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Published by mark, 2021-09-21 20:02:06

Your Northside Fall 2021

Your Northside Fall 2021

Your 2021 Fall Edition

• The Devon Lawn Boys
• Disability & RDSP
• What You Need To Know About Cruising

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Margo Sheppard Mark Peters
City Councillor City Councillor
Ward 1 Ward 2

Greetings to Ward 1 residents and all Northsiders. I am thrilled to be invited to contribute to We had a wonderful summer in Fredericton, beautiful summer nights
this edition of the Your Northside Magazine. Since being sworn-in as Councillor on June made for hot days! The splash pad and pools were busy!
14th the summer has sweetly come and almost gone, with lots of hot days and torrential I would like to welcome the two new Northside Councillors, here is to the
rains. Great for gardens, hard for outdoor workers. next four years! Councillor Margo Sheppard - Ward 1 & Councillor Jocelyn
Many of you have contacted me with concerns about noise, road works, and various vexing Pike - Ward 4.
aspects of living in close quarters in an urban area. You should feel welcome to contact me We have seen more tourists visiting Fredericton, after last year was only
and I will do everything to either resolve the concern or at least get you relevant the Atlantic bubble. Our restaurants were full most nights late into the
information quickly. My email is [email protected] and you can also message evening and we need to give a shout out to that industry.
me on Facebook at my page “Margo Sheppard, Ward 1 City Councillor” (@MargoForWard1). City sta have been very busy, repairing streets in Fredericton. We have
There is lots going on in the City at large: O cers’ Square options for continued seen a lot of detours on both sides of the river, these are key to
‘revitalization’ will be up for discussion soon on Engage Fredericton (the City’s consultation infrastructure renewal and need to be done…thank you for your
site please review these and give your feedback); a large plot of patience.
land at King and Regent has been secured to house the new Provincial Courthouse and, Feel free to reach out on any issues
funding-pending, the proposed Performing Arts Centre, and going to Green phase has Phone: 262-6275 Facebook: Mark Peters
meant the reopening of many regular amenities such as pools and splash pads. The Garrison Check out
Skate Park o cial opening has been delayed due to bad weather, but the use levels are And all general inquiries Service Fredericton @ 460-2020
In Ward 1, the repaving by the City of Clements Drive from Sunset to Gardiner Way is
complete, and water and sewer pipe renewal proceeds in several neighbourhoods. Grants
for Community Groups are being solicited and the application form is on the City website.
Applications will be received starting September 1, 2021 and the deadline is October 15th.
All the best for a happy and healthy fall in Fredericton.

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Fredericton North Heritage Association

