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Introducing the 5th edition of volume 01, Heroes Mission, The official E-newsletter of Leo Club of Colombo Heroes.

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Published by Leo Club of Colombo Heroes, 2023-11-30 13:33:13

The HEROES MISSION - 5th Edition, Volume 01

Introducing the 5th edition of volume 01, Heroes Mission, The official E-newsletter of Leo Club of Colombo Heroes.

HEROES M 5TH I E S DITIO S N / I V O OLUM N E 01 T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s l e t t e r O f L e o C l u b O f C o l o m b o H e r o e s Hulangala


3 LEO ANJANA UDESH FLM DISTRICT TREASURER 2023/24 LEO DISTRICT 306 C1 Dear Leos of Colombo Heroes, I am honoured and thrilled to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the remarkable heroes of the Leo Club of Colombo Heroes. Your tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to community service make you a true hero in our eyes. As District Treasurer of Leo District 306 C1, I am immensely proud of the exceptional work you do and the impact you create in our communities. MESSAGE FROM THE DISTRICT TREASURER 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONThe Leo Club of Colombo Heroes is an exemplary model of Club and selfless service. Your devotion to helping those in need, supporting various causes, and making a positive difference in countless individuals' lives is commendable. I would also like to extend my sincere congratulations for the leostic year 2023/24 to past leaders, all of the executives, and the current President, Leo Dineth. Your contributions have been instrumental in ensuring the Leo Club Colombo Heroes' success and in continuing to build its heritage. I wish you all the success in your upcoming projects and endeavours ! The commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated by CH Leos have left a lasting imprint on our district and Multiple, reminding us of the power of selfless service and the potential for growth in Leoism.

To join our club and embark on this rewarding journey of service and leadership, simply click on the link provided below. Together, let's make a difference and create a brighter future for our community. Join us in our mission to serve, inspire, and empower!!! Click (here) LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES WRITTEN BY LEO FATHIMA SAHARA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONThe Leo Club of Colombo heroes is a youth organization that provides young people with the opportunity to serve their communities and develop leadership skills. We are focusing on creating community leaders through volunteer projects, fundraising activities, and social events. 4

5 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONLEO LION RAGEESH YOGESWARAN MJF PMAF PFLM RLLI LEO MULTIPLE DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENT (2023/24) LEO MULTIPLE DISTRICT 306 SRI LANKA AND MALDIVES As the third interview segment of the ‘’TALK WITH HEROES’’ of Heroes Mission, the monthly E- newsletter of Leo Club of Colombo Heroes, Leo Leo Lion Rageesh Yogeswaran MJF PMAF PFLM RLLI Leo Multiple District Vice President (2023/24) of Leo Multiple District 306, Sri Lanka and Maldives expressed his thoughts with us. We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to Leo Lion Rageesh Yogeswaran for revealing his valuable thoughts and experiences with us. We, the Leo Club of Colombo Heroes wish you all the very best to have an extremely successful future. Q. Before starting, we would like to know something about you in your own words. And how would you comment about yourself as a Leo? A. Hi! Im Leo Lion Rageesh Yogeshwaran. As a Leo I’m a great motivator and a good competitor because I have faced many risks which I’ve overcome by my talents and abilities, which I have been improved during Leo moments. Q. What was your main initiative in joining Leoism? My main initiative to join leoism was through my Old school Alumni Mr.Rajsajeevan. He promoted his Leo Club via social media which influenced me in a positive way to join and make an impactful step in my community.

