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Published by mabulaon, 2022-06-08 05:41:01



This manual was developed by the Curriculum and Training Aids
Development Division (CTADD) of the National institute for Technical
Education and Skills Development (NITESD) under the leadership of

Executive Director David B. Bungallon.

The developers were able to produce this Manual through the unceasing
guidance from DDG Rosanna A. Urdaneta, Deputy Director General for
Policies and Planning and through the unwavering support of TESDA’s

Director General Sec. Isidro S. Lapeña, PhD, CSEE.

Copyright © 2021 by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Taguig
City, Philippines, 1630. All rights reserved. Printed in the Philippines. This publication is
protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the author prior to any
prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or likewise. For information
regarding permission(s) write to the author at

Table of Contents

Messages i
Acknowledgment iv

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................................ 2
3. Definition of Terms ......................................................................................................................2-4
4. Composition and Responsibilities of Personnel Involved.............................................................4-5
5. Frameworks and Flowchart

A. STEM-Oriented CBLM Framework.......................................................................................... 6
B. Competency-Based Curriculum Development Framework ...................................................... 7
C. Flowchart for the Development of New CBLM Module ............................................................ 8
6. Develop New CBLM Module
Stages in the Development of New CBLM Module ......................................................................... 9
Task 6.1: Secure Validate and Approved CBC Exemplar ............................................................. 10
Task 6.2: Analyze the CBC and STEM-Oriented CBLM Framework ............................................ 10
Task 6.3: Determine the Scope of Each Module .....................................................................10-11
Task 6.4: Design the Preliminary Page ...................................................................................11-12
Task 6.5: Prepare the Learner’s Guide....................................................................................12-13
Task 6.6: List the Units of Competencies of the Qualification ..................................................14-15
Task 6.7: Develop the CBLM Module

Sub-Task 6.7.1: Identify the Domain of STEM Skills and STEM Competencies...............15-18
Sub-Task 6.7.2: Use Digital Tools for Content Creation and Flexible Learning Design ....18-20
Sub-Task 6.7.3: Prepare the Module Content ..................................................................20-22
Sub-Task 6.7.4: Prepare the Learning Outcome Details ..................................................22-25
Sub-Task 6.7.5: Prepare the Learning Experiences .........................................................25-26
Sub-Task 6.7.6: Develop the Information Sheet...............................................................27-28
Sub-Task 6.7.7: Develop the Self-Check .........................................................................28-29
Sub-Task 6.7.8: Develop the Answer Key ............................................................................. 30
Sub-Task 6.7.9: Develop the Task Sheet .........................................................................30-31
Sub-Task 6.7.10: Develop the Performance Criteria Checklist.........................................31-32
Sub-Task 6.7.11: Develop the Job Sheet .........................................................................33-34
Sub-Task 6.7.12: Develop the Operation Sheet ...............................................................34-35
Task 6.8: Develop the References page .................................................................................35-36
Task 6.9: Check for Copyright Violation...................................................................................36-38
Task 6.10: Prepare the Table of Contents .................................................................................... 39
Task 6.11: Validate the CBLM Module ......................................................................................... 40
Task 6.12: Pilot-Test the CBLM Module ....................................................................................... 40
Task 6.13: Finalize the CBLM Module .......................................................................................... 41
7. References .................................................................................................................................. 42


I am pleased to present to our clients, partners and other
stakeholders in the technical-vocational education and training
sector this Manual for Competency-Based Learning Materials
(CBLM) Development.

CBLMs, as they focus on the knowledge, skills and attitudes
that a learner can demonstrate for a given qualification, are
among the vital documents supporting the competency-based
training (CBT) approach. As such, these materials effectively
address gaps between training and employment.

In the preparation of this manual, various CBLM models were analyzed to standardize contents
in reference to the latest TESDA Training Regulations, as well as in consideration of 21st
Century Skills, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills, and World
Skills test packages. This comprehensive guide also documents the procedures in performing
detailed activities to produce the required training outputs..

I would like to thank and congratulate the National Institute for Skills Development (NITESD),
specifically the Curriculum and Training Aids Development Division, for this notable initiative.

Doubtless, this manual will contribute to a more effective and impactful implementation of
TVET in the country.

TESDA Director General

Manual for CBLM Development Page | i

Message from the Deputy Director General for Policies and Planning

This manual for Competency-Based Learning Materials Development was produced to guide
in the development of learning materials and aid the learner in achieving the required
competency of a qualification based on existing industry standards. It is likewise aimed to
assist learners to continue with the learning activities at their own pace, at any given time and
place. A validation instrument for the developed CBLMs is also included to ensure that these
materials are quality-assured and aligned with the guided validation process. The improvement
of its contents is carefully considered based on feedback of trainers and learners from its actual

The development of this manual is consistent with TESDA’s pursuit of knowledge management
and continuous improvement of our training delivery.

I commend the National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD),
especially the Curriculum and Training Aids Development Division (CTADD) for coming up
with this manual which will facilitate continued delivery of TVET programs for our stakeholders.

Deputy Director General for Policies and Planning

Manual for CBLM Development Page | iii

Message from the Executive Director of NITESD

The National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD) has been
mandated to lead the development of education technologies for technical vocational
education and training (TVET) delivery. Its concentration includes curriculum and learning
materials development, the research and development of learning delivery models, innovation
technologies, greening systems, as well as the development of teaching and non-teaching

Highlighting on the function of the Institute on curriculum development led by the Curriculum
and Training Aids Development Division (CTADD), the division has formulated specific
processes on development of Competency-based Curriculum, Competency-based Learning
Materials, and PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs to aid in evaluation, registration and
recognition of TVET programs in the field. To ensure synchronized implementation, it has
brought pride to the Institute in the development of manuals that would serve as guides to our
field implementers.

It is an honor and privilege to have witnessed the realization of this Manual for Competency-
Based Learning Materials Development. I congratulate the CTADD for keeping to the
Institute’s commitment of ensuring quality TVET for all.

Executive Director, NITESD

Manual for CBLM Development Page | iii


This manual was developed by the following personnel of the Curriculum and Training Aids
Development Division, National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development:

• Agnes P. Panem, Chief TESD Specialist;
• Heidi I. Forte, Supervising TESD Specialist; and
• Abel B. Elpedes, Senior TESD Specialist.

Parts of the module used in this manual entitled “Producing Organic Concoctions and
Extracts” developed by Engr. Clifford Ryan D. Galenzoga, from Lanao Norte National
Agricultural School located at Barangay Bualan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte.

Page | iv Manual for CBLM Development


This manual for Competency-Based Learning Materials (CBLM) Development was prepared
by the Curriculum and Training Aids Development Division (CTADD), National Institute for
Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD) to provide complete guidance in the
development of learning materials that aids the learner in achieving the required competency
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes) of a qualification based on existing industry standards.

The CBLM is among the vital documents supporting the Competency-Based Training (CBT)
approach and focuses on the knowledge, skills and attitude that a learner can demonstrate –
in a practical way – for a given qualification. The CBT approach is being promoted by TESDA
to address the gap between training and employment.

Individuals such as trainers and other education practitioners may develop CBLM but would
require the assistance of other experienced personnel in order to validate or prove that the
developed material is useful and the learning activities are aligned with those practiced in the

The procedures in this manual were based on the experiences of the staff members from
Curriculum and Training Aids Development Division, National Institute for Technical Education
and Skills Development (CTADD-NITESD) in conducting Capability-Building Programs on
CBLM Development. Various CBLM models were analyzed to standardize its contents in
reference to the latest Training Regulations (TR) as well as in consideration of the 21st Century
Skills; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); and World Skills Test

A description of the purpose, scope, and terminologies connected to the development of
CBLM provides guidance for the use of this manual along with the responsibilities of the
knowledgeable people that are involved in the development processes.

