Subject ENT600 - Technology Entrepreneurship
Lecturer’s name Hardi Emrie Bin Rosly
Student’s Names and 1) Ahmad Asyraf bin Roslan (2019696004)
ID 2) Nurul Lisa Fauzihana Binti Mohd Kamal
3) Nurulhamiza Binti Mohamad Muslim
4) Nurul Ilyana Binti Norddin (2019619264)
Group AS2444B
Submission Date 28th January 2021
Assalamualaikumusalam w.b.t. Alhamdulillah, thank you to Allah SWT, we had
successfully finished our blueprint with good health and protection from the pandemic. The
outcome of this assignment had required a lot of guidance and assistance. We would like to
thank you to all who had contributed and give me cooperation for this blueprint. We would say
thank you to our classmate in helping each other out for guidance to make this blueprint
successfully done. We feel grateful that we can finish this blueprint within the time given and
cannot express enough thanks to our lecturer, Sir Hardi Emrie and all the guidance related to
these case study that he had given in class. We were grateful and thank you to all team members
for always cooperate, efficient and give a good commitment to each other’s.
Table 3.1 (page 16)
5.0 FINANCIAL ESTIMATES Table 3.2 (page 19)
Table 4.1 (page 20)
6.0 PROJECT MILESTONES Table 4.2 (page 20 & 21)
Table 4.3 (page 21)
7.0 CONCLUSIONS Table 4.4 (page 21)
Table 4.5 (page 22)
REFERENCES Table 5.1 (page 22 & 23)
Table 5.2 (page 23)
APPENDICES Table 5.3 (page 24)
Table 5.4 (page 24)
Figure 1.1 (page 6)
Figure 1.2 (page 7)
Figure 1.3 (page 8)
Figure 2.1 (page 10)
Figure 2.2 (page 10)
Figure 2.3 (page 10)
Figure 2.4 (page 11)
Figure 2.5 (page 12)
Figure 3.1 (page 14)
Figure 3.2 (page 14)
Figure 3.3 (page 15)
Figure 3.4 (page 17)
Figure 3.5 (page 17)
Free Me company is an ecology friendly business which established to introduce and
emphasise to all generation people about the importance of sustaining the ecosystem. Because of
that, product developed by our company is a biodegradable sanitary pad which using bamboo
fibre as the main material because of its various benefits such as antibacterial and natural agent
that neutralized the bacteria. The product offers faster absorption and drying time, help user to
felt comfortable and stay dry for a longer period of time. The product packaging for the product
is by 2 in 1 system, joining regular and overnight pad in one box. The methods find to be handy
for customer use and help to save customer’s budget. The specially processed bamboo fibre has
been patented and the bamboo plantation was carried out by our own company to contain the
availability of the material and decrease any delay production.
The target market chosen for the product is all woman student in Malaysia which have high
education toward awareness of the ecology and the value hugely affecting our market sales. Our
product will be advertised through both virtual and physical platform such as supermarket
distribution and online shopping application, making sure the product was well published to the
customers without any bias. The highest market of feminine hygiene product was reported from
2016 to 2022, dominating the market with 60% share. Our product has potential to reach all
market segment within 3 years and also able to import out of the country for more profit. The
market growth was affected based on the socio-economic trends, industry trend, and government
Our product, biodegradable pad can increase its market share with run more organized
promotional event that include society. The improvement of biodegradable sanitary pads was
based on SWOT analysis, with reliability, durability, and comfortless for consumer. The
durability of product is estimated within 8 hours because of its antibacterial agent. One of
advantages compared to the other competitors is from price aspect, product was decided to be
sell at RM 20 compared to high price range set by our competitors. Our product shows high
performance in its material, bamboo fibre for absorbent compared to ordinary cotton. The
delivery is using online platform, agents, and supermarket. Warranty came together with the
biodegradable pad once purchase, if there is any issue from the product.
All of advantages may contributed increasing of the same technology in the industry and
competitors feel challenge to develop their own product, gave economic benefits to them. The
profitability of product can be seen in 3 years of the product well publish in both platforms. The
prediction was based on the market share of existing competitors as the market share of
biodegradable sanitary pads is smaller than normal sanitary pads.
