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Published by Mr Danryu, 2019-09-10 14:42:55



SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer
User Manual
TEL: 886-2-8797-5358
FAX: 886-2-2657-8926
11F,-3,, No.408, Ruiguang Rd., Taipei City,
11429, Taiwan

Rsevised: 2014. 08. 26

SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Table of Contents

Chapter1. Overview ................................................................................................................................ 3
1. General Description ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Applications ......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Features ................................................................................................................................................ 3
4. Block Diagram...................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Measurement Method ........................................................................................................................ 4
6. Ordering Selection............................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter2. Installation .............................................................................................................................. 6
1. Pre-requirement ................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Installation............................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter3. Computer Connection, Configuration and Calibration..................................................... 7
1. AQCFG Software Installation.............................................................................................................. 7
2. Connection Setup ............................................................................................................................. 10
3. Basic Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 13
4. Communication Setting (Parameters)............................................................................................. 13
5. Advanced Setup ............................................................................................................................... 14
6. Calibration Setup ............................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter4. Maintenance and Trouble Shooting .................................................................................. 18
1. Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 18
2. Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................. 18

Appendix A. Product Specification: .................................................................................................. 19
Appendix B. Product Outlook and Dimension: ................................................................................ 20
Appendix C. Connection Diagram: .................................................................................................. 21
Appendix D. Modbus Table: .............................................................................................................. 24


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Chapter1. Overview

1. General Description
The digital analyzer is connected directly via RS485 communication interface, providing simple, reliable, cost-saving
process data with remote monitoring, calibration, configuration and diagnostics capabilities.
Housing in a robust IP68 proof enclosure, 1000 N tensile strength cable, up to 1.2 km digital data transmission, the
transmitter is ideally used in water/wastewater industry.

2. Applications
1. Water distribution network pressure management
2. Groundwater level and water quality monitoring and data logging
3. River and flood monitoring
4. Water and waste water treatment process monitoring and data logging
5. Water distribution network water quality monitoring
6. Reservoir and river water quality monitoring

3. Features
1. Robust IP68 Water Submersible Enclosure, Solution Without Cabinet
2. 1 sec On-line Realtime Measurement
3. 0.02W Ultra Low Power Consumption, Ideal for Outdoor Applications
4. Temperature Compensation
5. High Reliability, Drift Free
6. Lightening and Surge Protection for Power and RS485 Communication
7. 1.2 Km RS485 Digital Communication, Minimize Cabling and Engineering Cost
8. Software Configuration Calibration and Data Monitoring
9. Standard Modbus RTU Protocol, Direct Connected with PLC, HMI, Eliminate I/O Module Cost
10. Auto Cleaning Wiper, Almost No Maintence
11. Sapphire Glass Lenses to Prevent Scratch


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

4. Block Diagram

5. Measurement Method
It is based on fluorescent optical technology.
A fluorometer generates the wavelength of light required to excite the analyte of interest, it selectively
transmits the wavelength of light emitted, then it measures the intensity of the emitted light. The emitted light is
proportional to the concentration of the analyte being measured.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

6. Ordering Selection


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Chapter2. Installation

1. Pre-requirement:
Please provide sufficient cover for the transmitter’s signal line and avoid the signal line being
tied together with the power line.
SMR35 turbidity transmitter is a delicate digital RS 485 transmitter, suitable to a wide range of
water and wastewater applications.

2. Installation:

1.1. Fix the holder of SMR35 (turbidity transmitter) onto the lid of the tank, and
soak the transmitter into the water to be measures, then link the transmitter with
holder to complete the installation.

