Toppling Shift Whelm
1st-level psionics (psychoportation) 1st-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet Range: Touch
Display: The air around you is suctioned towards you Display: Your touch brings down a powerful wave of nearly
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind transparent psionic energy
You use psychoportation to shift your form into an Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Battlemind
opponent's space and then suddenly return to normal,
sending an opponent flying backward. Choose one creature One creature you touch makes a Strength saving throw,
you can see within 5 feet of you. It must succeed on a taking 2d10 force damage on a failure and being pushed 10
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and pushed 5 feet away on a failure, or half as much damage and
feet away from you. movement on a successful save.
Unified Combat Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d10 damage and the
1st-level psionics (clairsentience) distance you push the creature increases by 5 feet.
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Wind Step
Display: Affected allies feel the sensation of making each
others’ attacks 1st-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute Invoking Time: 1 action
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Seer Range: Self
You unify your senses with one of your allies, allowing you Display: Wings made of winds manifest behind you
Duration: 1 minute
to subconsciously share information in combat. Choose one Classes: Metamind, Psion
ally within range that you can see. For the duration, the target As part of your movement on each of your turns, you can fly
can add half of your psionics ability modifier, rounded up, to
damage rolls for its weapon attacks. up to 20 feet. If you end this flight in the air, you fall unless
something else holds you aloft.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
power can target one more creature. Each of the creatures Augment. You can augment this power in one of the
must be within 30 feet of each other to target them. following ways.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, you can target
Warp Weapon
one other creature within 10 feet of you to be affected by
1st-level psionics (psychoportation) this power.
Invoking Time: 1 action 2. For each additional psi point you spend, the fly speed of
Range: 60 feet this power is increased by 10 feet.
Display: Glowing fissures appear in the target weapon
Duration: 1 round Winged Weapon
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Choose one nonmagical, nonpsionic weapon(including 1st-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
natural ones) held by one creature you can see within range. Range: 120 feet
That creature must make a Strength saving throw, taking 3d6 Display: spectral wings sprout from your weapon
force damage on a failure, or half on a success. On a failed Duration: 1 round
save, the weapon can’t be used to attack until the end of your Classes: Ardent, Battlemind
next turn.
You cause wings to sprout from your weapon, controlling
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this its movement with your mind over your body. Until the end of
power deals an additional 1d6 force damage. your next turn, your melee weapon has a range of 120 feet
and you use your manifesting ability for the attack and
damage rolls rather than your strength or dexterity.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the first
attack you make with this power deals an additional 1d4
force damage.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
2nd Level Aspect of the Desert Storm
Aspect of Disembodiment 2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism) Range: Weapon Reach
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: Sand begins to flow from your skin, swirling at your
Range: Weapon Reach
Display: Both you and your target transform into a partially feet before disappearing
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
liquid form Classes: Battlemind
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit,
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature you can move the target up to 30 feet along solid ground and
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit, knock them prone, then you enter the aspect of the Desert
the target takes a penalty to attack rolls and saving throws Storm. While in this aspect, you can spend an additional psi
equal to your manifesting ability and you enter the aspect of point whenever you hit with a power or talent. If you do, you
disembodiment. can move the target up to 10 feet along solid ground, or you
deal additional psychic damage to the target equal to your
The target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of manifesting ability modifier.
each of its turns, ending this effect on a success. The effect
also ends if the target ends its turn without having made an You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new
attack. aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
While in the aspect of disembodiment, you may spend an Aspect of the Striking Viper
additional psi point whenever you hit with a power or talent.
If you do, you can move up to half your movement speed 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
without provoking opportunity attacks or deal extra psychic Invoking Time: 1 action
damage equal to your manifesting ability modifier. This Range: Weapon Reach
movement can move through enemy's spaces. Display: Your arms extend and
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new Classes: Battlemind
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must
Aspect of Enlightening Flame make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit,
2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis) the target takes an addition 2d10 poison damage and you
Invoking Time: 1 action enter the aspect of the striking viper. While in this aspect, you
Range: Weapon Reach can spend an additional psi point whenever you hit with a
Display: You appear to burst into bright flames that shed no power or talent. If you do, you deal an additional 1d6 poison
damage. In addition, while in the aspect of the striking viper,
light your reach increases by 5 feet.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit, manifestation's initial damage increases by 1d10.
the target takes an additional 1d8 fire and psychic damage
and you enter the aspect of enlightening flame. Aura of Jubilation
At the beginning of each of the target's turns, they must 2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the target Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
takes fire and psychic damage equal to your manifesting Range: 60 feet
ability. On a success, they take no damage. Display: Green colors are enhanced within the aura
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
While in the aspect of enlightening flame, you may spend Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion
an additional psi point whenever you hit with a power or
talent. If you do, you deal extra psychic and fire damage equal You radiate a distracting mirth for the duration. Each
to 1d4 + your manifesting ability. creature within range that can see you suffers disadvantage
on any checks using the Perception and Investigation skills.
You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Bestow Power Body Equilibrium
2nd-level psionics (telepathy) 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self
Display: The target's eyes brighten for a moment Display: Your skin or scales’ pattern becomes uniform for the
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of Mending duration
Duration: 10 minutes
You link your mind with another willing psionic creature's Classes: Metamind, Psion
mind, creating a brief conduit through which mental energy
can be shared. When you manifest this power, the subject You can adjust your body's equilibrium to correspond with
gains up to 1 psi points. The target cannot hold more psi any solid or liquid that you stand on. Thus, you can walk on
points than his or her maximum. water, quicksand, or even a spider's web without sinking or
breaking through (this effect does not confer any resistance
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the to particularly sticky webs). You can move at your normal
target gains one additional psi point. speed, but if you Dash on an unfirm surface, you must make
an Intelligence check against your own psionic save DC or
Blink Shot sink or break through the surface as normal. Additionally, if
you fall from any height while under this effect, you have
2nd-level psionics (psychoportation) resistance to damage from the impact.
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Celerity
Display: The ammunition becomes translucent
Duration: Instantaneous 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self
You imbue a piece of ammunition with psionic energy. It Display: Wind bursts from underneath your feet with each
becomes partially intangible while it travels, increasing its
velocity. The next attack you make with it that hits before the step you take
end of the current turn deals an extra 1d8 force damage. Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist,
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage. Metamind
You propel your steps with small bursts of psionic energy.
Body Adjustment Your walking speed increases by 10 feet for the duration.
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism) Comforting Aura
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self 2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Display: Your body glows slightly for a moment Invoking Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 60 feet
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Kineticist, Display: A calm blue light emits from each target for the
Disciple of Mending duration
You take control of your body's healing process in a quick Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
flash of thought. You regain 1d12 hit points. Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation restores an additional 1d12 hit points. You exude a comforting presence, centering your allies.
Choose up to three allies you can see within range (you can
choose yourself in place of one of the allies). Until your
concentration ends, each target can roll a d6 when making a
saving throw and add the number rolled to the total.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, you can
target one additional creature.
Concealing Amorpha
2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Display: A clear film of gleaming psionic energy surrounds
the target
Duration: 1 round
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
You touch a creature, and weave a quasi-real membrane of
psionic energy around it. This membrane grants the target
the benefits of half cover for the duration, even if it is not
physically behind an object that would provide such cover.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Concussive Clap Ego Whip
2nd-level psionics (metacreativity) 2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self (15-foot cone) Range: 60 feet
Display: A visual mirage with the appearance of waves emits Display: A red lash mark appears on the target’s forehead
Duration: Instantaneous
from your hands in the form of a cone Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion Choose one creature you can see within range. The target
must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 3d8 psychic
You clap your hands together, sending out a concussive damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
wave of psionic energy. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must successful one. On a failed save, it is filled with self-doubt.
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature Until the end of its next turn, it can use its action only to take
takes 2d8 thunder damage and is pushed 10-feet in a straight the Dodge, Disengage, or Hide action.
line away from you. On a successful save, a creature is not
pushed and takes half the damage. A nonmagical object that Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
isn't being worn or carried also takes the damage if it's in the manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage.
manifestation's area.
Empathic Transfer
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage. 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Corrosive Metabolism Range: Touch
Display: Some of the target’s wounds appear on you
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism) Duration: Instantaneous
Invoking Time: 1 action Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Egoist
Range: Self
Display: Your body’s skin has a faint greenish-yellow tint to it, You touch another creature and heal its wounds,
transferring some of its damage to yourself. The creature
which stops at your neck regains 3d8 hit points, and you lose hit points equal to half
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes the amount. This loss cannot be reduced in any way.
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Shaper
Additionally, you can transfer 1 disease or poison affecting
For the duration, you have resistance to acid and poison the target onto yourself. Any remaining duration is retained
damage, and advantage on saving throws against poison and when it is transferred to you.
Classes. For each additional psi point you spend, this
Defensive Step manifestation restores an additional 2d8 hit points.
2nd-level psionics (psychoportation) Hammer Morph
Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
by an
attack Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Range: 5 feet
Display: You appear to move in a disjointed manner; for Display: Your arm’s skin becomes steely gray
Duration: Instantaneous
example, your torso moves first and your legs follow Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
Duration: Instantaneous You change the composition of one of your arms
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
momentarily, shaping it into a material similar to a steel
You gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack, hammer, which you use to strike your enemies. In order to
possibly turning it into a miss. You then teleport up to 10 feet invoke this manifestation, one of your hands must be free.
to an unoccupied space you can see. Make a melee psionic attack against one creature within
range that you can see. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning
damage equal to 2d6 plus your psionics ability modifier.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Hand of Caution Iron Durability
2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis) 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Touch
Display: A large hand-shaped form of psionic energy appears Display: Your fingertips become hard as metal, which
transfers from you to the target
near you Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Duration: 1 minute Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist,
Classes: Metamind, Psion Metamind
You touch a creature and transform its body to become a
A creature you can see within range makes a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 2d6 force damage on a failure, or half as living metal, allowing it to shrug off attacks that would cripple
much on a success and the hand moves closer to you. On weaker creatures. It has a +2 bonus to its AC for the duration.
your turn, you can use a bonus action to push the target 5 feet
directly away from you while they are within 30 feet of you. If Keen Memory
you end your turn adjacent to the target, this power ends.
2nd-level psionics (clairsentience)
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage. Range: Touch
Display: The target’s eyes dilate momentarily
Induct Being Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Metamind, Psion
2nd-level psionics (telepathy) You touch a creature. For the duration, it has advantage on
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Intelligence checks.
Display: The target sees you in more vibrant color
Duration: 1 hour Knit Construct
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within 2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
range. It
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it is Range: Touch
charmed by you
until the spell ends or until you or your Display: The construct’s damage glows faintly
companions harm it. The
charmed creature regards you as a Duration: Instantaneous
friendly acquaintance. When the
power ends, the creature Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
makes an Intelligence check against your
psionics save DC. If You touch a construct and knit its structure to repair
it succeeds, it knows it has been charmed.
damage it has taken. The construct heals a number of hit
At Higher Levels. If invoked at 3rd level or higher, you can points equal to 3d8 plus your psionics ability modifier.
one additional creature for each manifestation level
above 2nd. They
must be within 30 feet of each other when Augment. For each psi point you spend, this manifestation
you target them. restores an additional 1d8 hit points.
Augment. This power can be augmented in one or more of
the following ways.
1. If you spend 2 additional psi points, this power can also
affect a beast, fey, giant, or monstrosity.
2. If you spend 5 additional psi points, this power can affect
an aberration, construct, dragon, elemental, fiend, ooze,
plant, or undead.
3. If you spend 4 additional psi points, this power's duration
increases to 24 hours.
4. For each additional psi point you spend, this power can
target one additional creature.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Manipulation Mastery of Fire
2nd-level psionics (telepathy) 2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Range: Self
Display: The target’s fingernails turn black for the Display: Superficial cracks of red energy appear on your
duration skin randomly
Duration: Concentration, Up to 8 hours Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
You suggest a course of activity (limited to a sentence or For the duration, you have resistance to fire damage, and
two) and psionically influence a creature you can see within you have a +2 bonus to rolls for fire damage.
range that can hear and understand you. The suggestion
must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of Mastery of Force
action sound reasonable. Asking the creature to stab itself,
throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other 2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
obviously harmful act ends the manifestation. Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed Display: White energy snakes around your arms, stopping
save, it pursues the course of action you described to the best in the middle of your palms
of its ability. The suggested course of action can continue for Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
the entire duration. If the suggested activity can be completed Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
in a shorter time, the manifestation ends when the subject For the duration, you have advantage on Strength checks,
finishes what it was asked to do.
and your carrying capacity doubles.
You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special
activity during the duration. For example, you might suggest Mastery of Ice
that a knight give her warhorse to the first beggar she meets.
If the condition isn’t met before the manifestation expires, the 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
activity isn’t performed. If you or any of your companions Invoking Time: 1 action
damage the target, the manifestation ends. Range: Self
Display: Thin, needle-like projections of ice form around
Mantle of Command your body
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
2nd-level psionics (telepathy) Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action For the duration, you have resistance to cold damage, you
Range: Self
Display: A green gemlike projection of psionic energy are immune to effects that reduce your speed but do not set it
momentarily appears on a creature’s back when it moves to 0, and you ignore difficult terrain related to ice.
Duration: 10 minutes
Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion Mastery of Weather
When you haven't moved during your turn, you can use
2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
your reaction at the end of the turn to allow one ally you can Invoking Time: 1 action
see within 30 feet of you to move up to half their speed, Range: Self
following a path of your choice. To move in this way, the ally Display: Lightning energy seems to race just underneath
mustn’t be incapacitated. your skin
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Mantle of Confidence Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
For the duration, you have resistance to lightning and
2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action thunder damage, and you have advantage on saving throws
Range: 30 feet against effects that move you against your will.
Display: Affected creatures’ hair and eye color becomes a
brighter hue of its original color for the duration
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
For the duration, you and creatures within range that you
designate when you invoke this manifestation are immune to
the frightened condition for the duration. Additionally, you
have advantage on Charisma checks for the duration.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Mastery of Wood and Earth Mindless Courage
2nd-level psionics (metacreativity) 2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Display: Interlinked projections of energy in the form of Display: The target’s pupils dilate unnaturally
wood appear along your body Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Duration: 10 minutes Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind You cause a creature's bloodlust to overcome its sense of
You seize control of wood and earth and use it to bolster
preservation. Choose one creature you can see within range.
your defense. You have a +2 bonus to your AC for the The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or, for
duration. the duration, it can’t willingly move unless its movement
brings it closer to its nearest enemy that it can see. The save
Mental Resistance automatically succeeds if the target is immune to being
charmed. A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism) each of its turns, ending this effect for itself on a success.
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Nomadic Chameleon
Display: The target's body seem to glimmer and sheen for
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
the duration Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Duration: 8 hours Range: Self
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of Mending Display: A chromatic aberration occurs around you
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
You let your own psionic energy flow from mind, fortifying Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
the bodies of up to three creatures within range. Each target's For the duration, you have advantage on Dexterity checks,
hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 2d4 for
the duration. and if you end one of your turns without moving or taking any
actions, you and everything you are wearing or carrying
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this become invisible until the start of your next turn.
manifestation grants an additional 2d4 current and
maximum hit points. Phase Cloak
Mind over Body 2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism) Range: Self
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: A hazy, translucent cloak of psionic energy wraps
Range: Touch around your shoulders and neck
Display: The target's eyes and the inside of their mouth flash Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
a light blue for a moment You can attempt to hide even if you fail to meet the
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of Mending requirements needed to do so. At the end of the current turn,
you remain hidden only if you then meet the normal
You hijack the brain of a willing creature you can see or requirements for hiding.
yourself, rewriting problems within it on the fly. You can
remove one instance of the blinded, deafened, paralyzed,
poisoned, or stunned condition.
If you manifest this power targeting yourself, you may do so
as a bonus action instead, and can do so even if one of the
listed conditions prevents you from taking a bonus action.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation's range increases by 15 feet.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Polarity Manipulation Once you detect the presence of a creature in this way, you
can read its thoughts for the rest of the duration as described
2nd-level psionics (psychoportation) above, even if you can't see it, but it must still be within range.
