A Quarterly Newsletter from Supply Chain PDM
Issue 1 – Feb 2016
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From Manoj Manickam’s Desk
Greetings PDM Team,
It gives me immense pleasure to wish you all a fantastic new year and I thank
you for all your contributions in the previous year. With the onset of 2016, I take
pride in releasing our first PDM Newsletter – Cognizance, a complete blend
of awareness, knowledge, understanding and appreciation. This newsletter is
the result of multiple request from many of you to get a more complete picture
of what is happening in the PDM organization. While we have attempted to give
a blend of information, our priority was also to make sure that the good work
done by many of us is celebrated and recognized by all. I hope that you will like
what we have put together and really like to get your valuable feedback on this.
Once again, Good Luck and let us keep up the momentum as we proceed
towards another challenging year and begin our innings with the new entity.
Best Regards
Quick Informs
Q1 2016 has been a fantastic quarter for both the Computing and
Printing space with many conspicuous accomplishments.
Amazon 18000 units Desktops with $13M revenue
Siemens 1000 units of orderable desktop/ per year
with revenue of $3.4M
Euro 2016
organization 1500 units of notebooks with $1.3 M revenue
Renault 27150 orderable notebooks and 9982 Desktops with
revenue of $13M for notebooks and $3M for desktops
Accomplishments DT & NB SKU
Cordoba Alignment of DT & NB SKU
Analysis has been initiated and is
Performed urgent PCO requests from
Dale Hinman to ship 400 units of Cordoba in progress
Product engines with NFC/Wireless from
RSSC Quality Month
The RSSC Quality Check Project We took pride in celebrating the
that performs automated quality Quality Month in Nov’15. Click
check of RSSC File also draws our here to view more details
Europa BOM Scrub
The Engineering community has Updated and Improved RoHS
been supported so strongly by us to compliance Accuracy for1446 parts
release the new product “Europa” in IJ1 and PMG
into the market
1. Which animal is hidden in the rebus below?
2. Can you move one matchstick to make below equation true?
3. In the number wheel in the picture, you can find several digits
except one question mark.
Can you find the digit that should be placed in place of that
question mark?
Answers are in the last page
Success Stories
Euro 2016 Project
Customer Name:
UEFA – The Union of European Football
Associations – is the governing body of
European football
Business Requirement:
UEFA France, had a requirement for laptops for the
media team involved in the event. When the deal
came up to the PDM CIS Team, it was found to have
“image configuration issues”.
Key Actions:
The team pre-emptively worked with the
Configuration Services Project Manager fervently,
thereby completing the deal ultimately in a day,
against a cycle time of 3 Business days.
Order of 1500 units of laptops worth $1.3M for
Success Stories
Euro 2016 Project
From “Laurence Guillomet”,
Configuration Services Project Manager (France),
“Dear all,
I would like to thank you all for your great and agile contribution on
this project. Really appreciated as you know this project has a high
visibility for HP: this deal is dedicated to a big event the European
football championship organized in France – June 16) .Units will be
mostly delivered to organizers and media (TV, press) .Thank you again
for your efforts to make this happen.”
Success Stories
Prioritization of SKU Order-ability in Order
Management System improvising MCA Market share
Business Requirement:
The Chennai AMS PDM team received a high priority
request wherein 4 SKUs were awaiting to be ordered,
but were unreleased in Velocity due to missing List
price and Reference Prices. The Pricing team had
already loaded the prices in GPSY but they had not
flown into MyPRS due to IT issue.
Key Actions:
AMS team got the list and reference price from the
Pricing team and loaded them manually into the
system. Considering the volume 15K Units to the tune
of $3.7M, Chennai AMS PDM team and Pricing team
collaborated during the weekend and completed the
entire activity in just 1 day TAT as against a 5 day TAT
for regular requests.
The customers were able to place order on time and this
enabled 1.5 pts of market share for MCA in CQ1
Success Stories
Prioritization of SKU Order-ability in Order
Management System improvising MCA Market share
“This is great Manoj and team, thank you for your great support on this.
You really rock!”
- Dolores Pelayo
AMS PDM Manager
Success Stories
Error Reduction Project from PDM Pricing Team
Problem Area:
The PDM Pricing Team had faced a high error occurrence
over the last few months due to several factors like data
flow issue, tool downtime, multiple manual
transmissions, during and post separation which
affected delay in final delivery.
