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跟着课文走全技能综合练习 英文 5 (下)
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跟着课文走全技能综合练习 英文 5 (下)

跟着课文走全技能综合练习 英文 5 (下)
88 页
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Keywords: 全技能综合练习



Latihan Integrasi Berdasarkan Buku Teks


Writing Comprehension


Unit 5 Food and health 3-12 Unit 7 Growing up 43-52
A Pre-study Corner
A Pre-study Corner B Study with HOTs 53-62
B Study with HOTs C Comprehension
C Comprehension D Grammar 63-82
D Grammar E Text Completion A1-A6
E Text Completion F Social Expressions
F Social Expressions G Writing
G Writing
13-22 Unit 8 Going away
Unit 6 Sport A Pre-study Corner
B Study with HOTs
A Pre-study Corner C Comprehension
B Study with HOTs D Grammar
C Comprehension E Text Completion
D Grammar F Social Expressions
E Text Completion G Writing
F Social Expressions
G Writing 23-42
Final Term Test
Mid - term Test


Unit 5

Food and health

PA re-study Corner

Read the story on page 54 of the textbook and answer the questions below.

Reading 3.2.2 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

Write True or False in the space provided. .
1 A sumo wrestler can weigh up to 190 kilos.

Tick ( ) the correct answer.

2 A sumo wrestler trains from .

5 a.m. to 1 p.m.
7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

SB tudy with HOTs

Read the story on page 54 of the textbook and answer the questions below.

Speaking 2.1.1 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Is chankonabe a healthy dish? Give a reason to your answer. HOTs

2 Why do you think a sumo wrestler eats so much of chankonabe and rice? HOTs

3Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

CC omprehension

(I) Study the information and answer the questions that follow.

Reading 3.2.2 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

Covid-19 Safety Measures

Wear a mask to Temperature check Maintain a 2 metre
protect yourself and at the entrance of distance when
people around you. buildings. queuing up.

Clean your hands Maintain a minimum Use cashless
with hand wash or of 1 metre apart payment to cut
sanitiser from time from one another. down physical
to time. contact.

1 Before entering a shop, we need to .
A keep together with other people
B take off our masks
C wash our hands with soap and water
D scan our body temperature

2 During the pandemic, Mrs Vijaya uses a credit card to pay for her groceries so

that she .

A can keep a safe distance from other people

B will have less contact with the cashier

C can keep her hands free of bacteria

D will get rewards for her spending

4 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

GD rammar

(I) Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Reading 3.2.2 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 There isn’t milk left in the fridge.
A any C some
B many D a lot of

2 “Do you like out at the weekends?” asked Zhi Hui.
A go C went
B goes D going

3 How types of vegetables do you eat every day?
A much C some
B any D many

4 Add sugar into the coffee because it is very bitter.
A a few C any
B some D much

(II) Choose the best answer for each blank. Reading 3.2.2 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

Cindy : Chee Ling, are you free tomorrow morning?
Chee Ling : Yes. What would you like to do?
Cindy : Let’s play badminton 1 7 a.m.
Chee Ling : Good idea! It’s been a while since we last played the game. I’ll make

2 egg sandwiches. We can eat 3 after the game.
Cindy : Oh, you’re so thoughtful. I’ll prepare a bowl of fruit salad then.
Chee Ling : Awesome! See you tomorrow!
Cindy : Bye. See you.

1 A on 2 A much 3 A her
B in B a lot of B them
C at C any C his
D during D some D it

8 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

SF ocial Expressions

Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

Listening 1.2.2 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6
Speaking 2.1.5 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

What would you Answer

(a) like to order?

(b) Answer

Mum, I’m hungry.

(c) Answer

Mum, I have a

tooth ache.

10 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

WG riting

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your story in the space provided. Writing 4.2.4 TP 1 2 3 4 5 6

Your story should be between 80 and 100 words.

– active – weekends – jogging – as usual – playground – falling
– parents down – slide

– hurts – check on – scratches – stops – thanks – help
– knee – plaster

Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B 11

Final Term Test

Section A

[20 marks]

Questions 1 to 5

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1 The millipede is an animal with the legs.

