Inclusive Education
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 1
Note from the IE Team
Greetings to you all,
Inside this issue
Whether you are heading into the final term or just beginning a fresh
academic year, we hope that you have had a chance to refresh during the
Term 4 Timeline ............ 3
break and are feeling ready for the events of the next few months!
News and Updates ........ 3
This term sees our newsletter themed around strengths and ability. With the
Commonwealth ‘I am Able’ campaign and the International day of People IE Network info ............. 3
with Disability selecting ‘achievement’ as their main messages, it seems
Gifted & Talented
appropriate that we focus on our students who learn differently through a
Column .......................... 4
fresh lens and we hope that flavour comes through in the articles and
Multimedia Review ....... 4
opportunities that are presented here.
Inclusive Strategies
This term is also one in which we look forward to next year, thinking through
Focus ............................. 5
what has the potential to be. With that (and our theme) in mind, we would
love to invite schools to contribute stories, snapshots and thoughts related to Spotlight on: Aspect ...... 5
the area of Inclusive Education, so that our 2019 newsletters can celebrate
Senior Secondary
what is happening in schools in this space. Contributions can be anywhere Snapshot........................ 5
from 20-50 words long and accompanying photos would be very welcome
(along with written permission for their use). Please send these through to
Learning ......................... 6
your IE Consultant.
Child Protection ............ 7
We trust that this will be a positive term for you and your students and look
forward to staying in touch with you in the coming months. Contact Us ..................... 7
Kind regards,
The AISWA Inclusive Education Team
Contacts note:
Please note: You have received this newsletter because you have ticked the
‘Inclusive Education Newsletter’ box on the AISWA website. To subscribe/
unsubscribe please login to the AISWA website and update your subscription
preferences via ‘My Dashboard > Update My Details’.
For additional information find us at
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 2
Current News and Updates
Term 4 Timeline The 2018 Diabetes Management and Action Plan templates are now
available from Diabetes WA. These are a great tool to use for planning
and also to provide evidence of adjustment for funding purposes.
August - Updated Criteria for State
funding released on the AISWA
Oct 30th — Abilities Expo
If your school uses the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum,
please be aware that the SA DfE have released the Global Edition; the
NCCD Stage 4: Process review and
most relevant edition for WA schools. Available through your usual
KS:CPC log-in.
School team evaluates the application
of the NCCD model. Reflection tool
They plan for building understanding
of the DDA, DSE and NCCD within the
school, look at their documentation
and think through how the process
could promote effective teaching and
learning. Team-Teach grows staff in responding to challenging behaviours while
reducing the need for restrictive practices. Appreciated as a “good
Dec 13th — Western Australia date
balance of theory and practice” by one AISWA participant, this course
for the end of term.
can be modified to suit your school. Please contact your IE Consultant
for further information.
Inclusive Education Network News
Time to chat, confer, collaborate and communicate!
This term, there will be a combined Primary & Secondary session on Thursday 29th November (Week 8),
9.30am -11.30am. We would love you to come prepared to share either an Inclusive Education success story or
an area of challenge that you have worked through (or are working through) and would like feedback on.
Sharing is, however, not compulsory!
This year, it has been great to meet and share with various people, including visiting specialists, and we would love to continue
this next year. In light of this, we would appreciate your feedback on the following proposal for 2019:
A session each semester - Term 1 in about week 7 (towards the end of term)
- Term 3 towards the beginning of term.
These dates will be finalised for your calendars by the end of 2018, please consider being a part of this network as we
empower and encourage each other in our journey of Inclusive Education.
If you would like to contact someone with any further questions please email:
Maggie Balfe [email protected]
Lynne Nixon [email protected]
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 3
Gifted & Talented
Sometimes a dis-ability can
mask a gift.
Students who are gifted and also
have a disability (Dual/Twice
This year’s International Day of People with Disability (3rd Exceptional students) often find
that their skills take a backseat to
December) will focus on the achievements and contributions
their challenges e.g. A language
of people with disabilities—a great challenge to find a disorder may hide an abstract
thinking gift.
strengths-based approach to the celebrations!
