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Published by art, 2021-07-08 11:30:53

HQ 0821 255 August LOW PROOF

HQ 0821 255 August LOW PROOF

Majority of Doctors Believe in Medical Cannabis Cali Approves Funding to Aid Cannabis Businesses
The California Legislature in June approved a $100-million plan
A team of investigators affiliated with the US Centers for Disease Control to bolster the state’s legal marijuana industry, which continues
and Prevention and the US Public Health Service compiled responses to struggle to compete with the black market nearly five years
from over 2,200 practicing doctors, internists, nurse practitioners, and after voters approved sales for recreational use.
oncologists regarding their attitudes about medical cannabis.
Los Angeles will be the largest beneficiary of the money to be
Sixty-nine percent of respondents said that they believed that cannabis provided as grants to cities and counties to help cannabis busi-
possessed medicianl properties. Those who favored its medical use of nesses transition from a provisional, temporary license to a
were most likely to endorse marijuana use for treating pain (73 percent), permanent one renewed on an annual basis — a process that
cancer (72 percent), and nausea (61 percent). requires a costly, complicated and time-consuming review.

More than one-in-four respondents (27 percent) acknowledged having Delta-8 Products Missing the Mark
authorized the use of cannabis for one of their patients. More than half—53%— of Delta-8 THC products sent for inde-
Results from the study suggest that the highest prevalence conditions pendent testing by Leafreport contained Delta-9 THC over limits
where clinicians indicated they believed cannabis could be medically allowed under U.S. federal law, while 68% contained less Delta-
used were scientifically based – pain, nausea, appetite activation, anti- 8 than advertised.
seizure, and spasticity.
The study included 38 Delta-8 products in all with 12 products
Shoppers Rank Reviews Above Price being deemed “excellent,” 10 rated “decent,” four considered
“poor,” and 12 failing.
Ratings and reviews have become the most important factor impacting
purchase decisions, ranking above price, brand and recommendations Just 12 of the 38 products tested had the advertised amount
from family and friends - according to a new survey of more than 6,500 of Delta-8, the researchers found, adding that “the rest were
consumers conducted by PowerReviews. off by 10.7% to 102.7% from the label.”

When asked which factors impact purchase decisions, 94% of consumers Leafreport also noted that Delta-8 pre-rolls and gummies were more
now say customer ratings and reviews top the list of considerations, fol- likely to have inaccurate levels than tinctures and vape products.
lowed by price of product (91%), free shipping (78%), brand preference
(65%) and friend/family recommendations (60%). Is Your Business Safe from Ransomware Attackers?
As ransomware cyber incidents escalate, a national survey
In fact, customer ratings and reviews have become so important on the found only 15 percent of small business executives leading
path to purchase that almost four in five consumers say they won’t companies with revenues up to $100 million per year are pri-
shop with businesses or websites without user-generated testimonials marily concerned they would have to pay cyber criminals to
about their experiences. restore their computer systems in the event of an attack.

Voters Overwhelmingly Support Federal Close to 40 percent of the companies had experienced a cyber-
Cannabis Legalization attack with nearly half, 45 percent, reporting they lost customer
data and 27 percent saying they lost a significant amount of
There's no denying the positive public pivot regarding cannabis legal- money because of the attack.
ization. Eighteen states, Washington, D.C. and several U.S. territories
now allow recrational cannabis use for adults, and another 36 offer The National Institute of Standards and Technology, advises
medical cannabis programs. that the best way to protect against ransomware attacks is to
use antivirus software, keep all computers fully patched with
“American voters on both sides of the aisle are calling for the legalization security updates, restricting or prohibiting personally owned
of cannabis alongside expungement and increased access for veterans, devices on organizations’ networks, and using standard user
and they want their state representatives to do the same," said Steven accounts instead of those with administrative privileges when-
Hawkins, founding member and president of the United States Cannabis ever possible. In other words, keep the cyberdoor locked to out-
Council (USCC), a coalition of leading organizations, businesses and indi- side visitors.
viduals united in the struggle to end federal cannabis prohibition.

