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Farah Zulaikha Binti Ramlan, Nur Shahira Wanie Binti Mat Zainon, Nur Zulaikha Yusra Binti Zainal Abidin, Nurul Azatie Binti Zamri

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Published by FARAH ZULAIKHA RAMLAN, 2023-01-17 01:35:56


Farah Zulaikha Binti Ramlan, Nur Shahira Wanie Binti Mat Zainon, Nur Zulaikha Yusra Binti Zainal Abidin, Nurul Azatie Binti Zamri


01 02 03 04 Qualities of Good Business Letter Format for Memo Format for E-mail Format for Business Letter TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A

QUALITIES Notes On Qualities Of Good Business 01INNER QUALITY Inner Quality refers to the quality of language used and the presentation of a business letter OF GOOD BUSINESS LETTER 02 OUTER QUALITY The outer quality of a business letter means the quality of its outer appearance. The outer look of the letter must be catchy and impressive

01 The language used in the business letter must be clear. It helps the receiver to understand the message immediately, easily, and clearly. Any ambiguity will lead to the misinterpretation of the message stated. Notes On Qualities Of Good Business CLEAR INNER QUALITIES 02 SIMPLE 03 04 CONCRETE ACCURACY The language used in the business letter must be simple and easy. One must not write a business letter in difficult and fancy words. The message is written must be concrete and specific. By using concrete language, a reader will have a clear picture of the message. One must always check for the accuracy of the business letter. Accuracy generally means no error in grammar, spelling, punctuations etc. Correct personnel should be targeted for communication. A business letter must be neatly typed or handwritten. Proper spacing, indention, and use of paragraph should be used. 05 NEATNESS

06 The language used in the business letter must be coherent. The message must be in a logical way for the clear understanding of the message. The flow of the message must be consistent Notes On Qualities Of Good Business COHERENT INNER QUALITIES 07 08 09 COMPLETE RELEVANCE COURTEOUS One must write a complete message. It helps the reader to know about the issue and the solution to be taken. It should provide all the necessary information. One must also keep in mind that the message should be concise and short along with the complete details The letter should only contain important information. Irrelevant information should not be included and avoided in any business communication. The language used in the business letter must be courteous. A writer must always use open, friendly, and honest wording in his letter. It does not mean that one must use slang and abusive words. One must always add the words like please, thank you etc.

01 The standard size of paper should be used. An A4 paper is the most used paper for writing a business letter. Notes On Qualities Of Good Business SIZE OF THE PAPER OUTER QUALITIES 02 03 04 QUALITY OF THE PAPER THE COLOR OF THE PAPER FOLDING OF LETTER The quality of the paper used must be good. It is not always possible for a firm to use the costly paper. One must use good quality paper for original copy and ordinary copy for the duplicate copy. Sometimes it is very useful to use the different color of paper for different types of letter. The receiver can clearly understand the intention and the purpose of the letter by its color. One must fold the letter properly and uniformly. The folding must be done to fit the letter in the envelope. It is noticeable that one must not over fold the letter. It will have a bad impression on the reader’s mind. The envelope used must be of good quality. Special attention must be given to the size of the envelope for fitting the letter. 05 ENVELOPE

References : Agrawl.M. (n.d.). Business Letters: Meaning, Qualities and Layout. letters/business-letters-meaning-qualities-andlayout/75906 Business Letter: 15 Essential Qualities of a Good Business Letter. (2018, November 20). Retrieved from Topprguides website:

FORMAT FOR MEMO Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Scribendi. (n.d.). Memo Example. session_token=eyJ0aW1lIjoxNjY3NjM0OTUwOTEzLCJob3N0Ijoid3d3LnNjc mliZW5kaS5jb20iLCJyZWZlcmVyIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2NyaWJlbmRp LmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGVzL21lbW9fZXhhbXBsZXMuZW4uaHRt bCJ9 References :

