Red-K Ad
It’s a good question, isn’t it? Well with all of us – parks, camps,
for starters, we are the organiza- clubs, classes and events – all
tion throwing today’s Kids Fest, for kids and their families. They
Land of Magic, for kids and their decided they needed more, and
families! We are a local non-prof- that’s where the Kids Fests came
it organization started by Frank in. Our next is HalloweenFest, at
Waters and his wife, Shaniqua Seed Song Farm, an actual farm
Bowden. This is our third Kids right here in the city!
Fest – the first, in 2017, was the Since then, Frank and Shani-
day we first gave a big hello to the qua and volunteers at MyKi-
world! ngstonKids have thrown five
Frank and Shaniqua moved up festivals, and started a Saturday
from New York City with their morning RADIO SHOW on Ra-
own Kids and realized there was dio Kingston, where we talk to
no central place for parents to all sorts of people – guests from
find out what was going on just Family of Woodstock come each
for Kids here in the City of Kings- month to talk about Kids top-
ton. So they started a website, ics, and from HV Parent Maga-, to share
all the information they found
Radio Kingston Ad
Enjoy Our Kid Centered Programming:
That’s a lot in two years, isn’t it? But that’s not even close to all! We go
to all sorts of festivals, where things like our Slime Making Table are
always a big hit! We started MyKingstonKids Social – people who sign
up for this will get emails about events and issues related to their age
group – because teens and tweens are sure to have different interests
than toddlers!
We are about to get our Media World Program started – a place where
12-18-year-olds will learn about all aspects of radio, video production,
journalism, photography and marketing. Our goal is to mentor, ed-
ucate, train, and hire students from within our community and help
them get started living their best life!
Red-K Apparel is our partner in an original apparel and accessory
line with a look that Kids and parents can be proud of.
Check it out online at
If you want to stay in the loop of all things Kids in
Kingston, sign up at to become a
free member and enjoy all sorts of bonuses – like our
bi-monthly newsletter, the chance to sign up FIRST for
our already world-famous Tea Parties, member break-
fasts, and other great opportunities with MyKings-
tonKids. Paid memberships include even more perks
– learn about them on our website.
If you would like to be part of MyKingstonKids, we
are always looking for volunteers for all sorts of events.
We look forward to hearing from you, our communi-
ty. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child, and we
welcome partners of all sorts – if you have an event for
Kids, let us know and we will share it thru the MyKings-
tonKids Network. Let us know if you have a great topic
to discuss with us on Radio Kingston. Let’s all work to-
gether to give Our Kingston Kids a joyous, healthy life,
right here in this beautiful city.
A source of support, information
and advocacy since 1975
>> Statewide 24/7 HelpLine for foster, kinship and adoptive families
Post-adoption support program in fifteen counties including
Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Orange, Ulster and Dutchess Counties
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Main Office: 108 Main Street, New Paltz
Regional Offices: Amityville, Ithaca and New City
Midtown Rising, in collaboration with the Clinton Ave United
Methodist Church and St. James United Methodist Church, is in the
process of reimagining how 122 Clinton Avenue can best be utilized
in the service and transformation of our neighborhood.
We need your ideas and input!
Open Board Meetings
Every other Tuesday at 6:30pm,
122 Clinton Ave.
find us on facebook for more details and
updates at kingstonmidtownrising
Midtown Rising CommonShare
Protecting and providing access to land
for the common good
Julia Farr
Executive Director
Office: 845.877.5263
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Youth Cooking Crew at the Kingston YMCA Farm Project likes
to use fresh, local vegetables to make healthy meals. We try new rec-
ipes and cook every Wednesday.
Sweet potatoes are available at our farm stand at the YMCA this
winter (or at the Kingston Winter Farmers Market in the Old Dutch
Church or in a grocery store). The Y’s winter farm stand is selling
vegetables from the Hudson Valley Farm Hub and is open every
Thursday, 3:30-6pm, in the entrance of the Y.
We ate our sweet potato casserole with roasted chicken and a salad.