A. I've learned numerous valuable lessons from my involvement in the Leo movement. I've always looked up to my leaders; when assigned tasks, I make it a point to give my best, ensuring timely and accurate completion. This dedication has garnered me numerous opportunities and future positions, owing greatly to the recommendations of these leaders. 6 Q. What are the achievements of yours as a Leo? A. When fiscal years passed I got to know about the opportunities which are available in leoism. It started with knowing what is Leo, what are the things I can achieve through this..etc. In the process I faced challenges but I tackled most of them and achieved my first recognition as the best vice president (runners), Best Club President (winner), Best Regional Coordinator (winner), Most Outstanding council member award (2019/2020), DP appreciation award (2019/2020), Top 10 Leos award of District 306B2( 2019/2020), MDP special appreciation award (2018/2019), young leaders in service award (Gold Tier) 2018/2019, DP appreciation award (2018/2019), Top 5 Leos award of Leo District 306B2 (2018/2019), Most Outstanding School clubs and Clubs Coordinator (2017/2018), Top 5 Leos award of Leo District 306B2 (2016/2017), Council Member DP appreciation award Leo District 306B2(2016/2017), “The Untold Secrets of Leaders Extraordinaire’’ (2019/2020), Leo of the Year (2020/2021) and special International President Appreciation Award (2022/2023). Q. Leadership often comes with unexpected lessons. What’s one leadership skill or quality you developed from Leoism that you didn’t anticipate but now value greatly ,Moreover, the experience has taught me how to navigate diverse personalities, fostering my ability to collaborate effectively with various individuals, ultimately aiming for the community's best interests. Despite encountering numerous arguments, I've learned the art of prudent thinking, considering future implications before making decisions. This journey has shaped me into the person I am today. Additionally, a significant lesson I've imbibed is the importance of embracing multiple perspectives rather than being confined to a single viewpoint. 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONQ. Being appointed as the Leo Multiple District Vice President must be challenging. How is that experience so far for you? A. I've been a part of the Leo movement since 2015, marking a journey of 8 years. During this period my role has evolved significantly. Starting as a member in 2015, I progressed to the Multiple District Vice President position in 2023. Focusing on the club's perspective challenges, I had to carry on projects, engage with members, and uphold my reputation within the district and multiple districts. Transitioning from the role of a club president to a district president brought a significant shift in responsibilities. As a district president, overseeing and guiding all clubs within my district was meticulous Managing daily operations and staying updated proved to be demanding. Witnessing the operations of other competitive districts was enlightening, and maintaining our standard amid this competition posed its challenges. Stepping into the Multiple District Vice President role presented a new set of challenges.

5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION7 Guiding and monitoring the growth of six districts was an attempt, to add to the challenge of continuity in leadership across the 200+ clubs. Encouraging new leaders and nurturing them for a better future became a focal point, given the turnover in leadership within individual clubs. Q. What do you think about our present Leo system? A. Looking back at the Leo movement eight years ago and comparing it to the present, I've noticed considerable changes, both positive and negative. On the positive side, advancements in technology have significantly enhanced efficiency in our work. However, I perceive the administrative aspect as a crucial area for improvement within the clubs. While we boast a community of over 15,000 Leos, I've observed that only around 1,000 possess comprehensive Leo-related knowledge. A vast majority participate without much awareness or understanding. Increasing this number to at least 10,000 Leos equipped with adequate knowledge would greatly benefit the movement and its endeavours. Q. Do you have any personal ideas to uplift our good works further as Leos? A. When the Fiscal year starts, they should undergo orientation properly within the club which followed by Club installation. Then they should get the guidelines from either district or multiple district and go through it thoroughly to carry out projects and reporting. Such a process is impossible for a solo person so as a committee everyone should give a hand to carry out the events successfully. When it comes to the District, the council members get the positions once in a while so they should never misuse it. To balance their personal and Leoism they should understand what is Leo moment first. So there will be less probability for a club to lose their executive board and their reputation. No one will accuse someone of doing wrong in the club usually but if someone does that means such a person is not well. Always get advice from senior Leos so we will gather more knowledge than most of the Leos. Q. How do you manage your professional life and personal life while engaging in Leo works? Especially how do you balance your time? A. The formula is simple, as I mentioned frequently people should understand Leoism and what happens under Leoism. So they will realize what really we have to do and when to. So depending on that we can schedule the To-Dos. Meanwhile, on the personal side, we should categorize our work under priorities. We can use a calendar, phones or even a journal to schedule it.

WRITTEN BY LEO SENUJI NAVODYA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONBut scheduling is a must. So we can manage leoism with our personal or employment side. We don't have to sacrifice one over another. If we follow such habits then time management and balancing both sides are possible. And we can finish off stuff more efficiently. Q. What piece of advice would you offer to inspire the new generation of Leos to embrace their roles and make a lasting impact? A. I would like to share a few of my knowledge with the new Leos and upcoming Leos is that always know the past present and future of the organization or in any work you start to do in your life. You must be able to answer all the questions asked by a person and to acknowledge others through your knowledge. always experiment with new techniques and old ones to make a successful outcome. Never try to gain success in a short period it will not always be a success and always coordinate with others with a mutual understanding will make you a better Leo or a leader in your life and Leo movement Q. Finally, we would like to hear about future commitments that you have planned in your career. A. I have many ideas in my career that cannot be explained because they can happen and may not happen due to the situations and circumstances. So, I am not willing to explain them for now. But in brief, I'm planning to work for the social development of the society irrespective of social, caste, language and cultural differences. 8

