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Blood tests can act as early Indication of Intense Covid-19: Study” contributed by wire agency a research study published in a journal “Blood Advances”. When patients with Covid-19 arrive in emergency rooms, there are relatively few ways for doctors to predict which ones are more likely to become seriously ill and require intensive care and which ones are more likely to enjoy a quick recovery.

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Published by Kumar Jeetendra, 2021-03-27 01:00:57

Microbioz India: March 2021 edition Med

Blood tests can act as early Indication of Intense Covid-19: Study” contributed by wire agency a research study published in a journal “Blood Advances”. When patients with Covid-19 arrive in emergency rooms, there are relatively few ways for doctors to predict which ones are more likely to become seriously ill and require intensive care and which ones are more likely to enjoy a quick recovery.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |


45 10


Cover Story 10
Blood tests can act as early Indication of Intense Covid-19: Study 18
Featured Article

Easy and affordable access to Peritoneal Dialysis under PMNDP facilitates
‘Living well with kidney disease’

Business News

Vasu Healthcare Launches Herbal Skincare range
under ‘Vasu Naturals’

Product Launches

Ultra-Absorptive Nanofiber Swabs developed by Researchers

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

oronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the name of the illness caused by the
new strain of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Diagnostic tests detect either
the genetic material (RNA) of the virus or viral proteins (antigens) in a sample
from the respiratory tract. COVID-19 serologic blood tests
detect antibodies produced in response to the SARS-CoV-2infection.
Researchers have reported that a series of biomarkers, or biological signals,
associated with white blood cell activation and obesity can predict severe
outcomes in Covid-19 patients.
The cover story of this month titled “Blood tests can act as early Indication of
Intense Covid-19: Study” contributed by wire agency a research study
published in a journal “Blood Advances”. When patients with Covid-19 arrive
in emergency rooms, there are relatively few ways for doctors to predict
which ones are more likely to become seriously ill and require intensive care
and which ones are more likely to enjoy a quick recovery.
However, this study concentrates on biomarkers which may help predict
severe outcomes in Covid-19 patients.
"Patients with Elevated levels of these markers were much more like to take
care in the intensive care unit, require ventilation, or die due to their Covid-
19," explained Dr Hyung Chun, the lead author, an associate professor of
medicine in cardiovascular medicine and pathology and director of
translational research at the Yale Pulmonary Vascular Disease Program. The
researchers also examined clinical data for over 3,000 additional patients
with Covid-19 within the Yale New Haven Hospital system.
Proteins (resistin, lipocalin-2, HGF, IL-8, and G-CSF) that are associated with
neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, were raised in the Covid-19 patients
who later became critically ill.

Added to this, the magazine has a unique article as a case study entitled “Easy
and affordable access to Peritoneal Dialysis under PMNDP facilitates ‘Living
well with kidney disease’. The article is all about focus on kidney disorders, 1
in 10 people in India is said to be suffering from some form of chronic kidney
disorder (CKD), of which 2,20,000 new cases of kidney failure (stage V CKD)
are reported in India each year, severe enough to need dialysis. Chronic
kidney disease is a severe public health problem so much so that kidney
failure is projected to be the fifth leading cause of death worldwide by 2040!
On this World Kidney Day, keeping in line with the theme of ‘Living Well with
Kidney” it would be pertinent to spread the much required education and
awareness on how patients suffering from kidney failure can live a healthy
life, maintain their role and social functioning, whilst maintaining some
semblance of normality and a sense of control over their health and

Dear subscribers, I trust you to discover some exciting topics in the magazine.
Additionally, I might want to express gratitude toward you for being together
on this beautiful excursion up until this point. We couldn't expect anything
more than to have your significant criticism and proposals as they help us to
think of better substance each time. For any suggestion and feedback please
feel free to write: [email protected]

Neither the Microbioz India nor its publishers nor anyone else involved in
creating, producing or delivering the Microbioz India (in printed, web or CD
format) or the materials contained therein, assumes any liability or responsibility
for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the
Microbioz India Magazine (in printed, web or CD format), nor shall they be liable
for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages
arising out of the use of the Microbioz India magazine.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 08

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Cover Story

Blood tests can act

as early Indication of Intense

Covid-19: Study

A clinical report Drove by the journal 'Blood However, this study concentrates on biomarkers
Advances' has claimed that a development which may help predict severe outcomes in Covid-
of biomarkers, or natural signs, related to 19 patients.
white platelet initiation and obesity may expect "Patients with Elevated levels of these markers
extreme outcomes in Covid-19 patients. were much more like to take care in the intensive
When patients with Covid-19 arrive in emergency care unit, require ventilation, or die due to their
rooms, there are relatively few ways for doctors to Covid-19," explained Dr Hyung Chun, the lead
predict which ones are more likely to become author, an associate professor of medicine in
seriously ill and require intensive care and which cardiovascular medicine and pathology and director
ones are more likely to enjoy a quick recovery. of translational research at the Yale Pulmonary
Vascular Disease Program.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 10

Cover Story

Laboratory studies had identified possible "This is one of the first demonstrations that a set
indicators of acute Covid-19, including D-dimer of biomarkers in the blood of Covid patients can
levels, a measure of blood coagulation, and predict eventual ICU admission, even before such
amounts of proteins called cytokines, which are patients become critically ill," said study author Dr
published as part of inflammatory responses in the Alfred Lee, associate professor of medicine in
hematology, director of the Yale Medical
"If a diagnostic test [for these biomarkers] Oncology-Hematology Fellowship Program, and a
member of the Yale Cancer Center.
could be ordered early, it could give us a better Having early knowledge of these indicators could
sense of who is more likely to become critically significantly improve patient treatment, the
researchers said.
ill and will benefit from a higher level of care "If a diagnostic test [for these biomarkers] could be
and consideration for therapies that affect the ordered early, it could give us a better sense of who
is more likely to become critically ill and will benefit
immune system early on in their from a higher level of care and consideration for
hospitalization," said Chun. therapies that affect the immune system early on in
their hospitalization," said Chun.
Chun added, "Many of these drugs do carry Chun added, "Many of these drugs do carry
potential side effects, and these tests may help potential side effects, and these tests may help
identify those patients who would benefit the identify those patients who would benefit the
"most. The study also underscored the connection
between Covid-19 and obesity, researchers said.
body. However, until now, no laboratory marker The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
could predict which patients with Covid-19 would notes that obesity and severe obesity increase the
finally become critically ill prior to showing clinical risk of severe illness from Covid-19. Obesity triples
signs and symptoms of severe disease. the risk of hospitalization from Covid-19, and
For the new study, Yale researchers used proteomic levels of body mass index have been found to
profiling -- a display for many proteins within the correlate with the risk of death from Covid-19.
blood -- to analyze samples taken from 100 patients Neutrophils are inflammatory cells, said Lee, so it
who would go on to experience different degrees makes sense that they would be elevated in the
of Covid-19 severity. In all cases, the blood samples context of both obesity -- which involves chronic,
were collected on the patients' first day of low-grade inflammation -- and Covid-19, which
admission. The researchers also examined clinical causes hyper inflammation in the most severe
data for over 3,000 additional patients with Covid- cases, leading to tissue damage and organ failure.
19 within the Yale New Haven Hospital system. "There are also signs that neutrophils might
Proteins (resistin, lipocalin-2, HGF, IL-8, and G- participate in thrombosis or blood clotting," said
CSF) that are associated with neutrophils, a type of Lee, another troubling hallmark of Covid-19.
white blood cell, were raised in the Covid-19 The researchers will expand their study into the
patients who later became critically ill. relationship between biomarkers and Covid-19 by
looking at patients who have recovered from acute
Experience more serious symptoms illness.
were evident before those symptoms "We are hoping these findings motivate other
appeared. All Covid-19 patients that groups to look at their own patient populations,"
were admitted or transferred to the said Chun, adding that they'll need additional
ICU had elevated Who never validation studies that would support developing
developed severe illness. None of the diagnostic tests for these biomarkers.
patients with lower neutrophil "The evolution of our findings really shows the
biomarker levels died. power of collaboration, which has emerged as one
hopeful aspect of this devastating pandemic that we
will continue to harness for the benefit of the
patients," said Lee.

