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Published by cathy.e.goldsmith, 2019-04-03 21:37:15

Cathy Goldsmith EPortfolio


ACP Portfolio

Cathy Goldsmith
Radiologic Technology
(RADR) 1704: Basic
Principles of Radiology

April 2019

Document Table of Contents Page Number
Title Cover 1
Table of Contents # of Pages 2
What is ACP? 1 4
Syllabus Snapshot 1 6-7

Student Prep Strategy 2 9-10
Boppp’s Lesson Plan 2 11-12
Handouts/Notes 5 13-17

Formal Assessment (Test) 1 19

Rubric 1 21

Final Presentation Slides 5 23-27

Reflective Essay 3 29-31


What is the Adjunct Certification Program at Lone Star College?

Purpose: The purpose of the Adjunct Certification Program is to recognize and reward adjunct faculty who
make a commitment to the System and to provide an opportunity to enhance their teaching effectiveness.

Who can participate: Adjunct faculty who have taught at LSC for at least 2 semesters may apply. Participants
are chosen based upon recommendations from their department chair.

Course structure and objectives: The Adjunct Certification Program is structured around 5 components of
successful instruction. After successfully completing this program participants will be able to

 Plan for Learning
o Create a syllabus snapshot
o Create a lesson using the BOPPPS lesson planning moel
o Write SMART lesson objectives
o Identify the levels in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
o Employ effective strategies to encourage students to prepare for class

 Employ a Variety of Teaching Strategies
o Define teacher-centered, interactive, experiential, and independent learning techniques
o Locate online lesson repositories and resources
o Incorporate at least one new instructional strategy in a lesson plan
o Create questions that address various levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy

 Assess Effectively
o Develop an assessment strategy that aligns with the course outcomes
o Utilize various formative assessment tools that are quick, engaging, and informative
o Create effective subjective and objective tools and processes.
o Cite the principles of effective evaluation.
o Develop an assessment rubric

 Use Instructional Technology
o Explain how technology can enhance teaching and learning
o Employ at least one new instructional technology to encourage student engagement
o Locate instructional technology resources

 Foster a Positive Learning Environment
o Utilize effective strategies for dealing with various student challenges
o Employ motivational theory to structure classes that foster student motivation to learn

In order to successfully complete the program, participants must:
• Attend ALL 5 face-to-face meetings with the initial cohort and complete all on-line lessons. This occurs
over a nine week period with a time commitment of 26-30 hours.
• Actively participate in online discussion topics.
• Present a 10 minute overview of a completely new lesson
• Complete a reflective essay
• Compile and submit an electronic portfolio of all completed assignments
• Score a minimum of 80% on all required elements of the course

Student Prep Strategy

My Goal is to enable and encourage students to properly analyze patients and assess
available patient information using ALARA concepts to result in good quality images
with only the needed part in the x-ray. By learning to properly assess body habitus
and eliminate artifacts, we can avoid repeat exposures which would call for a larger
dose of ionizing radiation.

Please click on the link below for a video.

List out five ways you may have handled this situation differently in order to
incorporate ALARA.

Read “Utilizing ALARA in Radiology” section of the textbook. Make notes on how
ALARA can be accomplished in real life of a student tech pertaining to each category

1. Body Habitus-

2. Eliminating Artifacts-

After reviewing the video and taking notes on these categories, students are asked to
complete a worksheet to test their assessing capabilities.

 This prep strategy is not graded.

 I am attempting to engage their thought process for what they will be processing
during their time as an X-ray Tech.

 By showing the students a funny video of all kinds of things going wrong, I’m hoping to

encourage and strengthen their analytical skills of removing artifacts and adjusting to
different body sizes and shapes.

Mr. Bean’s Visit to the X-ray

After watching Mr. Beans video, List out five
ways you would have handled the situation

After reading “Utilizing ALARA in Radiology” section of the
textbook, Jot down notes on how ALARA can be
incorporated in real life of the student tech pertaining to:

Body Habitus-

Eliminating Artifacts –


ATTACH ANY LESSON MATERIALS (Inferior X‐ray Handout, Notes, Statements, T

COURSE: RADR 1704 The Principles of Radiography 

Lesson Title: Incorporating ALARA 


Bridge: The Students are asked to click on a link

ray.  Although it is meant to be a humorous event, students are asked to think a


Class Asked: Raise hands of those who would like to share some of their ideas o

After discussion, END With: Today we will be exploring how to reduce radiation



Estimated time: 5 minutes 

Course Student Learning Outcome: Understand and apply analytical skills and c

practices and procedures to avoid taking repeat X‐rays with ionizing radiation. 


