AISWA Inclusive Education
Professional Learning 2018 Calendar
AISWA Inclusive Education Professional Learning Calendar
Date Course Num Professional Learning Session Title Page
Term 1 31st of Jan - 13th of April
13th of Feb 11512 WACE Special Exam Provisions 4
15th of Feb 11513 & How to Make an Online Application for State Special Education 4
11515 Funding
20th of Feb 11593 Staff Code of Conduct 5
22nd of Feb 11516 Implementing Effective Documented Plans 5
28th of Feb 11518 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Information 6
6th of March 11746 Specific Learning Difficulties - Primary 6
12th of March 11747 Specific Learning Difficulties - Secondary 7
13 of March 11649 IE Networking Session Primary 7
14 of March 11647 IE Networking Session Secondary 8
15th of March 11519 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)/ Disability Standards for 8
Education (DSE)
20th of March 11582 Introduction to Gifted Education 9
23rd of March 11520 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Information 6
26th of March 11748 The Keys to Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder in the 9
29th of March 11594 Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse 10
Term 2 30th of April - 28th of June
21st of May 11610 Creating Safer Independent Schools 10
24th of May 11598 Keeping Safe – Child Protection Curriculum 11
31st of May 11586 Staff Code of Conduct 5
5th of June 11525 How to Make an Online Application for State Special Education 4
5th of June 11537 Implementing Effective Documented Plans 5
7th of June 11538 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Information 6
7th of June 11540 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Moderation 11
12th of June 11541 Flip the Lid- The Neuropsychology of Challenging Behaviour 12
13th of June 11648 Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse 10
21st & 22nd of 11561 PART Training Course (Predict, Assess and Respond To 12
June Aggressive/Challenging Behaviours)
25 & 26 of 11699 Mini COGE (Certificate of Gifted Education) 13
AISWA Inclusive Education Professional Learning Calendar
Date Course Professional Learning Session Title Page
Term 3 16th of July - 21st of September
25th of July 11584 Staff Code of Conduct 5
25th of July 11563 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)/ Disability Standards for 8
Education (DSE)
27th of July 11562 An Overview of Curriculum Options for Students with 13
Disabilities in Years 11 and 12
9th of August 11585 Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse 10
10th of August 11583 Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted Students 14
24th of August 11576 NCCD Moderation Session 11
29th of August 11577 Teaching for Diversity T4D 14
7th of 11650 Creating Safer Independent Schools 10
Term 4 8th of October - 13th of December
12th of 11579 Secondary Students with Diverse needs: Considerations for 15
October Transition into Middle School
15th of 11599 Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum 11
19th of 11587 Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse 10
19th of 11587 Staff Code of Conduct 5
22 and 23 11575 PART Training Course (Predict, Assess and Respond To 12
of October Aggressive/Challenging Behaviours)
1st of 11578 Secondary Students with Diverse needs: Considerations for 15
November Transition from School to Adult Life
15th of 11580 Teaching Year 11 and 12 Preliminary/ Foundation Courses to 16
November Students with Disabilities
ASDAN – Terms 2 and 3 – Dates TBA 16
Title: WACE Special Examination Provisions 2018
Date: 13 of February
Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11512 -
Description: Special examination provisions can be offered to candidates who have temporary or
permanent disability, illness and/or specific learning disability that could disadvantage them in timed
assessments. Candidates may apply to sit an external examination under special circumstances.
This workshop will outline:
The types of provision offered Procedure for making an application;
Policy Development Nature of arrangements
This workshop is being run by Carolyn Hackett: Coordinator Examinations - Special Provisions at the Curriculum
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: How to Make an Online Application for State Special Education Funding
Dates, Course Numbers and Times:
15 of February - CN11513 9.00am – 11.00am
15 of February (Repeat Session) CN11515 1.00pm – 3.00pm
5 of June (Repeat Session) CN11525 9.00am – 11.00am
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: This workshop will outline the process for applying for State funding in 2018. Please note that this is
different to the Federal NCCD and funding processes.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: Staff Code of Conduct
Dates, Course Numbers and Times:
20 of February – CN11593 1.00pm – 3.00pm
31 of May – CN11586 9.00am – 11.00am
25 of July CN11584 9.00am – 11.00am
19 of October CN11587 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: A “Staff Code of Conduct” with specific reference to Child Protection is a requirement under the
Registration Standards for Non-Government Schools in Western Australia and has connections with standards 4 and
12. This workshop outlines the legislative requirements, the importance of embedding a strong code of conduct in
school culture and direction as to what can be included.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: Implementing Effective Documented Plans
Dates, Course Numbers and Times:
22 of February CN11516 9.00am – 11.00pm
5 of June CN11537 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: Documented Plans are mentioned in federal legislation as important documents for schools to:
Demonstrate evidence of making adjustments, and effectively cater for students with disability.
