7 React Chart Libraries
01 Victory
Victory is a system of dogmatic, but completely
overridable, React components for creating
dynamic data visualization.
React-vis 02
React-Vis is one of the most user-friendly
React data visualization libraries. If you’ve
already dealt with React components, you’ll
find it simple to utilize the react-vis
components since they superficially resemble.
03 Recharts
Recharts, one of the best React Chart Libraries,
offers easy-to-understand documentation and
competent project maintainers.
React-chartjs-2 04
If you have previously used Chart.js with React,
there should be no learning curve associated
with utilizing this library.react-chartjs-2 is a React
wrapper as one of the top React chart Libraries.
05 Nivo
Nivo package includes HTML, Canvas,
and SVG charts, supports client-side and
server-side rendering, and is compatible
with animations.