Invoking Time: 1 action Questions verbally directed at the target creature naturally
Range: 120 feet shape the course of its thoughts, so this feature is particularly
Display: One target glows faintly red and the other glows effective as part of an interrogation.
faintly blue
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes As a bonus action on each of your turns while you are
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind listening to a creature's surface thoughts, you can attempt to
Choose one creature that you can see within range. The deeply probe that creature's mind, reading its inner thoughts.
target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails,
affected by this manifestation for the duration. While affected, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state,
a creature is either attracted or repelled from you (the choice and something that looms large in its mind (such as
is the same for all affected creatures). You can choose the something it worries over, loves, or hates). If it succeeds, you
initial effect when you activate this manifestation, and again become unable to read the target's thoughts for the duration,
as a bonus action on each of your turns for the duration. and it knows you tried to read its thoughts.
Attract. At the start of each of its turns, the target must Psionic Ambush
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled 20 feet in a
straight line towards you. If it collides with an object, it stops 2nd-level psionics (psychoportation)
and its movement speed is set to 0 until the end of its turn. Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Repel. The target must spend 1 additional foot of Display: Your body appears to implode upon itself before
movement for each foot it moves towards you.
bursting into existence again
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this Duration: Instantaneous
manifestation can target one additional creature. Classes: Battlemind, Psion
Precognitive Hunch You teleport to a space in range that is adjacent to an
enemy. You have advantage on attack rolls against each
2nd-level psionics (clairsentience) creature you end this teleport next to until the beginning of
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action your next turn.
Range: Self
Display: Strands of silver energy fall around you Psionic Anchor
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute 2nd-level psionics (psychoportation)
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind Invoking Time: 1 action
You open yourself to receive momentary insights that Range: Touch
Display: Psionic energy flows from your fingertips and wraps
improve your abilities; until your concentration ends,
whenever you make an attack roll, a saving throw, or an around your target's head
ability check, you add 1d4 + 1 to the total, and you have a +1 Duration: 1 round
bonus to your AC. Classes: Battlemind, Psion
Probe Thoughts You bind your foe with an anchor of psionic energy so that
you can draw it back to your side with only a thought. The
2nd-level psionics (telepathy) target makes a Wisdom saving throw, taking 2d6 psychic
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action damage and being marked on a failed saving throw, or half as
Range: Telepathy much damage on a success.
Display: A low, droning buz can be heard by anyone
within 5 feet of the target As a reaction at the end of your turn or the marked target's
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes turn, you can teleport the target to a space on solid ground
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind within 5 feet of you. You can only teleport the target up to 60
Choose one creature within range of your telepathy that feet. If the target is more than 100 feet away from you, you
cannot teleport the target.
you can see. You start listening to its surface thoughts - what
is most on its mind in that moment. After the initial invoking,
you can repeat this action on each of your turns for the
duration, choosing the same or a different target.
You can also use this manifestation to detect the presence
of thinking creatures you can't see. When you use this feature
or as your action during the duration, you can search for
thoughts within range of your telepathy. The feature can
penetrate barriers, but a thin sheet of lead blocks you.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Psionic Levitation Quell Conflict
2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis) 2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Display: White, faintly glowing feathers made of psionic Display: The sounds of chirping are heard in the distance
energy float around you for the duration Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind You attempt to quell the tension of creatures around you.
You rise vertically into the air, remaining suspended at least
Each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point
1 foot away from the nearest solid object for the duration. You you choose within range must make a Charisma saving
can choose to land or approach an object normally if you throw; a creature can choose to fail this saving throw if it
wish. The maximum height you can levitate with this wishes. If a creature fails its saving throw, you can make it
manifestation is 20 feet. You can move up to 30 feet on each indifferent about creatures of your choice that it is hostile
of your turns while levitating, regardless of your normal toward. This indifference ends if the target is attacked or
movement speed. When the manifestation ends, you float harmed by a spell or if it sees any of its friends being Harmed.
down gently if you are still aloft.
When the manifestation ends, the creature becomes
Psionic Lock hostile again, unless the DM rules otherwise.
2nd-level psionics (metacreativity) Salubrious Pulse
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Touch 2nd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Display: The object you touch glows with a faint red aura Invoking Time: 1 action
Duration: Until Negated Range: 15 feet
Classes: Metamind, Psion Display: A pulse of bright pink energy flows out to 15 feet
A psionic lock manifested upon a door, chest, or portal
before fading away
psionically locks it. You can freely pass your own lock without Duration: Instantaneous
affecting it, and you can designate other creatures who can Classes: Ardent, Disciple of Mending
do the same at any time, and from any distance, as long as
you are on the same plane of existence as the lock. You force out a pulse of healing energy in a 15-foot radius.
Otherwise, a door or object secured with psionic lock can be Each creature that is not a construct, plant, or undead with
opened only by breaking in or by negating or suppressing this an intelligence score of 6 or higher regains 1d8 hit points.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
While an object is affected by this manifestation, the DC to manifesation restores an additional 1d6 hit points.
break open or unlock it increases by 10.
Seeking Missile
Augment. A creature with an Intelligence score lower than
double the number of additional psi points you spend has 2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
disadvantage on any attempt to break or pick the lock. Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you taken when you
miss a ranged attack
Psychic Speech Range: Self
Display: A field of psionic energy appears and redirects
2nd-level psionics (telepathy) your attack
Invoking Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
Display: Your voice echoes slightly for the duration You use psionic energy to redirect your attack, allowing you
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Metamind, Psion to repeat the attack roll against the same target.
You attune your mind to the psychic imprint of all language.
For the duration, you gain the ability to understand any
language you hear or attempt to read. In addition, all
creatures that can understand a language understand what
you say, regardless of what language you use.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Sense Impressions Sensory Swap
2nd-level psionics (clairsentience) 2nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 60 feet
Display: Objects and items in range glow with a faint Display: The targets' foreheads form a link of pale psionic
violet outline
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes energy to each other
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You gain historical vision in a given location. For the Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
duration, any rooms, streets, tunnels, and other discrete You attempt to swap the senses of two creatures you can
locations within range reveal their psychic impressions to see in range. Each creature must make a Charisma saving
you. Psychic impressions are left by powerful emotions throw, having their senses changed if both creatures fail.
experienced in a given area. These impressions offer you a While their senses are changed, each creature has
picture of the location's past. disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws. If at
any time one cannot see the other, the one who cannot be
The types of events most likely to leave psychic seen is blinded. Any time one takes damage, the other
impressions are those that elicited strong emotions: battles creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
and betrayals, marriages and murders, births and great pain, itself on a success.
or any other event where one emotion dominates. Everyday
occurrences leave no residue for the manifester to detect. Shape Fire
The vision of the event is dreamlike and shadowy. You do 2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
not gain special knowledge of those involved in the vision, Invoking Time: 1 action
though you might be able to read large banners or other Range: 90 feet
writing if they are in a language you understand. Display: A spark flashes on the back of your hand
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
As an action on each of your turns for the duration, you can Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
sense another distinct event or repeat an event you have You telekinetically control a flame, making it bigger,
already seen as long as its impression is still within range.
Your sensitivity extends into the past up to 100 years. smaller, hotter or colder, and even making it move around as
if it were a living creature.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, your
sensitivity extends a further 100 years. Choose a source of non-magical fire that you can see
within range. When you invoke this manifestation, and as an
Sense Minds action on each of your turns for the duration, you can
manipulate the fire in one of the following ways:
2nd-level psionics (telekinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action A fire's size can be increased up to double or reduced
Range: 120 feet down by up to half of its original size.
Display: A psionic emblem of an eye appears on your By increasing its heat, you cause a non-damaging fire to
deal damage as if it were a torch, and by reducing it, you
forehead cause a damaging fire to become harmless.
Duration: 1 round You can also cause it to move up to 30 feet with the same
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion action. A fire can be shaped however you like, as long as it is
contained in no more than a 10-foot cube. If the fire moves
You reach out to sense the locations of all intelligent minds. away from its fuel, it dies out after 1 round.
Each creature within range must make an Intelligence saving If you cause a fire to engulf a creature, that creature must
throw. On a failed saving throw, you know the location of that make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 fire damage on a
creature until the end of your next turn and that creature failure, or half on a success. On a failure, the creature is also
gains no bonus from half cover or from being unseen. set on fire, as this psionically shaped fire sticks to them. A
creature takes 1d8 fire damage at the end of each of its turns
Augment. You may augment this power in one or more of or until it or a creature within 5 feet of it uses its action to
the following ways. extinguish the flames.
1. If you spend 2 additional psi points, this manifestation's
range is doubled.
2. If you spend 4 additional psi points, each target of this
power has disadvantage on its saving throw.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Sharkbolt Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, you can
target on additional creature. You must be able to see the
2nd-level psionics (metacreativity) targets, and each one must be within 60 feet of you.
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet Third Eye
Display: You weave golden-brown psionic energy and
2nd-level psionics (clairsentience)
ectoplasm together from all around Invoking Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, Up to1 minute Range: Self
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind Display: A rune of an open eye glows on your forehead
Duration: 10 minutes
You create a three-foot long, glowing amber-brown shark Classes: Disciple of Mending, Disciple of the Seer,
out of psionic energy and ectoplasm. The shark swims or Metamind
flies with a speed of 60 feet and attacks on target you can see You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already
within range. It adds your psi attack modifier to attack and
damage rolls, and inflicts 4d6 piercing damage on a hit. Each have darkvision, increase its range by 30 feet.
turn, you can use your action to direct it to attack the same Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
target, and you may use your bonus action to redirect it to
attack a different creature. If your target moves, your sharks the following ways.
will follow. 1. If you spend one additional psi point, this power gains a
The shark is an object that has AC 15 and 20 hit points. If range of Touch. For each additional psi point you spend
it drops to 0 hit points, the power ends. after this, you can target one additional creature.
2. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, the range of
Augment. You may augment this power in one or more of this darkvision increases by 10 feet, or by 5 feet if the
the following ways. target already has darkvision.
1. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, this power
creatures one more shark. You may direct each shark to
attack a different target, if you wish. One action can be 2nd-level psionics (psychoportation)
used to direct every shark to make an attack, and one Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
bonus action can swap as many of their target's as you Range: 60 feet
wish. Display: The space around you and the target warps as
2. For every additional psi point you spend, your sharks have you swap places
15 more hit points. Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
3. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, your sharks Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
have +1 to their AC. Choose a willing creature you can see within range. You
Spirit Sense and that creature teleport, swapping places, and your speed
is reduced to 0 until the end of the turn. This ability fails if
2nd-level psionics (clairsentience) either of you can’t fit in the destination space. You can repeat
Invoking Time: 1 action this effect on each of your turns for the duration as a bonus
Range: Self action.
Display: A whistling breeze can be heard around you
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
For the duration, you can sense the presence, but not the
exact location, of spiritual beings - such as ghosts, banshees,
wraiths, ghouls, and revenants - within 30 feet of you. If a
sensed spirit frequently haunts a location, you learn the name
of the location and its distance and direction relative to you.
Step from Sight
2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Display: Your body disappears as if you moved behind a
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
You create a cloak of psionic energy that deflects light. You
become invisible and remain so until immediately after you
target, damage, or otherwise affect any creature with an
attack, a spell, or another ability.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Vacuum Wind Stream
2nd-level psionics (psychokinesis) 2nd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 30 feet
Display: A whirlwind of windy psionic energy appears in Display: Cyclones of wind appears around your arms
the area Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind You create a line of focused air that is 30 feet long and 5
Choose a point you can see within range. Psionic energy
feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a Strength
whirls in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each saving throw, taking 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed
creature in the sphere must succeed on a Strength saving save, or half as much damage on a successful one. On a failed
throw or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and be moved toward save, a target is knocked prone.
the center of the phere. Any loose object in the sphere is
moved if it weighs no more than 100 pounds. Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage.
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
the following ways.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
deals an additional 1d8 damage.
2. If you spend 2 additional psi points, the radius becomes
15 feet, however you can choose to move any of the
creatures to any other space in the radius rather than
toward the center.
Waking Dreams
2nd-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Display: Pale yellow energy sparkles over the target like sand
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Metamind, Psion
You gain a brief glimpse into the realm of Dreams, learning
the base substance of the dreams or nightmares of a target
creature. You then telepathically filter that knowledge into the
target's waking mind.
This power can be beneficial, allowing a target to uncover
the hidden meanings of his or her dreams. This insight
grants the target a +2 bonus to their choice of attack rolls or
saving throws for the duration.
Alternatively, this power can be used to force a creature to
re-live its nightmares. The target makes a wisdom saving
throw, being frightened of you for the duration on a failure.
While frightened in this way, the creature takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
This power has no effect on creatures unable to dream
(such as kalashtar or shardminds), but has its normal effect
on elves (whose trance is a sufficiently dreamlike state).
Augment. If you spend 2 additional psi points, a creature
frightened by this power is also stunned for the duration.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
3rd Level Aspect of Stolen Identity
Absorb Shock 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action
3rd-level psionics (psychokinesis) Range: Weapon Reach
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action Display: You repeatedly transform yourself into a simulacra
Range: Self
Display: Resisted attacks create a ripple of clear energy at of your enemies
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
the point of impact Classes: Battlemind
Duration: 1 round
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Kineticist As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit,
until the end of your next turn. the target takes an additional 1d8 psychic damage and you
enter the aspect of stolen identity. While in this aspect, you
Allies to Enemies can spend two additional psi points whenever you hit with a
power or talent. If you do, you can choose to deal additional
3rd-level psionics (telekinesis) psychic damage equal to your manifesting ability or have the
Invoking Time: 1 action target immediately make one of its melee attacks against
Range: Weapon Range itself. This attack uses its reaction if it is available, but does
Display: Black psionic energy leaps from your weapon and not require it to be available.
clouds your target's vision You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new
Duration: Instantaneous aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
Classes: Battlemind
Aspect of Unstoppable Momentum
You strike at your foe, leaving them rattled with a vision of
its allies betraying it and causing it to lash out at a companion 3rd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
before realizing its mistake. As part of the action used to Invoking Time: 1 action
manifest this power, you must make a weapon attack against Range: Weapon Reach
one creature within the power's range, otherwise the power Display: Wind whips around your form and your muscles
fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects
and it makes a melee weapon attack against a creature within swell up
its range using its reaction. Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind
Anonymous Interaction
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature
Invoking Time: 1 action within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit,
Range: 30 feet you may immediately make an additional attack as a bonus
Display: A small glowing circle appears on the target's action and you enter the aspect of unstoppable momentum.
While in this aspect, you can spend an additional psi point
forehead, then disappears whenever you hit with a power or talent. If you do, you can
Duration: Special make an additional attack as a bonus action, or you deal
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind additional psychic damage to the target equal to your
manifesting ability modifier.
You manifest this power on one creature with whom you
are having a conversation and force that creature to make an You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new
Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, once the conversation aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
is over, the creature will forget all but the most general
information about you and what you spoke about.
For instance, if you manifest this power on a town guard
and question her about a rash of mysterious murders that
had recently occurred, and that guard was later asked about
you and failed her save, she will remember she talked to
somebody about something that seemed important, but won’t
be able to remember details (“A male human… maybe
sylvarin? And he definitely had hair. Except… maybe it was a
woman? Oh, and she was asking about stuff that was going
on around here. Hmm… did I remember to tell him about the
harvest festival next week?”) Creatures who are immune to
being charmed are immune to this power.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, you may
target one additional creature.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Aspect of Wrathful Flames Brute Strike
3rd-level psionics (psychokinesis) 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Weapon Reach Range: Self
Display: Your eyes begin to glow and sparks fly from your Display: The veins of your forearm glow with a faint green
exposed skin hue
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Battlemind Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must You infuse psionic energy into your next strike, increasing
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature its stopping power. The next time you hit with a melee attack
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit, before the end of the current turn, it deals an extra 2d8
the target is ignited in flames, taking 1d8 fire damage at the damage of the same type as the attack. If the attack has more
start of each of their turns until they use an action to put than one damage type, you choose which one to use for the
themselves out and you enter the aspect of wrathful flames. bonus damage.
While in this aspect, you can spend an additional psi point
whenever you hit with a power or talent. If you do, you deal Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
an extra 1d8 fire damage. manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage.
You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new Crisis of Breath
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
3rd-level psionics (telepathy)
Aura of Victory Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) Display: The target forcefully exhales all air in their body
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Range: 60 feet Classes: Disciple of Mending, Metamind
Display: White light is brighter within the aura
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes One breathing humanoid you can see must make a
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the target is compelled to
purge its entire store of air in one explosive exhalation, and
For the duration, you project psionic energy that fortifies thereby disrupt its autonomous breathing cycle. The subject's
you and your allies when your enemies are felled; whenever lungs do not automatically function again while the power's
an enemy you can see is reduced to 0 hit points, you and each duration lasts.
ally you designate within range gain 9 temporary hit points.