Sweet potatoes are healthy
and nutritious. Did you know they
have lots vitamins and minerals that are
really good for you! Sweet potatoes have
Vitamin B6 (heart healthy), Vitamin C
(fights colds and makes healthy bones),
Vitamin D (good energy and moods &
overall health during winter months),
iron (good energy and healthy blood),
magnesium (anti-stress), potassium
(healthy heart, helps your kidneys, and
has electrolytes), carotenoids (good for
eyes and immune system), and are a
balanced source of energy.
our 6th year
Community Food Production
Community Food Access
Youth Develpment
Farm Stands in Midtown
June - October
To ensure our locally grown, organic
produce is accessible we accept
SNAP/EBT, WIC and Senior FMNP checks
A program of the YMCA of Kingston,
the Kingston YMCA Farm Project's
mission is to educate, nourish and
connect the community with
our urban farm. yfarmkingston Kingston YMCA Farm Project
Experts argue that allowances do not to them and which they can do
just give your children money to buy without.
toys, but also teaches them valuable Children who often make errors
life skills. If you want your kids to learn or mistakes with their money
money management skills, then keep in significantly learn the value of
mind that they need to manage some money. They also understand
money. Thus, allowances become nec- that money can go away and what
essary! to do in such situations to earn it
A number of child development pro- back.
fessionals have presented that teaching Moreover, children who get al-
children about money management lowances understand and learn to
skills should start at a younger age, for differentiate between “wants” and
instance, four or five years of age. Here, “needs.” So, they tend to save to-
at MyKingstonKids, we believe that an wards specific objective of items
allowance is one of the best tools that (for example toys) they want or
help teach your kids money manage- need. When a kid makes a mis-
ment. take in spending money, he or
Giving kids allowances can help drum she will learn quickly and natu-
in or instill some positive many habits. rally how to make better financial
Among the biggest advantages of giving decisions. Likewise, allowances
allowances to your children will help teach a kid a great sense of re-
them learn “how to control the habit of sponsibility. Eventually, they stop
spending.” The reason is that children asking others (adults) to buy stuff
use money continually! They are not for them.
born with money management abilities Allowances also make them
and/or money sense. Nonetheless, they smart! When you give an allow-
tend to learn about it via experience and ance to your kid, it will allow him
observing others. to start learning and have some
Allowances can teach children about sense about what’s worth it when
responsibility, finances, and outcomes it comes to spending money.
of poor financial decisions. When a Some children think that money
kid ties his or her allowance to chores/ can buy them happiness, but the
errands, he or she will learn the rela- truth is that it cannot! So, chil-
tionship between “work” and “money.” dren who earn allowances under-
They develop a keen capability to evalu- stand quickly that money cannot
ate what purchases are really significant buy everything in life.
Yes finally! The good weather is about to arrive. It is time for the children
to recover the healthy habit of playing outdoors. There are various benefits
for kids playing in open spaces, so many that it is essential that they can
spend at least one hour a day playing in the park or the field. MyKings-
tonKids confirms that outdoor play and contact with nature have an im-
pact on their physical and emotional well-being.
The Outdoor Play as Learning
Well yes, this is the idea. Children relate to the world and to themselves
through play. Playing is the way children have to grow physically, socially
and emotionally.
Contact with Nature
The essence of the playing outdoors is the contact with nature that allows
them to experience with all the senses their relationship with the outside
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world. From here all the benefits of outdoor play derive.
Childhood obesity has triggered alarm pediatricians and parents. Fast
food and physical passivity before screens are the main culprits of this sit-
uation. On the other hand, when your kids play outdoor, their metabolism
improves, muscles develop, and the circulatory system functions properly,
which enhances the health of your kids
Playing outdoors offers children the possibility to move and explore. How
will they know the world if they do not learn to explore? What a pleasure
to climb a tree in the park, run down the side of a mountain! The freedom
that is transmitted to them outdoors is an invitation to open the wings of
their creativity.
Lastly, MyKingstonKids strongly recommends parents to allow children
to play outdoors. Developing in a natural space through all the skills they
learn while playing gives them self-confidence. Playing outdoors gives
them a sense of security that helps them grow physically, socially and emo-
tionally healthy.
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*APY = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates subject to change without notice. Limitations may apply. Advertised rate is available on the first $500 of a
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**Ten dollars will be deposited into the child’s MyLife Savings Account on the last business day of the child’s birth month.
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with great organizations like
My Kingston Kids