1.2. Put two layers of the isolate plates to prevent the bubbles from affecting
the numerical stability of turbidity.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Chapter3. Computer Connection, Configuration and Calibration

When the SMR35 turbidity transmitter calibration is used for the 1st time, please set up related
operation parameters via AQCFG program before put it into application.
1. AQCFG Software Installation
1.1. Put AQCFG Disc into CD-ROMàbrowse the DiscàOpen the file named AQCFG
1.2. Click “Setup” to start the executionàfollow the installation step by step to finish AQCFG installation.
After the installation is completed, please create a shortcut for AQCFG on desktop.
Step 1: Place the Installation Disc into CD-ROMàClick the file and select the Setup icon to start the



SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Step 2:
Step 3:


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Step 4:

Step 5:


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

2. Connection Setup:
2.1. Connect SMR35 turbidity transmitter with the PC through the USB-485 connection cable (CAB06).


2.2. Open AQCFG program


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

2.3. Click “Setup” start comport setup, select Baud Rate 9600 and scan ID, After setting, close the
setting page

2.4. Click “Scan”, Start searching the connected sensors and listed in the chart and Click ”Link”
Open Sensor Settings page

Click SMR35 to go to the Basic Setting screen.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

1.1 Connect: Scan SMR transmitter via com port
1.2 Disconnect: disconnect communication link of SMR transmitter
1.3 Log in: N/A

2. Setup Com Port: Setup COM port, Modbus ID, Based Rate, Parity
2.1 Language: English, Portuguese, English, Chinese
2.2 Change Password: N/A
2.3 Data Format: decimal number of display

3. Help: software version
4. : Connect: Same as Access → Connect
5. : Disconnect: Same as Access → Disconnect
6. : Login: N/A
7. : System OFF: N/A
8. : System ON: N/A
Note: The default Modbus ID is 1. It is necessary to change the ID to avoid conflict number if

connect multiple SMR transmitters.

SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

3. Basic Setup:
3.1. Transmitter: showing the type
3.2. Model Number: showing the Model Number
3.3. Serial Number: showing SMR serial number
3.4. Value: measure real-time value
3.5. Range: measurement range
3.6. Manual Clear: Wiper activates once
3.7. Temperature: showing the temperature
3.8. Region/Zone: User can set these up to manage the location of monitoring stations.
3.9. Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: enter the GPS location
4.1. Auto Clean: Click “Auto Clear” the wiper will start and clean the LED mirror
4. Communication Setting (Parameters):
4.1. Communicatioin Parameter: setting the communication data format

(N81, O81 and E81 to choose from)
※ Com Port Alternation: After the setting is finished, please reconenct the system to start your

monitoring and related setup.
4.2. ID No.: Set ID No. for SMR (1~255); when connectd to PRO, please set it as (1~8).
※ SMR35 Baud Rate is 9600/19200


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

5. Advanced Setup:
Click “Advanced” to call out the Calibration and Firmware upgrade.

5.1. Calibration
(1) Last Calibration Date: showing the latest date and time of the calibration
(2) Calibration: click ”Start” to go to the calibration screen
(3) Restore to default: Resets to default Correction parameters
5.2. Firmware
(1) Firmware Version: showing the version of the firmware
(2) Firmware Update: click “Start” and then follow the steps displayed to update the latest

firmware version into the transmitter
a. Click “Open”àselect *.aqs, the correct update version
b. when ***AQUAS INC DISCLAIMS *** screen is displayed, please select “YES” to start
the firmware update or select “No” to exit the screen.

1.When conducting the firmware update, please make sure you only connect to “one” device. In

order to prevent update failure and unable to recover, please disconnect the other devices before
2. When the update is activated, please wait for a few seconds for its response.
3. Once the update is started, it won’t stop (or be stopped) before the update is finished.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer
5.3. Firmware:
(1) Firmware Version: showing the version of the firmware
(2) Firmware Update: click “Start” and then follow the steps displayed to update the latest

firmware version into the transmitter
a. Click “Open”àselect﹡.aqs, the correct update version
b. when ***AQUAS INC DISCLAIMS *** screen is displayed, please select “YES” to start

the firmware update or select “No” to exit the screen.