While under the effects of this power, the target can use its
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this action to gasp for breath and suffer no negative effects. If it
manifestation grants an additional 3 temporary hit points. does not, the target's consciousness begins fading, as per the
suffocation rules. The rounds the creature stays conscious do
Aura Sense not reset while under the effects of this power.
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience) The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Range: Self
Display: Your irises ripple like the surface of water for the Augment. You may augment this power in one or more of
the following ways.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute 1. If you spend 2 additional psi points, this power can also
Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion affect a beast, fey, giant, or monstrosity.
You gain tremorsense with a radius of 30 feet for the 2. If you spend 4 additional psi points, this power can affect
duration. an aberration, dragon, elemental, fiend, or celestial.
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of 3. If you spend 6 additional psi points, this power can affect
the following ways. up to two additional creatures within 20 feet of the
1. If you spend one additional psi point, this power gains a original target.
range of Touch. For each additional psi point you spend
after this, you can target one additional creature.
2. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, the range of
this tremorsense increases by 5 feet.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Crystal Cocoon Darkbolt
3rd-level psionics (metacreativity) 3rd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Range: 30 feet
Display: Crystalline projections grow along your back, Display: Your hand becomes black and rubbery for a moment
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
forming wings that soon crumble into dust Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind You create a black, rubbery tentacle that lashes out at your
command towards a creature in range. Make a melee psi
You form psionic energy into malleable crystals, which you attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes
launch at a creature. Make a ranged psionic attack against a 5d10 bludgeoning damage and if the creature is Large or
creature you can see within range. On a hit, the target takes smaller, you pull it up to 10 feet closer to you. The tentacle
4d8 piercing damage, and if it is Large or smaller, it must also wraps around the target and grapples it (escape DC is
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be encased in crystal. equal to your psi save DC). Until this grapple ends, the target
is restrained and you cannot use the darkbolt on another
An encased creature can still breath but is otherwise target. In addition, at the start of each of the target’s turns,
helpless, being unable to see or take any physical actions. the darkbolt squeezes, causing an additional 3d8
The subject cannot speak because the crystals distort bludgeoning damage. You may use a bonus action to release
sounds. While a creature is encased in a crystal cocoon, it the grappled target.
cannot be targeted with attacks, spells, or other effects, and it
cannot be damaged by sources outside of the cocoon. Dazzling Shift
As an action, the target can make a Strength(Athletics) 2nd-level psionics (psychoportation)
check against your psionic save DC to break free. The crystal Invoking Time: 1 action
cocoon can also be damaged from the outside; it has 16 AC Range: 60 feet
and 30 hit points. If the crystal cocoon is reduced to 0 hit Display: The target sees you as a blinding flash of light
points, its effects end on that creature. Any remaining Duration: 1 round
damage is ignored. Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this One creature you can see within range must succeed on an
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage and the Intelligence saving throw or become incapacitated. The effect
cocoon created has 10 more hit points. If you spend a total of lasts for the duration or until the target takes damage.
3 or more psi points in this way, you can encase Huge or
smaller creatures. Dimension Slide
Dark Cloud 3rd-level psionics (psychoportation)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
3rd-level psionics (metacreativity) Range: 30 feet
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: Affected creatures seem to rapidly stretch and slide
Range: 60 feet
Display: An orb of black psionic energy appears in your hand, into the destination space
Duration: Instantaneous
which you crush to produce the effect Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Duration: 1 minute
Classes: Metamind, Psion You teleport yourself from your current location to any
other unoccupied space within range that you can see.
You create an area of magical darkness, which foils
darkvision. Choose a point you can see within range. Magical You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't
darkness radiates from that point in a sphere with a 10-foot exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing
radius. The light produced by spells or powers of 2nd level or creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its
less is suppressed in this area. carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 feet of you
when you invoke this manifestation.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation's radius increases by 5 feet, and light from
spells or powers of one level higher is suppressed in the area.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Distracting Haze Ectoplasmic Form
3rd-level psionics (metacreativity) 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Display: A hazy mist exudes from the target’s skin Display: Your body fades into a ghostly form for the duration
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
Choose one creature you can see within range. That You, along with everything you're wearing and carrying,
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 4d8 transform into a partially translucent mass of rippling
psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on ectoplasm, which generally conforms to your normal shape,
a successful one. On a failed save, the target can’t see for the duration. The manifestation ends if you drop to 0 hit
anything more than 10 feet from it for the duration. points.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this While in this form, your only method of Movement is a
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage. flying speed of 20 feet. You can enter and occupy the space of
another creature. You have resistance to all damage and
Dream Sight advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving
throws. You can pass through small holes, narrow openings,
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience) and even mere cracks. You can't fall; you remain hovering in
Invoking Time: 1 round the air even when stunned or otherwise incapacitated.
Range: Special
Display Your physical body has a ghostly aura around it while While in this form, you can't talk or manipulate objects,
and any objects you were carrying or holding can't be
you sleep dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with. You can't attack
Duration: 1 hour or cast spells. You can use psionic manifestations, but you
Classes: Metamind, Psion must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your
own psionic save DC to do so, or the manifestation fails.
You fall into a deep sleep and your spirit leaves your body
and travels ethereally and invisibly. You gain a flying speed of Augment. For every two additional psi points you spend,
90 feet. You can pass through solid objects and creatures as if your flying speed in this form increases by 10 feet.
they were difficult terrain; you take 1d10 force damage if you
end your turn inside an object. While in this form, you gain Energy Missile
truesight to 30 feet. You are blocked by any spell, power, or
effect that blocks ethereal creatures and can be seen by 3rd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
creatures with truesight or that are using true seeing. You are Invoking Time: 1 action
immune to all nonmagical damage in this form. You cannot Range: 90 feet
speak, attack, cast spells, manifest powers, or perform any Display: Blue, red, yellow, and white lines appear on the
action while in this form other than moving and observing.
ground below the missiles as they travel
When the power is over, or if your body is disturbed in any Duration: Instantaneous
way, your spirit instantly returns and you wake up. If you took Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
damage in any way while in spirit form, you retain that
damage upon awakening. Choose up to four creatures, of which no more than two
are more than 15 feet apart, that you can see within range.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, your Each target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6
speed increases by 30 feet for the duration. cold, fire, lightning or thunder (your choice for each target)
damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Feat of Strength
3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Display: The target’s muscles swell
Duration: 1 round
Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
You touch a creature and enhance its muscular control. It
gains a +5 bonus to Strength checks for the duration.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Fool's Speech Interrupt Psionics
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) 3rd-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 minute Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a
Range: Touch creature within 60 feet of you invokes a manifestation
Display: Each affected person will have an open eye made of Range: 60 feet
Display: Psionic energy crackles like static off of you and
psionic energy on their tongue the creature you are interrupting
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind Classes: Metamind, Psion
You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of
While manifesting this power, you can include up to eight
willing targets. This gives you and your allies the ability to invoking a manifestation. If the creature is invoking a
speak in a secret language that is incomprehensible gibberish manifestation of 3rd level or lower, its manifestation fails and
to everyone else. This language cannot be understood even has no effect. If it is invoking a manifestation of 3rd level or
when using spells such as comprehend languages or similar higher, make an ability check using your psionics ability. The
spells or powers. DC equals 10 + the manifestation's level. On a success, the
creature's manifestation fails and has no effect.
Forceful Query
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the level
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) of power that automatically fails is increased by 1.
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Invisibility Purge
Display: It becomes difficult for the target to divert its
focus from your face 3rd-level psionics (clairsentience)
Duration: Instantaneous Invoking Time: 1 action
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind Range: Self
You ask a question of one creature that can see and hear Display: A refractive bubble of psionic energy expands
around you
you within range. The question must be phrased so that it Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
can be answered with a yes or no, otherwise this Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
manifestation fails. The target must succeed on a Wisdom You create a sphere of power in a 5-foot radius around you,
saving throw, or it replies with a truthful answer. A creature is
immune to this effect if it is immune to being charmed. which negates all forms of invisibility. Anything invisible
becomes visible while in the area.
Giant Limbs
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism) manifestation's radius increases by 5 feet.
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch Loathsome Veil
Display: Brown tendrils of psionic energy weave through
the target’s arms 3rd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Duration: 1 minute Invoking Time: 1 action
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind Range: 60 feet
You touch a creature, and its arms grow larger as they are Display: A curtain of ever-shifting colors surrounds you then
bolstered with psionic energy. Its reach increases by 5 feet for spreads out
the duration. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
Ice Sheet
You create a curtain of ever-shifting, multicolored strands
3rd-level psionics (metacreativity) of light that twist and warp into strangely beautiful but also
Invoking Time: 1 action disturbingly alien patterns. You can make the wall up to 40
Range: 60 feet feet long and 20 feet high or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in
Display: A layer of ice forms over your palms diameter and 20 feet high. One side of the veil, chosen by you,
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes is harmless. All creatures within 30 feet of the other side
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
Choose a point on the ground you can see within range. creature is nauseated and spends its action retching and
reeling. A creature may attempt a new saving throw at the
The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on that point end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
becomes covered in ice for the duration. It is difficult terrain,
and any creature that moves more than 10 feet on it must
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. If the
surface is sloped, a creature that falls prone in the area
immediately slides to the bottom of the slope.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Mantle of Courage Mayhem
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) 3rd-level psionics (telekinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet (20-foot radius sphere)
Display: Rings of orange energy appear around the wrists Display: The targets' eyes become glazed over and they
of affected creatures
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes become unable to suppress a sadistic smile
Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You and allies within 10 feet of you who can see you have Classes: Ardent
advantage on saving throws against being frightened for the You imbue a seed of gleeful mayhem in the minds of
duration. creatures within range. Each creature must make a
Charisma saving throw, falling under the control of the
Master's Charge mayhem on a failure. Each creature under the effects of this
mayhem must use their action each turn to take the attack
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) action against a target chosen at random. The creature will
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action move up to its speed to get into range of that creature if need
Range: 60 feet be, and must choose a new target if unable to get into range.
Display: A faint red line appears on the ground between Each creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of their
each target and its destination space turn, ending the effect on a success.
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Psion Mind Trap
Choose up to three creatures you can see within range.
3rd-level psionics (telepathy)
Each target can immediately use its reaction to move up to its Invoking Time: 1 action
speed in a straight line toward its nearest enemy. Range: Self
Display: A low hum can be heard near you for the
Mastery of Air duration
Duration: 10 minutes
3rd-level psionics (psychoportation) Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action You focus your mind on tracing the psychic footprint of
Range: Self
Display: The wind picks up around you others and striking at their mind in response to aggression.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes Whenever a creature damages you or touches you, it must
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 3d6 psychic
For the duration, you take no falling damage, and you damage on a failure.
ignore difficult terrain when walking. Mind of Endurance
Mastery of Water 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism) Range: Self
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: Red psionic energy wraps around your body, small
Range: Self
Display: Energy in the form of water droplets dances lines connecting to your skin and disappearing
across your skin Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Duration: 1 hour Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Disciple of
Classes: Metamind, Psion
For the duration, you have a swimming speed equal to your Mending
You tap into your body's natural healing and mend your
walking speed, and you can breathe underwater. wounds. Until this power ends or you are at or above half
your maximum hit points, you gain 5 hit points at the
beginning of your turn.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation restores an additional 2 hit points.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Mindlocked Messenger Psionic Knock
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) 3rd-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 minute Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: 60 feet
Display: Psionic energy forms the image of a lock on each of Display: The target glows with a faint yellow aura
Duration: Instantaneous
the target's ears Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
Duration: Special As knock, except you can target objects locked by psionic
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
lock, achieving the same effect as if it were locked by arcane
You speak a message of 100 words or less to a willing lock.
creature and lock it into that creature’s mind; at the same
time, you name the intended recipient, who must be a Augment. If you spend 2 additional psi points, you can
creature other than the target. If the target attempts to speak, target objects locked by arcane lock in addition to psionic
write, or otherwise communicate the message, or another lock.
creature attempts to read the target’s mind to discover it, it
will completely forget the message for 10 minutes. Psyche Drain
The target may say the message to the intended recipient 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
(or a creature the target believes to be the intended recipient). Invoking Time: 1 action
The message is then erased from the target’s mind and the Range: Touch
power ends. Display: A deep green energy oozes from the target’s
body, which is absorbed by you
Missive Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience) You siphon the life force from a sentient creature to heal
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Unlimited your wounds. Make a melee psionic attack against a creature
Display: A fine, white mist blows from your nostrils, within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 psychic
seeking out the target damage, and you regain hit points equal to half the amount of
Duration: 1 round damage dealt.
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage.
creature with which you are familiar. The creature hears the
message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows
you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. The
manifestation enables creatures with Intelligence scores of at
least 1 to understand the meaning of your message.
You can send the message across any distance and even to
other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different
plane than you, there is a 5 percent chance that the message
doesn't arrive.
Negate Psionics
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Display: A thin layer of psionic energy surrounding the
target burns away, leaving smoke that quickly disperses
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Metamind, Psion
Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within
range. Any manifestation of 3rd level or lower on the target
ends. For each manifestation of 4th level or higher on the
target, make an ability check using your psionics ability. The
DC equals 10 + the manifestation’s level. On a successful
check, the manifestation ends.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the level
of power that automatically ends is increased by 1.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Psychic Augury Read Moods
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience) 3rd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Range: Self
Display: The sound of dice rolling can be heard nearby Display: Gentle whispers can be heard in the air around
Duration: Instantaneous the targets
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind Duration: Instantaneous
A psychic augury can tell you whether a particular action Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You learn a one-word summary of the emotional state of up
will bring good or bad results for you in the immediate future.
For example, if a party is considering a certain answer to a to six creatures you can see, such as happy, confused, afraid,
riddle, the augury might determine whether it is a good idea. or violent.
The DM rolls a d10 in secret; on a result of 4 or above, you Restorative Aura
receive a meaningful reply. The DM may instead determine
that a question is so straightforward that a successful result 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
is automatic, or so vague as to have no chance of success. If Invoking Time: 1 action
the augury succeeds, you get one of four results: Range: 30 feet
Display: A pulse of green energy expands 30 feet out then
"Weal" (if the action will probably bring good results).
"Woe" (for bad results). fades away
"Weal and Woe" (for both). Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
"Nothing" (for actions that don't have especially good or Classes: Disciple of Mending
bad results.)
If this manifestation fails, you get the "nothing" result. If You create a ring of healing energy in a 30-foot radius.
you get this result, you have no way to tell whether it resulted Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on
from a failed or successful psychic augury. you. You can use a bonus action to cause one creature in the
The psychic augury can see into the future only by only aura to regain 1d6 hit points.
about 1 hour, so anything that might happen after that does
not affect the augury. Thus, it might miss the long-term Restorative Wave
consequences of the contemplated action. A psychic augury
manifested by the same person about the same action use the 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
same result as the first augury. Invoking Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. If this manifestation is used at 5th level Range: 15 feet
or higher, you receive a meaningful reply on a result of 3 or Display: Calming waves of purple psionic energy wash
above on the d10. At 7th level or higher, you receive a
meaningful reply on a result of 2 or above on the d10. outward from you for the duration
Augment. This power can be augmented in one of the Duration: 1 round
following ways. Classes: Ardent, Disciple of Mending
1. If you spend 2 additional psi points, you receive a
meaningful reply on a result of 3 or above on the d10. Restorative power washes out from you and over nearby
2. If you spend 4 additional psi points, you receive a allies in a rolling wave that amplifies vital energy. You and up
meaningful reply on a result of 2 or above on the d10. to five other creatures of your choice within range regain 1d8
3. If you spend 6 additional psi points, you always receive a hit points.
meaningful reply.
If you are still conscious at the start of your next turn, you
Psychic Parry and up to five other creatures of your choice within range that
already regained hit points from this manifesting of this
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience) power regain 2d8 hit points.
Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you
make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or creatures
Range: Self that have 0 hit points.
Display: A slicing wave of psionic energy appears before
the aggressor, as if to cut the effect Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
Duration: Instantaneous manifestation restores an additional 1d8 hit points.
