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Published by slimcrystal21, 2019-04-17 21:40:07

Low Organized Games

Low Organized Games

Low Organized Games

By: Crystal Williams
KINE 1151-P03 MW 9-9:50

March 20, 2019

Table of Contents

● Buzzer Beater Bowling ……………………………………………………….. Page 1
● Crab Attack ……………………………………………………………………. Page 2
● Cats’ Corner ………………………………………………………………….... Page 3
● Silent Speed Ball ………………………………………………………………. Page 4
● Stuck in the Mud………………………………………………………………... Page 5
● Trash War………………………………………………………………………... Page 6
● Pac-Man………………………………………………………………………….. Page 7
● Space Clean-up………………………………………………………………….. Page 8
● Hula Hootenanny………………………………………………………………… Page 9
● Caterpillar Race………………………………………………………………….. Page 10
● Get off the Island…………………………………………………………………. Page 11
● Card Cardio……………………………………………………………………….. Page 12

Warm- Up

The students will start off with jogging two laps around the gym to get their blood
flowing. Then, they will do stretches to prepare the muscles for the physical
activity they are going to endure.

Buzzer Beater Bowling

Rules: Players are each given 3-5 pins and a foam ball. Players set up their
pins on a line that is 10-15 feet from their opponent’s line.Players decide who
will start by playing “rock-paper-scissors”. Without crossing the line upon
which their pins are placed, the first player rolls their ball in an attempt to
knock down their opponents pins. Players alternate taking turns attempting to
knock down their opponent’s pins. The goal of the game is to knock down all
of your opponent’s pins before they knock down all of yours.

Key skills developed: Movement and Aiming

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 10 minutes

Equipment: Bowling pins, balls

Objective: Be the first to knock down your opponents pins

Pg. 1

Crab Attack

Rules: There will be a few (2-3) students playing as crabs who will
be required to crab walk and the rest will be playing as sheep on
their feet. The students will try their hardest to stay away from the
crabs, but once they are tagged they must join the other students as
crabs. Play until there are only a few or maybe even one player left.

Key skills developed: Chasing and Fleeing

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 10 minutes

Equipment: None

Objective: Try not to get tagged by the crabs

Pg. 2

Cats’ Corner

Rules: A dodgeball-style game in which throwers (cats) try to hit
runners (mice) with a ball. Runners start in safe spots in each corner
of the gym, and on a signal they must try to make it to a different
corner without getting hit.

Key skills developed: Throwing and Running

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 5-10 minutes

Equipment: Dodgeballs

Objective: Get to a corner without getting hit

Pg. 3

Silent Speed Ball Pg. 4

Rules: Have the players form a group in a circle. They must not talk.
The players are to throw the ball across the circle to another player. If
the other player fails to catch the ball, they are out. If a camper talks,
they are also out. The goal is to be the last one left at the end. You are
allowed to add more balls to make the game more challenging

Key skills developed: Hand-eye coordination, Movement

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 5-10 minutes

Equipment: 1 or more balls

Objective: Do not drop the ball and do not talk in order to be the last
one standing

Stuck in the Mud

Rules: There will be 2-3 students who will be the taggers. The others
will try their hardest to dodge the taggers. Once one person is tagged,
they must freeze in their spot and can only be unfrozen if someone
crawls between their legs.

Key skills developed: Chasing and Fleeing, Movement

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 10 minutes

Equipment: None

Objective: Try not to get tagged

Pg. 5

Trash War

Rules: Start with even teams on opposite baselines of the gym. Split up the total of
balls evenly and give them to each team. Tell the students that the team who gets
all the balls on the opposing team's side, even for a second, is the winner.

Key skills developed: Aiming, Movement, Throwing

Space requirement: Full court

Time required: 10 minutes

Equipment: Balls

Objective: Be the team who gets all the balls on the opposing team’s side first

Pg. 6


Rules: Choose one kid to be the Pac-Man. Make all the other children line up in an
opposite corner to be the 'ghosties'. Set some objects down in a few places for the
Pac-Man to pick up. All the children have to walk only on the court lines. The ghosties
are trying to tag the Pac-Man. Everyone can only walk. The Pac-Man gets three lives.

Key skills developed: Running, Cooperation

Space requirement: Full court

Time required: 15 minutes

Equipment: Balls, cones, bean bags

Objective: Pick up as many objects as you can without being tagged by the “ghosties”.

Pg. 7

Space Clean-up Pg. 8

Rules: Gather the students (space cadets) up to sit on their bottoms. Spread them out evenly
along the basketball court's out-of-bounds line and across the half-court line. Group a bunch
of balls and other objects such as cones in the middle of the court directly in the middle of all
the children. No one can get up off their butts. You must clear all the "space debris" out of the
center of the gym and collect it on the sides. The balls must be used to move all the debris.
The mission is accomplished and everyone wins when everything is cleared out. Choose one
"space cadet" to throw the first ball and tell them to pick a number between 1 and 20 to
choose the person who starts. Give the cadet the ball.

Key skills developed: Communication, teamwork

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 15 minutes

Equipment: Balls, cones, jump ropes, bean bags, hula hoops

Objective: Clear all the “space debris” out the center of the gym

Hula Hootenanny Pg. 9

Rules: This game is like musical chairs. Make a circle on the floor
with 8 to 10 hula hoops. Have students walk in single file around the
outside of the hoops while the music plays. When the music stops,
they must put one foot inside the hoop. Take away one hoop and
start the music again.

Key skills developed: Listening skills, Concentration skills

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 5-7 minutes

Equipment: Hula hoops and music

Objective: Avoid getting eliminated by making sure you put a foot in
a hula hoop everytime the music stops

Caterpillar Race

Rules: Divide the class into four teams (two teams will sit out and cheer on the
other teams as they take turns) and the two “racing” teams must sit down in a
line with their knees bent and keep a hold of the ankles of the person behind
them. Mark a finish line and once the whistle is blown, teams must scoot along,
without letting go of the ankles of the person behind them, scooting forward and
inching along like a caterpillar until they reach the finish line.

Key skills developed: Teamwork

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 5-10 minutes

Equipment: None

Objective: Be the caterpillar to reach the finish line first

Pg. 10

Get off the Island Pg. 11

Rules: Students are divided into teams of three, and each student has a
scooter, a mat, a hula hoop and a rope. The goal is to get their objects and
team members to the other side of the gym without anyone touching the
floor. Students can get creative using a combination of all their items to get
across the “ocean” but if any skin touches the floor, their ship is sunk!

Key skills developed: Teamwork, Communication, Movement

Space requirement: Full court

Time required: 10 minutes

Equipment: Scooter, mat, hula hoop, and a rope

Objective: Get to the other side of the gym with your items without
touching the ground

Card Cardio Pg. 12

Rules: Divide the class into small groups. Post at the front of the class that each suit in
the deck of cards (hearts, spades, etc.) represents a different type of exercise (sit ups,
burpees, jumping jacks) and have a deck of cards on a desk. At the whistle, one
representative of each group runs to draw a card and returns to the team where
everyone has to do the type of exercise represented by the suit of the card and as
many reps as the number given on the card. Set a certain amount of time and the team
who completes the most cards at the end of the time is the winner.

Key skills developed: Teamwork, endurance

Space requirement: Half court

Time required: 3-5 minutes

Equipment: Deck of cards

Objective: Be the team to have completed the most cards

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