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Minimum-Cost Bounded-Skew Clock Routing Jason Cong and Cheng-Kok Koh UCLA Computer Science Department 310-206-2775(tel) 310-825-2273(fax) cong,kohck

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Published by , 2016-08-15 02:21:03

Minimum-Cost Bounded-Skew Clock Routing

Minimum-Cost Bounded-Skew Clock Routing Jason Cong and Cheng-Kok Koh UCLA Computer Science Department 310-206-2775(tel) 310-825-2273(fax) cong,kohck


Minimum-Cost Bounded-Skew Clock Routing

Jason Cong and Cheng-Kok Koh

¡ ¢UCLA Computer Science Department

310-206-2775 (tel) 310-825-2273 (fax) cong,kohck


In this paper, we present a new clock routing algorithm which mini- r2
mizes total wirelength under any given path-length skew bound. The r4
algorithm constructs a bounded-skew tree (BST) in two steps: (i) a
bottom-up phase to construct a binary tree of shortest-distance feasi- SDR(r2 , r3 )
ble regions which represent the loci of possible placements of clock SDSr1(r3 )
entry points, and (ii) a top-down phase to determine the exact locations
of clock entry points. Experimental results show that our clock routing r1 r3
algorithm, named BST/DME, can produce a set of routing solutions
with skew and wirelength trade-off. SDR(r1 , r3 )

1 Introduction SDR(r1 , r4 )

Clock skew minimization is an important issue in the design of high SDS r 3(r1 )
performance circuits. Over the past few years, a number of clock
routing algorithms have been proposed, including the H-tree construc- # # # # # #Figure 1: SDRs between regions 1 and 3, 1 and 4, and 2 and 3.
tion for regular systolic arrays [1], the method of means and medians ¡ § © § © § © §$ %¢1 2
(MMM) by [10], the recursive geometric matching method by [6], &' ¤(the clock source 0 may be given. A routing topology,
and exact zero skew routing under the Elmore delay model by [17]. , on a Manhattan plane. The location of
Recently, the problem of embedding a given topology on a Manhattan £a rooted binary tree with leaves, each corresponding to a sink.
plane with zero path-length skew is solved optimally by [2, 7] using , is
the Deferred-Merge Embedding (DME) algorithm. The algorithm can 1 ¥342 5 6) 78¥ 92 1 1 ) 0Consider any two nodes, say and , with a common parent node
be either applied to a given clock topology [2] or combined with a )the clock signal from the source has to pass through before reaching
clock topology generation algorithm to achieve zero skew with smaller , then corresponds to the clock entry point that
wirelength [7]. Currently, researches on clock routing are moving 0and (and their descendants).
along a few directions. Zero-skew planar routing was first proposed !@ 5A& ¤ B A clock tree
by [18] using Max-Min operations and followed up by [12, 13] using 0DCE'& ¤ the Manhattan plane, i.e. it maps each internal node
single-phase DME algorithm. Other work includes buffer insertion is an embedding of the routing topology in
[9, 3], process-variation-tolerant skew minimization [15, 4, 14], and a 5F0 location, denoted , on the Manhattan plane. Since each node has
clock router that accomplished specified pin-to-pin delay [16]. to a
)a unique parent, we denote the edge from any node, say to its parent
The emphasis of most of the current clock routing algorithms is 29P 5)6P P GIH P GIHuniquely by . The cost of edge is its wirelength, denoted
on achieving zero-skew at the expense of longer wirelength, resulting G H G H. Note that is at least as large as the Manhattan distance
in high power dissipation. In practice, circuits still operate correctly Q 5 6) 2956) B !@ 5&'¤(B between and
within a tolerable skew bound. Therefore, in order to reduce clock net 7@ 5&'¤ B wirelength of the edges in
power dissipation, we believe that the clock routing algorithm should . The cost of the tree is the total
consider bounded-skew trees (BST) instead of zero-skew trees (ZST). @!5&A¤ B R5) © 0FGiven a routing tree
In this paper, we propose an algorithm to construct BST based on .
the DME approach. Our BST/DME algorithm first computes shortest- ) 0 ) 0 '& ¤ 0from to where is a ancestor of in
distance feasible regions (as opposed to the merging segment in the , let denote the unique path
original DME algorithm) for the roots of recursively merged subtrees !@ 5&A¤ B !@ 5F0 0in
in a bottom-up fashion, followed by a top-down phase to determine the . For a node
exact embedding of the clock entry points. Experimental results show )der the linear delay model, the signal propagation time from to
that as the skew bound increases, we generally see a decrease in total , we use to denote the subtree rooted at . Un-
wirelength. 0 P P R 5 ) © F0 is the sum of the wirelengths of the edges in the path
US %T XV W`Y XH ab c G RAed 5) © 0Fi.e. ,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we
formulate the minimum-cost bounded-skew clock routing problem. In @75'& ¤ BP § $§ p If hg G 1 ) 0lay time (more precisely, path-length) from to . The skew of. Let
Section 3, we present the BST/DME algorithm under the path-length denote the signal propagation de-
delay model. Section 4 shows the experimental results obtained by our
DME-BST algorithm. Section 5 concludes the paper. Q !@ §5 A& ¤!§ r B, denoted
RAdi © I $q AR de © P §p © !§ r sC ¤valueof
, is defined to be the maximum