The management team established to guide the company are chairman of the company who
guide all boards in running their role. Vice chairman can help chairman in stabilized the
company and develop the company in many factors. There is two board member and one
president assign to be in the company, to help smooth the flow of company, marketing, and
production. Chief executive officer that has ultimate responsible in managerial decisions, Chief
financial officer has all access to all financial actions in company, and Chief operation officer
was tasked with overseeing the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of the
company. The total salary and wages spend on all management team is as much as RM 38,500 a
The product is biodegradable sanitary pad, namely as Free-Me. Bamboo fibre was used
as the biodegradable material due to it good properties that will benefit our product. The surface
of these pad is made of organic cotton while the absorbent layer is made using bamboo fibre, to
avoid the usage of plastic or harmful chemicals. This pad is eco-friendly which 100%
compostable plant-based wrapper, non-toxic adhesive strips and also free from chemical
fragrances and are known for their natural anti-bacterial properties. The application of the
product is to reduce contribution to plastic waste. Regular sanitary pad is made of non-
biodegradable plastic and it was examined to be contributed to plastic waste globally as one
sanitary pad could take 500 to 800 years to decompose. From here, biodegradable sanitary pad
help in other to transformed regular sanitary pad into a better product, which has biodegradable
elements and using an organic material such as bamboo fibre. Biodegradable sanitary pad which
then will give a big impact to the environment as it will completely break down and decompose
into natural elements within a year or less and no release of toxic material towards the
environment. This will help to achieve ecological sustainability.
The primary end use of our biodegradable product is to provide antibacterial sanitary pad. There
is some problem that can raise with the use of plastic based sanitary pad where there are high
chances of getting fungal infections due to collection of moisture. Therefore, our biodegradable
sanitary pad will help to ensure this problem are not arise as our sanitary pad contains ‘bamboo
kun’, known to contain antibacterial, antifungal and antistatic natural agent that will help to
neutralize bacteria inside the menstrual blood that can cause skin infection. The significant
secondary application of our product is to help reduce irritation. Regular sanitary pad might also
lead to pelvic infection which can cause allergies and irritation in the vaginal areas.
Biodegradable sanitary pad that come with the use of ‘bamboo kun’ as stated before and also
antibacterial organic cotton which is soft and gentle to the skin, help to reduce the irritation and
also help to inhibit bacterial growth.
The unique features of the product are the specially made absorbent material at the core and the
100% organic, compostable wrapper. Our product packaging as show in Figure 1.1 is what we
will offer to the market as which we decided to make ‘2 in 1’ box packaging system. This means
that there are both, regular and overnight pad in 1 box. This will make it easy for our customer as
they no need to buy difference packaging or box in order to have both type of pads and it also
help to save customer’s budget.
Figure 1.1 Free-Me packaging (1 box with both, regular and overnight pad)
The present state of development of the product is through idea screening and idea generation,
product design or development, concept testing and test marketing. This is not the first and only
idea that all member manages to generate during our group discussion. The idea screening
process involves us determining the practicality, market demand, materials, accessibility, project
cost, and profit of the product from an idea and finally choosing a few that can produce the best
outcome using all the prerequisites. Instead of taking out features or designs that will further
pollute the environment in the final product, the research was chosen by all group member by
making a feature or designs which eco-friendly so that the final product will not feel incomplete
to the customers and so decided to incorporate non-synthetic biodegradable materials into our
product. The decision making toward this kind of materials into a sanitary pad is due to the
simplicity of this type of product and the significance of it for a woman.
As we know, sanitary pads are one of the products that largely contribute to plastic waste
globally, so this is a good type of product to improve upon using our own ideas and existing
products as an example. A few researches were done on what main ingredients could use for our
biodegradable materials. It is better to use plant-based ingredients as it is cheaper, easier to
harvest, can be mass-produced and more viable, and environmentally sustainable in the long run.
