Inclusive Education
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 1
Note from the IE Team
Greetings from the IE team, Inside this issue
Term 2 Timeline .................... 3
We trust that this newsletter finds you well-rested and looking forward to
the term to come. Term 2 we appreciate usually has a busy start and we News and Updates ................ 3
hope that this will go smoothly for you and your school community.
IE Network info ..................... 3
Gifted & Talented
From an Inclusive Education perspective, the next few months, whilst not
Column .................................. 4
bringing with it any specific deadlines, also has some particular points of
focus. This newsletter highlights the importance of preparing thoroughly for
Multimedia Review ............... 4
the NCCD this term and also brings you the feedback from the State
Funding Committee in order to support your preparation for Round 2 Inclusive Strategies
supplementary funding applications. Focus ..................................... 5
Spotlight on: State funding feed-
As always, at the heart of the newsletter is the quality teaching of students
back ....................................... 5
who come to their learning atypically and this edition highlights the
teaching of students with Tourette Syndrome (TS) as we move towards TS Senior Secondary Snapshot…..5
Awareness Week. There is also a strong encouragement to take up some of
the networking opportunities coming up in the next few months, as we Professional
know that some of the most valuable professional growth comes from the Learning ................................. 6
conversations we have with each other.
Child Protection ..................... 7
Contact Us ............................. 7
We hope that this edition is relevant and helpful for you in your role and
look forward to hearing your feedback and staying in touch with you and
your school in the coming term.
Please note: You have received the link
to this newsletter because you have
Kind regards, ticked the ‘Inclusive Education News-
The AISWA Inclusive Education Team letter’ box on the AISWA website.
To update your subscription preferences,
login to the AISWA website and go to ‘My
For additional information find us at
Dashboard > Update My Details’.
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 2
Current News and Updates
Term 2 Timeline
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on school students with Disability
(NCCD) remains a core focus for all schools and we hope that you have had the
chance to explore the new and greatly improved NCCD website, which went
End of April - funding
live during Term 1.
results will go to school.
With the data collection subject to multiple review processes, the website
changes are not the only ones. The newly released 2019 Guidelines also contain
13th May - Round 1 a number of significant clarifications and additions.
appeals decisions to
27th May - Funding
Round 2 opens online. We would strongly encourage staff teams, as they work through the
implementation phase this term, to keep track of the Guidelines, particularly
noticing the post-enumeration and privacy sections, which hold potential
implications for all schools.
For PL in NCCD and the opportunity to participate in moderation, please see the
AISWA PL calendar: 14th June.
In the Implementation
NCCD Moderation Workshop - June 2019 - Free Session
phase, typically Term 2,
schools determine which
students are receiving Inclusive Education Network News
adjustments due to
disability, the levels of Time to chat, collaborate and share practice together!
adjustment & broad As mentioned in Term 1, this year we are giving every other
category of disability. networking session a Gifted Focus. The details of the next event
They also undertake are therefore:
19th June (1.30-3.30pm) - IE Networking Session: Gifted Focus - Free Session
Meeting the needs of gifted students in a mixed ability classroom.
29th July - Round 2 If you are interested in developing your understanding of how to cater for
applications due for Gifted students or how to grow this conversation in your school, this session is
admin check with for you! Go to the website to register and we’ll look forward to seeing you
Principal check 2nd there.
Future networking dates:
Term 3: 18th Sept (pm) - IE Networking Session - Term 3 - Free Session
NB. 2nd August is also Term 4: 13th Nov (am) - IE Networking Session: Gifted Focus - Free Session
the reference date for
the NCCD. Please contact via email:
IE networking—Maggie Balfe [email protected]
Gifted focus—Kate Stannard [email protected]
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 3
Gifted & Talented Education
National Tourette Differentiating lessons for students
Syndrome Awareness who are operating at a Gifted level can
be a real challenge in a mixed– ability
was 6th - 12th May Effective recommendations include:
• Rigorous use of pre-assessment, to
establish prior knowledge.
• Explicitly teaching Gifted students
Multimedia Review
how to study, research and record,
in order to increase independence.
• Using group rotation to ensure
Gifted students have time with you.
