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Stacy Wirth Portfolio

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Published by stacywirth17, 2021-04-07 22:20:04


Stacy Wirth Portfolio

Applicant Name:

Stacy Wirth

Applicant For:

Manager Community Engagement


Table of Contents
Cover Letter………………………………………………………………….3
Supplemental Experience…………………………………………………....6
30/60/90 Day Plan...……………………………………………………..…..8
Proposed Performance Metrics………………………………………………9
ePeople Feedback…………………………………………………………..10


March 15, 2021
Mr. Ammanuel Moore
Manager External Affairs
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing to you today to express my enthusiasm and interest in applying for the role of
Community Affairs Manager. With nearly 20 years of experience as an energy professional
including 8 years of external customer facing experience, and nearly 3 years of billing leadership
here at BGE, I am uniquely positioned to be successful in this role.
These experiences have prepared me with the knowledge and expertise that I need to make a
valuable contribution to your team and I am looking forward to earning that opportunity! My
resume and supplemental experience document provide more detail and information on my
career, experience, and education. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Very Respectfully,

Stacy Wirth

Stacy Wirth


Stacy Wirth

408 Dunkirk Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212
410-533-5119 (C) [email protected]

Executive Summary
Results driven energy professional with experience leading cross functional teams, building relationships, analyzing
data and financials, and driving solutions to provide a premier customer experience. Nearly 20 years of leadership
and management experience in the energy industry and the military in complex and demanding environments.

Skills Summary
Data Analytics ∙ Budgeting ∙ Forecasting ∙ Business Case Development ∙ Customer Service ∙ Strategy
Corporate Social Responsibility ∙ Relationship Building ∙Mentoring ∙ Public Speaking ∙ Project Management ∙

Marketing ∙ Corporate Giving

Professional Experience

BGE Senior Business Analyst
Baltimore, MD May 2018 to Present

Develop strategy and vision of the Billing team in a dynamic environment while navigating system upgrades,
personnel changes and implementation of technology such as robotics process automation. Demonstrates
adaptability by prioritizing and assigning daily volumes of ~1,000 workload items to ~95 employees and
contractors. Transforming data into measurable key performance indicators and metrics enabling informed, data
driven business decisions. Instrumental in the professional development of the Billing Team.

 BGE Business Lead supporting the upgrade of the Meter Data Management (MDM) system, a multi-
OPCO, $67M project.

 Responsible for 12 functional project areas and served as liaison to the business counterparts coordinating
requirements, training, and process documentation.

 Led the coordination of the user acceptance testing comprised of 351 test cases across 12 functional areas
including regular testing ‘blitzes’ to accelerate test case burn down rate ahead of project cutover.

 Co-Lead of the 2021 Outdoor Lighting Continuous Improvement (ODL) project identifying 107
opportunities to improve a billing error rate of 60% on 287,760 lights.

 Leads and coordinates regular report out to the Chief Customer Officer since March of 2020 including
summary of billing team performance and stabilization efforts following two major system upgrades.

 Drove improvement of the Percent of Delayed Bills metric by nearly 43% since joining the Billing team.

 Presents Billing team key performance indicators to leadership emphasizing the performance drivers, trend
analysis, and actions to be taken to improve metric performance.

 Demonstrated leadership during the upgrade of the Customer Care and Billing (CCB) system by tracking
defects and issues impacting the performance of the team.

 Drives innovation with the implementation of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) to allow for more
efficient and precise performance of billing processes.

 Mentoring five Specialists and peers on the Billing Team assisting them in broadening their skills,
including the use of excel, SQL, resume writing, presentation skills, and interview practice and preparation.

 Coordinating Billing Team professional development and team building utilizing the DiSC assessment.

 Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by sharing messages and encouraging discussion.

 Managed and mentored the intern supporting the Billing Team empowering him to lead the upgrade of the
Billing Team SharePoint site.

Veolia Manager, Account Management

Baltimore, MD January 2016 to March 2018

Led the Customer Account Management department responsible for budget, forecast and reporting of over $63

million in annual revenue in a district energy system providing sustainable energy in the form of steam, chilled and

hot water. Managed a team of four billing and customer service professionals in billing and customer care for 300+

commercial, industrial, healthcare and government customers. Led implementation and integration of a new billing

system, Customer Care & Billing (CCB).


 Pitched and won six multi-million dollar, 20 year term contracts to potential customers after securing buy-
in and capital support from internal stakeholders.

