Realising Potential
Your Springboard to Success
Dear student,
Welcome to a new and exciting chapter in your life: the beginning of a great experience which will help
you discover more about who you are and what you can achieve as a unique, talented person. The next
stage of your education will transform your life. You will want to take on new challenges and here, at
Uckfield, we offer you outstanding opportunities to learn and develop as an individual.
We are a highly successful 6th Form, consistently achieving excellent results and with a very high
proportion of our students progressing to their first choice university. We are utterly dedicated to giving
you inspirational teachers and supportive mentors.
Our 6th Form team will equip you
to be the best you can be by: helping
you to achieve your best possible
results; enabling your leadership to
develop; giving you opportunities to
have fun and grow as an individual;
providing excellent careers guidance
and by advising you on university and
job applications.
We are very proud of the broad and
flexible curriculum we offer and we
are even more proud of our 6th
Form students.
They are happy and successful because they:
»» have a thirst for knowledge, skills and understanding »» take part in so many opportunities
»» are active learners »» contribute to student life and give generously
»» work hard to the community
»» are independent thinkers »» are reliable, punctual and have excellent
»» lead by example attendance
We look forward to welcoming you to our 6th Form and working with you to realise your potential.
Hugh Hennebry
UCTC 6th Form 3
Why choose UCTC 6th Form?
Students comment A great range of courses
positively about the There is a wide variety of courses on offer, with over 30 A-Levels as well as a
care, guidance and selection of BTEC Level 2 courses. More details about courses and subject
support they receive. requirements are in the curriculum booklet.
Ofsted 2013 Excellent teaching and results - our students are high achievers
The college prides itself on its excellent A Level and BTEC results. Teachers
continually challenge 6th Form students and never settle for second best.
Our unique support system
The 6th Form pastoral structure ensures that you will always have someone
to talk to, including a personal mentor to guide you through your time in 6th
The 6th Form is large enough to offer a wide range of courses, but
not so big that you will feel lost
There is a friendly welcome, both for students who join us from within the
college, and those from other schools. In addition to our wide and varied
academic curriculum there are plenty of extra curricular opportunities, from
the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, to appearing in the 6th Form staff and
student pantomime.
Life after 6th Form
Whatever you choose to do after you have finished your courses you will be
supported every step of the way, whether this is a successful application to a
top university, preparing your portfolio for Art Foundation studies, planning a
gap year, or applying for an apprenticeship or employment.
4 UCTC 6th Form
What do students say?
Great advice on A-level courses The teachers are very From help with homework to
approachable; you always feel my successful application to
and UCAS applications. you have the support you need Oxford University, I always
to excel in your subjects. got the support I needed. It’s a
Kyle Rossi great place to learn.
Jenn Fletcher
Alasdair Ross
I have made lots of new friends Students are I would definitely recommend
and the teachers are fantastic. well-guided and UCTC; there have been lots
A really good working benefit from of exciting opportunities and
environment. teaching which is extra-curricular activities. It’s a
of a consistently brilliant 6th Form!
Lucy Evans high quality.
Charlotte Heath
Ofsted 2013
The 6th Form at UCTC is As a new student I was made Fantastic teachers and fantastic
simply amazing. Without the to feel so welcome. I am sure
fantastic support given to me everyone would be successful opportunities, such as brilliant
by teachers and the 6th Form here.
Team, I would never have been field trips.
successful in my application to Heather Mansfield
MIT. Rafe Hunt-Stokes
Harry Rickards
UCTC 6th Form 5
What is it like to study in the 6th Form?
Studying the best courses for you in 6th Form is very important and this means
choosing the subjects you are most interested in and the right level of challenge.
There is a much greater range of courses in the 6th Form than at Key Stage 4
and our expert staff are there to guide you in making your choices.
Students on Level 3 courses (A-Levels and equivalent qualifications) usually
take four subjects in Year 12 and three subjects in Year 13, alongside completing
an Extended Project Qualification. The Extended Project Qualification
is a research-based independent study which gives students a nationally
recognised qualification much valued by universities and employers. You will
have approximately 15 to 18 hours of timetabled lessons per week, with the
rest of your timetable as independent study periods. A-Level courses are very
demanding and you will find you need to organise your time effectively to
ensure you complete your work. 6th Form students have their own dedicated
study area next to the 6th Form Common Room, which you can use for private
study throughout the day. It also has a separate section for quiet study with
computer terminals and power sockets for laptops.
Level 2 courses are the equivalent to GCSE qualifications, grades A* to C.
Students on these one year courses will have 9 to 10 hours of lessons a week,
with two days for work experience. These courses have assessments in class
throughout the year, rather than end of year exams.