Note: This story has been published from a wire agency

feed without modifications to the text.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 11

Featured Article

Easy and affordable access to Peritoneal Dialysis under
PMNDP facilitates ‘Living well with kidney disease’

Private insurers too have included PD under the ambit of insurance policies

Bangalore 10th March: 1 in 10 people in ‘’This move by the government was taken in a bid
India is said to be suffering from some form to make dialysis accessible to all kidney patients in
of chronic kidney disorder (CKD), of which the country. Notwithstanding the right intention
2,20,000 new cases of kidney failure (stage V CKD) behind the move, the policy lacks tangible and
are reported in India each year, severe enough to cohesive adoption plan to address problems related
need dialysis. Chronic kidney disease is a severe to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the country.
public health problem so much so that kidney Today, the policy is incorporated only by four
failure is projected
to be the fifth Indian states. Considering the burgeoning CKD
leading cause of numbers, conventional treatment options to treat
death worldwide kidney patients alone cannot suffice.
by 2040! On this It is imperative to understand the crucial role
World Kidney played by alternate methods such as PD in giving
Day, keeping in respite to patients,” said Dr.E. Mahesh Prof and
line with the theme Head Dept of Nephrology M.S. Ramaiah
of ‘Living Well medical college, Bangalore
with Kidney” it PD frees patients from the multiple visits to the
would be pertinent clinics every week as applicable in the conventional
to spread the Haemodialysis (HD) and can be performed at
much required home without any specialized equipment. In fact, it
education and can be easily carried out at home by the patient,
awareness on how often without help. Contrary to a HD session, PD
patients suffering is painless and needle-less procedure that allows the
from kidney failure patient to lead a better quality of life even with the
can live a healthy chronic ailment. Moreover, PD is suitable even for
life, maintain their children below five years as it does not stop them
role and social from pursuing their school or other normal
functioning, whilst activities.
maintaining some semblance of normality and a
sense of control over their health and wellbeing.
One of the major hurdles for such patients is the
lack of access to dialysis, which has long been a
reality owing to critical shortages of dialysis
equipment and staff especially during the COVID-
19 pandemic. This has made the entire process
even more challenging for them. However, the
Indian government’s decision to include Peritoneal
Dialysis (PD), an advanced and convenient
technology for home-based dialysis treatment
under the Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis
Programme (PMNDP) in 2016 has been helping
kidney failure patients to have affordable and easy
access to this home-based treatment option. With
the inclusion of PD in PMNDP, the government
has brought down the overall cost of treatment by
efficiently leveraging the resources, which in turn
will help all the kidney failure patients to have easy
access to the services.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 12

Featured Article Nevertheless, private insurance companies’ latest
decision of including PD under the ambit of
Suresh Sharma a patient (name changed) insurance policies will help India in making renal
said,’’ When I was introduced to Peritoneal care affordable for all. There is an increasing
Dialysis (PD), I was confused about handling it at dialysis demand of 31 percent in the county.
home all by myself. However, when I realized that Including PD in insurance policies will act as a
I could carry PD along with remote patient driving force for more people to opt home-based
monitoring (RPM) system that records my dialysis dialysis. This would prevent people from
condition simultaneously, I gained confidence. discontinuing the dialysis due to financial crunch.
RPM system saves data and transmits it Today, about two-third of 70 to 80 percent kidney
automatically to a safe platform which can be patients in India withdraw from dialysis and
accessed by my healthcare provider. Considering succumb to death due to financial crunch and
the nature of end stage renal disease, patients need around 60 million dialysis patients are pushed
different settings per therapy session. When the under the poverty line due to exorbitant medical
doctor analysis my treatment history and notices bills
any issue, he can remotely customize my dashboard
and recommend changes’’

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 13

Featured Article

Got questions around the on-going Covid

Godrej Vaccine Refrigeration team brings you all the answers from Padma Shree Presidential Awardee
and Dr B. C. Roy Presidential Awardee, Doctor Sanjeev Bagai.

A1s people across the country undergo Fast-paced introduction of Covid vaccine
covid-19 vaccinations, this National
Vaccination Day, Godrej Appliances, a Normally, it takes between 10 to 15 years for a drug
business of Godrej & Boyce, the flagship company manufacturer to get a vaccine through a decade-
of the Godrej Group, collaborated with Padma long process of various phases of trials and
Shree Presidential Awardee and Dr B. C. Roy approvals from monitoring agencies to roll out.
Presidential Awardee, Doctor Sanjeev Bagai,
Chairman of
Nephron Clinic.
Together they
will address some
of the lingering
questions around
vaccination, in
the minds of
people. Here are
some excerpts -

Workings of a


Vaccines are

agents which

induce immunity

by producing

antibodies in the

body. On

exposure to an

antigen (an outside protein or virus or bacteria), the With the pandemic, there was global, par
excellence, and unprecedented collaboration
body hosts an immune response with your battery among various international organizations such as
GAVI and WHO, which monitor these programs
of antibodies, which are your warriors now ready to so that the vaccines are rolled out at a faster pace
to fight against the deadly virus.
fight the infection. The immunity is developed over Keeping in mind the urgency, this time, monitoring
agencies provided a quick turnaround on the
a period of days, weeks or even months. approvals, without compromising the safety and
the ethics of the trials.
Different levels of vaccines are given at different
The technology behind the vaccine
time frames to induce different levels of immunity.
Now across the world, there are many covid-19
Some vaccines require booster dosages, while vaccines which have been rolled out Many of the
covid-19 vaccines are mRNA-based.
others are given annually and then there are those

given as a single shot which provides protection for

life. Some of the common vaccines that are given

at birth are BCG, oral polio vaccine, diphtheria,

tetanus, measles, hepatitis A, hepatitis B. Now the

new entrant is Covid-19 vaccine.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 14

Featured Article

This technology has been utilized during MERS grip on this pandemic. India is looking at
and SARS epidemic in 2006, 2010 and again in vaccinating approximately 30 Cr. people in the next
2012, and was even tried during the Ebola few months before summer ends.
epidemic. The other vaccines which are vector- In terms of reaching this level of immunity, it is to
based vaccines use an older platform and a time- be kept in mind that the viruses also mutate, which
tested technology. This is also known as an adeno is a normal evolution phenomenon of the virus to
vector-based technology, in which the survive – making the virus more transmissible, its
manufactured virus piggybacks on the adenovirus infectivity increases, and it becomes resistant to the
and enters the body to enhance the immunity in neutralizing antibodies. This is another key reason
quicker time. why the vaccination program needs to be quick and
time bound.
The need for a robust Cold Chain
Covid-19 Vaccine Dosage
Right from the time a vaccine is being prepared, it
is done under strict proportions at a particular Most of the vaccines so far, including those being
temperature in the vaccine manufacturing unit. For rolled in the Indian diaspora, require two doses.
a tropical country like India wherein the ambient The timing of the dose varies. The 2nd dose or the
temperature can go as high as 45 degrees, the entire booster starts inducing cells which are critical in
cold chain has to be robust to maintain the required long term immunity. The mRNA vaccines are also
temperatures. There are some vaccines which given between a gap of three to four weeks i.e., 28
require 2 to 4 degrees, some require 4 to 8 degrees. to 30 days. With 2 dosage mechanism, data
There are some mRNA vaccines, which require - maintenance of the patients is crucial.
70 to - 90 degrees cold storage. And then once the Many pharma companies are now coming up with
vaccine comes out from the icebox or from the an intranasal vaccine, which is single-dose and will
cold storage it remains active for X amount of days. eliminate most of the issues of the injectable part.
Now, the requirement is in terms of mass storage A single dosage helps in better compliance and
of not hundreds or thousands, but millions of elevates the ease and convenience of
doses, that need containers which can maintain the administration.
temperature. Till now, this has never happened in
India. This is a compliment to the Indian industry, Vaccine Hesitancy & Vaccine Safety
which has come to help the medical core to
maintain the temperature as there is no point in There has been no case report as such to indicate
giving a vaccine that becomes inactive or questions around the safety of the vaccine. This
ineffective. vaccine doesn't cause any multi-organ involvement.
The government has involved the private sector in The vaccine doesn't cause any impotency or any
a huge manner because, there is no divided between brain or heart or spinal damage! The side effects
the government and the private in such have been even smaller than the influenza shots.
unprecedented times. It is safe in terms of efficacy.
And the private sectors have come in with all the The on-ground effectiveness of a vaccine dips
knowledge and expertise, very often through down for a variety of environmental and
philanthropic means, to help transport these administrable logistic reasons. Any vaccine with
vaccines, maintain the temperature, not only in more than 50-60% efficacy has been proven to
metros or tier I and tier II cities, but outside work very well on the field.
because the vaccine has to go to the last mile. Vaccine hesitancy is a cocktail of ignorance and
arrogance and has to be eliminated with strong
Herd Immunity – a necessity public messaging. Crores of health care workers
have come up first to get vaccinated. We need to
Herd immunity is a critical threshold in which a spread the message. Everyone needs to be a
community develops immunity, which is either transmitter of good knowledge and scientific facts.
through natural infection or induced through Every doctor should be a vaccine ambassador.
vaccine as an active immunity in which the With proper awareness, vaccine hesitancy can be
community stops transmitting the infection. It is eliminated. Vaccine hesitancy is the worst thing you
like breaking the chain of transmission and requires can do to your country and to the globe. No one is
between 60% to 70% of the entire country's safe till everyone is safe. Therefore, we need to
population to be vaccinated, which is monumental! spread the message as quickly as possible to as large
The quicker the vaccines reach humans all over the a number of people as possible and with maximum
world, the sooner and easier it would be to get a safety, India needs to be immunized.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 15

