services & programs guide 2019
Improving educational
outcomes for young
The Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) exists to
improve educational outcomes for all young Australians by placing learners at the
centre of all planning and decision making. This is in alignment with the goals of
the Melbourne Declaration:
Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence.
Goal 2: All young Australians become:
• successful learners
• confident and creative individuals
• active and informed citizens.
AISWA works alongside all school communities, school staff and parents and carers
to achieve these educational goals through Professional Learning and support:
• Central Professional Learning courses/workshops: Central Professional
Learning is created each year to meet the needs of students, teacher growth
and government policy. These courses encompass partnerships with outside
agencies, conferences, ongoing projects, networking sessions, multiple day
workshops and after school sessions.
• Customised Professional Learning onsite: Most of AISWA’s courses can be
customised to meet the diverse needs of school. Consultants are also available
to assist schools in creating Professional Learning to meet specific needs.
• Consultation: All consultants are available on a ‘needs basis’ to assist with
queries or concerns or to hear success stories regarding any aspect of school
• Resources: AISWA is continually building its suite of high quality resources
available to schools. These reflect latest pedagogy and learning.
Services and Programs Guide 2019
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Welcome messages
from the ...
Executive Director Deputy Director
Welcome to the AISWA Services and Programs Guide. Welcome to the 2019 school year. This guide presents
AISWA plans its Professional Learning opportunities the range of support for teachers and leaders in
for schools and their teachers, leaders and governing Western Australian Independent Schools across all
body members, for school improvement and better levels of schooling.
student outcomes. It is hoped this guide will prompt The opportunities are offered in line with the key
you to visit the AISWA website regularly for updates on agendas of the Melbourne Declaration, The Western
the range of AISWA support and Professional Learning Australian Curriculum, National Quality Standards
opportunities in 2019. I encourage you to look through and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School
this guide, review the offerings that suit your needs Leadership. The breadth and diversity that is available
and join us to work together for excellence in schools. to teachers and leaders provides the opportunity
The path of school improvement is never ending and for all students to succeed at school and contribute
one of our roles is to work with schools to support your to their worlds beyond schooling. The services
progress along that path. contribute towards imparting the skills and capacities
young people need to be productive members of the
Valerie Gould
workforce and their communities, giving young people
access to a broad swath of knowledge and ideas and
inculcating the desire and ability to learn throughout
life. I look forward to your participation in the work of
AISWA as it serves you this year and beyond.
Ron Gorman
AISWA Reconciliation
Action Plan
The AISWA RAP: Djilba Springtime Artwork
This artwork was created by the staff at the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia
(AISWA), under the watchful guidance of Noongar artist Jenny Knapp, and celebrates our strong commitment
to reconciliation and the launch of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
This story is of Djilba springtime season, when the bilya waterways and lakes are full and the djet wildflowers
are in bloom, creating the colours of land on Noongar boodja country.
The AISWA offices are situated near Herdsman Lake, which is traditionally called Ngurgenboro. Djilba season
is part of the Noongar six seasons.
AISWA would like to acknowledge that the land we work on is Whadjuk Noongar boodja and that the Whadjuk
Noongar people are the traditional owners and custodians who have a rich social, spiritual and historical
connection to this country, which is as strong todays as it was in the past.
Feel free to visit our reception area to see the artwork up close.
Services and Programs Guide 2019
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Education Reform
Agreement (NERA)
and Collaboration
across sectors in
The NERA is signed by all States and Territories with
the Commonwealth Government and sets out in broad
terms what the Federal Government’s expectations
are of States and territories in terms of Education.
With the NERA are State Bilateral Agreements which
identify what each state is committed to in terms of
implementing the NERA over the next five years. The
WA agreement can be found at:
In WA we have always collaborated with the Catholic
and Government sectors and will continue to do
so into the future as all sectors are included in the
State Bilateral. These documents then inform the
AISWA Work Plan which is required under the
Non-Government Representative Body (NGRB)
Support Fund. It is through this fund that many of
our consultants are partly funded, to deliver services
to schools. Increasingly we do charge for a number
of our Professional Learning opportunities and the
income form these, supplement the Commonwealth
contribution to our work.
Subscriptions to AISWA fund our core activities
while the bulk of the work around implementation of
Curriculum, Professional Standards for Teachers,
support for WACE courses, NAPLAN and NCCD is
funded either through the NGRB Support Fund and
income from Professional Learning activities.
Governance, Registration and
AISWA consultants are able to assist school AISWA’s Registration and Compliance consultants
leaders and governing body members meet their are available to visit schools to assist them in the
governance responsibilities. AISWA provides preparation of their renewal of registration. These visits
governance support in the following ways: can range from a few hours to a whole day depending
• Provision of Governance Guidelines on a school’s needs.
