2018 Program
2018 Term 2
Master Classes, Courses, Information
Sessions & Services
AISWA Schools Psychology Service 4
Leadership & Teacher Quality 5-15
Inclusive Education 16-27
Early Childhood 28-38
Curriculum 39
Numeracy 40-41
Literacy 42-44
ICT 45-47
© Mental Health First Aid Australia
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Tammy Barnes & Bas Snijder (AISWA)
23 & 30 May 2018
This 14 hour course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are experiencing a
mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem.
The course is suitable for adults working with adolescents (those aged between 12 and 18
years), however, it can also be relevant for those helping people who are a little younger or
Course Content
Participants will learn about adolescent development and the signs and symptoms of these
mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown
by research to be effective.
CN11734 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
4 | AISWA Schools Psychology Service
Photo provided by R Forrest
Aspiring Leaders
Janet Wilmot
9 April 2018 - 26 June 2018 - 12 September 2018
This program is for anyone considering a leadership role in an Independent school.
Please note that this course builds upon each day and participants should therefore attend
the full course to gain maximum benefit.
This is the eighth year that this highly successful course has been offered. The program for
2018 has been designed based on the feedback received from participants over the years
and will be flexible in order to respond to the needs of the group.
The course will be facilitated over three days and is suitable for those who are currently in
middle leadership roles, teachers who aspire to leadership and for new leaders. It aims
to provide participants with the tools, frameworks and knowledge required in a leadership
position today.
Previous participants comment on the fact that the course is both an inner and an outer
learning journey as a great deal of importance is placed on self-reflection. Attention is paid
to the development of self as well as to numerous other aspects of leadership.
CN11684 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
5 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo G Leslie - Rockpool
Leading with Calmness, Clarity & Focus
Johanne Klap, Potential Project
Commencing 18 April 2018 - 9 August 2018 (7.30am-9.00am)
This program includes:
1 x Introductory Workshop (90 mins)
8 x Weekly Workshops (60-90 minutes each)
2 x Follow-up Workshops to reinforce and develop the practice and learnings.
Training Materials and Support
Recent research indicates that high performing Principals don’t work longer hours than
other Principals – they do however spend their time differently. They are able to focus their
time and efforts on the practices that have the biggest impact on the learning environment
of their school and consequently the outcomes of their students.
School leaders face and cope with a number of demands across operational, relational,
strategic and systemic fronts. The importance and the ability to weave and shift focus
according to the current demands of their school, underscores the importance to be able to
choose their response and focus their attention purposefully and sustainably.
Principals need to be mindful of how and where they pay attention. Mindfulness training
provides principals with the opportunity to train their attention, choose their distractions, and
focus on what is important from a place of calmness and clarity. This ultimately makes their
work more manageable (and enjoyable) and their lives less stressful.
CN11787 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
6 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo K Hughes - Kimberly wiggles
Developing your Portfolio of Evidence for
Full Registration
Nicola Davidson (AISWA) & Samantha Wynne (AISWA )
18 April 2018
This practical workshop is aimed at Early Career Teachers in the first three years of their
career who are required by their school to develop a portfolio of evidence to submit to fulfill
the requirements of the TRBWA Full Registration process as you progress from Graduate to
Proficient career stages.
The day will involve educators identifying their professional story and planning the evidence
collection to support it. AISWA consultants Sam Wynne and Nicola Davidson will support
attendees in identifying their areas of strength in classroom knowledge and skills and to
identify areas of their professional practice they need to strengthen to gain registration.
Early Career Teachers are asked to bring working documents and a collection of artefacts
that will support them in the development of their portfolio. Please bring your laptops or
devices to work on.
We welcome all early career teachers including relief teachers who are working on moving
from Graduate to Proficient and then Full Registration.
CN11691 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
7 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo Karen Le Raye - Bunbury
HALT Certification Portfolio Development
Samantha Wynne (AISWA)
20 April 2018
Who is this program for?
This one day program is for expert teachers who are intending to apply for National
Certification as a Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher. The workshops focus on readying
annotated artefacts of practice (Portfolio) and other components of the Stage 1 submission.
What will this program cover?