The TR is the primary document that provides the information and conditions with its
competency standards in order to develop a Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). which is
the basis for the development of CBLM. The CBC development framework shows how the
competency standard (CS) for a specific qualification is analyzed and translated into CBC

The STEM-oriented CBLM Framework is an integration of 21st-century skills, Contextual
Learning Materials, STEM Pedagogies, and STEM Skills into the STEM-oriented CS, STEM-
oriented CBC, and STEM-oriented CBLM that were developed by Content Experts, Process
Experts, Technology Experts, and Industry Experts with the guidance and support of the
Academe, Management and Industry.

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 1


This manual provides guidance for curriculum developers, trainers, industry experts and
employees in the TVET sector to perform their functions in the process of developing
Competency-based Learning Materials confidently.

It documents and standardizes the procedures and the necessary steps in performing detailed
activities carefully to produce the required output based on the validated and approved
Competency-based Curriculum (CBC).

This document covers and outlines the steps in the process of translating the validated and
approved competency-based curriculum exemplars into more detailed competency-based
learning materials of a particular qualification.

The procedures are recommended to be followed by the curriculum development teams within
training provider institutions or enterprises.

It covers the stages of CBLM development process using the competency-based approach
and it involves a core group of developers/experts such as the process experts, technology
trainers, content experts and the industry practitioners.


The following terms as used in this manual shall mean:

• Curriculum - Systematic group of courses or sequences of subjects required for a
graduation or certification in a major field of study; or b) a general overall plan of the
content or specific materials of instruction that the school should offer the student by
way of qualifying him for graduation or certification of entrance into a professional or
vocational field; or c) a body of prescribed educational experience under school
supervision, designed to provide an individual with the best possible training and
experience to fit him for a trade or profession”. (TESDA 2010).

• Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) - refers to the specifications for a program or
module, which describes all the learning experiences a learner undergoes. It generally
includes learning outcomes, contents, conditions, methodologies, and assessment
methods. It specifies outcomes, which are consistent with the requirements of the
workplace as defined in the TRs or based on industry or community consultations
and/or supported by a demand or employability study for NTR. (TESDA Circular No. 7
s. 2016).

• Competency-Based Learning Materials (CBLM) - refers to a well-designed and
carefully developed learning material (hard or soft copy) that provide detailed instruction
to guide and help a learner acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude of a
specific unit of competency on a self-paced learning modality. It contains the learner
guide, list of competencies, summary of competencies, summary of learning outcomes,
learning experiences, information sheet, self-check, tasks sheet, operation sheet, job
sheet, and performance criteria checklist.

• Competency - a) the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required for the
performance and are conducted by the supervisor. (Memorandum No. 209, s. of 2020
and TESDA-OP-AS-01) b) the observable and vital knowledge, skills and attitude which
are translation of capabilities deemed essential for organizational success. (CSC
Competency Model Building Intervention and TESDA Circular No. 119 s. 2019)

• Curriculum Development Team - a group of people organized to develop CBC and it
involves representatives from industry, curriculum developers, teachers, trainers
experienced in the field/industry sector.

Page | 2 Manual for CBLM Development

• Process Expert - are people who knew the series of steps, procedures or actions that
produce a change or development in a particular field.

• Trainer - a person who enables a learner or group of learners to develop or acquire
competencies toward performing a particular trade or technical work. (TM I).

• Content Expert - also called subject matter experts or expert practitioners) are people
who are thoroughly familiar with skills and content that training must impart.

• Contextual Learning Matrix - is an analytical tool for identifying the learning activities,
technology, math, science and communication concepts common and tool
competencies; and their interrelationship.

• Industry Expert/Practitioner - a practitioner is an expert who uses that knowledge as
part of a profession. A person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or any profession.

• Course Title - reflects the industry (occupation) title this course has been designed to
address, reflecting employment needs as outlined in the competency standard.

• Module Title - briefly describes the title of the module. Each course will have a number
of modules.

• Module Descriptor - briefly describes the overall intentions of the modules, its scope
and delimitation.

• Nominal Duration - estimated/suggested minimum number of hours to complete a
particular module.

• Learning Outcomes - the knowledge and skill training identified from and closely
linked to the industry standards or competency standards. The learning outcome under
this unit is designed to achieve the intent of the module.

• Assessment Criteria - specify the performance outcome the learner will be expected
to demonstrate at the conclusion of the learning outcome. This will assess the
necessary knowledge, skills and attitude, reflecting the performance criteria as outlined
on the relevant industry or competency standards.

• Content - specific knowledge, skills and attitude that are to be addressed within this
learning outcome.

• Conditions - specify the conditions under which the learning and assessment will take
place. This can include a list of tools and equipment, access to learning resources and
equipment manuals, and type of facility. This should specify the scope or range of the
equipment and facilities to be used in assessment.

• Assessment Methods - used to gather evidence of sufficient quantity and quality on
which to make a sound judgement about a candidate’s competence.

Assessment methods include observation, simulation, questioning, presentation and
written assessment.

• Learning Experiences - is the instructional component of the curriculum providing for
the interaction between the trainer, learner and the content.

• Learning Activities - are designed to develop learning that supports the course
outcomes. All learning activities should support the course outcomes, and all course
outcomes must be supported by learning activities.

• Special Instructions – describes the learning activities and directs the learner towards
achieving a meaningful learning experience.

• STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific
disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 3

interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as
separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning
paradigm based on real-world applications.

• Information Sheet - is primarily designed to deliver pertinent information needed in the
attainment of a learning outcome. To further validate your responses in the following
items, you may refer to page 162 of CBLM on Trainers Methodology Level 1 entitled
“Planning Training Session”.

• Self-Check – corresponds to test items to measure the knowledge gained by the
learner from the information provided;

• Answer Keys - are essential feedback tools. Answer keys should always follow a self-
check so that learners can compare their own answers immediately. This allows for
immediate feedback.

• Task Sheet - is a written set of instructions telling the learner to perform a single task
based on the performance objective.

• Operation Sheet - is a written set of instructions that describes one step in a process
of doing work e.g., use of a machine or equipment. Please refer to Page 182 CBLMs on
Trainers Methodology Level 1, Planning Training Session, for details on how to prepare
Operation Sheet.

• Job Sheet - is a written set of instructions for the Performance of a Job. A job is a
combination of tasks and/or operations needed in to develop a product or performance
of a service or a combination of both. Please refer to Page 186 CBLMs on Trainers
Methodology Level 1, Planning Training Session, for details on how to prepare Job

• Performance Criteria Checklist – are set of criteria statements that are used as a tool
to specify what to be assessed and to evaluate whether a candidate achieved the
required level of performance in completing a particular task or job.