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
You gain a +3 bonus to the triggering saving throw. You can
use this manifestation after rolling the die but before
determining the results.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Slam Object Sustenance
3rd-level psionics (psychokinesis) 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Display: A yellow field of psionic energy surrounds the Display: Your complexion becomes slightly more vibrant,
objects as though you were energized
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 24 hours
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
Choose one object you can see within range that isn’t being You do not need to breathe, drink, or eat, or sleep for the
worn or carried by another creature and that isn’t secured in duration. Each time you invoke this manifestation, your body
place. It can’t be larger than 20 feet on a side, and its manufactures sufficient solid and liquid nourishment to
maximum weight is 100 lbs. You move the object up to 60 satisfy your needs. When this manifestation ends, you
feet, and you must keep the object within sight during this immediately incur one level of exhaustion for each full day
movement. If the object ends this movement in the air, it falls. you have gone without sleeping while under its effects, up to
If the object would fall on a creature, the creature must a maximum of five.
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 bludgeoning
Damage. Swarm of Crystals
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this 3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
manifestation's weight limit increases by 100 lbs and its Invoking Time: 1 action
damage increases by 1d8. Range: 60 feet
Display: Your fingernails turn to crystal momentarily
Soothing Presence Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
3rd-level psionics (telepathy) You create thousands of tiny crystals in a cube 10 feet on
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet each side, centered on a point you choose within range. A
Display: The targets relax and move with more agility creature takes 4d4 slashing damage when it enters the area
Duration: Instantaneous for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there.
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of Mending, Disciple of the
Seer, Metamind Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
Choose three creatures that you can see within range. manifestation deals an additional 1d4 damage.
Each target gains 12 temporary hit points. Time Void
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
3rd-level psionics (psychoportation)
manifestation grants 4 more temporary hit points. Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Surge of Action Display: Your face appears to rapidly age, then returns to
3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism) Duration: 1 minute
Invoking Time: 1 action Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Range: Self All matter in a 5-foot cube around a chosen point hops
Display: A bright golden flash appears in your eyes
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute forward in time by 1 minute. When you invoke this
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind manifestation, everything occupying the space inside the 5-
Psionic energy sparks a rush of adrenaline in your body. foot cube disappears in a shimmer of silver energy,
reappearing when this manifestation ends in the exact same
Until the manifestation ends, your speed is doubled, you gain location, with the same orientation and condition as before.
a +2 bonus to AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving From a subject's point of view, no time has passed at all. This
throws, and you gain an additional action on each of your manifestation fails and is wasted if any creature or object is
turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one only partially within the cube. While this manifestation is
weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an active, nothing can pass through the affected 5-foot cube - it is
Object action. completely filled by impenetrable silver energy.
When the manifestation ends, the target can’t move or take At the start of each of your turns for the duration, you must
actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps succeed on a Charisma ability check (DC 10 + the number of
over it. rounds that have passed since this manifestation was
invoked), or the manifestation ends.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation affects one more 5-foot cube.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Unwavering Eye Warp Armor
3rd-level psionics (clairsentience) 3rd-level psionics (psychoportation)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Display: Your irises blend into your sclera Display: Glowing fissures appear in the target armor
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour Duration: 1 round
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
For the duration, you have advantage on Wisdom checks, Choose a natural or nonmagical, nonpsionic suit of armor
and creatures don't benefit from half or 3/4 cover against you. worn by one creature you can see within range. That creature
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or the
Veotred's Immense Ego creature’s AC becomes 10 + its Dexterity modifier until the
end of your next turn.
3rd-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Display: You breathe out a puff of psionic energy which
wraps around your body for the duration
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind
Your ego rages up, seeming to swell around you in a
swirling gaseous appearance that deflects incoming attacks.
When you manifest this power, make a saving throw against
each spell or power affecting you that you did not cast or
manifest. On a success, the spell or power ends. If the effect
simply required a willing creature, those spells and powers
end. For the duration, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC and
saving throws, but cannot be affected by any spell or power
that allows a willing target, and you cannot willingly fail a
saving throw against any effect.
Visions of Despair
3rd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: The target’s body takes on a faint blue hue
Duration: 1 round
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You force one creature you can see within range to make a
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 6d6 psychic
damage, and its speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next
turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and
suffers no additional effects.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Wall of Clouds
3rd-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: Cloudy wisps surround your wrist
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
You create a wall of clouds, at least one portion of which
must be within range. The wall is 60 feet long, 15 feet high,
and 1 foot thick. Creatures can pass through it without
hindrance, but the wall blocks vision.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
4th Level Aura Sight
Aspect of Luminous Thought 4th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action
4th-level psionics (psychometabolism) Range: 60 feet
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: A cone of energy emanates from your eyes for a
Range: Weapon Reach
Display: Bright rings of psionic energy form around your moment
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
head Classes: Ardent, Psion
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind This power allows you to discern auras. Auras appear as
glowing halos or envelopes of colored light surrounding all
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must objects. The color of each aura reveals information to you,
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature and the amount of information you gain depends on how long
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit, you study a particular area.
the target takes psychic damage equal to 20 + your
manifesting ability instead of the attack's normal effects and 1st Round: You can detect the presence of moral (good,
you enter the aspect of luminous thought. While in this neutral, and evil) auras in the area. You can't pin an aura to a
aspect, you can spend two additional psi points whenever you particular object or individual at this stage; instead you see a
hit with a power or talent. If you do, you can choose to deal colored haze suffusing the area. Alternatively you can detect
additional psychic damage equal to your manifesting ability ethical (lawful, neutral, and chaotic) auras but doing so
or you get a +2 bonus to AC and every saving throw you must requires a separate manifestation of this power that focuses
make against an effect, spell, or power used by your target. only on that alignment axis.
You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new 2nd Round: You can detect the number of auras in the
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately. area. You know how many auras are in the area, even though
each aura doesn't resolve to its actual location.
Aspect of the Roaring Ocean
3rd Round: You can detect the owner of each aura revealed,
4th-level psionics (psychokinesis) unless the individual is outside your line of sight. If a creature
Invoking Time: 1 action whose aura you detect has 5 or more levels or 10 or more hit
Range: Weapon Reach dice than you do, you are overwhelmed by its presence and
Display: Water begins to drip off your exposed skin before stunned for 1 round, ending this power immediately.
disappearing and the sound of crashing waves can be Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the
heard from you range of this manifestation increases by 10 feet.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind Baleful Transposition
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature 4th-level psionics (psychoportation)
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit, Invoking Time: 1 action
you can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity Range: 120 feet
attacks and you enter the aspect of the roaring ocean. While Display: Both you and the target leave a blank, smoky
in this aspect, you can spend an additional psi point
whenever you hit with a power or talent. If you do, you can silhouette when you teleport, which disperses and fades
move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity away quickly
and make an attack against another target in your range as a Duration: Instantaneous
bonus action, or you deal additional psychic damage to the Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
target equal to your manifesting ability modifier. Choose one creature you can see within range. The target
You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you and
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately. that creature teleport, swapping places. This ability fails and
is wasted if either of you can’t fit in the destination space.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Biocurrent Control Person
4th-level psionics (psychokinesis) 4th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 90 feet
Display: A crackle of static arcs off of the target to the ground Display: The target feels physical pressure from all
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Disciple of Mending, directions
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Metamind Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
Your body's bioelectric currents produce an arc of
lightning, directed at your foes. Choose a creature within You psychokinetically control the actions of one humanoid
range that you can see. It must make a Dexterity saving within range that you can see. The target must make a
throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failure, or half on a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you can choose the
success. On a failure, electricity arcs off of the target to target's external physical actions during each of its turns,
another creature of your choice within 15 feet of it. The such as standing up, sitting down, walking, turning around,
second target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking lifting objects, attacking with a weapon, and so on. You can
4d6 lightning damage on a failure, or half on a success. As an also restrain it until the start of its next turn.
action on each of your turns, you can repeat this effect,
choosing either the same or a new target. Physical actions which require internal muscular control,
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this such as speaking, are impossible with this manifestation. You
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage to the first cannot force the target to use any mental abilities, such as
target. invoking a manifestation, casting a spell, or using any special
ability that is not a function of just its body movements.
Blur of Motion However, if the creature can perform these actions without
muscular control of its body, it can still do so of its own
4th-level psionics (psychoportation) accord.
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self An affected target can repeat the saving throw at the start
Display: While still, your form is slightly blurred of each of its turns, ending this manifestation on a success.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute Additionally, if you cannot see the target at any time, this
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind manifestation ends.
You rapidly shift your form while you move, making it Coordinated Movement
impossible to see you. For the duration, you are invisible
during any of your movement. 4th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Chaotic Vision Range: 60 feet
Display: Each target’s spine glows a deep red momentarily
4th-level psionics (telepathy) Duration: Instantaneous
Invoking Time: 1 action Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Psion
Range: Self (60-foot radius)
Display: Your eyes become entirely black, and harmless Choose up to five allies you can see within range. Each of
those allies can use their reaction to move up to half their
cracks of psionic energy spread from them across your speed, following a path of your choice.
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You cause the land around you to appear to shift, warp, and
mutate in a completely random, bizarre, and sometimes
nightmarish fashion. Objects in the area will appear to shift
shape, proportions, or both. The ground becomes difficult
terrain and at the beginning of each of its turns, each
creature in that area must make a Wisdom saving throw or
take 1d6 psychic damage due to the mind-bendingly
hallucinatory nature of the area.
In reality, this is entirely a purely audio-visual illusion. The
changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical
inspection. A creature who discerns the illusion for what it is
will no longer be affected by the spell.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Death Urge Displacement
4th-level psionics (telepathy) 4th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Touch
Display: The target gets heavy bags under their eyes, and Display: The target appears to be near their true location
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
their irises dull and darken Classes: Metamind
Duration: 1 round
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of Mending, Metamind You or a willing target are covered by an illusion that
displaces your image, making it appear that you are standing
One creature you can see must make a Wisdom saving near to but not at your exact location.
throw. On a failure, you plant a hidden death-urge impulse in
the target's unconscious thoughts. On the target's next turn, it All attack rolls against you are at disadvantage. If you are
looks for the quickest method to end its own life and attempts hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of your
to do so. The subject takes no action on its turn except next turn. In addition, if you are targeted by an attack that
attempting to harm itself. requires a Dexterity saving throw while this effect is active,
you take no damage on a successful throw and half damage
If armed, the subject attacks itself with its most damaging on a failed one.
attack. The attack automatically hits and deals damage as a
critical hit. If unarmed, the subject moves adjacent to the Enduring Invisibility
nearest enemy and provokes an attack of opportunity, offering
its opponent an opening, which the opponent may or may not 4th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
choose to take advantage of. This attack has advantage if the Invoking Time: 1 action
opponent takes it. Range: 60 feet
Display: You momentarily become translucent
If the subject is unarmed and no enemy is nearby, the Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
subject simply does nothing at all. A subject close to an Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
immediate and lethal hazard such as a cliff or a fire might
hurl itself off the cliff or into the fire instead of striking itself Choose one creature within range that you can see. The
with a weapon. target becomes invisible until the manifestation ends.
Anything it is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this on the target’s person.
manifestation's dureation increases by 1 round. The target
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Energy Ball
ending the effects on a success.
4th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Detect Divination Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
4th-level psionics (clairsentience) Display: The sound of a heartbeat can be heard in the target
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet area
Display: Invisible psionic eyes appear randomly within range Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 24 hours Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
A burst of energy that creates nearly no pressure explodes
This manifestation's effect radiates from you and moves around a point you choose within range. Each creature in a
with you. You gain the following benefits for the duration: 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a
Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 cold, fire, lightning,
You become aware of any divination spell or clairsentience or thunder (your choice) damage on a failed save, or half as
manifestation affecting you or allies you designate within much damage on a successful one.
You know the location of every magical or psionic sensor Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
within range. manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
If the origin of a magical or psionic sensor is within range,
you become aware of the location of the sensor's origin. If
the origin is out of range, you can use your action to make
an opposed Intelligence (Investigation) check against the
origin. If you win the contest, you see a visual image of the
origin and know its cardinal direction and distance away
from you.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Fighting Words Forced Serenity
4th-level psionics (telepathy) 4th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 minute Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: 60 feet
Display: Creatures within range hear unintelligible Display: A pink light made of psionic energy forms at your
whispers, almost like an echo, while you are invoking this fingertips
manifestation Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion You imbue foes with a lingering psychic energy, crippling
To invoke this manifestation, you must spend the invoking
them with pain at any sign of aggression. Choose a point you
time audibly conversing with a creature. At the end, you can see within range. Creatures in a 20-foot radius centered
attempt to leave a simmering violence in its mind. The on that point must make an Charisma saving throw, taking
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist feeling 4d10 psychic damage on a failure, or half on a success. On a
violent urges against one creature you describe to it or name. failed save, for the duration, an affected creature takes
The save automatically succeeds if the target is immune to psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier whenever
being charmed. it hits with an attack.
On a failed save, the target attacks the chosen creature if it Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
sees that creature during the duration, using weapons or manifestation deals an addional 1d10 initial damage.
spells against a creature it was already hostile toward or
unarmed strikes against other creatures. Once the fight Forcewave
starts, it continues to attack for 5 rounds before this effect
ends. This effect immediately ends if the target or any ally it 3th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
can see is attacked or takes damage from any creature other Invoking Time: 1 action
than the one it has been incited against. On a successful save, Range: Self (10-foot wide sphere)
the creature is unaffected and has no inkling of your attempt Display: A wave of aquamarine-tinged psionic energy washes
to bend its will.
out from you in all directions
Fire Wreath Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
4th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action You create a wave of aquamarine-tinged psionic force
Range: Self which pushes out from you in a battering force. All creatures
Display: A ribbon of fire swirls around you, growing into a within 10 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw or
wreath be knocked 15 feet backwards and fall prone. This also
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute inflicts 8d10 bludgeoning damage to structures and
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Shaper inanimate objects that are within 10 feet.
You become wreathed in flames for the duration. Any
Free Movement
creature that end its turn within 5 feet of you or touches you
takes 3d6 fire damage. 4th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Force Spheres Range: Touch
Display: The ground beneath your feet bends to create a
4th-level psionics (metacreativity) clearer path
Invoking Time: 1 action Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Display: Your skin takes on a pearlescent sheen You touch a willing creature. For the duration, the target’s
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Metamind, Psion movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and
Your power focuses into protective spheres of shimmering other magical effects can neither reduce the target’s speed
nor cause the target to be paralyzed or restrained.
force that can be hurled at your enemies with a thought. You
set four force spheres spinning around you in your space for The target can also spend 5 feet of movement to escape
the duration or until you expend them. While you have at from nonmagical restraints automatically, such as manacles
least once force sphere, you gain a +3 bonus to all saving or a creature that's grappling it. Finally, being underwater
throws. One sphere is expended each time you make a saving imposes no penalties on the target's movement or attacks.
throw while under this effect. You can use your action to hurl
one of the orbs at a creature within 120 feet of you that you
can see. Make a ranged psionic attack against the target. On
a hit, it takes force damage equal to 4d6 plus your psionics
ability modifier and is knocked prone if it is Huge or smaller.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Gills Intellect Sunder
4th-level psionics (psychometabolism) 4th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Touch
Display: Gills appear on affected creatures’ necks Display: Psionic claws sprout from your fingertips
Duration: 24 hours Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind Classes: Battlemind, Metamind
You grant yourself and up to ten willing creatures you can
You rend your target's mind. Make a melee psionic attack
see within range the ability to breathe underwater for the against the target. On a hit, the target takes 5d10 psychic
duration. damage and cannot cast spells or manifest powers. If the
target attacks, they must include you in the attack.
Id Insinuation
The target makes an Intelligence saving throw at the end of
4th-level psionics (telepathy) each of its turns. On a success, this power ends.
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Know Customs
Display: The creature’s eyes bleed
Duration: Instantaneous 4th-level psionics (telepathy)
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind Manifestation Time: 1 action
Choose one creature you can see within range. The target Range: 30 feet
Display: Strands of psionic energy fly from the target into
must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 6d8 psychic
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. On a you
failed save, the target goes into a frenzy, as its id runs Duration: Instantaneous
rampant. Until the end of its next turn, it can use its action Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
only to take the Dodge action or an action that requires an
attack roll. You choose a creature that has an Intelligence of 5 or
higher and psionically force it to make an Intelligence saving
Incite Courage throw. On a failure, you gain the knowledge the creature
possesses on local restrictions and taboos, upcoming and
4th-level psionics (telepathy) important holidays and observances, and typical things that
Invoking Time: 1 action “everyone knows” (or at least, everyone in your chosen
Range: 60 feet target’s social class). In game terms, you have advantage on
Display: A golden wreath of psychic energy appears any Intelligence ability check made to recall common
around each of the targets’ foreheads momentarily knowledge information about the area and on any Charisma
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes ability check made to convince people that you are from that
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion area or when engaging in cultural rituals specific to that area.