0 0 over all . Given the

above definitions, we can formally define the Minimum-Cost Bounded-

Skew Clock Routing problem as follows:
¤ (¤ Problem): Given a set of sinks with locations
Minimum-Cost Bounded Skew Clock Routing Problem (MCBS
t '& ¤ bound , find a routing topology
and a skew
f¨ghG 1 !@ 5'& ¤ Btree can be constructed with minimum total wirelength and
Q @!5&A¤ B B i u(t . such that a bounded skew

2 Problem Formulation 3 The BST/DME Algorithm
¡¨§ § § £Assume that we are given a set of synchronizing components or
" ¦¤ ¥ © © © ¢ ¤ ! ¥sinks Our BST/DME algorithm computes a routing tree in two steps. The
12 and their locations, denoted bottom-up process constructs a tree of shortest-distance feasible re-
gions (SDFR) which contain possible locations of the internal nodes
This work is partially supported by ARPA/CSTO under Contract J-FBI-93-112, the in the BST. The top-down process then determines the exact locations
of all internal nodes (similar to the DME algorithm). First, we define
National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award MIP9357582, a grant from Intel the following terminology.

Corporation and a Tan Kah Kee Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship.

3.1 Definition of SDFR
) 0 5 ) © F0 The distance between two points and , denoted   Topology Construction Algorithm

, is the Man-
# p # r 5 # p © # r H V ab pV 5)r © 0Fregions and , denoted   GE IF H
hattan distance between the points. We define the distance between two R£ QTS
, to be min ¢¤¡ £ ¥¡§¦   for each sink P do
p&'5r# p © # r ¡ 2 P 2# © # p # 2 © # r ¥s¨h©ortest . The CVE reFWate YEnodaX e `U £ c£ b
dfehgqi p U £5r Ftsup v£ r
distance region (SDR) between two regions and , denoted U
, is defined to be the set of points    
5# © # % ¢  U
p r r 5 # r ¥ &A5 # p © # r # p 5# p ¥t¨h©e
&'5 # p © # r #¨© refer to wenhdilfeowrE w#x 1 do
. Fig¨ u© re¨ 1 shows som¨ e© SDRs between reagnidon¨s©. W¨ ¡e¦ E
segments ¡ £ ow E f w ‚Dƒ
FCoornsetarcuhctetdhgeenpeUar£ve€ sU t-¦ nr eiignhtbhoerfigrrsatp hp y wE
€ € 1r
&'5# © # (see Figure 1). 1 w7„
as the shortest distance segments (SDS) that define
&' (¤ Given a¨ ro© uting topology if eMU d£agraeknsdpoU fU £ y¦
in non-decreasing order do