4.1. Vocational Instruction Supervisor (Process Expert)

• Ensure that all the members of the CBLM development team are knowledgeable on
CS, CLM, CBC and CBLM development;

• Approve and disseminate copies of annual priority qualifications to be

• Assign a focal person for the following:
• Review and approval of submitted Action Plans for Training Packages (TPs)

• Review and approval of prototype to serve as a model;
• Validation of developed TPs;
• Pilot-testing of developed TPs;
• Copyrighting and publication of the approved TPs;
• Documentation and document management.
• Review and approve the Trainers/Developers’ Action Plan for (CBLM) development;
• Prepare and or approve CBLM prototype (such as components; sequencing; overall

look and feel; layout; font style or size; etc.);
• Organize Support Group composed of an Editor, Graphic Artist and Programmer (for

digitally formatted learning materials), to assist the Committee in the development of
Training Package;

Page | 4 Manual for CBLM Development

• Facilitate and or update or develop CLM, CBC, CBLM, ICAT and Mockup of TVI
course offerings;

• Facilitate review, including editing of the CBLM;
• Validate technical contents and compliance to the approved prototype;
• Facilitate pilot testing of the CBLM thru actual use;
• Recommend improvements and make necessary adjustments based on the results of

the pilot testing;
• Endorse to the Administrator the CBLM for utilization;
• Facilitate Copyright and Publication of the Training Package;
• Submit thru the TVI Administrator online copy of the CBLM to NITESD for data

sharing; and
• Submit thru the TVI Administrator, of Provincial and Regional Office the Annual

Accomplishment Report to NITESD, as indicated in the approved Action Plan

4.2. Technology Trainers / Experts
• Prepare an Action Plan for the CBLM development/ updating;
• Prepare all necessary documents, research studies and the initial draft of the
developed/updated CBLM;
• Serve as content expert and focal person on the development of their respective
Training Packages;
• Lead in the validation and pilot-testing of CBLMs;
• Coordinate and work regularly with industry experts during the entire duration of the
development/ updating of their respective CBLMs.

4.3. Subject Matter Expert (Science, Math, Communication, etc.)
• Assist in the validation and pilot-testing of Training Packages;
• Serve as Subject Matter expert in their respective field of specialization in the
development of CBLMs; and
• Design instructions, and learning activities that will supplement the technology/topics.

4.4. Content Experts/ Writers
• Serve as subject matter expert in their respective field of specialization or discipline
e.g., Science, Math, Communication, Environment Literacy, GAD, Mental Health, etc.;
• Coordinate and work regularly with industry and technology experts during the entire
duration of the development/updating of their respective CBLMs.
• Assist in the validation and pilot-testing of CBLMs; and
• Design instructions, and learning activities that will supplement the technology/topics.

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 5


IR 4.0

Process Expert



21st Century Skills

Technology STEM Content Expert
LEARNER Stem Pedagogies
Stem Skills

STEM Contextual STEM
Technology TVET
Industry Policy


The STEM-oriented CBLM Framework consists of the 3 Cs of STEM in TVET with the goal of
making our learner STEM-oriented being at the middle. The 3 Cs are the STEM-oriented in
CS, CBC and CBLM. The 3 Cs are inter-connected to each other meaning an STEM-oriented
CS with STEM skills and competencies will translate into STEM-oriented CBC and finally an
STEM-oriented CBLM. Actors for the STEM-oriented 3 Cs are the technology expert, content
expert, and industry expert with the collaboration and support of the academe, the industry
and management.

The interrelationship between STEM-oriented CS, CBC, and CBLM shall include 21st century
skills, STEM skills, concepts and pedagogies to produce a STEM-oriented Learner that is
ready to face the future of work.

Page | 6 Manual for CBLM Development


The Competency Standard (CS) is translated into a Curriculum through the application
of deep analysis of each of the CS components for clearer understanding of particular
competence to be established.

A competency-based curriculum (CBC) sets out the specifications for a course or
subject (module) which describes all the training experiences a trainee or learner
undergoes, it generally includes learning outcomes, contents, conditions,
methodologies and assessment methods.

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 7


PREPARATORY Secure Validated and Approved
STAGE CBC Exemplar

Analyze the CBC and STEM-
Oriented CBLM Framework and

Determine the Scope of Each

Design the Preliminary Page
Prepare the Learner’s Guide

Prepare the Table of Contents

Prepare the List of
Competencies Page

CBLM MODULE Prepare the Module Content

Prepare the Learning Outcome
Summary Page

Prepare the Learning
Experience Page

Prepare the Information Sheets
including Self-Checks and
Answer Keys

Prepare the Task, Operation,
and Job Sheets with

Performance Criteria Checklists

Prepare the References

Check for Copyright Violation

VALIDATION STAGE Submit CBLM for Validation
Pilot-test the CBLM


Page | 8 Manual for CBLM Development



(VIS) PREPARATORY 6.1 Secure validated and approved CBC
• CONTENT 6.2 Analyze the CBC and STEM-Oriented
WRITERS CBLM Framework; and

• TECHNOLOGY 6.3 Determine the scope of each module.
MODULE 6.4 Design the Preliminary page
• CONTENT DESIGN STAGE 6.5 Prepare the Learner’s Guide;
WRITERS 6.6 Prepare the List of Competencies per
• TTI TECHNOLOGY STAGE category (Basic, Common and Core);
TRAINERS/ 6.7 Develop the CBLM Module
EXPERTS PILOT-TESTING 6.8 Prepare the References;
STAGE 6.9 Check for Copyright violation; and
• TTI TRAINERS 6.10 Prepare the Table of Contents.
FINALIZATION 6.11 Validate the CBLM Module
(VIS) • Secure a copy of Training
Regulations/ CS, CBC and CBLM
• Look at examples of CBLM models
and make comparisons

• Evaluate the CBLM format
• Look for realistic links
• Check and analyze
• Review the CBLM using the CBLM

Validation Instrument
• Recommend based on findings
6.12 Pilot-Test the CBLM Module
• Develop a Plan
• Set timetable
• Choose a group of people for pilot

• Appoint a person to handle the pilot

testing process
• Tabulate the results
• Analyze and interpret the findings
• Recommend
6.13 Finalize the CBLM Module
• Revise
• Finalize
• Package
• Approve
• Publish

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 9

Description: The CBC exemplar provides the specifications for a program or module, which
describe all the learning experience a learner undergoes. It generally includes learning
outcomes, contents, conditions, training methodologies and assessment methods. It
specifies learning outcomes which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as
defined in the TRs or based on industry or community consultations and/or supported by a
demand or employability study for NTR. (TESDA Circular No. 7 s. 2016)

Secure Validated and Approved CBC Exemplar

STEP 1. Download a copy of validated and approved CBC Exemplar from the ATVERC
website: or request a copy of CBC Exemplar from your
regional, provincial or district library.

STEP 2. Using your computer, create a working folder that would be used in storing the
downloaded CBC exemplar and the CBLM template that can be downloaded from
this link:

Description: The CBC exemplar has two components: the course design which includes the
course structure, and the modules of instruction. The CBLM development team must be able
to review the CBC exemplar and check whether the knowledge, skills, and learning concepts
mentioned in the STEM-oriented CBLM framework is included

Analyze the CBC and STEM-oriented CBLM Framework

STEP 1. Review the Units of Competency, Modules and Learning Outcomes of the CBC

STEP 2. Check whether the knowledge, skills, and learning concepts mentioned in the
STEM-oriented CBLM framework is included in the Contents of Learning

STEP 3. Read the contents of Task 6.7, Sub-Task 6.7.1 to identify the Domain of STEM
Skills and Stem Competencies.

Description: The module descriptor that can be found in the Modules of Instruction of CBC
Exemplars usually provides description of the module including the scope of each module in
relation to the qualification. The scope of the module may also be found by analyzing the
assessment criteria statements of each module.

Determine the Scope of Each Module

STEP 1. Review the Module Descriptor of each Module and determine its scope.
STEP 2. Analyze the Assessment Criteria and Contents of the CBC which can be found in

Page | 10 Manual for CBLM Development

the Modules of Instruction,
STEP 3. Open a new text document and record your findings.
STEP 4. Formulate the scope of each module that can be used as introduction to the CBLM

to be developed.

