OrangeHRM Client Segmentation Profile
APAC Region
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Some important OHRM clients from APAC region
OrangeHRM Client Distribution- APAC Region
Figure 1 captures the clients in the APAC and its distribution among the countries.
(Figure 1)
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Professional vs Enterprise Flavors
OrangeHRM Professional Flavor: Following version of the software supports multiple
locations within a single country.
OrangeHRM Enterprise Flavor: Following version of the software supports multiple locations
within multiple countries.
Out of the above mentioned clients from the APAC region, 79% of them use the Professional
version, whereas in contrast 21% are using our Enterprise version.
(Figure 2)
In regard to the number of users of the clients from the APAC region, it goes up to
approximately 15,000 users. As a company policy, the minimum number of employees that
we cater is 25 users going all the way. If an average needs to be concluded,we could
ballpark our sweet spot at 500 users. On the subject of ‘On Premise hosting’, we would only
be proceeding if the deal size is USD $3000 and above.
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