A lesser C more

B least D most

2 Alex is hungry now because he did not eat for lunch.
A any C many
B much D some

3 The punctual girl goes to school at 7 a.m. She is


A never, sometimes C sometimes, always

B always, rarely D usually, usually

4 Mrs Chan chicken curry in the kitchen now.

A is cooking C are cooking

B was cooking D were cooking

5 My favourite singer is Taylor Smith. always listen to

songs when I am free.

A You, her C I, her

B I, him D You, him

Question 6 as there is no school.

Choose the most suitable phrasal verb.

6 On weekends, Rainie can
A sleep out
B sleep on
C sleep in
D sleep at

Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B 63

Questions 7 to 9

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

Julian Yee is a national figure skater. He was the first Malaysian to 7
at the Winter Olympics. He 8 learning to skate at four years old.

2019, he won the gold medal at the Southeast Asian Games.

7 A compete
B competes
C competed
D competing

8 A begin
B begins
C began
D beginning

9 A At
B On
C In
D From

Question 10

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10 The blobfish is a unique fish that lives deep in the sea.

A special C interesting

B popular D common

Question 11

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11 A A Sumo Wrestler eats a lot of chankonabe to gain weight.
B A sumo wrestler eats a lot of chankonabe to gain weight.
C A sumo wrestler eats a lot of Chankonabe to gain weight?
D A Sumo Wrestler eats a lot of chankonabe to gain weight!

64 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

Based on the personal information given, complete the text below with the correct

Amelia Earhart was an American. She was a famous female pilot. She was born

on 24 July 1897 in the USA to (1) .

She had a younger sister named Grace.

Amelia went to Ogontz School and (2)
but she did not graduate from both of them. In 1920, she became deeply interested
with flying when she had her first plane ride. She learned flying with Neta Snook
after that.

In 1932, she became the first woman (3)
. She received the (4)

with the flight. On (5) for this achievement. She became really famous
, she

married George Putnam. She also wrote books detailing her flying adventures. They

were well-received by readers.

In 1937, Amelia wanted to fly around the world. However, she never returned.
Until today, people could neither find her body nor her plane. It still remains a

76 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

2 You are Kheng San’s cousin. He wants to go for a holiday. He asks for your

opinion. Write a message to help him decide which holiday he should go. Give
two reasons to support your choice.

Your answer should be between 50 and 80 words.

To: Kheng San 20 November, 2022

Your friend,

Cheng Yee

[12 marks]

78 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B


Unit 5 4 B
A Pre-study Corner (II) 1 C
2 D
1 True 3 B
2 5 a.m. to 1 p.m.
E Text Completion
B Study with HOTs
1 C
1 Chankonabe is a healthy dish because it has 2 D
a lot of vitamins but only a little fat. 3 C
4 D
2 A sumo wrestler eats so much of chankonabe
and rice so that he can gain a lot of weight. F Social Expressions

C Comprehension List B (a) Can I have a cheese burger, please?
(b) You can have a bowl of soup first.
(I) 1 D (c) Let’s go to the dentist.
2 B (Accept any suitable answers.)
(II) 1 B
2 C G Writing
(III) 1 31 May
2 free delivery Seong Wen is an active boy. At the weekends,
3 List A he always goes jogging in the park with his
You will get when you buy Today, he is at the park as usual. As he jogs
two items for past the playground, he sees a girl falling down
free a larger pizza. the slide. She is crying because she hurt her
knee. Her mother runs to check on her.
You can save you save There are some scratches on her knee. Seong
more money RM28.80. Wen's mother takes a plaster out of her pocket
and gives it to the girl's mother.
With Set B, when you buy After putting the plaster, the girl stops crying.
a pizza from The girl’s mother thanks Seong Wen’s mother for
the Pizzarie her help.
Unit 6
With Set C, you get free A Pre-study Corner
cheese sticks
and a banana 1 1900
pizza. 2 five rings