9 WRITTEN BY LEO KAVINU VEHAN LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES SAY NO TO DRUGS 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONThe "Say No to Drugs" project took place on November 4th at Godagama Subarathi School with the assistance of the Welikada Police. Nowadays, drugs have a serious impact on people's lives. Through this program, the Leo Club of Colombo Heroes aimed to prevent drug addiction by setting an example with the help of the Welikada Police. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and some medications can lead to addiction. People might start using it out of curiosity or pressure from friends, but drug addiction can have devastating effects on individuals, impacting their physical, mental, and social well-being like health issues, money troubles, broken Relationships, and legal consequences. To avoid this, we need to learn about these drugs and their risks. Building strong support networks, seeking help, and staying involved in positive activities can keep us away from drugs. Programs like "Say No to Drugs" remind us to make smart choices and say no to harmful substances for a healthier future. The collaboration with the Welikada Police highlighted the importance of community efforts in combating drug abuse. By working together, educating others, and providing support, we can create a safer and healthier environment for everyone. The program emphasized the significance of saying no to drugs and choosing a path toward a better, drug-free future.

10 CYBER JUNGLE 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONThe technology is improving day by day. When looking at our daily routines we can’t do our work successfully without using technology. So, we the Leo Club of Colombo Heroes decided to give the basic knowledge of the cyber world by organizing an online webinar on the 4th of November 2023 via google meet at 6.00 p.m onwards. Project Cyber Jungle mainly concentrated on how to face when a cyber problem happens and how to be aware of the cyber attacks, and bullying. The Cyber Jungle webinar was conducted by Mr. P.D.R. Sankalpa Pathirana security operation center engineer at Akati Sekurity. Let’s look at the main topics covered in the webinar. When a cybercrime occurs, it's important to take the following steps: 1. Stay calm and assess the situation: It's crucial to remain calm and composed to make sound decisions. Assess the severity and impact of the cybercrime, taking note of any compromised accounts or stolen information. 2. Disconnect from the network: If you suspect that your device or network has been compromised, disconnect it from the internet immediately. This can help prevent further unauthorized access or data loss. 3. Report the incident: Contact your local law enforcement agency and provide them with all relevant information about the cybercrime. Be prepared to provide details about the incident, including any evidence or suspicious activities you've observed. 4. Document the incident: Record any relevant information about the cybercrime, including the nature of the attack, date and time, and any specific details or messages received. This documentation can be helpful for law enforcement and for future reference. 5. Change passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA): As a precautionary measure, change the passwords for all compromised accounts. Additionally, enable twofactor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.

6. Notify relevant organizations or institutions: If the cybercrime involves financial accounts, credit cards, or other sensitive information, contact the relevant institutions immediately to report the incident. They can assist you in securing your accounts and preventing further unauthorized access. 7. Update and scan your devices: Ensure that all your software, including antivirus and anti-malware programs, is up to date. Run full system scans on your devices to check for any malware or malicious files. WRITTEN BY LEO FATHIMA SAHARA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION8. Educate yourself and others: Learn from the experience and take steps to improve your cyber security practices. Share your knowledge and experiences with others to help prevent similar incidents from occurring. Remember, it's crucial to maintain good cyber hygiene practices, such as regularly updating software, using strong and unique passwords, being cautious of suspicious emails or messages, and regularly backing up your important files. Technology is like a knife if we use it in the right way, it is never harmful to our life but if we use it in bad ways, it could be harmful to our life. So, we have to be careful while working with the cyber world. Leo Club of Colombo Heroes successfully contributed knowledge of the cyber world via Project Cyber Jungle. 11

12 TALK WITH ECLAIRE 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONWRITTEN BY LEO IMALSHA SATHSARANI LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES A distinguished character Leo Anjana Udesh Senarathna FLM, the district treasurer of Leo district 306 C1 for the leostic year 2023/24 is featuring on our third illuminating episode of the ‘’TALK WITH ECLAIRE’’ YouTube talk show. We would like to extend our heartiest gratitude to Leo Anjana Udesh Senarathna FLM for joining us in our talk show and revealing his valuable experiences with us. Leo Anjana Udesh Senarathna FLM uncovers his path to becoming a top leader. He talks about his journey, using what he knows and learned. He also shares advices for Leos who want to grow and be great Leos. So, don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to witness the story of the district treasurer of Leo district 306 C1. Tune in, be inspired and discover the boundless potential of the Leo. Join us on YouTube and become a part of the conversation that fuels growth and inspiration. Click the link and Enjoy -