 Created marketing material gaining over 335,000 impressions across six different mediums.

 Managed charitable giving and sponsorship of various fundraising events.

 Launched net promoter score survey boasting a score higher than the national average for utilities.

 Built financial models layering capital expenditure, annual revenue, and operations and maintenance and
other key financials in preparation for senior management project risk reviews.

 Cultivated the internship program and led students in projects to enhance their knowledge of the industry.

 Led a team of energy and abatement professionals during a steam pipe explosion in June 2017.

Customer Account Representative
July 2009 to December 2015

Skilled business developer generating over $600k in new business with each new customer contract committed for
20 year terms. Effectively managed over 270 customer accounts totaling over $53 million in annual revenue for
three different district energy systems providing energy to a diverse portfolio of customers.

 Employed exceptional proposal writing and cost modeling for projects and new and renewal contracts.

 Experience responding to government requests for proposals including federal, state, and municipal bids
compiling lengthy and complicated packages under strict time constraints.

 Utilized contract negotiation skills resulting in mutually beneficial agreements for both parties.

 Boasted 90% retention of customers over 5 years and secured five critical renewals for at-risk customers.

 Developed customer budgets ranging from $20k-$190k by projecting energy consumption based on
historical usage, weather data, and market fuel cost trends.

 Created budgets and forecasts on customer sponsorship implementing over $6,000 in cost savings.

United States Navy May 2003 to July 2009

Served as a Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy and gained invaluable experience leading and mentoring sailors

in a rigorous shipboard environment while deployed overseas.

 Taught over 400 prospective naval officers ethics, leadership, strategy and tactics and quadrupled

recruitment into the US Navy during a 2 year tenure at the US Merchant Marine Academy.

 Supervised over 50 sailors in the management of the shipboard auxiliary and main propulsion equipment in

a 30+ year old engineering plant.

 Ranked number 1 of 23 officers while serving as the Engineering Auxiliaries and Main Propulsion Officer

onboard USS BOONE.

 Coordinated and participated six community relations projects stateside and in France, Italy, Indonesia and

Spain, enhancing global community relations and creating civic minded sailors.

Master of Business Administration, Loyola University Maryland, 2014-2017
Bachelor of Science, United States Naval Academy, 1999-2003

Volunteer Activities
United States Naval Academy admissions board interview panelist for Senator Ben Cardin 2014-present.

 Representing Senator Cardin and the US Naval Academy in interviewing candidates for admission.
Youth lacrosse coach for Kelly Post lacrosse league 2019 to 2021.
Secretary, Board of Directors for the Fuel Fund of Maryland June 2016- December 2019.

 Advised the Fuel Fund during leadership changes, testifying in front of the Public Service Commission,
challenges with funding, and when legislation was introduced posing a threat to funding.

Leadership and Engagement
2021 BGE Impact Leader
2021 BGE Diversity Equity and Inclusion Planning Committee
2020 BGE Emerging Leaders Program
2015 Veolia North America Leadership Development Program


Supplemental Experience Document

During my 8 year tenure as an Account Manager and then the Manager of Account Management
for Veolia North America’s district steam and chilled water system in Baltimore, I served as the
primary external affairs representative. My responsibilities involved leading the account
management team for ~300 customers, all of which are large commercial and industrial and
government and included unique challenges such as maintaining a system with an old
infrastructure and various large capital projects and regular maintenance including outages. I
wanted to utilize this supplemental document to go into more detail about my external affairs
Relationships with Government and Local Elected Officials

 Served on the interview panel for Senator Cardin for appointments to the US Naval
Academy since 2014. Over the years, I have developed a great relationship with his staff
in the Baltimore office.

 Regularly attended networking events and built relationships with City stakeholders such
as the Downtown Partnership of Baltimore, Historic Charles Street Association, and the
Building Owners and Managers Association of Baltimore (BOMA).

 Managed the steam and chilled water Franchise Agreement with the City of Baltimore.
 Met with the City Council president (at the time) Jack Young to discuss benefits of

district energy and how the City could partner with the company.
 Met with Ted Atwood to discuss large scale partnership with the Energy Group within

Baltimore City to promote sustainability and resilience.
 Attended Baltimore City Department of Public Works coordination meetings regularly

with the engineering team to coordinate street cuts and address issues.