The choices were further narrowed down until we finally settled on using bamboo fibre as our
biodegradable material due to their interesting properties that will benefit our product. To
determine the market for this product we have conducted a market survey using Google Form as
a platform for our survey and set a minimum quota of 55 respondents. The link for the survey
was then sent and shared to other women primarily through WhatsApp. The survey consists of
multiple questions designed to gouge interest regarding our product and its unique features. Due
to the nature of this conducted survey, most of the respondents are usually students and thus
based on this fact and the feedback from our survey, from the record it is decided to market our
product towards women of generation Y and Z, particularly students as this are the generation
that is more familiar with science and technology while also having access to the internet which
can make them more aware about the newly developed eco-friendly product. Based on our start-
up costs, the total is RM5,340,000 in order to fully develop, test and introduce the product to the
market. This includes the total capital expenditure for administrative and operation, one time
start-up expenditure and other pre-operation expenditure.
Figure 1.2 Design of biodegradable sanitary pad
Figure 1.3 Label part of biodegradable sanitary pad
Based on figure 1.3 above, there are 8 features of our biodegradable sanitary pad:
1) Ultra absorbent bamboo fibre
- Faster absorption and contains ‘bamboo kun’, known as antibacterial, antifungal and
antistatic natural agent.
2) Functional chip
- Help to neutralizing odors, improve feminine hygiene and promote freshness
3) Antibacterial organic cotton
- It is soft and gentle to the skin and help to reduce irritation and inhibit bacterial
4) Non-toxic adhesive strips
- It is strong yet gently strips which can hold pad firmly in place without damaging
5) 100% compostable plant-based wrapper
- It is easy to recycle and reduce the demand for oil
6) Breathable bottom water resistant
- It is design for air circulation and help eliminating heat and moisture
7) SAP gel
- It helps to reduce the leakage and highly absorbent coverage
8) Release paper
- It is for back adhesive restrain and provide comfort to woman ergonomic
Our specially processed bamboo fibre can be patented to be used in upcoming new products or
by other companies. Bamboo fibre was processed by our company itself and we implemented a
specially and specifically technique to treat and process the bamboo fibre which this makes our
product more unique and have its own value. For the first stage, all the bamboo were supply by
our supplier but we already decide to have our own bamboo plantation in order to have a
sufficient supply of bamboo and also to ensure the production line going smooth, and faster. This
is because there are some disadvantages if we only depend on the supplier where some problem
might occur such as not sufficient amount of bamboo as supplier also need to supply to our
competitor. Furthermore, when there is a natural disaster happen such as flood and so on, we
then still manage to have our stock in order to maintain the production and profit.
Besides our specially processed bamboo fibre, we can also use our product logo to be considered
as our trademark. This is an efficient way to introduce our product in the market and to all
customers. We also plan to develop and branch out other product such as diapers and wet tissue
but still using the same biodegradable material that we used in our sanitary pad which is bamboo
fibre. This new product will also have a good absorbent and antibacterial natural agent. This new
product for sure will give a good opportunity for us to gain high profit and in order to create
awareness among the customer about biodegradable materials. High repeat sales from customer
also will occur as it gives comfort and safe to use especially to the parents out there who is
looking for a good quality of diapers and wet tissue to be use on their baby.
There are two key components related to our product mainly the usage of bamboo fibre
as absorbent material and bioplastic as wrapper. Bamboo fibre give a faster absorption which is 3
- 4 times better than normal cotton in order to absorb and wick water. This then will help users to
stay dry and give comfort to them for extended period of time especially during heavy flow
period. Figures on the next page shows the differences between bamboo terry towel and cotton
terry towel based on absorption by weight, absorption rate and also drying time. Figure 1.1 show
that bamboo towel absorbs more water compare to cotton towel. Meanwhile, Figure 1.2 show
that bamboo towel absorbs water much faster or only in a short time compare to cotton towel.
Figure 1.3 show that bamboo towel takes roughly the same time to dry as cotton towel. The
reason of that is because bamboo towel absorbs more water that cotton towel thus needing more
time to dry.