This is a day of practical workshops and participants are asked to bring along artefacts
of practice that they are thinking of including in their applications so that they are able to
develop their own portfolios. The day will cover:
• An information session on Stage 1 of the certification process and situating your practice
• Selecting artefacts to demonstrate high level practice
• Writing annotations for artefacts
• Lead initiatives (for Lead teachers)
• Writing statements of claim
• Managing the process (referees and support)
• Ways of presenting portfolios (electronic or hard copy)
CN11797 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
8 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo Lisa Fieldhouse - Kings Park
The Intelligent Lead - Leadership
Development Through Coaching and
Dr Suzanne Goodman - 9 Dragons Coaching And Training
10 & 11 May 2018
An exceptional program. An exceptional presenter. An exceptional investment.
The Intelligent Lead© coaching and training program is a unique leadership development
course focused on delivering sustainable and practical experiences for those wanting to
improve their leadership skills.
With a combination of group coaching, training (that builds on current research in
neuroscience, leadership and team development), work based applications and reflections,
this program is for those seeking an opportunity to take their leadership or management
skills from good to inspiring. You will have the opportunity to work with and learn from Dr
Suzanne Goodman.
Training topics can include team leadership, delivering difficult conversations, dealing with
change, emotional leadership, creative problem solving and strategic thinking.
In addition, participants may participate in individual coaching, workplace shadowing and or
360 assessments at additional costs. The Intelligent Lead© program can also be offered on
site and tailored to suit your workplace specific needs.
The above program can be extended to 6 or 9 months in duration. A minimum of 15
participants is required.
CN11733 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
9 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
“We should always have three friends in our lives - one who walks
ahead who we look up to and follow; one who walks beside us, who
is with us every step of our journey; and then, who we reach back
for and bring along after we’ve cleared the way.” Michelle Obama
Photo G Leslie
Women in Educational Leadership
Network Meetings
The network invites you to come and play all of these roles.
The afternoon network meetings are for anyone interested in gender equality and the role of
women in educational leadership. The meetings are held at various member schools across
the metropolitan area each term. The meetings usually allow for networking from 4.30pm to
5.00pm followed by a speaker from 5.00pm to around 5.30pm. The meeting concludes with
refreshments and further networking opportunities.
• CN11740 - 10 May 2018 Guest Speaker Zoe Yujnovich, Chairman Shell Australia &
Executive Vice President Integrated Gas Australia & NZ - at Wesley College
• CN11741 - 25 July 2018 Guest Speaker Carmel Ross, Consultant/DirectorCarmel
Ross Consulting Pty Ltd - at Presbyterian Ladies’ College
• CN11742 - 18 October 2018 Guest Speaker Megan Wynne, Founder and Managing
Director, APM - at St Stephens
For further information visit the AISWA website
10 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo K Hughes
The Great Nudge Quest: Stretching the top
Kylie Bice - Education Consultant with Growing Up Greatness
25 May - 8 August - 13 September - 13 November 2018
“When building professional capital in a school pull when you can….push if you must…..
nudge constantly (Hargreaves, 2014)”
This four day course across 2018 is for members of the school leadership team (principals,
deputies, HOLAs etc) who are interested in working with their staff to better engage and
improve the achievement of the cruising capable students, the top 40%. Ideally, at least two
people from a school works best with the collaborative planning aspect of the course.
According to international testing over the past 16 years Australia systematically went
backwards, both relatively and absolutely… A deep analysis of the PISA decline shows that
Australia has more cruising schools and students than other countries. The major source of
variance in the decline is among our top 40% of our students (Ainsley & Gebhart in Hattie,
J. p.4, 2016)
This practical course is aimed at building a whole school/department improvement plan,
using aspects of the National School Improvement Tool to audit and as provocation. The
course is a cumulative one which provides action goals between sessions to facilitate
reflection and change.
CN11789 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
11 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo N Davidson
Survival Guide for New Teachers (G2P2)
Rebecca Delaney, Kate Stannard, Lynne Nixon, Maggie Balfe, Julie
Townsend (AISWA Consultants)
29 & 30 May 2018
This course is aimed at Early Career Teachers (those in years 2 – 5 of their teaching career)
who are interested in responding to the diverse needs of students in their classes. The
course aims to build the capacity of the teacher in order to better support students who are
at educational risk of not achieving their potential. Students in this group may include those
who have a disability; those who are gifted; and those from significantly different cultural
and language backgrounds.
This two day course covers 7 units which constitute some of the key understandings
and legislative requirements teachers need to know about; and practical strategies for
addressing some of the common needs of students in our classrooms.