Documented Plans are known by many titles including Individual Education Plans (IEP), Curriculum Adjustment Plans
(CAP), Individual Behaviour Plans, Risk Management Plans, Student Health Care Plans, Individual Safety Plans and
many more. This PL will assist schools to better understand how to write effective individual goals for students and
how to better manage the overall process of writing, implementing, monitoring and reporting Documented Plans for
individual students with disability. This PL will directly assist schools, teachers and school leaders to better meet
their obligations under the Disability Standards for Education (2005).
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO Members: $40.00 Non-Members: $60.00
Title: Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) for Students with Disability Information Session
Dates, Course Numbers and Times:
28th of February – CN11518 - 9.00am – 11.00am
23 of March – CN11520 - 9.00am – 11.00am
7 of June – CN11538 – 9.00am – 11.00am
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: The Federal and State Ministers for Education have agreed to the Nationally Consistent Collection of
Data model on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This information session is specifically for Principals (Bursars
and Learning Support Coordinators are welcome to accompany them). At the briefings we will cover the following:
- Background to the NCCD model
- Expectations of the Disability Loading under the National Plan for School Improvement
- Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Model
* Levels of adjustment and Disability Categories
- How to decide categories and levels of adjustments
- Collecting evidence and documentation
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: Specific Learning Difficulties - Primary
Date: 6 of March
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Course Number: 11746
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: Currently 20% of students in Australian schools experience learning difficulties. Some students have
missed school, others may have not received adequate instruction and yet others (3-5%) may struggle with a
learning disability. Difficulties, disabilities, disorders …. What do these terms mean? How do we tell the difference?
You will gain:
An understanding of the indicators of a Specific Learning Disability/Disorder (SLD)
An understanding of the process for identification of SLD and the role schools play
A deeper knowledge of effective teaching strategies that can be implemented to meet the needs of these students
Cost: AISWA Members $70.00
Title: Specific Learning Difficulties - Secondary
Date: 12 of March
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Course Number: 11747
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: Currently 20% of students in Australian schools experience learning difficulties. Some students have
missed school, others may have not received adequate instruction and yet others (3-5%) may struggle with a
learning disability. Difficulties, disabilities, disorders …. What do these terms mean? How do we tell the difference?
You will gain:
An understanding of the indicators of a Specific Learning Disability/Disorder (SLD)
An understanding of the process for identification of SLD and the role schools play
A deeper knowledge of effective teaching strategies that can be implemented to meet the needs of these students
Cost: AISWA Members $70.00
Title: IE Network Session - Primary
Date: 13 of March
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Course Number: 11649
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: In this first session we will be briefly highlighting Down Syndrome, including useful websites and
resources, and discussing risk management and inclusion particularly in excursions & incursions.
*Term 2, 3 and 4 dates TBA
Cost: AISWA Members Free
Title: IE Network Meeting - Secondary
Date: 14 of March
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Course Number: 11649
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: In this first session we will be briefly highlighting Down Syndrome, including useful websites and
resources, and discussing risk management and inclusion particularly in excursions & incursions.
*Term 2, 3 and 4 dates TBA
Cost: AISWA Members Free
Title: Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) & the Disability Standards for Education (DSE)
Dates, Course Numbers and Times:
15 of March – CN11519 – 9.00am – 11.00am
25 of July – CN11563 – 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: The Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and the Disability Standards for Education (2005) are important
pieces of federal legislation that schools should consider when enrolling and catering for students with disabilities
and learning difficulties. The DSE was recently reviewed and a major finding was that schools continue to
misunderstand their legal obligations and need further support to meet these obligations into the future. This
session will examine the legislation and offer guidelines in the areas that school leaders and teachers may wish to
consider when reviewing their policies and procedures.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: Introduction to Gifted Education
Date: 20 of March
Time: 9.00am – 11.00am
Course Number: 11582
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: A PL to discuss `What does Giftedness look like in our schools?' for Head of Department, Gifted Co-
ordinators, Specialised Teachers and Teachers.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: The Keys to Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Classroom
Date: 26 of March
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Course Number: 11748
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a life-long developmental disability that affects the individual’s
understanding and interpretation of the world around them. Such a disability may cause students to have difficulty
with social interaction, communication, behaviour and sensory processing.
