The Role of the References Teacher
Teacher Librarian Librarians
American Library Association. (1998).
Teacher-librarians are no “Roles and responsibilities of Creating an Effective
longer considered to be just the school library media School Library Program
“keepers of books.” specialist.” Information Power:
Building Partnership for "The school library is an
Teacher Learning. Chicago: ALA. essential component of the
Teaches students to access, Bishop, K. (2007). The Collection educational process,
evaluate and use information Program in Schools: Concepts, contributing to the
from multiple sources Practices, and Information achievement of educational
Sources. Westport, Conn: goals and objectives through
Provides staff and students Libraries Unlimited. programs and services that
with opportunities to develop implement and support the
skills in information literacy Oberg, D. (1995). Principal support: instructional programs of
and information technology What does it mean to teacher-
librarians? Retrieved from the school.”
Instructional Partner ~CASL, 2000
Collaborates with teachers to
identify curricular links and School District 43. (ND). “Library
information needs of the handbook” Retrieved from
Assists teachers in creating
authentic resource-based Toor, R. & Weisburg, H.K. (2007).
learning tasks for students New on the Job: A School
Library Media Specialist’s
Information Specialist Guide to Success. Chicago:
American Library Association.
Selects and evaluates
resources for students and Jena Wiebe
staff to use
June 4th, 2012
Models strategies for LIBE 461
accessing and evaluating Module #4
resources in all formats
Program Administrator
Facilitates the school library
program with energy and
Advocates for the program
and manages the staff,
budget, and equipment daily
The School Library Program
The school library serves Library Information
diverse purposes for a variety Checklist Literacy
of students and staff.
How can administrators The Research Quest Model
British Columbia School support the school library?
Library Program Goals: Step 1: Create a focus and
Work with staff, in purpose by asking questions
1. To promote the development particular the teacher- and analysing the audience
of independent, lifelong librarian, to develop an
learners effective school library Step 2: Find, select, and
program. evaluate resources in order to
2. To focus on resource-based filter information
learning, using a wide Enable the operation of the
variety of sources program by providing an Step 3: Work with Information
adequate budget for by interpreting, recording, and
3. To support the achievement materials, support, and organizing
of educational goals planning time.
Step 4: Communicate and
It is important to establish a Trust the professional share information
school library program that knowledge of the teacher-
will meet the ever-changing librarian and consider Step 5: Reflect on learning
needs of the students, staff, ideas and suggestions. and research skills
and community.
Include the program as an
integral part of school’s nts/libraryprogram/RQ%20Englis
curriculum work. h.pdf
Encourage professional Information Literacy is the
development for, and ability to "recognize the need for
collaboration with, the information to solve problems and
teacher-librarian. develop ideas; to pose important
questions; to use a variety of
information gathering strategies;
to locate relevant and appropriate
information, and to assess
information for quality, authority,
accuracy and authenticity."