Choose up to six creatures you can see within range. If any
Note that this power does not differentiate between fact
of those creatures is frightened, the condition is ended for it. and fiction and thus things that “everyone knows” about the
area might be completely wrong.
Inflict Pain
Know Location
4nd-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action 4th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Range: 90 feet Invoking Time: 1 action
Display: The vessels in your face swell with blood and Range: Self
become prominent Display: A white ring of psionic energy expands from your
Duration: Instantaneous body as far as the eye can see
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion Duration: Instantaneous
Your thoughts work their way into a foe's mind like razor- Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
You read the collective conscience around you to learn
sharp needles, crippling it with excruciating pain. Choose one
creature within range that you can see. The target must make about your location. As part of invoking this manifestation,
an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, it takes 4d8 psychic make an Intelligence check. Compare the result of the check
damage and its speed is halved for 1 minute. On a success, it against the following table. You learn the listed information
takes half as much damage and suffers no other effects. for all outcomes lower than your Result.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this Result Information
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage. 1 The nearest major city's name
5 Your distance away from the nearest major city
10 The plane of existence you are currently on
15 The name and owner of your current location
20 A single tidbit about your current location, such as
the location of a nearby trapdoor or precious item
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Life Spring Mastery of Light and Dark
4th-level psionics (psychometabolism) 4th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Display: Large waves of bright energy wash out from you, Display: A black circle runs through the sclera of your
eyes, and a white circle through the irises
coating your allies Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Metamind, Psion
Classes: Disciple of Mending For the duration, natural and magical darkness within
A burst of healing energy blooms into existence in a 15 foot range has no effect on your vision.
radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range.
Up to four creatures of your choice within the area each Personality Parasite
regain 2d8 hit points. Any creature that has more than 0 hit
points when it is affected by this power also gains temporary 4th-level psionics (telepathy)
hit points equal to your manifesting ability modifier Invoking Time: 1 action
(minimum of one). Range: 90 feet
Display: One of the target’s eyes changes color for the
This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. duration
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Lightning Motes Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You attempt to briefly partition the mind of your foe, calving
4th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action off a minor personality that is antagonistic to the main
Range: 90 feet personality. Choose one creature that you can see within
Display: A thin bolt of lightning strikes your hand and range. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
coalesces into four tiny motes which swirl in your palm or become affected by this manifestation for the duration. A
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute creature under the effects of a personality parasite must
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind make a Charisma saving throw each time it attempts to
A burst of lightning lingers as four small, sizzling motes, perform an action. On a failed save, the DM rolls a d20. On a
10 or lower, the action fails. On an 11 or higher, the creature
each of which erupts at your command. For each mote, targets itself if it is able, otherwise the action fails.
choose a point that you can see within range. You direct the
motes to their destination, where they remain for the Piercing Sight
duration as sizzling spheres of lightning.
4th-level psionics (clairsentience)
A creature who moves within 10 feet of a mote for the first Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
time on a turn or who starts its turn there must make a Range: 30 feet
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 lightning damage on a Display: Your pupils change to a diamond shape for the
failure, or half on a success. duration
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
As a bonus action on each of your turns for the duration, Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
you can direct a single mote to move to a point that you can You gain the ability to see through objects within range that
see within 90 feet of it.
are up to 1 foot thick for the duration.
Augment. For each additional psi poi you spend, you create
one additional mote. Psychic Inquisition
Mantle of Fury 4th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
4th-level psionics (telepathy) Range: Self
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action Display: Your eye color shifts to match any creature you
Range: Self are communication with telepathically
Display: A trail of red energy runs from the torso down Duration: 10 minutes
the legs of affected creatures Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute For the duration, you know when a creature
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
You and any ally who starts their turn within 10 feet of you communicating with you via telepathy is lying.
increases their walking speed by 5 feet during that turn.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Quick Tutor Each dollop of quintessence can be used only once.
Quintessence can be manually scraped away from a
4th-level psionics (telepathy) protected object, freeing it to rejoin the time stream. When
Casting Time: 10 minutes you do this, the quintessence is not recovered.
Range: Touch
Display: The creature that gains the knowledge has stars Rapid Step
appear in their eyes for the duration 4th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Duration: 1 hour Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind Range: Self
Display: Rings of psionic energy rotate around your legs
One creature you touch “teaches” you knowledge, giving Duration: Instantaneous
you the proficiency in one skill, tool set, or language that it Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
has for the duration. You may then use it with your own You imbue your legs with psionic energy to increase your
proficiency bonus. If you already know how to use the skill or
tool, this spell has no benefit for you. You may also choose to walking speed by 25 feet until the end of the current turn. If
act as a conduit between the creature from which you take you have a climbing or swimming speed, this increase applies
the skill and one willing creature, who will be the one to use to that speed as well.
the skill.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, your
If the creature is unwilling to give you this knowledge, it walking speed increases by an additional 5 feet.
may make a Wisdom saving throw to resist.
Restore Defaults
Augment. You can augment this manifestation in one or
more of the following ways. 4th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
1. If you spend 2 additional psi points, this manifestation's Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
duration increases to 8 hours. Display: Wisps of psionic energy stray from your body,
2. If you spend 4 additional psi points, this manifestation's
leaping into your target as they appear more healthy
duration increases to 24 hours. Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of Mending
You cause one willing creature that you can see within
4th-level psionics (psychoportation) range to absorb your psionic energy, forcing them to expend
Invoking Time: 1 action great energy as you kindle it's body's natural healing
Range: Self processes for an instant. You can cure one poison or disease
Display: The area near the quintessence seems to move afflicting the target.
more slowly when observed
Duration: Instantaneous The target gains one level of exhaustion and regains 25 hit
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind points, plus a number of d6s equal to its Constitution
You collapse a bit of time from the continuum, forming a modifier (minimum 1d6).
This spell has no effect on
constructs, undead, or creatures that are naturally immune to
dollop of thick, gooey material called quintessence that exhaustion.
weighs 0.1 lb. The substance shimmers like a silver mirror.
Psionic creatures can handle quintessence by shielding itself Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
with a small amount of psionic energy when touching it. manifestation restores an additional 2d6 hit points.
However, they must do so with care, as quintessence inhibits
psionics. A psionic creature within 5 feet of at least 1 lb of Restore Life
quintessence cannot use its psionic abilities, and it can only
properly handle the quintessence if it succeeds on an 4th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Intelligence check of DC 10 plus 1 per lb of quintessence. Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
You can use your action to smooth a dollop of quintessence Display: White-gold energy draws the target’s soul into its
around any extremely small object, such as a key, a ring, a body
seal, or an insignia. Objects sealed with quintessence are Duration: Instantaneous
protected from the effects of time, entering a state of stasis. Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Egoist, Disciple of
Large quantities of quintessence can be gathered to preserve Mending, Metamind
large items or structures, or even a complete living creature. You touch one creature that has died within the last 10
You can also use your action to apply a dollop of minutes. The creature returns to life with 1 hit point and
quintessence to a small amount of a creature's living flesh, gains a level of exhaustion. This ability can’t return to life a
partially pulling it out of the time stream. Make a ranged creature that has died of old age, nor can it restore a creature
psionic attack against one creature you can see within 5 feet missing any vital body parts.
of you. On a hit, the target is affected by quintessence, which
forces it to take 1d4 force damage at the end of each of its
turns for 1 minute, at which point the quintessence is too
disrupted to be effective.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Wall of Repulsion
4th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: Prismatic energy appears in the designated area,
which grows into a wall
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
You create an invisible, insubstantial wall of energy within
range that is up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick.
Any creature attempting to move through it must make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature can’t move
through the wall until the start of its next turn. On a
successful save, the creature can pass through it. A creature
must make this save whenever it attempts to pass through
the wall, whether willingly or unwillingly.
Wandering Mind
4th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Display: A cloud of psionic energy surrounds your head
for the invoking time
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
You enter a deep contemplation. At the end of the invoking
time, you gain proficiency with one of the following skills for
the duration: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Medicine,
Nature, Performance, Religion, or Survival.
Water Slide
4th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: The jet of water spouts from you
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
You unleash a jet of water in a line that is 60 feet long and
5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a Strength
saving throw, taking 6d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can
move each target that fails its saving throw to any unoccupied
space touching the line if it is Large or smaller.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Wind Form
4th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Display: Particles of blue energy surround you
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Clases: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
You gain a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
5th Level Astral Rider
Adapt Body 5th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 minute
5th-level psionics (psychometabolism) Range: 30 feet
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: Those near you feel a sensation of wind blowing
Range: Self Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Display: Your body undergoes rapid changes and your skin Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
seems to shift and flow for the duration You call up a large quasi-real wolf from the Astral Plane,
Duration: 1 hour which appears on the ground in an unoccupied space of your
Classes: Disciple of Mending choice within range. You decide the creature's appearance,
but it is equipped with a saddle, bit, and bridle. Any of the
Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments. Equipment created by the spell vanishes in a puff of smoke if
You can adapt to underwater, extremely hot, extremely cold, it's carried more than 10 feet away from the wolf.
or airless environments, allowing you to survive as if you
were a creature native to that environment. You can breathe For the duration, you or a creature you choose when you
and move (though penalties to movement and attacks, if any invoke the manifestation can ride the wolf as an intelligent
for a particular environment, remain), and you take no mount. While not being ridden, the wolf remains in place and
damage from simply being in that environment. You need not takes no actions, and any attempts to interact with it pass
specify what environment you are adapting to when you through it harmlessly. The creature uses the statistics for a
manifest this power; simply to activate it, and your body will Winter Wolf, except it has a speed of 100 feet and can travel
instantly adapt to any hostile environment as needed 10 miles in an hour, or 13 miles at a fast pace. When the
throughout the duration. manifestation ends, the wolf gradually fades, giving the rider
1 minute to dismount. The spell ends if you use an action to
You can somewhat adapt to extreme environmental dismiss it or if the wolf is reduced to 0 hit points.
features such as acid, lava, fire, and electricity. You take half
damage from any such environmental hazards. Augmented Weapon
Aspect of Battle Mastery 5th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
5th-level psionics (psychometabolism) Range: Touch
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: The weapon hums in a low tone
Range: Weapon Reach Duration: 10 minutes
Display: An aura shaped like your body surrounds you and Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Shaper,
your weapons, trailing behind them by a small amount Metamind
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute You touch one simple or martial weapon. For the duration,
Classes: Battlemind that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to its
attack and damage rolls.
As part of the action used to manifest this power, you must Augment. You can augment this power in one of the
make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature following ways.
within the power's range, otherwise the power fails. On a hit,
your weapons are treated as having the brutal 3 and high crit 1. If you spend 2 additional psi points, the manifestation's
properties until the end of your turn, you deal an additional bonus increases to +2.
3d8 damage of the same type as your weapon, and you enter
the aspect of battle mastery. While in this aspect, you can 2. If you spend 4 additional psi points, the manifestation's
spend an additional psi point whenever you hit with a power bonus increases to +3.
or talent. If you do, your weapons gain the brutal 3 and high
crit properties until end of turn and you deal an additional
1d10 damage of the same type as your weapon. While in the
aspect of battle mastery, your melee weapons score a critical
hit on a roll of 19-20.
You can only be in one aspect at a time. If you enter a new
aspect, the old aspect ends immediately.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Aura Alteration Augment. You can augment this power in one of the
following ways.
5th-level psionics (telepathy) 1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Display: Energy corresponding to the altered aura swirls 2. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, increase the
around the target's head for a moment - red for evil, blue for save DC of this power by 1.
good, white for lawful, black for chaotic, and gray for
neutral Beacon of Recovery
Duration: Special
Classes: Ardent, Metamind, Psion 5th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
You can use this power in one of two ways: to disguise the Invoking Time: 1 action
subject's aura (alignment), or to remove a compulsion or Range: 60 feet
charm effect from the subject. Display: A white, oval field flashes around affected creatures
Disguise: If you use this power to disguise the subject's Duration: Instantaneous
alignment, the power has a duration of 8 hours. You can Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Egoist, Disciple of Mending
change the target's alignment by only one step on both the
morality spectrum (good, neutral, and evil) and on the ethics You and up to five allies you can see within range can
spectrum (lawful, neutral, and chaotic). immediately make saving throws against every effect they’re
Remove Compulsion: If you use this power to attempt to suffering that allows a save at the start or end of their turns.
cleanse the subject's aura of a baleful or controlling effect,
the duration is instantaneous. This power can remove the Center of Attention
compulsion of a curse or a geas/quest effect. It can also
negate any charm and compulsion powers of 5th-level or 5th-level psionics (telepathy)
lower, such as crisis of breath or death urge. When aura Invoking Time: 1 action
alteration is manifested for this purpose, the subject gains Range: 60 feet
another saving throw to remove the compulsion afflicting it Display: A dome of violet energy emits from you to the edge
against the original save DC, but with a bonus to the saving
throw equal to your manifesting ability modifier. of the range, which then fades
Augmentation. You can shift the target's alignment by one Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
additional step for every 2 additional psi points you spend. Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Telepath,
Aura of Bloodletting Metamind
You inflict a jarring impression of power that grabs a
5th-level psionics (telepathy) creature's attention. Choose one creature you can see within
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action range. It must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed
Range: 60 feet save, the creature is so distracted by you that all other
Display: Red colors are enhanced within the aura creatures are invisible to it. This manifestation ends if the
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute creature can no longer see or hear you or if it takes damage.
Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
Commander's Sight
You unleash an aura of rage. For the duration, you and any
creature within range has advantage on melee attack rolls. 5th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Baleful Teleport Range: 60 feet
Display: A blue line runs across the width of yours and the
5th-level psionics (psychoportation)
Invoking Time: 1 action target’s eyes
Range: 30 feet Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 round
Display: Parts of the target's body start flaking away as dust Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Psion
before disappearing and reappearing elsewhere Choose one creature you can see within range. Creatures
Duration: Instantaneous you designate within range that can see both you and the
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind target have advantage on attack rolls against it.
One creature you can see in range must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you psychoportively
disperse minuscule portions of the target and they take 9d6
force damage, or half as much on a success. Targets under
the effects of dimensional anchor are immune to baleful
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Dolorous Mind Force Blast
5th-level psionics (telepathy) 5th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 300 feet
Display: The target has loud and disorienting tinnitus Display: A wave of nearly transparent psionic energy rushes
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind, Metamind, Psion at your target
Duration: Instantaneous
Choose one creature you can see within range. It must Classes: Metamind
succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be incapacitated and
have its speed set to 0 for the duration. It can repeat this Target one creature or object you can see within range and
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect make a ranged psi attack to hit. On a hit, the target takes
on itself on a success. 8d10 force damage and, if it’s a creature, it must make a
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. This power does
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, you can double damage to structures and inanimate objects.
target one additional creature.
Exacting Query
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
5th-level psionics (telepathy) Invoking Time: 1 action
Invoking Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Range: Telepathy Display: A line of psionic energy forms attached to your hand
Display: Your lips become a violet hue momentarily Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You target one creature you can currently communicate You create a translucent line of psionic force that lashes
out at your command towards a creature in range. Make a
with via telepathy. The target must make an Intelligence melee psi attack against the target. If the attack hits, the
saving throw. On a failed save, the target truthfully answers creature takes 8d6 force damage and if the creature is Large
one question you ask it via telepathy. On a successful save, or smaller, you pull it up to 10 feet closer to you.
the target is unaffected, and you can’t use this ability on it
again until you finish a long rest. A creature is immune to this You may choose to have the whip grapple the target
ability if it is immune to being charmed. (escape DC equal to your psi save DC). Until this grapple
ends, the target is restrained and you cannot use the whip on
Faithful Archer another creature.