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4
Figure 1.4 above shows the compartment of bamboo fibre. As we can see, bamboo fibre has their
own absorbing structure, deodorizing effect and also antibacterial fabric. Besides give a faster
absorption, bamboo fibre also has ‘bamboo kun’, act as antibacterial, antifungal and antistatic
natural agent. It helps to neutralize the bacteria inside the menstrual blood that can cause skin
irritation. Other unique features are antibacterial cotton. It is soft and gentle to the skin which
help to reduce the irritation and inhibit bacterial growth. Next is 100% compostable plant-based
wrapper. It is easy to recycle and it reduce the demand for oil. Release paper also been used in
our product as it helps for back adhesive restrain which will give comfort to woman ergonomic.
The different between our product with what is currently on the market is for sure our main
biodegradable material which is bamboo fibre.
As stated before, it has fast absorption and contain a natural agent known as ‘bamboo kun’.
Furthermore, bamboo bring a lot of benefits to the environment which then help to achieve the
ecological sustainability. Bamboo is a fastest growing plant. It gives a greater yield and high
sustainability. Moreover, bamboo is soil friendly where it can grow on un-viable slopes and can
be cut. Bamboo also grows naturally where it thrives without the need for fertilizer and
Figure 2.5
The wrapper or any plastic in our product has been replaced with biodegradable, starch blend,
bioplastic. A number of raw materials have been tested to be the main component of our
bioplastic and finally starch came out on top in terms of versatility, abundance and potential.
However. starch on its own, is not suitable to be made into bioplastic due to having limitations in
terms of mechanical integrity, thermal stability, and humidity absorption. Due to these reasons,
starch needs to be mixed with low molecular mass plasticizers such as glycerol, glucose, sorbitol,
urea and ethylene glycol to reduce the production cost, improve barrier properties and
dimensional stability, decrease the hydrophilic character of starch and increase its
The experienced researchers and chemists at our company has discovered the best plasticizers to
be mixed with the starch, the optimal amount of each ingredient and the intricate process needed
to combine both plasticizers and starch into a bioplastic of acceptable quality that complied to
both Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) standard (SIRIM ECO
001:2018) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard (ASTM D6400 and
ASTM D6868). Figure 1.5 shows the various usage of bioplastic in our everyday lives. Due to
the unique processes involved in making these two components, we have decided to consider this
as our intellectual property by filing a patent for both of these processes. Our employees are still
working hard to further improve our compound formula, increase efficiency of the processes and
testing other base for both our absorbent material and bioplastic as technology involving
biodegradable materials continue to improve towards lowering the cost of this kind of products.
3.1. Customers
Based on new product development before, concept testing of product had been done.
From the survey, the targeted customer choose is female students. Students was chosen because
of their curiosity and trying new things are very high. Which student mostly share the same
behavioral segment. So, it is easier to convinced them to buy our product. Other than that, based
on other major market segment, student can be segmented by psychographic segments. Students
can be educating about the awareness of the ecology when they purchase our product what will
be the effect to us.
The biggest purchaser of our product is students who lives in the city. Because the access to get
our product is easier rather than student who lives in rural areas. But, we wanted to cover all
female student throughout Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak. So, we can hire agents from
every area to become our third person to get through to our customer. As we cover all Malaysia
market segment, we will try to enter international market. The targeted country are Indonesia,
Korea and Philippines because of their country lack of this type of product. Our product will be
distributed through physical platform and also virtual platform. The physical platform, our
product will be distributed in the supermarket throughout Malaysia. Next, for virtual platform,
using online shopping application and social media using trusted agent on which customer will
order through online and agents. The online shopping application are like Lazada, Shoppe and
Go Shop. Then, our product will be delivered to our customer’s house.
3.2 Market Size and Trends
a. Total current market by market segment in units and potential profitability.