0 &'5F0 § p § p ¡ § p, denoted UarD¦ er unmatched nodes then
, a SDFR of each clock entry point € as matched
'& ¥ %¢(i) For each sink ,
is ¨de©fined recursively as follows:
r 0 &A ¤ 0 p(¨ii)"© For . CCEGU …orem(F$actpheuiElntdeerwef„d nehn)` oIFq–gdepqi `UU†pUv£… ‡U r £€…€ —–Ur ¦ p FWb ˆ ‰ ‘“’‡‰ p§”d e•g qi p
0 A& 50 p r 0¨© , ¨ © U ¦r b Xa¤` –qp ‡U … §r b U £vr € ”d e•g iqp U ¦7r r
an internal node in ¢! in with children and
#! is ¨th©"e region of possible placement of ¢! within
&' &A50 © &A50 B such that the path-length difference end if
0 P P P P @!5 0 from ! to any pair of sinks in ! is within the skew bound and the
G b G bmerging cost £ ¦ is minimized. end for

end while

0 p 0 r '& 5 0 p © &'5 0 r B cost of
definition is based on the ob¨ se© rvation tha¨t t©he merging Figure 2: The bottom up phase to construct a tree of feasible regions.
is at least as large as .
P P 0 p A& '& r50 p © &'50 r B P ¨G b Pplacement  Topology Embedding Algorithm
G¨b ¥ A& 5 0 © &'50 B ¦ $ 
Therefore, the mer¨g©ing c¨ o©st is minim¨iz© ed if we can find suitable Y ciU f0usCp F D™hP §po0suorp rosP eoist0˜ ogr fi€Q viq˜ erR”dnp Se•dthegrmnqi inp“e U hf 0#g r ki su”j chl
in ¨ © . such that £
¨of©" !
2Each location¨ in a SDFR is associated with two delays (or path-
AR de62 d RAed 62 lengths), namely and which correspondto the short- nthm at D™ p§sup P r )€ o r
2 If hg G 1 2est path-length and longest path-length from to the set of sin¨ks rooted 0

2 ¥ d RAed 26 q AR de26under , respectively. We define else Q dfehg qi p U r

Choose any ˜ 0

. Y cfus op CLusUrep eh0ne™DU troadp§£ UcousrFihps…fe‡UF ibn…˜˜ etre˜tQr€ hn˜ ead”Rr lpe•ndaorgedmneiqtiUnnp ro£RU hfdd£p eg#r osisU f.t0jfU. il£n

These numbers are used for computing SDFR of its parent node. iqp qS r (top-down order) do
nm £ D™ p§us p Ut… r € ‘ r
3.2 Overview of the BST/DME Algorithm

Bottom-Up Phase: Topology Construction end for

¤ Given a set of unconnected sink locations , the original topol- Figure 3: The top-down phase to determine the exact locations of clock
£ § pogy corresponds to a forest % of single-node tre¨ es. The SDFR p p pqu
§ p RAed 5 B ¥of each sink corresponds to its given location, and AC P P &A0 5 0 ¥3p 0 0 7¥ 295 0 55 0 © ¨ 0apnoiinnttev rnal¨ n©ode
d AR di5Q B ¥ ¥ £0 for & 1(' ')' . The bottom-up phase constructs the entry points.
topology and the tree of SDFRs by repeatedly merging pairs of trees
&A ¤ until % contains only a single rooted binary tree, which is the rout-
ing topology . The approach is similar to the clustering-based 0. Let #! be the parent of . Select a
G b 5 50 © ¨Note that £ may not be equal to   #! v .
algorithm in [8]. such that the distance   ! v is minimized.

During each merging step, a nearest neighbor graph [8] is con-
r p p 0 p 0 rroots of trees in the forest. Two nodes and are connected in
structed. The nodes in the nearest neighbor graph correspond to the
0 p 0 r 0 0 r pthe graph if is nearest to or is nearest to . Th¨e©weight of 3.3 Properties of BST/DME Algorithm

r 0 0 '& 50 the e¨dg©e connecting and is the distance between We can show the following results for our BST/DME algorithm. The

P &'P50 and proofs of these results are omitted due to page limitation. They are
f © g © P P q first
0 . A matching is then obtained by inspecting the available in our technical report [5].
% 1 edges in the nearest neighbor graph in non-
1%g f © © decreasing order,where is a parameter 1 1 and the function 32 54 76 , Non-overlapping Property: In each iteration, the SDFRs of the roots

uwith 2 6 , is defined by [8] of the trees are non-overlapping, and only the boundaries of the SDFRs

may touch each other.