FORMAT FOR MEMO Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Scribendi. (n.d.). Memo Example. session_token=eyJ0aW1lIjoxNjY3NjM0OTUwOTEzLCJob3N0Ijoid3d3LnNjc mliZW5kaS5jb20iLCJyZWZlcmVyIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2NyaWJlbmRp LmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGVzL21lbW9fZXhhbXBsZXMuZW4uaHRt bCJ9 References :

FORMAT FOR MEMO Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Scribendi. (n.d.). Memo Example. session_token=eyJ0aW1lIjoxNjY3NjM0OTUwOTEzLCJob3N0Ijoid3d3LnNjc mliZW5kaS5jb20iLCJyZWZlcmVyIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2NyaWJlbmRp LmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGVzL21lbW9fZXhhbXBsZXMuZW4uaHRt bCJ9 References :

FORMAT FOR E-MAIL Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Wright.E. (n.d.) How to Format a Business Email. References

FORMAT FOR E-MAIL Notes On Qualities Of Good Business SampleTemplates. FREE 7+ Sample Professional Email com/business-templates/professional-email-template.html Templates in PDF. (n.d.) References

FORMAT FOR BUSINESS LETTER Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Example of Semi-Blocked Reference: Semi block letter format. (n.d.). 82MF/semi-block-letter-format/

FORMAT FOR BUSINESS LETTER Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Example of Modified Blocked Reference: Writer.E. (2018, February 8). Modified Block Letter Format.

FORMAT FOR BUSINESS LETTER Notes On Qualities Of Good Business Johns.S. (2022, March 13). Business Letter Format: Templates, Examples, & Writing Guide. Example of Full-Blocked Format Reference:

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Memo of Enquiry Email of Enquiry Letter of Enquiry Email reply to Enquiry Letter reply to Enquiry Memo of Procurement Email of Procurement Letter of Procurement Email reply to Procurement Letter reply to Procurement TABLE OF CONTENTS PART B

ENQUIRY Enquiry 01 Enquiry : An act of asking for information. Close with a standard closing and printed signature line. "Sincerely" and "Very truly yours" are common and appropriate closings. Include your title beneath the signature line. Type the letter date. The date is useful should you need to refer to the inquiry in future communications. 02 Type the address of the company. If the initial sales materials included the name of the appropriate contact, type that name above the company name. Use the appropriate greeting. If the sales material you received had a folksy, friendly tone, you might use the first name of the contact person. 03 04 Briefly state your request. If you want a catalog or price list, simply say so. " 05 D.O.Laverne. (n.d.)

MEMO Enquiry 01A memo letter requesting Marketing Officer to provide information about the export of Jam and Jelly in Western countries. of enquiry Reference Islam, K. (2013, September 14). Effective Business Communication: Memo Letter Example | Memo Letter Sample. Effective Business Communication.

Enquiry EMAIL of enquiry 01Enquiry Mail Regarding Return and Replacement of Damaged Products Enquiry Letter - Format and Examples. (n.d.). BYJUS. Reference January 3, 2023, from 93%20Regarding%20a%20Job%20Vacancy

Enquiry LETTER of enquiry 01Enquiry Letter Regarding For Exchange of Car Prasanna. (2021, February 19). Enquiry letter: Format, Reference Sample and how to write an enquiry letter? A Plus Topper. Retrieved January 3, 2023, from

To : Subject: Re: M Company | Product inquiry: Frozen mango puree Dear Moses, We appreciate your interest in our products and services. To address your concerns regarding our published books and publishing services, please visit our website for detailed information on these. However, if you would like us to see in person and discuss how we can help in more detail, I would be glad to pay you a visit. In the meanwhile, please do contact me if you need more clarifications. We look forward to doing business with you. Thanks. Best regards, Goodwill Bruce Customer Relations, The Orchard Publishers Enquiry EMAIL REPLYto enquiry 01Responding to Customer Enquiry for Brochure & Wholesale Price List References Nana. (October 18, 2018). The Most Effective Way to Write Inquiry Response Email.