5th-level psionics (metacreativity) Frozen Sanctuary
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch 5th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Display: Yellow tendrils of energy swirl around the Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
weapon Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute Display: Protective plates of icy energy form around you
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind Duration: Instantaneous
You touch a ranged weapon or a melee weapon with the Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Metamind, Psion
You sheathe yourself with icy resilience, gaining 20
thrown property and imbue it with a limited sentience. For
the duration, you can make an extra ranged attack with the temporary hit points.
weapon at the start of each of your turns (no action required). Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
If it is a thrown weapon, it also returns to your grasp each
time you make any attack with it. the following ways.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
grants an additional 10 temporary hit points.
2. If you spend an additional psi point, this power gains a
range of Touch.
3. If you spend 2 additional psi points, this power gains a
range of 30 feet.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Gliding Aura Memory Recovery. If the target’s memories had been
altered or erased, either through mundane means (including
5th-level psionics (metacreativity) both normal forgetfulness and brainwashing) or by the
Invoking Time: 1 action modify memory or similar spell or power, you restore the
Range: Self original memory.
Display: Each affected creature has web-like projections
connecting its arms and legs Phantasmal Harm. You can cause the target to believe
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes that it is being harmed. Each round, for a number of rounds
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind equal to twice your spellcasting ability modifier, you may
You create a field of uplifting energy in a 60-foot radius inflict 1d10, 2d10, or 3d10 psychic damage (you choose how
damaging the power is). If the target falls to 0 hit points or
centered on you, which moves with you for the duration. You lower, it may make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, it
and creatures you designate can fly through the air with a instead drops to 1 hit point and falls unconscious for 1d4
speed of 60 feet while they are in the area. If an affected hours or until it takes any harm.
creature starts its turn outside of the area, it safely descends
to the ground at a rate of 60 feet per round. Rejuvenation. You can remove 1 level of exhaustion from
the target. You may only use this version of the power on a
A creature can glide even while encumbered, but it cannot creature once each day.
glide if its speed is 0. If a creature's speed is set to 0 while
gliding, it safely descends to the ground at a rate of 60 feet Suggestion. You implant a mental manipulation, as per the
per round. power, into the creature’s subconscious, with the following
changes: the manipulation lasts for 1 week and you can ask
Hail of Crystals the target to perform an action that is self-destructive or that
violates its alignment. If you do so, however, the target may
5th-level psionics (metacreativity) make a second saving throw when the manipulation is
Invoking Time: 1 action triggered; if it succeeds, it will snap out of it. Once the
Range: 90 feet creature has completed your manipulation, it will have no
Display: A sharp crystal hovers above your hand conscious memory of its actions. The memory can be
Duration: Instantaneous recovered using the memory recovery version of this spell.
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
You create a large shard of crystal and fling it at one If you manifest this version of hypnosis on your target every
day for a week, the manipulation will last for 1 month. If you
creature within range. Make a ranged psionic attack against cast it every day for a month, the manipulation will last for a
the target. On a hit, the target takes 5d10 piercing damage. year.
Hit or miss, the shard then explodes into thousands of tiny
shards. The target and each creature in a 20-foot radius Truth-Telling. You may ask the target a number of
around the point where the crystal exploded must succeed on questions equal to twice your psi attack modifier. The target
a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 slashing damage. will answer them as truthfully as it can, although not
necessarily fully or coherently.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation's slashing damage is increased by 1d6. Ignore Death
Hypnosis 5th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
5th-level psionics (telepathy) Range: 30 feet
Invoking Time: 1 minute Display: The target’s skin has a soft silvery glow, and a red
Range: 10 feet
Display The target's eyes begind to appear hazy and have a line wraps around their chest
Duration: 8 Hours
soft golden glow for the duration Classes: Disciple of Mending, Metamind
Duration: Special
Classes: Disciple of Mending, Metamind You imbue in a target the ability to believe it has not died
even after its body has given up, and overrule its body’s ability
You attempt to beguile a creature with an Intelligence of 5 to fail with willpower alone. The first time the target would
or higher that you can see and that in return can see your drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, the target
eyes; it must also be able to understand your language and instead drops to 1 hit point, and the powerends.
must be either willing or restrained.
If the power is still in effect when the target is subjected to
The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw; if it fails, an effect that would kill it instantaneously without dealing
it is charmed by you. This power has several functions; you damage, that effect is instead negated against the target, and
must choose which one you will use when you manifest the the power ends.
Deprogramming. If the target is suffering from the
charmed condition, you may release the target from that
effect. You can also use this to deprogram a creature
suffering from non-magical brainwashing.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Inertial Barrier While the target is trapped, its speed is halved, it suffers
disadvantage on attack rolls, it can't breathe, and it can’t see
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis) anything more than 10 feet away from it. However, attack
Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you or a rolls against it also suffer disadvantage. The target can repeat
creature you can see within range must make a Strength, the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw effect on itself on a success.
Range: 30 feet
Display: Two rings of violet psionic orbs hover around Metaconcert
your wrists momentarily
Duration: Instantaneous 5th-level psionics (telepathy)
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Kineticist Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
You quickly form a protective field of telekinetic energy, Range: Touch
Display: A blue ouroboros symbol appears on both your
surrounding a creature with it. Roll a d8 and add the result to tongues for the duration
the saving throw. This manifestation can be used after the Duration: 1 minute
saving throw is made, but before the DM determines if it Classes: Ardent, Battlemind, Disciple of the Telepath,
succeeds. Metamind
You touch a willing creature and synchronize your psionic
Intellect Prism
energy with its abilities, improving both participants. You can
5th-level psionics (metacreativity) be in metaconcert with up to three creatures at once. When
Invoking Time: 1 bonus action you invoke this manifestation, each of you gain one of the
Range: 30 feet following benefits based on both of your capabilities:
Display: Your eyes become reflective like a mirror
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes Psionic. If at least one of you is psionic, any psionic
Classes: Metamind, Psion creature that is part of a metaconcert gains a +2 bonus to its
Motes of light swirl to form a crystalline prism in the air, psi attack rolls for the duration.
sharpening your senses and extending your presence on the Spellcaster. If at least one of you has the ability to cast at
battlefield. Choose an unoccupied space that you can see least one spell, any like creature that is part of a metaconcert
within range. You conjure a Tiny intellect prism in that space, gains a +2 bonus to its spell attack rolls for the duration.
which lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as a bonus
action. You can see and target creatures and objects as if you Mundane. Any creature can be considered mundane for
were in the prism's space, and while the prism is within 5 feet the purposes of this manifestation. Any mundane creature
of you, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and that is part of a metaconcert gains a +2 bonus to its weapon
Intelligence (Investigation) checks. Once on each of your attack rolls and AC for the duration.
turns, you can move the prism up to 30 feet.
You choose the benefit if a creature qualifies for more than
The prism has hit points equal to half your hit point one. The link created by metaconcert persists over any
maximum and AC 15. It can be targeted with attacks and distance, but this manifestation ends if the creature is on
other damaging effects, but it is immune to all conditions. If another plane of existence.
the prism drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, and you are
stunned until the end of your next turn. The manifestation Mind Blade
then ends.
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Kinetic Prison Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis) Display: A blade of psionic energy bursts from your arm
Invoking Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Range: 60 feet Classes: Battlemind, Psion
Display: Psionic energy crackles around the target,
forming a sphere You swipe out at a target and try to sunder their brain's
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute electrical signals. The target makes a Wisdom saving throw,
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind falling unconscious on a failed saving throw.
You cause a sphere of kinetic energy to form around a
The target makes a Wisdom saving throw at the beginning
creature. Choose one creature you can see within range. The of each of their turns, ending this power on a success. The
target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it power ends early if the target takes any damage.
takes 6d10 force damage and becomes trapped in the sphere
for the duration. On a successful save, the target takes 6d10 When this power ends, the target takes psychic damage
force damage and this manifestation ends. equal to 2d10 + your manifesting ability.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d10 damage.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Mind Wrack Ogre Form
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis) 5th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Display: A cage of spiked psionic energy appears around the Display: The target’s hair or scales thicken for the
target's head and the spikes grow into the target's head Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
with each successful attack Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute You touch a creature, and its body temporarily grows to
Classes: Battlemind
The target makes an Intelligence saving throw, being ogre-like proportions. The target gains 3d10 plus your
marked on a failure. psionics ability modifier in temporary hit points, which are
At the beginning of each of the marked target's turns, it lost if they remain at the end of the duration. In addition, its
makes an Intelligence saving throw, taking 5 psychic damage melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage on a hit, and
on a failure. On a successful save, this power ends. its reach increases by 5 feet. If it is smaller than Large, it also
The first time you successfully hit the target with a melee becomes Large for the duration.
weapon on each of your turns, the psychic damage it takes on
a failed save increases by 5. Phantom Foe
Nomad's Gate 5th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
5th-level psionics (psychoportation) Range: 60 feet
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: The veins in the target’s neck illuminate a violet
Range: 5 feet color
Display: Strings of psionic energy appear floating in the Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
air around you momentarily Classes: Metamind, Psion
Duration: 1 hour Choose one creature you can see within range. The target
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
You create a 5-foot cube of dim, gray light within 5 feet of must make an Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it
perceives a horrid creature adjacent to it for the duration.
you. You create an identical cube at any point of your choice During this time, the target can’t take reactions, and it takes
within 1 mile that you have viewed within the past 24 hours. 5d6 psychic damage at the start of each of its turns. The
The first creature to enter one of the cubes immediately target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
teleports to the other one, appearing in the nearest turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
unoccupied space next to it. The manifestation then ends.
Psychic Divination
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the gate
can be used one additional time. 5th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 10 minutes
Occluded Mind Range: Self
Display: Your hair turns white while invoking
5th-level psionics (telepathy) Duration: Instantaneous
Invoking Time: 1 action Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
Range: Telepathy A psychic divination can provide you with a useful piece of
Display: The target’s eyelids blink when you blink for the
duration advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event,
Duration: 10 minutes or activity that is to occur within 1 week. The advice can be
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind as simple as a short phrase, or it might take the form of a
Choose one creature you can communicate with via cryptic rhyme or omen.
telepathy. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. For example, suppose the question is "What are our
On a failed save, the target believes one statement of your chances of storming the front gate of the Dreaming Tower?"
choice, communicated telepathically, for the next 10 minutes. The DM knows that the front gate is guarded by eight giant
The statement can be up to ten words long, and it must be spiders waiting to ambush gatecrashers, but estimates that
focused on you or a creature or object the target can see. On your party could win past after a hard fight. Therefore, the
a successful save, the target is unaffected. A creature is psychic divination response might be: "Terrible danger is
immune to this ability if it is immune to being charmed. conquered by resolute strength of arms and an equal
measure of cunning strategy." In all cases, the DM controls
what information you receive. Note that if your party doesn't
act on the information, the conditions probably change so
that the information is no longer useful.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
The DM rolls a d10 in secret; on a result of 4 or above, you Restore Extremity
receive a correct divination. The DM adjusts the chance if
unusual circumstances require it (if, for example, precautions 5th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
against Clairsentience have been taken). If the dice roll fails, Invoking Time: 1 minute
you know the manifestation failed. Range: Touch
Display: Green tendrils of energy weave through the
Multiple psychic divinations about the same action by the stump
same manifester use the same dice roll result as the first Duration: Instantaneous
psychic divination and yield the same answer each time. Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Egoist, Disciple of the
Radial Navigation You touch a creature and maintain contact for the invoking
5th-level psionics (clairsentience) time. At the end of invoking, you restore a severed extremity
Invoking Time: 1 action to the creature, such as a lost digit, hand, arm, leg, or even its
Range: Self head. This manifestation does not restore life, but it returns a
Display: Psionic energy forms under your tongue in the lost extremity to a living or dead creature if the creature is
shape of an arrow pointing towards the target otherwise mostly intact. The original extremity need not be
Duration: Concentration, until negated present when this manifestation is invoked; a new extremity
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind is created by it. If a head is restored to a body, the original
For the duration, you know your distance and direction head (if not already destroyed) crumbles to dust.
relative to your location when you invoked this manifestation, Rolling Flame
even if you cannot see it or if you are on a different plane of
existence. Additionally, when you must retrace your steps - in 5th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
a maze, for instance - you can accurately recall the path you Invoking Time: 1 action
have traveled, as you can use your point of origin as a Range: Self
reference to guide you. Display: Trails of harmless fire swirl in the air around you
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Radiant Beam Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
You create a rolling cylinder of fire in a 20-foot cube
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action originating from you. At the end of each of your turns, the fire
Range: 60 feet moves 20 feet in a straight line away from its point of origin.
Display: Lines of white psionic energy connect your Creatures in the area when you use this manifestation or who
fingertips to your palms start their turn there must make a Dexterity saving throw,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute taking 4d8 fire damage on a failure, or half on a success.
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
You project a beam of light at one creature you can see Shadow Beasts
within range. The target must make a Constitution saving 5th-level psionics (metacreativity)
throw. On a failed save, it takes 6d8 radiant damage and is Invoking Time: 1 action
blinded until your concentration ends. On a successful save, Range: 60 feet
it takes half as much damage and isn't blinded. A blinded Display: Bits of shadow coalesce into two swirling forms
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
turns, ending the effect on itself on a Success. Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
You cause two shadows to appear in unoccupied spaces
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage. you can see within 60 feet of you. The shadows obey your
verbal commands. In combat, roll for their initiative, and you
choose their behavior during their turns. When this effect
ends, the shadows disappear.
Augment. If you spend 2 additional psi points, the
shadows have 30 additional hit points, and you can add your
proficiency bonus to the shadows' ability checks as well as
their attack and damage rolls.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Sonic Current Touchsight
6th-level psionics (metacreativity) 5th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Display: A booming sound is emitted from the target for Display: Fingerprint impressions appear at random
the duration intervals on the surface of objects within range
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
A wave of oscillating energy emits from you toward a You generate a subtle field of mental contact, allowing you
creature within range, enveloping the target. It must make a to "feel" your surroundings even in total darkness or when
Constitution saving throw, taking 5d10 thunder damage on a your sight would otherwise be hampered. Your touchsight
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. On a field is a 60-foot radius emanating from you, which moves
failure, it is deafened, and on each of your turns for the with you for the duration. You ignore invisibility, darkness,
duration, you can use your action to deal 3d10 thunder and all cover except total cover. You automatically succeed
damage to the target automatically. Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks to
spot creatures or objects inside the field. You must still have
The manifestation ends if you use your action to do line of sight to a creature or an object to discern it with
anything else. The manifestation also ends if the target is touchsight.
ever outside the manifestation's range or if it has total cover
from you. View Aura
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of 5th-level psionics (clairsentience)
the following ways. Invoking Time: 1 action
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this Range: Sight
Display: A ribbon of psionic energy appears, visible only
manifestation's initial damage increases by 1d10. to you and flowing from the target
2. If you spend one additional psi point, this manifestation's Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Ardent, Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
secondary damage increases by 1d10. You study one creature’s aura. For the duration, while you
Telekinetic Grasp can see the target, you learn if it’s under the effect of any
magical or psionic effects, its current hit point total, and its
5th-level psionics (psychokinesis) basic emotional state. While this effect lasts, you have
Invoking Time: 1 action advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma checks you
Range: 60 feet make against it.
Display: The area around the target distorts with invisible
waves of psionic energy
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Battlemind, Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
You attempt to grasp a creature in telekinetic energy and
hold it captive. As an action, choose one creature you can see
within range. The target must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be grappled by you until your concentration ends or
if the target is more than 90 feet away from you.
The grappled target can escape by succeeding on a
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested
by your Strength (Athletics) check. When a target attempts to
escape in this way, you can spend additional psionic power to
gain a +1 bonus your roll per point spent. You can gain up to
a +5 bonus this way. You can add this bonus after making the
While a target is grappled in this manner, you can create
one of the following effects as an action:
Crush. The target takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage.
Move. You move the target up to 30 feet. You can move it in
the air and hold it there. It falls if the grapple ends.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
6th Level Breath of the Crystal Dragon
Breath of the Amethyst Dragon 6th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
6th-level psionics (psychokinesis) Range: 90 feet
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: Bright light shines from your mouth
Range: 30 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Display: glimmering energy sparkles with your breath Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind You breath a beam of blinding light in a 90-foot line that is
10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must succeed on a
You exhale a beam of powerful kinetic energy in a 90-foot Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1d2 rounds and
line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a take 5d6 radiant damage, or no blindness and half as much
Constitution saving throw, taking 7d8 force damage on a damage on a successful save. A creature that is already blind
failure, or half as much on a success. cannot have their blindness extended by this power.