The USCC recently released the results of a poll showing that nearly
70% of registered voters in Arizona, Utah and West Virginia support
federal cannabis legalization and want their Senators to vote in favor
of federal reform this year.

The survey also found all three states polled an average of over 50% in
favor of expunging records for non-violent cannabis offenses and allowing
medical cannabis to be prescribed to veterans.


If you’re trekking through the woods near Sylvania Georgia,
you might stumble across Sean Hegeman and Sylvie
Zazou, a couple of old school glass blowers. doing what
amounts to a live demo right under their carport, which for
the moment doubles as a make-do studio.

Sean and Sylvie have been together since their teen years in
Florida, in fact, Sean was Silvie’s first boyfriend when she was
13. They had recent plans to get married, but with the sum-
mer heat and humidity taking hold, and the horseflies and
gnats becoming a blood sucking nuisance, they decided
money was better spent moving their studio inside where they
could have air-conditioning and be comfortable while they cre-
ate (they're currently still outside, so if you want to send them
an engagement gift, they're registered at Home Depot).

continued on age 60



Glassblowing has been part of their lives for over twenty years. Silvie,
who learned the craft while working at Darkstar in Florida, taught Sean to
make pipes while they were living in Colorado.

“I was mesmerized by the fact that you could turn a solid into a liquid
and shape it however you wanted,” Sean says. “I was always into doing
my own thing with cannabis rather than being into mainstream culture,
and glassblowing has allowed me to make a lifestyle for myself and a liv-
ing without being part of corporate America.”

“Being able to work together is amazing as is being able to do something
that we're so passionate about,” adds Silvie.

Production has been Sean and Silvie's calling card over the years. That
doesn't mean there's a lack of creativity in traditional spoons, hammers,
bubblers and carb caps, as they work in many classic techniques. Sean
is known for wig wag and pulling horns, while Silvie loves to incorporate
mushroom marbles into her pieces.

"We come from an era when inside outs, double reverses, and donuts
were new techniques --- I call it 'sexy chic" and people still want that
because it's so detailed and cool,” Silvie says.

Many of the pieces from East Koast Glass have an organic flow to their
form. As Sean explains, that comes from not forcing the glass into an
exact shape.

“Having to draw something out gives me a creative block, but if I just
start working with the glass, I can better envision where I want it to go,”
he says. “I don't use a ton of tools when I blow things out. I want the
glass to do what it wants to do. Even though it might be considered pro-
duction, I look at each piece as something unique.”

Sylvie loves metallics and will sometimes lay a blue moon or turbo cobalt
over silver or gold fume to give a piece a sparkling pop.

“I love combinations of colors that look really cool together like a vibrant
yellow with a peacock blue in between so that when you twist it up, it
turns into something that people have never seen before,” she says.
"With fuming, I love the fade you can achieve going from silver to gold
that almost becomes a rainbow with the right layering. Each piece has its
own story to tell.”

And people are listening --- and looking. Sean and Silvie regularly go live
on TikTok and draw thousands of viewers. While they take an occasional
custom order, they prefer to have their creations on display (and for sale)
in smoke shops. They recently connected with Waldos Wonders, Smokey
Mountain Glass, and The Glass Enthusiast to distribute their work.

“I like having our art in the shops because we come from the old school,
and those guys were the heart of the industry years ago when there was
no internet,” Sean says. “I remember traveling the country, just trying to
find a college town with a local head shop. That's what kept the career
going in the early in the early days.”

"For me, being such a huge cannabis advocate, I know for a fact that
cannabis makes people happy,” Sylvie says, “So it's cool to be able to
make beautiful things for people to smoke out of and make their day that
much brighter.” v



Zig Zag



When we say we’re bringing you something cool, we’re not exaggerating --- the Chill is a stainless-steel, vac-
uum insulated smoking device, designed to take life's bumps and bruises while also keeping your water cold
for hours.

The Chill is the brainchild of Rich Gonzalez, a Deadhead and cannabis enthusiast with a background in the
housewares industry where he developed and marketed cooking utensils and insulated water bottles --- the
latter of which became the inspiration for a "killer bong." Gonzalez spent more than a year perfecting his
invention and securing patents for its double-walled construction and first-of-its-kind interior ceramic lining.