f © © ¥ © I©32 74 6 Octilinear Property: Each feasible region is an octilinear convex
2 ; 2@9 4 polygon. The boundary of the region is defined by octilinear line
4 ; 2@A 4 A 6
6; 4 9 6' sw e1gm[2e]n),tso,ri.heo. rtihzeoynatarleleinitehesregMmaennhtastotarnvaerrctisc(allinlienseesgemgemnetsntws.ith slope
0 p 0 pr r RA2 id 2 ¥ AR id ¨For each pair of matched nodes, say and , a new clock entry
Path-Length Property: For any two poin¨ ts and v ¨on the same
0 0 0 p r d RAed 62 $¥Ud AR id ¨ AR d d RAdpoint #! whichcorrespondstotheparent 3v and
G¨# FG &'50 © &'50 Btopologyisintroduced. Thefunction B
Manhattan arc on t3hv e.boHuonwdaevryero, f¨ a SDFR,
s and
node o¨ f© and in¨ th© e routing s along a horizon-
0 AR dcomputes the FDSR of the parent node ! . The details of the function
tal or vertical line segments do not have such equality proper¨ty. In
d AR dis given in the Section 3.4. The outline of the bottom-up phase is given
general, the changes of skew (due to interaction of different s

and s) along horizontal or vertical line segments divide the line

in Figure 2. segment into three contiguous intervals (one or two intervals may
0The details of the top-down phase is given in Figure 3. Let 0 be
Top-Down Phase: Topology Embedding AR d d RAd AR d d AR dbe empty): skew decrease¨ s, skew remains equal and skew increases.

§the root of the routing topology. If the physical location o¨f©"the clock Along each interval, the s or s are ¨ strictly increasing or
§ 0 &A5 0 source 0 is given, we place 0 at the nearest location in strictly decreasing. The difference between the s (or s) be-
0from 0 . Otherwise, we a¨s© sign 0 with an arbitrary location (or a 0
A& 50 location with best skew) in P d RAid 2 q d AR ed ¨ P ¥ 2 © ¨ 2tween two points on the same interval is equal to the distance between
0 . We process the rest of the
the points. For example, consider and v on the same interval, then
3v $  v .
internal nodes of the routing topology in a top-down order. Consider Optimality Property: The BST/DME algorithm is optimal for un-

SR(p-, q+) p (10, 8) Balance SPL’s (17 , 11)
(16, 12) p
p (10, 8)
SR(p+, q+) p (10, 8) r to q’s sinks
q (13, 9) r (16, 12)

SR(p+, q-) r to p’s sinks q (13, 9)

(14, 12) Balance LPL’s q (13, 9) q (16, 10)
(15, 11) After Expanding
(a) (b)
q (13, 9) (a) (b)

r to p’s sinks r r to q’s sinks p

(8, 6) (22, 18)

p (10, 8) (19, 9) (17, 9)

q p (22, 20)
q (13, 9)

(c) (c) (d)

2Figure 4: (a) The signed regions defined by and v . (b) 2 '& 5#¨Figure 5: Find¨ing FR of two points and v : (a) Coa¥ mpute a¥
f 2 © I# 7 ¥ 2 © #¨ f © ¨# A ¥ © #I f 2 © #¨! ¥ q 2 © #¨‡  RAd d RAd &A5I# balancing the by
'& 5 ¨# bound of 6 units. (c) Expanding
5d RAdf © RA© #¨d ¥ © I# and ‡  ¨3v   3v . (c) ‡    s and s. (b¥a) Expanding for a skew
  and †  3v 2units. (d) FR between and v for a skew bound of 4 unit¨s lies outside
for a skew bound of 10
  3v . Each pair of co-ordinates represents 5d AR d © AR d of the SDR. Each pair of co-ordinates represents
. .

bounded path-length skew for a given routing topology. d AR d & AR dof two SDFRs (or effectively, SDSs). Details are omitted due to¨ page

