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Published by Sam Delgado, 2019-09-26 10:38:30

Delgado Wright Service Guide

Delgado Wright Service Guide

Restaurant Marketing Is
No Secret...


Here’s the



• Daily Social Media Postings • Restaurant Reviews
• Activity & Notification Monitoring • Multi-Channel Review Monitoring
• Timely Response • Real-Time Notifications
• Daily Engagement • Daily Responses

Patron Growth Reporting & Insights

• E-Mail Capture & Automation • Monthly Marketing Performance Report
• Facebook Messenger Broadcast • Real-Time Performance Dashboard
• WiFi Hotspot Capture & Follow-Up • Track ROI on Paid Targeting
• Restaurant Listing Management • Review Insights
• Searchable Menu Content • Social Media Insights
• Facebook Ads Management • Ad Spend Breakdown
• Retargeting • Review Performance
• Facebook Messenger Automation • Assess New Methods
• Follow Up Automation • Evolve With Techology & Trends
• Loyalty & Rewards Program


Social Media

It All Starts With Exposure…

Daily Social Media Postings: Plan out your Social Media Postings on Facebook and Instagram by
employing unique and scheduled messages, driven by information gathered from analyzing past
performance and ongoing testing efforts.

DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING Deploy daily postings on both Commit to maintaining a Collaborate with leadership
Facebook and Instagram, media library for use in the during a monthly planning
and methodically create upcoming months of social meeting to approve the
a monthly social media media activity. This would be content of each post, I.e.:
calendar that takes into photos and videos of food, written language, execution
consideration management drinks, and experiences. and launch time of day.
and owner opinion.


Activity & Notification Monitoring: Commit full- DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING
time to monitoring comments and messages
(both public and private) from Facebook and
Instagram that are occurring as a result of your
social media presence.

Timely Response & Daily Engagement:
Respond in real-time with all active members
of your social media community in a manner
predetermined by management and
ownership. This engagement action is what
keeps your restaurant active and visible in the
social media community. Therefore, genuine
and thoughtful principles must always guide
your written words.


Patron Growth

Populate, manage and maintain an ever-growing database of patrons that you want to dine in your
restaurants. Leverage your database to generate lookalike audiences, identify strategies to create
new market share, take market share from competitors and strategically adjust future marketing
campaigns to GROW your database to its full potential.



Implement strategies to capture e-mail addresses
from patrons through your website, forms & other
actionable portals that support your ongoing
marketing strategy.

Facebook Messenger Broadcast: Capture and
drive Facebook messenger level subscriptions
to your Facebook page and engage directly with
patrons on Facebook Messenger. FACT: E-mail
marketing TODAY has a 15-20% open rate,
however Messenger now has an 85% - 98%
open rate!

WiFi Hotspot Capture & Follow-Up:
Capture customer visit behavior and profile
information through guest WiFi access.
Automatically send smart emails to provide
immediate response and build customer loyalty,
including scheduled follow-ups.


Restaurant Listing Management: Audit all sites, including
Google, Yelp, Foursquare, TripAdvisor, YellowPages,
Zomato (formerly Urbanspoon), Facebook, OpenTable,
Zagat, Yahoo, Bing, Allmenus, Citysearch, Whitepages,
Mojopages, Allergy Eats, Menuism,,
Superpages, YaSabe, Gayot and 10Best, for accuracy of
your current listing information.

Searchable Menu Content: Post your menu items
individually on all of the same listing sites and search
engines as you have done for your restaurant listing
information. This will allow anyone searching for a specific
dish in your area (such as ‘Filet Oscar’) or keywords (‘Vegan/
Gluten Free’) to find you based upon your menu items and/
or descriptions.

Patron Growth 9

Facebook Ads Management: Your restaurant’s specific target audience is on Facebook
multiple times per day every day of the week. If you are not utilizing Facebook ads to reach

your customers, you are missing out on one of the most effective advertising channels for your


Effective Facebook advertising practices include: DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING

• Campaign Strategy • Target Audiences
• Creative Ad Development • Custom Audiences
• Copywriting • Look-a-Like Audiences
• A/B Ad Testing • Retargeting Campaigns
• Dynamic Ads with Video • Performance Reporting
• Pixel Installation • Ad Spend Optimization

10 Patron Growth Patron Growth

Retargeting: Unleash the power of technology and tag your online
traffic, allowing you to tailor specific ads and offers to attract diners
back to you. Example: If you have ever looked for a product on Amazon

and then returned to social media
only to find that you are now being
marketed to for the same product?
This can be done for target market
patrons that have not yet engaged
your restaurant.

DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING Facebook Messenger Automation: Increase your response
rate with this personalized auto attendant that becomes the
automated customer service representative for your restaurant.
It will logically serve your patrons’ needs to locate hours, menu
items, specials, answer questions; even inviting the patron to
redeem a promotion, offer or gift, as well as funneling them into
making a reservation to dine in your restaurant.

Patron Growth 11

Follow Up Automation: Deploy an urgency based follow-
up schedule using E-Mail, Facebook Messenger and SMS
Automation to deliver a time triggered campaign that
follows the offer and chases the interests of your visitors.

1. “Here’s the offer….” (Goes out immediately)
2. “Don’t forget the offer…” (5 days later)
3. “Use your offer before it expires…” (10 days later)

Loyalty & Rewards Programs: These campaigns feed the database growth initiative. They are DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING
typically graduated offers that get more enticing until the patron eventually engages, and most

importantly these programs are tried, true and proven across all industries.

Scope & Define Loyalty Select Program Type Advertise &
Requirements Get Sign-Ups

Test & Determine Define The Program
Loyalty Theme & Rewards


Reputation Management

Restaurant Reviews: It is critical that
you quickly assess newly submitted
reviews in order to uphold and enhance
your reputation at every development.
Capitalizing on positive reviews can be a
windfall of good fortune but in the same
breath a critical review can result in a
landslide of social media gossip.

Multi-Channel Review Monitoring: Be certain to monitor
at a minimum the following social media sites and search
engines on a real-time basis: Google, Yelp, Foursquare,
TripAdvisor, YellowPages, Zomato (formerly Urbanspoon),
Facebook, OpenTable, Zagat, Yahoo, Bing, Allmenus,
Citysearch, Whitepages, Mojopages, Allergy Eats, YaSabe,
Menuism,, Superpages, Gayot and 10Best.


1 Real-Time Notifications: Designate a team
member or partner that will alert you when
Good job, you got a new reviews have been posted. The priority of
5-star review. review attention and types of reviews that
the owner wishes to participate should be
discussed and adopted into your policies.

Daily Responses: Be diligent about responding DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING
to reviews within 24 hours. Give encouragement
and thanks for 5-star reviews, and apologies and
inquiries for 1 star reviews. Establish scripted
responses that can quickly be issued at the time of
review discovery and before being reported to and
discussed with the owner or manager.


Reporting & Insights

DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING Monthly Marketing Report: Real-Time Performance Dashboard: Track ROI on Paid Targeting:

Track the metrics for all of Build a performance dashboard Leverage Facebook Messenger to
your marketing efforts. Show where your management team track your paid restaurant offers
achievements, growth rates, and can review active marketing offers, through customer acceptance,
performance month over month, current marketing spend and Return all the way to the customers
year over year and life to date. on Investment by campaign. View redemption inside your restaurant,
This tracking and measurement at any time, how each campaign is capturing even the check total
exercise will always point you in performing and make adjustments to give you true ROI data that is
the right direction. daily. undeniable.


Review Insights: By combining all of your
reviews and averaging the category ratings,
an overall restaurant perception will become
visible, revealing what category is performing
the best and which category has the greatest
room for improvement.

Social Media Insights: To put it simply,
social media insights enable the marketer to
intimately understand the people they are
communicating with at any given time. Armed
with these insights, you are better equipped to
fine-tune content strategies and targeting for
several components of your campaigns.

Ad Spend Breakdown: It is important to look Name ADS DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING
at your advertising spend and the level of
engagement obtained from each ad. Aside ADS ADS
from return, simply looking back on a monthly
basis at your spend and where the money was
placed will allow you to see obvious patterns
and successful investments.


Putting the
Formula to work

Developing your optimal formula REPUTATION
and professionally executing on MANAGEMENT
each element is more than a
of diverse experts giving focus MEDIA
and revealing secrets to make it DATABASE
all come together. Keeping up GROWTH
with the constant change in the
marketing world is no task for an
owner to take on alone; which
makes choosing the right partner
your most important move.


Partner & Conquer

Your Your
Current Potential
Market Market
Share Share

You can’t deposit likes or excuses. DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING

Deposits only happen when you have successfully managed a thousand
critical components to ensure your staff executes flawlessly. While executon
is your focus, exposure is ours. At Delgado Wright we create curiosity with
customers that drives the greatest volume of opportunity through your door.