Written by Trina MacDonald

The Northside Heritage Association (FNHA) is a not-for-profit Topics in the journals have included South Devon Elementary School
association that was established in March of 2006 and was the 1957-2012, The Currie Mountain Treasure, The Hildebrand Farm, The
brainchild of Eleanor Stillwell and Jill Hargrove. The Association’s Fletcher House in Barkers Point, and Veterans of Fredericton North
original goal was to establish a museum on the Northside that would Who Served in World War I to name a few. Some members of the
showcase people, businesses, and locations of significance of the association have even authored their own books specific to heritage
past in the various Northside
communities. The ladies topics specifically of interest to
began recruiting members them, like Carol Randall who in
who were equally interested in 2004 began writing a compilation
preserving Northside history. of the History of Devon. In
Some of the founding members 2006, Bob McNeil joined Carol
included: George Wood, Ernie on the project and together they
MacFadzen, George Crawford, produced 4 volumes of “Devon
Peter Pacey, Bob and Jean Remembered”.
Mabie, and Marjorie Hughes.
A Board of Directors was Each year the Association hosts a
created, and they identified Fredericton North Heritage Fair at
the boundaries of Fredericton the Kinsmen Centre in Devon. The
North as Barker’s Point, Devon, Fair brings together local historians
Douglas, Marysville, Lower St. to share information such as the
Mary’s and Nashwaaksis. history of the fire department,
dairies, farms, sports, businesses,
The members began meeting water department and much
and collecting the stories and more. Other associations such
artifacts of the Northside so as the Irish, Scottish and Welsh
they would not be lost. They Associations also participate in
started looking at options the Fair sharing information on
for a building location but in their organizations. The Fair has
time it became evident that approximately 50 displays and
a physical building would not traditionally attracts 700 – 800
be feasible considering the people. It provides a place where
cost and upkeep, especially people can converse and visit
with a volunteer-based with friends and neighbours.
organization. The members of COVID-19 unfortunately resulted in
the Association agreed that the Heritage Fair to be cancelled
they would archive the history in 2020 but the FNHA plans to
of the Northside digitally rather than physically. hopefully host a Fair in the fall of
2021 (October 16) again at the Kinsmen Centre.
The Association began hosting monthly meetings with various guest
speakers who would share their stories with the group. The monthly The FNHA would like to invite all Northsiders who are interested in our
meetings were a great opportunity for members to get together in heritage to consider becoming a member, the cost is only $10 / year.
a meet and greet environment to share a mutual appreciation for They like to say, “It’s the best deal in town!” The cost of membership
our community’s heritage. Recently, current President Eric Megarity includes the monthly meetings at which you get to have a light lunch,
wanted to find a way to share the information and stories that the guest coffee or tea and listen to a guest speaker talk about some great
speakers were providing to the FNHA with a larger audience so he aspect of the past. You can get involved with FNHA in various ways,
created a Facebook page and began video taping the speakers which he you can attend their Fair, you can share a story by sending in a written
would then upload to the page for the public to view. The page can be submission and the Association can share it in their journals, you
found at can share a story as a guest speaker, or you can become a member,
a Board of Director or work on one of the many committees. If you
In 2011, the Association decided to gather short stories about are interested in preserving the history of the Northside for future
Northsiders who have impacted the area, as well as buildings and generations, consider getting involved with the Fredericton North
events that happened years ago and create a hard copy yearly journal, Heritage Association, for more information contact FNHA President Eric
which are available for sale and help fund the Association. The editors Megarity at 472-6594.
of the journals have been Bob McNeil, Fred White, and Diana Moore.



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Disability & RDSP…Why Won’t New Brunswickers Claim
Their Money? Written by Patrick Kemp

Why do many New Brunswicker’s leave money on the table? The registered to opening an RDSP. Currently if the family income is $45,916 or less, they
disability savings plan (RDSP) is an amazing opportunity for those who qualify, would be eligible for part or all of a $1,000 bond contribution every year to a
and it has been around since 2008. For the last 13 years any Canadian under lifetime maximum of $20,000. So that would be $20,000 in savings for low-
the age of 59 that qualifies for the disability tax credit has been able to open income Canadians without saving any of their own money. You would then
a plan.
Canadians can apply for the disability tax credit if look at various investment options as you go to help
they are markedly restricted with vision, speaking, increase your return based on your overall risk level
hearing, walking, eliminating, feeding, dressing and investment experience.
or mental functions necessary for everyday life. New Brunswick has one of the highest rates of
This would provide a tax credit during income tax disability which is almost 23% of typical working-
season and provide eligibility for the RDSP. Some aged residents (aged 15-64). Of this group,
of the most common DTC approvals we see are along with underaged children that qualify for
due to mobility issues, Chron’s Disease, Autism, the disability tax credit, only 20% or one in five
Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, poor kidney have opened an RDSP. This means that disabled
function, and severe diabetes to name a few. New Brunswicker’s or their family members have
There are many more examples, and it all comes left almost $35 Million dollars in federal grants
down to the impact it has on you or your loved one’s everyday life. and bonds sitting on the table. The reason this
Why should people open a plan if they qualify? Short answer “free money” is so important is because they expire with age and annual limitations. It
- in the form of savings for you or your loved one’s future. If the person with is important for all New Brunswickers to take advantage of the program
the disability is under the age of 49, they may be eligible for grants and bonds whether they need to use this money themselves or wish for it to form part
from the Government of Canada. So, if someone was to put some money of their estate. We are trailing other provinces and we believe it is time for
aside by making contributions to an RDSP then those contributions could be more New Brunswicker’s to get their fair share; especially for families that
matched up to 300% to a maximum of $3,500 per year. The matching grant may incur increasing expenses because of disability care costs. As someone
depends on the individual’s financial situation. Even if someone was disabled whose friends and family have been touched by multiple disabilities, I would
and not financially able to save at this point in time, there may still be benefits like to make sure everyone is aware of this fantastic opportunity. Please
spread the word by sharing the knowledge.