Unit 1 – Differentiation – Inclusive Classroom
Unit 2 – Identification of Students
Unit 3 – Working with Parents and Teacher TA Partnerships
Unit 4 – Student Mental Health
Unit 5 – What is Giftedness?
Unit 6 – Autistic Spectrum
Unit 7 – Understanding Learning Difficulties
CN11818 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
12 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo G Leslie
Leading the Team not Just the People:
Team Leadership for Middle Leaders
Charlotte Rendle-Short - Educational Consultant
19 June 2018
Middle leaders are the essential leaders of learning in twenty-first century schools, and
are increasingly recognised as such. To know and understand the poetry of Judith Wright
is one thing; to influence a peer, to hold colleagues to account, to develop the capacity of
others or to build and lead a team rather than just a working group is another, and is the
real challenge. Middle leaders need the skills and confidence to lead their teams because
the team is where the change happens.
This workshop is designed for new and experienced middle leaders; the aim is to develop
an understanding of the characteristics of a great team and the leader’s role in enabling
the team’s high performance. We will use research from leading writers such as Jon
Katzenbach, Patrick Lencioni and Ruth Wageman as anchors for our thinking. And then, in
a very practical way, we will address key questions such as:
• What is a team? Who is on your team and why? What does your team do?
• How does the team do its work? How does the team manage the edges?
• What is the role of the team leader?
CN11696 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
13 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo N Davidson
The High Performing Senior Leadership
Charlotte Rendle-Short - Educational Consultant
20 June 2018
Come and join us and take advantage of the opportunity to work with Charlotte Rendle-
Short an outstanding presenter in the area of building and leading senior leadership teams.
Whether you are an experienced Principal or new to the role, leading your senior leadership
team is not as straightforward as some would have you believe. There is a need for
Principals to be strategic and rigorous in their thinking about the team’s purpose, to
understand the essential requirements that enable the team to be outstanding, and to invest
significantly in the team as team as well as in the individual team members.
In this workshop, designed for Principals and those who lead senior teams, we will consider
the essential characteristics of high performing senior leadership teams using Ruth
Wageman’s model as the starting point for our thinking. We will focus on the work of the
senior team, real work that only it can do, and how team members need to ‘be’, in order for
that work to have impact. And crucially, we will address in a practical way the role of the
Principal in leading the senior team; how does the Principal balance the role of leader and
team coach with that of being a team member?
CN11697 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
14 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo provided by N Davidson
Schools That Deliver
John Edwards and Bill Martin
24 July 2018
A rare opportunity to hear from two exceptional leaders and authors who know how
to change a vision from a dream into a plan that works. John and Bill have guided
transformative change in multiple settings and “have a unique treasury of wisdom that
spans the range from big picture thinking to daily actions of leaders who build trust.” Jon
Having studied closely how cultures grow inside education, business and elite sport
we have learned what to look for. There are recognisable trajectories, hierarchies and
sequences. You ignore culture at your peril.
Cultures of learning are central to why schools exist. Whilst there are common elements,
there are also significant differences, between productive learning cultures for students and
those for staff. Knowing how to build both is crucial.
Ed Schein reminds us that whilst culture is an abstraction, the forces that derive from
culture are powerful. If we do not understand the operation of these forces, we can easily
become victim to them.
Throughout this day we will explore what to pay attention to in your school, what things
mean, how to respond skilfully to what is going on, and what actions give you highest
CN11788 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
15 | AISWA Leadership & Teacher Quality
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Keeping Safe: Child Protection
Maggie Balfe (AISWA)
1 May 2018
Keeping Safe aims to help children and students from preschool to senior secondary learn
to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse. In wider terms
Keeping Safe covers rights, relationships, responsibilities and ethical behaviour.
Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.
CN11760 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
16 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Creating Safer Independent Schools
Rebecca Delaney (AISWA)
21 May 2018
The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales developed this comprehensive
training package to assist schools in forming appropriate responses to child protection matters.
The training focuses on schools developing a culture of safety as a defining feature of a Child
Safe Organisation. The package assists schools with mitigating risk and enhancing systemic
response to inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour, and most importantly, supporting the
community to become and promote a safe environment for children. This training is designed
for leadership and involves considerable case study analysis and opportunity for school plan
development. It is highly recommended that several leaders, if not the whole leadership team,
Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.
CN11610 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
17 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Keeping Safe: Child Protection
Kate Stannard (AISWA)
24 May 2018
Keeping Safe aims to help children and students from preschool to senior secondary learn
to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse. In wider terms
Keeping Safe covers rights, relationships, responsibilities and ethical behaviour.
Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.
CN11760 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
18 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Mandatory Reporting (including
Grooming) - St Andrew’s Grammar
Lynne Nixon (AISWA)
28 May 2018
All registered teachers must report to the Mandatory Reporting Service of CPFS if they, in the
course of their work, form a belief based on reasonable grounds that a child is being or has
been sexually abused. This session unpacks what this means in practical terms and ensures
that all staff are confident with the process of Mandatory Reporting, the indicators that might
lead to a Report being made and what further actions the school can take. All teachers and
other staff, including chaplains, counsellors, psychologists, education assistants and support
staff, are strongly encouraged to attend.
Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.
CN11809 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
19 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Staff Code of Conduct
Lynne Nixon (AISWA)
31 May 2018
This session will look at staff Code of Conduct with specific reference to Child Protection,
as is a requirement under the Registration Standards for Non-Government Schools in
Western Australia. The staff code of conduct must be compliant with the requirements of the
prevention of child abuse (Standard 12) and the session will unpack the required content
in relation to the distinctions between grooming and sexual abuse and the clear delineation
of student and staff boundaries. We will discuss the value of thorough implementation and
why simple provision of copies of the Code of Conduct to staff is deemed not to adequately
demonstrate compliance (Standard 4.4).
Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.
CN11586 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
20 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
How to Make an Online Application for
DES Special Education Funding - June
Kate Stannard (AISWA)
5 June 2018
This workshop will outline the process for applying for State funding in 2018. Please note
that this is different to the Federal NCCD and funding processes.
• Are you comfortable navigating the AISWA website?
• Are you new to making online applications for students with disabilities?
• Did you have trouble with the last round of applications and you are unsure of what you
are doing wrong?
• Has an IE staff member suggested that you come along to this session?
• Do you have questions or just need a refresher?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions please attend this free workshop, it will lead
you through the steps to make an online funding application for State Additional Per Capita
Funding for students with Disability. We will be working through the application process so
please bring a device (Laptop or tablet) so that you can navigate the process.
CN11525 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
21 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Implementing Effective Documented
Rebecca Delaney (AISWA)
5 June 2018
Documented Plans are mentioned in federal legislation as important documents for schools
• Demonstrate evidence of making adjustments; and
• Effectively cater for students with disability.
Documented Plans are known by many titles including Individual Education Plans (IEP),
Curriculum Adjustment Plans (CAP), Individual Behaviour Plans, Risk Management Plans,
Student Health Care Plans, Individual Safety Plans and many more. This PL will assist
schools to better understand how to write effective individual goals for students and how
to better manage the overall process of writing, implementing, monitoring and reporting
Documented Plans for individual students with disability. This PL will directly assist schools,
teachers and school leaders to better meet their obligations under the Disability Standards
for Education (2005).
CN11537 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
22 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
Information Session (NCCD)
Rebecca Delaney (AISWA)
7 June 2018 Two Sessions
The Federal and State Ministers for Education have agreed to the Nationally Consistent
Collection of Data model on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This data collection
commenced in 2013 in a phased implementation approach, with full implementation by all
Australian schools in 2015.
This information session is specifically for key staff (Principals, Deputy Principals, Teachers,
Bursars and Learning Support Coordinators).
See website for topics covered.
CN11538 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
CN11540 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
23 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Flip the Lid: The Neuropsychology of
Challenging Behaviour
Roger Coghill (AISWA) - Julie Townsend (AISWA) - Kate Stannard
12 June 2018
New advances in neuroscience are unlocking the secrets of why children behave the way
they do and why it is so hard at times for them to behave the way we would like. Self-
regulation skills are the mental processes that allow children to manage arousal levels,
emotions, attention and be socially successful.
You will gain:
• An understanding of the development of self-regulation;
• The ability to reframe challenging behaviours and understand the underlying skills
deficits; and
• Practical strategies to assist the development of self-regulation skills.
CN11541 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
24 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual
Tania Wray (AISWA)
13 June 2018
All registered teachers must report to the Mandatory Reporting Service of CPFS if they, in
the course of their work, form a belief based on reasonable grounds that a child is being or
has been sexually abused. This session unpacks what this means in practical terms and
ensures that all staff are confident with the process of Mandatory Reporting, the indicators
that might lead to a Report being made and what further actions the school can take.