Enquiry EMAIL REPLYto enquiry 02 Responding to Customer Enquiry for Published Books and Services References Dr. Kelechi Duru. (June 14, 2016). Seven Sample Emails to Respond to Customer Enquiry.

Jackson Brothers 3487 23rd Street New York, NY 12009 Kenneth Beare Administrative Director English Learners Company 2520 Visita Avenue Olympia, WA 98501 September 12, 2000 Dear Mr. Beare, Thank you for your inquiry of 12 September asking for the latest edition of our catalog. We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure. We would also like to inform you that it is possible to make purchases online at We look forward to welcoming you as our customer. Yours sincerely, (Signature) Dennis Jackson Marketing Director Jackson Brothers Enquiry LETTER REPLYto enquiry 01 Responding to Customer Enquiry for Latest Catalogue References Beare.K. (May 30, 2019). Writing for Business: Inquiry Response Letter.

NOVELTY SAFETY EQUIPMENT LTD 14th Floor Shun Koo Building Aberdeen Hong Kong 27 Dec 2022 Mr Tim Lee, Manager, Sun Lee Consultancy Ltd, 198 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. Dear Mr Lee Enquiry regarding fire extinguishers Thank you for your enquiry regarding our newly released range of fire extinguishers. You will see from the enclosed catalogue that the range has been extended to include some highly efficient portable extinguishers for use on construction sites. We are offering our existing customers a 15% discount on orders of extinguishers from this new range. We look forward to your increased order at this discount rate. Yours sincerely, Silvia Choi Silvia Choi Merchandising Manager Enquiry LETTER REPLYto enquiry 02Responding to Customer Enquiry for Newly Released Range of Fire Extinguishers References English Language Centre. (August 24, 2012). How to Reply to Enquiries.

PROCUREMENT Procurement 01 Procurement : the process of sourcing, acquiring, and paying for goods and services. Transparency: Organizations should make relevant procurement information available to everyone, including the public as well as suppliers. Value for money: The organization must manage funds efficiently and economically when procuring goods and services. 02 Fairness: Procurement should not provide preferential treatment to individuals or suppliers. Competition: Organizations should seek competitive bids from multiple suppliers, unless there are specific reasons not to do so. 03 04 Efficiency: Procurement processes must be carried out efficiently to help maximize value and avoid delays. 05 Reference: Jenkins. A. (2021, March 24). What Is Procurement? Types, Processes & Technology. Retrieved from 06 Accountability: People involved in the procurement process are accountable for their actions and decisions.

MEMO Procurement 01A memo letter for ordering cupcakes. of procurement N.a. (2022, May). Memo of procurement.

Procurement EMAIL of procurement 01Procurement Mail Regarding Ordering 40 Office Chairs References David Beckham. Request Letter for Purchase of Equipment, Goods, or Required Material.

Procurement EMAIL of procurement 01Procurement Mail of Purchase Order References Emailing Purchase Order. (n.d.).