Outreach and Communication
 Developed content for monthly newsletters to stakeholders and customers. This effort
included drafting and publishing content with the Marketing Team as well as measuring
the engagement of the various communication.
 Coordinated events and facility tours for customers and stakeholders to showcase the
work of the organization.
 Attended community association meeting with the residents of Harbor East after they lost
hot water and heat for 3 days. This was following the second major unplanned outage
within ~5 years.

Crisis Management
 I was on site and the first point of contact during the steam explosion downtown in June
of 2017. I responded to customer inquiries, notified customers of outages, met with first
responders, and the Mayor’s representative from the Office of Emergency Management.
We were on site for about 4 weeks during the cleanup of asbestos, coordination of
decontamination of the area, removal of debris and damaged vehicles, and ultimately
repair of the steam pipe. Met with people whose vehicles were damaged in the blast and
coordinated support for them with the company’s insurance representative. I supported


drafting and distributing press releases regularly during the stabilization, asbestos,
abatement, cleanup, and repair.

Workforce Development
 During both Mayor Rawlings -Blake and Mayor Pugh’s administrations, I managed
Veolia’s participation in the Mayor’s Hire One Youth program. We hired both high
school and college students and I managed their work on projects, tours of customer
facilities, as well as tours of the various Veolia plants.
 I represented Veolia in workforce development efforts with the City of Baltimore and
various stakeholders in the greater Baltimore area to build an apprenticeship program for
plant managers and building engineers.

Corporate Social Responsibility
 Managed Corporate Social Responsibility for Veolia during my tenure to include grants
and donations to various non profit organizations.

Board Experience– Fuel Fund of Maryland 2016-2019
 Board experience- Served as the Secretary of the board on the Fuel Fund of MD. During
my tenure, we had to report to the PSC as the funds were primarily from a grant as a
result of the Exelon merger. This included a hearing in front of the PSC to discuss
challenges in finances upon the expiration of those funds.
 On the BOD of the Fuel Fund, we watched legislation that was introduced at the State
level that jeopardized funding to the organization. I also did some lobbying with
interested parties including the PSC to protect that funding.
 I supported testifying in front of the PSC during a hearing to discuss funding of the Fuel
Fund of MD.

 I supported our lobbyist in testifying in front of the MD State Board of Public Works in
2011. I worked alongside lobbyists to dispute the ratification of a state contract that
would jeopardize an existing agreement with the state. Leading up to the Board of Public
Works hearing, I met with the State Comptroller Peter Franchot as well as Nancy Kopp,
the MD State Treasurer to discuss the contract and our concerns.
 Worked regularly with a lobbyist to identify opportunities to improve relationships with
both state and city officials.


30 D3a0ysD–ayRsam–pRinagmUpping Up

• Departmental Listening tour with Directors and Key Managers
o Large scale projects coming online in 2021
o Major initiatives that you would like community engagement support in 2021
o Challenges and pain points within their organizations that would benefit from
community engagement

• Send out introductory email or mailing to external stakeholders such as County
Executives, Baltimore City Leadership (Mayor and City Council), and key leadership
within the Department of Public Works in various territories

• Reach via email out to other key stakeholders within Baltimore City such as the
Downtown Partnership, Waterfront Partnership, and the Historic Charles Street
Association, Chambers of Commerce, etc.

• Develop job description for Sr. Community Outreach Specialists
• Develop framework for Outreach and Engagement Plan

606D0aDysay–sIm– pImlempelenmtateionntation

• Develop regular stakeholder communication and meeting plan
• Assess and evaluate current policies and procedure for the Community Advisory Council
• Shadow with External Affairs Managers on meetings, calls, and events to meet with

officials and key stakeholders and begin developing those relationships within their

• 60 day checkpoint meeting with leader to ensure the right direction and gain feedback
• Finalize the Outreach and Engagement Strategy
• Review and interview candidates for Sr. Community Outreach Specialists
• Develop metrics for Outreach and Engagement Strategy
• Identify opportunities within Low Income Sector leveraging Low Income group within

CO and External Organizations such as OHEP, Fuel Fund of MD, etc

9900DDayasy–s Focus and EExxeeccuutitoionn
– Focus &

• Benchmark and start measuring performance metrics
• Develop engagement events hosted by BGE for Q3 and Q4 of 2021 and Q1 of 2022
• Meet with Workforce Development team to identify opportunities to collaborate
• Meet with Corporate Social Responsibility Team to identify opportunities to collaborate

• Community Advisory Council
• Meet with Communications Team to review communications to customer and determine

opportunities for additional community outreach
• Bill messages
• Communications via ebill or paper bill
• Emails

• Onboarding and team building of Community Engagement Team


Events: •Quantitative
Measuring •Measure the number of impressions during events
Impactful •Ex- we attended 20 events
Impressions •Qualitative
•Ask for feedback from Engagement Team as well as
•17 of those events received positive feedback via survey
(17/20)*100 = 85%
•2 steps-
•How many events did we attend?
•Of those events, was this event meaningful, a good use of
time, or if not, how can we improve?