Learning Objectives:  By the end of this lesson, students will be able to 

1. Learn to look for and eliminate unwanted artifacts before the x‐ray has 

2.  Recognize different body types (body habitus), sizes and shapes to get 


Pre‐Assessment: Students read Utilizing ALARA in Radiology” section of the text

habitus and 3 concerns about eliminating artifacts that should be done before a

class will participate and discuss their answers and concerns.  I will assess prior 

 Estimated time: 5 minutes 

Participatory Learning:  


 4 questions with Bloom’s level identified 

 New instructional technology you are trying 

 At least one classroom assessment technique (CAT) 


Time  Instructor Activities  Learner Acti


5  Introduce and encourage students to look for  Students ar

Minutes   unwanted artifacts that should have been removed  that have a

before the x‐ray has been taken to avoid repeat  https://ww

exposures.  acts+x+ray



The Learning Scenario Handout) 

s    to watch a cartoon video of Mr. Bean in a hospital setting going to get an X‐
about the video and List out five ways they might have handled the situation 
on how to improve this situation?   
n exposure by preventing repeat X‐rays.  

concepts of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) learned involving safety 

 been taken. (Analyzing)  
 only the needed part on X‐ray. (Creating)  
t book. Make Notes. Look around classroom and list 3 concerns about body 
an X‐ray is taken.  These notes will be collected after about 3 minutes. Then 

 knowledge by their answers and discussion.  

ivities  Lesson Materials 

re asked to go to the given website With X‐rays   
artifacts included.

(Cont’d)   Browse over and discuss the website images to get an  (Cont’d) Blo

idea of what X‐rays should NOT look like.  hand to dis
might have



10  Introduce being able to recognize different body  Discuss large

Minutes   types (body habitus), sizes and shapes to get only the  parts need s

needed part on X‐ray.  Provide website.   https://quiz

Introduce Quizlet Flashcards (Body Habitus section)   habitus‐flash

Go through 10 Body Habitus Quizlet questions.   List the four

Discussion    Bloom’s Qu

Notes with Blooms question to be filled out and  types of bod

turned in.   


5  Discuss How artifacts interfere with a good read of  Students are

Minutes   The X‐ray and will need to be repeated.  https://www

Provide website.   interference

Provide Note Page for 5 answers to be turned in.   Bloom’s Que

can you nam

removed BE


5  Copy and Pass out The Learning Scenario Handout  Students are

Minutes   Discuss different body habitus and artifacts  and analyze

pertaining to how different each patient will need to  questions. B

be assessed.   ways we sho

Collect Learning Scenario Handout. 

Discuss Blooms Question (pick students for answers)  

Post‐assessment:  Using the new technology Kahoot, the students will be asked

bc37-b4f5dde1e1a1     and answer 10 questions to determine if they can identify

habitus), sizes and shapes to get only the needed part on X‐ray.  This activity wil

eliminating artifacts. Questions will be answered.  

Estimated time: 10 Minutes  

Summary:  I will address commonly missed questions on the Kahoot Quiz. I will 

a CAT:  Documented Problem Solutions. A handout that includes inferior X‐rays.

objectives to show me what they learned. They are asked to make notes on wha

define ALARA.  After about 10 Minutes they turn it in for a grade on the way out


Estimated time: 10 Minutes  


oom’s Question (Understanding): Raise your  Give website  
scuss any of these x‐ray images and what you 
e done before the x‐ray was taken to prevent a 

e body parts need a large X‐ray field while small  Give website 
small X‐ray fields to incorporate ALARA.  Note page for Question to‐types‐of‐body‐ be turned in  
r types of body habitus.   
uestion (Creating) How will knowing the four 
dy Habitus help reduce Radiation Exposure? 

e asked to go to the given website.   Give website‐rays‐and‐metal‐ Note Page for 5 answers to 
e‐608418  be turned in 
estion (Applying) Using the X‐ray Quality Page, 
me 5 examples of items that should have been 
EFORE the X‐ray was taken?  