Featured Article

Word of Caution Lastly, most important is the role of technology
especially leveraging advances in digital technology,
As any human being gets a vaccine, in the Indian artificial intelligence, logistics, medical supply
diaspora, say dose one on day zero, after 13 – 14 chains etc. in the healthcare space.
days, the B cells i.e., the antibodies start building,
although don't reach a protective level as yet. It Issued in public interest by Godrej Medical
takes at least two to three weeks for the antibodies Refrigeration of Godrej Appliances, Godrej &
then to continue to build, to reach a protective Boyce. Godrej & Boyce, the flagship company of
level. The second dose or the booster is given, the Godrej Group, has been committed to serving
which fires the immunity further, to give not only the country especially in the trying pandemic times,
B cells, but it starts inducing the T cells, which are through its efforts across its offerings – be it
critical in long term immunity. through medical components - Hospital Bed
A natural infection gives an antibody protection for Actuators and Electro-magnetic valves for
maximum up to three months and T- cells up to ventilators, or through disinfectant devices aimed
eight months, but that’s poor immunity for long at keeping the population safer at home, or setting
term. Vaccines provide more robust, long- up socially distant offices to keep people safe at
lasting and accurate immunity. work; and is proud to serve the country with Made
After vaccine administration, one continues to in India medical refrigerators and freezers, at a time
build antibodies for many months maybe even up when they are most needed.
to a year. This is why, one would advise to continue
wearing a mask, maintaining proper sanitization, About Godrej & Boyce: Godrej & Boyce (‘G&B’), a Godrej Group company, was
even if vaccinated to break the transmission chain. founded in 1897, and has contributed to India’s journey of self-reliance through
manufacturing. G&B patented the world’s first springless lock and since then, has
Pandemic’s impact on health care diversified into 14 businesses across various sectors from Security, Furniture,
Appliances, Aerospace to Infrastructure and Defence. Godrej is one of India’s most
The pandemic has been a frontal attack on trusted brands serving over 1.1bn customers worldwide daily.
humanity. It highlighted the chronic underfunding About Godrej Appliances: Godrej Appliances, a business unit of Godrej & Boyce, is
of public health infrastructure worldwide, which one of the leading Home Appliances players in India. Godrej & Boyce was the first
will now get a huge impetus. Not only affordable, Indian Company in 1958 to manufacture Refrigerators and since then Godrej
accessible and accredited healthcare, but Appliances has expanded its portfolio across many other categories like Washing
preventative, predictive, personal healthcare and Machines, Air Conditioners, Microwave Ovens, futuristic Thermo-electric cooling
focus on primary healthcare will be the norm. solutions, Air Coolers, Deep Freezers, highly specialized Medical Refrigerators and
more recently, UVC Technology-Based Disinfecting devices and Dishwashers, all
powered by the driving philosophy of 'Things made thoughtfully’.
This thought extends from human-centric design to planet centric design. Environment
is a core value at Godrej. Both manufacturing units of Godrej Appliances became the
first in the country to win the coveted Platinum Plus Green Co certification for their
pioneering green manufacturing practices.
The brand takes pride in not just its carefully designed products and environment-
friendly technologies, but also best in class after-sales service delivered through over
680 service centers and more than 4500 SmartBuddy service experts spread all over
the country.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 16

Business News

ResMed Advances Home Sleep Testing in India

Brings onelseeptest, a new at-home sleep test by Ectosense to help millions
effectively and accurately diagnose sleep apnea

ResMed, a global leader in digital “Over one-third of the Indian population suffers
health, is now distributing the from sleeping disorders, and the worst part is, many
onesleeptest by Ectosense in don’t know they have it and therefore don’t reach
India to help patients and physicians out for help.
diagnose millions of Indians who suffer We believe home sleep tests are essential to helping
from undiagnosed sleep apnea. diagnose more people who suffer from sleep apnea,
especially at a time when social distancing and
onesleeptest by Ectosense is a contactless diagnosis is encouraged. Therefore,
disposable, multi-night use test based on onesleeptest is the ideal solution.”
peripheral arterial tonometry technology With only 500 sleep labs in a country of 1.3 billion
with a built-in NightOwl sensor (driven people, timely testing and diagnosis becomes even
by Photoplethysmography-PPG more pivotal to address and raise awareness around
technology) to measure key indicators sleep disorders. As part of ResMed India’s Wake
such as heart rate, oxygen desaturation and body Up to Good Sleep campaign, ResMed partnered
movements to determine sleep quality. The with renowned Indian stand-up comedian, writer,
onesleeptest device accurately tracks and delivers presenter, and actor Jeeveshu Ahluwalia, who
results by a certified sleep specialist within 3-5 himself is a sleep apnea patient with type 2 diabetes
working days, making it an ideal solution to test and obesity to underline the need for testing and
sleep quality from the comfort and safety of your importance of sleep quality. Ahluwalia shared his
home during the pandemic. own experience through a small comic skit,
highlighting symptoms of sleep apnea and how to
ResMed is launching a three-part “onesleeptest” get tested.
service in conjunction with World Sleep Day If you think you aren’t sleeping right or you
(March 19), includes the home sleep test, along constantly feel tired during the day after getting a
with sleep scoring by a leading sleep physician in full night’s sleep, order a onesleeptest kit here and
India and sleep coach consultancy to support follow the simple instructions to activate the sleep
patients’ journey from diagnosis to therapy. test via the NightOwl app from the Google Play
Sleep disorders are often undiagnosed, are Store or iOS App Store.
detrimental to one’s health, and are possibly the onesleeptest allows a patient to assess their results via
underlying cause for several serious, life- email by a certified sleep specialist at ResMed, along
threatening conditions such as obesity, heart with suitable therapies and treatments. To book an
disease and diabetes. Moreover, patients that suffer appointment with a sleep coach, call this toll-free
from sleep apnea, a relatively unknown but number: 1800-103-3969.
prevalent sleep disorder, experience loss of
productivity, snoring, morning headaches and
daytime sleepiness as the most common symptoms.

In India, an estimated 5.4 percent of the population
between the ages of 30-69 (28.8 million) suffers
from moderate to severe sleep apnea, according to
a 2019 Lancet Respiratory Medicine study.

“Home sleep tests are reliable, comfortable and are
even recommended by the American Society of
Sleep Medicine,” said Seema Arora, Marketing
Manager, Asia & LatAm – ANZ, ResMed.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 17

Business News

Vasu Healthcare Launches Herbal Skincare
range under ‘Vasu Naturals’

Serving Goodness of Ayurveda since 1980, Free, Formaldehyde free, Non- irritant and
Gujarat based Vasu Healthcare Pvt Ltd - a dermatologically safe to use.
leading brand in herbal and ayurveda space “Awareness for personal hygiene has increased a lot
with its flagship brand TRICHUP has forayed into globally post Covid and acceptance of natural and
Herbal Skincare. Company has launched wide Ayurvedic solutions has picked up a great deal. We
range of herbal skincare products in the Personal are receiving excellent response from domestic
Care that includes Face washes, Shower Gels, Body market as well as International markets in particular
lotions, Skin cream, Face Masks, and Face Scrubs from MENA region, CIS and Europe region.
etc under ‘Vasu Naturals’. In the next 3 years,
Vasu Healthcare is aiming for sales of Rs. 250 crore,
Vasu Naturals is expected to contribute 20-25% of
company’ sales.

Established in 1980, Vasu Healthcare is engaged in
manufacture & marketing of products ranging
from Ayurvedic Therapeutic formulations, Herbal
Cosmetic & Personal Care, Herbal & Nutritional
Supplements. Company is among top five brands
in the Ayurveda prescription market of India and
reported sales of Rs.125 crore in FY 19-20.

Speaking on the launch, Mr. Hardik Ukani, Mr. Hardik Ukani, Managing Director, Vasu
Managing Director, Vasu Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Healthcare Pvt Ltd
said, “Vasu Naturals is the result of company's
strong Ayurveda heritage and R&D capabilities. In addition to the traditional channels, Vasu
The range is aimed at offering innovative yet Naturals range will be available on all the leading e-
pocket friendly range and as per lifestyle of commerce portals including Amazon, Flipkart,
millennial. Products of Vasu Naturals are created BigBasket, Nykaa and its own store
with natural herbs including Neem, Aloevera, Company is also
Lemon, Turmeric etc. In addition to domestic exploring tie-up with a leading modern trade
markets, we are launching ‘Vasu Naturals’ in our partner for Vasu Naturals,” said Mr. Sagar Patel,
existing network of 50 plus countries and digital Director, Vasu Healthcare Pvt Ltd.
platforms. Our R&D team is further working on According to a KPMG report, the size of India’s
expanding the personal hygiene and skincare beauty and wellness market was estimated at
range including oral healthcare. In the next 3 around Rs. 80,370 crore in 2019 and growing at a
years, Vasu Healthcare is aiming for sales of Rs. CAGR of 18%.
250 crore, Vasu Naturals is expected to Vasu Naturals is expected to complement
contributed 20-25% of company’ sales.” company’s Herbal cosmetic segment under
company’s flagship brand - TRICHUP that offers
Inspired by the Nature, Vasu Naturals is setup with wide range of Hair Care Hair Care Solutions
an objective to offer a range of innovative herbal including oil, shampoo, Henna, Herbal Hair
products enthused by the Ayurveda’s rich heritage powder, Serum, Hair Conditioner, Hair Cream and
and backed by strong R&D, modern science and Tablet.
technology. Company has launched 20 plus Vasu Healthcare currently exports to 50 plus
products - a range of Face Wash, Face Mask, Face countries including Middle East, North Africa, CIS,
Scrub, Hand Cream, Foot Cream, Face Cream, United Kingdom, Europe, ASEAN & Latin
Hand Washes, Shower Gel Range, Body Lotions, America region countries. Company is looking to
Lip care, Skin Cream etc. Products are Paraben strengthen its international reach and planning to
expand in European Markets soon.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 18

Business News

Viveo Health expands Partnership with Voll Sante to Promote
Nutritional and Physical Therapy in India

~VIVEO Health and Voll Sante partnership to on-board 50,000 Indian physiotherapists
~10,000 Indian clinical dieticians to get on-board
~Healthcare access to be provided through telehealth consultations

Estonia based global e-health innovator Mr. Prasant Mohanty, Director, Viveo Health
company Viveo Health today announces India, said, “We are delighted to partner with Voll
its partnership with ‘Voll Sante’ to Sante to on-board 50,000 physiotherapists and
promote nutritional and physical therapy in India. 10,000 dieticians. Through this agreement, we will
The two companies have come together to ensure to bridge the gap and deliver the best
promote and provide better nutritional and outcomes to our practitioners and patients in the
physical therapy to patients in India. After being wellness counseling space to ensure improved
trusted by thousands of healthcare professionals in results"
over 40 countries across the world, Viveo Health
launched earlier in December 2020 to provide
physicians and healthcare professionals in India
with world-class telemedicine solutions.