15 SPECIAL DAY WORLD KINDNESS DAY 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONWorld Kindness Day is an annual observance held on November 13th. It is a day dedicated to promoting and celebrating acts of kindness towards others. On this day, people are encouraged to go out of their way to make the world a better place through small acts of kindness. The concept of World Kindness Day was introduced by the World Kindness Movement, a global organization founded in 1997. The goal of this day is to remind us of the importance of kindness in our everyday lives and to inspire individuals, communities, and organizations to create positive change by spreading kindness. Kindness comes in many forms, and even the smallest act can have a significant impact on someone's day. It could be as simple as giving a genuine compliment, holding the door open, or helping someone carry their groceries. These small acts not only brighten someone's day but also create a ripple effect of kindness that can spread throughout the world. One of the beautiful aspects of World Kindness Day is that it encourages us to step outside of our worries and problems and focus on others. It reminds us that we have the power to make a difference in someone's life, no matter how small or big that difference may be. In addition to individual acts of kindness, World Kindness Day also highlights the importance of kind gestures in our communities and society as a whole. Schools, workplaces, and organizations around the world often organize special events and initiatives to promote kindness and encourage everyone to participate. By celebrating World Kindness Day, we not only inspire and uplift others, but we also experience the joy and fulfilment that comes from being kind. It reminds us that we are all connected and that small acts of kindness can have a far-reaching impact. So, as World Kindness Day approaches, let's embrace the opportunity to spread kindness in our world. Let's make a conscious effort to be kinder to others, to show empathy, and to make a positive difference in our communities. Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can go a long way. Together, let's make every day World Kindness Day and create a world filled with compassion, understanding, and love. WRITTEN BY LEO FATHIMA SAHARA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES

5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION16 ‘CANT HURT ME’ BY DAVID GOGGINS In a world brimming with motivational literature, David Goggins' "Can't Hurt Me" stands out as a powerhouse of inspiration and selfdiscovery. A decorated Navy SEAL, ultra-endurance athlete, and motivational speaker, Goggins takes readers on an extraordinary journey through his life in this compelling memoir. This book is not merely a story of one man's incredible accomplishments; it's a guide on how to unleash your inner potential and conquer life's challenges. The Unbreakable Spirit Goggins begins his story with brutal honesty. He shares his early life struggles – from poverty and an abusive childhood to obesity and self-doubt. Readers are immediately drawn into the relentless pursuit of self-improvement that becomes his life's mission. Throughout the book, Goggins employs an innovative structure. He weaves his personal experiences with "Challenges" and "Reflections," allowing readers to not just witness his transformation but also to apply his lessons to their own lives. The "Challenges" are interactive exercises that test your mental and physical limits, and the "Reflections" provide a space for self-analysis and growth. Confronting the Uncomfortable "Can't Hurt Me" delves deep into Goggins' philosophy of self-mastery through embracing discomfort. He argues that the mind when properly trained, can be the most potent weapon in the pursuit of personal excellence. The book is a powerful reminder that growth and transformation happen when we step out of our comfort zones. Goggins' anecdotes, from surviving Hell Week during Navy SEAL training to completing ultramarathons and setting world records, are a testament to his unwavering determination. He emphasizes that our minds often quit long before our bodies, and the key to success lies in pushing through mental barriers. Key Takeaways Part 1 of "Can't Hurt Me" leaves readers with several key takeaways: The 40% Rule: Goggins introduces the concept that when you feel you've reached your limit, you're only at 40% of your potential. This idea empowers readers to push through self-imposed limits. The 40% Rule: Goggins introduces the concept that when you feel you've reached your limit, you're only at 40% of your potential. This idea empowers readers to push through self-imposed limits

17 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONAccountability Mirror: Goggins discusses the importance of brutal self-assessment. The "Accountability Mirror" is a tool he used to confront his weaknesses and transform them into strengths. The Cookie Jar: He encourages the use of past successes as a source of motivation. The "Cookie Jar" metaphor reminds us that we've overcome challenges before, and we can do it again. Uncommon Amongst the Uncommon: Goggins demonstrates that success is achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort. He's living proof that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. In the 6th edition of this newsletter, we will explore how David Goggins' journey can be applied to your life, offering practical advice on self-improvement and resilience. Stay tuned for the next instalment of our review, where we'll dive even deeper into the empowering world of "Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins. Get ready to unlock your true potential and face your fears head-on. WRITTEN BY LEO SAMINDU OSHADHA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES

18 EMPOWERING LIVES - A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO CANCER AWARENESS Cancer, a formidable adversary that touches millions of lives globally, demands our attention and understanding. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to cancer awareness, covering crucial aspects such as prevention, early detection, treatment options, and the importance of support networks. 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONUnderstanding Cancer To embark on a journey of cancer awareness, it's vital to comprehend the basics. Cancer, characterised by the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells, is a diverse group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Understanding the various cancer types and risk factors lays the foundation for effective awareness. Prevention Strategies Prevention is often the first line of defense against cancer. Lifestyle choices, such as maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, play a pivotal role. This section will delve into actionable steps individuals can take to reduce their risk of developing cancer. Advances in Cancer Treatment The landscape of cancer treatment is continually evolving. Breakthroughs in research and technology have led to innovative therapies, including immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and precision medicine. This section will explore these advancements, highlighting their impact on improving treatment outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients. Early Detection Saves Lives Early detection significantly improves cancer outcomes. Regular screenings and self-examinations are key components of early detection efforts. Detailing the recommended screenings for different types of cancer and promoting awareness of common signs and symptoms empower individuals to take charge of their health.