• The annual Briefing the Board conference The consultants are able to provide guidance on
meeting the requirements of the Department of
• Seminars on issues of relevance to school leaders Education ‘Guide to the Registration Standards and
and members of governing bodies Other Requirements’ as well as support in preparation
• Meeting with individual school governing bodies of the documents required to be submitted to the
regulator as part of the renewal of registration
• Guidelines for constitutions development and
compliance process. AISWA also has a large number of Policy
and Procedure Guidelines available to help schools
• Updates for schools on school funding, legislative prepare their own policies and procedures.
requirements and upcoming education issues and
changes For more information call
(08) 9441 1626 or (08) 9441 1611.
• Over the phone or email support.
Services and Programs Guide 2019
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Leadership and
Teacher Quality
The aim of the Leadership and Teacher Quality Consultation and assistance is provided in the
team is to support and develop leaders as they following areas:
confidently create schools where students, staff • Induction and Early Career Teacher programs
and communities thrive.
• Growing proficient development policies and
Experienced, Middle and Aspiring Leaders’ programs programs
encourage leaders to start with the end in mind and
have the courage and information to lead change. • Implementing the Australian Professional
This has the greatest impact on student success and Standards for Teachers and the Australian
promotes a culture of wellbeing. Professional Standard for Principals
In 2019, AISWA has formed exciting new partnerships • National Certification of Highly Accomplished and
with universities and professional organisations to Lead Teachers.
continue to meet the needs of Independent Schools.
Learning and growth opportunities are both research- For more information call (08) 9441 1626.
based and grounded in leading-edge principles.
Support for special interest
groups of schools
Support for Aboriginal Independent Community Schools
AISWA provides significant support to the 13 Aboriginal Independent Community Schools in the sector. The majority of
the schools are in very remote locations and there are four AISWA consultants who have as their main role providing
support to this group of schools. Support includes:
• Dedicated support for school leaders and governing bodies of the schools through school visits and online support
• Dedicated consultancy and Professional Learning support for Literacy and Numeracy through school visits and
online support
• The Aboriginal Independent Community Schools (AICS) Annual Broome Conference for principals, leaders,
teachers and education assistants
• The Annual AICS Governance Conference in Perth
• Centrally held Professional Learning support at the start of the school year
• Access by schools and their staff to the AISWA Executive Team and all AISWA consultancy services
• Access to all AISWA Professional Learning programs.
For more information call (08) 9441 1670
Curriculum and Re-Engagement Small Schools Collegiate Group
(CARE) Schools Schools that form part of the Small Schools Collegiate
Group are smaller schools that see the benefit of
AISWA supports a CARE School Network for
Independent and Catholic CARE Schools. meeting with small schools that often face similar
challenges due to their size. Schools in this group have
This is done through: a particular education philosophy such as Montessori
• Network meetings of Principals of CARE Schools or Steiner, or have developed from a community that
wanted a school that suited what they wanted for their
• An annual CARE School Conference
children. Support is provided through:
• Dedicated CARE school staff Professional • Network meetings of principals of small schools
Learning opportunities • Network meetings of business managers of small
• Access by schools and their staff to the AISWA schools
Executive Team and all AISWA consultancy • Access by schools and their staff to the AISWA
services Executive Team and all AISWA consultancy
• Access to all AISWA Professional Learning services.
programs. • Access to all AISWA Professional Learning
For more information call (08) 9441 1608 programs.
For more information call (08) 9441 1603
Services and Programs Guide 2019
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Early Childhood
AISWA’s Early Childhood consultants offer advice
to schools on early childhood matters ranging
from policy implementation, regulatory matters
and age appropriate pedagogy.
The benefits of a high quality early childhood education
has lasting effects for the individual and society as a
AISWA’s consultants focus on supporting all early
childhood teachers and schools to:
• Provide a high quality early childhood education
• Implement changes to the National Quality
• Embed quality Literacy and Numeracy practices in
the Early Years
• Engage in inquiry and play-based approaches
• Develop STEM in the early years through the Little
Scientist program and nature pedagogy
• Access and implement the On-entry assessment
modules PP-2
• Engage with the Australian Early Development
Census 2018 data.
For more information call (08) 9441 1664.
The focus of AISWA’s Inclusive Education and
Psychology teams is to empower and support
teachers and schools to provide education that
is both proactive and responsive to the needs of
all learners. The Professional Learning provided
encompasses both prevention and intervention
The Inclusive Education team at AISWA works in
collaboration with schools to assist them in catering
for the needs of students with disabilities or diverse
learning needs through supportive and inclusive school
Inclusive Education Professional Learning, support and
consultation is available in a range of areas including:
• Teaching students with disabilities and learning
• Gifted Education
• Child Protection
• Policy support for student enrolment and
• Documented plans and curriculum development
• Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
on students with a disabilities
• Special Education State additional per capita
• PART Training
• Team Teach
• Disability legislation
• Protective Behaviours Curriculum
• Transition to secondary and post school options.