Description: Preliminary page consists of the front or cover page that comes before any
subsequent pages of the document. The cover page is the first page of the work which
contains the main heading on it (title, abstract, table of contents, etc.) is counted, but
no page number is typed on the page. .

Design the Preliminary Page

STEP 1. Create a document using the computer and word processing application, write at
the topmost part the title “Competency-Based Learning Material;

STEP 2. Find a suitable image related to the module being developed and insert after the
title and add the TESDA official logo over the image and the logo of your
institution. Resize the image as appropriate. See example below:

STEP 3. Insert a table with one column and four rows right below the image and label them
with the following text:

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 11

• “Sector” and the name of the sector where the qualification is classified;

• “Qualification Title” and the title of the qualification as stated in the TR/CS;

• “Unit of Competency” and the Title of the Unit of Competency as stated in the
TR/Cs; and

• “Module Title”, and the Title of the Module from the CBC Exemplar. See
example below:

STEP 4. Add another row to the table with two columns and do the following:

• On the left-column, place the official logo being used by the institution and
adjust the logo size and the column width to proportion;

• On the right column, write “Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority” followed underneath by the Name of the Institution and its official

Description: The Trainee’s Guide or Learner’s Guide is a set of instruction on how to use the
CBLM Materials as used in the training.

Prepare the Learner’s Guide

STEP 1. After the Front Page, write on the next page, the title “Learner’s Guide”, which
are the clear instructions on How to Use the Competency-based Learning

Note: It is always a good idea to create a Style Sheet for the whole document or edit an
existing one with your preferences i.e., font type, size, style, and color. For CBLM, we
recommend Arial font, 14 points, boldface, and black color for Heading 1 and the same
attributes for Heading 2 with smaller 12 points font size. Apply Heading 1 for the Section
titles and Heading 2 for sub-section titles. This will help in automating the creation of
entries in the Table of Contents page.

Page | 12 Manual for CBLM Development

STEP 2. Write the following statements based on the given example below, replace any
underlined text as appropriate based on the current module.


Welcome to the competency-based learning material for the module: Producing
Organic Concoctions and Extracts. This module contains training materials and
activities for you to accomplish.

The unit of competency “Produce Organic Concoctions and Extracts” contains the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for Organic Agriculture Production NC II.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete
each learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcome, there are
instructional sheets (information sheets, operation sheets, job sheets, task sheets) for
further reading to help you better understands the required activities. Follow the
activities at your own pace and answer the self-check at the end of each learning
outcome. If you have questions, please feel free to ask for the assistance of your

This module was prepared to help you achieve the required competency: Produce
Organic Concoctions and Extracts. This will be the source of information for you to
acquire the knowledge and skills in this particular module with minimum supervision
or help from your trainer. With the aid of this material, you will acquire the
competency independently and at your own pace.

Remember to:

Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section. Do what
OPERATION SHEET, and JOB SHEET) and complete the SELF-CHECKS to assess
your own progress. Suggested references are included to supplement the materials
provided in this module.

Most probably, your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. They are there
to support you and show you the correct way to do things. Ask for help.

You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and practice on the job.
Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This way, you will
improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.

When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your trainer to
evaluate you. The result of your assessment/ evaluation will be recorded in the

You need to complete and be competent in all the modules of the concerned
qualification. A CERTIFICATE of ACHIEVEMENT will be awarded to you after
passing the Institutional Competency Evaluation.”

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 13

Description: The lists of all units of competencies per category. These lists are composed of
the basic competencies, common competencies and core competencies.

List the Units of Competencies of the Qualification

STEP 1. On a new page, prepare the following labels:

• Name of the Sector

• Qualification Title
• “List of Competencies”

STEP 2. Prepare a table for each category, (Basic, Common, Core and Elective). Label the

top row (table header) with the following:
• “No.” pertaining to the numbering system to sequence the UC:
• “Unit of Competency”:
• “Module Title”: and
• “Code”.

Note: The Units of Competency and Unit Code should be written as they are arranged
in the TR/CS or CBC. The Module Title must be written wherein the verb is in the
present participle (-ing) form.

STEP 3. List the titles of Units of Competencies, Modules, and the Codes under the table
header of Basic, Common, Core and Elective competencies.


List of Competencies

Basic Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code
1. Participate in workplace Participating in workplace 500311104
communication communication 500311107

2. Work in a team environment Working in a team environment 500311108

3. Practice career professionalism Practicing career

4. Practice occupational health Practicing occupational health
and safety procedures and safety procedures

Common Competencies Module Title Code
Applying safety measures in AGR321201
No. Unit of Competency farm operations AGR321202
Apply safety measures in farm Using farm tools and AGR321203
equipment TRS311201
1. operations Performing estimation and AGR321205
2. Use farm tools and equipment Developing and updating
industry knowledge
3. Perform estimation and Performing record keeping

4. Develop and update industry

5. Perform record keeping

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Core Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code
1. Raise organic chicken Raising organic chicken AGR611306
2. Produce organic vegetables Producing organic vegetables
3. Produce organic fertilizer Producing organic fertilizer

4. Produce organic concoctions Producing organic

and extracts concoctions and extracts

Elective Competencies Module Title Code
No. Unit of Competency Raising organic hogs AGR612302
1. Raise organic hogs Raising organic small
ruminants AGR612303
2. Raise organic small ruminants

STEP 4. Highlight the row containing the current module being developed. See example

Sub-Task 6.7.1: Identify Domain of STEM Skills and STEM Competencies
Description: The four (4) domains of STEM skills are STEM knowledge, Thinking skills, Multi-
literacies and Socio-emotional Intelligence.

Identify the STEM Competencies

STEP 1. Read STEM in TVET below:

The goals of STEM in TVET are employability, proactive citizenship, and human
flourishing. Employability means being equipped with knowledge, skills, and
attitudes that enable an individual to be able to secure a job. On the other hand,
proactive citizenship means contributing to nation-building as well as being a
responsible global and digital citizen. Although not explicitly stated in any of the
frameworks, the third goal “human flourishing” can be something akin to lifelong
learning but on a much higher level. Human flourishing is the highest form of self-
actualization. It means that an individual can flourish and prosper not only for
himself/herself but also for others, regardless whether circumstances are favorable
or not. (Source; ILO-CISTEM)

STEM Competencies

STEM competencies that support Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) have four major domains, namely, STEM knowledge, thinking
skills, multi-literacies, and socio-emotional intelligence.

1. STEM knowledge that is disciplinal and also transdisciplinary is important in
TVET. Disciplinal knowledge means subject-specific understanding of
concepts, theories, principles, laws, and contexts of Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics. On the other hand, transdisciplinary knowledge
refers to the integrative understanding of the useful and most relevant content
and techniques from the STEM disciplines to be able to solve work-related and

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 15

other real-world problems.

2. Thinking skills involve skills for sense-making to be able to solve problems,
understand connections, make informed decisions, or innovate for the
improvement of personal, community, workplace, and regional/national
contexts. Thinking skills include:

a. Creative/Inventive Thinking - Combine or connect ideas and information in
unique and novel ways to generate new ideas, applications, products,
processes, or services;

b. Critical Thinking - Apply logic and reasoning to make sense of data or
information by posing questions, putting forward arguments, exploring
counterexamples, searching evidence, identifying relationships, recognizing
patterns and trends, evaluating pros and cons, and synthesizing information

c. Systems Thinking - Understand the bigger context of a system, its emergent
properties, and behavior over time by knowing the connections,
interrelationships, and dynamics of its constituent parts

d. Problem Solving - Identify feasible and efficient solutions to solve problems
and to create new opportunities

e. Transdisciplinary Thinking - Put together relevant concepts and processes
from multiple disciplines to generate solutions and new applications

f. Decision-making - Make a logical choice of action by looking at evidence,
exploring alternatives, considering likely impact, evaluating options and
providing justifications

g. Computational Thinking - Develop or apply computational models, tools and
techniques to interpret and understand data, solve problems, and guide
decision making

h. Ethical Thinking - Use value system as guide for making choices that
adhere to acceptable standards and protocols.

3. Multiliteracies are various forms of literacy that bridge STEM knowledge,
skills, attitudes, dispositions, and values. The literacies can be applied singly or
in combination with other forms depending on the context of learning. The
multiliteracies that are relevant to STEM in TVET are the following:

a. Numeracy - Apply mathematical ideas in personal, occupational, societal,
and scientific contexts by reasoning, creating representations, or using
measuring instruments or calculating tools

b. Digital Literacy - Search, evaluate, create, and share digital information
using ICT device, equipment, tools, platforms, and applications for
communication, collaboration, or problem solving

c. Civic Literacy - Contribute to the broader goals of the community by
participating proactively in community affairs and observing social

d. Cultural Literacy - Be sensitive and respectful of the culture where an
individual is immersed in

e. Occupational Health Literacy - Understand and apply occupational safety
standards and protocols as well as take care of one’s health and well-being
to maintain productivity

f. Entrepreneurial Literacy - Detect an opportunity and make it grow in a

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sustainable way applying relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes

g. Organizational Literacy - Negotiate way within an organization by
understanding its structure, dynamics of its members, communication
channels, and appropriate procedures

4. Socio-Emotional Intelligence refers to “the ability to integrate feeling,
intuition, and cognition to acknowledge, understand, manage, apply, and
express an individual’s emotions and social interactions at the right time, for the
right purpose, in the right context, and with the right person or group.”
(DevisRozenthal, 2017)

For STEM in TVET, the applicable components of socio-emotional intelligence are:

a. Communication - Convey and exchange thoughts, ideas and information
effectively through various mediums and approaches

b. Collaboration - Work effectively in a team to achieve shared goals either
through face-to-face or virtual interaction

c. Empathy - Sense, share and respond positively to the feelings of another

d. Agency - Manage own behavior and emotions to act professionally and
independently, make choices freely, and pursue goals persistently

e. Lifelong/ Life wide Learning
Find opportunities to enhance one’s knowledge and skills for continual learning;
Maintain curiosity, passion, and growth mindset; Connect learning to a purpose
and real-world context

f. Resilience - Thrive or prosper despite difficult circumstances; Be adaptable and

g. Leadership - Lead others to attain shared goals by managing relationships,
respecting diversity, recognizing talent, and empowering people

h. Service Orientation - Support a culture of service excellence within the
organization by producing products or providing services that exceed the
expectations of the customers

i. Project Management - Use resources (human, material, and time) wisely to
deliver work related tasks or projects

j. Global Mindset - Be adaptive to global standards but remain responsive to local

STEP 2: Analyze each assessment criteria on each Learning Outcome;

STEP 3. Identify the STEM competencies relevant to each assessment criteria.

STEP 4. Read STEM Pedagogies for TVET.

• Experiential learning - Immersing trainees in tools, activities, actual work
settings of the relevant trade;

• Contextual learning - Using examples that are familiar and relevant to the
situation of the trainees, which may also include indigenous resources such as
artefacts and tools;

• Problem-centered learning - Providing opportunities for students to address
authentic, open-ended, ill-structured, real-world problems for meaningful

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• Project-based Learning - Giving short-term challenges or tasks with relatively
shorter period of time to complete;

• Inquiry-based learning - Designing an investigation to enable students to
discover new concepts or explore scientific phenomenon by asking questions,
gathering evidence, offering explanation from evidence, connecting evidence to
scientific knowledge, as well as, providing justification based on patterns
derived from evidence;

• Design-based learning - Posing an open-ended, hands-on design challenge
that allows students to go through the engineering design or design thinking
processes in generating innovative solutions such as new products, optimized
processes or services;

• Collaborative learning - allowing trainees to work in teams, exercise
interpersonal and communication skills;

• Technology-supported learning - using ICT tools, platforms, software,
device, or equipment for training delivery or assessment;

• Phenomenon-based learning – using phenomena or observable occurrences
as anchors for investigations, as well as, launch pads for problem finding or
problem solving;

• Place-based learning - addressing local or community needs by applying
relevant STEM knowledge and skills;

• Education for Sustainable Development - using Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) as platforms for connecting learning to global needs for greater
societal impact; and

• Reflective learning - engaging in the analysis of individual or team thoughts,
actions, and outputs to enable improvement

STEP 5. Analyze each learning activity;

STEP 6. Identify STEM pedagogies applicable to each learning activity.


Sub-Task 6.7.2: Use Digital Tools for Content Creation and Flexible Learning Design

Description: Digital tools can help improve the look and effectiveness of learning materials.
The use of online and interactive learning content allows for flexibility in acquiring the
required knowledge and skills (competencies) of any chosen qualification due to their
availability, ease of access, and immediate feedback.

Use Digital Tools for Content Creation and Flexible Learning Design

STEP 1. Using the computer with internet access, search for the following digital tools
which can usually be used free of charge or on trial basis:

• Kotobee

• Interactive PDF

• Canva

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• Google Classroom
• Kahoot
• Quizlet
• H5P

STEP 2. Download and install the software and register your account.

STEP 3. Create digital content based on the Content of the Learning Outcomes. The most
effective tool to use in providing instant learning is the video annotation tool with
the following benefits:
• It improves reflective practice, reflective thinking level, and
communication competence;
• Supports collaborative learning and “Flipped” classroom
approach; and
• Is useful for evidence-based feedback (self and peer
Examples of this are the following:
• Explanatory/demonstration videos; and
• Technology-supported learning.

STEP 4. Convert information sheets into interactive PDF or eBook which supports
integration of video clip and quizzes.

STEP 5. Design short quizzes, problem-solving, and probing questions to ensure learning

STEP 6. Read the following on Flexible Learning Delivery:

Instructional Planning is essential to teaching because it is the process by
which teachers link curriculum to learning (Clark & Yinger, 1987)
Instructional Planning is the preparation for teaching and learning, including:
construction of goals, objectives, instructional and assessment methodology.
Instructional Planning involves decisions related to what will be taught, how it will
be organized for learning and how learning will be assessed. For analytical
purposes it is necessary to identify what students and teachers will do.

TESDA issued the Guidelines in implementing Flexible Learning in TVET thru
TESDA Circular 062 series of 2020. Operational Plan (OPLan) TESDA Abot
Lahat: TVET Towards the New Normal, provides guidelines in the management
and implementation of flexible learning in the delivery of technical vocational
education and training (TVET) in the country.

The Department of Education (DepEd) implemented the Flexible Learning
Options (FLO)-menu of learning interventions and pathways that are responsive
to the needs, context, circumstances and diversity of learners (DO No. 18, s.

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 19

The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) implemented the Flexible learning
is a pedagogical approach allowing flexibility of time, place, and audience
including, but not solely focused on the use of technology (Cassidy, et. al, 2016)

Flexible Learning in TVET provides relevance, accessibility and quality for training
providers and likewise connectivity, accessibility and capacity to aid the learners
in achieving the requirements for learning.

STEP 7. Finalize the material and share to students.