Based on the Figure 3.1 show the estimated of feminine hygiene product market from 2016 to
2022 which shows that sanitary pads product has the highest market than other feminine hygiene
product in global level. The growth of market share by biodegradable sanitary pads is smaller
which less than 10% of the market. Based on other product which is organic sanitary pads they
dominate the market with a 60% share. This because people these recent years are trying to find
eco friendly product as for easy disposal, can save their ecology and also can make them feel at
ease to use and dispose the product. Based on research, sanitary pads product has the most profit
with more than half gross profit gain by the company. Based on market segment, demographic
segmentation shows a good market share as people now days has a good income to buy a good
Next, people now days really smart in finding research on product which is good for them. This
has made a contribute in current total market in market share. Next, women now days have been
a working person which need them to be presentable and comfortable with any situation. Table
3.1 show the sales of sanitary pads which show that sanitary pad products have the biggest
market share in the total market.
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
b. Potential annual growth for our product.
As our first targeted market is students, for the first year will try to reach each female student to
try our product throughout Malaysia. Next, when the targeted market had been reached, our
product will be promoting to the other targeted market that exist, so when our product enters the
market for 3 years will reach all the market segment in Malaysia. For next 3 years, our
biodegradable sanitary will be imported out to other country that need our product the most.
Next, customers today love to spend their money for their own benefits and follow the trends.
The trends product can help in growth the market share of the product. if our product is release, it
would be trending due to the features needed by the customer is resistible for customer to try our
products. In 3 years from now, our product will have a good market share in current total market.
c. Factors that affecting the market growth
First, socio-economic trends have affected the market growth on which the income of a person or
family can affect. Socio-economic will show how a person, family and country doing financially.
Based on the figure below, it is based on a residence unit, it shows that, many people now days
buy biodegradable product rather than non-biodegradable product. This show biodegradable
product is survived for long term in the market.
Figure 3.3
Graph 3.2 show different level income with the solid waste on biodegradable (below) and non-
biodegradable(upper). Next is the industry trends, the biodegradable product is now famous or in
trends due to people already know about the awareness which make many of them follow the
trends as to help in conserving the ecology. Many businesses now come out with a lot of variety
of product based on biodegradable product. so, this can affect the market growth of
biodegradable sanitary pads which may increase as people now follow the industry but may
decrease due to other factors in future.
Lastly, the government policy can affect directly on the market growth which it is involve in the
policy for customer and sellers. Government can increase currency to lift up the profits and
interest rates. As to increase the economy growth, the government can change the policy of
interest rate. Many government policies currently emphasize to uses product that are eco friendly
in order to save our ecology. Government currently encourage consumer to buys biodegradable
product rather than normal one. This can increase up the graph of sales of biodegradable product.
3.3 Competition and Competitive Edges
a. The strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
Competitors Strengths Weaknesses
LA BELLE SANITARY Has regular customer Unattractive packaging
PAD Higher market share Only using online platform
Has good user-friendly Absorbent used not good
The Honey Pot Has regular customer Only use online platform
Higher market share Absorbent used not good
Higher price
Table 3.1
b. Compare competing and substitute products or services on basis of:
1. Market share
For market share, biodegradable sanitary pad has small market share rather than normal sanitary
pads. For our competitors, they have the largest market than us cause they the first one who
invented this biodegradable sanitary pad. As for our product, might be a small segment in market
share as our targeted customer is students. Our product might have more customer than our
competitors as the promotional event is done better than competitors.
2. Quality
As for quality, the quality of our biodegradable sanitary pads is an improvement from the
analysis of SWOT analysis of our competitors. The improvement that was made in term of the
durability of the product, the reliability and the comfortless for consumer. As for our
competitors, they have a good quality of product but there has a certain feature that are not
compatible with consumer.
3. Price
Usual biodegradable product, will be a bit pricey cause the way to process is a bit difficult. Our
competitors sell their product in range price between RM30 – RM40 which a bit higher than
normal sanitary pads. These may due to the raw material use to make their product. For our
product, it had been decided to be sell at RM20 as our raw material used are easy to acquire.
4. Performance
As for performance, comparison is made based on absorbent use in sanitary pads of competitors
and our product. For our competitors, the absorbent use is cotton while our product use bamboo
fibre for absorbent. Based on the Graph 3.3 show how fast the absorption between cotton and
bamboo, bamboo is the fastest absorption than cotton in seconds. As for absorption by weight
show in Graph 3.4, it shows that bamboo absorb more liquid than cotton. Which show that
bamboo can absorb lot of liquid per use.
