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The Kingston YMCA Farm Project has so Wimbish and Susan Hereth, a long-
many amazing aspects I am not sure where time volunteer and current Education
to start. I met Crew Leader Jessica Alonso Director. I spoke with Susan, and her
today, at the Farm Stand held in the lob- enthusiasm for all the kids do, as well as
by of the Y every Thursday afternoon for her fondness and admiration for them,
most of the year, and at mobile markets on was apparent. “These kids do a lot more
Tuesdays in other locations. A senior from than farm,” she said. In addition to the
Kingston High School, she was wearing a Farm Stand, they created BARK – Beau-
Skidmore tee-shirt, the college she will be tifying and Restoring Kingston – which
attending this fall. Going away will end performs projects ranging from taking
her two-plus year tenure with the group, care of the planters in uptown to clean-
which she says gave her an escape from ing up Van Buren Park.
the world, and that the farm “has a differ- The Project’s mission – to pro-
ent energy, and the bond with co-workers vide healthy organic options to residents
and bosses makes it not feel like working.” of Midtown – is more than fulfilled. The
Cheyanne Corbin, 15, participating since group also cooks together at least once a
April, called it “amazing,” and cited the week, using ingredients they themselves
friendships made on the farm as a big part started from seed in the Greenhouse,
of that. “When you’re at the Farm you’re in transplanted when the time was right
the moment, no worrying about anything and tended till harvest. Tonight I am
else. It’s like a family.” Then they all said, having chicken sautéed with their or-
#farmfamily! ganic garlic and broccoli. I have never
The project has been around for before had garlic that was grown 100
two years, created by Director KayCee feet from where I bought it, and picked
that day. I had to ask if I needed to let
it dry or not. Turns out no – that dried
garlic we buy in the grocery store is a
result of transporting. I sense after only
one night that I will be a better cook
with ingredients I want to deserve.
I asked if they take credit cards and and learn many skills that help in all as-
was amazed to find out they take cash, pects of life, including “soft skills” like
credit cards, SNAP, and most amazing how to talk to people in a professional
to me - WIC (which uses NYS Farmers way.
Market Nutrition Program checks)! At Tajsheona Chavis, also 15,
this point, I was in love with the YMCA came on board after an announcement
Farm Project. at school and some encouragement from
And it only got better – I asked friends who were already part of the proj-
if the kids get any perks, and they said ect. They all get half a credit for work-
that in addition to working the farm ing at the farm, but here again you saw
three days a week, they have “Fun Fri- how important the friendships are – she
days” where they do things like hike, too was wearing a Skidmore tee-shirt,
swim, get ice cream at Boice’s, and even excited for her friend’s next chapter. She
horseback riding! Then Susan told me discussed being more connected with na-
something that really amazed me – ture since starting at the farm. College is
they pay all their crew minimum wage, not rare for these kids – Brianna Gary is
which in New York is not so bad, at headed to SUNY New Paltz this fall.
over 11 dollars an hour. “It was really I am out of space before I am
important to us that they see the value out of great things to tell you about the
of work, and part of that value is a pay- YMCA Farm Project. Last year they grew
check.” It was clear that the paycheck over 5,000 pounds of organic produce,
is not the main motivator of the kids, distributed right here in Midtown. As a
though – you can’t pay for the enthusi- non-profit it relies entirely on donations
asm and camaraderie they have for what and grants, so do donate if you can. Take
they are doing. the kids over and check it out, then make
“I think maybe the most im- a dinner tastier than any in recent mem-
portant effect of being on the crew is ory with the fresh produce you find. And
being more connected to their com- think about how you can make a differ-
munity, midtown, Kingston and even ence for our Kingston Kids. It takes a vil-
beyond,” Susan said. The teens mentor lage, and we all need to share our talents
summer campers from camp Starfish with the next generation!
(who attend twice a week for six weeks)
Protecting and providing access to land
for the common good
Julia Farr
Executive Director
Office: 845.877.5263 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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