Viveo Health's partnership with
Voll Sante is all set to on-board
50,000 physiotherapists and 10,000
dieticians. Voll Sante takes pride in
developing and marketing high-
quality Functional Foods &
Beverages and Nutraceuticals,
Natural, Nutritious, Tasty,
Convenient, and Preventive. The
physiotherapists and dieticians will be
accessible through Digital Clinics, a
virtual office network that will be
provided to physiotherapists and
nutritionists by Viveo Health.

Commenting on the partnership, Commenting on the partnership Mr. Satya Dev
Mr. Raul Kallo, CEO, Viveo Health, expressed, Tiwari, Managing Director, Voll Sante, said,
"We are pleased to strengthen our collaboration
"We launched VIVEO with a vision to ensure with Viveo Health towards promoting physical and
that healthcare providers and patients have nutritional wellbeing. It represents our
access to our technologies. commitment to address the overall well-being of
We are pleased that our mission has been every individual in the country. Good nutrition,
fruitful in nearly 40 countries and are aiming to physical activity, and healthy body weight are
bring healthcare to 1 billion people by 2025. critical components of an individual's general
Most practitioners suggest that we can curb health and wellbeing. These can together help
many health issues at earlier stages by minimize the risk of a person developing severe
moderating nutritional and physical wellbeing. health problems. We look forward to leveraging
We intend to extend the same support to our this partnership by on-boarding about 50,000
stakeholders in India through this new deal with physiotherapists and 10,000 clinical dieticians to
Voll Sante” provide broader access to every patient in the
Story source/Credit: Viveo Health

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 19

Business News

HCG Cancer Hospital launches state- of-the-art
Day Care Centre in Bengaluru

The services offered at this centre are intended to enhance the patient experience, while
they are undergoing therapy for cancer

HCG Cancer Hospital, the specialist in Centre said, “The daycare centres will offer
cancer care launched the state-of-the-art consultations, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and
daycare centre in Bengaluru. This highly immunotherapies. These centres will be equipped
specialized advanced center will help patients to handle minor office biopsy procedures under
improve their cancer therapy regimens. The local anesthesia with all basic and advanced onco-
daycare centres are located at Malleshwaram, diagnostics. The centres will work in sync with the
Banashankari, and Kalyanagar. Patients can access state-of-art comprehensive cancer centre at KR
a full-fledged and specialized daycare centre with a road. At day care centre, patients can consult skilled
360-degree approach towards promoting wellness and experienced medical oncologists in an ambient
of cancer patients and survivors. These daycare treatment setting with immense support from our
centres aim at facilitating cancer-related treatments team of specialized onco-nurses. Patients can walk
under a single roof with better outcomes and in home the same day of chemotherapy infusion
improving cancer treatments with accessible which will save both time and resources. With the
services. new services, patients will also have the choice of a
The new clinical model will be at par with the best- second opinion, enabling the doctors to choose the
in-class available technology and clinical expertise best line of treatment”.
along with a personalized care in an 'un-hospital' Dr. Balakrishna Shetty, Chairman, Isha
like environment so that it can cater to the growing Diagnostics said, “Early diagnosis is very
needs of patients in the neighbourhood. This important in cancer management. Accurate
facility will enable patients to receive surgical diagnosis of cancer is also mandatory. Isha
treatment without being admitted to the hospital. Diagnostics is known for early and accurate
diagnosis of most of the disease processes
The amenities available at this centre are intended including cancer for the last 15 years. Patients with
to enhance the patient experience. Some of these suspicious disease will have expert consultation,
services include rapid diagnostics for cancer clinical diagnosis from oncologists and immediate
detection on the same day, day care chemotherapy laboratory and imaging studies, all under one roof.
infusion, radiology, laboratory services, nuclear This will save critical time and energy of patients.
medicine scans (including PET CT – analog & Golden Hour is the policy we follow, that means a
digital), minor procedures, biopsies, etc. comprehensive diagnosis within an hour, this is
possible because of the availability of expert
Dr. BS Ajaikumar, Executive Chairman, diagnosticians and state of the art equipment at
HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd. Said, Isha Diagnostics, Malleshwaram, Bangalore”.
“HCG Hospitals has always been at the forefront
providing quality care to its patients. I am excited For more information, please contact:
to announce the launch of the outpatient daycare HCG Cancer Hospital
centre at our Bengaluru hub. The global pandemic Public Relations
emerged critical, as most patients delayed their Shipali Poojary
diagnosis and treatment due to the fear of +91 9964026154
contracting the virus. [email protected]
The daycare centre will facilitate early treatment
options, increasing accessibility with better
outcomes and lesser hospital stay. The day care
centre will cater to patients in Bangalore and
neighboring areas".
Dr. Murali Subramanian, Director & Senior
Medical Oncologist, HCG Day Care

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 20

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Research News

Pushing the boundaries of 3D


Two newly developed methods will help ALMOST can be applied to both biological and
researchers to study the 3D structure of non-biological samples:
complex surfaces and of individual neurons “The ability to record the surface of a medium-
better than ever before. Sebastian Munck and sized object in 3D opens perspectives for digital
repositories of zoological and botanical collections
Natalia Gunko, two expert technologists at VIB- and enables a link to 3D printing of these objects.
From pigment analysis to virtual reality, or even art,
KU Leuven, report new imaging protocols that will the possibilities are endless.” The scientists neatly
illustrate this by imaging not only biological
advance neuroscience and (bio)imaging in general. samples such as fruit flies and seed cones, but also
Lego figurines.
The biotech R&D sector is thriving in Flanders,
From silver to gold: optimizing a century-
and this is in no small part due to presence of a lot old method to study neurons in more detail

of tech development and know-how, enabling In the late 19th century, Camillo Golgi developed a
method to stain the long protrusions of individual
scientists to carve out a path towards new insights brain cells in what he called “the black reaction.”
Now referred to as the Golgi method, the protocol
and therapies. This month, two colleagues at VIB has been refined over the years and proved
instrumental for many groundbreaking advances in
and KU Leuven report on new ways to study 3D neurobiology.

surfaces and the 3D ultrastructure of brain cells. Correlative 3D images show the distribution and orientation of
plasmodesmata within the cell walls of root nodules influenced
From Lego to flies: ALMOST allows
by symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
unprecedented 3D surface imaging
Nevertheless, it also has some important
Recent developments in 3D microscopy have drawbacks, according to Natalia Gunko (VIB-KU
Leuven): “Golgi staining techniques are still widely
revolutionized biomedical research by enabling the used in research and clinical diagnostics, but they
are incompatible with further studies of the
imaging of whole model organisms such as subcellular architecture of neurons with electron
microscopy due to the formation of large, electron-
zebrafish and fruit fly larvae as well as cleared dense silver deposits that mask ultrastructural
mouse embryos and

organs. In many cases,

however, this requires

making a sample

transparent using

chemical ‘clearing’

methods, says light

microscopy expert

Sebastian Munck (VIB-

KU Leuven): “Clearing

methods are time

intensive and can’t be

applied to every type of

sample. Moreover, if you

want to study surface

morphology or color,

optically clearing is counterproductive.”

That is why Munck and his team developed

“ALMOST,” an optical method for 3D surface

imaging of reflective opaque objects. Munck:

“ALMOST stands for A Label-free Multicolor

Optical Surface Tomography method. It provides a

3D surface reconstruction of non-transparent

samples, including information on its color and

reflective properties.”