e asked to read a scenario of a patient’s exam  The Learning Scenario 
e what is to be done during it by answering 5  Handout  
Bloom’s Question (Analyzing) What are some 
ould assess EACH patient differently?  

d to log in
y and eliminate unwanted artifacts and recognize different body types (body 
ll reiterate the knowledge they have acquired about body habitus and 

 explain again why reducing ionizing radiation is important. Class will end with 
. I will pass out the CAT.  They are asked to use knowledge gained about our 
at should have been done BEFORE the X‐ray was taken to make it better. Then 
t of class.  We will go over missed questions next class.  

How will knowing the four
types of Body Habitus help
reduce Radiation Exposure?

Elaborate on your answer.


Using the X-ray Quality web Page:

Can you name five examples of items that should have been removed
BEFORE the X--ray was taken?

The Learning Scenario Handout

Incorporating ALARA into our Daily Routine

A scheduled patient is called from the waiting room for chest X-rays. She is 40 years old
according to her orders. She is very petite and thin, wearing a hijab (Muslim headgear), and
black dress with a metal belt and buckle around her waist. She is also wearing two chains around
her neck with two large pendants hanging from them. You notice as she is walking towards the
X-ray room, she is having difficulty breathing. Her husband is also following her along with two

1. What are some noticeable items the patient is wearing that need to be removed to prevent
a repeat exposure of an x-ray?

2. Do we know how her hair is laying under her hijab? What might we be concerned about
that pertains to X-rays?

3. Since she is petite and small, do we need the largest size X-ray field that there is?

4. What is something the patient might have under her clothes that may need to be

5. What else may be done to help to incorporate ALARA?

New Technology (KAHOOT!)

I chose the Kahoot technology because it seems like a fun way for the students to use their phone for
learning about ALARA. I realize that I can make any questions up out of any of the chapters. I used it as
a tool to reiterate eliminating artifacts and adjusting to different size body parts to reduce repeat exposure.
The name of my KAHOOT! Game is Incorporating ALARA. #X-rays #Reduced Radiation.
I will use their answers analyze what they have learned about the objectives.
Here are some sample questions from my Game.

Q1:What does the acronym ALARA stand for? 
20 sec

Q2:What ALARA Concerns do we have with a female Chest X-ray patient? 
20 sec

Q3:Would you use the same X-ray field for a child's toe that you would for a man's chest? 
20 sec

Inferior X-rays (CAT)

Here are some x-rays that need to be retaken. This means the tech did not follow ALARA ideas
and rules before taking the x-ray. Can you list what could have been done for better quality
images? Some images have two or more corrections. Worth 100 points. Turn in.

#1 #2 #3

#4 #5 #6

#7 #8 #9
#10 What does ALARA mean?

Inferior X-rays (CAT) Notes

Identify what could have been done for better quality images. Some have two or more
corrections. And Define ALARA.


Formal Assessment
Test Questions

Course learning Outcome: Understand and apply analytical skills and concepts
learned involving safety practices and procedures to avoid taking repeat X-rays.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Learn to look for and eliminate unwanted artifacts before the X-ray has been
taken (Analyzing)

2. Recognize different body types (body habitus), sizes and shapes to get only
the needed part on the X-ray.

Question 1. When a woman walks in the X-ray room for a chest x-ray, what
might be some questions that you ask her to get her prepared for the
exam? (Evaluating)

1. Does she have any metal in her chest area?
2. Did she eat lunch yet?
3. Did she have difficulty finding this area?

Question 2. There is a difference in the radiation field size for a man’s chest
compared to an infant’s foot. Explain in detail your reason. (Analyzing)

1. True
2. False

Question 3. A patient passed out in public and is the brought to the ER. The
doctor orders a chest X-ray on her. She is in her stretcher. She is hooked up to
the Blood Pressure Monitor, Heart Monitor and Pulse / Oxygen. Since she
passed out it is ok to take the picture without removing anything from her chest
area? Explain in detail your reason. (Applying)

1. True
2. False

Question 4. What does the L in ALARA stand for? (Remembering)
1. Light
2. Low
3. Large
4. Lean


Timeline : My Rubric is to Assess Student Knowledge and Professionalism the the X‐ray Exam room per patient visit.

