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Information Book : City Hall Kuala Lumpur. (1992). Organisation Management Department. City Hall Kuala Lumpur.

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Published by perpustakaankualalumpur, 2021-07-20 21:51:48

Information Book : City Hall Kuala Lumpur

Information Book : City Hall Kuala Lumpur. (1992). Organisation Management Department. City Hall Kuala Lumpur.

Keywords: DBKL

onwn 85S

Dew.ut Bandnraya Kuala Lumpur
(Perpu!>t:d;IWl Kuala lump•lbu u ••b ....."


T lus ll,II!C'In..,l"l\' ll"!'.t•mbles thenalionallloll.( \\!IIIIIs ll'd oiiiCI \\hill• "lrlpa•..,,
11·'''" hlur cnlour. che o;;car and Lht" yl'llow CT<''-1 c 111 111111111 llw..c· \ 1111111..;
c•lt·mt>nl" nrc> ln~parable as Kuala Lumpur,.., tlw M.•l.a\ o;f,lll allpll.ll.mct
l"e'flr•r.ll le·crilor.
11te I I retl .met whuc horv:onral stript'-. <>cQnil\ thr• 1.\ nwmlwc Molh"' ol M.•l:l\ -.aa
• mil) It' l c'clt'ml Ta·rnlOT) of Kuala Lumpur \\huh f, undt>1 th(' h~lt r. I Gml'rnnwnt
uhllllll'llllllon Tite <:re:>Cenl and the ::.tar '>ll!lltl\ bl.•m as tlw oflld<tl rdl~um Thr•
I I po1111 oltha• -.~mbole.e the 13 ::.talt-. Ill \1,11.1\ 1a uud lilt' h•drc,ll li.•rritm) of
Ku,,J,, l.umpur \\lm h ,u·Lo.. as the cenll'\' ufCmt'llllllc 111 •llld ttlmhustr,lliull
• I Ill''""' him· l'nlnur m the middle ..,ymholht·.... 1111' unll\ ol II II' mull I r.u

' lll'''"s ul lhc· ft'<lt.-ml TerrilOT)' of l<u.tla Lumpur.
e 1111' n•dc·oltn11 ~ymbolbes lhe COUJCtQt' and n)!lllll ol oltltV Ill J,tdlll( lhc•

c ll.cllc•ngc•-. tow<trrll'l buildin,g a dynnmic nnd progc1·sr-lvc• c·n..,nwpolllnn :-.m it'lv.
• 'l'lw ydluw c·oluu c symbolises the sovereij4nl.v t~ rld• cll y nl l<wilu l.lllllJHH.
• llw while- l'nlonr -.ymbolises purity. C'lennllne<;s .1ntl lwa11tV nf Ow c•tt\' ·'"

· 1111' <o.u dc•n (.'llv of Ll ~hts-.


City llall Cre l launched on the 31st January 1992 Is

11pec l lly fo r Uu: u e or City Hall's admlnJ tnhon only

T ht\ f 1\"SI (( 0.\T Cll ,\I{\1S)'.., rn.\ Ha11 Kuala Lumpur ,._ I hi" Inc .11
mthorlt\ w.spnns1hli' 101 tht• .trhnmt"-tration and riM·dnpnwnt ol tlu- Ill\ ol
Kunl1 1.ump111 as. I t~cr I lemtOI)' and the capnal rHv ol :\lnl;;l\'s~a

Peninsular 1\ris rqtn- cnt" 1 ourage and ~tcadl.,..,t In tlw l..t\\ uul tlu
f nn!\lllullon
Thu ( "'""'"'l! Krls
"' mholi"t'" "ll'f'neth and cultural h<-rH.u:c•
1>\'lllhnll..,c"< ..,,lid protecl101l to tht' I'll\ pnp1 !1.11 1 Ill .111
lkd C'o l01 11 On ""JII't t-. nl flcYc-lopmem lnC'Illflinll. s1wlal oiiHI t•t·ottollllr·
'll w S h it'ld cit•\ c•lo IJlllll'tll.
Bini•, Hl'd And
While• ( olotll .. II ' JI I'('I-01'111 '\ IJ \1;' ('OUrage Of Ih e COTI1HIII IIfl y ol 1( 111111 1 I.IIIIIJII II
Emhlt·n• <ll 111 lito •c• l l w c·ha llc nges of n ew e ras.
Kual.t Llamp111
clt'plc t I he ro lours of Ku a la Lump11r Fb~ :lllfl l lw N.ltton.ll
Hlbas.; "" I• 1.1,1!

1r~talk-.' l.t" 1\ ~ II' Jlii'S''"'" Ku.tla Lumpur as lhc C"<lpll.tltll\'111 \1. tl.w 1.1 .md
,,., lilt' ll· TcniLOry.
I« Jlrc tIll" tJw :'\allonal Flower of Mal,\) ,I,a

~\ mholt"'•' thP rlen•lopment ot Kuala lumpur In lint' wllh
ht.;'IUtlllc.allull and t'Oibenatiun ot llw tll\lmlllnrnt

(.,'"Jin'..,,."'" tht- cuy·... c·ht"e''ful dt..po-.luon • !> :t N"rlln nl all

maim c!<"l•·bmUQns and well kuo~,l .... -n,~ •nlnt t II\ ul

llitl lt..•


The emblem of Kuala Lumpur was designed In J972 and can be used by
residents of Kuala Lumpur.

T lu clr-stl!ll nl the t."mhlem ~vmbcllh<"" th,. lhrt'e m.aln h·.llurrs nl 1<11ol.a
I IIIIIJllll ll:tlllt'h ....

• 11ar rrnl n> of Go\ enuuenr and Adnurw•tr.:tllon
• 1 he rntw of< ommen:c:
e 11l• ( crun• of ullure nnd l.Ramut:!

lltr S\ lllhol ''·'" e Jt',llt'd U\ the r)Pml'nls ol lite• licit n sec 111 ol till'
1al,t\ ..,1,111 lla!! to n•pn-senl Ihe..,..,,, ol (;e•\1'1111111'111 I he• .th'>tr.u·t tk-,11!11 ul
tlw H111gg11 tt.!ll rqJn·sc·ntc;; rommt'rce. anrl tlw .,l nu tuw ul 111 Hlltlllll\t 1 a11 npt•n
hook I•'PI<'St'lll-. c•ultttrc• and learnin.l!,.

ll u ..,, "\'llthulh l'lc•mt•nt.;; Hn' ront;.utwd Ill 1111' l l llt'l' ht•,,t~llll,tl t l' lottno., .11 llw
t'\111',11111 "'" ol llu int !'rloc•king involu te ~p lr:il o.,. llw 1'1'11111.11 fotlllH "\'lltllOIIsc• llw
Jllf'"t'llt't' nl 111.111 ul.tdl" lhin~s ln the uri J~Ul c·rwlroll ttlt' l ll w llldt .tit' lt~sc•p<~r; , hk from

IJil' !'lt' llll' lll .. Ill llollllrt' nR clt"pil'lcd IJy tlH • hWOh lit• " Jlll :llH.

111111' dc·'llgll .... vkwl'd I tt .m uveraU pt·r~pt'dh't' II " ll t.ij.(t''l( 'l :til oi 'I'IOI'i.IHIIIl n l lilt'

dun•·• II ut n.llul'f' :'llld nta n-ma dt' thiiW> lll.lklll~ Llllltfllll .1 11\ n:nnh .tml

lmpm I tnt 1 II v.

Ill<' tolours r hn:->~'11 are rclatffi to lhr rlf'lllt'IIIG lht'\ II'Jl"'"e'lll. I ht• hlttc• ll":O.\ mule-.

I he tulntu ,,,,, ...\-.t,m tla!! and lht> y~llo\\ Ill till' S lltl olllll f fl'<;( ··all I ht• H'lluw

r.ll Ihi lilt' 'W~IIIt'lll
l.VIIInll"rrt• and lhl' l!n"Ctl In llll' St.'f.!lalt Ill '"' uh lilt' IIIII kamlnl.!

signal\ nmth, attl h!t', .tppropriatf' mth uur l!mwhtt,l 11111 '" nr.mlr •uhu~t•

II ntollo 1::; KUAL\ LU 1Pl:R \1AJU DA.'I i\L\K.\11 If. nw;tnlng
KUAI.J\ I.UMI){JI< I'I<OGIU:SSl\-E .\.'\TI I'I<OSI't:HOI !"'

Information Book ofCtty Hall Kuala lumpur To c•n.,un· 1hal I ht' lnfra!>truc·lun
fudliltl·::. U1cludlng traffic· and (lri:llnne;r
F rom a minor rown Kmtl:l l.11mp11r hab o:;yc;trmc; art' prm1clt'd fur tit<·
t·mell!rd to be Lhe ht!t~f'<>t rlty In t'CIIln•nft' lll'e uf lbe residt>nts n<, wt•ll as
Malaysia and lhts phl"nomt•nnn I hP C'OIInlry.
t·unlinuc.!> to be rapid!' clevt'lop1111! Tht> t·H~ of
Kuala Lumpur t'urrt'nlly has bl'COillt' vital os a To enstlre a comprchrnRivt> plnnnlng for
<'<'lllt'l' lor admin istralion. l'OllllllL'rc:c and all !H'<'l o rs.
l i n :-111<'<'.
ro ('lll-o llrt· lh::tl Lhe housfn~ I:'IC' l li l i('<;
Kss:c~la Lumpur is administered hv .\:;ole
<'orpnmllon which L<; lht> City COJporatlon provided <lr<' approprialt' wllh tlw
c;inre I April 1961 whtrh hal> autonomous tncome statu'5 ol the resident<: e<.peclallv
(10\\'t'r!:t lnduding nnanci<ll aflairs lor low c~nd medium cost hou~ln~.

In .u:cord;mce with the Federal t.apual Act To c·n sun· thai the number of lllr~al
1960 (Act 190}. Kuala Lumpur h -.qualler<; !11 Kuala Lumpur is abh· to be
.stltninl~tt:n>d by U1e Mayo• of Ku n ia Lumpur rt•d IH'('(j
appulntcd by His M~jesLy Titt· 1\lnt:!
lh et1sun· thai tbc ckvcloptuctll () I l11<:·
OBJECTIVES OF CITY HALL . vtll.lf.!<' urNtS are harmoniously in line·
w1 111 tltt' clevdopmenl of l<unlu Lttntpur.
li> <·n~tm' I hal U1e quailtv ol tlit•
To t·n:-.tlrP thai pr-Hy lr:1drrs ;md
<'tW1mnmrni is impmvcd ancl bulcuwed lt<tWkl.·t-. an· rl'loc-aled Lo ~uiLablt.' ,tt<•o.s
lrom th!' aspects of dranlh1<'""· !wall h. with h•ISIC' f:'lcililies.
<"f'Oin~' ancl de,·elopmt'nt
l'o •·n~ur~· that Kuala Lmnpur performs
To C"ll<>lln' that Lhf" acll\ flies lor 1h t> it.., role as the narion'c; capilal In ,111
benutlfication ot Kuala Lumpur :'Is n 'riry fidel ...
wilhl11 a ~arden' arc intrn...ilkd lmm time
Ill Ume.

lnfomJallon Book nf (tty 11all Kuala Lumpur

FUNC'nONS OF CITY HALL lh m. na..!t' 11111 c untrul h.mkct., .mel pelt\'

In onkr 10 11 htt•n• lht• nhmt• ohJN laH•s. Catv rrad!'~
lldlllmcl• rtak( lht• huuuun ln•rn thr
;1..,Jlf'll.., ol sc·n h ('s m~ut.tJ!ertwut • To 111.111. t!.t' ts-.u.allt t' uuii'Oillroltradtnc
• rinlltllstr.allon pl.uuallll! .uul d1 \l'lopment as
lnltrm ... liC'l'll'l' •

'lo ptm'lclt• c lc• mshw '''" h t''· lil prlJ\ tclt• pubht• Hllll'llllil'' (.,t,HIImn.
li1 provlclt• puhll•· lw.ellll Mt't\'lt'll> and c;porls t·nmpln;fnartllllllllll\' t t'llllt'.
mntml ot pollt tl lnn mo'>qut /.,tu.t ll. ll'c lun p.trk m.ukt•f.
hawkt>r., rl'ntn· ltlu.uv. p11hl1t tolkt,
' lh 111:11lllg t• ollld 111111111<1111 p111tllt• park~ lnas/laxt ...t.\lld . g t .tVI v.anl .uad
ond c·ity I W. lltlilit '<~llon .
li11 tlll.,lt lll'l .tntI ul.tlul;~ln road::~ . lo
pill\ Jdt 1'·"'"port.ltlon Jlc•twork and to To nnmngt' !-<pOl t" ;lltllr·llllHI'Itl i tl'ltvltlt•s.,\1' I nllllf' "\''lt'lll'<.
lu1·on..lt111 I mclano~tul.lln ch ,JIIl.ll!t'
' \ ~lt'IIIS ,II tel I I\ I I'S lllt'rf' an' HJ dt' tmt•llh 1111cl1·t tlw ""np~ nf
the nl t'Hy II 111 g, c·f'\
'lo m.ut:t,:!l' ,11111 c onllultlw pl<~lliiiiU! and depanml'nt ll.h 11-:; It pull\•' lutullon" .mci
dt'\Pioptllt'lll ol th•• c II\' hcadt:"d h\' .1 cltn·t lnl ulllll' cit JMIIIIIt'lll \\)1!1111
tum I'> dtn-t th h''puusshl,. lu tlw 1,1\'nr.
To """'·'l!t>. t~lllml .md n·lcM .11r. illt'l.!al Dm·cror Grnf' .uullkplll\' Du•' tot Gt·m•
Admtnhtr.allmt .md Sc•t'\ 11 ~s ,.., well,,..,
"<tUallt'I'S DeptHY Dtn·c·wr (~t•nc r.all rh.lll :\l,uMl!t'IIWnl


In t(lOltlamc \\lilt the n'ilcl tl C.tpllnl z\cl Tin~ Fedt 1ul At I 11ll>O (A< I 1901 ut...-~
1960 (J\( 1 I' Ol Ku al.a l.umpur I"
.ulrnlnblt n d h\ thf' M.l\Or ol Kuala l.umpur. I'"'' ldt •lim lht uppolutuu 111 ul Ad' [-.or.
1ppolnlt d b\ Ill M ljt st~ 1lu Kin~ TI1e
i\1.1\0r of Kual1 lmnpur I' the t:hl<'f EX('("Utl\e Board :\h miK 1 to 1th1SC' th< Mel\ or In
uf C II\ li all
nldllt r" of ulmlulst nation of Ku ali'l l.urnpur

Cit\ lt.tll 1111., Ach lsor\ Board N•ll,bh of

a Otr M.l\or ( h tlrlll.lll

().uuk l..okm.m hln 'usnl bring tht• fnnnrr

c It\ c omml,,tnn• r of l.umpur was h 12 J:x ollit lo ppohll• ll b\ 111...
Mt•mlw r.;; 1.1Jrsl\ llw Kill!!
nppmnt• clnn I l'l'hntllr\ 1972 as tht> Ju-....1

MaH•r ol Ku. 11 lwnpua lit p, s.-·cl.t\\,t_\ nn

I''"• ~t.l\ l<"t72 I 111 ~li 't.t.1111h lun Abdul l~tllll

\\.ts ••JI)lOtllll•d rl'> Ius sue ccssut <•II I .Juh THE COMMITT.EES

1'172 l.tll Sit 't•lol~tllt 11111•\lldtll Litllll whu '1l'\'t J,Jl I 0111 1111tlt ('S otiC' itlllllt'ti lttl 1)11
JliiiJlOH' ol aso,l...,llng lit•· M:t\'111 111 untlkt:; ol
"' "1 cl 1 tlw ~lol\"1 of 1\,t ltlllllllll lor
~ld 1111111 ~1 l'tl j IIIII
111mc llt.tll II) Vt'ltt' \\'Ill. stu c•t·o•dql bv IJt~ln'

t.;lvn " hill Ott tHt 011 I h•htllill v tuX.~. I ht
w""lnlltllt Mll\'01 ttl 1\tt.d.t l.tllllfllll
Uato UJ

1\1,111.11111111 l w lat• \\ 1"< tppnllllt•d 1111 17 l'ltt• ..... ttl l'llllllllliil'l'" ill!' ..... lttlltl\\' ' .

Nm l'tllltl'l l'J'l:l. 1.111 Sal I >,tlo 1\.tllhlfll/:/anlan

IIIII ~lt.lltll \\l111 IS 1111' IIIII! l\.1,t\'IH n( Knal<t 1\II<IQt'l I lid Ill loll II I 1\cl\ j<otll\' ( llllllllillt't'

l.umput \\ ts qtpotnlc (I <Ill I I (),., t•mhf'l' 19Y5 lr>\\ II l'l,IIHlltl~ ( lllllllllllt I fiJ'{ J

.utd Is 1 11111 1111\ In sa 1\ ll>t

Joint 11\ U.tll uuJ Plllfl o;slonallu..,lllu

IlOll(. lll.,llllltJ\l ( Ullllllltlt I

Bttlltltn~-; Ut I~o-:u Ad\ l~n) <..: ouunlllt:c

fl'Jitlt'T Jioanl

quul.tlhlll <onnnlllt<f'

lk;luiiOc,Jtlnn uad ((('('n \d\a-.or.·


1\..,..,t"SSillt'lll ( 111llllllllf't (I ll1)1'l lllll"'f

• 11.1\\ J-t'l" 1\l.lllol..:t lilt 1\1 ( 11111111111<'1'

T t niHt 1\th•lo.;IJI\ ~ tlllllltl l lt·t•

h• ftollilot\' Nttllll.t llJio.;a..,kt
L'tllllllllt kc•

<'"'""Itl<u.ul .1111lt1A lea·.

1'11\',tlt• l~o.ul \\Ill k,., ( Ulllllllllt·•·

J:n\ llUIIItlt'lll < nnunlllt c·


Tan Sri Yaacob biD Abdul Latirt

n "' ru M:n r
1 7:1. w·

Dato' Or. Mazlan bin Ahmad Tan Sri Dato' Kamaruuaman bin Shariff

nt It lith Mt\ 1 .,,,. lrlth 1 '' t
lfl't I r tl
I > I•

ln(orman nBok of Oty tlall Kual lumput













r l11l' .tn I\ t~l ul tlw Hltll..,h Ht ltltnl '" Ku,ll,,
Lumpur 111 1&;0 lt'Citu u IH'W ulrnuusll tiiCJillo
I ( I \\lilt h '" -.ltu.alt d .11 lhP 1h..., Ill\\ II \\llh till' t ..,to~hll-.lum 111 o llht
I"Oillhll Ill •• (ll 1111' ( oOJliiJ.Jk .llld KlanQ
rhcr • tntnp:un•h• h- n'< e111 S,llllllln 1\0,Hll

h1ston tu th tl r f 1\1• l.tka Pulau Pmaw.! .md a 1111.., Ho;ml JWI1nnnrclllo;; noh· 111 .ull'lkllt\1'
11111111)( rot ol hu olR'ol~ Ill I\ lllllo;UI.u l\1,,1.1\ !>Ia ll1il011t"r II IIIII IIJ II wh1 11 I tw St·1 1111d \\'111lcl
KuaJ,, I mupur tuah c Jill(' tu lx krmwu 111 the \\'ar took pl.u··· llw· """
1620 ... ~'J)flll!>thh• lor 1h• .Hhmnhrt.ttlnu ami
lllt l'\ohlllllll c>l,tl!ISIIH•polit 111-.cKit'l\ Ill m.ul.l~<'lll<'lll ol 1\ I ulllpllt sue h."' th•• J.umpur lx·~.m \\ lwn l<laJ.I Ah<lullail ami plnnruu~ of hl\\11 ct.-.,., lopnu·ul .aud tilt'
his tIde 1 hnulwr 1~•1·• tmm l.ukul
JWrsuui!'CI C hlrw"'(' IIH n h mls In imt "I 111 lht· f.lro\ 1'>1011 ul puhlh ullhllc-. "Ill h ,,s ''''""'
111111111 • unrlc•n th.lnA-" Ill tlw lnl<>riot .tll'n-. ot <k< tm II\, tul>.tn "Ct' tn.'S uud mad< lt•.lllhm·'-"
llu.., \ alsc1 1\'SJkllt~thlt• hH lilt'
Iht' KL'1n;,; f{h t-r. ''"''-IJ.tlltt• ••I htt'll"'"'" ltll hu-.uu; s IHl'llll.,, .., ,uu.l
In 1857 lot. I ol 87 C hm• o:; 11111111 lt•ll tor l'lllkt lion ol 1,1\1'"
till' ollt ;t \\hll h l<i 111111 1111\ kllll\\ll,tS
1\tt••t•• IIIIIIJllll l'h1s S.lltltan llo,ud w:1-. dls:-.ol\t cl II\ tht•
ilu t,q>ld dt·\dt~plttlttl ot 1<11.t1.1 I t1111pur as a ,J;1p:mnw t~chnh11:-.lnttton ltl l!l l:l hill wu:-.
('!'!lilt' tot tttlllltlg, ('OI Illl lt'll I IIIII I lllcliiSil\' rl'llll'>t:liNI Il\ tlw lklllsh h1
l'.lll"''d lite l·:u.L(II'Ih lolt•t•ltl It \\IU'I
IIIIIHII to~nl to lllllt'<th tlw .uiHtillhll.iiJ\·c·' t•nllc 1911i ""' .1 li!Wll 1\o,llfl
ul Sd,uu.:tll lnllll J<l.llt~ to l~u.ilo~ LIIIIIJHir a-.
lnotn I HkO l{ll,al,l l.t1111JHII Is t'\t 111plllic-d hi On I f• M 11 I 'IIH l< l.utnput ''•'" g11·c•t1 ,,
1111 lit\\ c ra ,,., Ihe ><t;att' • .aplt tl c1l St liltll!lll llllllllt 11~<11 stnltt" 1111' llr ...t ••I•' tlc•ll lor till'
\\ hh h hil"' d•'\ 1 lope: cl r.tptdh In bt>t'OIIW .1
modrnJI0\\11 \\Ill• h \\ ,,., • nmplt It \\llh Mt>r\" Ku,al.l l.auupur Mtllll< tp.alll\ \\ ts luld 111 l!l:i2.

"1)('(1 nf 1.11 illtftos hJ\\1llka;.Htl stth"t~llll nth'·""' tolx• kilo\\ II
I ht> 1 ilJlld dr\t lopmrnt 1011 h td ( n .ll("d lhr a-. IIll' Mllllll lpnl ( tHIIIt'll

e<>onoml• and t>mpln\ mt>nt oppnnuntllf'.. l pnn the· • Ilion t'llll'tll ol thr fc·drr.ll ( 1p11.11
\\lilt h bt t.llllt tht> 111.'\f,!lli'llc pull for tht penplt> At I In lq()(), rlw ~hlllltlp;al C'otuull w '"
,,flhf' Mnlil\ All htpt·l.t~O .1 \\ell as thn..... ln•m rh"' onlhlltf'fl.mfl rl'pl.wc·d h\ tlu IC·dr·n•l
(, rct~n 1 uunt rtt~ '>IIC'II '"' l':"ltlu.l nud huha C't~rnmt"'"'"ll he.Hir'll h\ .t Cmn1nh"illnc·r
appomh·d "' 111... M.IJr...t~ llw 1\tnJ!

On 1 lc•hnt;tn I'172 I he; M.tJrsl\"11tt' Ktng
conlc'H~ thl' tit\ t,alll'> to Ku:llfl Lumpw lltt"
C'OIIIlliiS IOIIt'l \\,\ ~1\t'll lht 111ft• ~l.t\rlr nf\11 \\hlh•lhf' lt:ilt'loll ( l(lll oll
Conmu...-.11111 hu .tlllt' llw 1\u•.t,, l.umptll Ctl\

1\u.tla 1.11111 1)111 W.t:o. h11llwt dt'\.'dlc·clitt It"
slat tis ott I l•i•I1111Hry I !174 wiH' tl 11 w11"
clt•t·lan·d m• IIH' Ft•dt•iill'll'lrllurv. l~wtla
l.umptll wm, llu·nnnlnnt.:l'l ",;uti ollltt• .,tal(·
ol ~c·I.IIH!Ol \\'1111thh dt•t J;u.tltllll, tltt• h•ckral
'l't•rrtllllj 11( l(ll,tl.t l.tllllJlltr lilt IV,..,, d Ill .m .1

hnm •n '27 ''I km to 2l:i !,!) '"'fJ k111 wilh ,,

HilaI p(IJ111Ii111Hil of H73.0()(1 Jlt nph-

All tl("', t'lopntenl ol 1\n:ll.l I lllliJIIII \\t w unckr

I ht• '>IIJiel\l!>lnll ,Ill( I I (lOIThll.llillll Ol I hi'
Mmt ...ll'\ (lf rt•tlc· lf•tr11ol\ \\ htc It \\':lS
t ...r.•hhslu•lut Jq7b 01120 fi l<lAi lhls
lllllll"ll'\ \\,1., dts•;ul\,·d nmlllll' M.t\111 :ls \\I'll
a..,tJu• '' h·\dlll \\,ts pl,1n•d
umltl th•· 1'11111~ ~hutstn's I>< J};llllm 111

lnfo1 ma 1 1B k o (lly IIall Kuala Lumpur

6 . Destruction of 01 ease·Beartna
ln eels Acl 1975 (Act 154)

Ut•o.,lruc 111111 ul u,..,,.,,. .,. lkm 1111!

l11...c1 t-. IC«liiiJlllllllllllll! ol Ollc·~tcc·o.,J
lkt!III.IIIOII" I '175

7. Essential (Clearance of Squatters)
Regulation 1969

~......., (Cic•,ll ,lllll' ol ~'l"·llll'r"l
IAJIJIIII .tllunll~d.ul~lll) Ortlc·r I'lb!) .

8 . Entertainments Duty Act 1953
(Act 103)

ACTS, ORDINANCES AND ENACTMENTS 9. Excise Act 1976 (Part Vll) (Act 176)

l. Auction Sale Enactment. 1929 ~;.\l ' ht· 1'-iah- nl htto\h ',tllru!,
Chaptr:r 81 Section 3 Ltrtllor...l Ht•f.!nl.lllrlll.., 1'177
s\11111011 S .tlc• Hllll'b l'l:.! h ~'\1 ls1• (1.11 C'll'<lll&! llo,u d-.)
Alii llnn•·rr ... Cnmmls"-11111 mul ~\'l.!lll.tiiOII 'i I'l7 7
l·:xpe n ..., s Hulc• I '1 '\2
,\ppollllllll'lll ol I 11 «' 11...1111! Olltn•r 10. Federal Capital Act 1960 (Act 190)
h·clc•t. tl I «' II linn Oult•r
Fec.Jcor . tl < 11p11 .t1 (£II\ Au·.rl
(:\lcuhllcn lll>lls II• j\111 11011 S .tlc-s Otd1·r I '17 1
1::11.11 tnwntl I!-!7 I
,\cl\ l..,ol\ llo.tnl ul llw ( II\ ol
2 . Boarding Hou e Enactment. 1927 Ku .tl t I tnnpur f{t·~ul . tllun-. I 'IHll
Chapter 87
11. Ft-deral llou&lng Act 1965 (Act 391)
3 . City of 1<unla Lumpur Act. 1971
(Act 59) 12. FederaJ lerrltory (Planning) Act 1982
(Act 267)
4. Constitution (Amendment) (No. 2) l'l.111nht ~ II k\1 lopmc·utl H!tit .., 1' 170
Act 1973 (Mt A206)
< It' ol l<u.ll.t L11tr1p111 (l'l.mnllll!)
5 . Control of Rent Act 1966 (Act 363) (lk\l•lnpt11l'll1 C'h.IIJW) H11h.., 1!17'1
Co tllllll ol 1-klll (~llum IJMII\ \ c•f I he
I c•tlrral < .tpll .tl nl l.urnpur (' lly ol 1\ttlllll LtiiiiJHII (l' lannln g)
IR• 111 lnhllnai)Hult•s I" >7 lll..,t• ( ' l ll~o~St'~o~) Htch's IHHO
i\pp(•lnllll l' lll ol Ht 'lll Ollie c• rs
i\pphllliiiH'lll nl l~f'lll 'J'rlhtttloll Fc•clt•t•tl Tt·t rllorv (Pinnnlng)
Appollllllltlll ul ''JlP\'oll Ho.tnl (Zruw .ttul l>t•n..,ll\ I l{ult·.., HlK!i

• h·dn ,,( lcnltor. IJ'I,utlllltl!l
Wompuurulllll.! ul Olll•nc c•..,)
11\'· l ~ t\\ .... I'lXI)

l'l.lllllllll! f{ulro.; Ilk\ l'loplllt'lll)
l•\lllt' nthllc' tlll I ~q I

1'1.111111111! Htth-... Jl)C'\C' lclJIIIII' III)

I \mc·nclnll'lll) IH'l7

lnf rm t n k C II II m1

13. Food Act . 1983 (Act. 281) l'.trk-. llc•clt·r.11 lc·rnwn I

( •mllul ol loh,u co l'tcJcllll 1 ll\··l ..t\\ I 11H I
lkgul.ttlrm l'm.l
S\\ IIIIIIIIIIJ! l'ooi(Fc clt•t,ll ' lt•ttlllll\ I
t\ppolnlmc·nl nl Authmll.c'cl O lhcc•r.., B\ I cw s I 'IH I

14. Local Goveromeot Act . 1970
(Act. 171)

COIIII•JI ul I ht.tlre iltllll'l.uc• ul
l'uhlh l.ntrrt 1lnrnrnt By t ,.ms

hes 1~1\.lhh• Fc.ot 1..111 1,'1\ lilt: Ill ol
I~ ,,,,..,

h ,..., l'd\.lhlt· I nl \\ o~ll.ttlt ol
AH. H·I1111l' lll
l<c n il >~ Luncp11 1 Mlcnl C'I p ;t l (( ':dlkl
I h l ..lWto; 11)()H

l.<lC .11 ( oll\l"llllllt'lll
f( he I <IS ( 11~11111101111111) lh Ill\\., I 1J7H

limcl llnncllt•t.., lh•clt· lt't rilurvl
lh l..m I 'I 7'1

ll.trht•r Shops .uul llaucln·ssf"l"'

If Nit It lfllciiY) lh\\ 1'17'1

\1•''"·'1.!'' J:. .tahJi..,hml'rll..,

llc•clc-t.lllc•IJJtUI\) lh I..J\\' 1'1!'10

Ht•hJs•· Colle( lion .md t'll"lll~ uf Dug5 ,lJlcl Kt·nml'
Ubpu,al (Federal kr rilllrYI
I1\. -l..lw.., HJH:l IF• rkral 'lernton· ot 1\uo~l.a l.llltiJ.Illrl

Ach f'C tlst>mt>nl (Pt'ckr.t I Tt·r-rlr orvJ f·h ~..,,,..., 1m-11
1.3\ LrtW<., 1982
l !It ,t) loovt·rmnenl
Lh•t•nsin~ of l'riva tc• t'nr i'a r k~> (l:kl'tlorr Atln·rtr::.ellll'ltl)
(Ft>clc•rcrl TerrHorvJ 11\ Law.., I UH5 (Fc•clt·rnl Tf'rri Lory ol 1\n:rla I lllllfHll J
13v L<'W" Ul90
Mnrk<'t., IFN1eral1r·rrllf•n·J tlv
1~J~-1 \ <llldalhm
Ih ·c lt·r;r I 'lc·rrilon of Ku.1la l.mnpurl
l.ic t·n~in)! uf Fowl l·:,...lllhlislrrneut~ fly L.t\\"'> I ~~ll
(Ff•rlc>ral Tt>niton ol K11al.r LtllliJlUr)
1.1\' Laws 1985 l'rnlllhittou Against Spillln~
IF,.dr·ral li' Hllon ol Luurpurl
Ut·c larntlon-. Undc•r ~t·t · tlon ~ 1 [I<) 0\ I ·"'"' I ~l!-11
!' nv llnll n l KHal;J L11nrprrr
L;lllrH irlt'!> (Feclt•rnl ' li•nHt~r v ul l<:rrrcJII' t'lllt'nl Offil'er~:.
(< otHhH"l dlld Oiscipllne) Hult·-. I q!_;2
1<11n l.1 l.11mp11r) l!v -Law" l!lH!1
I ttt' :l l Cov<'rnm<'nl
!.twal Govt>rnmt'n I II )(111\rnu Mndrknl
(L'ourpowtdlug ol onc•w·f'-.j IFt·rll'rlll knilorv uf Kuala Lump11r)
IFc•cleral rerrilon ul Kuala Lttmpurl Ih I :l\\'S JlJH2
13~ L.rws 19HI)
15. Moneylenders Act 1951 {Act 400)
l'ublh: La\ alorit•-.
(1-'c-ch·ral rerritor\' ol Ktml.t Lumplul Appnmtmrnt of Rt't!htrar .utd
By 1-·m •<; 191'{6 Re{!ist r arc; lor Rt·~btratlon
of Mort• \ lt•ndpr-;_
Lit'<'ll!-oint! of Tmrlf-. llnc;lrws•wo;;
;rtrtl lud ustrie-. Mt~nt•\'kllclt•r!:. Rull'~:. Hl5:l
!Ft•dc·rnl Territory o l 1\.t~<tl;,.l Lulllpttr}
lly Lmvs I 9A() 16 . Pawnbrokers Act 1972 (Act 81}

C'il\ ll,tll oJ Kualn Lumpur Ollicc•rs Pm\ rriJIUkC'r" Regula! ton., l 'l72
(( uudul't and Oi!:.c·lpllrH J Hlllf''> 19R9
i\ppolniiiH'lll t•l Lil'l'll-.rlll! Olltt t•r
Lh t·! of llawkt•rs illlll St<!ll~
WNkml1f>rritnry ol l<rr.ti,J l.lllllJlllr)
By 19H9

17. Petition Writers Enactment 1957 InformatiOn Book of City Hall Kuala Lumpur
(En. 2/57)
• Ku<ila Lumpur (Tricycles)
Federal Territory Orders (Petition (Restriction on Use of Roads)
Writers Enactment Modification) Order 1972
• Kuala Lumpur (Learner Drivers)
Pelition Wri ters Ru lcs 1958 (Hcstrict ion on Use of Roads)
Order 1972
18. Petroleum (Safety Measures)
Act 1984 (Act 302) Kuala Lulllpur
(Slow-moving Vehicles)
Petroleum Regulations 1953 (Restricl ion on Usc of Roads)
Order 1972
Petroleum (l nfiammable Liquids)
Order 1953 City of Kua la Lumpur
(Motor Vehicle Removal and
19. Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333) Dclen lion J<'ees) l:{ules 1977

Goods Vehicle Road Traffic (Cily of Kua la Lumpur)
(Loading and Unload ing) (CompoLmding of Offences)
(Kuala Lumpur ) Rules 1962 Rules 1977

Hoacl '!'raffle City of Kualn Lumpur Rules
(Provision of P<:lrking Places) {Moving and Compound ing of Motor
(Federal Capital) Order 1969 Vehicles) 1977

Kuala Lumpur (Learner Drl\!ers) Road Traffic Rules
(Restriction on Use of Roads) (Points for OITcnces) 1984
Order 1972
Road Traffic (Mt"ter Parking)
(Federal Territory) Order 1984

Spe-ed Lurut Orrlr-rs 22. Entertainment (Federal Territory)
(C II\ of Kuala l.umpurl l'lts'J Act. 1992

l{ Tran'-pott Onlr·r"' 1.111 t'rl oliiiiiiCill
(l'mlulution un l 't ttf l~o.tdsl
(Ctl\' nl Kual.t l.tiiiiJllll) I tl!i~l II c•tfcor,ll (t·rritn~ ol Ktlotl.l I.IIIIIJIIII)
Ho·o~lli.llllltl 1993
20. Street, Drainage and Dutldlng c' ll y n l l~un l <t L11tnp1 11 l<ltl i''<
Act L974 (Act 133} ll ~it ll 011 ( '1~-;arel le S t11o ld 11Vl JU 7!l

St'\\t>r:1Qe and IJr.atn.•~~· II\ l" 1\ppnulliiH'III of Ltt'!'II'<IIIL: Ollkc I '<

lll"17 I nltrl.llnmem
(Fl'dtr.ll Territon.· of K11.tlil l.11111purl
l'rhate ~''a!!<' 1'1, 111 t unstruc lion (( OIIIJlCIUIIlhlll! Of 00r ltc~·s) J< I f3
B\ L ....t:lf\0
Aut hnn ...;u ron c I '\'I'P• In
1'1 h, S ~, .t(!e PJ.uats Aulh~>rts('(l Per"( n
ll{<'p .u aud .:\lollltlela.\11• • I
,_,,, ... 1CJ6l 1:.1111'11 tiiiiiH'Ill (FTKLI (l>c c I <Jttlt'l
I 'l!l I
l•.tlth \Vorko., (Ft·do Jo•ltllllf,\ o t
1\u, ol a Lumpn rl ll\' I tW"' l ~IHH 23. Ve h icles Enactment (Chapter J67)

'-;ln•t• t . Urcl• 11111 1 l lllliditll.( \t·ltlt "'" Huh•'> I~J47
llk,Judginl.! ol ~I'Jlll• I 111ks 1111d
ltulwllank._ Ch.IIJ,!t•s) 24 Water Act 1929 (Revised in I qqo)
If ··dt•ral Temt(lf'\ 1 B\ 1......,,., I""3 (Ac t ~18}

Strr~cc . Drama:!!' and llullclh1~ l~ulc-.. tnr Ftxm!! Fet•.. Fur l.h ell• e
(:st·wt>r.l!!e!c s) l ml••r tilt' \\'mer Emu snwnt
(1-"o"f' Temtor"\' ul,s I nmpur)
Jl\ J..HI-. J4S~ l'c·tl• 1 11 lc rr11ory Orrifor,
I\lndllh ;Ilion of \V,th'l En.u lillt'lll)
liulldm~:::. 1'17 1

ll•f•df ral T<' ITillll) ol l\l tltl.t 1,11111pur) 25. Federnl Roads (Private Management)
II) Law~ 19R5 Act 1.984 (Act 306)

..,, n•t• l Orain<~gP .tlltl IIIII Iei i11g I t•dt•r.c I l<n.ui-.
(< 't~lltpoundlriQ nl ( lllc•1u ,•._, ll'tl\. 1~ \l,mal!ementl
IJ"r·rh· TPrrllorv Ku.11 • 1.11111p11r1 (loll Collt>c lion) (J.11.111 ChrtO\'i)
lh - 1..1\\ ... Jll!-''l t hdt•rs 1'rH 1
Do·k~.IIIOII Undf"r St>t linn !l
san·et . Dram.l~• mul Bulletin!!
• Nntlltl'nt Inn Under ...e1 linn 7
(Ht>t•m·ery of .\111:'.\rs)
(t:edt·rall'c-rnlun. Kunl.s I.IIIIIJIIH)
1\\ l..m,., 14!!0

21. Sole of drugs Act 1952 (Act 368)

So li t· nr Food awl l >tll l(r-. Hl 't.(lil:ttlons
l ' lf>:l

Inform t1 nB mpur

C Jl,tlllwlll~·' ( II\' II ,til jlff>\ uh•.., ht>,tllh '('J''If'l'" lfl till' til\
pro' ttlc..., ..,cl"i t c 101 1h e • 11\ rc-..ulenl'> rt."'·>ldt' lll s \\hit h t·m·ompa"'- ul.lllt·t" ~t•g. trthn~
ln tlw h'tkr.d lemtun uf1\ Lumpur t'll\ lrnlllllt 111.11 l k,lflhllc,..,, food dt',tlllllll'"'·
\\hit h 1111 huh' 1111' lt~llo\\1111.! '"Pt't I s c·nntmloltnkt tlnu<. rlt-,c•t<>c•-,. nmt1ul ol
vt•(· tcu .... ,ulcl pc'"' " · provic;lon ol anlmotl flllll tHI.
l'uhlll I h•<11lh ltt·.tlth '''" h t'"' lo ..,, lwol-.. prl' tt.\L.IIt .ut for
llt •o~ tlllht·, lltun nnll Hec ll'. tlln\1 !1 11\llllH'I' olllcflor rhlldrt'll
l'uhllr I , cIllite"'
Dfau • PJ
1111' tlt-.IIISIIll! "l'l"lll'"' ollht• til\ lll\l'l Lhl' Titcn· .11-.. lx lar-p,c• nnd lour ..m .tllchllh 111
\HIII\..,ltll the c·olkt·ttun 11111 dhpo..... tlol .tddlltou to I IIIII' San&.! K.annl " c hule s .mel
thlt t' tltuhtlt • CHit'" pnl\ hit' the• !it'l '\ Itt'" to
"" Hrtlhhl-.h. c h•; u tlnj.( ol nmd. ,111cl dt .till,, tlw rt ...lcl••nt.., ol tlw dlv.

tuowln g ol grass a ud h llltt'S J\IIHHig llll ' il" ti Htl lt.t \1(;' lllill \' 11111) , \I tel
l' illlclt'l'll':-1 d lta lc•:-; <111' cla lHll t' l\l'fll:--1, , f:tl a tt
Tlw "''I'\ in• lnr 1lw l'olh'tllon ,IJU I di,IH>,al of B\lkll l i. t ll~~'>. ll ,J,,Irtn ll an£( l\ 1,1lt ,J, l~;lj.l
1\lxlull,dl ,J,II,m l\111 hm.ul , 1~ 111\,tll h111 l>t
rullhl .h t... on1 ot lht• hnpmllllll hllll'llnn-. ul hm.tll .111«1 St•g.unhul.
C' ll\ tin II ,\-. ,, I"P."IIIt nl Ihi' rapid dt'\ dnpmcnt
11tcl IIHI<'i1S,. nl rx1pul.lllllll, thr ..., 1'\ 1n• lor thl'
• ullctlloll nl nthlu-.h '" rwt P• 111lrlllt~l \\hnlly <.: tl\ ll,tllul 1\ Lumpur,.., 11''-JIOllslhlt• lnr
IJ\ t:ll\ lt,all tltt• pl.uurlut.!. ltnplt·mt.•ntalluu .utd ol hc•aul UkaiiOll .11111
011 1st ,J,mu,jn t~m7. till' sc'" u•·s Ius 11-'1'1'\".lllllll,tl prnje-C' I <; Wll htn Ihe• J",•flc•r, tl
1 lt'. ll\111!,! .11111 IIHlll<Jt!l'lllt'lll ol ~ullll ,,_,.~ll » hill. 'li:ullcu"\ of 1\uula I umpu1
ht•c•n prl\ Hll"t'd whoII\ 111 S\' ,\lam i"'ura
Sdn. Hlul. I ht• pln1111n 'nl trrf'.., ""' tlfl(lc·rl .tkc•n 111 111
t'll.tcust\1' m.tllllt"t .tt'ound tltt• Ft'«lt'l, I
llo\\t'\'t'l , C II\" ll,tlll.., -.1111 n' ..,pttn..,lhlc• lor the Jtorrllol"\ o l 1\u,tl.a Lumpur ......all tltotl I>\ ( ll\'
.-upt'f\'l"lllT\ ,11\d t'll..,llrill,l! lholl lilt' opc•rHtOn llall 10 t>SI.thhsh an cn\inmnu•tll nl gntlll'l'\,
o l 1h.. garb01~r dt"'po"-·ll .uld t't>lk• llc>n """"'· n·<l11< t • ol till' lt•mpt•t,alure nmltu ll' l.tln tlw
• It• mmg «JI road-. clr tills. ll' unrl• n tkf'n rMttlt . t l t'll\ llt•lltlll'lll ~tppn.>pli.llt' \\ llh tlw
111 , JllliJiol' l nncl s.llt...l.u '"" lllolllllt'l nnu t•pl ol .1 til\ \\1th tn <.a f.!•mkn .

11 1a <lclll hn tN It! IIt ts. C tl y ll n ll ,.., ll'"flOII"-ibk•
lor l l w tll<tlttl l' ll flltl't' of purk~>< 111JII dllldt t·n':.

p l.tvgnHIItrl'>

l l tt'tt' ,\It'll lllllltht•l of park....t\.tll.thlt· lor the
puhllc· In unclt•rt.lkt• n't'rt' .uti\ Ilk-..
Amnnl! tlwm . tn• l>alllr:tn \lc'nkk,,, t;un.m
llt-.rk 1\:nl.lllot , Ta..,lk llll\\,llt!!:>."'.
I.utl<lll I l\·,uri, 13m.ul Ot kt<l.
fa111.111 !lung., lt:wa Tamm lhtntll~.
J{.lllnl . l.tllt.lll RunG R.nn.t .mel otltt•t s

Till' hcaut\ ol on IncI Ul..pi.I'e::.- City 11.111 lll
btabll..,hllll! .111 1>11 hKI p;trk. The park kll0\\11 IS

Tant<m Orkld K11.1l.t lumpur or Kuala Llllll)'llt
Orrhld (,.mh 11 ,,,, ., 1 -.t.tblhhed a~ an

exhihlltnn. pl.11111m:. <llllh-dllng and 11'"'(',11\ II
rf' ntt'C' Ito; lomtloll rt lllicl'll the hilly part of
1llm tut 'llhll<1hrlflllll wh tc·his li>t11k HIHI g tt't'll

wilh lll.lllln'lti·t''< m.tkr-. II an idc•al plan• to
pl.1nt mrlt•,hllul tl w llr~utUul orrhlct... '' hh It I'~
beml! t·omplhllt lllt'tllw the similarit\ nl till'
!:>Um1UIIdlllJ!S to th :u nt lhf'tr natural ...t.tll' 1\1

the Ore hul G.mlc 11 of I 15 hectan..., an•
a\"a.ilahlt IJJiliU:\1m.tlt h SOO :oped~ ol ort•hids

\.11 hill I ltlltlh.., 111' pro\idf>fl ,11 I llllol11 J<,,,,,111t• l.llllolll Btlllt.:·• Kuala LtullJllll o1
J\•1!1.11101 .._11!'11.1'< ln\"ing. jog_c,htj.! k IH'Illhlt
,111tl s llulllc • '-C'IV IC't' Thl'rr nn· .111-111 IW! llng, m•:1o.; Kuala I.IIIIIJHll lltl>l...c·th (>arden w.t...
In do •I Jlltl, llllll\ to Taman l'·nlall.l 'IIIC' h
,..,lh• htlllll.till.ll Dataran '\1Pnh•l<ct, l ..tllll ron::;trnc•rt•d cut :111 .m•a nl 0.9 ht•clun: u" ill I
S.t\OII~ I uunt.un .mrl ~nuk K1 1.1 hnlllt.nn
t'nclt'avot ll lolnltlllhii'C' thr Natinnal Flm\t'l
Thm;m Ic~slk 1'111\~ lll_sa at J..llaJt Kuant.m
It is loc.uc·tl Ill ,1 hill\ ,tn',l ol Taman '!,
pnl\lll!"i ll'lcllltl<'.., for ruw tx)Ctb 1\,t\.tk-,;. ~rd.u1.1 whtc h '" SIIOllllnclm b~ rn:uun- tre t'S
t htJrlrt II" pl.I\ ~llHIIld , Lndlic (!.IIIII"" Itt lei makml! 11 111ost sull. bit' tor gnm,n~ h1hi"' ''"'
hOfQ' •lilhllJ.! .11111 IIIU!'.iCallounl.tltl Jlllll' ,lit pl.iuh :\1on· tla.m 2 [,00 mneueo;; of thr
,,J..,o nnn 1-- lm ll'lllli!. and '-Cill·l"'h. ...pol,.., hil.n-.o(:U" Jll.ulls .Ul! pl.tnlt-d aC\·ordul[! to Its
c·on1pk\ .mtl nl lwr <;portin,Q ladlltlt'"'
'111'1 1,... n11d t\ pt til nloui! lhe fool path". nd
terrill't'"' olllw hill.., Jlll'n: are 55 lY))I.'' ol
hybrid-. lwl\\t I'll lot. .ll.llld foreit!U pl.ull..,

nun.tll ltJ,.,Ik l"c•nll:li<;Un j<;. "-llll.tlt•d IWI\\1'1 '11

Jal."'n Bu.tun.ul .md .Jalan Tt>nll·t 1111 c ht'r.1s
•ppruxuuttd\ 15 km fum1 lht> 111\ f't'llln• \1
th "' park Ut U\.ul.'lble fieklo.; lor sx c t•r uul

hot kt,, lt"llllls tuuns. t:bildren's pl.l\ !!Jnund
j~nl! 11 u k p11 1111. an:-.t. :o.\\inmunl! pool ruut
J..llll<lll Jsk,lfl(l,lr l'ul~TI a.o.; \\t'U •'"' Stllh hlllJIIIll!;

l·n11111, 1111

Tiw !lint-. nuk ,., ...llllollt'd m the l.ullolll l.l'>lk
~nl.m.a \\ luc h '"' c"\ r•r heaulilul anci1X • 11pttos n
~n \,til('\ silt• ol ~\ h ho't lar('<o. It I'- In lht fonn

nr a hut) S::IIIIIIJ.\1'\ :u\11 tmpu-aJ p;ll"k

"IX't •II• ·'"' <lcosl~noo lor nann'!" low•r.-

1\1 llw 1>1 c1 1'.111' ,II\' .wallnblt> a nnmht·1 ol
lypl'"' nl ldiiiC' 11111 I lownlJle deers " 111'11 O~-< 1lw
lmllun Mullljol• ' a t1d Htllow.

l It\ II til llso pm\lclc-. .md tll.lllll.llll::> I"'""

.Ull\:lllltt•.., lot upgrart111~ till tJII.eht\ ol hit' r)ltlw
ell\ ~tdt•nts utthe l"c-dc·t,tl It 111101\ •Jl

l\le ll1 l.untpw. Otht't th11n the· !""''"''"" nl

ho~ ...h IHI'IIItlv.., '-IWh ""<;, .1111 1 ·Htt•t·t
IIL•Itttn~-.. l U\ I tall al..,omarlt·n\'nll.thlt• " (ll'tlll<
Jlll>t'l 1111111• ln\hUd 1!11 II htt \'IIIII Ill ol -.oc'l ef
dt'\tJOplllllll CSpet_'l<llh ltlt the lrr\\ 1111 OIIH


Tilt puhlit . tnt!"IUlle- nd !>t: ' ' kt pnnided
Ullollg otht I'S .tn• a ... fulJ{J\\"

lllls t.u till\ l" ( rlJl<;tnllll'<l \\llh th~ JltiJlK•..,, ol ('tty 11.111 diMn rn.d1.r·:-. <1Valbbh· lloll..,ir W, 11111t s .11
Ill!' ilo~t uJO..,tll\ 1.1h "*ntnl Sti ~·loilll,:ll l l.tlllt
fill>\ idlllL: tin tllll\'t'llh'lllt nul• 11111111 ICt 1111111 S,rlll\'lllo! 111d ~II Sah.rh.•Jal.ut I l11 '·'"'
IH till llll'llllii'IO.., ol [hi ' jll lb ill' In j)ollilt•IJHIIt• Ill l'\IK~i•ll~ lui \011111! \\OrnPn \\ho h 1\C'
tlu ll• hlol -.putt.... A.llloll 1111' ll.lll-. .111' till dtllullltir'"' ht llltdllll! .It !lllllll\tKI.rtiOJI Ill l\11 ,11.1
\l11llt l'llllJu"" llalb at J.elan lull f~U'A1k
ool..umpur L11t ~Ill lit'- R\150 IK r ()( ni(lll fm
1\.tlltJHIItt.: ll,,tttk••t 1\:tmpun B 1n1
S,tl,tk S< Ill I':!Illi.UI IJ)II hrll,l ( ttllllllllllll\ om month
hIll" •• Bandar Tun Hol7Alk C'll!l .... (

1\ lllllllllt I I I b ISh t.urhllt:"', "Ill It ,1,.. pultho
• lit t .,. en ptJ, , In tn, II\ 11.kttl.., ,.., \\I'll o llllrlt•t·..,
.rt\' pn•\ tch-d In tt.ulltHmal vfllll).(<.., wlll ll11 IItt'
11u '' .111 tlm'f ...pori..,' lllltplt :-.•-s u.u1nl\ , 1 Jhft I 11 Jeot !Ifill"\ ol 1\ I.IIIIIJHII 1\IJ illl'"t'
11.111~"''' lullJlll lhstl-. lllh\ cllli.!"•' tlld B.111dar Inc thll< '"' fi,r th• p11rpo"(• f>t up~r.trlhl)! th•·
11111 l~.l/o1k ! lu r,,..,, st.111d.o11l ol It\ 1111.! ol tltl' \lll,ll!< rs

Jl1• ,IIJ<J\t i'lllllf'lt'~t'" ,IP' i'fllllpt·d \\lilt ::X.'\• J,tl n~trkot!'. .uul -.talb an- 1\ ciiLiahlc• leo
h;uhllllllnn. st pnk t.ikr.l\\ lltul \IIIII \ h.rll ptlt\ ul• npiM•nrntll\ lor pt'll\' 11.\dt'rs tn omulw t
••J\111~ C'll\ ll.rll ~·on-.tntcli I pn tllh 1 "IKJII., th111 J.us111• "''"" 111d I,H'ilit,tlt• lilt' puhlh lC•
\ I)IJ!Jilt :\(''- \\JtltUI Ul\' I It\ Sill h :'IS II II J\11,!1,1 pun lt.e"t the It l.~;tl->h lll't't.b

l.umpur So<'( I I StadiUm nm II (I( k!'\ 1\11111111! till'"'"' ''''"' IIMua.l!t'tll>\ C' tl\ I hdlo~n·
~~ 1cllurn \dudrome. ~1dmi.Jth n St.1d111m 1111 1\lloil.t 111111Jllll \\'hnlc"<llt '\l,ukt'l .tl ,J,I.IIt
I he '•'"' .ami Spurts (.;umplt :\ liun.111 1111\\ 111~.,.,
\\ hh It clll ' sport... \ 'Cll\11 s <•I 11.1111111.11 IIICI IJMih :\1rilll \hu k I Ill Gomh:ck rt......... l.un,m

lnll'lll.lli" sl.utdanb n.Iiiii I 111.111 l\1.11kt•L"' <II \\',tJI~"·' \l,oJII [l.Jtllk

I 11 thllt•.., 1111 ...wtrnmuta.: poul-. <Ill ,I\ .atl,thlr .11 l\t'l,liJJ,tl .Jo~l.lll l<.lj.o Bot. l<illllJlllll~ l~uui.JII
oiJJfl \lJ n\11."\S Sc."'lolfl<lk
ilu llolllf.!S:tl Swimmiltg l\lol .uttllltt• Clll' l .t'<
""'I h..,,\11111111111! Stull... •"' pon uk•d 11 Jetlan l~rja :\lmL• \IJC!ul
whir l" ullltlt'lll.tllt•tt.ll /VI/, 1\.IIIIJ!rllu.! K••ttn• Ju. \'rlndlllnli', t J...,,,..,
(rtt'i'll I~ It I>.HIIk 1\t•t;unat \l,ukt I .11ul 1\
st.uut.url IIIII l{, C II\ ll.tll.ll-.o pnl\ uh.., lnlllclllll!l'> lut
illdll'lh It.., .11 S.1lo1k ~dc~l~Ul.
11tls t~ltnplcx ''" .., buth to ~~ lllllltlflllt ruri.ll
\ullth \\ho lt:l\~ prnhk-rn \\ilh n'C,.lr!llo

oil I Cllll!l(l,otjull-. ApJllllXIlll<llt•l\ I )(I pt '""'""
• Ill lx tht-. t~lliiJ>If'X I Itt ll'llloll ts

1~\1 l:l ()(I JKI Jll'r-,(tfiiUI Ollt" lll!tlllh lllfl

H\tl :i"l IKI 1~ 1 month'"' 1lw ''" • 1111\;• nw1111

WI IIIII 1.111 dll tlllllllUd.lll t \\0 pr ' ""'"

Tit c:'!>UtlJll hmt'llt of thc:- lilir.u\' '" to pnl\irl Tht" Kual;• I.AIIIIJIIIr Mc' Lilim.n ''·~
l!lJrom ~1l'("S Inc hildren and ncinlt"
~1)(."-i llh lhr rll\ toll~"- e:.t.tlJIJ-.}u'fllll i\pnl t• ~i b the ht>:~rlqu:tnton.

11 u•ltln.u \ l>t\'t..,lon hn" 'it'\'c'n llh1.t 1h., th11t .uc• 11'lor all hb1 ''" sc•n h t"' \\ l111 h ,11'{' nMrlol~t~l h\
s lnllt n111l two 111oll1lc- li bntrl ~'"· ll u
Cit\' H.1ll l111 I.IIIIIJIUr }\1FIIl"n,tlllhl
llbl 11 11''1 1111' st"l'VIf'l'<. ·' "' .1 1'1'"1111 11'1'"' n'lllll' for mlon l\;ll foll
p<• rl:tlt l hl~ tt l i ii'<IOIY p l;mnin.g, S<'J'VII'l''<,
Ku.1l 1 l.urup11r Uhr.u·\ adJilUII"I ' "'Inn .lllrlrlt-vdopmt'll l ol K11.1i11
2 l h1lrl <.utcLmv: Ltbmn .11 I.un.m 1\ut
\Yuh t>ll•'f 1 tm111 I c hm '" :woo. Ku,ll.t l11111pur
l>r 1-.mall
3 BmrN h Uhran at Band:u 11111 l{.;v~•k i\lt'UJ(jrial Ul>1 U\ ' ' kno\nl a_... Kuala Lumpur
4 Ur.uwh l.tbmn at B..'lrul.u Balli &~ttul Ubmn

Urmt• h lihl1tr\' ar lJc·-.,, f\111 l{:v~•l, &·-.•dc.s t·~lt ucluu: 1ho se" we" tor honn\\ till!'
~l('rt'llt •., mrltln<l• 1I !Kill!! <WllV1tJt·s hn both
h llt.tlult I.11J1.rr~ at T'tlhltc 111111"111~ dlild l\'11 .u111 ,ul111t, tl 1t 1\u.lla Lump111 l.llu.11~
l'tujt·t l ••J.tlull ,Jelntc k a lso pn l\'lclt"• 1111• "''1'\'11'1'" ln r <n Hiio-vl-.;

7 1\u,tl 1 I umpur Libnu\ Ill. 11.1 1'1Hwlll\ multi llll'tll. l wull fl lt'l11~ I. utdudltl~ dll.(il.•l
( 'lw1 1. Ubmr\ wltu h 1., lwnHIIIII~ popular I hi., 111 \\
">t'ni<•• '" 111 hut• \\llh the• expan-.lmul stl<lltt
1\m l•bll l.lhrnnt>-. pro\1dc ""nic't ~ h•r t111 an-lit 1 hnolu!t\ 111 tsShtill::! he- 1 • , w."ld• nt"
dtll•lren \\hu d 1 1101 h..l\'1" hhmn t;1c lhth., • rowartll Itt' . t hlf'\'rlll• nt Cll luerdr"\ In
eilhcr htllwlr srhool-. or at lhl"tr n o;.tdcnc'«
infomt.1ll 111 tu 11111 I• !{\
All I til! .thm llbr.m!'5 ~enl'r.dl\ pnl\ lclr tit
Ur.1t1C'h hhiiiiii'S ollt' lll.lll.lL:ed o;old\ "' 1\
lWr\U't"'o lnr honn\\1n::~ and nIt 11111, s In
.ulchllnn \ .111ons pn•.!.r.inllll<'" tor 11 1h Ill• s .m• l.nmptll <'II\ !I, til 1'1 n·c Ihe Malol\'"'1,111
condw tt·d 11 1 u 11 llhrarv Jot 1111 1po .1 , ••I NaU<llla l IIIII oil v 1\.n tdt ·d i l w m ovt'l n il h . 11 111t
199 l 1'111" "'1'\'ln ,,,,., opt'ned [or !111· pt 11Jit<
llH 111.11 pi t\ sic ill ;tlld rccn'al iCJ tit \c•loplllt i ll. on 27 lui\ l'l'lb IIJO'!>C llranch libt trh·., \1111
All\11111! !111 ;Il lI\ fl it•.., 1'01\UUi ll'ti oiH' e,.,w!Jh..,Jil'fllo• tilt' J•lll"p(l-..t' ollulhlliiH! tho 1111'11
t>xi-.til~•llhn•n· ,...,•n1u.... u\, tl.tiJk- 111
II trldlll Ill lht." fc~lt ml O•rrtton
,,,, ( 1.,......
flit." lilldt\11 s• !Jh~ at 11'1111.111 1\m
l'uppd hO\\ Dr. 1"111.111 .11111 tl\1 llr.mch l.tbran .1t l'l.v.t
Mutihltloual \\ork-.lmp l'htx 111 Jilt'' 1tlc "' I\ 11 ,..., only fm d ulth, 11 11u
l>r mini! und ~'Oiounnl! St~'>ton Btant h llhl.tth-. II t lu ,J..tat('k ;mrll>t·s.l 11111
lni1Jrlllolllc•n Te<:-hnniQt!\ \\nr l<.,hop Htll.t l, I'~t ltlh· llull"lt tl.( pw\·id e s<"rvk' " l111 hot It
dllkh\'11 .11111 .tdlllt" llt'-.tdc· ha,·in~ n u tlll nwtll.t
I r•··•ll\ • workshop
H• ·"'"'~ St·.,.,ion

I f rm tt 8 ok f tty tlall K

llw -.c 1\'k-rs ''"H mlnlmc ludt• •'<hit tllclll ,
ht .th h . '11111 h .U'tl\ill<.,... .mel ~~·m·ntlll'f,., '" nl
th1• tllllltllllnll\'. Ttw tm~c-1 11,m11p.... whh h
lwrwlit IITllll IJW.,C" <.t>r\'IC'K OlW ntt'.llll leu
-.lfllollll·l-. .mel pl.u ~-- ol hu~h ,,.,plll.tlllmlh'll!>lty

....111'1 1 ,., puhltr hou-.m~ .m·n-. •tnd •11 hc•1 -.lmll.n
lcK·.Hton.... C un"Pnllr thc-n- art• not It•-.., th.111 25
olll'.l.... ldc•nlllll'<l ''-"location-. \\hidlll'l'l'l\t'd the
..,. 1'\ h ,•., of llw Nl\01 Pro~rmnmt

Ill C.t'llt'loll,tlw ubJt'< IJ\'C' ul the, i\DJI'rn!-ll·lllllllt'
,., l.l.tS~'tl 1111 lht• phl.loo..oph\ 111 stn•tu~tlwn tlw
l,untl\ Ul-.tlttJilllll

1"111~ ,.,01\'IL't' Is wil l I Uw p111 po-.t•nl pmvldln.~ 1111' JII.II111T'"fl01l"ihthl\ olthl" lt',lfll Is In
1\'t~dhtl.! l,tdlllit·~ lor chlldn·n tv...tdlnt.: ,\\V<lV llllllt I 1.1!..1 C'l11t'I'J.:t'O(Y rhlltt•-.. "Ill h I" h lllfllftl~
hulll pulllh lihrati1·"' 1nd \\ho rlonot h.t\t· l.utrl-.lldt·-.. 1;1llt•n In-c•c;, ,(!C'lllng rtd ul ....n.tlw-.
.11u lllw mntm l nnrl prC'vC'nllr>n of llonrl.
liht,trv I.Hihtit'..., ,11 tlwtr :-.(hoofs"' 111 ,m•.t..,
'Jlllo; It oil II pn>\ UJ<..., C'lllt'~t'IH'\ ''"'l"IUIIC'C It>
\\lt<'IT' tlwy II\<". \1olnk-lo~hr:tn I h ts Sf't'\'11 """at
I!l ..t,llilm..: '' hile :\lohllt" Ltbmr\ II h. s I:> ~"' rumclll ·•~<endc.... -.utla .~-.. tll\' f-lr~ Bnl,!adc
111<1 1\Jli("C_III Ult' ta....k.-. of -..1\ill:!
"'•""'"' :1munci Kunl.l Lumpur
• l·tn '11 lhn.,
TIII'ft' ollt' appmxun:ll(')\' 100 11(10 hO(lk'> .utll
f{tl.lcl :11 I'Uit'nl \ IC'lllll'-
Ino -.uh-.<·npttons of!,V.Uit '., oiS \\Ill u-.
IJI1>\\ nlnl.! \ 11 lim<> (-.c 11ha)
lll'W"'f>illlC'r,... of ltx:al anll fordl!ll puhht.lllou~.
11n "(.'r\tn:::. arc <t\c.ulul>il' lut .,,, d,l\,., ,, \\<'l'k. Ltllt't~t·nt·\ Flr'>l aiel a11cl nnahul.lltt·c·
1 ....<ept Jot Moml<t\~ .md l'uhllc lloltdo~v-.. 111.1 r . u n t ' d It·-.)

l111 llw"> to ~tturd.l\'"' tlw lllmuit·-. .m· Ill• n• oll1' ....,,. hur1al gmunci-. lwtn[! h.llllllt'fl h\'
op•·u hmu H.:30 a.m un11l 5.0<Ift m , ''hill" on C II\ llall Ihi'\ ''"' nnnlr'l) lnur \lu~luu ·
«'l'111t'lr'11...., .11 .J.tLIIl Ku.ln OII,J;tl,m h•:nt-..
Suud,t\ ... H 1-. lmm ~1.:~0 n.m In I oo pm ,J,tlau \mp;mc S11n~a1 fJe<.l nncl J.1l.u1 ltx•h In
.uldillon to twr• Chn.,u:ln N' Ill~' It'll<.., 01 ,J.tlau
lltc ~.\01 F'n',.~r:lmnw ,.....1 "(It"( 1lw s.. ""'' f•l lhe < ll••r.t. lllrf \1, TI11
l\u.1l1 Lumpur f'll\' lltllua tlw lo1111 ol ,1 c J.ll.ut Clu·r.t" 1-. ubu 1111111·1 1111'
c ttlllll\111111\ dt·,·t'fopmC'Ill ptul!lillllllll' tm~.u'lb
lto~lldhnM f'IIIT<'Ill <;oc·tnl hsuc•.., ,\Ill-IIi I~ il:-o orll'~">f11111'11l>illly C'll) H.dl.
1'1111-.t'IJI H'llCI' OJ lll ball ptWt'li \' oil II!111,1.( I f it' fow
lllt'CIIIW t'oUilt'U> Wllflllllfll l·o ·t h 1.11 11'1111111'\ o[
1\u.tll Lumpur

lln~ '>(~1n·-. t hmutd<'d thmu~h till' 1 uru~pt ol
l'tlllllllunll\ dr'\duprnt 111 111\oh•· hll.11< ,,,1
pnx t5'-<'' lx•t\\l't'O Ku,tl.t lmnp1 11 c II\ 11.111 and
\\ 1>11(111'....

ook r(It Hall ual ump I Th eOCOIII'<II.(t' ~llld i:l lTnngt• dt'\'dOpllWlll !'>U
a!> lo adJl\'1' llw nbjf'<'t lvr ol l lw NC'w
I 1 h,,., h<'~>n Ihe obltTiiH' ol Cil y 1-htll of 1-.:t·onmnlt PulleT.
l(u.lla l.ttlll[mr to nllllzt•lhe lantl al llll'
uptlmllln level appropriate willt Ill! 'lo ma.intuu1 .md promote- th~> ml(' of 1\wlla
sl!cllc;>l{\ ol J{ualn Lumpw Stnwtun l'hn lin Lumpur cl~ tlte c·enlrt' of tht• ft>cit>ml
<l.fl'a uf Kunl.t lumpu•· ,.., l'lnh 243 f:ii) -.quarL Government.
km hut unc!t·J"!:!O n mptcl dt'\'f"lopmcnt In II s
cflorl to C'lt'.Jlt' a c-omlnr1.1hk and hili' IWIII\ To promote l'<ll<da LumpUJ n:-. tilt> rt'lll n· lm
t'ity. Cil\' I lull uf f\w1ln l.ti111J111r imJm's" I ht> n·ll~iOU!> all(! ndtural rlt'\'C• Inpllwlll of lite
q11ulil\ ol llw l'll\lronnH'Ill lly en<;urlng :t nallon and tu pruJCt1 tht dt''ilrecl im.u~e !ll
bal:1111 t· lu lwt•t 11 den·lupiiH'Ill and t•t nln~\
In rron·s-. nl plnnnln~ ad\ IIJIIlll'. l·flhkll l Ulld To ntHinlnln ;111d prurnole the rolt• ol K11al.1
comton.thlt· cit) Cilv llall 1'\uala Lump111 ha-. Lnmpu1 u"' the n.llion·-. (·ommetTial and
linanC"ial c·c·nt w and lO pnmwk Kuala
dra\\'11 up tlw J<uala l.JIIllJ>III Sln!lllll'l l'lan Lumpu1· u-. a l"t't!,tonal t't>lll n for sm h
198-1 a-.lh•· ha'>ic J!,ultk hrw lo all dt·\dupmt·nt :wtl\'ille<>
111 llw Ft·clrr.JI 'u'rriln~ ol l<uala L111np11t. 1\uala
Lump111 .,, nwtnrc pl:!n IHH·I has 10 ~~·rwrul lb rnautlnln .md promo!£' t'l'tliHHntt: grm~tll
objet'I iVt'" "" lnllow'\ · nne! to plll\'l!lt• Job nnd h11o.,ilw%
nppon unlll~>c,,

lh pru\·idl' ackqu,Jt(' houo.,mg lor all innunt•

lh providt• mh.:qwl.l(" puhltt.' .tmt>nilk~-o lor
lhe sorlnl nn<l phv<,lolo.l!h ;1l wdl being of
th(· ell\ folk" am.J to JHTHHott• 11ni~' amon~

lo achk'H lbl bc~-ol po!>'>thk physic-al
-.u ncl\Jr!" lor l\11ala LUIII JHH: ~upponed hy
nn eflkic111 Lr<Jn<lporlat ion sy~trm .

To rn"-lJn' till' ht·st pm,..,ibll quality or Ow
t·m·irou1llltlt b\ Lmpm' Jnf! :met
mainlalnln~ o.1 b.llann ht·tWtTil

tlt•,·clupmenl t'cology ami nni1onal
lwriHH!C .

lo t·n-,ure I ho11 futurr- de·\ t•lopnwnt .
rrdc\'t·lttplll('l\1 ctnd urb.Jn ~ttl\\1h an> 111
line \\11 h Inn~ tem1 f'h:lll~t·s.

111 .... ummnry. llw ni>jectivf'R oll\1 1aln Lumpur

Sl nH·Iun· Plan .tn. ICJ n.i.i!>e th~: .,l,mdard ol

lh in!! In lhf' Fhlt·ral lf'nil<l~ ,,,.. wdl i.l5 lu
111.1k1' Kuala LIIIIIJ>llf .1 lk'llea·t· to li\ ... ln.


A pon tmm l<nal<1 lumpw· 511"\ll'llll'l' l'lan. Cit\

I [.Jll Kuala LIIIIIJllll' also pm\1tk" Df'\ Pluprrwnl
PIO'ln<; 111 lhf' lonnol Local f'lwa~ .ts ,1 follow up.
l 'l lt'~l.' Local l'lu11" .11 E of lhrt'<' typt',.., namt'ly.

PL1nnln~ Unll f'l:ln Thb pbn pnn1des tht' h.,c;JS tniPrpretcd rru111
ubjert l'lan the Kuala Lumpur Strueturc Plan.

Atiloll An a l nd ~ ''· C'lt\ It til Kuala Lumpur prt"JXII"t"d
1ht SuujL't 1 PI 111 t" 11 lr•nttl\ mdnsmal ls....\1! s
1•1unntng Unit Plan and to pl.m lndll...ltl.llth \dllf.Jlltent In tlw
lltls I'I.m tu\CI~ nrs urr-a ol20 Pknm111~ I Inil!! Fcderal ' li•IIIIOIY nl 1<11.1b I nmp11r.

utllnrd In tlw l{u,sla l.umpur SUll! tun• Action Area P1 n
l II IW\\ a mow. dt"tailed pt;m hac;c·d un Tills plan l'O\{"fS :u·r.,c; that ll1l\"f' been
KnaLl I umpur Stmuure Plan ldentihed rnr n-dt"\'c: luplllt: nt or tmprm l'lllt'lll

n<J\\ thf'8!' Plannln!! Unit l'l..m"' m ~ et to It show" In drt all the l\lK's of usa!!e.....hapt>s or
lUI ttrd bmldiJU!,, la11dS1 •'I"' JX"I"Spffthf', arrang• Jll('lll

Suhjr.ct Plnn ol bwklinp,s, 11.1111• 11111 •••hn-...
Sllllf<·tl f' rqu••-.Ptlh n ~ludv on tlw
So tnr Cllv ll.tlllt:t'< l"''flHII'd Acllon AJ<'u f'l.tu
pl~nntng • I 1 IMI It< ll!oetr "'''< lm -.Ill II n~ for the ['lulu l'sJo.,nn llnklt Hmtanl.! ,J,lhlll
Pun<~ .11111 liukll \llltkunt,tlt.
lndu"l" huu::;tn~ tmdt> and W• n :.lim•
HowM·n th~sC' Arllnn An:.s l'lau::. art> \{"l In he

InformatiOn Book ofOty Hall Kuala lumpur Cily Hall also rclocalc squallers and assists
in Ihe rest rue turing of society in order Lo
DEVELOPING AND UPGRADING VILLAGES achieve harmony and unlly.
As a slep towards lhe upgrading and
urbanisation of squ:1tte-r villages, ihese areas City Hall Kuala Lumpur builds various Lypes
are supplied with electricity. piped water. of houses including t1ats and long houses.
roads. drains, bridges. community halls and These are found in lhe 1\.tanku Abdul
sports facililies. Rahman housing areas. Bandar 11m Raz::~k.
Sentul. Bandar Baru Sent.ul, Jalan Cheras,
DBKL PUBLIC HOUSING PLANS Jalan San Peng. Gombak. Bukil Kertnchi.
ln implementing its Public Housing Plans, Clly Datuk Keramat. JelaLek and Desa 11m Razal<.
IIall J<uala Lumpur has Ihe follO\ving objectives
To provide housing suitable lor the lower
iucome !'(roup. ln its effort ro ease concentration of acUvilles
To r<.lise lhe living standard of the lower in the city centre. City Hall hrt!'> created new
income group in lhe Federal TeiTitoty of townships like Ba.ndar Bam Sentul. Bandar
Kuala Lumpur. Baru Wcu1gsa Maju. Damansara. Banclar '1\.m
1o relocate squatters in the Federal Razak and Bukit Jalil. These new townships
Territmy. a:rc planned to fulfil the needs of local
To assist the rE>slrucluring of society in residents and p~)pulalion .in ils vicinity. TI1e
order lo achieve harmony and unity. townships arc self contained eomp1ising
In implementing lls Public Housing plans. public housing. light industries. shophouses.
Cily Hall Kuala Lumpur provides housing hawker centres. ~overnmenl offices. schools
suitable for lhc lower income group. and other facilities.

tnfor matJon Book of Oty flail Kuala lumpur Dispute

l (unl,, l umpur City llall has hN"n L."lnd 0\\11t'TS ' ' ho dbputc the ~~.,n·wnt mtt~
fin.'lnMalJy autonomous Sill!"<' 1948. t'Ull !>ubmll thtir dlsagn-ement \\1thlu the
Flnanre conte.... fmrn two m.1jor JX'riud l:>llpumted in the noth"e.
som\'CS nnmt.'h'. tLS own R'\'Cmte und j!rnnt-.
111 l0<111~ fmm t·h~· Fedt'rnl C:o\t'IIIIJIO'III . TAXF..S

/\1111111.1-:: <'II'' I hill's mnjoJ ll'\t ""'' :-~otm'l'.., nil' Cont.ribut Ion For Assistance of Tues
IJIIII tt'ttls. h11~1ness llt't'll"t' lt'l'"'. pl.lttllltt,L\
1'11111),!1'8, ,.,,., In rwnJill,uw\' wish nrt.ide 1513 of lh<' tl.'•~tll
Conslitullnn, the n..>:.pcctive ow1wrs of
PROPERTY VALUATION propl'rtk"'i 0\\11Cd by the Cf'fltral Qo\1'·num.•nt,
Stott' <lowmmnlls nnd Smtuton· Bodlrs nn-
The ha'ilc; of \-alualion fi-,r asSt"ssmrnl rate" i"
the Annunl Value which Is ( nlcuL'1teO os requlred tn gi\'P c'Ontribntion.-. cai'ruL•t~l
ruiJoWl>: aet'flnllng to u pen.."em~e <'hall!N:l an priwlldy

I. lhtlldtugs

II . \'m•:tnl Est hnakd IJll'lt·d 011 I 0"'" PREMISF.,S UCENSE
!.and nl Iht• 111:11 kd prlt't' ol
land '1111' I.A:l<,ll C~o\'t'nmwnt AM 197fi Mlpul,llr:- lhlll
all pl;wc'!i ot husltlf'...... nn.- to tx- ll<'f'll'><'tl. exr('pt
V<lhmllon of pmpeny and p<~ytncnt un• made thciS(' pl.tN'S nl husine-... . LhJI ha''" IX't'n gl\'t>tl
t\\1rc yt'arly namely. In January nnd ,July. f'XPI11ptlrnt

Percentage of Rate Imposed Appllc:tliun fonns for·~~ pt-cmiS(' llt't~tst·
<.-an be ohtuhtt~l from Cily Hall's't!Jtslng
'1111' IK'II •·nt:H!t' of mlt> IIIIJ>tJS<'d piCM'lllly on
•111 ptujll'tll<'"' withm Ku<tllt l..tliiiiHII dt\' llmib [)cp.U1111t'lll mlCI Clly uan·s hrUIJ( lJ offi<'t."S nt "
Ill«' ;t:. lollow::.:
t·nsl of lt\1 1.00 IK"r '>l'l. ::\o hu..,hu...,s t'tlll
1 <llllllll'lll<' unttl :• lit f>nse to do .:;o '" '"'"' ll'rl .

i. 11th's Wllhm 36 !:>qu.m· Milt• J\11•a ENTERTAINMENT UCENSE

•• C:onun<·n:ial Bulhllu~o; 12% '11tc l::ntt•rtnlunlt'nl Aet (WPKL) 19!J2 ,uul
b Vaeant Comnwrt'1.11 l..mul Entcrt.liJ unc11t Reg1tlall0ru. (\\11Kl.) I{1.13

stlpuL'1tt' that nll kind.., of publiC' cntf'rtnlmnt"nl

(', H•..•ldential BulldlnJ!s (;% mu~1 11.'1\<' u lh'Ml..<;C. ANnrdirl,l! to the, 1'1,

Ptllf'rtainm!'nl ts llll<'fl>l'l"lffl to hf' nny ktnd of

d Vcu:ant Residcutlal l.nud ?'lito cam<"S or nny lunn ol enrer1aimnrtll ollt-wil to

tit<' publlt', !;Ill It t"ntenainm<'lll wtll also tndu<1r

II. 'l'ith•s Outsiri<' ~~n Sq11an· Mlh• 1\tt·,, c•,hthllloll·•· s~nge pn·st'nLalltlll-. -..pcu ttl

ww111 whilk\TI lo1111of cntert.ahum·lll 111 hll11

;1. lk'iiclt•ntiAI B11l lcl lngs ti% pin•••• wlttw ltll'tlllwrs oflhco puhlh ""' ·

pc·n11HII'd In t·llkr wtlh or wHitn111 tllntwllll'\'

h <•'lllm<'rtial Butlcllrlg' I ll"ll (l;lytll<'lll Ill ntlu·r mt>an.s ol paynwn1 . •

,., \'nemH Lam! Anmn~ tllC' \'arious limiL.., of enlf'11llllllltt'nt that
n."(jUin: ll<'t'JlslnJ,! are mO\ie !>how~. dane cs,
n. l~csiclenllal flullclin_!!s 3ill, mush· •md s1t¢nJ;!. -,tn!!e perfonnam~-s
c;o,:hOJitluns, • must"'lteuL Lairs. fashion shf)WS,
h. CNnmiTCiallhllhlhli!" ~i%
~~!'t, be:mty p:tJ!t>:Ult. Me.
1', Va1·ant Land
:l"'• ,\pplh-:•11"11 fon11s tor enlt'r1airmwlll llc•t'11St1i
d 1\~ . B;tm, l<g. Sungal l'lllllll" ohto~lnl'd lmm tlle Lltt:u~illl! Ill lhllllllt'ltt
l'rnchala ami
Kg. :\lela!,' Se~nmhul ''' HM IOU Jll'l "'l'i All applil'allon,., '"''"' ht
!;llllllllill'cllll lh1 !>oUile dep<Ulllll-'111 oil lt·.t'il I I

cl.w-. lwtun 1h1 t•n·nt rnkeo:; pl.w1

tnfl'Tmatton H k f lHY tl II Kuala Lurttpur

"l~l f:lLA:'tEOl!~ LICENSES Pawn Shop License
(Pawn Broker's Act 1972)
Llquo• I,IC'cnsc•s
lllh lht•usc• ts lssttt•d tu npplil'~tnls b~ a
1. \\'huh•snI•• l.lf'<'ll"t:
tendt•r llllllt'ss 1111 n p••rtod not •'X<'('('tlin!!
il I{N.lll l.ll't'JISI'
Lhrn· ye.1rs. hi tlw ft•dt••·nl Tc•tTitory ol
Ill. l'uhllc llclll"t' l.ln•nst• Cla-.s 1.2.:1
Kuakl l.umptll , I I nrc'a" ha\'1' hc't' ll f!alt'llt•cl
All upplit~11011~ lnr lit'f' ll"'l'" am• pmn~sst·tl
1-" """"l•h• ''" IItts put po..,f', •
nnli t'tltlsltlf'n•d ll\''t'll"'llll! anti t-:x•''"'''
Money Lender's License
Hu~rd of the Fcd,:rnl Tt•rrlln~ whll'lt nn· ht>ld (Money Lenders Act 1051)
four time·~ n y~ar. 1\ppllc·nllo11s for thPsc
llc~n<;<•s must be submitte-d one month Thb llc•ensc• Is jo;sm•(l 10 npplirants qtt.tllfi,~d
bdorf' lht' date of Nu.·h m{'{'tlng of thr to conduN monl'y ll·ndlng lJu-.lnf'<>sf'-. onh•
Boal'd T'h~St' dill~ 1.\I'C g<w·ued nmt
ntl\•t•rllst"d In tlte nc-wsp.tpcrs, Trisbaw and Push-Can License
(Vehicle Act . Art icle 167)
l'i!Vflll'lll lfll' o.;lll'l't's"hd <1ppll< ntiOlh llrl'
Nell wllhsliilltlillg lht· clt't'l(';t"ltlg lllllllllll nl
tll:.ult• 111 tiH' Vhhllll't· lkpart 1111'11! nl C'lly uppllt',HIIN (Ill' this lh t'll"l~. il I" "tilllwl111
lltlll, n1 111 II:; Ll•·<'l1"hH' lkp.utnwnt . j..,o.;uetllo t'.\tSllllA 0\\'llf'r.., nl lrt-.ltaw, amf
PH'h '<~rt,; 1111:> heen!>t! b h"uc•d on an
Auctioneers License rumual haslc;
(Auction .Enactment 1929. article 81) •
Thl-. llt•t·nst• is Issued )'~":trly to appllt..Ulls HAWKING AND MARKET STALL LICENSE
qu.tllfiP(I In 11ntlet•• lllP bll..,ITH'SS of
Monthly License
0111 l(OIIIIIC lll\l'cl OJ' 1110\';lh)t.. no;,~WIS
I. Static• Swlls \\'tlh wlwt'l..... mra..urlnt..!
fonn!l tur lht• nppltcatl<.tll olllt't"llSf'S t'lllt he 1.6:"\ 111 x (1,!11 m onlv.
nlnaln•·d ln•t• ot l'ltnlltl' 11'\1111 C:tty lll•ll'o.;'ll!lltll! I kp.lrt Ill<'III. ii. Slnlls tllt '•lsllll ng I S:i 111 x 0 .~115 111

Pet Itlon Writers License within tltt• lt.,wktnl! .m·~•::. ol K11.11,,
(Petition Writers Enactment 1957 No. 2 / 5) I.IIOI(lllr C' lty.
iit. Stnlls measuring 1 83 m x 0 !:J 15 111 I.Jy
11th \'«'••rly lleen:-.e 1... 1-.-.u!'d tu <tppllcnnts thr ro.Hisldt'!>/Pr1'"'"'' lnnd.
qunllflt~ to pmnde thf' -.ctYlt~(' .., of U pt•tlliOII h· Stall"' nt niAltl m;1rket .
Writer. (icfun• the j._..,ll:llll'(' Of till' lh I' IIS(',
ttll' {lJipllt•u llt lllll!;t prml111 c•" written Ucense11 for Stalls Withln City HaU's
('llltSI'IIi !111111 tit<' 11\\'lll'r tliiiJ!' pn'JIII::;t• (II Markets • Monthly License
1111lldlltt.! will'''' tht· p•ttllttn writ••• prnpo:-<'s
Stnlb 111 tilt' markc·t::. ilrc lu:cnsecl nm1 (t•t•s
llllllllllllll 1111' IHISlllP'l<; arc lixt·d :u~eording tn the• lrn.·atlnn uf tht•
markc•ts nnd the nature ofhushU'"s. The
ronll'l lor thl' appll<';tliOill)l lilt'll!'I'S 1',111 Ill' rate of ltrt"nslnA lc'«"S ln Lhc t'l'tUrol awa~ ol
obtnlnl'd lwc of ch.m!c lru111 f'ily H.ill'" the t'tt\' Is H.\1 14 .00 per muulh. while fm
l.lrC'rt!lin!! l>cll<'rtment. ar~'<l"' nut nl tht• t•lty t'•'nll·l' tlw rate Is

Exhumation License R.\112 0(1 '1>~'1' lllllllllt .
(Local Government Act 1976 Section 97)

'J111s lu••nse t._ '"'"lll'd IC1 Uppllt':llllS wlto oli'C'

1\'Cptlll'll In rt't'fl\'t•r 1ht• ll'tl!altl::. uf a tl••fl((
Jl<'l"''" • 111 pnrt 1lwn·nl, from till' f.!I'U \'1', 1111
:,Uilll' SJII'I'IHt• p11rpn"t's.

lnf rrnanon Book or(Hy Hall Kuald Lumpur ADVERTJS£MENT A.~"D SIGN BOARD '
Loc k · up Stall and Shops
1'111' l.cll',ll Cll\'l'l"llllll'lll Acl 197G sllplll.lii'S
t lty Hall IT'Ill" out I!X'k·up c;t,tlls clllll ..IH>p-.. thur ,til\' .td\'C'rllo;;t•m•·nt that lnlmm.,, tll.tkc•
lt-JMIIIs lilt' required to ..,11~11 ugn't'lllt'llh lllltlllllllt'CIIIl'lll ur puhlh .Ilion that Is
\\lilt Ilit' .\1,tyur .md uhtam 1ht· • nlllJIIIlsorv citspl.tyc·cl IU IIH' puhlk rc~artiJn.~ .tn~·
\'f'llll\ h<'C'W.,\'"·
ptudll• 1. tr,tdf!', hu-.111<'"" pn>lt'"''""· 111111 ,
Appllc ntlon for Licenses and Rentnl t 'ot pur'' llutt ur~.uusallon, tnstllut ion.
of Stalls prt·rnlst•... . show.... oil 11\"lllt•..,, ,lJid ollwr s .
WitH It oil I' dt'oplnyrrl rill wall-., ICIH t•:;,
Appll< ~tllnn c',\11 ht• IJJ,tdt• h\ o;pt•t 1.11 ..rnu t un•s,,, post.... \·rhrde", or on
npplw.trtun lorm' ~l\·e11 frf'c ol c:lhlil!<'. I ht' \\h,\lr.H•r tnrC"tun:-. \"lillhht ur uut~lcle of
1ssur of fonns howt"\ <'r. depend upon tht.> bulldm!!s. Is ~t·qulrto:cl to apply tor an

ult •hlllty of the loraUon In que lion or , ch·•·rUs<'nH'fll und -..11!11 IJOard li cnsf'
thrre I nn exlstmi! "'t...,ll/shop \~hlch Is \llldt' l lht' J\d\'f!'rtlo.;f'tn('lll •IIIII ~iJ.!Il' JS\ Lot\\~
\,It ollll Eal'h applicant must bf' IR \l'.trs old {\\' 1'1 I'Jtl:laml "" nnwnclm~nh.
•lllcl aho\t'. Appbc,tlions from hush.tml nnd
Wile' olll' IJlhiiJht•d to IJt' I'IIIISIIlr'll'tl 1111 Olll' Applh·nllnn lorm<~ nm lw oblnlm·tl l'n1111 l'Hv
l'i l.tll nnlv. 11 an:-lcr'l uJ uwnl'u-.hlp nl ltn•nsc!> ll.tll.., Ill t 11'-.ltli.! Dc•p.trlmrnl and <'ltv ll.tll' ..,
.11 ,. IIIli Jlt' llllll It'd t'Xt't•pl wlwt•· Jll'l"lltl.;~lnn hrnm·h l)(fin•.., t1 1 l'0-.1 ol 1{\11 .00 pc•r ~~·•
h gl\1'11 llltdt•r•t·tllt• 1 lit'UIIt•lttHt"
t-:\rl'\ mhenlsl'mc•nt /s t~n board installation
Other Conditions must LM\ r the appm\'al mrcl Uw lie cnst• let'
rrnr t bt· full~ p.1Id belon- ..,ul'ft
All hnwkt-rs sellinl! food / drinks an· n•q111rcd atl\'t•tth>rllll'rtl Is lll..,talled/cll-.J-II<t~l.'d .
1(1 undcre:o nwclwal c::-.-amln.tllons .111cl .111' to
tnnhrtaln l'lt'nnhnf''' ,,, thetr pltc c•s ul 1111· INsllrtlltl' ul l!c·erl"t·s lnr .uh't•rll l'lllt'lll I
huslllt'S" and aJ-.., Itt pro\'tde t•sscollr•l llt·ms Slj.!ll Is lt.uulkd uy Clly llall's
su• h 11s ruhlw•h bm.... pl.t..,lil' h.tgs, tnhlc• l.h t'II"IIIR Ikpartrm•nr ,
c luth... . cit·. It b c·ompul,ory hu h rmkf'l"' to
wc·;u 1 .tprun::.. DEVELOPMENT FEES


1 Jw Lor,tl Go\'l·rnrnc•nt i\tt l!l7h sllpul.lle'- Applit nlfun lor plnnnln!! \\111 h«" rhnn:!erl
thnt 1;-.ud or premt"<'' whlt'h err used u ... 1 ar 111lng ll'r-s a -.tatcd 1r1 th~· 'lltlrd Schedltlt~
pttrks for parkin!?. I 0 or mort' motor ' ·hi< 1(!',- (Rc~ulatlon 21 In l'lnnnln~ Hel!ulnllcHrs
uul c·hnrge fre' arC" re-quired to ohtnln u (l>t'H'Iopnwlll) 1970
lit l'IIS(! under thl' Pnvate (' ar t•.trk l.lct•tr-.~·
lh• l..tws (\\'1'1 19H2 nnwncllllelll 1'1'1 I. Development Charges

1\l tlcJIIK lilt• private plo:wf' llmul n1 p t•c•tnb<'l J)t•\ I'IIIJIIIII'Ill t h.lJl.\t'<; art> llllpo.,t•d II Jill II
tnptllt•d lo Hpply lur tln· n-.c-s .m· OJH'II <If'\ dopmt•nl"' wht' h lllHll\'c dMrt~c· lu :zorte
sp." c•s, nlltn· buildtnw• rln<'lll·'"' 'lwppln.Q lor u c. irH' rea,.. Ill population clc•flsllv.
'mnpk.xt•s, .md hutch. If su<'lt c· 11 p.crk.., <lrt' t>XIr1t floor nreo~. rxtra dwelling unit anrl
nn open -.pan· or prcmt~cs nncl clot·s not lnsuiTic lr•nt numha ol parking lots
lmpos(' nn\ ft'C-., or nre onl.)i fur tm~mber...
thrn llcen-.e.. arc not R"fJUtrccl. l<.•tc• nl IM\'1111'111 lm ck\'cluprnc•tll 1 h.IIJ!t'S Is
hnst•cl n11 1111• Ht·L:ulatlons ui l'lanu111~
rnmts lor rlw appllt·attun-. Ill this Itt l'IISI' llkvt.'lnplllt'tll Chare,t>-.] Ctty ol 1\ual.t
t, 11 he nht.\lned lnnn tlw•ll!;llll! 1.1111111111 I H7!1.
I 11•p.11 t lllf'nl nt R\11 Ott t·~u· h St'l.

l'rl\'alt• 1:11 pnrk ltc·t•n"t'' .tpplll',liiii!IS Is
hunclll'd hy City llnlr-. 1.11 t·n..lllg
I lt'JMI tnwnt.

Tbe Improvement ~ce Fund lnformauon Book of City Hall Kuala lumpur

llndt'r Sa-lion 13'2. Road._, Dmin.., mul HEALTH DEPARTMENT SERVICES

nullcllng 1\ct Wi•l. dewlopcrs uf tk·wlupuwnc Inoculation Charges
projcrl 01 ·required to make this l~JIIll1hlllhHI tu City ll:tll's llc~llth lkpartnwm otler-. lnuc•ul.tllull
senin..., tu uht.uu tlw lnh'ntatlonal Ht:i!lth
CU\'t'l coo;l~ ol ,·,mstnu.:tiJII.( o1Jld malllllllnln~ nl Cert.llkah' lot' ll h-t· ul I~M:I.OO 1)(>1' lncwulation
the lnfmstntt·ture In Kuo.tla Lumpur. l'lwll' :m•
two LJJK:S ult·nlltriiJlllluns. I.e·, n1ads and rll1tlll'! and f{Mfl 00 lor mon· 1han nn~ lnontlallon.
Fees lor t>uclut~lll~ llllll.'ulallolls b~· prl\'ah•
lm·l'lopmmt pt~let'l" ltnplt>nwntt~t uuco;,htc•
Kuala l;umpur llwt utlhs!' t'XI.,tmg med.i<'nl pt1wlttlollr·rs In lhP. lntt'rn.,tlonnl
Health Cc•r111tt'ntc• Is HM 1.00 t"ach.
lnfmstruC'tun: twnilnule In Kuala Lumplll :ut•
nlso !lllbj{'(·tt"d to contrfbuu~ to thl-. Hmd. Health Clinic

Fees For ntc Consideration of City Hall pnl\ •dt~ health S('n1re... opernted hy
BuiJding Plnns Its l-lf':ihh l)c'Jl.1ttnwJII at 1 hnic... tor expL-ctam
mother., ~uullnl.ull ....
l·h•!i In lin~ nl tltt h111ldlnl.( pl.m,., lwtn~
r(lll'!ldt• tl'tl lill .tpp tll\'ill lhlhm tl w r.tlt• nl A regl <~lmtlnn lt't' n l HM'l.OO Is dtruw·d urat•;wlt
prt\111<'11111,., "ll''~·Uit·d In tlw Huilrhrw H\ 1.1ws pau~nl u... ttw tltt .,,. ,, nk<·.....
(A-drml 'lhrhnrv of Ku.lla l.umpml HJS!l
Fees For The sate of Approved SEP11C TANKS
BuDding Plans
Copltos ol appru\-ctl builduu( pl.u~:- <'1111 he Tiu, Sf'.I\'I~c· h.ts hec11 pn\aU-.t•d antl tbC~ an•
purr IMscd on nppllC<tllun to llw Building
Contrul l>t\1~ion of Utt' l'lannln~ ,\ucl B11lldhtl! chan!<'d H:\.lll 00 leu ,., t•ry n thft• mf'lrr.
Controll>ep;utnwnt at a t·osl ol HM 100.001)('1
Omamrnlnl pott·~lplanc... <"UJJ lJc n'lll<'<llmm
l.he UUlU">(>;cJlf' l>t\·tslun ol Citv llall .11 tl11•
C'nr 11.1rklng C'harge-: in place"' wht~ tl<c llckt•t
~)r.~rm '"used cast be paid to the attcnd.lllt.s on follo\\111!! r.tllos· •
duty or nt p.'lrklll,l! booths. Cha.ll!t.>s differ
at'COn:Us~ to lo('ntlon ami tlw fn(:ihlfe.., Rental Rates For Government Ocpartmeot.s,

Jlltl\1d~l . Or Statutory Bodies And Local Authorlti~

Metered Parking Lots '".It1. 0111 pultnl W\11 00 pc•r d:w

Ch.urJ.(es •'"' nt the mit· of 10 ..;en lor en·n· 7 .f• 2. Tr<lii" JIIIll 1 ll il lgt'..., klt up to 100 poi "' or l<·ss
mlnutr-; ln thr ('entml pa11 olthe' ilv rm~l nt 10 fm ddlwr~ to pl.rct·,.. wlll•h• till H·clt·n1l
lt rnlo" ul l\11,11.1 l.ump11r 1-. R\1:31.00
sen IOrf"\c'f)' 12 mlnutf'S in nJTas out otth«' tht" (whtle tmu...;pon c·hafl!c•..: tu plaet-.IJUI...idc:
dty N"ntw, for p."lrkln~ in mt'tert"d lot..s lx-twccn
7 30 n.n1 .u ad 6.00 p.m on Monda),.. Utnnl~h tlw fx:dt"ml1i•n11of)' of Kuala l.urnpttr 1..
to &lllllll.t)'S. <<tkul.1tcd r•t tht• mw of R\t4.00 tor C."'C'h kilometre).
llo\W\'rr. lllt'll:n.·d p;.arkin~ lob l'tJIIIpp•·d wHit
m!!lt'l !>l.ul!l~ Jl.lllllt'U yt'lluw lntlll:itll• Ihat 3 St-nin• 1 lt.IIJ.!~ IIll liJllo I 00 putlf'fl put..; ur
rhmgt.'S .ut• irupo:>l'd l'\l'rl ()fl ~tmd.w-. olllcl
public· hulld.ty" frum 7 .ao a.m. to I.C>O p.m. It'...._ ,., H\l:.!!'i oo.

4. Arran~c'lllt'lll dt.l~<'" fi1r 11p to I00 pulh•d
plants or lt·:;s '" HM6.00.

tnformatron Book of Crty llall t<u Ia Lmnput TillE AND MODE OF PAYMENT

Rentnl Rates For Private Sec tor/ Individuals I~t\11\1'111 t'illl he made at the t'Uillllcr I.>I

1<\tl 00 per poltt"tl plant pn "·')· •tw l'hMtH ,. U•·partmcnl ol Clly Hull nnd

2. Trrut<.j')Orl rhargf'" lor up 10 lOll pollc·cl .11 llw clnn··tn PH.\ ment c·nutllt 1 < H\' H.tlt
plant-.. or leo;<., for d.·II\Tl} to'l"., within 1111\lrllng, ,);tl<lll l{aja Lalli .11 1111' lllll<IWIIII.l
1111 h·tlt·ml T«rrltury of K1t<1l.t L.tttllpm is tlnw-.;
HM·I·l 00 rrransporl dtiii'J.(C'" leu
dl'ltvc•t It'" lo placf'o; nut ...tclr ol tlu Fc·dc·ral I. McuHI;l,V • I;nday
'li•nllory of Kuala Lwnp111 1-. c·,tlc••li;Jit•d at 7 !UI .1.111. to •1.30 p.m.
1~\H.IIO lur t•ac.:h adtllltuunl kllontt•tn·).
3 ~I'\'I<~ c·harnes tor up I•> 1OOpottccl 7.30a.m to 12A5 p.m
pL'lnb or Jes-.. '' RM25 00
:.!. i\1 Ill•• Mthsidtary ot Cil) Hall's llr•using
4.!t...., lor arrc1n~uu! fw UJ) to 100 M.111n~t lllt'rtl lJeparttnl'rll. tM\ lilt 111 s cnn
Ill' ru,lflt• Ill 1111' follO\"\ing 111111'":
' JHtllctl"- or le!>s '' HMI:i.OO
I, Mond;ly F'riclay
5. A dr•pnstt nt 20''•· fll tlw \'ahu· nl K.:\0 .1.111 1c1 12.00 noo11

IC'lll;tl h lt'(jllll'l:'d. :l 00 p.111. to 1.00 p.m

<'11!-.imm-r~ may u:-.t· lhdr tlWI1,port and il. ~.11\lld.t)'
wr11l\ lrm" In lranc;pott .uul .1n.t11r~c lht•
n•nt•·d pulll'tl plil.ltb. Iu mhlllh>ll. 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m
{'Olllpt'rhaiJoll \\1JJ be d311Jii'll ollttiiiiSI olll\,,~,. lo the pots Stlpplh·cl. :l. 1\l C'll\' ttnll's HoUSUll! Mmtilj.!t>nwnt
Dl'p.trtmt nt'-. offi('~ at Nu. I 2. ,Jnt.m
RENTAL OF HEARSE (NON MUSLIMS) 'htc111ku Abdul Rahm<fn 1~\,llt'lll NHI he
llllldt• oil lht• lolluwln~ lim£'...;
llt·.11-.1 fm u·nt I~ <l\Cli!.thlt hom l11 h•lll
t 'lt•;Jnshu.~ Control Dt•parlllwlll ofntv llull. ·lll1 1. Mmtd:tv F'rlrla)
lmt.• l.1h111 Cherns. Ktwla l.tllll[llll ( lt·lq)hcllll":
7. lfl n.m. to ·t 30 p.m.
o:\ HH·I u:H 1) .tl U1e lollo\\lllg Hilt-.
11. So~tunla~
f'(u ust· within tlw l'hlt•ral it'n ltcuv nl 7. 15 .1.111. to 1.00 p.m. Lumpur. the mtc Is H:\125 00.
4. < cJII(·t tlun t•l payment<. at f'll\ flail'"
:L 1-'br u...c outsldt' tlw F<'tleml1•·rnwry r>f Hr.111c h Ollit>t>-,.:

1\uo~ln Lumpur. tho~ rate• 1-. :111 ,,thi!Uonal 1. Monti,,~ fnday
1~\11 00 for evt>T)'•tn-. 7.:~0 •'·'"· to -1.00 p.m.

ii ~. tlu n l.1y
7.'10 a.111. to 1~.15 p.lll.

!5. ( 'ollc·c lion ol l'dvment!:> L3\' Cu-.h Cullt•clnr

I·or t ho...t \\ho renl slalb in m.Hkl'l ... 111
m.ubtdl' lllld who are unabll." t•1 m.ckt•
I hl'lr l~lVIliC'IIh ul thl' p<l}'llll'lll n•ut n:s.
p.l\'IIICIII m:W be made IO Ill<' ( ·'""
Cullf'tlor"' lrom the Ftn<Jnc~ lkp.utnu·nt
nl < il\' llall clnnne their l'<lllt•ctlcub

In orrnat1on Book ofCity tlall Kuala Lumpur

"lh IX' n-slxm..,n1te for the fonnul.tllon md
:DEPARTMENT _ _ _ o ~ _ ::....1 hnph•mentnalon of pol1cws JX'rl.llnlng to the
l\11111ot!!lllll'lll ol Human Hf'SOIIIH'S
Obj rJves fhfcll lllll)lll ,mel C'OOrOinillt' Jlllll I .llllllll'"

lo l'll.,IIH'Ihat tht" I h1111,111 Ht .cum c <lltd ol ~tclmfnlstJnHon a!> \WII ;t'< II 11
M;ul.lgt'ntt.•nt furwUon., cllh'tc·t1llv In mTit•r 1 lllt;uu-c·Hwnl ol pmdu<'lh II\
to IWIIh•\·c Ihe objc't'llvc•-.nlllw nl~nnto.;atlon lh stn·n~tlh•n t 1ry Hall"-. .tchnhti"'IT":III\t'
Ill lirw with the {"!ldt·.l\"nt II'S tockvdnp. l'>tnr• tun· through lhc pm\'l:o>lon fiJr
hnpro\'e ;md beautJI)' Ill•• dt\' ol l<11,aln lnfonnntlon tl'f"hnoi~· ~1,,..,.. nnct nthrr
l.umpur. n•l,1tcd f.altlitles

1b ensure that the progrmnmc for tht· ·n• Jl.lrtk lpall' In I"Cl!ion.,J mullnh'nt:•lion: I
modc.mi...;aUon of Admlnhtmtlon md
lm~ .1se in productl\11\ "111 cMlh.: org:mls.otlons and romnbullnJ! lfl•··•'"'
undt>:r~tandlil!! and sensllh t: towards the
In~ ulc-..atlon of~ t·ultun.' of\\ork rxc•ell<'"nl'<', l!IWHIO!i lmpm\ 101! llw < of loc'DI
t'llholllC"t'llll'nl ol knoWh'llgc• .uul Nklll ~~P\Tilllllt"lllS in pm,;din~ urlt.m c·"·tn•s
111 p1c·po~no llfl to date tnlm111ollhlll IL'I<~I!•d to
IIWI'IIll"r wUh pnslll\1' ch 1111!.1''-'111 .II Illude. lll.tll:l~t·nwnl administmlloll tlld
do vc·loJllllt"lll ol Kuala Lump111
1lta """n' that al1nlro.;ltl.llhl~ lollw public lh umit."rt&lkt• -.ocial ~nit ~ Utll\1tiC.'S
hi I 111:-tJIIlPf SO olS (o 111tp1UVI ( It\' JiaJJ"., thmu~h public bbrane.... bmm h ctlll~~.
IIJMgc• to I"X" a loe.1l dllthnriiV ol th'ltllll"tion publit complalms bure-du. \1Sit .
In MnLI\''la.
N'lrhrntlon ol r.....m-at-.. !"'eial hmcclun_o; and
'lb rnsure that tnfom\atlon tf'('hnology and
other w.l.1ted :-;en'lCf'S will be tx"'iodlcnll\ offidnl <.:'\'\"'IllS.
upgmdf'Cl in order to lnfusr gn:.1tC'r
dlitil"llC\'. quality. prodUL'tl\1t). ll<llntegrtty lh plolll nnd llll[lll'ffil'nt n•lll);lous ol( lh'lllt·...
In the qualtly of Cily llnll's admuu~II"Uiion lol t'llljiiOVI"I'S.
111 tlt•,tlU~ wtlh <.:uttl'ltl l~:;llt'S nlk< tint! t.hl'
lo p1m ldl• prlnUlll~ f<wllitll""· IIIII tulllrus,
1"11\ tt•..,ltl<"nlb and ltl,tdth·\·t•llw thlltun·s mullrh''lp.lldl and mah th'll.llll'l' ol
H:-lplmt tons. lnllld11ll.("

lit c·JI~llrt City llall"..: p.ult<·lp.tllcut ln
n•wou.11 .tnd nfl,!lmls.ltlons,
\\uuld enable to l.tllJIIU\ e Ill<> 11t\ s ~·n1<-e->
whl h In tum '"~uld bcn<'llt thr dt\'

Th <"n.-.ure that !'oomln:1Uon ('O()pnntlon
nnd cJose rapport e.."\.i!>t hMwr.rn <' It\' ll.tH"...,
'.111011" Clepanml"nls, gm ~'lllllt('llt ng1·nct~
otlllllhe ('fl\"31e -.l"(·(nl •IIIII 11 ,u IIPII" I~Ul
lw I'X<'c ·uied. rffirh·llllv •IIII I dlt•dlvt·h

'li• t'llSIIJ't' that puhllr• llllniiV .ttlcl "'"<'nrrh
l.wllllle-. at"l' mndt> m•.ttl.tllh' to <"il\' n"mlents
St:l as to ntltivatc n n:.uhng ntltlln' .uuun~
them nnd to arch!\ e lh · hi tory ul Kuala
l.umpur for the benefit of lutull'

• 1b cr•sure th.,t n::ll!!lous m11\1tJt"l! planned

nnd lmplementt'tl fur •11, li.•ll s 1 mplO\l'"t'S
m~ dln't It'd LO\\anJ, lm11lyln!-( htl.(lt Ideals m
tutu ,,., .111d deeds.

Jl1 1'1\Slll"l' llialllllliJIII'IIIIIII'I' of IJulldings,

ptlullnf.! seiVIl'l'S. Jlllt•ntllltus. I!IIIII dt•.,patch
uul-.t·rvtt·e~ oft II\ ll,tiiiiii•Hll'.h lh
Br.uwh OlTin·.,. ,m• uncl•·tt.tkc•n dll< lt'nth•.
nnd cfli"'CU•;e~ .

lnformatl n ~of (tty t1aU Kuala lumpur

~pif( ~- -:. -~ _- --

'lu ,ul\ tSr lit•' \1,ayor ol K11al.1 l11t11Jllll 111 :.EOO~O~O~"ING.~"D SoaAL I

llnilltdHllltilllt·r~ . 1-~SER.Vl~ QEP.AR'IldENT

lh plan, Clltlll•ll nncl man:ll!l' <'ltv ll.tll'o; 'lb tll~tll\' ilth·qt~.tlt'ltuu:-.ltt~ hi pruvltlt'tl In
Um:uu L' m• I """"''"' t'lll r lht• uc~!Cis ol Kllotl.t Lumpur·._
Th C"USU~ 111.\.XImum collection nf IT'\ cnm• populatkm. (''iJX'tiallv Ute luwcr uu·omt• i!,lllliJl
from Cll\ ll.tll' financial !>Oun-cs
Th rn'>"ltn.• tl1.1t the n'<lt..'\·elopmcnt of
lb Fnsun: that up-to-date finam 1:11 ~uOIItl'r ttreas; .unl MaLoy resene land" .m·
tnlurmaliun ts prepared fur the lJc•ut !11 of impiMnl'ntt"C'I In the mfl"t economi<'al nnrl
n lc\.tnt consun~er..,. effedhl' m.amwr

'ln•usnn· llmt lily Halrs pmptlllrt~ ts To t•us un· that th•• d<'\<'lopm!'nl ol
pml•'• t•·tl .
iuh,t..,llltttllll Bllol(>llhllt '11llt"11iiiC''-' olll'
un tlo p\,lttllt'd oliHIIlltph·IIWilll'fl tO t"ll('OIII'fl~l'
UJbUil t'l'llltlllllll' ott'I IVitiPS such <I"'
• 'lo pm\ldc n systemallf' nn.lllrl.ll o;~ 1('111
In Dl't'Ord.mce with finam:icll Jlm•:-c:-dull"'>. pn1p•:t 1\ dn dnpmt·nl I rndt.

1!0\c nmn nt finannal rc!l.!ulallon« nnd lr.UISjl<ill,llhlll, lltlollltct'. lOllfl::>lll olllll
net ounllnl! standnnb and pmctlet s
1h ~oiled ! It\' llnlrs R'\cuuc
111 dl'tt'nnllu· .m lnle'l!-mted dt.'\clopmcnl uf
Itt Jlll'P·"' tlll.tlldal Jufun ualllltl, indu trial ~tors \\hll•h will
contrihlllf' IO llr1l.'lll et'OJ10Tllk' (!nJ\\1h
'Jo pn 'pHH' illlllllal buu~d ami 1-(IVIItlol,
p1111111 h '!i l111 pttlllh lanllllt•s , n, Cll<il111.', 1--tl\1' pm'tldpation o(

'lb pro\ Ide un lntc'Tilalt'lllllml s\ h:mln Bumlp111ms 111 th•• urh:m (.'('Onnm\' It•
order to {'ll"lln' that the nn.ulll.ll ( ll"olll '1\tlllllpllll ~l ' Jntrle and htclll!'.ll'\
:uhnlnlstr.tllon b m Une \\1lh thl' arl .md
ff'J!\al. !lOTI'> cum·nlh' in ust• In ( II\ llall I 011 ltllllllll\-'.

lh 111 "~''A'' .m ln..,urance c m'<'l '~'
(' II\' ll.11lo; pmpt"rtif>s

lo lw" IIH'tnlwr oltmpiPtllt'tlLtlloll
•·nruntlll•·•·~ nl ..,pt·cial and pn\.tll• .II Inn
ptnjt 1 Is ol Ctty I10111

'lo o pcrott> ., S<'ll arcountlng dc•tMrtmrnt
fur th<' llouslnl! ~la.n..,!!e-mt>nt lkpnrtnwnl

Th opemle the aecmmt" fo r l'ri\,JIIst"c1 n nct
Joint Hntul"(' projn::ts betwrcn Cil\' llall
.uul tht• prh·atc ~~Lor.

Information Hook of(ity Hall KualaLumpur To tXJnln•l and plan lhc clt'\dopliU'III~ In l.wnpur ..o .t::. lO produt·t• ,, t'd
• (h drdtlc on the policlcs luttlullot~tlon of
lunrl-. fiJr dt~elopment prnjc, ts . th·\dO(IJIII'III .Uld an optintiJIII llliiiS.IIIIIII ol
'lb n)(ttdmatf' and monitor llw
hnpknwntation or den·lnplll~ Ill prujl'f'l'>. 'lo pnt\ldc· -.tmadardc; and gltlfholhws nl
piHtlllh tg In <'nmpUance wH h puhl1c
'lo t•vtuualt: I he pro~rt·ss uml <whlt'VI'IIK'JJI lnh'n·'ll ,uu l c·omfort.
ol dt•wlopmt'lll proje((~:o clltd In J>IT1()(1'-I'
dt1ill.!f'S WhC"n ON'f'<>'XIry. lh ,·ulnn·•· l'l,lf1nlnc. Laws and 1\ullntnc.
h\ • I,I\\'S
'lum:m:u.:.~ a11 dam nncl htlornt.~tlolt
sy.stt·ms n:·I.!Afilin~ Ut<' cit'\ ••loprnelll of ' lb gulclr puhllr~ and pm-ate tJ 1\ ~~~~~~'1\ls hy
K11al.1 l.umpur for tormul.ulon Clf pollnes pmrnnt In!! cW. dopment poH•ntlal
• ncl -.u:at~tt-S and public mlonnatllut
'Jh i"'"1<lt• .trl\1~•1)' "-<'fVICE'~ 10th•• f-i.•dc•r,tl
ln1non:hnaw acuons and t•"Sf)CJIISt• With ctm,·nmwul .md other de\dupllll'lll
-..K htl .md political Ln"lllttllons ,\~i'llt'lf'" Ill 111tlt!J lO ac.,sc,t tltt'lll Ill
({Jnmal..t!Jttg dPvdupmcnl umiJ,uul poltt it's
lh pliut, ITHpl(•mt>nt and lllld<•ri.tkt "nf'I:U Ill l{lltll,t L11111pUr.
.md f'ttlt mal activit it'!'.
Ji:J lt.m.,l.til' ~O\Trnmcnl poll<'ll'S Jntn
1!1 dC'al With SOSIO et•oJlUIIlh 1'"111'"' tltmugh ph\slc ~ tl pi.Hutllll! tn onler tu lutilwr dc•\'flh'
.t t·utuhlrt.ttlon of ::.lntlt'l..'k-. .uul iltlr'tl!t<tlt'ci
••PJlll><t< h•·~ u.tllou,tl h.m11onv and unity.

lh r.uc;urr that proJect' amplenu.•ntt.'tl Ill pmc O." J!lanuull.! appli<<:atlons lor thr
.t< hte\ <' tlw ohjt:t:l!\ ~ of till' pn\'Ulbatluu M.wor s npprm aJ

lh lm·n·a...e thC" a\·allahlllly 111 I tmt-.tnl!.
n•t n•tllon trade and SCI'\Ilt'" tlnutH.\h
pn\ dll"•'llmt.
ll.1 l'il'Ulll' ltW leve l ol soda I fi\V:111'11PSq ~110

lb rrdc-wlop squatter ~.1s <~nd :\1al.t\'
l'l' 'r\ .~ l.utt1


lu ndllt·\·c U1e aim ol op l htlllltt luncl1t"t' Ob
tll.el h planned. and <'Otnpatlblc· wtth the
-.1 rail'((I<'<. and ta.J1!eb nf tilt' l< Lumpur 'h> ~~tuiJJt._h cl "t!l ul pnx.:t•dun 'o lor
~lrttllllrul Plan. pnt< un•mt•nt ol t nntrat'l mana~, mrnt
hn-.c•d ou 1ht• standing Ordf>r:-. on
Ill pnxllli'<' a balam'f" cl(''c•h,rum•m and he:!h l'nx 1m·nu'lll ol Suppli~. Sf'n'lll"'> .lllcl
qualuy f'tJ\ironmem In on:lc-r to'" htr'\ .- u \\'lll'k" nl tht• 1\lm·or ol Kuala r.umpur, Nn
'11\'Mallh that IS contlo11ahlt• .mel I / H5 .111Cl till' Malaysian 1 n·.tslHY
lt.~lllllllllou., while projt'~ 1!11~ tlw tllllhtn.•l 111:-.IIIIC IIOJt'i 111 lore'<'. Th<'St' prnt·•·clnrc•o.,
,··tni.,ters and lcic-ntllv
.lr• • ltuplf•nwukfl b:ls<'d on thr allthcllll\'
'litt·ontrol clevelopnwnt .md pn•st•J'\'P ol Ihe Mavor. ;ts in nr!'ord::\111'1" with ·
puhllt· lnlf'l.'f'St belltUJl~ llw lmlte i lt'~·d st'C'ihlll 'W ol thP Lora) Govt'ltlltlt'tll Ac ·a.
IIJt•'i(ylt tnd qualit~ Of L'lldJOIIIIIC Ill.

1b supervise closely the financial situation InformatiOn Book ofCity llall Kuala lumpur
and lo control l.he costs of each
construction and de\'elopment projcct 1b cvalualc p lannin.~ applications. with
implemented by City Hall. regard lo suitability of development
designs and town plannin.g as wt'll as to
1o manage procurement of wm·ks, st>rvkt>s, provide' advisory service to developers.
and supplies. owners, and other govenunenl agencies.

To act a;, secretary to the tPnder board and Th fonnulalP plnnning policies and
to ehair quotation committee met'tings. ~uiclelines with regard to retaining of
buildings and town planning aesthetics.
Th provide quantity surveying services to
depa1iments in City Hall and other
,government deparlments.

To supenrise U1e fmancial manag<:'mem of
City Hall's development projects.

To be responsible for the appointment of
insurance brokers/cons11ltants and
advertising panel.

To chair the wl-itC' off committee.


DEPART~ -=-·.:.. ~ ---=- -= ..: :....:. .


To build ::.afe. comfortabk and attractive
public housing.

To build public facilities and amenities
that promote hcnllhy lifestyle among the

• To regularly mainl<1in the buildings ln a
safe and troubk-frec:' (problem-free)
conclilion befitting the ima~e of
well-maintained buildin~

"--'!_- --=- - -- ~· - .- . - . -

Fun<tio-:t Objc:-tt·· -

• To design and implemenl d!"velopment To ensure decent shelters for low income
proJects and public amenities. brac·kct groups.

Th assist other govPrnment agencies in 'Ib improve Lhc living standards of the low
implementing clevelopmcnl projects. income population of the Federal 'Territory.

To provide techni<'<~ l scniC'es to technical • To ensure the rt'dcvclopment of squatter
and non-technic<sl departments within and areas in the Fcdcra11crrilory furou_g.h
outside City llnll. re:-;elUemenl.

To undertake U1e maintenan<'e or C!ly llall's 'lb assist in the rc~lructw-ing of society in
the elforts to create racial harmony and
properties. unity.

Th prO\ride techniral l't"quir<"menl~ l(>r
celebrations/official C'Vt>nis.

lnformatron Book of City llall Kudla lumpur

fun ttoo Fu tlon

To Cll'<\lri~ (nit ollocntlon ol pullllc 'Iii pmr t'Ss and tSStll' hJJ.,.IIII''" Jil:CIII'CS
housln~ lu IIH' lfll'l,ll'l group. 111 Hr·c•m clollll'l' With I he• t olldlllnliS and
tc•gul.lllnn<; ol City 11.111 1\u,tl., Lumpur
lh undf'rtnkf' the· lll.lllllt'IUUH l' ol City as " l.m .tl .1\uthmtl\'.
Ilull's puulh hou lng.
lu nllrrllnt"lc·r nncl mllthli:!,•' lkc•nst'd
Jh nt:Ull\~c· tlw regl..tlfllt•lll, ''"' und h.twkt.:rs .111d J>Cit\ trocJoot.., to t'll-..tll~
n~ntnl of City tl.tll'~ puhlh hmlslll!! lm that tlwv nhldl' ll\' tht> llpul.•tt·d ruh•:;
unci ll'~lll.tlloll:;.
the• tm-gct group
lo c·w.ltr• a dran, onlc••ly nncl lwallll\
1h lllolllot!{l' tht' sUit• ol Cll\ llall's husllwss atmosphc•~t· In c•nt~trolllnf.! c1s Wf'll n Joint \CIIllll'\" lt.n~ kcrs/pNt\· trnclt•rs to cusun: that
projN·ts ns , tcmponu\' m.tnngemrnt thc·v nn: disc lpllltNI mul n•sJ)Clll'lhlr
'lo c n•ult• more s\·st<•mnth. htt.:lu:r
1h cn,.u&l.' till' pnwlslon of n·slclc·ntlal/ .uul mudt'lll -.nJ.tll IHhltWSS
c·..mnwrc·tal unus. illl' In nc cmol.uwe to 111 hv t"-.t,thlt<ohlng 11111fo•nL lllorl«'t 11
1he• l'\c•w l~t'OIIUIIIIt' f'olH'\' ,,11tl wt II ·l'IJIIlppt•d lt;twl<t·l''1/pt·llv
11 ;Hkr" t•tntt·r-.
lo gt•tH·t'nlr 11 ~t'IH'rtllt~. t·n IIJil' lvc •
.uu I rP..,pull<siltlc• -.twlc·ty. lh pl.m nnd l:Olll rol tlw J(rowlh ol
h.nvkcr,.,/p{'lt\' tr.tdt·t~ so that tlwy • <Ill
- ---- . j contlnllc' contrlbutln~ to llw growth ol
liAWKERS AND :P-ETTY TRADERS the 11.1tion:~ I t'conomy while pu•ser\'ln~
I the hc.tlll\ of Kualn l.umpur.



lh C'(ll\lroltht• f!,ltJ\\th nnd inc n•,,sc• o l
huwkc·r {II ll\'lllf"" In line' with llw In
c rr,,,.,e of populallnll ol Ku.1ln l.urnpur.

'lh dt'\ •·lop. ruudt•r nlse nnd m.ulolgt•
Kunl.1 l.tllllflltl' h.cwkc•r communll\ 111
llnc \\11 h till' olljl•c·t 1\'P (ll m.lktll!! Kunia
l.umpur n,., holh tht• c·apltol I'll\ llllcl
natlonr•l c·npllnl tit. 1 Is clt•au. he-all h)
nnd hr.ulllhtl whllt- prm ldlrtA c~otnlort In
c•ll\ dwl'lll'r« nnd \''""or-:.

lo r'rl'at,. :1 rii:-C'IfliiiH"cl WHI tn•JIIllhlhk

lt.IWkt•t 1 onlltlllllll\ In onln leo lulll\1 llw
11splraUon.., nl nrnllnl-( n IJI'Httl !lui und
.ttlntt·llvt ..,,.,.,,,11111 In tltt• 1 .tpll.ll

Jh promolr .111 oiW<III'llt''" UII IUIIJt :.tK'ic'IV.
p.ulll'UI.ul\ tlw Bumlputms, I
huslnc.,c; I a prolltahlc \'eututt' uucl '"'
able to l"ontrthuh· tm\•nrd" th!' tnhlluy
ol lhf' C'OIIIlll}'' ~1'0110111}'

'JiJ lllll'lliiC SIIITI'~"JIIl t'llll'l prt'IIC'IIrs
umonJ,! It twkr•r<o/pclly Imclcrs

Ob ectiv,. lnformauon Book olltty Hall Kuala lumpur

lh n.·,·l!:>t' Kunia Lumpur::. ~LnH'lttn.ll Functlonr.
plnn ~\'Pry five or te-n ye-ars In lint- with
lla To ~upc•rv)<..c• till' sanitation and h\'l!it'llc'
laif'!'il c.i<•vc>lopnwnrs in ihP plr~nnlng of load uutlt·ts and pubhr anwnltlc".
pollclt•os of till' KJanJ4 Valley.
l'o supt•rv!!:w hwd and water quallly
lu prl'parc• Joeal plans In ac•t•ordann through I no.;pf'C'tlnns. fnod aJ1d wntf'l
with pli..mnlug policies ru1tl de\ dopuH'Jll !>am piing and Lht· nclorccmcnt of l<tl~
....lralc·~lc'-. .ts ...pec-iflcrt In tlw SlniC'Illr:-JI
To snpPn'lS<' ,mfl cnmrol alltndll"lrlal.
,,rPlan Kuala Lumpur. Lradt· aud uunu:slk al'll\'lllcs afft'eUnj;
1hP rn\·trollm<'nt
' l"o pn•pan l;woul plans In Olth•r to
CI1!1Urc tltaL Utt> \'arious l\'pt·.., ol de·\ d Tu supenlsc. pn'H'Ill. and conLrol
opnwul~o~ <nn lw on!r~nisrcl to lw hnl;aiH't lnll"t·llous rtlo;;<"ast>">
111 ll<~llll'e will! the infrasu tlt'l urul
rc•qtlirPmPnis and To supen·•..,~· and c·onLrol dJseasc'>
t·m·tronmcnlaI harmony. C"ausrd lw vN·tnr« ancl condltC'I pe"'
t'Ulll rol m t I\' Ilk..,
To t"..tl1blhh plam1ing slandurd" Httd
gutdl'linc" :~s n h<~sis forth~> corurol of ro provlclt• IIC'.tll h Sl'f\' il' t'<; lor ('XPI'I' I nIll
clt' \ t·lupnwrtt. nHHiwrs and lnfnnts

Function 1o prm·ldc· Ilea It It <>t"n'i<"t's for s1 houls.

PlnnnlltJ4 Tn t'.'\illnllw rl'I1Mins of dt>C"cased pcrsun...
J'u prl'parc devclopmem plan-. ('Oil..,i'lt ing ior tlw ,..,..,u;·mn nf hurlal pt'mlil and
ot tlw -;lrudurnl. locnl. nnd l:w out dralh ,·,•rrllit'mPo;,
piHII'l In Uld\'r Lo obtain oplimllln
ttl lll«nt ion of lnnd and lmlatwt•d To l'CIIIIhlt f Jw,tltl• c•dunulon Hl 'li\ llw ....
dc•wlopnh'Jll -.uHabll' w1U1 tlw for tlw [llthlh· tnduriing .;;chool dtlldt~n
dcn.•lnpmf'nt st rategteo:; and polwlt"'i Lhruuglt ,.,lt!btllons dnd talks.

Muullurin~ To prnvhll· ttnlllllllls<ttlon ""'l'ViCf'" lor
lnlcmnllonal t ruvcllcr::, and foucJ
Monttnnng and c·ontrol Janel handlers
dt·vc:Jopmc:ut acllvities ::.o LhaL llwv
rornph whh clt"velopmt'nl plnns. To pr<\\'ldt• o111 pntlcnl trealmt'nl fur lll\'
llall'<o PrnployPt''- .md their famille-.
r~nlluHk polk!C's and strategtt>s In
df'Vt'IOptllellt plans Lltal hnvc lwt·n
::~cloptc•tl. Irt line• with 1hE' lfll c·!--1 lliltlocMl
pollc'lt><.. .:111d 10 modlfy or l'nrmulnlt" m·w
pollc I!•.., a,., and wht•n rrqulrc·d.



Objl.' II

ro 'III[Wrvio;•· nrtd lmprov(' till' lw:1llh
slnndanb of the residents ol lht· Fhlcral
l't•rrllorv nl 1\uala Lump11r.

lnforrndtton BcJk of (tty llall Kudld lumpur

Obf cthn Th Ul'tJUin· J!<J\'1.'flll11M11 land lnr City I ~til
pmj<"' 1...
'li:J ~'II"' Ill' that llw Mayor'fi lnlr·n,~l lw
lc•g.llly pllltt'rtecL 1llllt'tJIIIn> f>M\'Cite land for City llall
pmjN Is.
' l i) t'Wili!P tll:11 lhl' dq>.lrllllt'IIIS Ill {'IIV llall
In f'll'illlf' th:\1 ownt'r; and l•'ll.tllt:. "'
lllll«'tion nn'Orrltng 1u tho• fllllhol'iii«>S \'C'"lM
Jll«' w;u Jl'"twrlk:. cum ply wll II 1II•• l~t·nl
hi lhl"lll
I'nil IIIII AI'! l')l)fi.
n) ddlnc and ('01150ild.llt' lilt' .luthoritlf"'o of
'lb oht.•ln stnurt htle:" tor c~tty Unll 's llrtts.
Ihe M.1~-ur of Ku<d;J l.umpur for 1he
JlllrJIOSc.~ of plan clJ1d udmlnl"ll<"r Ua• l'll\' of funnlon~
l{unl.a IAJrnpur:
1l1 L'mu1uc I \'<lluatlou f'Xt'll'lsrs fnr
lh JIIHvtcl<• legal advlt ,. In 1'Uv ll:dlotllt lals dtlt'nnhthl~ mtc.... (Qult Rent) for ('\'l'tV
.111rltlw pnllli< rt>Qanlllll! the• 11'~.:.•11-.~tws nl prh.tlc• tlll1• holtlrr in ttw Fl'ch•nti 'H•rrltnn•
< II\' llnll
..r"''·'~' l.umptu and tCJ tn:t~~agc· tht•
11· lrmnul.ltc-. amrnd illld mudUy lilW'<
hy 1,1\\'S, omer:o.. rt.>gliL11U!II" .md lllt'thocis Jll111t'dlltt'!i llll'lllim·in~ tht• V.thtit lliJII l.lst.
'~1tk•h hm e bc:-t>I1 enfllll'f'd I~ (II\< 11:\ll
' li• ''"ttdt1C'I \'nlu:ulon t·x··n'ht'1i leu tfw
'lu Jlll'll."Ul!. and fomttll.tlt'I.IW'l~·nwnt .1nd JHII po~· ol lh111~ lh<' C'onirilurtlmt lor 1~111'
l'OIIIIlll1 doc.'Umt"J1l~ o!S \\t•JI,ls vtht'f lt.'1-!<ll Asslst,mc•t> for bulldinl!:s m\1lNI hv tlw
111s1rumen ts.
h'<h.•rol nnd Stat..: Cownunents as well us
'Jt, lilldo•rt..lkt• :tJI}n.(":d JIIIK l't'C.lilll£S hi lilt'
.St:Uuton• l:Socllt-...
t11;1gl!'-ll nltl' court of C'lly f l:dl
fu l'•ntdm·t \&duation ext>rrlses fm tit,.
' 1(1 c·oonlmatt- <'l\'il ~uil d,tllll'i ''""''"· JJUf'JIO'!(' ur llxtn~ Den~IOJ)Ill('tll Ch.u~es fill
JlTI\<111' pmJlt'rtit" appn)\'t'fl and Al\'t'll thr
lo h<'ar <'Ompound nppt·al,·a;41'!. IJt'Vl'!oplllt'lll Ont.:-r fur tht' lilt 1\::ts~· ul

1h C'OIWU<'l trninin~ .mel j.!)\'t' It'( lUll'S po[•IILtllon dt•flsilvorch.lllgc•••l l.tllclll..,t'
t Olk'<'miit!! le!!:aJ matters to illl !4lnff ht\'ui\Td
lit t'tllldtld ':ll11J.Uon •'xt•n·J!-'t'" leu 1111'
In"ment.. fJill pn•,, ul I ,IIJd Al'quisll Jon li '' Cit\' I lull
Jlllljl'( Is nnd In m<.ll'L'J(!r nl.IIIC"n; tl'lt•\'illlt In
1-IPR.OP.ERTY'VALUA'DON AND-- - till' laud lll'tllli....lllotL
'Ill m.u\.1~,. application, for go\"rnnn<"nl
'- . l.mrJ (or the JlUrJXl--<: of 1~\llt~ lt''

Ollk<'tlvr:s uc nrpallon llrf'115e' or to Jllll In w.<;t·r\'<lllon
lor lht• M.,yor of 1\uala Lumpur and to
lb l'll'iiJn' !hat all pmp•,t1ll"!'! ht llw nuuta~<' llull h">f'S !\'Iated to l.uul niT.1In; 111
l·l'flemi 'Ienitmy of Ku.da l.umpur nre lilt' htlf'll'!';l "' C'lly H;lll
\Wurd fw· llte purJlOS(.' of tL'>:K."SSJtlC111 .
lhltt.lllltg•· 11pplleaUon:-. lot' ~~~~11.1 llllt·'llcH
lh provide e\'alualian fie.'" 1t <'" nnd I'll\' IJ.tll':-; Jlllhlfl' hOIISill~ lllnts]IJt,tl lt.t\'1'
profl:"iSJonal mh1cr ou t"\'Uiu.ltklll nnd lwt·n suld nud In manag•• wl,th"'ti lt•tn
t·nndud fro,..ibility studt("S "" Ut \ IIall s until Mit h tlml' lhat a :\1ana~t'IIII'JII Blld\' Is
lo man.u.,'t' thr pmpcrtl~ (){ C'it\ H.alllmm
' lit I'll un• !hat pmpl'llh··. nl ( II_} 11.111
1\ttit]lt l.tllll)Jilr an· wl'flln.tllugt·d lhC' ilspt>rts of updated ll't~rds .nul and li> c-ondut1 \,tluatlons fnr
the• IJIII'JJIISC' of dctc•mlilllng thl' m.trkf't

'"I'"·" \'lihlf'. n'llli111'31t'S, .l!> wdlll!'i Ill'!'

ill"ill1111llt' \'lilt ll'.


1b llt<lllaJ..'e shop/office bull<lin,!.!s nnd lnrormtwn Hook f ( ty IIellI 1Ia lumpu1
condominium" ownoo h\ llw ~1nvor of
Klt.IIa Lumpur that nn· ncquhf'Cithrough ' Jb pmcwr nnd m.tlntaln SJl.lre p:lrls
pun h St' nr Joint·\'<'ntun•pn•Jc!t'ls from lht'
USJIC(1S of bulldlnJ.! mahllrtl:tnc,., ll'JIInl. matc.rlals. t.'lJUlpmeut nnd \'ilnous Item<~ tt<i
sei'Urtl\, and dcaulhu•ss. required hy nlhN" dt•p lrllllt'tliS In It} llall

Th I}R'Jlo'ln' 1~-nlu;'Jtlon lkport nncl lc-nslhlllt\' 1b pro\ 1de met hnnhnlrnglntTJ1ng S("J'\1r:'t"S
studlt-s 011 pruje<·ts to bt• solei\' (dcsl~nln~. 11\.inJ.! and opl'mlin~ me< hanlml
lmplrmenlcd h\ (';It\ li,tll or as n e<prlpmc-nt) to pmJN'I~ o•xrctrlcd h) < ll\
joint \'C"nlmr ll.tll s d••par1111l'lll s nml also ns;.•lntnln th
:--aid NJ11Iprm"'ll.
Th nt:l .. U~t• St~'Jt•tm1nt Cur contrullt'tl Th na;:ul~t" the- ndmlnlstrntkm and
pn·mlses In th~ F't-d<'ml U•nitory 111dudlng organlsallo11 ol lht• dt"pot's SC.'f uril} and
C\<thhtllon l!Xronlses...pc.'til) utg nnd prm1de tcdmh .tl .td\1SOI)' srn1c'l~
~parnlln~ IT'Ill:tl of l'll'tlll<;t"i ruHito
with ulht·l u•l llf'd llr.tlh'IS. 'Ih rlf'\'l'lop ,,,;u1 111h.t..,fllll'flli1'S lor 1111'
l'llllll' Ctly t>l 1\ll,dot l.tlfllJllll Ill"'"''' Itt
pmvldt' I\ "'\'"IP\11 uf mml Ih,tl Is C'IIN IIH'
nml oxrUsf<wlorv

·n, nrahualn tht~ pn-sent mml

lnfr.t.oo;tnu tun.os In U1e wholf' ol Kual.l
l.urnpur Ill l!IXXI n:mdlllutl [ur the safl"l\ of IISt'CS
1b ensure o IC\ d nf lrnffit flow that Is
arc't'pt.rhlf' .met 111 ac c'Onlam t• with tmffi,
d• 111a11ds

1b <'llslln' prl\&tle' St'C. tnr dt'\'l.'lopmcnt
pmjf'("ts prm1d,. nrlrqu.tlf' mtmo;tnwtun· of
Ot'\\' mads m~'tlnllltl! to the ~JX.'C.--ifled
standanl sllp11l.11!'d.

In pn•vldt• Sl " In·... to o lll•·• rlc•po~t ll lfc·n t s In
llwlr 111lc•s o l Jill I\ h ltllg "'~"'' lc•c•s In llw
(lltllltt I Itt· "•'1'\'itc.... JIIH\Idc·d hll'lwlc·
\~lrl011" run h.uuc.d l'ljlllpllrt'lll,lllt.!lslh
nrul ':i11pplies

ro pttx~rre nnd mnlntaln In goorl working

('onrhll!•ll .111 \Chit It~ nml pL;.mt. nmt hhtcl)
as well no; N.JIIIJIIlll'nt hclon~lnJ! to City Hall

1{1 lll.tll.t!,!< H•hlc 1<"-/plants and lo allo{'ntf'
and prm1dc trnnspmt to other

Inform tton Bo kofCuy IIall K Ia Lmpur

Th n"\it•w .md appnn-e marl tnfmstnu1un·
dc"\rlopnwnt plans in pmo~l!~ di'\orloJnnmt
an~ts In nnnrdanN" mth the stnndtriJ!

n1 SIIJ>C'" lo;,o• 1\l,lf)lllfra~lnll'llllt' hutJtltll~

wod<!< lo\ lltt Jlll\';tlE' M·t·tur 111111dr·1 to
l'll~'>llll•lllltl lilt's!' work::. Uti' tu tdo·rtnl-.c•r t
;uc·cudlru~ lollw npprovl'd pi•UI•

lu llt.IIIIIUIJr ollr.lllpl!rddl "II•• I IIJ,!hlhtA
lrwluclln!! lht' lrl'otallaUon uf new str•!t•l HillI
dt't'CllliiiH' 11,1!1ttln~....

• In 1 -l.ahll•·ill an lnle~ratcd ll wt-.pur lolltllll
"'\ ,j, 111 h pn1fitieut and tllh'h·nl lie tlw
l·cdt•Jttl n1111ur\' f>l Ku.llol I.UII!JIUI llll<llls

sunl.llllldlll~ c'Ou~lltu~m....

1o t•mom l~'t· Utt• u.-.e of puhllr

II UISpor1 !linn to lh<" len:l of hciWN"'l 00
to 80 uUilt\ IJ\' Ml,. comnmtrrs h\' th~

}mr2fYlO •

Th pl.m nm.l identify road t •un~truelioll Ul
proje~ ls that need to he tmplclltt'llh.'d
'lt~1'1-<l,th l l!->ll pl.umln,g and ll'..,t',lll'li
l11 do• l,f.!tl.tnd implt-nt•·nt tu.HIIt1llhll11g low.uds llu• tk\'dopment ol ,, ~\~h·ruof
IHIII<'t'l .. that have bt•t•u . opptllvt"tl, tuhnn IJ,IJI"JIOt1HUon imludut~ uu
hllt'!-!J"alL"d puuUt lr.m.-.p or1atlOII S\ sll•m
Ito I .Ill} lllll lll:til11l"IKU111 Willi\- lilt nml h!Wm'il\ s
puhl!t• m.uJ llt'l\vork,.,.
lb pn"1tl' o.p'rt ad\;sory sen'k'f.• nnd
1u '' rntrul road e.xc:wuuon \\01 k:; In t'tm,.ult.uw\ 10 gml'mmcnt ag('nC'It"'i for 1rno
publll uUllUe!i a!...fell<ics In unlt"r In flllfl><JS(' or pL·mnln!! and cJe,.,fWm~ o1 ltrl,;m
JlR'\t'nl unaulhorl-.<"d cxrm.ttlons
tmn~portnllnn 'Y'-If'rn.
I • lmplcrru._.nt mad lnlmslnu Iuno pmJN'I"'
In \ lll;t~•· .md rural areas In orrlt r In ,,fl'"' oonhntlt• .mel nta.rul(!t' llw \lr>!tOr
lrupm\t' Hit' ...randarrl ollr\111A ol rtw
n•s&clc·nt'< , I 'ntjt·r·t .111d IIH'li.£\hl RaJil'r lii"Jlllll '-.v"'f' 111

II. IH)Iul<ll.t l.c L11mpur anct ll,..l'lllllllliiHII!l~
I Clli~lflllflll If 1,

1tt ('tKIIllht.alf• ..111d lnanlll!;l' IIW
lmph•ntt'nl.ttlor 1 of bus and tn.xl &t nit~..,
!5\'Slt>ms In Ku,ila Lumpur and II
unuumlir'l-( con·-tltuern_"K•...,

1b, df'SU!n UJ•d llllpletni'ul url.J.'lll
lmllSp<Jrt f<tellllJt.-... projn15 Ih.t I 1R
flii,IJIIt'tl b.} lht• ~!1\'t'mffit'lll liS\\ IJ,I.. tilt'

JH I\ II II' !j( I 1111',

lnforrnauon Dook of(lty Hall Kuala Lumpur

'J'n m.ttnt.lln and manal!,e puhlk Functions
trrmc.ponntlon facilllie<. "uch n
pc·d~-sit1an pntho;. o\ htid!!t'S, To t•vntml :mel (!u.tmnte-t> d('anlinc.,s ol
lJ7llllt h~ht-. ruJd road ll:\.lltres. puulic• pl.t( cs .uttl the emiromucnt
e~pt•t t.tlh• 111 tht• n•nlml an·a of lhl' c•ttv,
'lu ll!JI'T ollt• ,1110 ffiUlla~e l'UllljJlllCI hc•d l111\\'k1•t ~tit•::.. 111.u kt•l.,, re-rn• p.trk._,
1r.tllk t·untml ~ystcms 111 till' Cit\' ol ron.,lfll<·tlun sttc·-.••md road-; \\hilt•
lht.tla ltunpttt. pn•vttttlng llh-1.\.tl disposab and humin!,\

lit pl1111 <t11d llllplemenl I rar!l<' or n tlllll...ll
1ttil1l.t~l·nH'111 sdJemt~s In tlw <'ltv nl l{11ala
Lnn1p111 111 I"Otllrnl.uul pn·\t'nllhe c.mwlh ul Jl<'W
c;quatt&•r an'·'" ~tncl tn cnorrlin::ttr. tlw
ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE ~ n•-.rtt h•JtH'tll ot -.quattt>rs.

Obj~tlv 5 'lo rn':tl•' nn f'll\'lmnmf'm of h.lniiOJI\'
amonR t'IIY n~strl••nt!> and to C'nntml
let prnvidc -.upport to tht· J40\'t'll1fllt•nt .111cl nc>gall\1' oll'l1\111t'S ">llt'h as \'aOtJ,tJt"lll,
dnu~ mlth• linn. unlawful parklm!
r·u\' I !.til Itt ro·nliztng llwir ·'"Jilt .tlltlll'- to attt'n'hltll" f.'tt·.

tnaiH ({nnln Lumpur a d<•nn br•.wtlfu l To c·oonlht.tlt• leAal enforcement action-.
.111tll'n1111illl.tblt> city through tltl' by li-'llllng Mllll1111H1bes and L11c: l'Uitt 1'1 loll
c•nltttn·m•·nt 111 law anti mdt·1 of ('O!IIJlOllllcl flues

lb ill'•llii.AW.lrt'uess anton~ tlw 'lh To toun IIIlolit' '" u I l'ollec-l inforumllllJ 1
n·sult·uts uf Kuala Lumpur ""a:. tu ••dopt lhmu~h tlw t c lilt''' Informal 1011
,, llllltl' n•-.pon::.tble atutude .md he• c·l\ ll''lll l<'ISI tutt1 to coordinatt•
t.,'(IJIS<'Iuu-. ttl\\ anb the qu.dll.) ul Ilk ~t11d iJ;tcr dcp.trtmt·utal <t"' well as non ( II)
llt~· l'll\ lllll1111l'lll. Hall rut ions lhmu!!h the Central
Qp('mlhlll" f{oom S\'-.lem.
li• support t ltv Halls aspu.tllutts to
•wn It 1.tic Iht process ol nm\1111!, .tml To t'lllon•t• uwkt .md manual parking
rl'lnt ,aIIIIII (II -;quaiLcr!> h\ 1 11lord ng tltt• 1.1W"i ollld trnlllt' n·~ulations .
lb otl<•t t'llt\'1~• 111'·<· to' h lim"
ollntgvdtc... It ltd uat ural cai:·Hllllit'... ttHJ lo
as~tst otht•t rt'l<•vanl ::\l!l'n<•k!-..

B rcuy 1a K lh cnlon"C tht• l.l\\' by laws nnd t•ondltl0115
of ltt'f'nc;;ln~
'Jo CIISIII\' thai tht' 1~110111 • • •I lit I liSt'S lUI'
lt.ulln!-t pn•ut~::.. a<:httll·• rtllllltll tlu lh f'Onduct insiK'\."UUns on entert<•lnmcnl
tu ll\1th•s In •Jllll".r lo f'n.-.ure th,tl lht•y
llll'lhll'!.i"> pn•ulL..e!-> mltlllllhh"'' lltl\'t•ttl..,hlg, r 1111\pl\• With 1lw guide liuec;, ltr·•·u'<lllf.!.
ttth'll<lhllllt'lll and \,II hill 'lllao I lilt'IWI'" to 1t•lldlllun" .111cl bws pcrt;lhllll~ tn
lx I'.XJlcdltt!tl wtlhln tlw slloiiCMI poo.;o;iiJJ(·
I llll'll<lfllllll'lll
111m· n Upulated lry tht' IJt t•nslnl!
1Je1Jartmcnt. Iii ,111 .1!> .lgt·lll::o. m1 bt:hallul lilt• 11-dt'ltll

n, or('S{,tlllish a procmmme enlon~'tnent ~IJ\"CUIIIICIII llll<,!>uinl! lil't'll"'~ 1111<1

Ihat '" holh ') -.temntlr nd f'ffN t 1\-c In culll'cllng ofmtt•nrunment t.Lx.
f'nfon:1ng thf' law..... ll\ 1..1\\""t • nrl t'fnlditlom- licptor lit cnscs money lenders lkt'ltlR~
nl II< enslnt! for Ute pui')M.IS(" oft ont mlliug pawn Ghop lii"Nl..<;e<;, auruonrers
llu•I\Jlt~ ol bu:.illf.'>-St'S th.•l ltlll<'n-,11•·
d.111 ~··t ••bstntrtion"' and p1111lknts to lhl llf't'llsr"i nnrl (lC'IIIIon wnter' ll~ns.>s
t'll\'llcHIIlWnt as well ,1, lwnlth 111 tlu publlt
I t II n
lb b~\ll' lftL'>llle;o.' pi\~IlliSt'S Jk (Jist' ObjcC'tiVt'
1{1\t"ftt'lllf.'tll lk't'tlSt', etlkrt thUIIMll
lirntse. liquor llt-en..;c> and ml<;( ell llNJU" lh 111.1kc• 1\llo~l.t LumpUJ tlw • IIV/t'fiJIIIItltn
thf' ~111lrn.
li('('JtS("S lh malu· ~n~·nln~ a-.. a l'OJt-.c'n.tllon ol the•


'ntlrt<:r\~~ open -.pace arut
1b J:arm ltlt· 11.'( n:atmnal fnctlltl<~
' lu t Ull'<f'"'' 1 \i-.1111!! an-.1-. undc•r 11.\IUIIII

sl til'

to In• 1c•;cso t lw • lc-ments nl hanll'l •P•'"

lh f'll'HII'II lii'IWork OJ ll,n•t•n hiiiJ.l!-o
ll• b•',lltllh rut>.t'- alom! rtn•r 1>.111~

1'b pl;111 md dt'Sit!n landscupln~ projl~ts,
J».1rks onc1 "" rea11onal awas that n· to lw
constnu•tNlul tlw Fedt>mlllirtlul)' of
1\u,lld i.IIIIIJIIII

llllt'\'l!'\~ .uuliipptl.l\'e U(J)Jilt·.atlt•ll'<lol
li!IHINc· •phil.~ lldow lssuln~ lilt• I l'tlllh·•lc

'•II 1111• • 1111 On'ltpailonol Bulldllll'.

"'""''"Jlh pn·p.m· piau tor O{X'I1 11\'llt;

,,.,rl'lh lm;~• Ute p!anlitll! ol ltt'CS of\ ..rtou..
!zC">, siU.lJX'5 .md -.pec•lc:-.. ns of thc•

~~'ltlnJ! l'fion.

'lo 1111dc•n,tkc• <ontrnl ;,mrlt•nfon ('IIWllt
,,~1111s1 tlw ll'llut~ of ,.,hmlv In·•·

lit lllilllllolltl ....hady til"<"' lot till' 11111 p!i'•'' nl
~~•h•l V1111d tllldl'fl<tkt' Lht• t'lt·.nllll~'
opt•t,ttlllll'< ol laiiFn anrl c1am.u!• d II• ('"'

In rm t n mur


lo pm\ 1df' pt<.:mc and famtlv da~ l.tnllt lt'"- ·URBAN.CLEANSING:cor-'T.ROL
1/'~EP~TMENT - -
nI dt•Wiop maintain i.U1d Ullpr'Cl\'1' !OIIrlo:,f
<lllr.KIIOil ~pOl'! sut·h a.o.; Ult' Bird 1\u k.. Dt.:l:r
P:wk Mnust> Deer Park. On·htd Gardt•n. To ptn\'l<lt dlki~>nl mtd quality dC'i1n!"lllf.!.
and lllbbt·us Gan.len.
Sl'r\ Ill'S.
'Ill t·::.taiJU._lJ and manage Olli'Wn•·" lur dail~
nnd long·tenn n·quirement,.,. To r·re,11i' n n·o:,pon.,iblt> and \1«1onary
sod«·ty tuwanb nrukine; Kua1<~ Lumpur to
'In pnnirlt> .lch1smy :-,en·i, eo.; 1111 l,uul::.t aph•l! bt· tht dt•.uwsl ntv.
lt> other ·U!em·i~ throu~h s1 ucly \ l"ils.
Fun lion
l'OIII":"t·s .md un the job tmlnlltJ!.
1h 0\'t'I'St'l' I he dt'<.lllllli?, Of Ihe C'iiV
' Ill t>fl.!aJlf"l !><>dal and n-. 't'n:<ltim~<~.l
.wtlvltlc><, which will inrh1r1t• plthllt To t·on::.ldu .approvals of ruhhl!;h disposal
parlldpaUott such as: nn·a plans.

l..<lllds<·upt' ctmtpelillon 1il ptmid<· publlc utilities St"r\riC'P'l
illdulllnl! rnt~Jial!t'lllt'nl of bunul l!n>ttmfs.
Ort httl exhih!Uons <·n·rnatorllllll..,, anrl puhli<' tullt•ts

Flshlnl! t·ompt:tiUon 1h or~!_allh<' .Ultl coordinate <'mc~t'n<'\

- rll'l' pl.mllnl! t•ampaJ!!,ll... warn..,

Information Book ot City Hall Kuala lumpur - -


;~w~·- ~ ,_ ~" ___ _ To plan. implement and manage senric<"S
for main drainage systems. flood miligation.
To develop a saUsfactory major network of rivers and cleanin~ of rivers and aquatic
drainage system In order to prcvem or environment.
rniligate the o<·<·um:ncc of Hoods.
To <~stablish a satisfactory system in elforts
To minimise risks of Hooding by practical to reduce and solve flooding problems.
and minimal ccononucal means for the
protection or life and property. 'Ib preserve lhe hydraulic <'apacily of rivers
lo reduce Ihe risk or flooding.
1b conserv~ the elf'anliness and quality of
riv('r water in order to revive aquatic life, Th protect Ute cleanliness of rivers.
develop rern>a.tional aquatic aethril'ies. and
improve the beauty of water w<~ys. 'lb control private developmc-nls in resprct
of sewera.~e infrasu·ucturc.
'lb ensure that rivet·s and surrounding
aquatic environment are preserved as a
natural heritage.

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