WRITTEN BY LEO SENUJI NAVODYA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION19 The Role of Support Networks Navigating the challenges of cancer requires a robust support system. This section will emphasize the importance of emotional, psychological, and practical support for individuals diagnosed with cancer. It will also shed light on the significance of community organizations, support groups, and counselling services in fostering resilience. Personal Stories of Triumph Real stories have the power to inspire and motivate. Sharing the personal experiences of individuals who have faced and overcome cancer can provide hope and encouragement. This section will feature narratives of resilience, emphasizing the diverse paths people have taken in their cancer journeys. In conclusion, cancer awareness is not just about disseminating information; it's a call to action. By understanding the nuances of cancer, adopting preventive measures, promoting early detection, embracing cutting-edge treatments, and building a strong support network, we can collectively make strides in the fight against cancer. Let this comprehensive guide be a beacon of knowledge, fostering a world where every individual is equipped with the tools to face cancer with strength and resilience.

20 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONRECONNECTING WITH NATURE - A JOURNEY TO REDISCOVER THE OUTDOORS In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, where screens dominate our attention and concrete jungles replace natural landscapes, there's a growing need to reconnect with nature. This article explores the profound benefits of rediscovering the outdoors, shedding light on the importance of this connection in fostering well-being and balance in our lives. The Nature-Deprived Society In an era dominated by technology and urbanization, our society has become increasingly disconnected from the natural world. The impact of this disconnection on our mental and emotional well-being cannot be overstated. As we spend more time indoors, the need to address nature deprivation becomes paramount. The Call of the Wild Throughout history, humans have maintained an intrinsic connection to nature. Scientific studies affirm what our instincts have always known – spending time outdoors has profound psychological and emotional benefits. Nature has the power to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being. Breaking the Chains Breaking free from the nature-deprived cycle doesn't require a radical lifestyle change. Simple activities like taking a walk in the park, having a picnic, or stargazing can be powerful initiators of reconnection. Embracing nature therapy, a growing practice encourages individuals to engage in intentional . outdoor activities to enhance mental health. Embracing Nature's Playground Nature offers a vast playground for exploration and rejuvenation. Activities like hiking, camping, birdwatching, or simply enjoying a day at the beach provide an opportunity to reconnect. Beyond the mental and emotional benefits, engaging in outdoor activities also promotes physical health, encouraging an active and balanced lifestyle. The Healing Power of Green Spaces Even in urban environments, green spaces play a vital role in reconnecting with nature. City parks, community gardens, and initiatives that prioritize nature in urban planning contribute to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. These spaces serve as essential oases amid the hustle and bustle of city life. Mindful Nature Practices Mindfulness and meditation find a natural home in the great outdoors. Practices like forest bathing, where individuals immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of nature, offer a profound sense of calm and centring.

21 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONWRITTEN BY LEO SENUJI NAVODYA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES Eco-Conscious Living Reconnecting with nature goes hand in hand with adopting eco-conscious lifestyles. Making sustainable choices, from reducing waste to supporting conservation efforts, becomes a natural extension of the nature lover's journey. This section explores the link between environmental stewardship and a deep connection with the natural world. Technology as a Bridge, Not a Barrier While technology often contributes to our detachment from nature, it can also serve as a bridge to reconnect. Nature apps, guided hikes, and online resources can enhance our outdoor experiences. When used intentionally, technology becomes a tool that complements, rather than competes with, our connection to the natural world. In conclusion, the journey to reconnect with nature is a personal and transformative one. By acknowledging the challenges of our nature-deprived society, embracing outdoor activities, incorporating mindful practices, and adopting eco-conscious living, individuals can rediscover the profound benefits of the natural world. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let nature be our guide, offering solace, inspiration, and a path to overall well-being. Nature becomes a canvas for mindfulness, enhancing the benefits of these practices.