3.4 Merging of SDFRs limitation. Since points along a Manhattan arc have the same
and (path-length property), computation of for a pair of
Based on the non-overlapping property of the SDFRs at each iteration, parallel Manhattan arcs is almost identical to that for a pair of points.
Therefore, we shall focus on the merging of a pair of horizontal line
the SDR between two SDFRs can be defined by the corresponding pair segments (since merging of vertical line segments is symmetrical to
of SDSs (defined in Section 3.1). Due to the octilinear property of the that for horizontal line segments).
SDFRs, the pair of SDSs are either a pair of parallel Manhattan arcs,
or horizontal line segments or vertical line segments. For simplicity Due to the presence of intervals in a line segment (path-length
property), we compute the FR (using the 2-step computation) between
and clarity, we will first illustrate merging of two points. Furthermore, an end-point of an interval and the point directly opposite it on the other
2Consider any¨ two segment for all interval end-points on both segments. For example,
&A2 © &'2 © &A2 © signed regions: ¨ Figure 6(a) shows the 5 FRs due to the end-points of the two horizontal
A& 2 © ¨tively referred to as line segments. Subsequently, we perform a walk to join the vertices
we introduce the notion of signed distance between two points. of these FRs to produce the FR of the two horizontal line segments
(Figure 6(b)). This is possible due to the path-length property along
p¡ oint¡ s ¨and v .¡ The pair of¨ points de¡ fines three an interval.
v £v ¢ and ¤¢ v , collec-
v , It is possible that the FR may (i) overlap with the SDR (Figure
# # 2 f 2 © ¨# point 5(a)–(c) and 6(b)–(c)), or (ii) lie outside of the SDR (Figure 5(d) and
f © #¨ # &A2 © #and †  6(d)). In case (i), we take the intersection of the FR and the SDR as
(see Figure 4(a)). Now, consider a third
2the new SDFR. In case (ii), we take the segment of SDSs that is closest
. We denote the signed distance of¨ from¡ ¡and v by ‡ 
3v , respectively. If is in the v region, then to the FR as the new SDFR. For example, in Figure 5(d) is chosen
2 f 2 © #¨ ¥ 2 © #¨is to be the SDFR, and the bold horizontal line segment in Figure 6(d) is
f © ¨# ¥ © I# # &'2 © ‡  v the new SDFR.
of positive distance from both and , i.e. ‡  ¨   ¡ and
3v   3v (Figure 4(b)). If is in the ¢ v , then
# 2is of negative distance from and positive distance from v , i.e.
f 2 © #I ¥ q 2 © #¨ f © ¨# ¥ © #¨‡    and ‡  3v W  3v (Figure 4(c)).
# 2Suppo¨se
d ARAR edd 26 fAR d2 © #¨ # d2 RAdid5 ¨#AR di 2 f d2 RA© I#de 5 ¨# ¨
is the clock entry point to and v . Then the signed

(or ) from to any sinks of is ‡¨   (or
‡ ‡  ,
5d AR ed 26 f 2 © #I © d RAed ¨ f © #¨B RAid 5¨# ismax ¨¨ ,
RAdi5 #¨ RAid 2 f 2 © ¨# © RAde I f © #¨B denoted .
). We say that signed , denoted ¨

¥ ‡  ¨ 3v ¥ †  3v ¨ and signed
, is min †  3v R ‡ 
¡ P #The feasible region (FR)¨of 3v
'& 5 #¨ ¥ f f'C '& 2 © I © d AR di5 f¨Iq RAdi5f¨eu t ¡ ¢ Ptobe a¥
under t¨ he signed dis¨ ta¨ nce metric is defined
v ¥a . The
&A 2 © ¨ © d AR ed 5fI q AR'& di5 ¨# 5¨f e¥ 5 ¨f g G 1 2 © ¨f&Ag 5G#I1 ¥ IB %f¢ 'f Cc¨ oreofvthe¨FR,denoted ¨¨ 4 Experimental Results
, is defined to be
max We have implemented the BST/DME algorithm in ANSI C for the
'& 5 ¨# is com¥aputed in two steps: 3v . Sun SPARC station environment. In our experiments, we tested the
'& 5 ¨# (i)
A& 2 © ¨ f 2 © #¨ d RAde 26$¥within gBST/DME algorithm on benchmark data prim1–prim2 [10] and r1–r5
f © #¨ d RAde ¨ f 2 © ¨# AR id 2 AU¥ f © ¨# RAed ¨‡  3v
C¨ ompuvte which is bounded by two line segments [17] for ranging from 1' 5 to 4' 0 in the bottom-up phase of the al-
¨ 3v gorithm. Table 1 compares the ZST routing costs by the NN (Nearest
such that the two e¨qualities ‡  q Neighbor) algorithm from [7] with the routing costs of our BST/DME
3v and ‡  ‡  3v algorithm for different skew bounds. The reason that we only compare
with [7] is because it outperforms other clock routing algorithms in-
¨f `g 2 © ¨e ¥ t q 5 f¨hg G 1 62 © ¨f g G 1 IB ¥a cluding [2, 6, 17]. Note that the NN algorithm can be improved slightly
t &A¥ 5#I 5f¨If ghG 1g622 © ©¨¨f g G 1 ¨B &'5&A¨# 5 ¨#2 e¥ '& 5#¨ 2Ifhold. using the MD and ME algorithms in [7]. Moreover, [8] showed that
wirelength can be further reduced by changing the topology after an
(ii) Define c2 6 v 0 max 3v . Expand initial topology is obtained. We are currently incorporating these en-
hancements in our BST/DME algorithm.
by c2 6 v 2 units towa¥ards both and v . and v .
For example, Figure 5(a) shows after merging Figure In general, we see a decrease in total wirelengths as the skew
3v , then ¥a increases. However, our results do not compare favorably with [7]
max . In
t If g` 2 © I ¥5(b), the skew boa¥und
&'5¨# 2therefore expand
is 6 units and v2 6 v 2. We can

