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TESDA Human Resource Development Plan 2019-2022

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Published by mabulaon, 2019-10-04 02:36:33

TESDA Human Resource Development Plan 2019-2022

TESDA Human Resource Development Plan 2019-2022

________________________________________________Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022

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________________________________________________Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022

Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022__________________________________________

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________________________________________________Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022

Annex 6-B: Action Plan Template (Agency Guide)
PRIME-HRM Assist Form No. 4-B


For PRIME-HRM Target Maturity Level

Step 1: Stating the Goal (GOAL)

Purpose of the Agency Action Plan

To be compliant with the requirements of PRIME HRM to achieve maturity level
2 for Recruitment Selection and Placement (RSP), Learning and Development
(L&D), Performance Management (PM), and Rewards and Recognition (R&R)

Step 2: Determining the Current State (Reality)

What is your current Maturity Level based on the Assessment Results?

Maturity Level 1

What Maturity Level do you want to target for?
Maturity Level 2
Current State Review & Target HR System

Identify your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Strengths RSP

1. Always guided by the provisions of the CSC 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and
Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA) amended on July 2018 in RSP;

2. Uses the Kalibrr, an online recruitment platform in talent attraction;
3. Has existing HRMPSB;
4. The HRMPSB uses the Behavioral Events Interview using the STAR(Situation, Task

Needed, Action Taken, Results/s) framework;
5. Currently working on the Competency-based Written Examination as part of the

assessment process;
6. Has an established Personnel Information System (PIS), a computer-based personnel

records database which can generate reports as required; and
7. Has an established TESDA Competency Standards for TESDA Position Titles.

Opportunities for Improvement

1. Final approval of TESDA Merit Selection Process by CSC; and
2. Currently working on Evidence Requirements for RSP

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1. Always guided by the provisions of the CSC 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and
Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA) amended on July 2018 in L&D;

2. Allots P20M budget for L&D;
3. The TESDA Development Institute (TDI) was specifically established in 2007 to

implement staff development interventions through a mechanism that will result in the
enhancement of the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the workforce. Granting of
incentive bonuses, promotion, local and overseas scholarship, and the „belongingness‟
in the TESDA family has become a means to motivate the workforce to stay on. TDI
is deemed crucial in establishing a holistic approach to training and other
staff development interventions.
4. Has existing National Human Resource Development Committee (NHRDC);
5. Has an existing system in the accreditation of Training Providers and Resource
6. Currently working on the establishment of TESDA Succession Program; and
7. Currently working on the formulation of the TESDA HRD Plan 2019-2022

Opportunities for Improvement

1. Revision of L&D guidelines; and
2. Currently working on Evidence Requirements for L&D.


1. Always guided by the provisions of the CSC 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and
Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA) amended on July 2018 in PM;

2. The TESDA Performance Evaluation System (PES) operates at two-levels: 1) the
Strategic Performance Evaluation System (SPMS); and 2) the Career Executive Service
Performance Evaluation System (CESPES);

3. Has existing PMT; and
4. Uses Performance Standards in performance rating.

Opportunities for Improvement

1. Enhancement of the SPMS; and
2. Review of TESDA‟s Performance Standards.


1. Members of the workforce with exemplary performance were recognized through the
statutory and agency awards that can be seen in the CSC‟s approved TESDA Program on
Awards and Incentive for Service Excellence (PRAISE);

2. TESDA conducts physical wellness activities to maintain good health and provides
medicine cabinets with first aid supplies and medicines. Workforces are trained to
perform First-Aid and Basic Occupational Safety and Health. TESDA workforces are
provided with the benefits of a Health Insurance Coverage including Annual Physical
Examinations and hospitalization;

3. Winners of TESDA Model Employee Award are automatically nominated to CSC HAP;
4. Currently working on Evidence Requirements for R&R; and
5. Has existing PRAISE Committee.

________________________________________________Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022

Opportunities for Improvement

1. Final approval of the Revised PRAISE by CSC;
2. Currently working on Evidence Requirements for PM.

For HR systems we need to improve on, which one/s do you now want to prioritize
taking into consideration your Agency Mandate? Why?

TESDA is targeting the four (4) HR Systems for Maturity Level 2 as targeted in the OPCR of
the Administrative Service for CY 2019 corollary to our ISO 9001:2015 certification and
application for the Philippine Quality Award (PQA) in CY 2020.

Of the target HR system, which areas (systems, practices and/ or competencies)
do you want to focus on? Why?

TESDA would like to focus on all areas in order to achieve our target as was mentioned in the
above statement.

Forward) (Please refer to Annex A)

Recommended Detailed Responsibilities Timeline Success Indicators
Action Steps Activities
based on Who Will Do It? By When? (Day/Month) (How will you know that
Assessment What Will Be you are making
Tool Results & Done?
Report & as progress? What are your
determined by benchmarks? How will
Agency you determine that your
Stakeholders goal has been reached?

What are your

Action Step 1: Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:

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Resources: Identify the following:
 Resources Available
 HRMD/AS to spearhead the PRIME-HRM Journey
 Targeted under HRMD/AS OPCR; funds are available
 Resources Needed (financial, human, political & other)

None so far

Potential Barriers
 What individuals or organizations might resist your plan of action?

We do not foresee any resistance to our plan of action. The Management is
very supportive for TESDA to achieve PRIME-HRM Maturity Level II.
 How?

Communications Plan

 Who is involved?
Human Resource Management Division/Administrative Service; and
Public Information Division/Office of the Director General

 What methods?
 Dissemination of printed information materials;
 Posting in the TESDA Website;
 Presentation during National Directorate Conference, Executive Committee

and Inter-Cluster meetings
 How often?

As the need arises


Date of Next Process Consulting Session:

Agenda for Next Process Consulting Session:

Tasks to be achieved prior to next Process Consulting Session & Person/s

________________________________________________Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022

Name Signature Date
Prepared By:

Supervising Administrative Officer,

Administrative Officer V

Administrative Officer V


Administrative Officer IV
Assisted By:

Chief, HRMD

Recommending Approval:

Director IV, Administrative Service
Chief of Services for Administration
Approved By:

Director General

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Human Resource Development Plan – 2019-2022__________________________________________

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