Munck believes that many research fields will

benefit from this straightforward way of

documenting and quantifying 3D surfaces, as

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 22

Research News

To solve this problem, Gunko and her team This is but one example of the use of the
adapted the Golgi method for electron microscopy
by replacing silver salts with gold salts, resulting in new method in fundamental neuroscience
far smaller particles that are often deposited at the
periphery of neurons. and the study of neuronal morphology in
It’s the first successful use of a Golgi-based
staining technique for tracing neurons over their brain disease.
entire length, preserving the ultrastructural
details,” says Gunko, who immediately applied the Publications
technique to study neuronal ultrastructure in an A Label-free Multicolor Optical Surface Tomography (ALMOST)
Alzheimer’s disease model. imaging 1 method for nontransparent 3D samples, Kerstens et al.
2019 BMC Biology
“We combined the Golgi staining with Modernization of Golgi staining techniques for high-resolution, 3-
fluorescent labeling and tissue clearing to dimensional imaging of individual neurons, Vints et al.
visualize spatial relationships between 2019 Scientific Reports
entire neurons and amyloid plaques in Story Source:
brain samples of an Alzheimer’s mouse Materials provided by VIB (the Flanders Institute for
model.” Biotechnology). Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal References:
Axelle Kerstens, Nikky Corthout, Benjamin Pavie, Zengjin Huang, Frank
Vernaillen, Greetje Vande Velde, Sebastian Munck. A Label-free
Multicolor Optical Surface Tomography (ALMOST) imaging method
for nontransparent 3D samples. BMC Biology, 2019; 17 (1)
DOI: 10.1186/s12915-018-0614-4
Katlijn Vints, Dorien Vandael, Pieter Baatsen, Benjamin Pavie, Frank
Vernaillen, Nikky Corthout, Vasily Rybakin, Sebastian Munck, Natalia V.
Gounko. Modernization of Golgi staining techniques for high-
resolution, 3-dimensional imaging of individual neurons. Scientific
Reports, 2019; 9 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37377-x

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 23

Business News

Aarna Hospital becomes the first and only

hospital in Gujarat to offer cashless facility for

Covid-19 patients

Ahmedabad, March
15, 2021: At the
time when the
patients of Covid-19

struggled with claim

settlements, huge

deductions and even

denial of claim settlement

for Covid related

treatments, a hospital in

Ahmedabad has came

forward to provide some

relief. Aarna Super

Specialty Hospital, situated

in Maninagar area of

Ahmedabad, became the

first and only hospital in

Gujarat that took the

initiative to provide cashless facility to Covid-19

patients. In the last three months, more than 20 Patients get quality treatment without paying a
single penny from their own pocket. With 3rd party
patients have been benefited with the cashless audit of the hospital bills by insurance companies
and TPAs, grievances also get reduced significantly.
treatment of Covid-19. I would request more and more hospitals to follow
us to help patients amidst the rising number of
Speaking on this, Dr. Rohit Joshi, cases in last few days.” he added.
Chairman, Aarna Super Speciality Hospital It’s noteworthy that the Insurance Regulatory and
Said “The Covid-19 jolted the people on Development Authority of India (IRDAI) had
both, economic as well as health fronts. In taken a serious note of instances of hospitals
absence of cashless treatment for Covid, denying cashless claim settlement facility to
patients despite having health insurance policyholders for treatment of Covid-19. In a
were forced to face issues such as claim circular dated 14th July 2020, the regulator advised
rejection, delays and had no option but to insurance companies to ensure that policyholders
pay hefty medical bills from savings and get cashless treatment facility at hospitals where it
even had to borrow. We had started is applicable.
offering the cashless facility in December,
2020 and the response from the patients As per IRDA notification, Insurance companies are
has been very satisfactory.” advised to ensure that where the policyholder is
notified about availability of cashless facility at the
“At Aarna Hospital we offer cashless treatment for empaneled network provider, the cashless facility at
Covid patients. such network provider shall be made available to
the policyholder in accordance to the terms and
conditions of the policy contract and as per the
terms agreed in Service Level Agreement.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 24

Business News

Dr Narayan Hulse, Director of Orthopedics
of Fortis Hospital launches a Patient’s
Handbook on Joint Replacement

Renowned Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Narayan of their worries which would help them respond to
Hulse embarked a journey on a patient
handbook on Joint Replacement. One sole the treatment better.”
mission to guide patients struggling with
orthopedic issue, this book is one stop handbook Dr. Narayan Hulse, Director, Orthopaedics, –
for all.
The book launch took place today at J.P. Nagar in Bone & Joint Surgery, Fortis Hospital,
the presence of Shri Tejasvi Surya, Member of
Parliament graced the occasion and Bannerghatta Road said, “The Handbook on Joint-
was the first one to receive the first
copy of the book authored by Dr Replacement is my brain-child and I have worked
Hulse. The book – ‘Joint
Replacement’ A patient’s handbook very hard to bring this to perfection and help my
written by Dr. Narayan Hulse.
Dr Hulse is a senior joint patients every possible way.
replacement surgeon, author,
surgical trainer. He also works in the The book will answer a lot of frequently asked
field of research and is a review questions by the patients, how they can avoid joint
editor of orthopedic journals. He is replacement surgery, what are the conditions that
the director of the orthopedic lead to it and a lot more. This will also help patients
department at Fortis Hospital, make conscious decisions on whether to go for
Bengaluru. With specialization in joint replacement surgery or not if it all it is
joint replacement surgery, avoidable. Patients will also be able to choose the
arthroscopy and pelvic-acetabular best possible treatment and how to take care of
trauma. With years of training and themselves post operation. The book also comes
clinical work, Dr Hulse has vast experience and has with 150 patient illustrations, which will give a lot
performed four thousand joint replacement of new patients a clear idea of joint replacement. I
surgeries over the years; thus decided to pen down hope the book can reach out to every patient across
this handbook. country where they can educate themselves more
The handbook is a guide for all as it gives on joint replacement and it other aspects.”
information and the basic science behind joint
replacement, it’s different types and techniques that About Fortis Healthcare
can be and are being used. It contains all the
information that any patient or their family would Fortis Healthcare Limited – an IHH Healthcare Group Company – is a leading
need to know. Additionally, it contains 32 real integrated healthcare services provider in India. It is one of the largest healthcare
patient stories and how they went through the organisations in the country with 36 healthcare facilities (including projects under
entire process. development), 4000 operational beds and over 400 diagnostics centres (including
On the occasion, Shri Tejasvi Surya, Member of JVs). Fortis is present in India, United Arab Emirates (UAE) & Sri Lanka. The Company
Parliament, said, “It was indeed a pleasure to be a is listed on the BSE Ltd and National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. It draws strength
part of such a great initiative. Dr Hulse is one of from its partnership with global major and parent company, IHH, to build upon its
the greatest ortho surgeon that I know of, now his culture of world-class patient care and superlative clinical excellence. Fortis employs
Handbook is going to be handy for a lot of people 23,000 people (including SRL) who share its vision of becoming the world’s most
out there. The 100 FAQs the book has will help us trusted healthcare network. Fortis offers a full spectrum of integrated healthcare
solve minor questions in terms of otho queries. services ranging from clinics to quaternary care facilities and a wide range of ancillary
This book, this will help a lot of patients get a better service
understanding of what they are undergoing and
help them get better soon. This will take away a lot Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 25

Featured Article

Debunked: 5 Obesity
myths to let go of

According to numerous studies & reports, Obesity demands a personalised treatment model
more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight
and 650 million are obese globally. In India, involving medical therapies and lifestyle
over 135 million people are affected by obesity.
Obesity presents many medical and financial interventions, just like other chronic diseases.
challenges for the individual, society and
government. The problem of obesity can be solved The interdisciplinary team should consist of health
by creating public awareness about obesity and its
health consequences. care professionals, (including dietitians and

Dr Anantharaman, Consultant Endocrinologist, Magna physicians) working together to deliver optimal
Centres for Obesity Diabetes and Endocrinology,
Bangalore treatment.

Misconceptions or myths about obesity can result Myth 2: Exercising will fix Obesity
in stigma and weight bias. Countering myths with
facts and evidence has been proven to be an Fact: Exercise has many health benefits; however,
effective educational tool to increase individuals’
knowledge about a certain condition and to reduce weight loss isn’t really one of them. Exercise only
stigma, and obesity is no exception.
Below are some of the common myths around helps in losing 3% to 5% of weight. Exercise is
important for maintaining weight once you shed a
Myth 1: Obesity is a result of poor lifestyle
choices few kilos. Some forms of strenuous exercise can

Fact: Obesity is a complex chronic disease with even be dangerous for obese patients, particularly
multiple contributing factors such as genetic
variables as well as medical conditions. There is still if started all of a sudden. For some obese people,
a common belief that obesity is a lifestyle choice
and that people become obese because they eat too exercise isn’t suitable until they lose a certain
much or exercise too little. This is not entirely true!
Some people are merely susceptible to gaining amount of weight.
weight owing to their genetic disadvantages.
Myth 3: Obesity is always hereditary

Fact: When it comes to obesity, genetic factors play

an important role. However, it doesn’t mean that

inheriting some traits makes one obese. Obesity

rarely shows a clear inheritance pattern when it

occurs in families. It seems that in most cases,

obesity is multifactorial, which is the result of

complex interactions among many genes and

environmental factors.