Further details about the
courses on offer can be
found in the curriculum
booklet that accompanies
this prospectus.
This information can also be
found on the 6th Form page
of the UCTC website:
6 UCTC 6th Form
Life beyond the classroom…
Although the priority in the 6th Form is fulfilling your academic potential and
successfully completing your courses, there is a lot more to 6th Form life than
studying. There are regular 6th Form trips; recent destinations have included
Ghana, India and skiing in Austria. There are also plenty of performance
opportunities, such as a diverse range of music concerts and the 6th Form
student and staff pantomime.
All 6th Form students have the chance to participate in a wide range of
enrichment activities, such as helping in lower school classes, working in
the Eco Club, or joining the Student Council. A detailed list of enrichment
opportunities can be found with the course details at the back. Such activities
prove successful and enjoyable ends in themselves, as well as being valuable
elements in job or UCAS applications.
There is also an active 6th Form Social Committee which runs events such as
themed Ice-skating and Bowling trips, the 6th Form Easter Ball and the Leavers’
Prom. And, of course, there is the 6th Form Common Room, which has its own
coffee shop and cafe and is a relaxed environment in which students can socialise.
UCTC 6th Form 7
What support will I get?
One of the cornerstones of the 6th Form’s success is the mentor system. You
will be placed in a mentor group of approximately 15 students. If you are new
to the college you can choose to be with someone you know. Your mentor
is a specially trained teacher who will oversee your time in the 6th Form and
mentor you throughout. This will include academic mentoring, pastoral
support and writing references. Your mentor also monitors attendance and
progress in courses and is a point of contact for your parents/guardians.
The 6th Form has a close relationship with the college’s Special Needs
Department to ensure students receive the support they need for their
classroom learning and in their examinations.
6th Form students can apply to the 16-18 Bursary Fund for help with costs related
to their studies. This is particularly aimed at lower income families and enables
students to buy text-books and equipment, and pay for educational trips.
There is a very strong 6th Form pastoral team. In addition to the 6th Form
mentors there is a Head of 6th Form, two Directors of 6th Form and a full
time Assistant Director of Year (a non-teaching member of staff) who support
students every step of the way through 6th Form.
8 UCTC 6th Form
UCAS and the 6th Form Careers service
We are proud of the support we offer to university applicants and the success
that they enjoy in securing their places. A thorough programme is in place to
prepare 6th Formers for, and guide them through, applying to higher education.
This includes dedicated research and application booklets, guest speakers,
visiting the local higher education convention and also a parents’ information
evening. Considerable emphasis is placed on ensuring both the UCAS personal
statement and reference fully and effectively support the application. Here
the relationship between 6th Former and mentor proves so important - and
The 6th Form has an excellent careers service for students wishing to go on
to employment or an apprenticeship after their course has finished. This is
available to all students in the 6th Form. Students are also given help on how to
apply for jobs, preparing their CV and given training on interview skills.
Our most recent Ofsted report noted that “Students are well-prepared for the
next stage of their education, training or work and significant numbers of 6th
Form students proceed to good universities” Ofsted July 2013.
UCTC 6th Form 9
How do I apply to the 6th Form?
Applications to 6th Form are welcome up until the start of courses in September.
However, if application choices are to be taken into account when we make
decisions on the option blocks, they must be received by 31st January.
Students who are in Year 11 at UCTC do not have to fill in an application form.
They will have a meeting in January with one of the 6th Form Management
Team to discuss their options.
We welcome applications from external students. Students who are not at
UCTC in Year 11 can download an application form from the 6th Form page
of the college website, or contact the college and ask for an application form.
You will not have a formal interview, but are most welcome to come and visit
the 6th Form and discuss your application choices at any time. We will write to
your current school and request a reference.
Application enquiries from external students should be sent to:
Application timeline:
October 6th Form prospectus is issued and students start to consider their choices.
November 6th Form Options Evening - students can talk to staff and students about the
courses they are interested in.
January Students in Year 11 at UCTC have a meeting about their choices. External
students have until the 31st January to apply if their choices are to be included
when the option blocks are decided.
March / April Any students with potential clashes in their options are notified and offered
alternative choices.
May / June GCSE examinations.
August GCSE results and enrolment interviews. The enrolment interviews take place in
the last week of August, after the GCSE results have come out.
September Courses start in the first week of September, following a 6th Form Induction Day.
10 UCTC 6th Form
Uckfield Community Technology College
Downsview Crescent,
East Sussex TN22 3DJ
Tel: 01825 764844
Fax: 01825 744950
Email: office@uctc.org.uk