WRITTEN BY LEO FATHIMA SAHARA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES THE HISTORY OF CRICKET WORLD CUP 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION22 The Cricket World Cup is one of the most prestigious and highly anticipated tournaments in the world of cricket. It is organized by the International Cricket Council (ICC) and takes place every four years. The upcoming Cricket World Cup is scheduled to be held in 2023, and it promises to be a thrilling event that will captivate cricket fans from all over the globe. The history of the Cricket World Cup dates back to 1975 when the first tournament was held in England. Since then, the tournament has grown in popularity and significance, showcasing the best cricketing talent from different nations. Over the years, several memorable moments and legendary performances have become part of the World Cup's rich legacy. The format of the Cricket World Cup has evolved over time. In its early years, the tournament followed a round-robin format, where all participating teams competed against each other in a group stage, and the top teams advanced to the knockout stage. However, recent editions of the tournament have featured a different format known as the "group and knockout" format. Under the current format, teams are divided into groups, and each team plays a specified number of matches against the other teams in their group. The top teams from each group then advance to the knockout stage, which includes quarterfinals, semifinals, and ultimately the final. This format adds to the excitement and competitiveness of the tournament as teams battle it out for a chance to lift the coveted World Cup trophy. The Cricket World Cup has witnessed some remarkable performances and iconic matches throughout its history. From the memorable moments of India's triumphs in 1983 and 2011 to Australia's dominance by winning the cup five times, each edition of the tournament has left a lasting impression. As the Cricket World Cup 2023 approaches, cricket enthusiasts and fans around the globe eagerly await the spectacle that will unfold on the field. With teams from different cricketing nations showcasing their skills and talents, the tournament is sure to bring exhilarating matches, fierce rivalries, and unforgettable moments. In conclusion, the Cricket World Cup is a tournament that encapsulates the passion, skill, and spirit of the game of cricket. It is a celebration of the sport, uniting cricketing nations and thrilling fans worldwide. The upcoming Cricket World Cup 2023 promises to be another chapter in the tournament's history, with a chance for new heroes to rise and create lasting memories on the grand stage of cricket

23 සටහන - ලියෝ ඉමල්ෂා සත්සරණි කො ළඹ වීරයන්ගේ ලියෝ සමා ජය 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION


25 Mandala drawings are like little windows to a peaceful world. They might seem like just pretty patterns, but they're much more than that. Imagine slowly sitting down with a piece of paper and some colours, one circle at a time, creating something beautiful. That's what making a Mandala is all about. Now, let's go back a bit. The word "Mandala" comes from an ancient language, Sanskrit. It means "circle." But these circles are special. They're like tiny universes, filled with shapes and colours that fit together perfectly. People have been making Mandalas for a very long time, in places like India, Tibet, and even in Native American cultures. So, how do you make one? Well, it's easy. You start with a circle in the middle. From there, you let your feelings guide you. Maybe you want to draw petals, triangles, or swirls. It's up to you! The important thing is that you let your heart and hand work together. As you draw, something wonderful happens. You start to feel calm. It's like a little bubble of peace wraps around you. This is because creating Mandalas is a bit like a special meditation. It helps your mind slow down, and you forget about worries and stress. You focus on making something beautiful. And guess what? Mandalas are for everyone! You don't need to be an artist or have fancy art supplies. All you need is some paper and something to draw with, like coloured pencils or markers. You can make them big or small, colourful or simple. It's all about what makes you happy. So, why not give it a try? Find a quiet spot, get your paper and colours, and start with a circle. Let your feelings flow through your hand, and watch your Mandala come to life. You'll be amazed at how something so simple can bring so much peace and joy. So go ahead, create your little world of calm with Mandala drawings. 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONTHE MAGIC OF MANDALA DRAWINGS WRITTEN BY LEO NIMASHI ABETSIRIWARDANA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES

EXPLORING THE WORLD IN THE POSTPANDEMIC ERA 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION26 In the wake of the global pandemic that confined us to our homes and restricted our movement, a powerful urge has emerged among people to rediscover the joys of travel and adventure. As the world gradually reopens its doors to tourists, enthusiasts are answering the call of adventure like never before. The past two years have taught us the value of freedom and exploration. The restrictions brought about by COVID-19 have made us realize the significance of experiencing new places, cultures, and the great outdoors. With vaccination campaigns progressing and safety measures in place, travellers are once again packing their bags, eager to explore and embrace the world's wonders. Reconnecting with Nature One of the most notable trends in post-pandemic travel is the increased interest in reconnecting with nature. People are seeking solace in the great outdoors, turning to activities such as hiking, camping, and wildlife exploration. National parks, once overlooked, have become hotspots for adventure seekers. From the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the serene beauty of the Amazon Rainforest, travellers are immersing themselves in the healing power of nature. Alexandra Davis, an avid traveller, shared her experience, "After being cooped up for so long, I needed to reconnect with nature. I embarked on a solo hiking trip to the Grand Canyon, and the experience was truly transformative. The pandemic made me appreciate the beauty of our world even more." Rediscovering Culture and Heritage While nature beckons many, others are drawn to the rich tapestry of human culture and history. The post-pandemic era has seen a resurgence of interest in exploring cultural heritage. Ancient ruins, historic cities, and traditional festivals are once again attracting travellers who crave a deeper connection with the past. In cities like Rome, Athens, and Kyoto, tourists are retracing the footsteps of ancient civilizations, marvelling at architectural wonders, and savouring culinary delights. Cultural immersion has taken on a new dimension, with travellers participating in cooking classes, traditional ceremonies, and cultural exchanges. John and Emily Turner, a couple from California, recently embarked on a journey to explore the cultural diversity of India. Emily shared, "India's rich history and diverse traditions have always fascinated us. After the pandemic, we decided to fulfil our dream of exploring this incredible country. We've learned so much and made lasting connections with local communities."