Figure 3.4
Figure 3.5
5. Delivery
Our competitors, they deliver their product using online platform through their official website
and also in online shopping applications. For our product, the delivery will be on online
platform, agents and also physical platform which our product will be put in supermarket.
6. Service warranty
Based on research, service warranty given by competitors basically use return policy as they
delivered their product through delivery which when there has any defect at their product. The
return policy can be applied by their customer. As for our product, might be when give warranty
to the customer when our biodegradable pad cause problems.
7. Other pertinent features
Pertinent feature of our product is the durability of the sanitary pads per single use is longer than
competitors. As for normal sanitary pad, the duration use is within 6 hours but for our product
we estimated within 8 hours. As for our competitors, their pertinent feature usually uses special
fragrances for their product to get rid smells.
c. Fundamental values that are added to our product in term of economic benefits.
There are few fundamental values that added by our product in term of economic benefits to the
customer. First, is can help to sustain the ecology. Customer who buys our product can help in
save our ecology as our product uses biodegradable material which will decompose within 3 to 6
months. It is also help company to achieve SDGs which known as sustainable development goals
in term of environment. The material absorbent use is bamboo fibre cause of the absorbent level
is high and efficiently. This will help the customer from leakage. The other reason why bamboo
fibre is chosen, because of the growth development time is faster than cotton tree. The ecology
sustainability can be attained. In short term, it cannot be visualized, because it will show for a
long-term development.
Next, is our product can help customer to save money. This is because of our product is
packaging with regular and night sanitary pads. Which this will help our customer to save in
term of money. Unlike other competitors they pack their regular and night sanitary pads
separately which customer need to buy two products to get different size of sanitary pads.
Then, for economic benefits to our competitors, it helps increase competitions between each
other. The increasing in competition may contributed to the increasing of technology in industry
and increasing of biodegradable sanitary pads in market. So, when increasing in technology,
there will an advance technology that can help in economy.
d. Current advantages and disadvantages of these products and why they are not meeting
customer’s need.
The advantages of our product are it is cheap than biodegradable sanitary pads that exist. The
price is already calculated in term of the process and raw material being used in making this
product. Next, it has greater production as the raw material is easy to attain and can grow faster.
The packaging of product is better than our competitor because the packaging is attached with
mini-instruction to properly dispose the product. The promotional of this product is more
effective as we want to promote it on TV show like Go Shop and Hello Doctor. Other than this,
there will a sampling event to show how effectiveness of our product and give awareness to our
customer. The disadvantages are the product loyalty. Many customers are loyal with their
comfortable product as they find the product is comfort and the quality is good. So, this makes
they do not want to change they loyalty for non-confirm product. This makes less customer to try
our products. Next, our product solely depends on bamboo fibre as our absorbent. This might
cause problem when the stock of bamboo tree is no longer being produce or growth.
It can cause disruptions in processing of the product. Why these products do not meet with
customer’s needs because of customer lack of awareness the effect of using normal sanitary pads
and biodegradable sanitary pads. If they know the effects, it might be because they do not see the
effect in daily life routine that can interrupts their lives. Then certain feature of product might not
be the same as customers preferences or needs.
3.4 Estimated Market Share and Sales
Product/Service Market Share and Sales
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Market Share (%) 5% 10% 20%
Total Sales in Unit(s) 10,000 30,000 50,000
Total Sales in RM RM200,000 RM600,000 RM1,000,000
Table 3.2
These estimated market share and sales are based on the existing competitors of their market
share. The market share of biodegradable sanitary pads is smaller than normal sanitary pads.
3.5 Marketing Strategy
a. Overall marketing strategy
Our marketing philosophy is based on trending market.
b. Pricing
For our product, the price for this product is RM20 after take into account all the process step,
the raw material used and also machine needed. The raw material use is bamboo fibre and
release paper are really easy to obtain. The price of our product is cheaper than our competitors.
For delivery product will have a plus price for delivery fees per purchasing.
c. Sales tactics
Sales tactics use is customer come to us which we will put our product in the supermarket. We
will also provide to other distributors by state to make sure our product reached to the targeted
d. Service and warranty policy.