For more information call (08) 9441 1666
Services and Programs Guide 2019
For further information visit
School Psychology
The primary function of the AISWA School Psychology • Mental Health Literacy
Service is to provide a specialist psychology-based • Mental illness and suicide
service in order to help build capacity in schools
and school staff in four main areas of learning; • Staff and student well-being
attendance, behaviour and engagement; wellbeing • Positive Psychology (and Positive Education)
and mental health; and assisting schools in preparing •
for emergency and critical incident management. The Behaviour (and positive behaviour)
service works with schools and offers system support, • Trauma informed teaching practices
utilising an education-consultancy model based • Neuropsychology
on working with school staff in order to bring about
change at the level of the individual child, the class or • Learning Disorders.
the whole-school level.
For more information call:
Professional Learning, consultation and support can Child Protection (08) 9441 1601
be provided across a range of areas including: AISWA School Psychology Service (08) 9441 1632
• Psychological First Aid
• Social and emotional learning (including the
PATHS Curriculum, Aussie Optimism, and RULER)
AISWA’s Curriculum team provides leadership
and advice on a range of curriculum matters to
assist schools implement evidence informed, best
practice approaches to curriculum, pedagogy and
AISWA’s Consultants focus on supporting teachers
and schools to develop and implement high quality
teaching, learning and assessment programs aligned
to Western Australian curriculum requirements.
Tailored Professional Learning and support is provided
in both formal and informal ways including workshops,
special projects, network meetings, school visits,
emails, phone calls and resources.
Support and assistance may include a focus on:
• Designing integrated teaching, learning and
assessment programs
• Creating rich and rigorous assessments
• Effectively using data and evidence to assess
student progress and improve performance
• Engaging with contemporary and innovative
teaching pedagogies.
Specialist support and advice from P-12 is available
in all of the eight learning areas, as well as Vocational
Education and Training.
For more information call (08) 9441 1626.
Services and Programs Guide 2019
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Information, Communication
and Technologies
AISWA’s ICT consultants have years of practical Additional support is also provided through a school
experience in assisting schools to develop hire arrangement for the following STEM and mobile
ICT Strategic Plans and training educators in computer devices:
the pedagogical integration of ICT across the • iPads and Surface Pro 3s
• 3D printers
Consultants can leverage competitive software and
hardware pricing for schools provisioned under • Class VR
AISWA ‘Header Agreements’ and offer a variety of • KodeKLIX®
Professional Learning opportunities tailored to schools’ • Ozobots, Sphero
needs in areas such as:
• BeeBots and ProBots.
• The Technologies subjects and ICT as a
General Capability AISWA encourages schools to trial STEM and mobile
technologies and AISWA consultants are available to
provide training and support.
• Scootle school registration and training
For more information call (08) 9441 1617.
• Microsoft, Adobe and a variety of coding platforms
• The ‘STEM in Practice’ program.
Literacy consultants are available to provide
support, through Professional Learning and
school-based planning, to:
• Improve student learning in reading, viewing,
writing and oral language using pedagogy based
on the latest research
• Plan, structure and sequence literacy/English
learning at the whole-school level (from F-10), or
with year groups or individual teachers, within your
• Implement the Western Australian Curriculum:
English by applying literacy strategies that engage
students in learning.
For more information call (08) 9441 1600.
The AISWA Numeracy Consultants can assist
schools on many levels to enhance teaching and
learning outcomes.
• Work in schools with leadership, Professional
Learning teams and teachers to interrogate data
and plan
• Provide in – school workshops to further develop
mathematical conceptual understandings, such
as place value, or pedagogical practices such as
cooperative learning used in the engaging “Check
the Clues” series.
For more information call (08) 9441 1617.
Services and Programs Guide 2019
For further information visit
Special Programs
Commonwealth Capital Grants Program Future Footprints
The AISWA Capital Grant Association is the AISWA’s Future Footprints program supports
authority for non-Catholic Independent schools Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from
in Western Australia administrating the Capital remote regions in Western Australia attending
Grants Program on behalf of the Australian boarding schools in Perth.
Government. The goals of the program are to:
Approximately $8.5 million of Commonwealth • Ensure the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres
funds are available for distribution to non-Catholic Strait Islander students with the education system
Independent Schools in Western Australia each year.
The next round of applications closes on • Foster a sense of belonging and self-worth
21 March 2019. • Provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students with the confidence, knowledge and skills
For more information call (08) 9441 1616. to succeed.
State Government Low Interest Loan Scheme Through the program, AISWA supports schools by
coordinating initiatives and events that bring together
The State Government makes available low interest
loans to assist non-government schools with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from
capital development projects. Applications close participating schools; and assists schools to establish
on 30 September each year. their own school-based programs which form an
important part of a school’s culture.
The AISWA LILS Committee assesses all applications
and makes recommendation to the Department of For more information call
Education in November each year. The scheme is (08) 9441 1647 or (08) 9441 1653.
administered by the Non-Government School Funding
Branch of the Department of Education.
Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia
Suite 3, 41 Walters Drive, Osborne Park WA 6017