4 He should order Set B because it is B Study with HOTs
meant for 3-4 people.
1 (i) Squash
5 I would order a pizza set from the Pizzarie (ii) Bowling
House because it comes with free 2 I am in awe of him because he still competed
delivery and side dishes.
in the Olympics despite his age.
D Grammar
Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B A1
(I) 1 A
2 D
3 D

C Comprehension 3 2 Ken,
You asked for my opinion to help you
1 English Premier League
decide which swim school to join.
Doraemon 4 Well, I think you should join Ace Swim

Malaysia Today 1 Academy. Here are the reasons.
First, although it charges RM50 more
Midday News 2
than Little Fish Swim School, you can
2 She would be interested to watch the have the instructor come to your condo
‘Australian Tennis Open’. to teach you. This will save you time
travelling to the swim school.
3 (a) Singing
(b) Dancing Also, the duration of the lesson is 15
4 I would watch ‘Brazil Football Legend, Pelé’ . minutes longer. So, you get to practise
your swimming skills more.
This is because I want to know the life story of
this football legend. Bye.
Your cousin,


D Grammar Mid-term Test

(I) 1 D Comprehension
2 C
3 C Section A
4 D
(II) 1 C 1 D 2 D 3 A 4 B
2 B 5 C 6 A 7 A 8 A
3 B 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 C
1 3 B 14 B 15 D 16 D
E Text Completion 1 7 A 18 A 19 C 20 B

1 C Section B
2 B
3 D 21 (a) How many players are there in a
4 A basketball team?

F Social Expressions (b) I’m going skateboarding with my friends.
(c) I’m so tired.
(a) Where did the first Olympic Games take (Accept any suitable answers.)
place? 22 (a) Soak rice noodles in boiled water. 1

(b) Jenny, how was your weekend? Stir-fry rice noodles wth sauce 4
(c) Yes, I enjoy playing table tennis. mixture and bean sprouts
(Accept any suitable answers.)
Mix the curry powder, sugar, 2
sesame oil and soy sauce with
G Writing some water.

(I) 1 34 Olympics and World Championship Stir-fry onion, carrot and 3
medals capsicum.

2 14 March 1997 (b) (i) a kettle
3 Texas (ii) a spatula
4 from 2012 to 2016 (c) They need to be soaked so that they are
5 Laureus World Sports Award for Sports
softened and can be easily cooked when
Woman of the Year stir-frying.
(II) 1 (a) Price (d) It is a healthy dish because it has lots of
(b) Location veggies in it.
(c) Duration of lesson 23 (a) Malaysia Day
(b) sports clothing and equipment

A2 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

(c) List A List B I learn to do simple gymnastics moves
such as forward rolls, bunny jumps and
The running sold at cartwheels. I also get to learn to play hoop
shoes are RM69. and skipping ropes.

The boy is priced at When I go for my sessions, I always wear
wears the RM59. t-shirts and sport shorts. My shorts do not
protection set have any buttons or zips so that I will not hurt
myself when I do the moves.
You wear when he
goggles plays his Bye.

scooter. Section C

The foldable when Question 1
chair you go It is Friday. Siew Mei and Lisa are in the
swimming. library after school. They want to read some
story books. After choosing the books they want
(d) I think the reason it gives out the gift card from the racks, they sit at the table to read.
to the first 200 customers is to attract After a while, they become bored. They
people to shop. start to chat with each other. The other pupils
feel disturbed by their chatter.
(e) He can exchange the running shoes A librarian approaches them and tells them
within two months if they do not fit well. to hush down. The girls need to abide by the
rules so that they will not disturb others. They
24 (a) (i) True stop chatting and continue to read quietly.
(ii) False
(b) He is not accepted because he needs to Question 2
Last Sunday, Samuel walked to the field to
form a team with another four members have his football practice. On his way, he saw an
for the competition. old woman with a bag of oranges in her hand.
25 (a) I think they are classmates. This is Suddenly, the bag tore open and the
because they want to take part in the oranges fell all over the road. He politely quickly
inter-class competition, which is for helped to pick up the oranges.
different classes to compete. Samuel tied a knot on the bag and kept
(b) I think Jimmy is a thoughtful boy the oranges inside. The old woman gave him
because he plans to ask his friends for an orange to thank him for his help. He politely
their opinions before deciding to extend refused her offer.
the practice time. When he reached the field, he was late. He
told his coach about what happened. The coach
Writing forgave him and praised him for his helpful deed.