Similarly, characteristics of
giftedness e.g. ‘disruptive’
thinking, intense questioning
and/or physical movement can
Multimedia Review
be viewed as problems,
‘Employable Me’ produced by the ABC, 2018 particularly if ADHD is also
(Based on a series produced by the BBC)
The results can be chronic
An inspiring and challenging documentary series centred around the underachievement. Our
journey of specific individuals who identify as having a disability as they challenge is to identify strengths,
seek to find a job. enable the demonstration of
learning and turn difficulties into
Each episode encourages the viewers to engage with the person’s history,
tools. Watch this space for some
experiences of inclusion and discrimination and the hurdles they face when practical suggestions…
it comes to being given a ‘fair go’. While some of the school experiences are
very confronting to hear, these stories present an important reminder that
NB. Peta Hay returns on the
how we engage with and support students with disabilities really counts.
15-16th Oct, to present:
On the flip side, this series also provides fantastic inspiration to think
outside the box when it comes to differentiating tasks and planning contexts Mini - Certificate of Gifted
that will bring out an individual’s skills, understanding and knowledge by Education
focusing on their strengths. Cost: $600
Presented in 60min episodes and available online through ABC iView, Venue: Catholic Education Office
‘Employable Me’ can be viewed as a tool, albeit a slightly unorthodox tool, Log-in and register on the
for growing us as teaching staff in our understanding of disability, ability and
AISWA Website
Professional Learning Calendar
Please note: This series contains strong language and emotional themes.
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 4
Spotlight on: Aspect Autism in Education Conference
Inclusion of Students
with ASD This year, a number of our team were very
privileged to be able to attend the Aspect
Conference 2018. Its theme was ‘shaping
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) successful futures’, a perfect link with the current
includes difficulties with
focus on strengths-based approaches, and the
flexibility and social interaction,
speakers were inspiring.
commonly partnered with
strengths in patterning, visual
thinking and noticing detail. So, With a considerable number of presentations delivered by
with this in mind, inclusive adults and students who have an Autism Spectrum
strategies for your students who Disorder, the perspectives we heard were unique and
have ASD include: authentic and the challenge to provide real opportunities
for learning to take place and be demonstrated was a
Consider your words,
strong one.
communicate simply and say
what you mean - your student
is NOT being cheeky when Sensory learning played a big part in one of our sessions.
they take you literally! So much potential for learning here...and for fun!
Display a visual timetable and
refer to it. Use graphics and/or
Senior Secondary Snapshot
words. Anticipate changes and
put them on the timetable
Calling all ASDAN Schools! 2018 Term 4 info:
with explanation.
Explain expectations and
Term Four
boundaries explicitly. Your
student may not know that ASDAN Training 2 Friday 19 October Conference Room 1 $240
they are being ‘rude’. Days* Friday 23 November SMERO, Beaconsfield
Provide social support, these
students need your help to ASDAN Forum TBA
interpret body language and
relationships. External Thursday 15 November The Pagoda, Como $80
Moderation Friday 16 November
Give opportunities to
demonstrate learning in a
wide variety of ways.
For further details and registration please contact: The ASDAN WA State Coordinator,
Dept. of Education, on (08) 9332 3000.
Teaching Year 11 & 12 Preliminary/Foundation Courses to Students with Disabilities
This AISWA course provides an outline of the options available for students with
disabilities in Yrs 11 & 12, with considerations for the different pathways a student may
take. Detailed analysis is given to the course contents and the challenges raised when
teaching two courses of study concurrently. Participants will actively evaluate ways to
implement course requirements whilst meeting the needs of individual students.
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 5
Additional AISWA Professional Learning opportunities:
Upcoming events with available spaces include: AISWA IE consultants are
15-16th Oct, 8:30am - 5:30pm available for consultation,
Mini - Certificate of Gifted Education. Venue: Catholic Education Office, Leederville PL and workshop sessions
(Cost: $600) in all areas of Inclusive
15th Oct, 9am - 4pm Education, including
‘Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum’. Venue: Telethon Speech and Hearing students with disability,
Centre learning difficulties and
19th Oct, 9am - 12pm
Child Protection: including Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse, Grooming and Please contact your IE
Child Abuse Prevention by all staff. Venue: AISWA Consultant to arrange
22nd-23rd Oct, 8:30am - 4:30pm meetings or sessions to
PART training course. Venue: Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre (Cost: $330) suit your context.
