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Published by nishadnilesh39, 2019-10-03 11:48:42

New Mpi

New Mpi

Module No 1: Introduction Of Microprocessor System

1.1 Block Diagram Of Microprocessor Based System

Address Address
bus bus

Memory Data C I/O
Number of Bus P Data Ports
Location u Bus


1. A device which is performs operation (Arithematics,logical,etc) in micro steps is called as
2. It consists of counter,switches,clock,flip-flop,registers etc


1. It is combination of register array and the decoder circuit
2. Its has Memory Number Of Location =2N
3. It is used to store the data
4. It has RAM and ROM memory

Address And Address Bus :

1. The output of the program Which is given to the Memory is called Address
2. The group of wire which is carries this address Is called Address Bus

Program Counter:

1. The Counter Used In a Small Model Is used To locate Instructions In a Proper Program
2. It is always pointed out the next instructions which is going to be fetched and Executed

Data and Data bus:

Data is Moved from register to register and Memory to register through group of wires is called
data bus

Control bus:

To issues and receives control signal

Tristate Logic:

1. It is a logic in electronic circuits where in a third state
2. The high impedance State is added to original 1 & 0 logic state that port can be in


1. It is produced by clock generator
2. It oscillated between Low and High state
3. The speed of Microprocessor Is determine By clock cycles

Need of Assembly Language

Computers understands Only Binary Language which is suitable for
Computers only we human understands English which is suitable
For us but not to computers so, to communicate with computers we
required one medium which is A language which is known As Assembly
Language ,which understandable for us and that language convert
English(Human Language) to Machine Language (Binary Language)

Comparison of Assembly & Higher Level Language

Sr.No Types of Application Assembly Higher level
1 Language Language
Business Application No Formal
2 Software For single Structure Formal
Structure make
3 Platform Hardware
4 access is straight it easy to
Hardware device driver organize and
forward and
Business Application for simple maintain
Multiple Platform Awkward coding
Difficult to
Embedded system and maintain Technique
computer games Ideal,because required
the executable
requiring hardware access code is small Portable
and run quickly
Produce too

executable code
and may not run


Assembler VS Compiler

Compiler Assembler
It converts source code in to It converts Assembly Language to

Machine Language Machine Language
It can directly Convert human It will first convert human written
written source code to Machine source code in to Assembly (.obj)
then it will convert it into Machine
Cannot give precise timing and Can give precise timing and clock
Heating point operation are
Heating point operation are performed faster than compiler
performed slower than assembler

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