5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION27 Adventure Sports and Thrill-Seeking For those with a penchant for adrenaline, adventure sports have become the ultimate escape. Post-pandemic travellers are indulging in activities such as paragliding, rock climbing, white-water rafting, and skydiving. The thrill of facing one's fears and pushing boundaries has become a powerful motivator. Mark Johnson, an adventure enthusiast, remarked, "The lockdowns made me appreciate the fragility of life. I decided to pursue my passion for adventure sports and recently completed a tandem skydive. The rush of adrenaline and the sense of freedom were indescribable." Sustainable Travel: A New Priority As travel and adventure regain popularity, an increased emphasis is being placed on sustainability. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of responsible travel and eco-conscious exploration. Travelers are seeking out eco-friendly accommodations, supporting local communities, and participating in conservation efforts. Sarah Rodriguez, a sustainable travel advocate, stated, "The pandemic allowed us to reset and reconsider our impact on the planet. Sustainable travel is not just a trend; it's a necessity. I've witnessed the positive change that responsible tourism can bring to both the environment and local communities." Challenges and Adaptations While the post-pandemic travel boom is exhilarating, it also presents challenges. The travel industry is adjusting to new health and safety protocols, with a focus on cleanliness and hygiene. Additionally, travellers are navigating changing entry requirements and potential travel restrictions. However, these challenges have not deterred the adventurous spirit. The pandemic has taught us resilience, and travellers are adapting to the "new normal." Flexibility and patience have become essential virtues for modern explorers. In conclusion, the post-pandemic era is witnessing a resurgence of travel and adventure. People are reconnecting with nature, exploring cultural heritage, seeking thrills, and embracing sustainability. The world is once again becoming a playground for those who long for the exhilaration of exploration. As the call for adventure grows louder, travellers are responding with enthusiasm and a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our planet. WRITTEN BY LEO KAVINU VEHAN LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES

UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING ANXIETY 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION28 In the hustle and bustle of modern life, anxiety has become an unwelcome companion for many. From the subtle flutter of nervousness to the gripping claws of panic, anxiety manifests in various forms and affects individuals differently. Understanding this complex emotional landscape is crucial for those navigating the shadows of anxiety. Anxiety is not a one-size-fits-all experience. It can manifest as generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, or specific phobias. While occasional anxiety is a natural response to stress, persistent and excessive worry can lead to debilitating effects on one's mental and physical well-being. Identifying triggers and root causes is essential for managing anxiety. It might stem from past traumas, life changes, or even biochemical imbalances in the brain. Recognizing these factors can be the first step toward developing effective coping strategies. Acknowledging anxiety as a valid and common mental health concern is crucial for breaking the stigma surrounding it. Open conversations and increased awareness create a supportive environment, allowing individuals to seek help without fear of judgment. Just as one would consult a doctor for a physical ailment, seeking professional help for mental health is equally important. Therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists can provide valuable insights and tools to manage anxiety. Medication may also be recommended in certain cases. In addition to professional support, incorporating self-care practices and coping mechanisms can significantly impact anxiety levels. Mindfulness, deep-breathing exercises, regular physical activity, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle are integral components of a holistic approach to anxiety management. No one should face anxiety alone. Building a support system of friends, family, or support groups creates a safety net for individuals dealing with anxiety. Sharing experiences and receiving understanding and empathy can be immensely therapeutic. Recognizing the intricate connection between the mind and body is crucial. Physical well-being, including proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise, plays a pivotal role in managing anxiety. A holistic approach considers both mental and physical health. Understanding that setbacks are a part of the journey allows individuals to embrace resilience. Developing resilience involves adapting to challenges, fostering a positive mindset, and learning from experiences. It's a powerful tool in navigating the ebbs and flows of anxiety. In conclusion, anxiety is a multifaceted aspect of the human experience, but it doesn't have to be an insurmountable obstacle. By fostering understanding, seeking professional help, and incorporating holistic approaches, individuals can embark on a journey towards managing anxiety and reclaiming their well-being. Remember, in the face of anxiety, there is strength in seeking support and finding the courage to navigate through the shadows. WRITTEN BY LEO FATHIMA SAHARA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES

29 ලියෝ විමුක්ති ඇක්වයිනා ස් කො ළඹ වීරයන්ගේ ලියෝ සමා ජය 03 කො ටස මතු සම්බන්ධයි. 4TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION

30 හිතවත්කම්... 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONකෙ තරම් තරහා මරහා තිබුණත් විශේ ෂ අවස්ථා වක් පැ මිණි කළ ඔයා කවුද මන් කවුද නෙ මේ අපි හමෝ ම එකට එකතු වෙ නවා . හිතේ දා හක් තිබුණත් තමන්ගේ සො යුරෙ ක් සො යුරියක් යන හැ ගීම එන්නේ මුලට එතනින් නවතී තරහව ඇරඹෙ න්නේ සිනහව ආදරය. උත්සවය ඇරඹෙ යි සැ ම උදව්වට සිටියි සිනා සතුටු සා ගරයයි සවො ම එකම වහල යටයි උත්සවය අවසන් කළ හො දකම් අමතක වෙ යි කෙ තරම් අපෙ යි සිතුවත් අවසන් වන්නේ නෑ දෑ කමුත්. නැ වත සියල්ල වෙ නස් වෙ යි ආපසු යන්නේ මුලටමයි තරහ මරහ ගැ ටගහන් ඊළඟ උත්සවය තෙ ක් බලා සිටියි, හිතවත්කම් ... ලියෝ සුන්දරම් වගීෂා කො ළඹ වීරයන්ගේ ලියෝ සමා ජය

5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION31 In twilight's tender, whispered grace, Love blooms, an ethereal embrace. Silent echoes, hearts entwined, A dance of souls, forever bind. Moonlit verses, soft and sweet, Love's cadence, a rhythmic beat. Stars adorn the cosmic scroll, Witness to a love untold. Hand in hand, through shadows wade, Love's tapestry, a serenade. Whispers of a timeless vow, Eternal flame, forever now. Through storms and sunsets, side by side, Love's voyage, a boundless ride. In every heartbeat, love's refrain, A melody that soothes all pain. So let love's wings unfurl and soar, A symphony forevermore. In the dance of dreams, above, An ode to boundless, endless love. LOVE WRITTEN BY LEO FATHIMA SAHARA LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES

32 EDITOR’S NOTE LEO SENUJI NAVODYA EDITOR (2023/2024) LEO CLUB OF COLOMBO HEROES 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSIONDear Readers, Welcome to the heart of our endeavours "Heros Mission - 5th edition " the vibrant pulse of the Leo Club of Colombo Heroes. In the spirit of service, leadership, and shared experiences, our official newsletter stands as a testament to the remarkable journey we've undertaken over the leostic year. In each edition, "Heros Mission" unfolds as a canvas painted with the diverse hues of our collective efforts. It's not merely a newsletter; it's a living narrative, encapsulating the essence of our community projects, endeavors, and the unwavering commitment of our members. From seasoned Leos to those just stepping into the world of Leoism, this publication welcomes everyone to a space where ideas flourish, and connections deepen. Edition by edition, we aim to bring you insightful articles that resonate with the core values of our Leo Club. Whether you seek inspiration for leadership, guidance for community engagement, or simply wish to stay connected with the pulse of our activities, "Heros Mission" is your go-to source. It's a repository of wisdom, experiences, and the extraordinary impact that service can have on both individuals and communities. To our new Leos and curious minds intrigued by the spirit of service, we extend a warm invitation to be part of our mission. Contact our Chief Editor for more details, and let this newsletter be your compass in the exciting journey of Leo service. The Leo Club of Colombo Heroes isn't just a club; it's a family bound by the belief that collective action creates profound change. As we turn the pages of "Heros Mission," we invite you to join us in celebrating the stories, triumphs, and lessons learned in the pursuit of a better, more connected world. Each article is a chapter in our ongoing mission, a mission that thrives on unity, shared vision, and the unwavering spirit of Leo's service. With gratitude for your continued support and enthusiasm,

Leo Chamath Ranaweera Chief Editor Leo Imalsha Sathsarani Editor Leo Fathima Sahara Editor Leo Senuji Navodya Editor Leo Kavinu Vehan Designer Leo Harshani Savithri Designer TEAM HEROES MISSION [email protected] Send us your views and suggestions via 5TH EDITION / VOLUME 01 HEROES MISSION33


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