Measuring •Quantitative
Impressions via •Measure the number impressions via
Communication communications and marketing materials.
•Total number of impressions
•Utilize analytics to measure click through rate (CTR)
and open rate of emails.
•X% of those emails were opened
•Y% of those impressions had a CTR (# of links opened,
% of impressions that resulted in a click)


4/7/2021 ePeople Talent

Stacy Wirth

Sr Business Analyst
Manager Bridget Jones

Feedback New Feedback Received

Feedback Received By Stacy Wirth Provide Feedback To Others Request Feedback From Others

Received Email Notifications
March 29,
2021 Provided Feedback

Bridget Highlights:
Jones Continued progress on IDP and growth into more leadership opportunities---Great work!
Served as proxy on monthly Accenture call
Spearheaded MDM To Do Backlog reduction plan which led to improved results in our Tier 2 metric
Selected as Co-Facilitator for EUCI (National Billing and Payments Conference) as a breakout session leader
Selected as Impact Leader
Leading ACE investigation for recent defect found that impacted over 400 customers
Selected to DEI-EMAC
Participated and presented in the CO Leadership All Hands Meeting

Stacy as we move into April continue the strong momentum you have going on your IDP. This paired with the
ongoing leadership opportunities you have in play will help continue to prepare you as a you grow in the

Thank you for an outstanding month!


select goal/competency/opportunity

Employee Comment Your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.
Thank you for the feedback Bridget!

March 12, Provided Feedback New
[Achievers: 03/10/2021] Demonstrated Core Competency: "Thank you for engaging as we Shape Vision and
Bridget Strategy. We appreciate you seeking to understand and align your individual S.M.A.R.T. goals to the Smart Energy
Jones Vision and Customer Strategy. We're off to a great start!" [P2P285616]


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4/7/2021 ePeople Talent

Received Provided Feedback New
19, 2021 Highlights:
Selected as BGE Impact Leader
Bridget Presentation to Directors for ODL CI Project
Jones Developed working drafts for Supplier Choice Communication/Innovation Pathway
Consistently completing coursework for development in Linked in Learning
Lead as proxy for CFO Financial Review for Manager
Developed and supported peers to help learn the Tier 1 metrics and delivery of those metrics
Actively working on development plan
Developing mentoring circle and identifying supporting board of directors

Continue to refine and work through your development plan as we broaden some areas to help create more
avenues for career growth. You are off to a great start and are very proactive in this planning. I am really looking
forward to how this is going to continue to open opportunities for you as we think about broad leadership
challenges that you are ready for.


select goal/competency/opportunity

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February Provided Feedback
17, 2021
[Achievers: 02/15/2021] Operational Excellence: I just wanted to recognize you all and say thank you for your
James collaboration to quickly figure out this issue. Since this has PSC implications it's good to have a quick answer and
Piergrossi plan to resolve the issue. For those on the outside looking in, there was a change happening to the tariff code on
EV chargers. Thank you all again! [P2P262066]


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4/7/2021 ePeople Talent

Received Provided Feedback New
22, 2021 Highlights:
○ Linked in Learning
Bridget Proactively asked for development through this program
Jones Developing curriculum to focus in on
○ Project:
Emerging Leaders Program
□ Delivered presentation to CEO
□ Completed presentations to Directors
□ Developed Charter
BGE Impact Leader
□ Proactively seeking development opportunity to grow and serve the BGE Community and
Fiercely passionate about the customer experience and demonstrates that in the following:
□ Sought out ways to impact CX in assigned SMART GOAL
• Opportunities:
○ Let's continue to focus in on more ways that we can streamline our defect handling process. There was
great discussion today on how we can align more value add meetings and create a more defined report out
process through our weekly minutes shared document. Continue to share those opportunities and
challenge points so we can continue to evolve into a more streamlined handle state and create more value
add time for our analysts. Thank you for this feedback and suggestion.