The purpose of this professional learning is to:
Explore how the key characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder impact on a student’s education
Learn effective, evidence based strategies to support students throughout their schooling
Examine the whole school approach to supporting students on the Autism spectrum including building
positive partnerships with parents/carers and other agencies
This full day’s professional learning will provide participants with an extensive understanding of autism and
opportunity to utilize this knowledge in a practical way providing planning time to meet the needs of their individual
Cost: AISWA Members $70.00
Title: Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse
Dates, Course Numbers and Times:
Term 1 – CN11594 – 29 of March - 9.00am – 11.00am
Term 2 – CN11648 – 13 of June - 9.00am – 11.00am
Term 3 – CN11585 - 9 of August 9.00am – 11.00am
Term 4 – CN11602 - 19 of October - 9.00am – 11.00am
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: All registered teachers must report to the Mandatory Reporting Service of CPFS if they, in the courses of
their work form a belief based on reasonable grounds that a child is being or has been sexually abused. The
information session will cover child sexual abuse, child abuse indicators, grooming behaviours and roles and
responsibilities regarding reporting of child abuse
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO AISWA Members: $40.00
Title: Creating Safer Independent Schools
Dates and Course Numbers:
21 of May – CN11610
7 of September – CN11650
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Location: Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre– 33 Dodd Street Wembley 6014
Description: The training focuses on schools developing a culture of safety as a defining feature of a Child Safe
Organisation. The package assists schools with mitigating risk and enhancing systemic response to inappropriate and
unprofessional behaviour, and most importantly, about supporting the community to become and promote a safe
environment for children.
Cost: AISWA Members: $70.00 CEO AISWA Members: $90.00
Title: Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum
Dates and Course Numbers:
24 of May – CN11598
15 of October – CN11599
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Location: Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre – 33 Dodd Street Wembley 6014
Description: Keeping Safe aims to help children and students from preschool to senior secondary learn to recognise
abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse. Keeping Safe covers rights, relationships,
responsibilities and ethical behaviour. The effectiveness of the workshop depends on engagement of the whole
school in fostering care, respect and cooperation, and promoting rights, responsibilities and the dignity of cultural
and social diversity.
Cost: AISWA Members $165.00 CEO Members: $200.00
Title: Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Moderation Workshop
Dates, Times and Course Numbers:
7 of June - CN11540 1.00pm – 3.00pm
24 of August – CN11576 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: This Moderation Workshop is designed to give key school personnel an increased level of confidence
and consistency when collecting evidence and making decisions about student data for the NCCD. There will be a
focus on decision-making for levels of adjustment, student inclusion in the NCCD, and collection and types of
documentation to support school data.
Cost: AISWA Members Only – No Charge
Title: Flip the Lid - The Neuropsychology of Challenging Behaviour
Date: 12 of June
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11541
Description: New advances in neuroscience are unlocking the secrets of why children behave the way they do and
why it is so hard at times for them to behave the way we would like. Self-regulation skills are the mental processes
that allow children to manage arousal levels, emotions, attention and be socially successful.
You Will Gain:
An understanding of the development of self-regulation
The ability to reframe challenging behaviours and understand the underlying skills deficits.
Practical strategies to assist the development of self-regulation skills.
Cost: AISWA Members $70.00 CEO Members: $90.00
Title: PART Course (Predict, Assess and Respond To Aggressive/Challenging Behaviours)
Dates and Course Numbers:
21 and 22 of June – CN11561
23nd and 23 of October – CN1575
Time: 8.30am – 4.30pm each day
Location: Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre – 33 Dodd Street Wembley 6014
Description: The course covers skills including crisis communication, evasion, releases from holds and safe restraints,
as well as examining the legal ramifications of any aggressive interaction, preparation and planning to avoid
aggressive incidents and debriefing after a crisis. It is suitable for staff who manage students with
challenging/aggressive behaviour, including students with special needs.
