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Published by , 2015-12-01 01:34:45

Teacher Librarian Brochure

Teacher Librarian Brochure

The Role of the References Teacher
Teacher Librarian Librarians
American Library Association. (1998).
Teacher-librarians are no “Roles and responsibilities of Creating an Effective
longer considered to be just the school library media School Library Program
“keepers of books.” specialist.” Information Power:
Building Partnership for "The school library is an
Teacher Learning. Chicago: ALA. essential component of the

 Teaches students to access, Bishop, K. (2007). The Collection educational process,
evaluate and use information Program in Schools: Concepts, contributing to the
from multiple sources Practices, and Information achievement of educational
Sources. Westport, Conn: goals and objectives through
 Provides staff and students Libraries Unlimited. programs and services that
with opportunities to develop implement and support the
skills in information literacy Oberg, D. (1995). Principal support: instructional programs of
and information technology What does it mean to teacher-
librarians? Retrieved from the school.”
Instructional Partner ~CASL, 2000
 Collaborates with teachers to
identify curricular links and School District 43. (ND). “Library
information needs of the handbook” Retrieved from
 Assists teachers in creating
authentic resource-based Toor, R. & Weisburg, H.K. (2007).
learning tasks for students New on the Job: A School
Library Media Specialist’s
Information Specialist Guide to Success. Chicago:
American Library Association.
 Selects and evaluates
resources for students and Jena Wiebe
staff to use
June 4th, 2012
 Models strategies for LIBE 461
accessing and evaluating Module #4
resources in all formats

Program Administrator

 Facilitates the school library
program with energy and

 Advocates for the program
and manages the staff,
budget, and equipment daily

The School Library Program

The school library serves Library Information
diverse purposes for a variety Checklist Literacy
of students and staff.
How can administrators The Research Quest Model
British Columbia School support the school library?
Library Program Goals: Step 1: Create a focus and
Work with staff, in purpose by asking questions
1. To promote the development particular the teacher- and analysing the audience
of independent, lifelong librarian, to develop an
learners effective school library Step 2: Find, select, and
program. evaluate resources in order to
2. To focus on resource-based filter information
learning, using a wide Enable the operation of the
variety of sources program by providing an Step 3: Work with Information
adequate budget for by interpreting, recording, and
3. To support the achievement materials, support, and organizing
of educational goals planning time.
Step 4: Communicate and
It is important to establish a Trust the professional share information
school library program that knowledge of the teacher-
will meet the ever-changing librarian and consider Step 5: Reflect on learning
needs of the students, staff, ideas and suggestions. and research skills
and community.
Include the program as an
integral part of school’s nts/libraryprogram/RQ%20Englis
curriculum work. h.pdf

Encourage professional Information Literacy is the
development for, and ability to "recognize the need for
collaboration with, the information to solve problems and
teacher-librarian. develop ideas; to pose important
questions; to use a variety of
information gathering strategies;
to locate relevant and appropriate
information, and to assess
information for quality, authority,
accuracy and authenticity."

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