• Using Bloom’s taxonomy to set up
higher order tasks for the same class
Imagine not be being able to carry out simple tasks in public, • Using open-ended tasks wherever
without feeling judged, ridiculed or stared at. For children living possible to allow students to go as
with Tourette’s this feeling is an everyday occurrence. far as they can with their thinking.
The ABC’s 7.30 Report, ‘Tourette’s Camp’, offers a poignant
glimpse into the lives of children with TS, which is described as,
“The stop signs of the brain don’t function – movements,
vocalisations and noises are turned on without the person Expressions of Interest needed…
choosing or making a conscious decision to turn them on.” We have a possible opportunity to
Produced in such a way as to demonstrate the reality of TS and partner with a local university to
challenge the common stigma that comes with some tics—it provide in-depth accredited PL and
comes with a Strong Language warning. We see the challenging research in the Gifted Education space
nature of this hugely individualised neurological disorder, which during 2020 Semester 1.
affects 1 in 100 Australians, and the debilitation that comes from
If you would be keen to participate in
society's response.
this type of course, for example, 4 days
People travel from all over to attend the NSW Tourette’s Camp, training over the period of a month,
where they spend the weekend engaged in a range of activities please email Kate Stannard at
such as high ropes and sailing in an environment where they feel [email protected].
understood and free from the social taboos of their condition.
Alternatively, if you would be
Although there is no cure as yet, symptoms of Tourette’s interested in doing a shorter course in
Syndrome can diminish over time, with medication, therapy and Semester 2 2019, please also email
relaxation techniques, but the take-home message for us is that [email protected].
increased awareness improves societal acceptance and this is
where quality of life is significantly increased.
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 4
Spotlight on: State funding for Students with Disability
Inclusion of… Students
with Tourette Syndrome With the Special Needs Advisory Committee’s decisions now released,
please find below the main points of feedback from Round 1:
Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a
Strong and informative documented plans are those that include the
Neuro-biological disorder
adjustments being made for the disability
characterised by a vast range
Be specific, generic school info can lead to some confusion as to
of involuntary motor and vocal
what is being done for that particular student
‘tics’, including the well-known,
Dating ’Areas of Concern’ and ’Strategies’ sections of the application
but surprisingly rare, Copralalia
is really helpful for the Committee to assess current need
(involuntary obscenities or
Make sure that the ’Date of Report’ is the date of the report, not the
socially taboo phrases).
date of uploading
The Tourette Syndrome of
Select the appropriate document name from the dropdown menu
Australia Association Inc.
and make sure that each one has actually loaded
recommend educators: NCCD uses different criteria and levelling, so the parallels between
• Address the main levels are not clear-cut and will not predict State funding decisions
challenges, often NOT the Ensure that you keep up to date with the latest Criteria, there are
tics! some phrase edits coming out in Round 2
If this feedback raises any questions or comments for you, please feel
• Don’t ask students to
free to contact your IE Consultant.
suppress tics, this usually
results in increased intensity Senior Secondary Snapshot
• Plan calm routines This term sees an exciting opportunity for
• Plan regular movement Senior Secondary Coordinators to meet with
breaks others to discuss Transition planning.
• Find high focus activities, Please mark 18th June in your calendars and
tics reduce when students watch the AISWA PL space for details.
are absorbed This additional network meeting will look
• Trial some substitution specifically at Transition from school to work/study for senior students
activities e.g. chewing gum, (Years 10-12) with disabilities. For more details see: Inclusive Education
elastic band on the wrist, a Network meeting Senior Secondary Transition Planning - Free Session.
stress ball Discussion to include:
• Plan a ‘safe space’ and exit • What schools do now.
pass for severe tic times • What are the ‘sticking points’ e.g. Curriculum, timetabling,
• Adapt tasks and student / parent involvement / flexibility, staffing.
• How have some schools solved these issues?
assessments e.g. reduce
• Who do schools access for advice? E.g. IE outside service
public speaking if this
doesn't work with a providers.
student’s tics We are also hoping to have a special guest Alex Murphy from the
For further information please National Disability Coordination Office (NDCO), who will be there to share
go to the TSAA resources and and answer those tricky questions.