by one unit towards both and v . It is

possible to have part or all of the FR outside of the SDR (Figure 5(c)
and (d)).

We shall now present the computation of the FR due to merging

Skew Bound prim1 prim2 r1 Circuits r3 r4 r5
cost / skew cost / skew cost / skew r2 cost / skew cost / skew cost / skew
0 ([7]) cost / skew
0 (BST/DME) 131210 / 0 312430 / 0 1331867 / 0 3317598 / 0 6779690 / 0 9889688 / 0
129105 / 0 311350 / 0 1288715 / 0 2590670 / 0 3316250 / 0 6714451 / 0 9874719 / 0
100 125480 / 100 301380 / 100 1287908 / 100 2556887 / 0 3308659 / 100 6648148 / 100 9857184 / 100
200 123695 / 200 292550 / 200 1279592 / 200 2547415 / 100 3289013 / 200 6619472 / 200 9808148 / 200
500 117905 / 500 276970 / 500 1267831 / 500 2526300 / 200 3232975 / 500 6536240 / 500 9649783 / 500
1000 112185 / 1000 267020 / 1000 1264303 / 1000 2513952 / 500 3213398 / 1000 6395835 / 1000 9498362 / 1000
2000 108225 / 2000 256380 / 2000 1242024 / 2000 2483180 / 1000 3143449 / 2000 6267746 / 2000 9307250 / 2000
5000 106990 / 4920 253350 / 5000 1186527 / 5000 2430848 / 2000 2963036 / 5000 5972735 / 5000 8801182 / 5000
105960 / 8050 249240 / 9980 1069802 / 61449 2337273 / 5000 2710362 / 122391 5382237 / 196276 8022978 / 162786
  2096325 / 100260

Table 1: Total wirelengths and skews of the clock routings generated by the BST/DME algorithm for benchmark circuits prim1-2 [10] and r1-5

(11,3) (8,6) (7,5) (10,2) (11,3) (8,6) (7,5) (10,2) REFERENCES

(9,9) (9,9) [1] H. Bakoglu, J. T. Walker and J. D. Meindl, “A symmetric clock-distribution tree and
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SDFRs, followed by a top-down phase which determines the exact
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produce a set of routing solutions with skew and wirelength trade-off. minimal Elmore delay,”, Proc. Int’l Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1990, pp
We learned recently that an independent study of the bounded-skew 865–868.
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Most of the current clock routing algorithms first compute the ICs,” Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf., 1990, pp. 573–579.
clock routing tree topology and then carry out buffer insertion and
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skew at the expense of very high power dissipation. Our future plan Problem”, to appear in Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf., San Francisco,
is to develop a practical clock routing algorithm which carries out June 1995.
simultaneous topology generation, buffer insertion, and wiresizing for
achieving bounded skew with minimum power dissipation. [12] A. B. Kahng and C.-W. A. Tsao, “Planar-DME: Improved planar zero-skew clock
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