Cost: AISWA Members $330.00
Title: Mini COGE – (Certificate in Gifted Education)
Dates: 25 and 26 of June
Course Numbers: 11699
Time: 8.30am – 4.00pm each day
Location: The Boulevard Centre Floreat – 99 The Boulevard Floreat
Description: The Mini COGE is a two day course guaranteed to give you the background you need to begin
differentiating instruction to meet the needs of your gifted students.
The course will be presented by Peta Hay who currently works for GERRIC. Peta lectures in the area of gifted
education at the University of New South Wales. She began her career as an English / History teacher and became
passionate about gifted education when some of the gifted adolescents in her classes confronted social and
emotional problems. Her PhD, completed at the University of New South Wales, examined the interaction between
moral reasoning and empathy in gifted children, and she continues to be interested in the socio-affective aspects of
giftedness. She cooperates with teachers and schools to help them cater for gifted children in their classrooms. She
also enjoys teaching university students how to provide best practice education for all students.
Cost: AISWA Members $500.00 CEO AISWA Members: $550.00 Non Members: $600.00
Title: An Overview of Curriculum Options Available for Students with Disabilities in Year 11 and 12
Date: 27 of July
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11562
Description: Currently there are several pathways students can take towards study work and adult life. This PL
provides secondary educators with an overview of the options available to Year 10, 11 and 12 students with diverse
needs; providing opportunity to consider which options their school could provide with a better understanding of
how to retrofit new programmes into current practices.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO Members: $40.00 Non-Members: $60.00
Title: Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted Students
Date: 10 of August
Time: 9.00am – 11.30am
Course Number: 11583
Location: AISWA – 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: A PL to discuss 'Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted Students' for Head of Department, Gifted Co-
ordinators, Specialised Teachers and Teachers.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00
Title: Teaching for Diversity T4D
Date: 29 of August
Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11577
Description: This PL acknowledges the need for teachers to make reasonable adjustments for students with
disability and to cater for increasingly diverse classrooms. This session will outline evidence based approaches for
inclusive teaching and provide practical examples of effective instructional strategies, resources and environmental
considerations within the context of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach. Bring your own device
(BYOD) and have a go at using some inclusive tools that will benefit ALL learners in the classroom including students
with disability. This session will allow participants to explore primary and/or secondary examples and is aimed at
classroom teachers and learning support coordinators however all are welcome.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO Members: $40.00 Non-Members: $60.00
Title: Students with Diverse needs: Considerations for Transition into Middle School
Date: 12 of October
Time: 9.00am – 11.00am
Location: Suite 5 Seminar Room– 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11579
Description: A PL to discuss `What does transition mean for our students with a disability?' for Learning Support
Teachers/Co-ordinators, Teachers and Educational Assistants.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO Members: $40.00 Non-Members: $60.00
Title: Secondary Students with Diverse needs: Considerations for Transition from School to Adult Life
Date: 1 of November
Time: 9.00am – 11.00am
Location: Suite 5 Seminar Room– 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11578
Description: The PL provides schools with the starting blocks necessary for developing a Transition Planning Process
at their school. The core elements of a Transition Programme are discussed, giving schools the opportunity to
network and start to plan and organise for transitioning students from school to adult life.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO Members: $40.00 Non-Members: $60.00
Title: Teaching Year 11 and 12 Preliminary/ Foundation Courses to Students with Disabilities
Date: 15 of November
Time: 12.30pm – 4.30pm
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Course Number: 11580
Description: This professional learning is suitable for teachers of Year 11 and 12 students who are teaching a
Preliminary or Foundation course, either as a whole class or concurrently with a General course.The course provides
a general outline of the different options available for students with disabilities in Years 11 and 12, with
considerations for the different pathways a student may take. Detailed analysis is given to the course contents and
the challenges raised when teaching two different courses concurrently. Participants will actively evaluate ways to
implement course requirements whilst meeting the needs of individual students.
Cost: AISWA Members $25.00 CEO Members: $40.00 Non-Members: $60.00
Title: ASDAN Network Meeting
Dates: Term 2 and Term 3 – Dates TBA
Location: AISWA - 41 Walters Drive Osborne Park 6017
Description: Award Scheme Developmental Accreditation Network provides alternative programmes for students
from middle school through to and including senior secondary. Networking support will be provided both in schools
and through meetings at AISWA for schools choosing to participate in the ASDAN programmes.
Cost: Free to Invited Participants