1. When executing the firmware update, please make sure you only connect to “one” device. In

order to prevent update failure and unable to recover, please disconnect the other devices
before start.
2. When the update is activated, please wait for a few seconds for its response.
3. Once the update is started, it won’t stop (or be stopped) before the update is finished.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

6. Calibration Setup
Click “Start” to enter calibration procedures.

6.1. Zero Calibration

Step1: Place sensor into pure water, than click “start”.
Step2: Click OK to finish.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

6.2. Slope Calibration
Click “Slope” to start the slope calibration process

1. Place SMR35 Sensor into standard solution, enter the turbidity of standard solution.
2. Click Wiper “start”.
3. Click Start of Slope calibration.

4. Measure Chlorophyll A by handheld calibration device.
5. Enter the measurement value.
6. Click OK to finish.


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Chapter4. Maintenance and Trouble Shooting

1. Maintenance:
1.1. Regularly clean the optical glass of turbidity transmitter. Please do not scratch the surface of the glass.
1.2. Regularly calibrate the Transmitter with standard calibration solutions (around once a weeks; calibration
frequency is depending on the water quality)

2. Trouble shooting:
2.1. Unable to get readings when the system is connected:
(a) Please make sure the system’s connection setup (ID, Baud Rate and Data Format) is synchronized
with that of SMR35 transmitter. Please use AQSMR to check SMR35’s parameters in advance.
(b) Check whether the transmitters connected to the system have repeated ID(s) or not.
(c) Make sure the power source is 5 V.
(d) Make sure all the connectors are well connected.
2.2. Unstable Readings:
(a) Clean the optical glass.
(b) Check if there are bubbles on the surface of glass.
2.3. Frozen Readings:
(a) Make sure the connectors of SMR35 transmitter are well connected.
2.4. Inaccurate Measured Values:
(a) Clean and surface of optical glass.
(b) Re-calibration


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Appendix A. Product Specification:

■SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Appendix B. Product Outlook and Dimension:

Dimensions (Unit = mm)


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Appendix C. Connection Diagram:

1. Connected with PRO Via BOX01/02 RS485 extension box

2. Connected directly with PRO SMR35



3. Connected with Notebook SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer
3.1 USB port *Caution: power input: 5~12 V DC

3.2 RS232 port SMR35

V + (5~12 V DC)
4. Connected with controller or HMI


DC 5~12 V



5. Connected with controller or HMI SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

SMR35 Red: 5-12 V DC
Black: GND
White: RS485+
Green: RS485-


SMR35 Chlorophyll A Analyzer

Appendix D. Modbus Table:

MODBUS Map for SMR 35 Turbidity Transmitter

1. 3xxxx read only registers (support function 4)

Reference Address Data Type Description

30001 0x0000 2 word <R>Chlorophyll A Value (Float)

30002 0x0001 2 word <R>Temperature Value (Float)

34097 0x1000 3 word Calibration Date and Time (YYMMDDHHmmSS)

34099 0x1002 2 word Firmware Version
34100 0x1003 2 word Firmware Build Date
30513 0x200 2 word <R>Chlorophyll A Value (Float)

30515 0x202 2 word <R>Temperature Value (Float)

2. 4xxxx read/write registers (support function 3,6,16)

Reference Address Data Type Description
40001 0x0000
40002 0x0001 20 word <RW>Alias Name (Ansi-C String)
40003 0x0002
1 word <RW>MODBUS ID Default: 0x01
40005 0X004 1 word
0:1200(N81) 1:1200(E81) 2:1200(O81)
3:2400(N81) 4:2400(E81) 5:2400(O81)
6:4800(N81) 7:4800(E81) 8:4800(O81)
9:9600(N81) 10:9600(E81) 11:9600(O81)
12:19200(N81) 13:19200(E81) 14:19200(O81) 15:38400(N81)
16:38400(E81) 17:38400(O81) 18:57600(N81) 19:57600(E81)
Default: 12

1 Word <RW> Wiper Control


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