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Northsider Making a Difference ... Lisa Holyoke Walsh

Written by Trina MacDonald

A life long Northsider, Lisa Holyoke Walsh grew up on Sunset Drive in during this crazy time and when it was over, they would want to come
the home where her parents still reside. During her early years, Lisa back the next day. She did this by creating more engaging ways to teach
considered a career in medicine, she had received a scholarship to study above the regular curriculum, with a focus on how they could engage
in Pennsylvania but after some soul searching, she determined teaching wearing a mask or how they could learn the concept but in a fun way
was really her passion. She had been a youth volleyball coach for 13 that would make kids excited.
years, coaching at Nashwaaksis Middle School, FHS and camps, and Outside the classroom, Lisa leads the science club for students, one
she really enjoyed working with young people and thought teaching was of the largest extracurricular clubs at LHHS with 50 – 100 students. It
where she could make a difference. She returned to Fredericton, applied is open to students from grade 9 to grade 12, and Lisa makes it easy
to St. Thomas University, and graduated with a teaching degree in July for students to participate from a time perspective. They do hands on
2002. By August that same year, she had been hired to teach full time at
Leo Hayes High School. science activities outside the
Lisa quickly fell in love with regular curriculum and have
teaching, and she likes to share guest speakers come in that
her journey with her students, will encourage students to
so they know how important it consider all the opportunities
is to do a job you enjoy because degrees in science hold. But
life is short. She started science isn’t the only club
teaching science, physical Lisa runs, she started the ping
education, and family living. At pong club and converted the
22 years old, she was teaching science tables to ping pong
to students not much younger tables. This club is made up of
than herself, requiring Lisa to mostly boys, who are athletic
be more mature and responsible and enjoy the competition the
than most young adults. After club offers. This year, Lisa will
2 years, her course load be starting a diabetic support
transitioned into completely club for students struggling
science related courses and by with this disease and how they
the time she was 29 years old, can manage it. Lisa is a type
she had been promoted to Head one diabetic, who manages her
of the Science Department. blood sugars with an insulin
She embraced this leadership position and has been the department pump, often having to regroup
head for the past 14 years. In the SPR (supplementary position of physically, as well as mentally, when they are too high or too low. Her
responsibility) role, Lisa is responsible to oversee approximately 12 personal experience will help guide students who may be having the
other teachers, she determines what courses they will teach, she does same challenges.
the science budget, and provides observations, feedback, coaching and After 20 years of teaching Lisa sees her students everywhere in our
professional development for her teaching team. During this time, Lisa community. She has inspired thousands of young people to follow their
was also able to obtain her Master’s in Education, while also teaching. dreams and be the best they can be. Seventy five percent of Northside
In 2021 – 2022, Lisa will be taking on the added responsibility of being Future Leaders interviewed, credit Ms. Holyoke Walsh as their inspiration
an instructional coach for the entire school, she will be a mentor and for following a career path in science. The respect her students have for
resource for teachers who may be struggling in certain areas such as her is unsurpassed, they are drawn to her and want to make her proud.
classroom management or pedagogic strategies. In this role, Lisa will During various phases of the pandemic when students were not able to
work with the struggling teacher so that they can become successful be in her classroom, Lisa would have students showing up at her front
in the classroom. Mentoring other teachers is not new to Lisa, she door unexpectedly to tell her how much they missed her and how much
spent time mentoring and teaching educators in Trinidad about how she meant to them, others would drop off gifts such as baking or flowers
to be better teachers, as well as teaching at UNB for two years in the as a token of their admiration.
education program. In addition to her life as an educator and mentor, Lisa’s family is her
COVID-19 brought added challenges to Lisa’s work, but her exceptional world. Lisa, her daughter Evie, and husband Mike love to spend time
team of teachers worked together to transition to online learning, while doing activities focused on family, such as travelling and spending time
supporting each other under the added mental stress of the pandemic. at their camp. The importance she places on family and making the most
During the height of the pandemic, Lisa posted on social media how of the time you have with each other comes from the health-related
much she missed her students and connecting face to face, the post struggles she, her parents and sister have faced. When she thinks life
generated over 600 supportive and positive comments from students has given her too much to handle, she finds the motivation she needs
about how much they valued Lisa and her teaching team, which helped from her sister Sara, a cancer survivor who has had 2 brain surgeries,
to inspire the entire team to stay strong through that very difficult time. takes ongoing chemotherapy and stills finds the strength to run the
When students were able to return to the classroom, Lisa and her team Delta Hotel. We never know what the future holds but Lisa would like
made safety their number one priority. They continued to do labs and to complete her PhD in Education and work with the next generation of
focused on essential concepts. When creating her lesson plans, Lisa’s educators. Lisa Holyoke Walsh has and continues to impact the lives of
goal was to ensure that students would be excited to come to her class thousands of young people and is a true Northsider Making a Difference.