Karin Yamashiro 555-555-5555 [email protected] BERSI International, Inc. Miami, FL, United States 20th April 2020 Application for the position of Assistant Service Manager Dear Recruiters, I am writing this cover letter to express my interest in the Assistant Service Manager job within BERSI International, Inc. which has been posted and promoted on your company careers website. I am certain that my previous experience makes me a perfect candidate for the role and I also believe that I could be a great contribution to your team. To shortly introduce myself, I am a Certified Service Manager offering more than 7 years of extensive industry experience. At ProQuest, LLC, I was given the responsibility for managing and coordinating multiple service operations to ensure that all policies and processes were always fully followed. On top of that, I communicated with clients, completed regular reports, monitored and analyzed the service sales, and worked on the constant improvement of all existing business operations to increase efficiency. Throughout the years, I have demonstrated numerous times that I am a performance-driven individual possessing exceptional leadership and communication skills and the important ability to think critically. What is more, I have won the Employee of the Month Award once for constantly achieving extraordinary results and meeting all assigned objectives. Next, I am the Louisiana State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration which serves as an excellent evidence of my field expertise. At the university, I was not only among the top 3% of students with the best academic results but I also served as a President of the Marketing Society for one year. I am a great team player skilled in using all software programs necessary for the role, such as QuickBooks, mHelpDesk, and GeoOp. Last but least, I have attached my up-to-date CV for your further review so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on my qualifications. I can be reached at 555-555-5555 or via email at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Kind regards, Karin Yamashiro Procurement LETTER of procurement 01 Procurement Letter Applying for Assistant Service Manager Position Šaržík. M. (n.d). Assistant Service Manager Cover Letter Example.

Procurement EMAIL REPLY of procurement 01Approving an Application of Editor Reference Brooke. C. (August 14, 2022). Reply Email Samples for Different Situations (Several Examples). -for-different-situations-several-examples-0484184 From: [email protected] Date: 4th April 2022 To: [email protected] Subject: Approved Application of Editor at Woculus Dear Mr. Siva, Welcome! Your application to Woculus has been approved. We are proud to have you as one of our editors. Siva, like I said before, our vision at Woculus is to be the one-stop site where business owners, marketers and sales personnel can learn how to use technology profitably for their businesses. Our posts are well-research, practical and rich. As an upcoming blog, we constantly strive to provide the highest quality posts to our readers. If there is a better post about any of our areas of interest on the Internet, we are not doing our job well. Find your login details below: Username: Don Siva Password: siVA2013 The entire Woculus team looks forward to a very professional working relationship with you; and we ready to support you in any way possible to serve our audience better. Yours sincerely, Lee Min Ho

Procurement EMAIL REPLY of procurement 02 Responding to Customer for Purchasing from Website References Karolina Petraškienė. (May 20, 2022). 12 thank-you email templates & examples for ecommerce.

Procurement LETTER REPLY of procurement 02Responding the Customer for Execution of Order References Business Communication Article. Order Letter Sample And Order Confirmation Letter Sample. National Paints Co. Ltd. 20, Tongi, Gajipur 8th September 2022 Purchase Manager Color world 15, New Market, Dhaka-1200 Sub: Execution of order No; P/3/7 Dear Sir, We have the pleasure to state that we have dispatched your ordered paints by our Motor van today as per your specification given in the letter dated September 1, 2022. From the Invoice enclosed, you will find that amount due to us Tk. 70,000 (seventy Thousand only) and the terms of our contract remain as 5/10, Net 30. We thank you for this order and hope it will meet your satisfaction. We assure you of our best services and co-operation at all times. With best regards Yours faithfully A.K Rahman Sales Manager National paints co Ltd. Enclosure: (1) Invoice No: BSE/32/04

15 16 17 18 19 20 Memo of Complaint Email of Complaint Letter of Complaint Email of Adjustment Letter of Adjustment Letter of Resignation TABLE OF CONTENTS PART C

COMPLAINT Complaint The purpose of a complaint letter is to: Complaint: voice concern or dissatisfaction that has occurred. outline the issue or problem you are having provide evidence to support your complaint ask for a resolution to the issue Before writing a complaint letter, be sure to do the following: research the company or organization you are complaint against gather all of the relevant information related to your complaint outline the issue or problem in detail