All teachers and other staff, including chaplains, counsellors, psychologists, education
assistants and support staff, are strongly encouraged to attend.
Due to the subject matter, children (under 18 years) are not permitted to attend.
CN11648 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
25 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Rebecca Delaney
PART Training Course
Tania Wray (AISWA) - Maggie Balfe (AISWA)
21 & 22 June 2018
The course covers skills including crisis communication, evasion, releases from holds and
safe restraints, as well as examining the legal ramifications of any aggressive interaction,
preparation and planning to avoid aggressive incidents and debriefing after a crisis. It is suitable
for staff who manage students with challenging/aggressive behaviour, including students with
special needs. It is based on the premise that employees who have developed a systematic
approach to predicting, understanding and managing aggressive or assaultive behaviour are
less likely to injure or be injured than those who have not, and will be more able to confidently
defuse or contain aggression. Who should attend: A team of at least 2 staff, who will become
the school’s primary support group when developing policy and working with community
members whose behaviour may be aggressive. This may include: Principal (especially in a
small school) Assistant/Deputy Principal Year Coordinators (secondary schools) Staff who
work closely with students whose behaviour is unpredictable and potentially explosive Others
who would be instrumental in developing and carrying out policy/responses to emergency
situations. It is important that at least one of these is part of the school’s Administration team.
CN11561 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
26 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Linda Hamilton
Mini COGE (Certificate of Gifted
Peta Hay, Gifted Education Research And Resource Centre (GERRIC)
25 & 26 June 2018
The Mini COGE is a two day course guaranteed to give you the background you need to
begin differentiating instruction to meet the needs of your gifted students.
The course will be presented by Peta Hay who currently works for GERRIC. Peta lectures
in the area of gifted education at the University of New South Wales. She began her career
as an English / History teacher and became passionate about gifted education when some
of the gifted adolescents in her classes confronted social and emotional problems. Her PhD,
completed at the University of New South Wales, examined the interaction between moral
reasoning and empathy in gifted children, and she continues to be interested in the socio-
affective aspects of giftedness. She cooperates with teachers and schools to help them
cater for gifted children in their classrooms. She also enjoys teaching university students
how to provide best practice education for all students.
CN11699 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
27 | AISWA Inclusive Education
Photo provided by Lance Holt
Consulting with Children Talking and
Thinking Floorbook Training (Repeat)
Samantha Wynne (AISWA)
16 April 2018
Consulting with children introduces educators to the Floorbook Approach and provides them
with the skills to implement Floorbooks in the classroom.
Claire Warden developed Talking and Thinking Floorbooks as a way of increasing children’s
oracy and as a way for children to document their learning. Teachers use the Floorbooks
as part of their reflection on the children’s learning and as a planning tool for future. This
course will introduce you to Floorbooks, Talking Tubs and Thinking Trees.
This is a Claire Warden endorsed course.
CN11673 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
28 | AISWA Early Childhood
Early Years Leadership Project AISWA
ECE & Notre Dame University - Beyond
Samantha Wynne (AISWA)
Day One - 4th May 2018
AISWA are accepting expressions of interest from schools to participate in an Early Years
Leadership project in partnership with Notre Dame Early Childhood academics. The aim of
the project is to develop the leadership capacity of Early Childhood Leaders to use the process
of quality improvement under the National Quality Standard to identify, plan, implement and
review pedagogical change in their schools.
The project is open to Early Childhood Leaders who have the responsibility for the
development and implementation of the Quality Improvement Plan and the desire to develop
their leadership skills in order to facilitate pedagogical change (educators do not need to hold
a formal leadership position in the school).
Project Overview: The project is a collaboration with Notre Dame University and AISWA Early
Childhood. It is funded by AISWA to support EC Leaders in the implementation of their Quality
Improvement Plans (QIP) with the aim of improving the quality of the pedagogy and practice
in the early years in schools.
For expressions of interest contact Janelle Dickinson [email protected]
EOI close on Monday, 16 April.
29 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo I Wonder How Stories Get Around
Moderating Writing & Pizza Evening
Deborah Martin & Barabara Bosich (AISWA)
21 May 2018
Participants will be sent a task relative to their year level to undertake with their children in
order to bring samples to the session for moderation with colleagues. Focus will be on the
developmental nature of observations and expectations using the SCSA judging standards.
This is an afternoon/evening session with a light meal provided.