Both ‘Full-Service Restaurant Magazine’
and ‘Toast, Inc.’ report that over 90%
of all successful restaurants invest
a minimum of 11% to 22% of their
annual gross revenue into marketing
in order to reach their potential.

How Much Are You Investing
In Your Success?


WHERE You Invest
Is Just As Important
As HOW MUCH You Invest…

At Delgado-Wright we understand precisely
how to leverage technology, accessible data,
and social media trends to solve the challenge
of mastering restaurant marketing on a profit
conscious restaurant budget.


Create Your We begin each new new client relationship
Comprehensive with a face-to-face meeting to get to know
Restaurant you and discuss the current state of your
Formula marketing efforts and desired goals.

DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING We will perform an in-depth evaluation of your
marketing presence across all the channels
of social media, patron acquisition, database
growth, reputation management and reporting.

Together we will develop strategies, agree
on tactical deployment schedules and launch
your new comprehensive marketing engine.


Your Restaurant Formula
is where you play and how
you win in the market.



We Keep You Focused...

As a client, you will have one single
point of contact as your ‘Marketing
Ambassador’ that will champion all
of your deliverable items through our
execution and development teams,
remaining in constant contact with you
and your management on a daily basis.


...So You Can Win.

We will become a new extension
of your executive team, effectively
handling all of your marketing needs
and collaborating with your leadership
to win at every opportunity.


A Monthly Our service model is built around the re-occurring monthly
Service needs required to stay in front of today’s digital world. We
Routine manage our clients through this cycle as follows:

DW COMPREHENSIVE RESTAURANT MARKETING Beginning of each month for each location:

• Receive In-Depth Marketing Performance Report
• Schedule Mid-Month Face-to-Face Monthly Marketing Planning

(MMP) Meeting
• Receive Proposed Content Calendar for review prior to MMP

• Receive MMP Questionaire to prepare owner/management for

MMP Meeting

Mid-Month for each location:

• MMP Meeting - Typically 2-3 hours
• Summary of MMP Meeting with deliverables, requirements and

• Link to Current Media Library



• Alerts of Facebook activity
• Texts and E-Mails of new reviews
• Social Media In-Box Management
• Continual communication from your Marketing Ambassador

We have learned that a high level of routine and repetition brings accountability,
visibility and transparency to what is effective in your marketing efforts. Your
Marketing Ambassador will visit you in your restaurant every month to discuss
marketing performance, media gathering, planning, strategy, and scheduled

Everything required to execute on the upcoming months’ marketing effort will
be obtained or approved in this meeting. Throughout the month and prior to
each meeting you and your managers will receive diligent reminders from your
Marketing Ambassador about everything you will need to be ready for such as:
decisions you need to ponder, deliverables that you own, and documents or
proofs you need to review and or approve.


Our Leadership

Delgado Wright is a full-service marketing agency specializing in food and

beverage. We blend food, culture and marketing expertise to deliver quantifiable return on
investment, maximum restaurant exposure and genuine customer loyalty for our clients.

A partnership with Delgado Wright means you will have a team dedicated to unlocking your
unique point of difference; tailoring leading technology and deploying strategic solutions
to ensure you win. Our approach is simple, and our purpose is clear; align our local food
and beverage businesses with a battle tested ally in an industry where only those that
plan properly and take decisive action, prosper.

Samuel Delgado is a dynamic Millennial that has

always made his living leveraging the internet. As a multi-
disciplinary creative he is able to effectively merge leading
technologies and captivating media to mobilize winning
marketring campaigns for his team and clients.

Throughout his career Samuel has devoted his skill
development solely to the hospitaliy industry, and that
focus has provided an intense competitive advantage for
his thriving clientele.


Jeremy Wright is an entrepreneur, business coach and

executive level operator with successes in founding, growing, and
monetizing businesses across different industries. Jeremy holds
an MBA from Wharton and is known for his keen ability to assess
market conditions, formulate sales strategies, maximize profit, and
create operational structure.

In 2019 Jeremy went from being Samuel’s client of three years
to being Samuel’s partner when he sold his finance company to
form Delgado-Wright, noting that “It was a clear match of opposing
talents and generational coverage right from the start.”

The intellect, executive balance and rich marketing experience that
Jeremy brings to the organization allows the company to provide
not only superior marketing services, but an executive business
acumen which holds a genuine vested interest in the financial
success of his clients.

What Gets Focused On Gets Done.

Don’t Play With Your Food.

301-798-1004 Office
240-743-8212 Text/Cell
[email protected]

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