Myth 4: Obesity does not affect health

Fact: Obesity has an adverse effect on almost every
part of the body and can hamper a person’s quality
of life.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 26

Featured Article Though diet and exercise are important aspects,
several other factors also play crucial role in obesity.
Obese people are at increased risk for many serious These factors are inadequate sleep, psychological
illnesses and health conditions when compared to stress, chronic pain, endocrine (hormone)
people with healthy and normal weight. These disruptors, and the use of certain medications. It is
conditions include type 2 diabetes mellitus, unfortunate that people often forget about these
arthroplasty, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, when thinking of obesity.
coronary heart disease, cerebral vasculopathy, sleep Obesity is a complex disease and we still have a lot
apnea syndrome, etc. to learn about it. Due to these gaps in knowledge,
people lean towards ideas that simply aren’t correct.
Myth 5: Eating less will solve the problem Unravelling the facts about obesity from the fiction
of Obesity will help understand and manage the disease better.
It is advisable to seek expert opinion from your
Fact: One of the main reasons for obesity is doctor to address obesity at an early stage.
consuming more calories than the body requires, Story source/Credit: Dr Anantharaman,
over an extended period of time. Consultant Endocrinologist, Magna Centres for
Obesity Diabetes and Endocrinology, Bangalore
The most common steps taken towards controlling
obesity are lowering calorie intake, increasing
physical activity or both.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 27

Research News

VR offers desire to nerve also gives us insight into the mechanisms behind this
effect. The next step of course is to conduct the study
injury patients with people who experience chronic pain to see if it
works for them.
encountering chronic pain
If it does work, it could be a really helpful in forming
We all feel physical pain in various ways, part of ongoing pain management by helping to target
but people with nerve injuries frequently the dysfunctions in the brain that underpin chronic
have a dysfunctional pain reduction
system, making them particularly prone to distress. pain.”
Now researchers have found that virtual reality
(VR) can reduce types of pain typically found in Dr Sam Hughes, Lecturer in Psychology, University of
patients with nerve injuries – which VR can raise
the dysfunctional pain suppression system, Plymouth
providing individuals with chronic pain a possible
game-changing hope. Source:
Dr Sam Hughes, Lecturer in Psychology at the
University of Plymouth, led the research focusing University of Plymouth
on conditioned pain modulation (CPM) – a pain
inhibitory pathway in humans. Journal reference:

Mehesz, E., et al. (2021) Exposure to an Immersive

Virtual Reality Environment can Modulate

Perceptual Correlates of Endogenous Analgesia

and Central Sensitization in Healthy

Volunteers. The Journal of


Study shows how self-

swimming microorganisms

get by in harsher


He and colleagues at Imperial College London had Many bacteria swim towards nutrients by
previously published work demonstrating that rotating the helix-shaped flagella
watching soothing 360-degree scenes of the Arctic attached to their bodies. As they
in virtual reality can help ease pain symptoms proceed, the cells may either’run’ in a straight line,
similar to those experienced during sunburn. or’fall’ by varying the rotational directions of the
In the current study they showed that VR can also flagella, inducing their avenues to intentionally alter
reduce pain symptoms like prickling and pain after course.
touch, which are frequently seen in patients with Through a process named’chemotaxis,’ bacteria
nerve injury. can decrease their rate of tumbling at higher levels
They also have gone one step further and of nutrients, while maintaining their swimming
quantified VR’s direct effects on CPM. CPM is speeds. In more hospitable environments like the
dysfunctional in patients with nerve injury, so by gut, this permits them to seek out nutrients more
knowing what can enhance its own action, easily.
scientists can help stimulate the body’s natural pain But in more nutrient-sparse surroundings, some
inhibiting procedure. species of bacteria will also function’chemokinesis’:
The study, published in The Journal of Infection , increasing their swim speeds as nutrient
showed that 360-degree scenes of the Arctic in concentrations increase, without altering their
virtual reality had an effect on the CPM efficiency, tumbling rates. Through new research published in
while the 2D versions of the same scenes EPJ E, Theresa Jakuszeit and a group at the
(described as’sham VR’) reduced CPM efficiency. University of Cambridge led by Ottavio Croze
It’s brilliant that we’ve seen these results as it shows produced a model which correctly accounts for the
more evidence that virtual reality can not only reduce combined influences of these two motions.
pain perception in human models of chronic pain, but
The team’s findings deliver new insights into how
self-swimming microbes survive, particularly in
harsher environments like lands and oceans.
Previously, studies have shown how chemokinesis
permits bacteria to band around nutrient sources,

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 28

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Research News Scientists have discovered a previously
unknown arm of the immune defense system
react quickly to short bursts of nourishment, and that protects the lung from lethal viral
even form mutually beneficial relationships with infections.
algae. Up to now, however, none of them have Respiratory diseases caused by viruses such as
directly measured how bacterial swim speeds can influenza A and SARS-CoV-2 cause harm not only
vary with nutrient concentration. through their own activities, but also from
Starting from mathematical equations describing collateral damage as the immune system reacts to
run-and-tumble dynamics, Croze’s team extended a combat the infection.
widely used model for chemotaxis to incorporate A timely and proportionate response identifies
chemokinesis. viruses, isolating them in tiny vesicles called
They then applied the new model to forecast the phagosomes which are then targeted for
dynamics of bacterial populations within the chemical breakdown.
gradients generated by nutrient distributions used in
previous experiments. This has serious consequences for viral lung
Through their strategy, the researchers showed infections, as it leads to inflammation, fluid
numerically how a combination of both motions can building up in the lungs and eventually death.
improve the responses of populations in comparison Given the effect of respiratory conditions, brought
with chemotaxis alone. They also presented more into sharp focus by the COVID-19 pandemic,
precise predictions of how bacteria respond to nutrient there’s a clear need to fully understand the
distributions – including sources which emit nutrients complexities of this immune response to develop
sporadically. This allowed them to better evaluate the better treatments or targets for drugs that could
biological benefits of motility. protect against infections taking hold.

Source: To address this teams in the Quadram Institute and
Springer universities of Liverpool,
Journal reference: East Anglia (UEA), and
Jakuszeit, T., et al. (2021) Migration and accumulation of bacteria with Bristol have worked together
chemotaxis and chemokinesis. The European Physical Journal to studythe immune response
E. to influenza A virus infection
in the lungs of mice. Animal
models provide a way of
understanding how the
immune system functions,
and as with SARS-CoV-2,
animals might be a substantial
reservoir for viruses which, if
transferred to people, can
activate pandemics.

Study uncovers immune Funded by the Biotechnology and Biological
defense system that Sciences Research Council, they focussed on a
shields the lungs from viral newly characterised form of non-canonical
diseases autophagy known as LC3-associated phagocytosis
(LAP) that recognises pathogens as they enter cells.
Professor Tom Wileman in the Quadram Institute
has worked with Dr Penny Powell and Professor
Ulrike Mayer at UEA to create a LAP-deficient
mouse to examine viral infection. Unique to this
study, the mice were designed to retain the standard

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 30

Research News

autophagy machinery, and target LAP in immune We need to assess whether the same system
cells, are the best available choice for understanding provides similar protection in humans, but this
the precise role of this newly discovered immune does point to the possibility of developing new
defense. drugs that manipulate this non‐canonical
autophagy to increase resistance at the lung
Prof James Stewart at the University of Liverpool surface, where it is most needed.”
characterised the purpose of LAP by infecting the Tom Wileman, Professor, University of East
transgenic mice with influenza virus and studying Anglia and Quadram Institute
the response to infection.
The mice were found to be more susceptible to the Source:
virus, with it triggering a cytokine storm leading to Quadram Institute
pneumonia. The researchers showed that LAP Journal reference:
prevented a lethal cytokine storm by supressing Wang, Y., et al. (2021) Non‐canonical autophagy functions of ATG16L1 in
lung inflammation. epithelial cells limit lethal infection by influenza A virus. The EMBO
Dr Yohei Yamauchi and colleagues from
the University of Bristol provided the Killing antibodies actuated
answer by looking at the cells lining the
surface of the lung. There was no by COVID-19 vaccines less
difference in the way the virus initially binds
to these cells, but they did see that non- successful against new
canonical autophagy/LAP did slow the
method by which the virus enters the cell. variants
It may work by preventing the virus fusing
with endosomes, which are the cell’s way SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19,
of importing materials from outside. has mutated through the pandemic. New variants
of this virus have arisen around the world,
Non-canonical autophagy/LAP is very likely to be including variants that might possess increased
significant as a primary defense against disease, capacity to spread or evade the immune system.
where there isn’t any immunity from prior Such variations have been identified in California,
infections, especially in the specific case of flu and Denmark, the U.K., South Africa and Brazil/Japan.
SARS-CoV-2. Recognizing how well the COVID-19 vaccines
work against these variations is vital in the efforts
Being able to describe this novel part of the to halt the global pandemic, and is the subject of
immune defense system against respiratory new study from the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT
infections in very exciting, especially given the and Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital.
current pandemic. In a study recently published in Cell, Ragon Core
Member Alejandro Balazs, PhD, discovered that
the neutralizing antibodies induced by the Pfizer
and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were
significantly less effective against the variations first
described in Brazil/Japan and South Africa.
Balazs’s team used their experience measuring HIV
neutralizing antibodies to create similar assays for
COVID-19, comparing how well the antibodies
worked against the original strain versus the new
We were able to leverage the unique high-throughput
capacity that was already in place and apply it to
SARS-CoV-2. When we tested these new strains
against vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, we
found that the three new strains first described in South
Africa were 20-40 times more resistant to
neutralization, and the two strains first described in

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 31

Research News Understanding which

Brazil and Japan were five to seven times more mutations are most
resistant, compared to the original SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
Alejandro Balazs, Assistant Professor of Medicine, likely to allow the
Harvard Medical School and Assistant Investigator,
Department of Medicine, MGH virus to evade
Like a key in a lock, this binding only happens when
the antibody’s shape and the virus’s contour are vaccine-derived
perfectly matched to each other. If the form of the immunity can help
virus changes where the antibody attaches to it – in
this case, in SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein – then the researchers develop
antibody may no longer be able to recognize and
neutralize the virus also. The virus could then be next-generation
described as resistant to neutralization.
vaccines that could
“In particular,” says Wilfredo Garcia-Beltran, MD,
PhD, a resident doctor in the Department of provide protection
Pathology at MGH and first author of the
study,”we found that mutations in a certain part of against new versions.
the spike protein known as the receptor binding
domain were more likely to help the virus resist the It can also help
neutralizing antibodies.” This may contribute to researchers develop
their high resistance to neutralizing antibodies.
Currently, all approved COVID-19 vaccines work more effective
by instructing the body to produce an immune
response, including antibodies, against the SARS- preventative methods,
CoV-2 spike protein. While the ability of these
variants to withstand neutralizing antibodies is like broadly protective
about, it does not mean the vaccines won’t succeed.
“The body has other procedures of immune vaccines that work against a huge array of variants,
protection besides antibodies,” says Balazs. “Our
findings do not necessarily mean that vaccines regardless of which mutations develop.
won’t prevent COVID, only that the antibody
portion of the immune response might have Source:
trouble recognizing some of the new versions.” Massachusetts General Hospital
Like all viruses, SARS-CoV-2 is forecast to Journal reference:
continue to mutate as it spreads. Garcia-Beltran, W.F., et al. (2021) Multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants
escape neutralization by vaccine-induced humoral
immunity. Cell.