Teacher Name: Ms. Goldsmith
Student Name:     ________________________________________

Student calls patient by last name 
Student calls patient  appropriately  Student calls patient by complete  Student calls patient by complete  only loudly.

by LAST name and at a great volume  name and ordered xray part in a soft  name loudly. /5
from lobby. voice. /5
Student introduces self to patient  Student brings patient in exam room  Student brings patient in room with  Student Introduces themselves AND  /5
and explains exam to be done. /5
and starts right away on patient  no introduction, but explains the  explains the procedure. /5
without further discussion. exam. /5
Student uses two part identifiers for  Student starts right away with exam  Student Asks if the patient is... ( The  Student asks name and birthdate,   /50

correct patient. without identifying the patient. name) but also checks patients hospital ID 

bracelet for verification.

Student asseses the patients clothing Student doesnt ask and leaves  Student asks the patient to take of  Student asks specifically if the 

for artifacts that may show on an x‐ jewelry and clasped bras on for chest all metal in her chest area. patient has removed her bra, her 

Ray xray. necklace and any other metal in her 

chest area.

Student communicates what needs  Student starts right away on patient  Student explains some of the  Student explains exactly what is to 

to be done by the patient in order to  exam . no explanations. procedure and assumes the patient  be expected .

get a good x‐ray. knows what else to do.

Student asseses the physical ability  Student assumes patient can and will Student tells the patient exactly  Student asks the patient if they are 

of th epatient to stay in place or help  do th ecorrct positioning for the  what and how to be or stay during  able to stay or keep the position.

out with their own body Xray. the exam.

Student examines finished  X‐ray to  Student sends X‐ray off without  Student sees Metal on Xray. Has to  Student examines X‐ray. All artifacts 
make sure Patient was prepared.  checking for artifacts on the 
repeat the Xray.   are cleared and the whole part is 
included in the xray.

Student gives clear instructions  Student talks low and walks away  Student talks loud but instructions  Students speak loud enough to be 
during exam from patient while giving 
instructions. arent precise and clear. heard from a distance and 

instructions are clear and precise.

Student helps patient get dressed or  Student leaves room without  Student leaves room, after checking  Student Leaves room after checking 

gather things. checking for needed assistance of  for needed assisitance, but leaves a  for needed assistance, and helps 

getting dressed. patient\'s necklaceor belonging in  patient out, while looking around 

the exam room. room and asking patient if they have 

Student walks patient to exit and  Student lets patient find their own  Student leads patients to the exit  Students lead patients out to dismiss 

dismisses them.  way out. with no thank you. with out thanking them.  them and thank them.





Cathy Goldsmith
Radiologic Technology (RADR) 1704 : Basic

Principles of Radiology

April 2019

TABLE OF Student Preparation Strategy
CONTENTS Boppp’s Lesson Plan
Participatory Lessons ( 4 Bloom’s Questions)
Post – Assessment (Kahoot)
Summary (CAT)




• Students read ”Utilizing ALARA in Radiology” in

• Make Notes.
• Look around classroom and list 3 concerns about body

habitus and 3 concerns about eliminating artifacts that
should be done before an X-ray is taken.
• These notes will not be collected, but we will discuss
their answers and concerns after about 3 minutes.
Compare answers for class participation. I’m trying to
start them thinking about everyday concerns on
different people, before repeat X-rays are needed.


• The students are asked to click on a
link and watch a funny video about
Mr. Bean’s visit to the X-ray

• List out 5 ways they would have

handled the situation differently.
They are asked to raise hands and
share ideas. This will not be collected.




• Course learning Outcome: Understand and apply
analytical skills and concepts learned involving
safety practices and procedures to avoid taking
repeat X-rays.

• By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Learn to look for and eliminate unwanted artifacts

before the X-ray has been taken (Evaluating)
• Recognize different body types (body habitus), sizes

and shapes to get only the needed part on the X-ray.


• Students read ”Utilizing ALARA in

• Make Notes.
• Look around classroom and list 3 concerns

about body habitus and 3 concerns about
eliminating artifacts that should be done
before an X-ray is taken.
• These notes will be collected after about 3
minutes. Then class will participate and
discuss their answers and concerns. I will
assess prior knowledge by their answers
and discussion.