Jocelyn Pike Bruce Grandy
City Councillor City Councillor
Ward 4 Ward 3

I would like to take a couple of lines to introduce myself. I am Jocelyn Pike I rst want to Thank the residents of Ward 3 for the opportunity to continue to represent
the newly elected representative for Ward 4. Ward 4 goes from the Stone you on Council for the next 4 years as a result of the recent municipal election. I am
Bridge to Neil Street in Devon, and from the river up to Maple Street, excited to work with the new Mayor, newly elected and returning councillors to move
including St. Mary’s First Nation and extends as far as Killarney Lake Park. A our city forward and face the challenges that come with municipal reform.
very large and diverse Ward. It has been another busy construction period in our Ward speci cally Phase 1 of the
Maple Street rebuild, renewal of water and sewer on Lilac, Phase 2 of the complete
I have a Master’s Degree in the Science of Business from Husson College. I street project on Brookside Drive and several other projects. I know it is di cult, but it is
just retired from a 26-year career with UPS. With UPS I located from necessary to ensure our cities assets are current. I Thank You for your patience and
Fredericton to Vancouver and then made my way back across the country. understanding.
Let me say that there is no better place to call home than Fredericton. Many programs like the Zig Zag program and the Northside Youth Center at Willie O’Ree
Place are up and running again, as well as many of the programs that were put on hold
Ward 4 has a lot on the go right now. I am working with the FPD on several due to COVID. The new pickleball courts at Nashwaaksis Middle School will be under
issues: tent encampments, gra ti, safety on the trails to name a few. I like construction and it is nice to see the community garden was brought back at Park Street
hearing from residents in the Ward and pride myself on always being able to School.
respond quickly. Finally, as we head into fall and u season, we are starting to see the Delta variant
challenge us, it is vital that those 12 and older get vaccinated to help stop the spread of
Please reach out to 472-4710 with any issues or concerns. Stay safe. COVID 19. With our children and grandchildren heading back to school it becomes more
important that we all need to do our part to protect them.
Should you have an issue or wish to discuss anything you can contact me by email at
[email protected], phone – 506-459-5378 or direct message on Facebook or
Twitter @BruceGrandy.

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What You Need to Know About Cruising

Written by Tina Gallant | Franchise Partner Expedia CruiseShipCenters

Cruise Lines have gone to great lengths over the past year and a half to • Cruise Lines are following the CDC guidelines that indicates that you
implement protocols and measures that will help keep their guests and crew must wear a mask while indoors unless eating or drinking. You must
safe. We have compiled a list of the most common of these protocols and also wear a mask in the terminal when you are getting ready to board
measures. Please keep in mind that these are fluid and may change at any and when you are disembarking.
time. Contact your travel advisor to find out what protocols you can expect
on your next cruise vacation. • More hand sanitizing stations and sinks have been added at
• Most Cruise Lines are requiring the majority of guests to be designated areas throughout the ship.