CN11644 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
30 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo by Wendy Gorman
Little Scientists
Wendy Gorman (AISWA)
Little Scientists Australia is a not-for-profit professional development program for early childhood
educators and teachers combining inquiry-based learning with age-appropriate STEM exploration
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
We offer a range of affordable, hands-on STEM workshops that encourage daily scientific
exploration with young children aged 3 to 6 years.
The Little Scientists program aligns with the EYLF.
CN11613 - 22 May 2018 Little Scientist Module 2 Air
CN11614 - 12 June 2018 Little Scientist Module 3 Light
CN11615 - 16 July 2018 Little Scientist Module 1 Water
CN11616 - 13 August 2018 Little Scientist Module 6 Human Body
CN11617 - 16 October 2018 Little Scientist Module 5 Maths
For further information visit the AISWA website
31 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo provided by Lance Holt
Metacognition in the Early Years
Classroom (K-2)
Andrea Hillbrick
28 May 2018
Metacognitive strategies empower students to think about their own thinking.
During this professional learning session she will share her insights, tools and strategies to
explicitly teach metacognition across the curriculum. These include:
• Learning intentions and success criteria
• Hooks to motivate and build commitment
• Conferencing
• Goal setting
• Feedback
• Reflection tools
• Strategies to record the student’s reflections
CN11667 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
32 | AISWAEarly Childhood
Photo Lance Holt
Purposeful and Rich Mathematics Tasks –
Andrea Hillbrick
29 May 2018
This professional learning session will be ‘jam – packed’ with quality tasks. This is an
opportunity to explore engaging tasks presented in a variety of mathematical learning
contexts. Andrea will share strategies to differentiate the tasks so they can be implemented
in your classroom the very next day!
The key messages will include:
• Exploring the student’s own mathematical worlds
• Teaching from the students known skills to introduce new skills
• Making the mathematics learning clear to the students
• Implementing hooks to engage the students and build commitment
• Using materials in the mathematics classroom
• Highlighting the importance of mathematical thinking and talk
• Focusing on the strategies, not only the product
CN11668 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
33 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo provided by Serpentine Jarrahdale
Vocabulary Teaching Strategies – K-2
Andrea Hillbrick
30 May 2018
“Students need many opportunities for developing a rich vocabulary through listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in an integrated manner. Vocabulary instruction should be an
integral component in a daily literacy program. Integrating vocabulary instruction provides
students with numerous opportunities to manipulate and learn new words.”
Valerie Ellery
During this highly interactive professional learning session Andrea will share recent
classroom experiences to explore:
• The latest research about vocabulary instruction
• The features of a classroom learning environment
• A range of quality texts to support vocabulary development
• Highly effective teaching strategies to implement in your classroom
• The links to reading and writing programs
• Tools and tasks to engage and motivate students.
CN11669 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
34 | AISWA Early Childhood
Leading Professional Learning Teams
Andrea Hillbrick
31 May 2018
‘The primary purpose of PLTs is to support teachers in improving student learning by
changing their instruction.’ Susan Sather
Andrea has been supporting and empowering Professional Learning Teams across
many different school settings. This session will focus on the key features of effective
Professional Learning Teams. Andrea will explore highly effective protocols and strategies
that she is currently employing in school based PLT Inquiry Cycles.
Andrea will provide overviews of recent Professional Learning Team projects that have
improved student data.
Key focuses of this session include:
• Analysing data
• Accessing current research
• Reflecting on current classroom practice
• Setting SMART goals
• Action planning for success
CN11670 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
35 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo Bold Park Community School
Journeys of Inquiry: Getting Started with
Inquiry in Early Childhood
Rebecca Duncan (AISWA)
7 June & 30 August 2018
This PL is designed for early childhood educators (K-2) as an introduction to inquiry, unpacking
some of the ‘essential elements’ of quality inquiry pedagogies through reflective practice activities,
practical examples and stories from real classrooms. It will suit those who are new to inquiry-based
learning, and those who have perhaps dabbled with inquiry but wish to extend their understanding
and implementation. Spaced over 2 days (Term 2 & 3) with reflective practice activities to undertake
between sessions, this PL is designed to support participants to explore the following:
• Why inquiry? The benefits of inquiry pedagogies.
• What does a quality inquiry approach look like? - at both the lesson level, as well as across a
longer-term ‘unit of work’.
• How can learning environments support a classroom culture of inquiry?
