding of the way realistic and achievable for your mobile apps for sales, your cloud solutions
“Helps your with actionable people work organization marketing, service, HR,
organization…” recommendations that deploy finance, collaboration, and ● Free up resources for more
immediately ● Achieve results quickly by ● Build the right Change operations strategic initiatives
using Solution Accelerators Enablement plan in the context
● Make the right investments to (assets, pre-built integrations) of the business needs and ● Enhance your Worker & ● Scale resources based on
improve Worker and Customer for every cloud specific to each individual Customer Experience business need
Experience, and support
business objectives ● Go beyond “run” by tapping ● Deliver a turnkey solution — ● Innovate by rapidly designing ● Expand and diversify your
into our 500 person such as branded videos and and prototyping new apps knowledge — by tapping into
● Ensure business outcomes are Development Center in Jaipur learning — to engage the with dedicated mobile & our experience in all modules
not lost in the technology and 1M+ crowdsourced experts workforce UI/UX experts or clouds
● Deliver key customer and ● Integrate mobile apps with
● Create a consumer-grade worker insights by connecting enterprise data
experience, critical in enabling to critical worker and customer
outcomes & delivering results data
● Easily handle large, complex
Differentiators ● Specific focus on year one; ● Premier partner with largest ● Unique diagnostic tools to ● Scalable capacity through ● Subscription model — pay for
“The Appirio recommendations are cloud vendors deliver a customer-centric crowdsourcing results, not hours
difference…” immediately actionable approach, and ensure alignment
● 10 years of cloud experience at all levels ● Solution accelerators and ● Partnership mindset vs. vendor
● Free-thinking consultants help ● Business-first philosophy; reuse of code ● Cloud Management Center
consider the "art of possible" ● Unique Transformational Change ● Onshore, offshore and
needs drive requirements, not Roadmap to enhance Customer ● Most efficient team blend:
● Strategy services can be technology and Worker Experience by onshore consulting with both dedicated release and QA
completed in weeks, not ● Cloud Management Center - connecting the vision to specific offshore dev/QA and teams
months unique collaboration platform behaviors crowdsourced design/dev ● Knowledge, expertise diversity
● Cloud-only focus, but can
● Consultants are former integrate with on-premise ● Experts in the applications, not ● Widest variety of QA
practitioners that have 10-20 ● Crowdsourcing experts; we just change management exploratory device/OS testing
years of experience know how to get work done through crowdsourcing
● Use both cloud APIs and ● Platform (Heroku,
middleware leaders
● Global capabilities
Proof ● BCBS ● NYSE Euronext ● BMI ● Honeywell ● GoPro
Customer stories... ● Constellation Brands ● YP ● Roche ● Mesh01 ●
● Warner Music Group ● Sierra Club ● Citrix ● Brivo Labs ● Rosetta Stone
● Franklin Templeton ● Moen ● McGraw-Hill Financial ● Virgin America ● Office Depot
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The Age of the Customer (Forrester)
Customers are using mobile, social, and other digital technologies to take power from institutions- in particular, corporations. Customers
can easily discover pricing, publicly critique products they don’t like, and buy from anyone at any time anywhere. In the age of the
customer, only customer-obsessed enterprises will prosper.
The Virtuous Cycle
A beneficial cycle of events or incidents, each having a positive effect on the next. In our case, energized, loyal and engaged workers
directly contribute to higher levels of customer satisfaction. High customer satisfaction drives up customer loyalty which ultimately leads
to sales growth and profitability. Profitability allows the organization to reinvest its workers to further improve loyalty and engagement.
Days and Weeks, Not Months and Years
By leveraging cloud technology, new ways of working — like crowdsourcing and using solution accelerators to rapidly build & integrate
solutions — we help our customers overcome inertia and get results quickly.
Actionable Strategy
Strategic guidance focused on the investments in people, process and technology that deliver tangible results in year one, and help
transform over time. These are actionable recommendations can be deployed almost immediately to help overcome inertia.
Free-Thinking Consultants
Real-world practitioners who, in today’s world of on-premise, cloud, mobile and other technologies, understand there is no
“one-size-fits-all.” These are remarkable people who are masters at challenging conventional thinking to spark change and create
CMC (Cloud Management Center)
Cloud Management Center (CMC) is an integrated suite of applications (e.g., Work Manager, Metrics, Asset Library, Environment
Comparisons), assets, analytics, and access to a crowdsourcing community to implement, manage, and measure enterprise cloud
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The Appirio Way
The Appirio Way is our implementation methodology for delivering customer projects. As a "hybrid agile" process, it blends the best of
Iterative and predictive approaches with specific checkpoints to ensure ongoing alignment with customers.
Cloud Management
Subscription-based service offering that delivers: ongoing advice, enhancements, support, and administration of implemented cloud
Topcoder is the world’s largest competition-based design, development and data science community. Appirio uses Topcoder exclusively
as our crowdsourcing solution by tapping into Topcoder’s 1 million members to accelerate projects, and access hard-to-find technical
2016 Appirio Messaging Bible - CONFIDENTIAL | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE