J&R Victoriaville & Co.
and Legacy Tribute Inc.
New York (NY) & Boston (MA) June 29, 2021 – video solutions, in addition to marketing and mer-
J&R Victoriaville & Co. and Legacy Tribute Inc. are chandising support. This will help provide better
proud to announce a merger of their operations experiences for client families, and enable Funeral
in New York and Boston and at the same time the Homes to build long term foundations for future
launch of a new division to provide technology and success.
business solutions to Funeral Homes.
Charles-Olivier Dumont, Vice-President Sales and
J&R has been a leading funeral products provider Business Development of Victoriaville & Co. added
serving New York City and its metropolitan area that ‘‘The union of both companies provides funeral
since 1923 and was acquired by Victoriaville & Co. homes with the finest selection of North American
in 2017. Legacy Tribute distributes caskets and made caskets and commemorative products,
funeral products across New England and has as well as providing tailored business solutions
developed a suite of technology and business to help deliver long term success for our custo-
solutions for Funeral Professionals. The two com- mers’’. ‘‘Bringing the Legacy Tribute team into the
panies are joining forces under the newly formed Victoriaville & Co. family will enable us to further
Victoriaville & Co. (USA) banner and will pro- improve the service we provide to existing custo-
vide Funeral Homes across the Northeast with a mers, expand our distribution network and make
strong, family owned, independent alternative for our successful, disposition-neutral merchandising
caskets, cremation and memorial products. Both solutions accessible to more funeral homes’’
J&R and Legacy Tribute share a common purpose said Louis Brousseau, Executive Vice-President
and passion to provide the very highest quality of the newly formed Victoriaville & Co. (USA).
products and the very best customer service possi- ‘‘Together we have an experienced, passionate and
ble, and this merger will make the new combined forward-thinking team, dedicated to building
company stronger and better positioned to meet strong foundations for our customers’ futures. The
the changing needs of both Funeral Homes and the unified team will do more than either team could
client families that they serve. have accomplished alone.’’ added Alain Dumont,
president & CEO of Victoriaville & Co.
In addition to an enhanced portfolio of product
options, the merger is also a direct response ‘‘We are very excited about this merger. Joining
to the challenges that have been very clearly forces under the Victoriaville & Co. banner provides
highlighted by Covid. The experiences of Funeral us with a great foundation to build for the long
Homes everywhere, and the results of recent term and provides a really strong option for fami-
consumer surveys, all point to the need for an in- ly-owned funeral homes who would prefer to deal
vestment in technology and marketing to enable with an independent, family-owned supply part-
Funeral Homes to provide an enhanced expe- ner.’’ said John Finlay, President of Legacy Tribute.
rience for client families. The investment in a new ‘‘The formation of Legacy Tribute Solutions is
dedicated division - Legacy Tribute Solutions - particularly exciting as it will enable us to truly be
is directly in response to these challenges. a complete solution provider to our Funeral Home
LT Solutions will provide exciting new offerings in- customers.’’ added Jim Muirhead, Legacy Tribute’s
cluding an innovative Funeral Home Management Director of Business Development.
system, website design, live streaming and tribute
ABOUT VICTORIAVILLE & CO. Founded in 1907 and committed exclusively to the funeral industry since 1948,
Victoriaville & Co. is a fourth-generation family business that employs hundreds of people in Canada, the United
States, and the United Kingdom. Victoriaville & Co. has become the third-largest manufacturer of hardwood caskets
in North America and one of the leading distributors of funeral products.
ABOUT LEGACY TRIBUTE INC. Based near Boston MA, Legacy Tribute is an independent family owned and
operated business and provides the finest selection of North American made caskets and commemorative
products. The company is committed to helping Funeral Professionals adapt to the changing needs of today’s
funeral market and together to building a long-term sustainable future.
Late J. Adelard, Claude, Alain and Charles-Olivier Dumont “The formation of Legacy
ella J.reApdréelasredn,tCinlagudthee, Afloauinr agnednCerhaatriloens-sO. livier Dumont
Tribute Solutions is
particularly exciting as
it will enable us to truly
be a complete solution
provider to our Funeral
”Home customers.
funeral products provider serving New York
forces by merging its operations with The
(4) generations, The Victoriaville Group is the
g North American funeral products supplier.
ew York City.
on of JoseDPpaohrmtRoinef idtkhmaenoNdneNwdicYahosorklSaTsaelloaeomsk,ianBngridafonCr,wAuansrddtroetomwc,eJoornet,inJuoneattoheaxnc,ePeadtryicoiuar, Louis,
department for the last few months and his
eath Care Industry will provide the leadership
s main hardwood caskets supplier since 2005
, innovative and personalized products to our
e Redmond and Susan. Susan, Jerry’s sister-
ie, Jerry’s daughter, will continue her role as
Tina Marie.
nizations will focus on providing outstanding
ts and solutions for you, our valued customers.
accomplished alone.
d marketing material and we look forward to
r this fall about how we can help improve your
Jim, John, Ryan, Sarah, Heather with the other members of the team
in Boston are looking forward to expand their operations with the
avid, DomLinegicacaynTrdibuthteeSoelnuttiiornes.staff at J&R are
and passion in the years to come.
“The unified team will
do more than either
team could have
”accomplished alone.
We have more than caskets and funeral products in common as shown on pictures
Gilles Marotte from the City of Victoriaville, Billy Smith and Bobby Orr, all playing in
the NHL with wooden hockey sticks made in Victoriaville.
Victoriaville & Co.
Company overview
• In business since 1907
• Exclusive Commitment to Funeral Supply Industry since 1948
• Serving North-Eastern USA since 1980
• Fourth-generation family owned business
• $35 Million manufacturing complex of 300,000 square feet
• Most modern «state-of-the-art» wooden casket facility in North America
• One of the top three wood caskets manufacturer in North America
• Employs hundreds of dedicated workers in Canada, USA and UK
• Best Business Practices with leading SAP Computer Software
• Lean Manufacturing and Continuous Improvement Philosophy
999 South Oyster Bay Road Suite 107, Bethpage, NY, 11714 - Phone: (718) 729-4555
250 Cape Highway, Suite 18, East Taunton, MA, 02718 - Phone: (617) 874-2883 (TRIBUTE)