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 5
Additional AISWA Professional Learning opportunities: AISWA IE Consultants are
Upcoming events include: available for consultation,
PL and workshop sessions
• 20th May — NCCD & DDA, 9-11am and NCCD moderation, 1-3pm, at AISWA.
in all areas of Inclusive
Education, including
• 29th May — Child Protection (Mandatory Reporting, Grooming and Abuse
students with disability,
Prevention), 9am-12pm, at AISWA
learning difficulties and
• 4th June — Implementing Effective Documented Plans, 1-3pm, at AISWA
• 13th June — Flip the Lid: the neuropsychology of challenging behaviour,
9am-4pm, at AISWA Please contact your IE
Please note: AISWA now offers the Team Teach Consultant to arrange
training as a response to challenging behaviours meetings or sessions
instead of PART. Team Teach emphasises the to suit your context.
reduction of risk, restraint and restriction and can be
tailored to your school context.
To register, log in to your AISWA account, view the full AISWA Professional Learning Calendar, select
‘Inclusive Education’ in Area of Interest and choose the specific event. To view our full year of centralised PL,
log in and follow the links to ‘IE’, Professional Learning.
External Professional Learning opportunities:
Learning Difficulties Australia run some fantastic professional learning
opportunities and August sees Prof. David Kilpatrick visit Perth as part of a
National Tour about Recent Advances in Understanding Word-Level Reading Problems: Assessment and Highly
Effective Intervention, plus a number of Interstate and online courses.
Details available at
SECCA, which stands for Sexuality Education Counselling
and Consultancy Agency, are a long-standing Agency, set
up to empower children and young people with disability
in the areas of sexuality and relationships. Strong online
PL sessions are coming up from July - October and are a great investment of time in relation to general upskilling
and Protective Behviours.
Through Autism Spectrum Australia, Positive Partnerships continue to deliver
highly effective PL sessions for parents and staff throughout the State. We will
keep schools updated when a session is running, but in the meantime we
encourage as many staff as possible to engage with the free online training
Please note: The AISWA IE team disseminates information about external organisations in good faith, but is not
responsible for the quality of delivery or professionalism of the presenting organisations.
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 6
Child Protection Focus
National Principles for Child Safe Organisations – endorsed!
The National Children’s Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, has welcomed the confirmation by the Prime Minister, that the Council
of Australian Governments (COAG) has endorsed the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
These National Principles are based on the 10 child safe standards recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional
Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Principles are broad and cover far more than sexual abuse and other types of harm, being
grounded in a child rights approach and recognising child participation and voice.
Organisations working with children are encouraged to utilise the Principles to show their leadership and commitment to
providing child safe environments which support children’s safety and wellbeing. To see the Principles in detail and access tools
to support their implementation in your settings, go to:
Of interest to schools are the following resources and tools:
• Self assessment tool
• Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy template
• Example Code of Conduct
• Charter of Commitment to children / young people template
• Checklist for online safety
• Guide for parents and carers
Please contact your IE Consultant for any professional learning needs in regards to: child
protection, reporting processes, codes of conduct and child safe organisational frameworks.
Please also contact your IE Consultant regarding the implementation of a protective behaviours curriculum, remembering that all
staff who use the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum option, must have completed the 1 day training.
Inclusive Education Team Contacts
Lynne Nixon (IE Coordinator) Tania Wray (IE Consultant)
[email protected] [email protected]
9441-1606 or 0447 502 560 9441-1672 or 0457 822 178
Amanda Mackmin (Admin Support) Maggie Balfe (IE Consultant)
[email protected] [email protected]
9441-1601 9441-1612 or 0418 212 284
Michele McErlain (Admin Support) Kate Stannard (IE Consultant)
[email protected] [email protected]
9441-1666 9441-1609 or 0438 983 855
Larissa Roy (IE Consultant)
Covering maternity leave for Michele McErlain for T1 & 2:
[email protected]
Jenny Briggs — [email protected] 9441-1666 9441-1676 or 0429 818 782
Sue Mulholland — [email protected] 9441-1632 Bronte Morgan (IE Consultant)
(Please address funding queries to Sue) [email protected]
9441-1646 or 0438 183 525
To find out which consultant is allocated to your school, please log in to the
AISWA website and go to
2019 Term 2 | Issue 1 Page 7
Suite 3/41 Walters Drive
Osborne Park WA 6017
+61 (08) 9441 1600
[email protected]