1st Nov, 9am - 11am
Secondary Students with Diverse Needs: Considerations for Transition from School to
Adult Life. Venue: AISWA
To register, click here for the full AISWA Professional Learning Calendar, select
‘Inclusive Education’ in Area of Interest and select the specific event.
External Professional Learning opportunities:
Sense Rugby is an Occupational Therapy program designed to help kids who may find it challenging to
participate in team sport. The team links with local WA rugby clubs and are experienced in supporting
students with, among others: ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Emotional Regulation difficulties and Gross
motor delays. A great on-going opportunity to pass on to your families - find them on Facebook for Term
4 details.
Early Bird registration is now open for this fantastic 3 day learning
opportunity, running from the 4-6th April 2019. Facilitated by the
Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation, this is an event well worth keeping track of.
Wednesday 7th November sees AISWA’s Maggie Balfe presenting at the WA chapter
of AASE on ‘Improving Collaborative Practices’. The event runs from 4.00-6.00pm
and will provide a great balance of theory and hands-on practice and collaboration
with colleagues. Cost: $40.00 to non-members, $20 for members. Venue: TBA. To register, please
email Mark Bivens.
Please note: The AISWA IE team disseminates information about external organisations
in good faith, but is not responsible for the quality of delivery or professionalism of the
presenting organisations.
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 6
Child Protection Focus
Royal Commission Updates
Child Protection will remain a standing item in the AISWA IE Newsletter in support of the importance we place on
safeguarding children in education. We encourage schools to invite all staff, regardless of their role, to subscribe to this
newsletter for the most up to date information.
Inclusive Education aims to keep Independent Schools regularly updated as to the recommendations from the Royal
Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the Government responses to the Final Report. Here is
the most recent update: The 409 Royal Commission recommendations are at this stage recommendations only and we
await further direction from the Federal and WA Governments as to whether there will be any changes. They are
considering the Final Report and its recommendations.
Please view the WA Government’s ‘Statement of Intent’ released through Minister Simone McGurk MLA on 15th December
2017 for more information.
Boarding Supervisors
As Mandatory Reporters in regards to child sexual abuse, it is critically important to seek current Mandatory Reporting
training. It has been recommended that Boarding Supervisors should be more aware of obligations in regards to child
protection. The IE Team will be offering Professional Learning on the 13th & 27th of November and we specifically invite
Boarding Supervisors to attend.
If you are in a regional or remote school, please ask us how to access training given your context. Other staff assisting in
boarding facilities should also seek training in how to respond to concerns about children.
General PL & Enquiries: If you require PL in any Child Protection area e.g. Mandatory Reporting, Grooming, Harmful
Sexual Behaviours, Protective Behaviours Curriculum & Creating Safer Independent Schools, please contact your IE
Consultant for further info. All other child protection queries go directly to Rebecca Delaney (IE Coordinator)
[email protected] .
Inclusive Education Team Contacts
Rebecca Delaney (IE Coordinator) Tania Wray (IE Consultant)
[email protected] 9441-1633 [email protected] 9441-1672
0438 183 525 0457 822 178
Michele McErlain (Admin Support) Maggie Balfe (IE Consultant)
[email protected] 9441-1666 [email protected] 9441-1612
0418 212 284
Amanda Mackmin (Admin Support)
[email protected] 9441-1601 Kate Stannard (IE Consultant)
[email protected]
9441-1609 0438 983 855
To find out which consultant is allocated to your Lynne Nixon (IE Consultant)
school, please log in to the AISWA website and go [email protected] 9441-1606
0447 502 560
2018 Term 4 | Issue 4 Page 7
Suite 3/41 Walters Drive
Osborne Park WA 6017
+61 (08) 9441 1600
[email protected]