Section A Unit 7
A Pre-study Corner
1 ‘You Are What You Eat’
2 8.35 a.m. 1 False
3 Puan Norlina Ashwan 2 once a day
4 ways to choose healthy food
5 two simple and healthy meals B Study with HOTs

Section B 1 (i) Beautiful, big and brown
(ii) Straight and black
(i) (a) Stay active and healthy 2 Yes, I think Munish is a patient man. He spent
(b) Learn teamwork and problem-solving
18 years taking photos of his daughter and
skills made her a huge photo from the collection as
(c) Build confidence and leadership skills a birthday gift.
(ii) Dear Meghan,
I joined a gymnastics club recently. Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B A3
On Mondays and Thursdays, I have my

gymnastics sessions from 2 p.m. until 3.30

C Comprehension G Writing

(I) 1 watered the plants 1 James Cameron
2 Sigourney Weaver
2 play football 3 blue skin
4 a paralysed former soldier
3 List A List B 5 Best Art Direction

Rachel did visited her
her English grandparents.
project Unit 8
A Pre-study Corner
On Sunday, on Friday.
Rachel 1 List A
List B
On Monday, a card for her
Rachel birthday. The students visit Paris with
in Class 10A her family.

Rachel made will have a Martin is write about
Sandy Science test. going to their summer
4 (i) Racquet Clara is going
(ii) Shuttlecock to lives in
5 I would give my best friend a storybook Cornwall.

because she enjoys reading very much Bethany’s stay in London
(II) 1 True cousin
2 False to learn how to
3 Dwayne Johnson is bald and has got 2 Paris, France
play tennis.
black eyes in real life.
4 (a) New Zealand B Study with HOTs
(b) California
5 Yes. I think he is a successful wrestler. 1 (i) Swimming costume
(ii) Sun cream
He won the World Heavyweight 2 I would choose Clara’s holiday plan. Because
Championship 10 times.
I would like to visit a busy and modern city like
D Grammar Paris.

(I) 1 A C Comprehension
2 C
3 B 1 (a) False
4 C (b) True
(II) 1 B (c) True
2 A 2 It will be used to buy ready-to-eat meals,
3 C
drinking water, clothing, blankets, toiletries and
E Text Completion medical supplies for the affected flood victims.
3 Ready-to-eat meals are provided to the flood
1 C victims so that they can eat them without
2 B cooking. The victims may not be able to cook
3 B without any kitchen equipment or tools.
4 D 4 People can also help to clean up houses of
the victims.

F Social Expressions D Grammar

(a) I last went to the cinema a year ago. (I) 1 C
(b) He is my uncle from the UK. 2 C
(c) Who was Robert Wadlow? 3 A
(Accept any suitable answers.) 4 A

A4 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

(II) 1 B Final Term Test
2 D
3 A Comprehension

E Text Completion Section A

1 D 1 D 2 B 3 B 4 A
2 C 5 C 6 C 7 A 8 C
3 B 9 C 10 D 11 B 12 B
4 B 1 3 A 14 C 15 A 16 B
1 7 B 18 C 19 D 20 D
F Social Expressions
Section B
(a) Where is the foggiest place in the world?
(b) OK, I’ll meet you at your house at 8 a.m. 21 (a) Excuse me, which bus goes to Puchong?
(c) I need to bring along my raincoat and
(b) How do you spell ‘hippopotamus’?
(Accept any suitable answers.) (c) Thank you for the present.

G Writing (Accept any suitable answers.)