For our service and warranty policy, the customer can get back their money if our product causes
any irritation when using it. The warranty last for 7 days after purchases. Next, if there are defect
in our product like defect packaging, our company will be responsible to customer which
purchased directly from us. But if the customer buys through agents, the agents itself will be the
one who responsible.
e. Advertising and promotion
As for advertising, we will advertise through YouTube as an advertisement. Next, advertisement
on television. Next, will be promoting in TV show like Hello Doctor, Wanita Hari Ini and Go
Shop. Next, will make a samplings event at every university to show how effective and develop
awareness. Then, hire an ambassador to promote our product and cooperate with hospital and
f. Distribution
The distribution channel used are using online platform and physical platform. Online platform
will be using agents selling online through social media and online shopping application such as
Lazada and Shoppe. Customer also can purchase from us using official website. Next, the
physical platform will be distributed in every supermarket in Malaysia.
4.1 Organization
Key Management Roles Names
Chairwoman Nurulhamiza Binti Mohamad Muslim
Vice-chairwoman Nurul Ilyana Binti Norddin
Board member 1 Ahmad Asyraf bin Roslan
Board member 2 Nurul Lisa Fauzihana Binti Mohd Kamal
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ahmad Asyraf bin Roslan
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Nurulhamiza Binti Mohamad Muslim
Vice-president Nurul Lisa Fauzihana Binti Mohd Kamal
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Nurul Ilyana Binti Norddin
Table 4.1
b. In the case of excessive overhead occurs, we employ consultants to temporarily fill the
management roles until the expenses return to the normal level whereby they will be replaced by
the original members of the management team.
4.2 Key Management Personnel
a. Career highlights
• 15 years experience in managing
Names and positions
Ahmad Asyraf bin Roslan, CEO and board international companies
member • 10 years experience in managing a
Nurulhamiza Binti Mohamad Muslim, COO
and chairwoman London-based pharmaceutical company
Nurul Lisa Fauzihana Binti Mohd Kamal, vice- • A renown professor and board member
president and board member
at Harvard University
Nurul Ilyana Binti Norddin, CFO and vice- • Have guided multiple companies
chairwoman through major corporate mergers
Table 4.2 Duties and responsibilities
Evaluate the work of other executive
b. leaders within the company
Assessing risks to the company and
Names and positions ensuring they are monitored and
• represent the company as its figurehead
ensure the company is managed
Ahmad Asyraf bin Roslan, CEO and board • effectively
member design and implement business
strategies, plans and procedures
Nurulhamiza Binti Mohamad Muslim, COO • Manage daily operations
and chairwoman • Monitor progress of employees
Build financial models
• Analyzing and preparing financial
Nurul Lisa Fauzihana Binti Mohd Kamal, •
Vice-president and board member •
Nurul Ilyana Binti Norddin, CFO and vice- •
Table 4.3
4.3 Management Compensation and Ownership
a. Monthly Salary Share of Ownership Amount of Equity
RM 10,000 RM 60,000 Invested
Names and Positions RM 30,000
Ahmad Asyraf bin RM 10,000 RM 100,000 RM 50,000
Roslan, CEO and
board member RM 9,000 RM 40,000 RM 20,000
Nurulhamiza Binti
Mohamad Muslim, RM 9,000 RM 80,000 RM 40,000
COO and chairwoman
Nurul Lisa Fauzihana
Binti Mohd Kamal,
Vice-president and
board member
Nurul Ilyana Binti
Norddin, CFO and
Table 4.4
4.4 Supporting Professional Advisors and Services
a. List of supporting services required includes consulting, financing, insurance and legal experts
b. Service Provided
Name of Professional Advisors Give advices about specific area of business
Give advices about tax
Consultants Negotiate competitive policies on companies
Accountants behalf
Insurance brokers Protecting intellectual property
Table 4.5
Lawyers and attorneys
5.1 Start- up Cost.
Start-up cost are the expenses incurred during the process of creating a new business. All
businesses are different, so they required different types of start-up costs. Pre-opening start-up
costs include a business plan, research expenses, borrowing costs, and expense for technology.