• What strategies and tools might promote or enhance inquiry-based learning?
• How can young children’s research be supported - beyond non-fiction books and the internet?
• How might I plan for inquiry in a responsive way that balances children’s interests, ideas and
questions with teacher inputs and curriculum expectations?
CN11793 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
36 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo St Mark’s Community School
Literacy Learning in a Play and Inquiry
Barbara Bosich (AISWA) & Deborah Martin
11 June 2018
Looking at learning to be literate through authentic play experiences as children design,
construct and manipulate environments and loose materials in classrooms. Find ways to
up-level your play spaces to develop role play through to early and developed reading and
writing using provocations to encourage children to inquire naturally as they learn to read
and write. Discover how literacy can be naturally interwoven within inquiry and provide
opportunities to teach specific literacy skills needed for individual projects.
CN11638 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
37 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo I Wonder How Stories Get Around
Reading and Viewing – Looking Through
Different enses
Deborah Martin & Barbara Bosich (AISWA)
18 June 2018
Facilitating opportunities for child directed learning and intentional teaching of reading
and viewing in the early years. Before lunch, we will split into two groups, K-PP and 1-2,
to provide differentiated, practical examples of how educators can respond to children’s
ideas and play to extend their learning about print. After lunch, Ron Gorman will share his
expertise on the importance of viewing. Learning to read is a complex balance of teaching
explicit structures whilst supporting the meaning making process through a broad rich
literacy curriculum.
CN11643 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
38 | AISWA Early Childhood
Photo Kate Reitzenstein/WordItOut
Creating Rich Tasks in Languages
Kate Reitzenstein (AISWA)
15 May 2018
A half day workshop for primary and secondary language teachers, during which to create
a rich language task designed to maximise student engagement. Participants will be
invited to present their task and work samples at a showcase event in November 2018 and
encouraged to initiate moderation among colleagues in the future.
This professional learning session explores the characteristics of rich tasks in language
learning and will get participants started in designing their own task to be implemented
during 2018 for a specific group of learners. Rich and culminating tasks, combined with
an inquiry approach, help to build confidence, connect students to the rest of the world,
maximise engagement and allow for deep learning. Teachers will be encouraged to ‘think
outside the box’ and their own discipline and decide on suitable assessment strategies for
the task, which are more often complex than the sitting of a test.
AISWA language teachers who participate in this professional will be provided with ongoing
support and advice by the Languages Consultant to develop and refine the task and
assessment strategies. Participants will be asked to share their task and work samples
(low, medium and high levels of achievement) at a Primary Showcase Day (27 November)
or a Secondary Showcase Day (28 November). Note: rural and remote teachers can
present via teleconference.
CN11777 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
39 | AISWA Curriculum
Photo sourced Pixaybay
Getting Geometry Going!
Dr Paul Swan
21 May 2018
Geometry is often a neglected strand of mathematics and yet Geometry - especially
visualisation is a prominent part of NAPLAN testing. In this session participants will be
guided through the three main aspects of Geometry:
• What is It?
• Where is it?
• How does it move or change?
Participants will be given a set of planning documents to help them develop a whole school
approach to the teaching and learning of geometry. These planning documents will be
brought to life through a series of hands on tasks that involve the use of simple materials.
Participants will also receive Dr Paul Swan’s “Geoboard Gems” book.
CN11639 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
40 | AISWA Numeracy
Photo provided by Jan Clarke
Engaging in Problem Solving &
Reasoning Tasks
David Dunstan (AISWA)
12 June 2018
This workshop promotes Mathematical Reasoning and Fluency through Problem Solving
tasks that have been successfully used in classrooms.
By using tasks, students can make connections, work collaboratively and ‘talk’ mathematics.
These are essential practices for developing student Understanding.
Each participant receives a copy of Engaging Maths: 25 Favourite Lessons and
Mathematics Assessment for Learning: Rich Tasks and Work Samples. Valued at
CN11551 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
41 | AISWA Numeracy
Photo provided by Chris Witt
Programming & Assessment with the WA
Curriculum, English
Christopher Witt (AISWA)
20 April 2018
Full implementation of the English curriculum can be accomplished as a result of this
workshop as backward design programming is used with the achievement standards.
The workshop will take participants through a backward design planning process that
begins with goal setting utilising the achievement standards and content descriptions.
The focus is on embedding explicit assessment practices throughout the unit of work so
that informed decisions about progress and achievement can be made with authentic
assessment data. The context will be English and literacy but the workshop outcome of
improved programming skills will be applicable to any learning area planning.