• We will be looking at a few webpages, going thru quizlet, and a handout.We will be
discussing each assignment and any questions. We will also be discussing the
highlighted Questions below.

• Raise your hand to discuss any of these x-ray images and what you might have done
before the x-ray was taken to prevent a repeat. (Understanding).

• How will knowing the four types of body Habitus help reduce Radiation Exposure?

• Using the X-ray Quality Page, can you name 5 examples of items that should have been
removed BEFORE the X-ray was taken? (Applying)

• What are some ways we should assess EACH patient differently? (Analyzing)


• For my New Technology and my Post
Assessment, I will be using a Kahoot


• I will use their answers to analyze what
they have learned about the objectives.




• Address commonly missed questions on
Kahoot quiz

• Explain again why reducing radiation
exposure is important

• Class will end with a CAT Handout. They are
asked to make notes for better x-rays, then
define ALARA to explain what they have

• Turn it in
• We will go over any questions next class and

reiterate our learning outcomes


• I learned some new technology for the

• I gained some patience listening, reading
about and comparing different classroom

• I want to take advantage of Padlet and make
a page for students

• I’m trying to adjust my attitude everyday to
better the classroom tone

• I have already started implementing some
ideas in my classroom


Reflective Essay

During this certification class, I have learned a variety of things. For one, I have sharpened my
computer skills. I have practiced on Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint while working on my
ACP portfolio. During my time in the class, I have also become more familiar with D2L. Through
the readings, class discussions and the lessons, I have learned that students gain knowledge in
different ways. While you may be teaching and getting through to some students, other students
may struggle and still be lost. Those lost students may learn with different approaches to teaching.
I have learned a few different approaches of teaching. Some are meant to be fun, yet still teaching
needed materials. One different approach was a game I created with the Kahoot App. With this
game the students can use their cell phones for it in class. You can make questions for the game
about anything in any chapter. The students log in on Kahoot App site and put in a code to get to
the designated questions. I have read 50 CATS that share a bunch of different ways to approach
different students with needed materials. The CATS suggestions and ideas are out of the normal
process of reading or listening to the teacher’s speech to learn the materials. Most of them can be

After reading other student’s work and reading chapter assignments, I have learned some ideas
and different new ways handle some problems in the classroom like phones, unprepared students,
late work, coming into class late and other situations. It was kind of a relief to realize I wasn’t the
only teacher who was unprepared to handle some difficult situations with the students. We read
some about cellphones in class as well as chatted in class about how different teachers handle
cellphones in their class. We also had an assignment to write about a problem in class we

encountered. By reading, other people’s encounters, I got better ideas on how to handle myself
when/ if another difficult situation comes up.

Some ways I have incorporated my new ideas into the classroom are a work in progress. I have
adjusted my attitude in our classroom a bit since reading and discussing different ways to approach
difficult situations. I hope to keep a more even temperament with more patience. During one of
our classroom discussions, it was reassuring to hear that we as teachers are not perfect. Deep down
we know it but it’s nice to hear someone else say it to remind us. It’s nice to realize we can and
will make mistakes. We just need to admit to the students that we are human. We are just trying to
teach them the best way we know how. Our attitude as teachers set the mood for the class. We
must try to come in the classroom with a good fresh attitude. This is important for the class.

I think we all strive to be a better instructor. I was reminded of students different learning abilities
and am working on a tutoring session with a few students who may need extra attention. I am
trying to ask individual students if they are having difficulty with anything that I may help them
with. I strive to help them in a way that helps them. I have made up a few quick note papers about
different chapters that they can take home and study and ask any questions later. I stay after class
for a few of them for them to practice if/when they are having difficulty grasping procedures. I
pull them aside and explain what it is they are having difficulty with. Eventually I plan on setting
up an online page site for them to look on a page with links, pictures, and information all about
my class.

I feel this class has made me better prepared to teach and gave me ideas on how to help the students
be better prepared to learn. This in the long run will make for a better learning outcome for

I have not taken advantage of many of the teacher educational class opportunities. Therefore, I am
not sure what is out there for us. In the future I will be looking for classes that involve computer
training. Classes that entail Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. I can use practice in all of
those. I will also be browsing for other educational opportunities that I may be interested.

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