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Published by Pioneer International Projects Management, 2016-02-25 02:14:55

Planning & scheduling

Planning & scheduling

Planning & Scheduling

Innovative Management. Exceptional Performance.

Planning & Scheduling

Flexible Planning
Accurate Reporting
Confident Scheduling


The success or failure of a project begins
at project planning. Proper planning and
scheduling save time, money and resources
as they drive and define the project scope,
direction, goals and quality. We ensure total
control through detailed baseline programs,
periodic reports, progress presentations and
time impact analysis. With our unparalleled
understanding of all facets of the industry, we
help realize design and technical innovation in
planning and scheduling.


We incorporate the best planning
software, reporting methods, project
data and industry wisdom into our critical
path based approach to planning and


Planning & Scheduling

How we can help

• Provide fulltime or part-time planning Maintain Budgets
Accurate planning
and scheduling not only ensure
• Generate weekly reports, monthly reports projects are completed on time, but also they
and Time Impact Analysis (TIA). are completed within the
budget. It also helps
the length of time, required budget,
• Study and analyze contract documents. calculate costs of each step and eliminate
• Prepare baseline program with Work unnecessary actions. Well executed planning of
a previous project aides in creating new business
Breakdown Structure. plans and calculating financial requirements of a
• Determine crew structure and standard new project.

production rates.
• Create resource histograms and cash flows.

Time Management Resource Management

Regardless of size, all construction projects must Planning and scheduling is necessary to
make the most of time, when numerous duties or the
overall manpower and resource
tasks are involved. A detailed plan and a schedule of a project. Comparing previous plans or schedules
keeps track of the needed tasks and ensure their helps in saving costs by creating a schedule that
orderly completion. Without planning it is easy to eliminates overstaffing. Effective and adequate
spend too much time on a specific task, which may resource alignment for each specific demand at
cause other required tasks to suffer a time crunch. every stage improves profitability.

Qatar University Library and Zakum Development Company The Mangrove Palace, Abu Dhabi. PAGE 5
New Research Building, Qatar. EPC Works for Fire & Gas Sys-
tem Upgrade at Zirku, Dubai.

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque (Phase 2), Abu Dhabi


Planning & Scheduling

What we have done

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Al Barakah to Al Silaa Road, PAGE 7
Nahyan Mosque (Phase 2), Improvement of Mafraq to
Abu Dhabi Al Ghwaifat Border Post
Highway Section 1B
The magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
with 82 domes, 1144 columns. 115 meter tall The completion of AED 600,000,000 improvement
minarets is a tribute to intricate Islamic art and a work on a 44 KM stretch of a busy highway within a
beautiful fusion of Mamluk, Ottoman and Fatimid very short timeframe posed problems that required
styles. The $2 billion project employed 3000 creative and practical solutions. PIPM delivered a
workers, used over 210,000 cubic meters of comprehensive program of works that facilitated
concrete and 33,000 tons of steel reinforcements periodic smooth traffic diversions through a system
to create an area of 22,000 square meters that of additional bridges and road expansions. Our
can accommodate 40,000 worshippers. PIPM program ensured minimum inconvenience, maximum
was honored to be the planning and scheduling efficiency and safety of workers and commuters. We
consultants in this iconic project. also provided the monitoring and controlling for an on
time project completion.
Internal Roads and Services
in Rahba City, Abu Dhabi Construction Package 10-E-
2 (CP10-J) Landscape Work
PIPM was entrusted with a customizable and full detail Crescent Park, Doha, Qatar
program of work for a complete city infrastructure
network with a value of AED 160,000,000.00. We In a futuristic project in Lusail, Qatar with a value of QR
delivered a solution that seamlessly integrated 350,000,000.00, PIPM was consulted to design and
20 distinct areas with full resource, cost, key deliver the complex project program of works within
performance index (KPI’s), user defined values and a period of just 30 days. The iconic mega project was
design consultant comments. We also provided the spread over 35 km² and was planned to be a city for
monitoring and controlling for the project and assured 260,000 people.
a timely delivery of excellence.
Our project team delivered a well strategized fast
Petroleum Institute Support tracked solution, which detailed the scope of work into
Facility and Car Park at Sas five distinct blocks that covered modern infrastructure,
Al Nakhl, Abu Dhabi futuristic buildings and state of the art sports arenas.

The client faced challenges in monitoring and Abu Bakr Al Siddique Road
controlling in a project that repeatedly encountered Project (Phase II), Riyadh
design changes during concept, preliminary, detailed
and tender stages. In an extremely complex road works and infrastructure
project with 10,000 activities and a value of SAR
PIPM consultants assisted the client to monitor 800,000,000.00, PIPM successfully prepared the
and control the progress and enabled the client to detailed program of works.
substantiate an extension of time claim for twice the
project’s original duration. This exceptional project is now considered to be the
benchmark for subsequent projects by the project owner.

P.O. Box: 129590, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 2 632 2990 Fax: +971 2 632 2338 E-mail:

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