Sub-Task 6.7.3: Prepare the Module Content

Description: The module consists of a unit, chapter, topic, or segment of instruction. It is a
standard unit or instructional section of a course that is a “self-contained” set of instructions.
Modules allow instructors to organize content to help control the flow of the course. These
are used to organize course content and essentially create a one-directional linear flow of
what students should do in a course.
Each module can contain module, discussions, assignments, quizzes, learning materials,
etc. in accord with the STEM-oriented CBLM Framework. Module items can be added to the
course from existing content or new content within the modules. Course content can be
added to multiple modules or iterated several times. References to further strengthen the
module content are also added at the end of the Learning Outcomes and summarized at the
end of the module in the References page.

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Prepare the Module Content

STEP 1. For each module, label the following on the page:
• “MODULE CONTENT”; on top of the page;
• “Qualification” and the title of the qualification;
• “Unit of competency” and title of the unit of competency;
• “Unit Code” with the code number (optional);
• “Module Title” and title of the module;
• “Module Descriptor” and its description; and
• “Nominal Duration” and number of hours required to learn the particular

module; See example below:

STEP 2. Prepare the “Summary of Learning Outcomes”;
• Under the Summary of LO, list each LO which contain the LO Number and its
Title. See example below:

STEP 3. Write the title “Assessment Criteria” and enumerate all the assessment criteria
of that particular module. See example below:

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 21

STEP 4. Write down the title “Pre-requisite” and the unit of competency that is required to
take prior to the previous UC if there is one. This is optional.

Sub-Task 6.7.4: Prepare the Learning Outcome Details

Description: The Learning Outcome Summary consists of a Learning Outcome title,

Contents, Assessment Criteria, Conditions, and Assessment Methods. The contents of the
LO may contain the four (4) domains of STEM skills which can also be included in the
enhanced and validated CBC.

Prepare the Learning Outcome Details

STEP 1. Prepare the detail of each Learning Outcome of the Module.
• In each Learning Outcome after the module content page, write the following
✓ LEARNING OUTCOME DETAILS on top of the page.
✓ “LO number” and the title of the specific Learning Outcome; See example


LO #1 Prepare for the Production of Various Concoctions

STEP 2. Write CONTENTS label and under contents, list down all the specific and

appropriate contents (cognitive domains) relevant to that particular LO based on

CBC. See example below:


1. Types of Concoctions
2. Uses/Benefits of Concoctions
3. Tools, Materials and Equipment in the Preparation of Concoctions
4. Procedure in Preparing FPJ, FFJ, FAA/KAA/BAA, IMO, OHN,

LABS/LAS, CalPhos, Attractant and Repellent in accordance with the
Good Manufacturing Practices

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• Apply criteria in choosing Curriculum Content. These criteria are common to
most curricular design and development and these are:

1. Self-Sufficiency – This criterion helps learners attain maximum self-
sufficiency at the most economical manner or content selection. This is
done when the students or learners are given the chance to experiment,
observe and carryout field study;

2. Significance - The subject matter or content is significant if it is selected
and organized to develop learning activities, skills, processes, and attitudes.
It also develops the three domains of learning, namely the cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor skills, and considers the learners’ cultural
aspects. Particularly, if your students come from different cultural
backgrounds and races, the subject matter must be culture-sensitive. In
short, select content or subject matter that can achieve the overall aim of
the curriculum.

3. Validity - refers to the authenticity of the subject matter or content you
selected. Make sure that the topics are not obsolete. For example, do not
include typewriting as a skill to be learned by college students. It should be
about the computer or Information Technology (IT). Thus, there is a need to
regularly check the curriculum’s subject matter or contents and replace it if
necessary. Do not wait for another five years to change it. Modern
curriculum experts are after current trends, relevance, and authenticity of
the curriculum; otherwise, the school or the country becomes obsolete.

4. Interest - This criterion is valid to the learner-centered curriculum. Students
learn best if the subject matter is interesting, thus makes it meaningful to
them. However, if the curriculum is subject-centered, teachers have no
choice but to finish the pacing schedule religiously and only teach what is in
the material.

5. Utility - Another criterion is the usefulness of the content or subject matter.
Students must be convinced that the subject matter are necessary to them.
They must view them as important part of their life.

6. Learnability - The subject matter or content must be within the schema of
the learners. It should be within their experiences. Teachers should apply
theories in the psychology of learning to know how subjects are presented,
sequenced, and organized to maximize students’ learning capacity.

7. Feasibility - means the full implementation of the subject matter. It should
consider the school’s real situation, the government, and society in general.
Students must learn within the allowable time and the use of resources
available. Do not give them a topic that is impossible to finish.

STEP 3. Add STEMified contents based on the enhanced and validated CBC. See
example below:

• Procedure in using sanitizing agents
• Types of concoctions
• Tools, materials and equipment used in the preparation of concoctions
• Personal hygiene procedure

• Methods of cleaning and sanitizing
• Uses and Benefits of concoctions
• Types of raw materials used for concoctions

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 23

• Effects of personal hygiene in concoctions

• Dosage requirement using sanitizing agents
• Inventory of raw materials
• Inventory of tools, materials and equipment
• Reports on areas to be sanitized
• Maintenance report of tools and equipment
Environmental Issues and Other concerns
• Disposal of left over
• Synthetic chemical contamination of raw materials
• Principles of 5S and 3Rs

STEP 4. Add the details of “Assessment Criteria” identify and list down all the assessment

criteria of the particular Learning Outcome. See example below:

• Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
• Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals
• Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from
contaminations and must be of “food grade” quality
• Personal hygiene are observed according to OHS procedures.

STEP 5. Add the details of “Condition”, list all the specific learning environment,
equipment/ machines and materials/supplies needed. See example below:

The trainee/student must be provided with the following:

• Equipment
- LCD Projector
- Desktop computer or Laptop
- Printer

• Supplies and Materials
- Plastic pail with cover (3L capacity)
- Chopping board
- Weighing scale, 2 kilos capacity
- Plastic pail without cover
- Strainer or nylon screen, fine mesh net
- Storage container with cap (1.5L capacity)
- Stone (0.5 kg weight)
- Knife
- Marker pen
- Storage tool/cabinet
- Scissors
- First aid kit
- Wooden ladle
- Wooden box or bamboo split
- Waste can

• Raw materials
- Kangkong, Camote leaves, alugbati, malunggay leaves, banana
truncks, bamboo shoots and other green plant leaves
- Ripe and sweet fruit
- Molasses, mascuvado and brown sugar
- Trash fish and gills scales, whole fish and golden kuhol meat
- Garlic, ginger

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- Pure vinegar
- Animal bones, egg shells and kuhol shell
- Cooked rice
- Fresh milk
- Clear liquid from fermented rice wash
• Print/Learning Materials
- Hard copy of the procedure in preparing various concoctions
- PNS of fertilizer and pesticides
- Checklist of allowed materials based on Appendix 2 of PNS

STEP 6. List possible “Assessment Methods” or strategies in assessing the trainee for this

particular LO. See example below:

• Observation
• Interview
• Demonstration with questioning

Sub-Task 6.7.5: Prepare the Learning Experiences
Description: These refer to any interaction, course, program, learning activities or
other experience in which learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic
settings (schools, classrooms) or nontraditional settings (outside-of-school locations, outdoor

Prepare the Learning Experiences page

STEP 1. Write the title “LEARNING EXPERIENCES”. Each learning outcome under
Learning Experiences must have Learning Activities and Special Instructions.


The criteria in preparing learning experiences by the experts must be based on
the recent or modern principles of learning. These are:

• Validity: Learning experience is valid when it related objectives are in any of
the three domains; cognitive, affective and psychomotor, the learning
experience must be holistic to involve all the domains.