Stacy---Thank you for a strong month and your constant leadership. You proactively lean into areas and constantly
work to provide solutions to challenges. You are the constant professional in partnering with key stakeholders and
working as one team. Your passion for the customer is unmatched and I appreciate how you challenge our process
to always look to drive a better customer experience.

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Thank you Bridget! I am really excited to work with you this year and have already enjoyed learning from you. I
appreciate your commitment to my development as well as your support!

December Provided Feedback New
11, 2020
[Achievers: 12/08/2020] Customer Service: Hey Stacy,
Matthew I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for our team this year. 2020 has to have been one of the
Fiery toughest on record for the Billing team. Between stabilizing MDM, preparing and stabilizing for CCB, staying safe
during the pandemic, home-schooling kids and serving as a leader on this team - you had a really full plate. I
appreciate you and your leadership and am grateful to have had a chance to work with and learn from you this year.

I hope that you are able to enjoy some well-deserved time off later this month to relax, recharge and enjoy some
quality time with your family through the holidays.

Matt [P2P195781]


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4/7/2021 ePeople Talent


December Provided Feedback New
7, 2020
[Achievers: 11/30/2020] Demonstrated Core Competency: For your leadership in 2020 overcoming numerous
Michael challenges and leading the Billing Team while the Manager was on paternal bonding leave.
Your contributions were essential in keeping the Billing Team on track to meet post MDM stabilization goals while
also preparing for the upcoming CIS implementation. Your actions reflect very favorably on your commitment to
the team and are greatly appreciated.

Thank you!! [P2P168766]

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your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.

November Provided Feedback New
9, 2020
[Achievers: 11/05/2020] Operational Excellence: Stacy - thank you for your support and leadership as our Business
Matthew Readiness lead and as a floorwalker for the CIS Upgrade project! [P2P146341]
Fiery Associations

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your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.

October Provided Feedback
30, 2020
[Achievers: 10/28/2020] Customer Service: Thank you for your help with the 2020 CX Awards. Your editing skills
Luba helped ensure that the program was clear and compelling for our presenters, the audience, and the winners!
Abrams [P2P140821]

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your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.

October Provided Feedback New
12, 2020
[Achievers: 10/09/2020] Customer Service: Happy Friday of Customer Service Week Billing Team! Thank you for
Matthew your hard work this year, all with our customers in mind. The work was certainly not easy as you fought through
Fiery defects and backlogs - something our customers will never know, see or fully appreciate the amount of effort
required to ensure they received a timely, accurate bill. You should be proud of everything you've accomplished!

Thanks for all of the work that you do!
-Matt [P2P81206]

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4/7/2021 ePeople Talent

Received Provided Feedback New
August 8, [Achievers: 05/20/2020] Demonstrated Core Competency: Thank you for hard work and dedication towards making
2020 the Career Fair a success! [P2P16391]
Olivier select goal/competency/opportunity

Employee Comment Your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.
your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.

August 8, Provided Feedback New
[Achievers: 06/10/2020] Operational Excellence: Stacy - you do a great job preparing the materials and leading the
Robert discussion calls with Tamla. Your safety messages are very tangible and well delivered. The meeting is always very
Walters Jr professional and you do a nice job of leaving time for discussion, following up on concerns, and take-aways. In
addition, the MDM team really appreciates your insight and knowledge as we work through the MDM fixes.


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your comment is not visible to the sender of the feedback, unless they are in your reporting chain.

August 8, Provided Feedback New
[Achievers: 06/10/2020] Operational Excellence: Team - thank you for your hard work, support of each other and
Matthew our customers! The improvements that this team has made each month in our Delayed Bill metric have been
Fiery outstanding. While we haven't yet hit our monthly target to make us eligible for the normal incentive, the continued
improvement is definitely worthy of recognition! We were close to hitting our target in May but we have a legitimate
chance of achieving it in June if we continue to focus on improvements. We'll need to continue to do our best to
prevent delayed and partially billed accounts in order to achieve our year end target but you've proven that MDM is
no match for our team and we are well prepared for CCB. Many lessons learned are being incorporated into the
CCB upgrade and while it is still a major system upgrade, it shouldn't be as bumpy as MDM was.

Keep up the great work! I'm proud of this team and all that we've accomplished!
-Matt [P2P22496]


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