Therefore, post- opening start-up costs include advertising, promotion, and employee expenses.
Capital Expenditure: Administrative 1,500,000
➢ Land & Building 500,000
➢ Business Fixtures & Equipment 300,000
➢ Office Renovation 60,000
➢ Motor Vehicles 2,360,000
Total: 500,000
Capital Expenditure: Operation 1,500,000
➢ Machinery
➢ Factory Renovation 500,000
Total: 200,000
One Time Start- up Expenditure. 40,000
➢ Installation of Fixtures/ Equipment 1,100,000
➢ Starting Inventory Costs
➢ Office Supplies
➢ Legal & Professional Fees
➢ Advertising for Opening.
Other Pre-Operations Expenditure 100,000
➢ Deposit (Rent, Utilities etc.) 50,000
➢ Business Registration & Licenses 30,000
➢ Road Tax & Insurance for Motor Vehicle 200,000
➢ Other Expenditure 380,000
Table 5.1
5.2 Working Capital.
Working capital is a measure of a company’s liquidity, operational efficiency, and its short-term
financial health. If a company has substantial positive working capital, then have the ability to
invest and grow. If a company’s current assets do not exceed its current liabilities, then it may
have trouble growing or paying back creditors, or even go bankrupt.
WORKING CAPITAL Fixed Cost Variable Cost
(RM) (RM)
➢ Delivery Expenses 100,000 200,000
➢ Advertising 500,000 700,000
Administrative 500,000 600,000
➢ Machinery 1,000,000 1,100,000
➢ Factory Renovation
Operation 600,000 55,000
➢ Purchases 48,000 500,000
➢ Salaries and Wages 300,000 200,000
➢ Factory Maintenance 49,860,000
Other Expenditure 200,000
Total Working Capital 38,976,000
Total Working Capital Required [1] 3,248,000
Working Capital + Contingencies [5]% 1,948,800
Table 5.2
The total fixed cost working capital for one year is as shown in the table, RM 38,862,000.00. The
total fixed cost working capital required for company in one month is RM 3,283,500.00. The
fixed cost of working capital combined with contingencies (5%) is RM 1,943,100.00.
5.3 Start- up Capital & Financing.
Start-up capital is the money required to start a business. It covers all expenses necessary for
getting a new company up and running. This capital may come from the business owner’s funds
or another sources. The sources used by the company is by a business loan. A variety of loans are
available for business ventures, including small business loans for start-ups.
Estimated Start-Up Capital RM
FINANCING 6 Millions @ 6, 000,000
Equity: Share & Venture Capital Loan
Annual Interest Rate 10% of the total sales and for 10 years.
Loan Duration (Years) Table 5.3
The company’s milestones were targeted to be done construct within one year as we want to
quickly grab the opportunities that rise in market sales.
Activities Deadlines
Incorporation of chosen venture January
Finishing the design and development of all February until March
element in sanitary pad product
Completing the prototype of sanitary pads April
Finding sales representatives suitable with Mei
the product produced
Signing of distributors and market dealers June
Ordering materials in production quantities July until August
for massive production
Start production of product September until October
Receive orders from customer or November
Delivery of first sales to customers or November
Table 5.4
In a conclusion, our expectation for future is to reach all females in Malaysia especially in the
rural area in order to spread knowledge and awareness about biodegradable pad and give the
opportunity for them to use it. Moreover, we also plan to develop variety of product using the
same biodegradable material; bamboo fibre, such as diapers and wet tissue. Besides, with all the
decision and planning that been done, our business proposal is sufficient with all the information
needed. All analysis and estimation for our budget, management team, project’s activities were
provided. Next, we will proceed for seeking loan approval from the bank. This is a form of long-
term financing offered by bank. This is use to finance fixed assets as well as working capital
requirements. All the estimation and calculation on the financing part was done and the total loan
for our business is RM6 millions. The annual interest rate is 10% of the total sales and loan
duration is for 10 years; RM600,000 per year.
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