"With many of the other chilled devices on the market, you must stick them in the freezer, but we circumvent-
ed that with the vacuum insulation, so you can put ice and water in it, and it will stay cold for 12 to 14 hours.
And because the cold it trapped inside, the outside doesn't sweat, making hands and surfaces wet,”
Gonzalez says. “The special ceramic lining is essentially like glass (after being cured in the manufacturing
process), so hits are flavorful, and because the pipe is modular, you simply screw off the neckpiece to clean."

The OG Chill is a sleek stainless-steel version with a nine-inch neck. You can also choose from a variety of
solid color bases and interchangeable neckpieces in patterns including snakeskin, marble, cherry wood, and
psychedelic floral. There’s even pink and rainbow Glitterbomb limited editions that Gonzales says are partic-
ularly “Instagram worthy” and appealing to young ladies among the smoking crowd.

Gonzalez has hundreds of designs in the pipeline, and will soon add accessories including glass perks,
attachments to turn the Chill into a dab rig, an ash catcher and even a mold that makes the perfect size ice
cubes to fit into the device. He purposefully created the threading to be “open source”
to work with major water pipe components on the market. •


You break it, you bought it doesn’t apply to
High Standards Heavy-Duty Mini Beaker
because it’s made to survive even the gnarli-
est accidental drops. Measuring only eight
inches tall, this USA-made piece is handcrafted
from premium 7mm borosilicate glass—provid-
ing durability, heat resistance, and optimal fla-
vor transfer from flower and concentrates.
Speaking of which, the Higher Standards Mini
Beaker Bong comes with everything you need
for a complete smoking session, including a
thick 45-degree quartz banger for your wax con-
centrates, a glass bowl for your herbs, carb
cap removable diffuser downstem and a triple-
pinch ice catcher inside the neck (that holds
ice cubes from the custom mold) and cools
each puff to perfection. All of this comes pack-
aged inside a reusable collector’s box which
will look great on display in your shop.




Whether indoors or out, enjoy a dis-
creet sesh with Randy's Pure
Personal Air Filtration System (PAFS
for short). The simple yet effective
sploof utilizes carbon filter technolo-
gy to remove the funky odor from
exhaled smoke for up to 300 puffs.
Randy’s is all about convenience and
elevating the smoke experience, and
in keeping with that mission, they’ve
hidden a silicone storage jar inside
each end of the extendable tube
where you can store concentrates
and wax. The eco-friendly device is
available in four designs (Cherry
Blossom, Blue, Green, and Black)
and for retailers, comes in a 12-unit
custom display box.


And you thought Cali Crusher just
made grinders! The Cali
Backpack is perfect for carrying
textbooks, binders, cheat sheets,
and headphones around campus.
The Cali Backpacks are weather
resistant and lined with activated
carbon to provide a 100% smell
proof stash space for that after-
noon smoke break. The main
compartment utilizes an integrat-
ed combination lock for the ulti-
mate peace of mind that your
essentials are safe. This thought-
fully engineered pack has three
compartments, two side pockets,
adjustable side straps, and a lap-
top inner sleeve. Don’t leave
dorm without it!



Remember the thrill of shopping for school clothes?
Sunshine’s new Woven Collections make an impression on
campus with their updated twists on old hippie styles.
Designers started by taking the best elements of timeless
bohemian classics like the Baja, the hobo bag, and the
fanny pack and adding extras including pockets, zippers,
and wooden button closures. The eye-catching fabric
weaves, and a color pallet designed to be paired with denim
jeans, enhance the easy-go versatility.

From hoodies and zip-ups to hobo bags, Sunshine Joy’s
Woven Collection has cool fashions everyone can comfort-
ably get into. Sunshine Joy also offers everything from
tapestries and curtains to blankets and 3D posters to turn
any dorm room from dull to dynamic. There are a wide vari-
ety of patterns and prints, many with officially licensed
Grateful Dead, Woodstock, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, and
counterculture designs.