fully vaccinated. Some are requiring 100% of their guests be fully • Most Cruise Lines had adopted a full-service buffet where the crew
vaccinated while others may sail with both vaccinated and unvaccinated will plate whatever items you choose.
• Many Cruise Lines are asking for proof of a negative COVID 19 test • They have enhanced air filtration systems that brings in clean filtered
done within 3 days prior to boarding the ship, others are testing at the outdoor air to indoor spaces and reduces greatly any airborne particles.
terminals and others are not requiring testing of fully vaccinated guests.
• Most Cruise Lines are providing guests with staggered embarkation • They have enhanced sanitation measures at all touch points
times, thus reducing the number of people in the terminal at any one throughout the ship.
• Cruise Lines are encouraging and, in some cases, mandating that • Cruise Lines have enhanced their medical facility, upgraded their
guests complete their online check in prior to arriving at the terminal to equipment, and have brought on more doctors, nurses, and trained
reduce touch points and reduce waiting times. personnel. They also have areas for quarantine should it be necessary.
• Most Cruise Lines have an app that is downloadable for guests to
do their online check in. Many of these apps also allow guests to order • My personal favourite enhancement is the new muster drill. No more
food and drinks on the ship, book shows, make dining reservations, book crowded, hot muster drills that happen just as the ship leaves port.
excursions etc. This will greatly reduce touch points and the need to Now you will be able to watch a video from your room and then check in
stand in a long line to book something. at your muster station at any time on the first day.

• In most cases, fully vaccinated guests, have the ability to chose what
to do in port; whether to take a Cruise Line excursion, book a local one
or just get off the ship and walk around. All guests must comply with
the local protocols.

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Northside Future Leaders ... The Devon Lawn Boys

Written by Trina MacDonald…Sports photos by Ellen Tramley Seymour Photography

Andrew Forrest and Maxwell Jacobson been able to establish with kids that may not be as fortunate as he is.
Following graduation, Maxwell isn’t sure where he would like to attend
are lifelong best friends, who have a unique story as partners and university, but he does know he would like to explore the field of Sport
entrepreneurs. They went through elementary, middle, and high school Management with the end goal of becoming a sports agent, sports advisor or
together often in the same classes or playing on the same teams. something that will keep him in the athletics arena. Maxwell is inspired by
Individually they are both showing how to be leaders in our community but
together they are blazing that trail. Both young men, are not strangers to his parents and grandparents who have
hard work and their ingenuity, creativity and hard work have set them apart always supported him and his goals,
as Northside Future Leaders. So, let’s get to know each of them individually which is where our story of partnership
and then as partners in business. begins.
It began during the first phases of
Andrew was born in Fredericton COVID-19, when Fredericton was
where he spent the first 2 years in a lockdown and people were in
of his life, then his family moved quarantine in their family bubbles.
to Red Deer, Alberta, then to Maxwell was sitting on his front lawn
Saint John, New Brunswick for trying to figure out a way he could
his father’s work. The family see his best buddy Andrew, when he
moved back to Fredericton and picked up his phone and called him to
Andrew started grade 3 at begin brainstorming how they could
Gibson Neill Elementary. He get their parents to agree to let them
then went on to Devon Middle leave their respective houses and spend
School, where he played multiple time together. They pitched the idea of
sports. In grade 9 at LHHS, starting a yard maintenance company to
Andrew played on both the JV their parents and as their plans became
Basketball and Volleyball teams. more detailed both sets of parents
By grade 10 he had narrowed his agreed to let them work together and
interest to basketball and earned their fledgling company “Devon Boys Lawncare” was born.
a spot on the LHHS Varsity The boys commandeered lawnmowers, whipper snippers, leaf blowers and
Basketball team, and now in his various other pieces of equipment they needed from their parents and started
grade 12 year he is the team’s captain. their journey into entrepreneurship. Neither boy had a license so they either
need to walk with all their equipment strapped onto the lawn mowers to
He has spent many summers working at YMCA Camp Glenburn, an overnight their client’s home or get a drive to locations further away. For the most
outdoor focused youth camp empowering youth through outdoor education, part they restricted themselves to Devon, putting over 300 pamphlets into
creativity, skill development and communal living. As a camp councillor, mailboxes trying to drum up business which wasn’t always easy with the
Andrew worked to provide a safe, positive, and empowering overnight camp fear of COVID-19 in those first few months.
experience. The summer of 2020 was a learning experience for
Maxwell and Andrew, they worked hard to establish
After graduation Andrew is not certain exactly what he wants to do, but he their first few jobs and started saving their money. This
does know he wants to pursue higher education, possibly year the boys have expanded not only in Devon, but to
in the fields of medicine, engineering, or biomedical Nashwaaksis, the Southside, and as far out as Lincoln.
engineering. He does well in science and math and Devon Boys Lawncare has expanded from doing
believes those fields would be a good fit. He would residential work to doing work for businesses who need
like an opportunity to continue to play basketball at the their services. Their expansion was made possible by
ACAA level while attending a strong academic university. the flexible class schedule at LHHS, the boys were only
physically in school every other day and the alternate
Andrew’s parents have been his biggest cheerleaders, days were listening to their classes online. Andrew
they have always encouraged him to try new things and and Maxwell made the most of this time and used it
“put himself out there”. The philosophy that it is better to work on their business, they both explained with
to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all is huge smiles on their faces that often they would be
what has resulted in Andrew taking on challenges that listening to English class from their phones while raking
he may not have otherwise tried. someone’s yard. They used the extra money they were
able to make as start up capital to purchase a ride on
Maxwell Jacobson is a grade 12 student at LHHS, who lawn mower to do larger jobs, whipper snippers, 3 push
has lived in Devon most of his life, he attended South mowers, a trailer, and a car to get to their various job sites, becoming more
Devon Elementary, Alexander Gibson and Gibson Neill self reliant.
Elementary. He went on to Devon Middle School, also Devon Boys Lawncare is providing a valuable service to those who need
playing multiple sports. In grade 11 at LHHS, Maxwell help. They value the personal interaction with their clients and always try to
made the Varsity Hockey Team. This year he may play for make it a personal experience. Individually Andrew and Maxwell are easily
LHHS again, however Maxwell was given the opportunity to try out for the Future Leaders but together they are demonstrating how they are already
Grand Falls Junior A Rapids hockey team, and should he make that team he leading as young entrepreneurs. If you would like more information visit
will be moving away for the hockey season. Maxwell’s focus is hockey, he
has been on the ice everyday this summer working hard to achieve his goals.