• Variety: All learners are different and learn in different ways based on their
interest and ability, therefore varied learning experience must be provided to
help them comprehend.

• Interest: Learning experience must be interesting so that the learners will be
willing to achieve the required learning objectives.

• Relevance to Life: Learning experience must be relevant to real-life situations
in school and in the society to help learners understand their society and
suggest solutions to some problems of the society. This is where community-
based resources come to play. Experience in real content and situation bring
realism to teaching and learning.

• Suitability: Learning experience must not be too simple nor complex but
rather be suitable for the age or level of the learners and for the content which

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 25

it is meant for.

• Comprehensive: Learning experience must cover all the stated objectives in
a lesson; it must range from the simplest learning experiences to the most
complex, covering all the domains of learning.

STEP 2. Each learning activities must have an instructional sheet if applicable, (e.g.,
information sheet, self-check, answer keys, task sheet, performance criteria
checklist, job sheet or operation sheet) on each content with corresponding
specific instructions for each item.

STEP 3. For every Learning Outcome, prepare a table, write the appropriate learning
STEP 4. activities, special instructions with numbering system corresponding to each listed
content of that specific LO;

Label the top row with “Learning Activities” and “Special Instructions”;

STEP 5. List all the appropriate learning activities of each content under each particular LO

STEP 6. Under the Special Instructions, write the following:

• “Read Information Sheet 1.1.1” and the specific content;
• “Answer Self-Check 1.1.1” – Questions on the content;

• Compare answers with the Answer Key 1.1.1

STEP 7. Repeat step no. 5 and 6 and finish all the contents of each LO. See example

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Sub-Task 6.7.6: Develop the Information Sheet

Description: It is the record of basic information of a particular subject, course, program or
activity. This information will be used to gain the specific knowledge, skills that are needed
by the learner or anyone as a result of his/her education or training.

Develop the Information Sheet

STEP 1. Prepare a page and write the title “Information Sheet” with the number code.
Please refer to Learning Experiences to get the number code;

STEP 2. Below the Information Sheet, type the title of the content under that particular

Write the phrase “Learning Objectives” and list the objectives of that
information sheet or content;

Note: The characteristics of Learning Objective should keep on a knowledge
level but formulated in such a way that it is SMART.

S - Specific,
M - Measurable,
A - Attainable,
R - Relevant and
T - Time bounded

STEP 4. Discuss in details the theory, concept and principles with images or pictures
associated with the topic involved. See example below:

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Sub-Task 6.7.7: Develop the Self-Check
Description: This corresponds to test items designed to measure the knowledge gained by
the learner from the information provided.

Develop the Self-Check

STEP 1. Prepare the page where you want to write the self-check, preferably right after
the last page of Information Sheet;

STEP 2. Decide on the type of test you are going to develop depending on the data
presented in the Information Sheet;

Examples of tests that can be used are the following:

o Multiple choices
o Matching type
o Fill the blanks
o Enumeration
o Essay
o Etc.

Step 3. Write the header or the title “SELF-CHECK” on top with numbering system on
row 1; Ex. SELF-CHECK 1.1-1.

STEP 4. Label row 2, column 1 with the type of test to be used e.g., “MULTIPLE
CHOICES, MATCHING TYPE, etc.”. Note: You may use a combination of
appropriate tests that would help validate the learning gained by learners; For
example, multiple choice can be used in the first part of the test and matching
type for the second past.

STEP 5. Prepare the Direction for the Self-Check;

STEP 6. Start building the test based on the Information Sheet; See example below:

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STEP 7. For critical thinking, you may devise a test that would allow learners to provide
answers based on their own ideas e.g., “ESSAY”.

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Sub-Task 6.7.8: Develop the Answer Key
Description: Answer keys are essential feedback tools. Answer keys should always follow a
self-check so that learners can compare their own answers immediately. This allows for
immediate feedback.

Develop the Answer Key

STEP 1. Prepare the sheet where you want to write the Answer Key, preferably right after
the Self-Check;

STEP 2. Write the header or the title “ANSWER KEY” on top with numbering system on row
1; and

STEP 3. Supply the corresponding correct answers of the Self-Check to the Answer Key.

Sub-Task 6.7.9: Develop the Task Sheet
Description: This refers to a written set of instructions telling the learner to perform a single

Develop the Task Sheet

STEP 1. Prepare a page to draw the table columns, table rows, and label them accordingly.
STEP 2. Write the header or the title “TASK SHEET” on top with numbering system on row

STEP 3. Label row 3, column 1 with “Title” and the title of the task;
STEP 4. Label row 5, column 1 with “Learning Objective” and the objective/s;
STEP 5. Label row 7, column 1 with “Materials and Equipment” and list all the required

materials and equipment needed;
STEP 6. Label on row 9, column 1 with “Steps and Procedures” and write all the

necessary steps for that particular task underneath;
STEP 7. Label on 11, column 1 with “Assessment Methods” and below it, list all the

appropriate STEM pedagogies.

See example below:

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Sub-Task 6.7.10: Develop the Performance Criteria Checklist

Description: These are set of criteria to evaluate the learner on the performance of a specific
Task; Please refer to Page 175 CBLM on Trainers Methodology Level 1, Planning Training
Session, for details on how to prepare Performance Criteria Checklist.

Develop the Performance Criteria Checklist

STEP 1. Prepare a page right after the Task Sheet;

STEP 2. Draw the table columns and table rows that you need if you are going to use a
table, and label them accordingly.

Step 3. Write the header or the title “PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CHECKLIST” on top
with numbering system on row 1;

STEP 4. Label row 2, column 1 with “CRITERIA”;

STEP 5. Label row 3, column 1 with “DID I …?”

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 31

STEP 6. Label row 3, column 2 with “YES”;
STEP 7. Label on row 3, column 3 with “NO”; and

STEP 8. List down the performance criteria of the specific task;

STEP 9. Allocate a space at the bottom of the page for the names and signature of
Learning Facilitator and Name of Trainee. See example below:

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Sub-Task 6.7.11: Develop the Job Sheet
Description: A Job Sheet is a set of instructions for the performance of a Job. A job is a
combination of tasks and/or operations needed in to develop a product or performance of a
service or a combination of both. Please refer to Page 186 of CBLM on Trainers
Methodology Level 1 entitled “Planning Training Session” on how to prepare Job Sheets.

Develop the Job Sheet

STEP 1. Draw the table columns and table rows that you need you are going to use a table,
and label them accordingly.

STEP 2. Write the header or the title “JOB SHEET” on top with numbering system on row1;
STEP 3. Label row 2, column 1 with “Title” and the title of the job;
STEP 4. Label row 3, column 1 with “Performance Objective” and the objective/s;
STEP 5. Label row 4, column 1 with “Nominal Time” and the duration;
STEP 6. Label row 5, column 1 with “Safety Precaution” if any;
STEP 7. Label row 6, column 1 with “Materials, Tools and Equipment” and list all the

required materials, tools and equipment needed;
STEP 6. Label row 7, column 1 with “Specifications” that shows a simple drawing of the

output of the job to be done;
STEP 7. Label on row 7, column 1 with “Steps/ Procedure” and write all the necessary

steps for that particular task underneath preferably with simple illustrations and
safety precautions, if required;
STEP 8. Label on 8, column 1 with “Assessment Methods” and below it, list all the
appropriate assessment strategies or methods.

See example below:

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 33

STEP 9. Prepare a Performance Criteria Checklist page for the Job Sheet.


Sub-Task 6.7.12: Develop the Operation Sheet

Description: An Operation Sheet is a set of instructions for the operation or use of a
particular machine or equipment. Please refer to Page 182 of CBLM on Trainers
Methodology Level 1 entitled “Planning Training Session” for details on how to prepare
Operation Sheets.