MEMO Complaint 01 Complaint of Inappropriate Use of Time on Google Doodle Games of complaint Reference: Memo of complaint - Example of memorandum. (2022). MEMORANDUM To: All Staff From: The Manager Date: May 27, 2010 Subject: Inappropriate use of time on Google Doodle games Coworkers, It has come to my attention that many in the office have been spending time on the Google home page microgames. This memo is a reminder to use your work hours for work. According to a recent article, the estimated daily cost of people collectively playing these games instead of working is over $120 million which is calculated based on the daily average increased time spent on the Google home page (36 seconds). If these estimates are applied to our 600 office employees, this results in a nearly $700 weekly loss. This is a conservative estimate considering the extensive discussions that occur about beating the office's current high score. The extra cost quickly adds up. Of course, we don't want you to view our organization as a place of drudgery and draconian rules. I encourage a fun and competitive environment, and I recognize that we certainly won't be profitable if you are unhappy or dissatisfied with your jobs. This is just a reminder to be careful with your use of company time. Thank you, The Manager

Complaint EMAIL of complaint 01 Complaining about bad service from the partner on behalf of the company References Pham. C. (2018, August 13). How To Write A Nice Complaint Email Even When You Are Pissed Off. From: [email protected] Date: 5th October 2021 To: [email protected] Subject: Complaining about bad service by LC's level Dear Mr. Sprouse, I am John Handson from B’in Ltd. I have been asked by the Board of Directors of our company to formally advise you that the Board is dissatisfied with LC’s level of service. There’ve been a number of incidents that transpired during last June up to now. The ongoing issues began shortly after the regular maintenance was done in May. Up to that point, we were quite satisfied with your company’s service at our office building. This mail is with specific reference to the series odd elevator breakdowns that occurred continuously recently. This caused our more than 100 employees to use only one elevator in the last 2 months. We request LC to take necessary actions immediately to fix the problem. If in 2 days, there would be no one from LC come to our building to repair the elevators, the course of the upcoming service contract this year will be canceled without penalty (as per Sect. 4d of the contract). Yours Sincerely, Egnes Monica

Arnold Armstrong 89 Villa Street Val Haven, CT 95135 Phone – 890056711 [email protected] 30th June 2022 Customer Care Manager Customer Service Airtel Telecom 8423 Green Terrace Road Asterville, WA 65435 Dear Sir or Madam Re: Order Number TF285347 I recently ordered a new Beetel Modem (item #285347), Model 100CX from your website on 20th June 2022. I received the order on 7th July. Unfortunately, the modem turned out to be defective. I connected it to my PC and installed all the drivers provided. I followed the manual provided but it didn’t work. All the Lights on the Modem were ON. I even went through troubleshooting but to no avail. I even installed it on my friends PC but ‘No Connectivity’. I used my Dying Modem to check if the ‘Line wasn’t Faulty’. The internet worked fine and there was ‘No issue with the Line’. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows just to make sure that there wasn’t a problem in my system. But that didn’t make the modem work. As mentioned above, I have tried everything, and the fault lies clearly in the modem. I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for the modem. I needed a new modem, so I bought it from a local shop. I don’t need a Replacement but a Refund which I am entitled to as per your Policy. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been a loyal and satisfied customer of your company for quite some time now. This is the first time I have encountered a problem. Looking forward towards a Prompt Refund. Yours faithfully, Signature Arnold Armstrong Complaint LETTER of complaint 01 Complaint Letter for Defective Product Reference: Product Complaint Letter. (2013, May 25).

Complaint LETTER of complaint 02 Complaint Letter for goods delivered in less quantity Reference Customer Complaint Letter. (2013, May 25). Revathi Multimedia 5382 Western Church Kolkatta 9th April 2022 Attn: Mr. Sanjay Kalra Sales Manager Long Lasting Electronics 711 Ashtutosh Mukherjee Road Kolkatta - 200 Dear Mr. Kalra Re. Order No. 475382 This is to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been supplied in exact quantity as ordered. On 7th April 2022 our Firm – ‘Revathi Multimedia’ placed an order with your firm ‘Long Lasting Electronics’ for 2,000 Cannon Camera Rechargeable Batteries. The consignment arrived on 8th April 2022 but there were only 200 batteries. Those batteries were required on the designated date and your mistake put us in an inconvenient situation. We had to make some emergency purchases to fulfil our commitments towards our clients. I am writing to ask you to up for the shortcoming and ensure that such occurrences do not happen again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies. I look forward to hearing from you by return. Yours sincerely. Signature (Jaipuria Pathak) Typed Name (Jaipuria Pathak) Purchasing Office

ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Adjustment: A response to letter of complaint by unhappy customers 01 Written when a seller or delivery authorities write back to the customer in regard to their complaint. 02 Deal with all kinds of complaints such as defective goods, service is poor, shipment issues, and product undelivered or not delivered on time, etc 03 The main purpose is to resolve a conflict between customer and seller.

Adjustment EMAIL of adjustment 01Informing the customer for the late delivery Adjustment on date delivery References Aji Sutarmaji. (Jul 12,2022). Adjustment Letters to Deal with Various Complaints

Mr. John Nash Customer Service Manager Head Office of Rio Supermarket Manulo Street Nottingham, UK May 17, 2013 Mr. Paul Popon 10 Friedsburg Street Nottingham, UK Dear Mr. Popon, We have received your recent letter dated May 15, 2013 concerning the services in the Rio Supermarket. Thank you for writing and giving us an opportunity to look into this matter. It is important to us to know of issues that arise with our customers, as we want to ensure full customer satisfaction, especially with a long-time client such as yourself. Mrs. Revera, whose actions are the basis of your complaint, has been a store manager at the Rio Supermarket for three years. For all the years she has worked, there has been no adverse incidents connected with her behavior. We will converse with her and test her for professional suitability. In the meanwhile, I would like to assure you of our interest and concern. We are always anxious to be informed of situations that could adversely affect good relations with our customers. According to the information at the office center that made the delivery of cooled chicken to our stores, the quality of the consignment was proved by the quality experts at the place of production. All the papers and certificates were filled correctly. We made an investigation at the store where you bought the spoiled product, which showed the appropriate storage of cooled products, including cooled chickens. We are sure that a bad-quality product was delivered by our supplier. We filed a concern with the company and are waiting for a solution. For the past week, we had no concerns about spoiled cooled chickens, so it may be an individual case. We realize that this is a substantial problem, and apologize for the situation that has evolved. We would like to send you a $100 gift card to purchase any product around the United Kingdom. Please accept our apology for this spoiled product. We promise that we will improve our supplying system with reliable suppliers to avoid this problem from happening in the future. Sincerely, (signature) Mr. John Nash Customer Service Manager Adjustment LETTER of adjustment 01 Procurement Letter Applying for Assistant Service Manager Position Reference: Šaržík. M. (n.d). Assistant Service Manager Cover Letter Example.

RESIGNATION Resignation Resignation: An official letter sent by an employee to their employer giving notice they will no longer be working at the company. Reference: 8 professional resignation letter samples and templates you can use. (2022, November 4). 01 Maintain a professional demeanor and avoid expressing displeasure with your existing position. 02 03 It might contain a message of thanks to the employer for the chance to work there and what you learnt from the experience. A resignation letter should be brief and direct. It is not needed to go into great length describing why you are resigning and should maintain a professional tone. 04 Skip the personal details and emotive sentiments; these may be discussed later during the exit interview.

Caroline Maxwell 363 Suncoast Drive Seminole, FL 33701 604-323-5566 [email protected] July 15, 2022 Jameis Hitchcock Manager Smith Agency 1616 Florida Road Tampa, FL 33802 Dear Mr. Hitchcock, I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Account Executive for the Smith Agency, effective July 29. Thank you very much for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last five years. I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company. If I can be of any help during this transition, please let me know. Sincerely, Signature (hard copy letter) Caroline Maxwell Resignation LETTER of resignation 01 Resignation Letter from position as Account Executive Reference: Doyle. A. (2022, June 15) Sample Resignation Letter for Quitting Your Job.


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