Key Actions:
The teams did a 6 month quality analysis and
performed a deep dive on the actual causes of the
errors. Quality techniques like Pareto Diagram, Fish
bone and robust QC methodology were put in place to
measure and analyze the root cause.
The team has successfully brought down the Error
count by 96% in Dec’15 as compared to Sep’15.
Kudos to the entire team for their seamless efforts!!
Success Stories
Error Reduction Project from PDM Pricing Team
Error Trend:
500 NB PDM Commercial Consumer Regional Total
400 367
250 245
200 160 40 16 9
17 0212 41 2
150 93 Nov'15
60 Dec'15
100 94
50 16 Oct'105
0 12
The PDM Experience Room is an initiative which ensures that knowledge
about PDM processes are shared in a fun filled manner to visitors. PDM
experience helps one to learn the organizational structure, various phases of
PDM project transition, process standardization with CoE Model, up to effectively
contributing towards business driven projects. PDM Experience room is also a
place where teammates can showcase their ideas to Green and Black belt
projects. At the end of the journey participants can take part in fun games which
tests the knowledge they have gathered. It’s interesting to note that PDM
Experience room has not only attracted visitors from PDM teams but also from
Sales Operations and Supply Chain Order Management. More than 400 visitors
gained knowledge from these valuable sessions.
“It’s a great experience, come and experience it “
Chennai Flood Situation
December 2015 was seen as one of the most challenging months
for PDM with the devastating rains and floods that struck Chennai.
No matter what the situation might be, we were still there on top of
it, continuing operational work with a well-structured BCP plan. Let’s
see what Balu Rajamani, the Operations Manager for PDM who
spear-headed this, has to speak on the wonderful venture.
Be Acquainted With Your Colleague
Kalpagam is a PDM Supervisor, managing the CIS COE
Team. She is a multi-lingual, ever-smiling, enthusiastic
person and a great mother. Read more, to know what she has
in store for us about her experiences with this organization.
“this organization is that you get opportunities to work in a role that
you are interested to work in and that matches your area of expertise”
Kalpagam, can you pls. share a few words with us about your personal
background and interests?
I am 31 years young and married to Mukesh. I have completed my graduation
in Commerce from one of the top universities in Chennai. My interests are
music (South Indian Classical) and painting. I see myself as a frisky person,
with oodles of energy. I love to bask in the company of people and connecting
with people really exhilarates me. Apart from my work, I take pride in being
part of driving the employee engagement activities.
Being highly tenured, tell us about your overall experience with the
I Joined HP GBS in Dec 2003, barely six months after the maiden Chennai
center was started. I started my career as a Process Associate in T&O and was
a part of the team as SME / TL until Sep’09. Subsequently, moved into handling
the Billing process of the FAM team from Sep’09 till Oct’11. Joined SRM NSSR
team in Nov’11 as Response Manager and was supporting telecom giant ALU
(Alcatel Lucent) and Shell Account. In Aug’15 stepped into leadership role in
handling CIS process under PDM space.
What is the best thing that you appreciate about this organization?
The best thing about this organization is that you get opportunities to work in
a role that you are interested to work in and that matches your area of
If given a chance to bring about some change, what do you think you would like
to do?
I wouldn’t call it a change but as a development, I would nurture more women
leaders. There are so many talented women who can be groomed to bring in
lot of diversity as we move up the Pyramid.
Perennial Moments
Benoit’s visit
Click on the picture for next
Time to Rejoice
Fun at Work
Click on the picture for next
Answers For Puzzles
1. Bear
Bone - one + ear
= B + Ear
=> Bear
3. The required digit is 0.
If you add up all the digits in any diagonal, you will find the sum to be 25.
Quiz Stint
Be the early bird to answer these simple questions within 3 days and
grab the opportunity to win a surprise gift..
1. Where was the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2016 held on 8th
Jan 2016?
2. Name the Chief Marketing & Communications Officer of HPI.
3. Coca-Cola Co. has partnered with HP for its new Diet Coke
campaign called _________________
4. What are the FY16 priories for HPI?
5. State the Mission & Vision of HPI.
Rush your answers and Feedback to: cognizance
Chief Editor: Archana Mukherji Newsletter Design: Prasanna.S
Content Support: Video:
Lydia Karthick
Nirmal Raj
MS, Ramesh Logo Design:
Nirmal Raj