Develop the Operation Sheet

STEP 1. Prepare a page to draw the table columns and table rows, and label them

STEP 2. Write the header or the title “OPERATION SHEET” on top with numbering system
on row1;

STEP 3. Label row 3, column 1 with “Title” and the title of the operation;

STEP 4. Label row 5, column 1 with “Learning Objective” and the objective/s;

STEP 5. Label row 7, column 1 with “Materials and Equipment” and list all the required
materials and equipment needed;

STEP 6. Label on row 9, column 1 with “Steps and Procedures” and write all the
necessary steps for that particular task underneath preferably with simple
illustrations and safety precautions, if required;

STEP 7. Label on 11, with “Assessment Methods” and below it, list all the appropriate
assessment strategies or methods.

See example below:

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STEP 8. Prepare a Performance Criteria Checklist page for the Operation Sheet.


Description: References page/s provides the list of cited reference materials used in
developing the instruction sheets (Information/Task/Operation/Job Sheets). The list may
include but not be limited to related materials for furtherance of learning.

Develop the References page/s

STEP 1. Prepare a page and put “REFERENCES” on top of the page.
STEP 2. Review the information sheets of the modules and list the titles of the resources

gathered from published and printed or non-printed materials including internet or
online resources.

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 35

In case of printed references e.g., books, magazines, newspapers, researches,
etc., indicate the title of the material, title of the topic cited, the author and the
page number where the topic appeared.

In case of non-printed references e.g., videos, slide presentations, speeches,
recorded seminars, documentaries, etc., indicate the title of the material, title of
the topic cited, the author, publisher, narrator, etc.

STEP 3. Include the name/s of the person/s who developed the module including their
designation, and institution. This is optional. See example below:


Description: Copyright is a bundle of exclusive legal rights concerned with the protection of
literary and artistic works. The policy objective of copyright law is to balance the interests of
rights holders with the rights of users of information. Works are protected by the sole fact of
their creation, irrespective of their mode or form of expression, as well as of their content,
quality and purpose.

Check for Copyright Violation

STEP 1. Open the CBLM document to be reviewed.

STEP 2. Find the first Information Sheet of the CBLM and read through the written
information and look for citations or links to online publications.

STEP 3. If information or topics were properly cited, check the link to make sure that it is not
broken and the information is current or up-to-date.

STEP 4. Read the following copyright rules:

Ways to avoid infringement and plagiarism:

1. Use public domain works

2. Use licensed content

3. Check the terms and conditions of online platforms/services

4. Take advantage of fair use

5. When in doubt, follow the general rule: obtain prior permission from the

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author/copyright owner

Moral rights confer the following on the author of a work:

1. To require that the authorship of the works be attributed to him, in particular;
the right that his name, as far as practicable, be indicated in a prominent way
on the copies, and in connection with the public use of his work;

2. To make any alterations of his work prior to, or to withhold it from publication;

3. To object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or other
derogatory action in relation to, his work which would be prejudicial to his honor
or reputation; and

4. To restrain the use of his name with respect to any work not of his own creation
or in a distorted version of his work.

Fair use allows the reuse of copyrighted material under certain circumstances
without getting permission from the copyright owner.

The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching
including limited number of copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and
similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright.

In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is fair use,
the factors to be considered shall include:

a) The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes;

b) The nature of the copyrighted work;

c) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole; and

The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted

As much as possible...
1. Do not commercialize.
2. Limit the reach.
3. Make the use transformative.
4. Use only the amount necessary to achieve your purpose.
5. Give proper attribution

❖ Copyright owner needs to give prior authorization (“license”) for the use of his
work by another.

❖ Even if using public domain/CC-licensed works or relying on fair use, it is still a
good practice to give proper attribution to the author.

To register and deposit copyrighted works:

1. Go to
2. Under “Services”, click “Copyright”
3. Click “Deposit Copyrighted Works”

Procedure for online filing of copyright registration

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 37

1. If someone infringes your copyright, you have in your possession an official
document stating that you are the copyright owner of such work.

2. It makes it easier for others who desire to use your work to identify and locate
you should they require your permission

The IPOPHL shall issue a certificate upon successful registration of works.

STEP 5. If you have issues or problems concerning copyright, please refer to the IPOPHL
website or their Facebook page.

• Website:
• Facebook page

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Description: This table of contents is a list, usually on a page at the beginning of an
academic writing or any reading material and outlines the chapters or sections names with
their corresponding page numbers. In addition to chapter names, it includes bullet points of
the sub-chapter headings or subsection headings.

Prepare the Table of Contents

STEP 1. Go to top of the document and insert a page before the LIST OF
STEP 2. On top of the page, write the title “TABLE OF CONTENTS”;
List all the contents of the module with corresponding page number.

Note: You may be able to generate a table of contents automatically in MS Word
by doing the following:

- Click where you want to insert the table of contents;
- Click References>Table of Contents and then choose an Automatic Table

of Contents style from the list. Adjust as necessary.

See example below:

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 39

Description: This process collects data, measures and judges the extent to which the
planned courses, programs or the contents as expressed in the curriculum produce the
expected results. This process may use a validation instrument that would be accomplished
by respondents (preferably trainers and trainees) who are users of the CBLM.

Validate the CBLM Module

STEP 1. Secure Training Regulation/CS, CBC and CBLM;
STEP 2. Look at examples of other curriculum (CBLM) models and make comparisons;
STEP 3. Evaluate the format of the CBLM using the CBLM Evaluation Checklist found in

this link:
STEP 4. Look for realistic link between contents including the images;
STEP 5. Check and analyze each and every content of the CBLM if the objectives are met;
STEP 6. Validate the CBLM using the CBLM Validation Questionnaire found in these links: or ;
STEP 7. Review the CBLM vertically and horizontally;
STEP 8. Check for copyright violation, layout and formatting style; and
STEP 9. Recommend based on findings.

Description: This pilot test activity is in a small-scale, short-term effort designed to provide
data about the viability and implementability of the program before it will fully be utilized on
a large scale

Pilot Test the CBLM Module

STEP 1. Develop a plan for pilot testing the new CBLM module.
STEP 2. Set timetable to meet the deadline of the pilot test;
STEP 3. Choose a representative group of people who have used the curriculum to

complete the pilot test forms. Make sure that the number of people to be involved
is high enough to get a good response sample but low enough so that the number
is manageable by the evaluator.
STEP 4. Appoint a person to handle the pilot testing process;
STEP 5. Tabulate the results of the pilot test,
STEP 6. Analyze and interpret the findings and
STEP 7. Make recommendations to the appropriate curriculum committee based on the
analysis and interpretation of findings.

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Description: CBLM modules are finalized based on the pilot-testing, results. Comments and
suggestions must be carefully analyzed before applying the changes to the document.

Finalize the CBLM Module

STEP 1. Gather the results of the CBLM pilot testing;
STEP 2. Analyze the results and apply changes to the Module;
STEP 3. Package the CBLM;
STEP 4. Seek approval from the CBLM Development Team Leader (VIS);
STEP 5. Publish the CBLM; and
STEP 5. Monitor utilization.

Manual for CBLM Development Page | 41


• TVET Glossary of Technical Terms
• TM1 Module – Plan Training Session
• CBLM on Producing Organic Concoctions and Extracts
• Flexible Learning in TVET, TESDA Circular 062 series of 2020
• Flexible Learning Options (FLO), DO No. 18, s. 2020
• Intellectual Property,

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