Study distinguishes top

factor for life span in

clinical research

coordinator positions

Danielle Buchanan, BS, clinical translational
research coordinator III in the
Department of Neurology, and Daniel
Claassen, MD, MS, chief of the Division of
Psychological Disorders and associate professor of
Neurology, found the top element for retention is
a close working relationship between clinical
research coordinators (CRCs) and the study’s
principal investigator that emphasizes respect and
collaboration. Salary followed as another factor for
retention among 85 current or former CRCs who
responded to a REDCap poll sent to 113
individuals from over 30 academic health centers
across the U.S.
More so, principal investigators are encouraged
that establishing collegial relationships through
hands-on participation in clinical research trials
were the best predictors of retention.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 32

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Research News

They published results in” Empowering the Individuals with vision
impedance have higher
Clinical Research Coordinator in Academic risk of all-cause mortality

Medical Centers” from the Mayo Clinical The global population is aging, and so are their
eyes. In fact, the number of individuals with vision
Proceedings: Innovation, Quality & Outcomes. impairment and blindness is expected to more than
double over the next 30 years.
“Over the last 10 years I have noticed that hiring A meta-analysis in The Lancet Global Health,
comprising 48,000 individuals from 17 studies,
clinical research coordinators can become a found that those with more severe vision
impairment had a greater chance of all-cause
challenge to principal investigators. I feel like the mortality compared to those who had normal
vision or mild vision impairment.
role is transient, in part because academic According to the data, the risk of mortality was
29% higher for participants with moderate vision
institutions haven’t invested in the function as impairment, when compared with normal vision.
The risk increases to 89% among those with severe
long-term, respected places. There’s no clear vision impairment.
Globally, the major causes of vision loss and
trajectory for progress and the salary structure is blindness are both avoidable: cataract and the
unmet need for eyeglasses.
not incentivized,” said Claassen. The work compliments some of Ehrlich’s recent

Clinical research coordinators are the lynchpin of study, also in The Lancet Global Health
Commission on Global Eye Health, that
research teams. For patients, they are the emphasized the effect of late-life vision impairment
on health and well-being, including its influence on
constant face across a sometimes-difficult dementia, depression, and loss of independence.

journey. We wanted to know what it takes to make It’s important these issues are addressed early on because losing
your vision affects more than just how you see the world; it affects
this coordinator role a career, and not a your experience of the world and your life. This analysis provides
an important opportunity to promote not only health and wellbeing,
steppingstone to another position. What does it but also longevity by correcting, rehabilitating, and preventing
avoidable vision loss across the globe.”
take for coordinators to stay and thrive in an Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H., Study’s Lead Author

academic medical center? Can we transition from Source:
Michigan Medicine – University of Michigan
an ‘in-and-out role’ to a stable, honored position Journal reference:
Ehrlich, J.R., et al. (2021) Association between vision impairment and
that has a trajectory in an academic system?” mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global
Danielle Buchanan, Senior Author

The pair set out to analyze what entices

coordinators to stay in the function

because while the position previously

had longevity, it’s evolved into a

stopover role for people early in their

careers. The transience carries costs for

the research team and institution

because filling the spot requires

training and recruiting.

“Ultimately, we’re here for the

individual, especially the ones with

chronic devastating diseases. When

there is turnover, it’s detrimental to the

patient. I put together the survey

because we wanted to look for that

missing piece that tells us why people

leave, or what makes them stay,” said Buchanan,

first writer.

“I need to elevate the prestige of the place so PIs,

administrators and patrons understand that

coordinators are more than worker bees. We are

ambassadors of hope to patients and families, and

I’d really like to change the mindset that this is not

a long-term career path,” said Buchanan.


Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Journal reference:

Buchanan, D.A., et al. (2020) Empowering the

Clinical Research Coordinator in Academic

Medical Centers. Mayo Clinic



Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 34

Guest Post

New personalised Customers receive a data-rich report of all
therapeutics partner joins
Repositive Cancer Model identified matching models within 2-4 weeks of
submitting a query, which helps to significantly
Repositive has announced today that Vivan
Therapeutics will be the next company to speed up the sourcing of cancer models for
join its global network of cancer model
partners. Based in London, Vivan Therapeutics is preclinical oncology studies. Repositive has a
an innovative personalised therapeutics company
with unique experience in engineering drosophila growing track record of saving researchers months
‘avatar’ models for cancer research and
development. Their proprietary technology enables to years by connecting them to the right cancer
them to engineer the genetic complexity of a cancer
patient’s unique tumour network (up to 20 models in a much faster timeframe.
mutations or alterations) into an army of 500,000
fruit flies, which can then be screened for responses “Vivan Therapeutics offers something different to our
to up to 2,000 FDA approved drugs (including
non-cancer drugs) and investigational drugs, to customers that we haven’t had in our model network before.
identify drug combinations that are efficacious in
the individual’s personalised fly population. With cancer research becoming more and more focused

The Vivan Therapeutics platform can be used to around personalised medicine, we know it is important to
screen novel molecules for efficacy and toxicity,
discover novel combinations, develop a biomarker keep expanding our offering in this area and partnering with
strategy, and enable the repurposing of existing
drugs. With this new partnership, Repositive is Vivan is allowing us to do so” said Catherine McDermott,
expanding its personalised medicine capabilities to
support more biopharma customers in their CEO of Repositive.
oncology drug development programmes.
Repositive’s core offering is a specialist and “Our avatars allow us to do what no other model can –
confidential concierge service available as a
subscription package, namely the Cancer Models replicate polygenic tumour complexity in a living, biological
Scout (CMS), which provides tailored model
recommendations to cancer researchers based on a system for high throughput drug screening. Our library of
search across Repositive’s extended global network
of up to 20,000 preclinical models. personalised Drosophila models is ever expanding, and we

can also create custom models for biopharma clients. We

are excited to become part of the Repositive network to

provide our cancer models and services to the global

academic and commercial development community.” said

Laura Towart, CEO of Vivan Therapeutics.

Repositive also provide unlimited access to

their Cancer Models Platform as part of a

subscription to their CMS service, which displays

curated metadata from over 8,000 preclinical

cancer models, made available for biopharma

researchers to browse anytime, anywhere. The

platform provides the option of filtering content by

primary site, model type, subtype, gene mutation,

variant, treatment and treatment response, and

metadata is standardised across all models to make

them easily comparable. This helps to lessen the

workload for researchers and in-house

bioinformatics teams supporting in vivo oncology

researchers by providing an easy-access interface

through which additional model queries can be


About Repositive: Repositive operates with the ultimate goal of helping

to accelerate cancer drug development and bring treatments and cures to

patients more quickly. They partner with contract research organisations

(CROs) worldwide to provide a bespoke model search concierge service,

the Cancer Model Scout, to support researchers working in oncology to

find the right cancer models for their studies. They also organise and

curate cancer model data from partner CROs, and present this inventory

of models online, via their Cancer Models Platform. Repositive’s main
mission is to help preclinical oncology researchers speed up their projects
and increase translational success by enabling them to find and source
the most suitable cancer models for their needs.

About Vivan Therapeutics

Vivan Therapeutics offers personalised cancer therapeutics utilising

technology developed at and in partnership with Mt Sinai Medical Center.

We identify personalised cancer treatments for patients based on their

tumour genetics. For each patient, we build a genetically matched fruit fly

model of the tumour, which is used for large-scale drug screening to find

novel and effective drug combinations. This platform can treat even difficult

cancers with combinations of approved drugs. Using our proprietary

screening data, we are building a powerful AI-driven digital health tool,

which can predict effective treatment options rapidly. Our in vivo, high

throughput drug screening platform is also used to power biopharma

discovery and development.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 35

Product Launches

Ultra-Absorptive Nanofiber commonly used for covid-19 testing. The team

Swabs developed by made dilutions of SARS-CoV-2 virus, swabbed the

Researchers liquid samples and tested for viral RNA with RT-

Ultra-absorptive nanofiber swabs developed PCR. Compared with the two other types of swabs,
by researchers at the University of
Nebraska Medical Center could reduce the the nanofiber ones reduced the false-negative rate
number of false-negative tests for covid-19 by
improving sample collection and test sensitivity.1 and detected SARS-CoV-2 at a 10-times lower
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) tests to discover SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentration.
frequently need a long swab to collect a specimen
from deep within a patient’s nasal cavity. But if the Reference
viral load is low, which can happen early in the
course of disease, the swab may not pick up enough 1. McCarthy A, Saldana L, Ackerman DN, et al.
virus to be detectable.
Ultra-absorptive nanofiber swabs for improved

collection and test sensitivity of sars-cov-2 and

other biological specimens. Nano Lett.