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
the following ways. the following ways.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation 1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
deals an additional 1d8 damage. deals an additional 1d6 damage.
2. If you spend two additional psi points, this manifestation 2. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
changes from a 90-foot line to a 30-foot cone. blinds the creature for 1 additional round.
Breath of the Black Dragon Breath of the Red Dragon
6th-level psionics (metacreativity) 6th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Display: The air in the line smells of sulfur Display: The air in the cone smolders and creates heat
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind mirages
Duration: Instantaneous
You exhale a wave of acid in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
wide. Each
creature in the line must make a Constitution
saving throw, taking
8d8 acid damage on a failed save, or half You exhale fire in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area
as much on a successful
one. must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 9d6 fire damage
on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
the following ways. Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
the following ways.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
deals an additional 1d8 damage. 1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
deals an additional 1d6 damage.
2. If you spend two additional psi points, this manifestation
changes from a 90-foot line to a 30-foot cone. 2. If you spend two additional psi points, this manifestation
changes from a 30-foot cone to a 60-foot line.
Breath of the Blue Dragon
Breath of the Sapphire Dragon
6th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Invoking Time: 1 action 6th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
Range: 60 feet Invoking Time: 1 action
Display: The air around the line crackles with energy Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Duration: Instantaneous Display: The air in the cone vibrates strongly
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
You exhale lightning in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide.
Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving You exhale inaudible thunder energy, damaging the innards
throw, taking 7d10 lightning damage, or half as much on a of creatures in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area
successful one. must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 9d6 thunder
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of
the following ways. Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation
deals an additional 1d10 damage.
2. If you spend two additional psi points, this manifestation
changes from a 60-foot line to a 30-foot cone.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Breath of the White Dragon On a failed save, each time that the target is hit with an
attack while it is within range, you can use your reaction to
6th-level psionics (psychokinesis) make a ranged psionic attack against it. On a hit, the target
Invoking Time: 1 action takes psychic damage equal to 3d6 plus your psionics ability
Range: Self (30-foot cone) modifier, and you can move it up to 20 feet in a direction of
Display: Small ice crystals form on creatures in the area your choice.
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
You exhale an icy blast of hail in a 30-foot cone. Each
creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, Cone of Sound
taking 7d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
success. On a failed save, a creature is slowed for 1 minute. 6th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of Range: Self (60-foot cone)
the following ways. Display: You inhale an excessive amount of air, expanding
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation your chest unnaturally
deals an additional 1d8 damage. Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
2. If you spend two additional psi points, this manifestation
changes from a 30-foot cone to a 60-foot line. You release a focused scream of sonic energy. The cone
begins at your mouth, instigated by the barest whisper. Each
Callous Banishment creature in a 60-foot cone must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, a target takes 7d8 thunder damage
6th-level psionics (psychometabolism) and is deafened for 1 minute. A creature may repeat its
Invoking Time: 1 action saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect
Range: 60 feet on itself on a success. On a success, a creature takes half as
Display: You snap your fingers and a puff of black psionic much damage and isn't deafened.
energy bursts from them A nonmagical object that isn't being worn or carried also
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute takes the damage if it's in the manifestation's area.
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
You attempt to send one creature that you can see within manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage.
range to a random place of existence. The target must
succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be banished with a Detonation
faint popping noise to a random plane of existence.
6th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
If the target is native to the plane of existence you're on, it Invoking Time: 1 action
gains the effects of the resilient sphere spell while banished. Range: 120 feet
It reappears in its original space or the nearest unoccupied Display: Licks of fire flitter along the ground near the point
space if that space is occupied when the manifestation ends. Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
If the target is native to a different plane of existence than
the one you're on and the manifestation ends before 1 minute You create a fiery explosion at a point you can see within
has passed, the target reappears in its original space or the 120 feet of you. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. centered on that point must make a Constitution saving
Otherwise, it doesn't return. throw, taking 7d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. On a failed save, a target
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, you can is knocked prone.
target one additional creature.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
Cerebral Phantasm manifestation deals an additional 1d8 damage.
6th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Display: Psionic energy in the shape of a red diamond
appears on the target’s forehead
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Metamind, Psion
A horrid apparition fills your enemy's mind, letting you
follow up on attacks against that foe with a psychic barrage.
Choose one creature within range that you can see. That
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 7d6
psychic damage on a failure, or half on a success.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Fiery Discorporation The road is approximately one foot thick and is made of
featureless black energy. It is an object with AC 20 and has
6th-level psionics (psychometabolism) hit points equal to your hit point maximum, and it is resistant
Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you take when damage to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
reduces you to 0 hit points while you are within 30 feet of nonmagical weapons. If it’s destroyed, it turns to black mist
an open flame for a moment before vanishing completely, dropping all
Range: Self creatures on it to the ground below. Non-combat travel on the
Display: Your hair ignites and burns away whether you road is at 1.5 times normal speed.
succeed or not
Duration: Instantaneous Induced Vision
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
You use your mastery of energy to cheat death. Make a 6th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 minute
Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + the damage dealt by the Range: Touch
triggering attack). If you succeed, you break apart into dozens Display: Your irises become white while invoking
of flitting tongues of flame and vanish, along with all your Duration: 30 days
gear and anything you are holding or carrying. One day later, Classes: Metamind, Psion
you reappear in an unoccupied space of your choice within 5 You touch a creature's temples and maintain contact with
feet of the open flame nearest to where you discorporated,
materializing from the flame. While discorporated, you them for the invoking time. At the end of invoking, you grant it
essentially do not exist - you can do nothing, nor can any a mental vision of something it desires, while simultaneously
other creature or object interact with you. placing a mental binding on it, which forces it to carry out
some service or refrain from some action or course of activity
Find Creature as you decide, as it believes this will lead it to its goal.
6th-level psionics (clairsentience) If the creature can understand you, it must succeed on a
Invoking Time: 1 hour Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the
Range: Self duration. While the creature is charmed by you, it must make
Display: A clear disc of psionic energy with a white, a Charisma saving throw each time it acts in a manner
glowing border hovers over your head while invoking this directly counter to your instructions, but no more than once
manifestation each day. On a failure, the creature is compelled to follow
Duration: Instantaneous your instruction, and its Intelligence score is reduced by 1,
Classes: Disciple of the Seer which cannot be restored except by ending the induced vision
You cast your mind about for information about a specific on them. A creature with 0 Intelligence falls unconscious
until its Intelligence is restored to at least 1.
creature. At the end of the invoking time, you gain a general
understanding of the creature’s current location. You can issue any command you choose, short of an activity
that would result in certain death. Should you issue a suicidal
You learn the region, city, town, village, or district it is in, command, the manifestation ends. You can end the
pinpointing an area between 1 and 3 miles on a side (DM’s manifestation early by
using an action to dismiss it.
choice). If the creature is on another plane of existence, you
also learn which plane it is currently in. A negate psionics manifestation, or either the greater
restoration or wish spells also ends it.
Hovering Road
At Higher Levels. If invoked at 7th or 8th-level, the
6th-level psionics (metacreativity) duration is 1 year. If invoked at 9th-level, the manifestation
Invoking Time: 1 minute lasts until it is ended by one of the spells mentioned above.
Range: Self (20-foot road centered on yourself)
Display: Psionic energy begins flooding from your body, Learn Language
forming into a road 6th-level psionics (telepathy)
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours Invoking Time: 10 minutes
Classes: Metamind, Psion Range: Touch
Display: Psionic energy runs up your arm from your target
You create a magical road that hovers anywhere from three
to thirty feet above the ground; you may raise or lower it as a into your eyes
bonus action. It is 10 feet wide and extends 20 feet in front of Duration: Permanent
and behind you. It will continue to exist as long as you Classes: Metamind, Psion
concentrate on it and continue to move forward; if you stop
walking for more than 15 minutes at a time, the road sinks You must touch a creature that speaks a language you don’t
gently to ground level and vanishes. know, or a book or scroll written in a language you don’t
know. You will then instantly and permanently learn that
language in both spoken and written forms.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Mass Fabrication Miniature Form
6th-level psionics (metacreativity) 6th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 hour Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 120 feet Range: Self
Display: Your hair transforms into a material of similar Display: Your shadow casts as far as it would if you were
consistency, such as rope or vines, then returns to normal normal size
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind Classes: Metamind, Psion
You convert raw materials into products of the same You shrink down, becoming Tiny for the duration. While
material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge under this effect, you gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth)
from a clump of trees, a rope from a patch of hemp, and checks, you can move through gaps up to 6 inches across
clothes from flax or wool. without squeezing, and if you are attacking a Small or larger
creature, your weapon attacks deal 1 damage instead of their
Choose raw materials that you can see within range. You normal amount.
can fabricate up to 6 huge or smaller objects, as long as the
resulting objects must be contained within a 15-foot cube, or Nightmare Cage
twelve connected 5-foot cubes, given a sufficient quantity of
raw material. If you are working with metal, stone, or another 6th-level psionics (telepathy)
mineral substance, however, you can fabricate up to 4 large Invoking Time: 1 action
or smaller objects, and the resulting objects must be Range: 60 feet
contained within a 10-foot cube, or eight connected 5-foot Display: The target’s nose bleeds for the duration
cubes. The quality of objects made by the manifestation is Duration: Constitution, Up to 1 minute
commensurate with the quality of the raw materials. Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You attempt to bind a creature within an illusory cell that
Creatures or magic items can't be created or transmuted
by this spell. You also can't use it to create items that only it perceives. One creature you can see within range must
ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as make an intelligence saving throw. The target succeeds
jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency automatically if it is immune to being charmed. On a
with the type of artisan's tools used to craft such objects. successful save, the target takes 5d10 psychic damage, and
the manifestation ends. On a failed save, the target takes
Metamorphosis 5d10 psychic damage, and you make the area immediately
around the target's space appear dangerous to it in some way.
6th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action You might cause the target to perceive itself as being
Range: Self surrounded by fire, floating razors, or hideous maws filled
Display: The smell of saffron and ginger permeates the with dripping teeth. Whatever the form the illusion takes, the
area within 30 feet of the target target can't see or hear anything beyond it and is restrained
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour for the manifestation's duration. If the target is moved out of
Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind the illusion, makes a melee attack through it, or reaches any
You assume the form of a creature of the same type as your part of its body through it, the target takes 10d10 psychic
damage, and the manifestation ends.
normal form, or any other type except aberration, celestial,
construct, elemental, fiend, or undead. The assumed form can Phantom Caravan
be of a CR no greater than 8.
7th-level psionics (psychoportation)
You can't choose a creature with a size larger than huge, or Invoking Time: 1 action
one with an incorporeal, ectoplasmic, or gaseous form. Your Range: 60 feet
game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced Display: Steam swirls around each creature targeted
by the statistics of the chosen creature. You retain your Duration: Instantaneous
alignment and personality. Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Choose up to six willing creatures that you can see within
You assume the hit points of your new form. When you
revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit range. You and those creatures teleport up to 1 mile to a spot
points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a you can see. If there isn’t an open space for all the targets to
result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries occupy at the arrival point, this ability fails and is wasted.
over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage
doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren't
knocked unconscious.
You are limited in the actions you can perform by the
nature of your new form, and you can't speak, cast spells, or
take any other action that requires hands or speech unless
your new form is capable of such actions.
Your gear melds into the new form. You can't activate, use,
wield, or otherwise benefit from any of your equipment.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Phasing Eye Punish Fury
6th-level psionics (clairsentience) 6th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 300 feet Range: 60 feet
Display: A symbol of an eye appears in your palm for the Display: Steam emits from the target’s arms
duration Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour Classes: Metamind, Psion
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind You cause a creature's rage to grow so hot that it attacks
You create a psychic sensor within range. The sensor is
without heeding its own safety. Choose one creature you can
invisible and hovers in the air. You mentally receive visual see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
information from it, which has normal vision and darkvision saving throw or any creature within 5 feet of it can use its
with a range of 120 feet. The sensor can look in all reaction to make a melee attack against it whenever the
directions. As an action, you can teleport the sensor up to 60 target makes a melee attack. The save automatically
feet in any direction. The eye has no limit to how far away succeeds if the target is immune to being charmed.
from you it can move, but it can’t enter another plane of
existence. The eye can teleport through solid objects, but Restore Vigor
can't teleport into one. If it does so, the effect immediately
ends. 6th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Psychic Leech Range: Touch
Display: The target’s body glows with a warm orange
6th-level psionics (psychometabolism) color, which fades after a moment
Invoking Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Disciple of Mending
Display: Your hand is shrouded in darkness momentarily You touch one creature and choose one of the following:
Duration: 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind remove any reductions to one of its ability scores, remove one
You touch a creature and infect it with leeching psionic effect that reduces its hit point maximum, or reduce its
exhaustion level by one.
energy. Make a melee psionic attack against the target. On a
hit, leeching energy is attached to the target, and you can Retrieval
choose to deal 7d8 psychic damage to the target. The target
must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, its 6th-level psionics (psychoportation)
Intelligence score is reduced by 1, which lasts for the Invoking Time: 1 action
duration. A creature with 0 Intelligence becomes Range: 90 feet
unconscious until it is restored to at least 1 Intelligence. Display: The target’s physical form warps momentarily
Duration: Instantaneous
An affected creature must repeat the saving throw after Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
each minute that it is affected by this energy. Each time it Choose one item or object within range that you can see.
fails, its Intelligence score is reduced. On a success, this
manifestation ends and the target's Intelligence score is The target automatically teleports directly to your hand. If the
restored. target is worn or carried by a creature, it comes to your hand
if the creature fails a Charisma saving throw.
When the manifestation ends, you regain the same amount
of psionic power as the Intelligence the target lost while Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, you can
under this effect. choose one more target.
Augment. You can augment this power in one or more of Screech of the Emerald Dragon
the following ways.
1. For each additional psi point you spend, this manifestation 6th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
Invoking Time: 1 action
deals an additional 1d8 damage. Range: 30 feet
2. If you spend one additional psi point, this manifestation Display: A sonic boom can be felt by creatures near you
Duration: Instantaneous
reduces the target's Intelligence score by 2 instead of 1. Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
You unleath an earsplitting cry, affecting creatures in a 30-
foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
Constitution saving throw, taking 6d6 thunder damage and
be deafened for 1d4 rounds, or half as much damage and no
deafness on a successful one.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation's damage increases by 1d6 and the length of
the deafness increases by 1d4 rounds.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Shield of Prudence Wall of Wood
6th-level psionics (clairsentience) 6th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 60 feet
Display: Gold streaks of psionic energy extend from your Display: Wooden needles travel along the ground, growing
eyes to the top of your head into the wall
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
Your awareness extends a few fractions of a second into You create a wall of wood, at least one portion of which
the future, allowing you to better evade an opponent's blows. must be within range. The wall is 60 feet long, 15 feet high,
You gain a +3 bonus to your AC for the duration. and 1 foot thick. Each 5-foot wide section of the wall has AC
13 and 40 hit points, and is vulnerable to fire damage.
Sonic Boom Breaking one section creates a 5-foot by 5-foot hole in it, but
the wall otherwise remains intact.
6th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: A high-pitched noise that gradually increases in
volume can be heard near the point
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Metamind, Psion
Choose a point you can see within range. Thunder energy
erupts in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each
creature in that area must make Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, a target takes 9d6 thunder damage, and it is
deafened until the end of your next turn. On a successful
save, a target takes half as much damage and isn't deafened.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation's damage increases by 1d6.
Visions of Disgust
6th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: The target’s body takes on a faint red hue
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You cause a creature to regard all other beings as horrid,
alien entities. Choose one creature you can see within range.
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, it takes 7d10 psychic damage, and for the duration, it is
frightened, and it takes 1d10 psychic damage per creature
within 5 feet of it at the end of each of its turns. On a
successful save, the target takes only half the initial damage
and suffers none of the other effects.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
7th Level Breath of the Topaz Dragon
Ablating 7th-level psionics (metacreativity)
Invoking Time: 1 action
7th-level psionics (psychokinesis) Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Invoking Time: 1 action Display: The moisture in the air around the cone evaporates
Range: 30 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Display: A blue bead of psychic energy orbits the target Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind You exhale a watery-looking blast in a 30-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw,
You create a psychokinetic shield around one creature or taking 6d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
object within range that you can see. The shield protects its much on a success. On a failed saving throw, a creature gains
manifestations and magic from outside influence. The DC for 1 level of exhaustion. A creature cannot gain more than 2
dispel magic or negate psionics is increased by 7 against that levels of exhaustion from this manifestation.
target. This includes attempts to negate ablating.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
Augment. You can augment this power in one of the manifestation deals an additional 1d10 damage. If you spend
following ways. two additional psi points in this way, the target gains a second
level of exhaustion.