Sunshine Joy •. • (401) 769-8800


Nothing lasts forever — but the Cube from
VaporTech comes pretty darn close, packing
3,000 puffs of salt-nic flavor into a sleek, dis-
crete disposable device. With juice to spare
(11ml to be exact), the Cube vape pen delivers
rich, cloudy hits immediately after opening the
pack — no charging or refilling required. A long-
lasting vape needs e-liquid that you’ll want to
taste all day (and night) long --- the Cube comes
through with delicious flavors including Summer
Menthol, Energy, Red Apple. Fresas Con Crema,
Tropic, Mango Colada, StrawNana, and
Melonerry. VaporTech packed a lot into this little
black beauty, and that goes for tech too ---
adjustable air flow rate, controlled by a button
on the bottom of the device, allows the user to
turn connoisseur and set a personalized vaping


If brewmaster Peter Bouckaert seems to have particularly refined since closed, because real estate in that town is a nightmare. The
palate for beer, it may be because he got a head start on the rest beer still exists, but I'm actually not sure who brews it now.
of us. “From 12-18, we always had beer on the table in school,”
he says, recalling his childhood in Belgium. “‘Table beer,’ we call Slijtersbier
it. Beer for kids, with low alcohol—it had like 2.2% or something.” A lot of brewers [in the States] come from homebrewing, but I actu-
ally started very late. We found a guy with old, used equipment and
Long before he was creating some of the most popular beers in the a location, and we told him we were scaling up our homebrew to
country for New Belgium, the third largest craft brewery in the U.S. something bigger. He showed us a location, and it was magnificent,
(and eighth largest overall), and before he decided to strike out into plus he had money, so that was great, and he was like, "I really
a new realm with Purpose Brewing and Cellars, Bouckaert was would like to start a brewery in here." My friend was the bartender,
studying biochemistry at Hogeschool Gent, a renowned university in I was the brewer, and we suddenly had a whole brewpub to our-
Belgium’s Flanders region. But he quickly found himself bored and selves, and that became Slijtersbier. That was 1994, and I moved
longing for something more. “The guys in the brewing department in 1996 and started making Slijtersbier in Boulder, which became
at university always had hoses and boots,” Bouckaert says. “I liked the supplier for Oerbier's yeast. I made it the first time for the birth
science, but I got tired of such a small lab scale. The brewing of my oldest son, and the leftover we sold as La Folie because we
department, those guys were really making something.” thought it was kind of a funny endeavor. Then that name went some-
where else, as you'll see later.
Here, Brouckaert reminisces on a few of the brews that defined his
palate and his career, including the sours of his youth and the Sierra New Belgium Biere de Mars
Nevada barley wine that convinced him American brewing was ready You think about knowledge, experience, and creativity. Blue Paddle
for a change. was pure knowledge. For me, Biere de Mars, was pure creativity. It
started with an architect in Brussels that we kind of fell upon during
Brugs Tarwebier a conference in Belgium. On the way back, we were like, "Wow, we
Brugs refers to the city of Bruges. When I was in Rodenbach, I had should make beer the way Victor Horta builds." He builds art nou-
done pretty much everything, and at a certain point, [my friends and veau, and every element—furniture, mirrors, paintings—is a func-
I] decided to buy 95% of a brewery. So suddenly, I had this brewery tion of the house, or whatever he's designing. We thought it was a
that was able to grow very fast because they'd just gotten their beer fantastic concept for making beer. For the people drinking beer, it
in a big chain. We had to help them out, so I spent quite some time doesn't really matter that we used warm fermentation tempera-
with this wheat beer that was bottle-conditioned. That was something tures, or oats, or Brettanomyces, some spices, or blah blah blah. In
completely new to me. At Rodenbach, we were kinda stuck—we the end, the person drinking it is going to grab the glass, smell it,
made three beers. Now I had a whole bunch of different beers. That taste it, and say, "Wow, this is beautiful." You look at a Victor Horta
was fun and at the right time for broadening my brewing career. It building and you just say, "Wow, this is beautiful." You don't really
was called Gouden Boom, which means "gold tree." The brewery has see the details, and you don't have to. v




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