For the past 2 years Maxwell has worked at the Henry Park swimming pool
as a lifeguard. He grew up around the Henry Park pool, he knows many of
the kids that use the facility and feels satisfied by the connections he has

Steve Hicks Eric Megarity
City Councillor City Councillor
Ward 5 Ward 6

Hoping that everyone had a great summer and took advantage of the The municipal elections are nally completed after a one year and 3-week delay.
opportunity to reconnect with family and friends over the last couple of months. I want to acknowledge and thank the 3 other candidates, Maegen Black, Sharon
To say the last 18 months has been a challenge, would be a drastic Levesque, and Ian LeTourneau for putting their names forward and running in
understatement. Regardless of what’s thrown our way, we have shown the Ward. And I also want to thank all the voters who voted for me and still put
resilience and are equipped to handle whatever comes our way. their faith in me to represent them at City Hall over the next four years.
As we head into fall, I hope folks continue to get out and about and enjoy all of Thank-You!
what our capital region has to o er. Our trail system has been busier than ever Now this summer work that the City will undertake in Ward 6, beyond regular
and its even more picturesque as the leaves begin to change colors. As always, street works, is a major infrastructure improvement project (elevating the street,
the City of Fredericton has a wide range of free program o erings for all upgrading water and sewage) on Union Street, nishing sometime in
members of the family. Please check out our website at to mid-September. Parallel to Union Street, a trail has been added as outlined in
learn more about our city departments and programs. Also, the Trail Master plan. Funding is from the Water and Sewage Fund, General is the new public engagement platform where you Fund, Federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund and the City’s Parks and
can learn more about upcoming initiatives and have any questions answered by Trees Fund.
our in-house professionals. The Barkers Point Cenotaph removal and reinstallation is now complete. This will
Should you have any questions and/or concerns about matters related to the city provide a more prominent and safer space for the Cenotaph. There are plans to
and/or Marysville, please feel free to contact me at one of the following add a agpole and benches to the area. More information to come on this. The
coordinates: Carmen Avenue project is now complete. The City is waiting for the white paper
[email protected], Facebook: Steve Hicks on municipal reform coming this fall.
Twitter: SteveHicksW5 Eric Megarity, Ward 6
(506) 476-8435 South Devon, Barkers Point and Lower St. Mary’s, 471-7101


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