(I) It was a windy day. Chee Ken and his 22 (a) arrange tables
father wanted to fly a kite at the park. Chee
Ken brought the kite which was given by his (b) 37
aunt for his birthday.
(c) (i) a broom
After his father parked the car, they
walked to the field. Chee Ken held the string (ii) a dustpan
and his father held the kite in his hands. His
father released the kite and he pulled the (d) I think two pupils are needed to wipe
string. The kite flew high into the sky.
the windows because there are many
His father then watched him as he sat
on the bench. After about an hour, Chee Ken windows to be cleaned in a classroom.
was tired. So he pulled the string to reel in his
kite. He had an enjoyable afternoon with his (e) I agree. Because each of us use the
classroom, so it is our responsibility to
(II) Last Saturday, Kelly went to Malacca
for a holiday with her family. They drove to keep it clean.
Malacca at 7.30 a.m.
23 (a) fruit
At 10 a.m., they arrived in Malacca.
They went to their hotel and Kelly’s father (b) a soft toy
checked-in at the counter. They kept their
luggage in the hotel and went out. (c) List A List B

Kelly’s father took them to the Stadthuys The toucan lives in
building. It is red and near the Clock Tower.
They took photos of the beautiful building. Southeast
Kelly also bought some keychains for her
friends. Asia.

Kelly liked the river cruise the most. The great for RM10 from
They sat on the boat and saw the watermill hornbill
and some beautiful bridges. the Nature


You can buy a can be found
mug in South
and Central

Nature protect wild
Society helps animals.

(d) (i) toucan, parrot, great hornbill

(ii) toucan, great hornbill, parrot

(e) I would buy a mug because I can use it

to drink water every day.

24 (a) (i) False

(ii) True

(b) Children who are nine to twelve years old

can join the tennis classes.

25 (a) I think the classes are on first come, first

serve basis because the coach may not

be able to teach too many children at one

time. Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B A5

(b) It is put up at the sports centre because Section C

it can be seen by those who enjoy doing Question 1
sports at the place. The sky was dark. Simon was walking

Writing home after his basketball practice. Suddenly,
rain started to fall. He did not bring an umbrella.

Section A So, he had to take shelter at the bus station.
Simon waited for the rain to ease up before
1 Samuel Earhart and Amelia Otis walking home. When he reached home, he
2 University of Columbia quickly took a bath.
3 to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean The next morning, he woke up feeling ill.
4 Distinguished Flying Cross His father took him to a nearby clinic. The doctor
5 7 February 1931 gave him a thorough check up. He told Simon

Section B that he had a fever. He gave him some medicine
to treat the fever. He also told him to rest more

1 (a) Place to stay and drink a lot of water.

(b) Things to bring Question 2
Chin Hong walked to the nearby
(c) Activities to do supermarket with his father. They wanted to buy
some household products.
2 To: Kheng San 20 November, 2022 A man was busy talking on his mobile
phone. He did not pay attention to his
I think camping at the beach in Cherating surroundings.
The man then suddenly knocked into a
would suit you the best. You love doing water stack of canned food. It made a loud noise.

sports, don't you? You can have a lot of fun in

the sea. You can go swimming and kayaking.

When you go camping, you can also

learn to make a campfire and cook over the

fire. You can cook whatever food you like. Some of the canned food dropped on the floor

You can even look at the starry night while and became dented. He quickly hung up the

cooking. It will be a memorable experience. phone.

Have fun in your holiday! The shopkeeper came to see what

had happened. The man apologised to the
shopkeeper and paid for the dented cans at the
Your friend,
cashier counter. That incident taught Chin Hong
Cheng Yee
not to use a mobile phone while walking as it

was a dangerous thing to do.

A6 Latihan Integrasi Bahasa Inggeris 5B

英文 跟

Latihan Integrasi Berdasarkan Buku Teks 课



《跟着课文走 全技能综合练习》系列是合力出版(马)有限公司为4、5和6年级的 Latihan Integrasi Berdasarkan Buku Teks
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