1. If you spend one additional psi point, this manifestation's
duration is concentration, up to 8 hours. Broken Will
2. If you spend two additional psi points, this manifestation's 7th-level psionics (telepathy)
duration is 24 hours. If you keep this power active on a Invoking Time: 1 action
specific creature for 30 consecutive days, its effects last Range: Telepathy
until negated. Display: The target’s irises become hazy and translucent
Duration: 1 round
Animate Element Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
7th-level psionics (metacreativity) Choose one creature within range of your telepathy. The
Invoking Time: 1 action target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed
Range: 120 feet save, you choose the target’s movement and action on its next
Display: A sphere of your chosen element orbits around your turn. A creature is immune to this manifestation if it is
immune to being charmed.
shoulders for the duration
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour Command to Strike
Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
7th-level psionics (telepathy)
You cause one type of elemental to appear in an Invoking Time: 1 action
unoccupied space you can see within range. You can choose Range: 60 feet
an air elemental, an earth elemental, a fire elemental, or a Display: You order the ally in a booming voice
water elemental. The elemental obeys your verbal Duration: Instantaneous
commands. In combat, roll for its initiative, and you choose Classes: Psion
its behavior on its turns. When this effect ends, the elemental
disappears. Choose one ally you can see within range. It can use its
reaction to immediately take the Attack action against valid
Augment. If you spend two additional psi points, the targets of your choice within range.
elemental has 50 additional hit points, and you can add your
proficiency bonus to its AC, saving throws, and its attack and
damage rolls.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Crisis of Life The fog spreads around corners. It lasts for the duration or
until strong wind (20 miles per hour or more) disperses the
7th-level psionics (telepathy) fog, ending the spell. Its area is heavily obscured and acts as
Invoking Time: 1 action difficult terrain.
Range: 120 feet
Display: The subject’s shadow envelops it momentarily You tap into the nightmares of all creatures within the area
Duration: Instantaneous and create manifestation of its deepest fears, These
Classes: Disciple of Mending, Disciple of the Telepath, manifestations, which are similar to the images created by
the phantasmal killer spell, form out of the fog and are visible
Metamind only to the affected creatures.
You rip the energy from a creature's psyche, causing its
brain to wilt. Choose one creature that you can see within Each creature in the area must make a Wisdom saving
range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On throw. On a failed save, the target becomes frightened for the
a failure, it dies if it has less than 100 hit points. If it succeeds duration. At the start of each of the target’s turns, a frightened
or has more than 100 hit points, it instead takes 8d12 target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d6
necrotic damage. psychic damage. On a successful saving throw, the creature is
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, the unaffected for that round.
threshold for instant death increases by 25 hit points.
Because of the all-encompassing nature of the fog of
Deathmarch nightmares, it is difficult to escape: a frightened creature is
surrounded on all sides by the objects of its nightmares and
7th-level psionics (telepathy) cannot find a safe way to move.
Invoking Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch Frozen Rain
Display: The target has heavy black bags under their eyes,
7th-level psionics (metacreativity)
and their skin seems to droop and lose its color Invoking Time: 1 action
Duration: Permanent Range: 120 feet
Classes: Disciple of Mending, Metamind Display: Water in the air around your skin crystallizes
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Your target must make a Wisdom saving throw or begin to Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
suffer from extreme insomnia, which will lead into madness Choose a point you can see within range. The air in a 20-
or even death. The creature will gain no benefits from long
rests. For every full 72 hours that pass, the target will take 1 footradius sphere centered on that point becomes deathly
level of exhaustion. cold and saturated with moisture. Each creature in that area
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 10d6 cold
Spells and other effects that induce unconsciousness for a damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. On a
period of 1 hour or more will reduce the creature’s failed save, a target's speed is reduced to 0 for the duration.
exhaustion by one level but will not end the spell; likewise,
spells that remove exhaustion will do so but will not prevent As an action, a target that has its speed reduced can end
the creature from taking new levels. the effect early if it succeeds on a Strength (Athletics) check
with a DC equal to this effect’s save DC.
After one week, and at the end of each day after that, the
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
creature suffers from suffers from short-term madness, manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
which will strike at some point during that day (the DM
chooses when). Giant Form
If the creature fails three saving throws (which do not need 7th-level psionics (psychometabolism)
to be consecutive), it instead suffers from long-term madness; Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
the creature will not need to attempt another saving throw Range: Self
until this madness ends. All failed saving throws after this Display: Your sclera become green and your hair and
point result in long-term madness. If, after beginning to suffer fingernails harden
from long-term madness, the creature fails three more saving Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
throws, then it will develop permanent madness. A remove Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind
curse or heal spell will end this effect. Your body temporarily grows to giant-like proportions. You
Fog of Nightmares gain 8d10 plus your psionics ability modifier in temporary hit
points, which are lost if they remain at the end of the
7th-level psionics (telepathy) duration. In addition, your melee weapon attacks deal an
Invoking Time: 1 action extra 3d8 damage on a hit, and your reach increases by 10
Range: 120 feet feet. If you’re smaller than Huge, you also become Huge for
Display: A thick silvery fog appears for the duration the duration.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
A cylinder of thick, clinging, silver fog that is 15 feet tall
with a 50-foot radius appears, centered on a point you can
see within range.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Globe of Winter The charmed target is compelled to follow one specific,
official law that you name that is enforced in either your
7th-level psionics (metacreativity) homeland, your target’s homeland, or your current location.
Invoking Time: 1 action Each time the target attempts to break the law, it fails, it takes
Range: Self (30-foot radius sphere) 1d10 psychic damage and is stunned until the end of its next
Display: Psionic energy appears to swirl around, resembling turn.
snow and hail This power does not alter the target’s morality or force it to
Duration: Instantaneous act in a way contrary to its alignment. The spell also only
Classes: Metamind, Psion forces the target to obey the letter of the law, not the spirit, so
the target is fully capable of exploiting any loopholes or
A miniature blizzard briefly rages in a 30-foot radius getting someone else to break the law for him or her.
sphere centered on you, pelting the area with ice and cold.
The blizzard spreads around corners. Each other creature in A negate psionics power or remove curse spell will end this
range must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 9d8 effect.
cold damage and being restrained on a failure, or half as
much damage and having its speed reduced by 20 feet on a Lightning Leap
7th-level psionics (psychokinesis)
A creature with reduced speed caused by this power gains Invoking Time: 1 action
10 feet of speed back at the end of each of its turns, but not if Range: 60 feet
it is restrained. Display: Lightning energy crackles from the ground to
your feet, travelling up to your eyes, and is then loosed
In addition, the power freezes the ground in the area solid, Duration: Instantaneous
creating difficult terrain for 10 minutes or until it is hit by a Classes: Disciple of the Shaper, Metamind
spell or power that deals fire damage of a level equal to or You let loose a line of lightning that is 60 feet long and 5
higher than the level this power was manifested at.
feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity
A creature restrained by this power can repeat the saving saving throw, taking 11d6 lightning damage on a failed save,
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a or half as much damage on a successful one. You can then
success. The first saving throw is made with disadvantage. teleport to an unoccupied space touched by the line.
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this
manifestation deals an additional 2d8 damage. manifestation deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Hazy Shift Mental Barrier
7th-level psionics (psychoportation) 7th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: Touch
Display: Translucency spreads from your hand to the rest Display: A silver ring of psionic energy appears on the
of your body back of the target’s head
Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes Duration: 24 hours
Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind Classes: Metamind, Psion
Your body becomes partially incorporeal and appears hazy. Until the manifestation ends, one willing creature you
In this form, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and touch is immune to psychic damage, any effect that would
slashing damage, and you can’t take actions other than the sense its emotions or read its thoughts, divination spells and
Dash action. You can pass through openings that are no more psionics, and the charmed condition. The spell even foils
than 1 inch wide without squeezing. wish spells and psionics, spells or effects of similar power
which affect the target's mind or grant information about it.
Legal Thoughts
7th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 hour
Range: 30 feet
Display: A ring of nearly transparent psionic energy appears
around your target's right eye for the duration
Duration: 1 Month
Classes: Metamind, Psion
You choose a creature that you see within range, and if it is
capable of understanding at least one language, you
psionically force it to make a Charisma saving throw, If it
fails, it is charmed by you.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Mind Storm Planar Transport
7th-level psionics (psychokinesis) 7th-level psionics (psychoportation)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: Touch
Display: Particles of psionic energy rise from the ground Display: All affected creatures see a vision of their
in the area destination before transport
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Metamind, Psion Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
A wave of rending psychic energy lashes out in front of you. You and up to eight willing creatures who link hands in a
Each creature in a 25-foot cube originating from you must circle are transported to a different plane of existence. You
make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a target can specify a target destination in general terms, such as the
takes 8d10 psychic damage. On a successful save, a creature City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire or the palace of
takes half as much damage. Dispater on the second level of the Nine Hells, and you
appear in or near that destination. If you are trying to reach
Augment. For each additional psi point you spend, this the City of Brass, for example, you might arrive in its Street
manifestation deals an additional 1d10 damage. of Steel, before its Gate of Ashes, or looking at the city from
across the Sea of Fire, at the DM's discretion.
Overwhelming Fury
Alternatively, if you know the sigil sequence of a
7th-level psionics (telepathy) teleportation circle on another plane of existence, this spell
Invoking Time: 1 action can take you to that circle. If the teleportation circle is too
Range: 60 feet small to hold all the creatures you transported, they appear in
Display: The target exhales wisps of smoke for the the closest unoccupied spaces next to the circle.
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute You can use this manifestation to banish an unwilling
Classes: Metamind, Psion creature to another plane. Choose a creature within your
You flood rage into one creature you can see within range. reach and make a melee psionic attack against it. On a hit,
the creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed
The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, or it save, it is transported to a random location on the plane of
can use its actions only to make melee attacks until your existence you specify. A creature so transported must find its
concentration ends. It can repeat the saving throw at the end own way back to your current plane of existence.
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Psionic Mirage
Pillar of Confidence
7th-level psionics (metacreativity)
7th-level psionics (telepathy) Invoking Time: 1 action
Invoking Time: 1 action Range: Sight
Range: 60 feet Display: Your form randomly changes to appear as a
Display: Tendrils of deep green psionic energy swirl different race, then back to normal
around you Duration: 10 days
Duration: Concentration, 1 round Classes: Disciple of the Nomad, Metamind
Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind You make terrain in an area up to 1 mile square look,
You and up to five creatures you can see within range each
sound, smell and even feel like some other sort of terrain. The
gain one extra action to use on your individual turns. The terrain's general shape remains the same, however, open
action is wasted if not used before the end of your next turn. fields or a road could be made to resemble a swamp, hill,
This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable terrain. A
attack only), Dash or Disengage actions. pond can be made to seem like a grassy Meadow, a precipice
like a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and
smooth road.
You can also alter the appearance of structures, or add
them where none are present. The spell doesn't disguise,
conceal, or add Creatures.
The illusions include audible, visual, tactile, and olfactory
elements, so it can turn clear ground into difficult terrain (or
vice versa) or otherwise impede movement through the area.
Any piece of the illusory terrain (such as a rock or stick) that
is removed from the area disappears immediately.
Creatures with truesight can see the terrain's true form;
however, all other elements of the illusion remain, so while
the creature is aware of the illusion's presence, the creature
can still physically interact with the illusion.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Psychic Overload Ransack Mind
7th-level psionics (telepathy) 7th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 hour
Range: 60 feet Range: 30 feet
Display: The target’s head loses some of its balance for Display: The target’s fingers tremble slightly while
the duration invoking
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind Classes: Metamind, Psion
Choose one creature you can see within range. It must You probe one creature’s mind. The creature must remain
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is stunned, within range for the invoking, and you must be able to see it.
and you can use your bonus action on each of your turns to At the end of the invoking time, the target must make three
move the target up to 30 feet in a direction of your choice. It Intelligence saving throws, and you learn an amount of the
can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, creature's key memories based on the number of saving
ending the effect on itself on a success. throws it fails. If it fails one, you learn the past 12 hours. If it
fails 2, you learn the past 24 hours. If it fails all 3, you learn
Psychic Precognition the past 48 hours.
5th-level psionics (clairsentience) Reddopsi
Invoking Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self 7th-level psionics (telepathy)
Display: Your hair turns white and your skin becomes Invoking Time: 1 action
pale while invoking Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Display: A faint field of oscillating color appears around
Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind you, which creates a high pitched ring when struck
A psychic precognition can provide you with a useful vision Duration: Concentration, Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Disciple of the Kineticist, Metamind
in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or When you invoke reddopsi, psionics targeted against you
activity that is to occur within 1 year. The advice can be as
simple as a short glimpse of a meaningful image, or it might may rebound to the original manifester. This effect reverses
take the form of a full-length dream lasting several minutes. psionics that only have you as the target, but cannot reverse
manifestations such as negate psionics which would negate
For example, suppose the question is "What is the greatest or suppress it. The creature targeting you must make an
danger our party will face in the coming year?" The DM Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, its target changes to
eventually wants to pit the party against a black dragon he itself. If the creature is also protected by reddopsi, the
has long prepared, and he considered this the worst threat manifestation fails instead.
that "fate" has in store for the party. Therefore, the psychic
precognition response might be this vision: "You see you and
your comrades standing before the mouth of a high, dark
cave. The entrance is blocked by a steaming pool of acid,
while the rock all around is scorched by acid and lacerated by
what can only be gargantuan claws." In all cases, the DM
controls what information you receive. Note that if your party
doesn't act on the information, the conditions probably
change so that the information is no longer useful.
The DM rolls a d10 in secret; on a result of 3 or above, you
receive a correct divination. The DM adjusts the chance if
unusual circumstances require it (if, for example, precautions
against Clairsentience have been taken). If the dice roll fails,
you know the manifestation failed.
Multiple psychic precognitions about the same action by
the same manifester use the same dice roll result as the first
psychic precognition and yield the same answer each time.
Chapter Five | Manifestations
Shadow Body True Vision
7th-level psionics (psychometabolism) 7th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 action Invoking Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self Range: Self
Display: None Display: You appear to look through creatures and objects
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour for the duration, piercing through them
Classes: Disciple of the Egoist, Metamind Duration: 1 hour
Your body and all of your equipment are subsumed by your Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
You psionically see things as they actually are. For the
shadow. As a living shadow, you blend perfectly into any other
shadow and vanish in darkness. You appear as an unattached duration, you have truesight, you notice secret doors hidden
shadow in areas of full light. You can walk safely on any by magic or psionics, and can see into the Ethereal Plane, all
surface, including liquids such as water or a waterfall. You out to a range of 120 feet.
still occupy your space, so you can't move into locations that
you would normally not fit into. Effects that reveal the true Victory Before Battle
form of creatures, such as the true seeing spell or the true
vision manifestation, reveal your true form. 7th-level psionics (clairsentience)
Invoking Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you
While in your shadow body, you gain the following benefits: must roll initiative
You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed. Range: 60 feet
You have resistance to all damage except psychic. Display: A flash of brilliant psionic energy emits from the
Critical hits against you become normal hits instead. targets
The effects of diseases and poisons are suspended for the Duration: Instantaneous
duration. Classes: Disciple of the Seer, Metamind
You do not need to breathe. You grant yourself and up to five creatures of your choice
You have advantage on ability checks made to hide, and
you can add your Intelligence modifier to such checks. within range a +10 bonus to initiative and have advantage on
You can only use your action while under this effect to take initiative checks.
the Hide action, or to return to your normal form and end this
manifestation. You cannot use bonus actions or reactions
during this effect.
Strategic Mind
7th-level psionics (telepathy)
Invoking Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Display: A starlike projection of psionic energy appears
on targets’ foreheads
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
Classes: Disciple of the Telepath, Metamind
You exert an aura of trust and command that unites your
allies into a cohesive unit. For the duration, any number of
allies you designate within range can, as a bonus action on
each of their turns, take the Dash or Disengage action.
Additionally, affected creatures can roll a d8 and add the
number rolled to each attack roll they make.
Chapter Five | Manifestations