Please note: schools are encouraged and invited to contact AISWA to have this workshop
take place in their school.
CN11702 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
42 | AISWA Literacy
Photo provided by Al- Hidayah Islamic School
Sharp Reading: Comprehension Strategy
Christopher Witt (AISWA)
18 June 2018
This course focuses on comprehension teaching through the GUIDED READING
component of your reading program. It provides an efficient routine that gets results.
This workshop provides participants with:
• a knowledge of the skills employed by successful readers;
• an explicit, transferrable routine for comprehension instruction, that empowers students
and simplifies the work of teachers;
• skills for recognising comprehension quality and addressing student needs through
explicit teaching; and
• a clear learning pathway for the teaching of reading
CN11805 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
43 | AISWA Literacy
Photo provided by Jill Buckrell- ALEA
Sharp Reading: Decoding Strategy
Kerry Handley (AISWA)
19 June 2018
This course focuses on teaching decoding through the GUIDED READING component of
your reading program. It provides an efficient routine that gets results.
This workshop provides participants with:
• A 5-bits routine that provides a simple instructional guide to teach decoding, and
prepares students to transfer to more complex comprehension skills;
• an understanding of how learners begin to read and progress towards competent
• an explicit, transferrable routine for instruction, that empowers students and simplifies
the work of teachers;
• skills for keen observation and data collection to determine explicit teaching targeted at
student needs; and
• a clear learning pathway for the teaching of reading and a transition from decoding to
CN11804 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
44 | AISWA Literacy
Photo copyright AISWA
Technologies based iSTEM Project
Jan Clarke & Peter Crosbie (AISWA)
10 May 2018
iSTEM is “integrated STEM”. iSTEM projects are a perfect way to leverage learning through
practically and conceptually exploring interdisciplinary links between Technologies, Science
and Maths. Design and Technologies projects also provide an excellent springboard for
engaging with both applied literacy skills and knowledge from the humanities subjects
(aka STEaM). This workshop will provide a variety of examples of projects (including
KodeKLIX electronics/coding projects), planning, assessment materials and opportunities
for participants to familiarise themselves with the critical elements of the “engineering
design process”. Participants will have time to begin designing their own iSTEM activities
and noting curriculum links.
CN11698 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
Photo copyright AISWA
Block Coding, STEM, Robotics,
Electronics - Primary, Middle
Jan Clarke (AISWA) and Peter Crosbie (AISWA Staff)
18 May 2018
Block Coding, characterised by drag-and-drop code blocks, is a quick and easy
way to get students to start designing and building their own coding projects.
Undertaking PROJECT DESIGN WORK is a key requirement for the authentic
assessment of content, knowledge and processes in the Digital Technologies subject.
During this full day workshop we will explore different block coding apps and interactive
websites, looking particularly at the basic blocks that can be used to address the key
requirements of the curriculum; the language of coding; the COMPUTATIONAL THINKING
strategies and the DESIGN THINKING process that underpin the curriculum in primary
years; similarities and differences between tools(transferable knowledge); creating
and reading simple flowcharts; and block coding used to control ROBOTICS devices.
In the course of the workshop, integrated STEM projects will be discussed - particularly using
Blockly with KODEKLIX electronics kits to create COMPUTER CONTROLLED SYSTEMS.
Apps like OzoBlockly with Ozobots, Sphero Lab with SpheroSRK+, Scratch Jnr, Scratch
and other generic block coding interactives on websites that support Digital Technologies.
CN11651 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website
Photo provided Jan Clarke
Tackling Technologies: PRIMARY 106
Jan Clarke (AISWA)
15 June 2018
This is a full day workshop for Primary teachers who need a quick and comprehensive
overview of the WA syllabus for Digital Technologies and Design & Technologies: the
assessment requirements, the kinds of thinking that students are required to develop and
tools and resources to be able to cover them effectively. Included will be time to become
familiar with the curriculum documents, unpack the meaning of terms, hands-on activities,
discussion and idea development, examples of practice, exploration of on-line and printed
resources and some basic coding activities.
(NB: This is not particularly recommended for teachers who have completed the CSER 2
day immersion (or courses) or who have had the consultant speak at a school staff meeting
as there would be considerable repetition of content. This workshop is also repeated on 2
CN11632 For further information click here or visit the AISWA website