2021;21(3):1508-1516. doi:


Featured image: A new type of nanofiber swab could improve sample

collection and test sensitivity for SARS-CoV-2 and other biological

specimens; ruler shows centimeters. Adapted from Nano Letters 2021,

DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c04956.

Novel Ultrafast Automated
Microscope and Intelligent
Software for State-of-the-
Art Diagnostics

The Nebraska researchers wanted to develop a EUROIMMUN, a PerkinElmer, Inc.
nanofiber peel which could absorb and then release company, announce the launch of the
more viruses and other biological specimens, EUROPatternTM Microscope Live
enhancing the sensitivity of diagnostic tests. The (EPML) compact immunofluorescence
researchers used an electrospinning technique to microscope, available with the fourth generation of
produce 1-cm-long cylinders composed of aligned the Company’s well-established
nanofiber layers, which they coated with a thin layer EUROLabOfficeTM 4.0 (ELO 4.0) laboratory
of gelatin and bonded to plastic swab sticks. management program. The joint system of
“Using nanoscale fibers, instead of micro scale hardware and software allows for ultrafast
fibers, we have created extremely absorptive automated immunofluorescence image acquisition,
swabs that can detect SARS-CoV-2 at very low pattern recognition and titer estimation in addition
concentrations and reduce false negative tests,” to modern diagnostics at the screen.
says Jingwei Xie, PhD, associate professor,
UNMC Department of Surgery-Transplant and “With the EUROPattern Microscope Live and
Mary and Dick Holland Regenerative Medicine EUROLabOffice 4.0 product combination, we offer a
Program. “We have been investigating the use of new compact system that is affordable for any
these materials and noting their remarkable diagnostic lab,” said Chief Executive Officer of
absorptive properties and our ability to control EUROIMMUN Dr. Wolfgang Schlumberger.
their shape, and we thought to repurpose them as
In lab tests, the porous nanofiber cylinders
absorbed and released more proteins, cells,
bacteria, DNA, and viruses from liquids and
surfaces than the cotton or flocked swabs

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 36

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Product Launches Company investing in a growing future with
launch of new ERP system to ensure
“This system can be applied in all lab environments continual improvement in customer
and under any light conditions, with the aim of support
increasing quality and efficiency of indirect
immunofluorescence testing. Noteworthy is its Cherwell Laboratories, specialist supplier of
unrivalled speed in automated image acquisition and products for environmental monitoring and
classification.” process validation, is proud to announce
that it is celebrating 50 years since its founding by
Due to application of a novel laser focusing Lawrence Whittard in February 1971, the same year
and month that the UK went decimal. To mark the
technology, the EPML acquires and interprets high Company’s significant milestone, Cherwell will be
running a series of activities throughout its Golden
quality immunofluorescence images in less than Anniversary year; including prize draws and
website hunts for charity, as well as quizzes and
two seconds per image. The system autonomously competitions.

evaluates a particularly high number of recorded It is also hoped that a gathering to celebrate with
Cherwell’s many loyal customers may be possible
immunofluorescence patterns that are indicative of in late 2021.
Over the years Cherwell has strived to continually
the presence of certain autoantibodies, and thus improve its product and service offerings, enabling
it to grow into a leading UK-based manufacturer of
point to a specific autoimmune disease, such as prepared media and supplier of microbial
monitoring equipment. Cherwell’s long-standing
rheumatoid success can be attributed not only to its high quality
products and expertise in pharmaceutical and
arthritis, systemic related industries, but also its strong focus on
customer support and service.
lupus The recent implementation of its new Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) system after a two-year
erythematosus, investment is the latest achievement in this drive to
deliver the highest quality products in the most
vasculitis or logistically efficient manner to its many customers.


hepatitis. In

addition to the


classification for a

variety of different

substrates, the

patterns of anti-

nuclear antibodies

(in conformity with

the International

Consensus on


Antibody Patterns)

and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies can also

be recognized by leveraging deep learning

algorithms. A touch screen allows easy live

microscopy during automated processing via multi-

touch navigation and pinch-to-zoom functionality.

Cleanroom Microbiology

Supplier, Cherwell

Laboratories, Celebrates

50-year Anniversary

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 38

Product Launches

Providing them with improved insight on lead Cherwell has created a special 50-year anniversary
times, order confirmations, product identification page on its website where all activities will be
and specific delivery dates; the system also offers posted throughout 2021.
enhanced communications and future electronic
delivery of key documents such as quality PCR Biosystems launches
certificates. advanced Bst Polymerase
Originally a veterinary diagnostics laboratory, reagents for accelerated
Cherwell Laboratories recognised a need and DNA and RNA
started selling laboratory equipment to amplification
microbiology labs around the UK in the early
1980s. The Company launched its now PCR Biosystems, the UK-based specialists in
internationally recognised Redipor® prepared DNA and RNA analysis, have launched a range of
microbiological media brand in 1981, following the IsoFast™ Bst Polymerase reagents for rapid,
establishment of Cherwell’s first manufacturing robust and sensitive DNA and RNA amplification.
facility in Bicester, UK. Initially expanding at its Through its nucleic acid strand displacement
first site, the business then relocated to larger capabilities, Bst polymerase eliminates the need
facilities in 2004. A subsequent expansion in 2012 for the high temperature denaturation step
means that manufacturing floorspace is now over associated with traditional Taq enzymes. This
40 times larger than the original facility with enables faster time to result and facilitates DNA
capacity to supply its ever-increasing UK market and RNA amplification in the field without
and global distribution network. specialised thermocycling equipment.
This extensive experience in the manufacture of
both standard and bespoke high quality cleanroom The new range of IsoFast Bst reagents from
microbiology products has established Cherwell as PCR Biosystems can be used for a variety of
both a leading supplier and adviser to the techniques including whole genome
pharmaceutical sector. It fully supports amplification, multiple displacement amplification
environmental monitoring (EM), sterility testing and isothermal amplification. Such techniques have
and process validation applications, with its important applications in sectors ranging from
Redipor prepared media which is complimented by environmental and food pathogen testing to clinical
industry leading EM instrumentation for air diagnostics and next generation sequencing.
sampling and monitoring. Cherwell has been the Scientists performing DNA and RNA
primary UK distributor of SAS air samplers since amplification using IsoFast Bst Polymerase can
1980 and even designed the Multi-SAS monitoring benefit from consistent results over a wide dynamic
system. range and sensitivities down to 3 copies of target
Andy Whittard, Managing Director, Cherwell DNA (10fg).
Laboratories, said, “I am very proud of Cherwell’s
50-year legacy started by my father Lawrence. Our
focus on pharmaceutical microbiology and long-
term membership and support of PharMig was first
driven by his keen interest and capabilities in this
area. We have built our expertise by working closely
and flexibly with our customers to ensure we can
offer them the best possible cleanroom
microbiology solution for the effective
management of their controlled environments and
processes. Quality is at the core of what we do.”
“We are also very proud that our products are
contributing to the Covid-19 vaccination program
as they are being used for microbiological QC at
some of the vaccine manufacturing sites.
Given the promise of the vaccines we really hope
to be able to throw a party later in 2021. In the
meantime, throughout our Golden Anniversary
year, we’re planning some fun remote activities that
we will be announcing on a monthly basis. Watch
this space!” Andy added.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 39

Product Launches team and a global network of distributors supplying customers in
over 37 countries worldwide.
To continue PCR Biosystems’s support of the
global fight against COVID-19, the Bst Polymerase New Workflow Solution for
reagents have been validated for qualitative TEM Lamella Preparation
detection of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid. and Volume Imaging
Combined with the reagents’ suitability for use in Under Cryogenic
the field, this validation opens the potential for Conditions
rapid SARS-CoV-2 testing in environments such as
airports, hospitals or care homes, without the need ZEISS Correlative Cryo Workflow connects
for a central laboratory, delivering results in 30 light and FIB-SEM microscopy to analyze
minutes and supporting initiatives for community cellular ultrastructure
or regular testing to safeguard public health.
Sensitivities down to 12 copies of SARS-CoV-2 With the release of ZEISS Correlative
targets can be achieved, providing confidence in Cryo Workflow, ZEISS provides the life
the quality and accuracy of results. science research community with a new
“DNA and RNA amplification has been a staple combined hardware and software solution for
technique in the scientific toolbox for more than 40 cryogenic microscopy. The workflow connects
years, and with its application for SARS-CoV-2 widefield, laser scanning, and FIB-SEM
diagnostic testing, there has been an increased microscopes in a seamless and easy-to-use
demand for rapid and reliable reagents for mass procedure. The solution provides hardware and
testing,” says Alex Wilson, Co-Founder of PCR software optimized for the needs of correlative
Biosystems. “The launch of the IsoFast Bst cryogenic workflows, from localization of
Polymerase range aligns with our commitment to fluorescent macromolecules to high-contrast
provide robust solutions to support COVID-19 volume imaging and on-grid lamella thinning for
testing and will continue to expand diagnostic cryo electron tomography.
capabilities for viruses such as Zika and Ebola long Correlative cryogenic microscopy is an emerging
after the COVID-19 pandemic.” technique for structural analysis of macromolecules
While many supply chains have been disrupted due in their cellular context. Because the ultrastructure
to the pandemic, PCR Biosystems continues to of cells and tissues can be preserved free of
scale up and optimise operations to provide artifacts, cryogenic microscopy allows the
consistent, reliable supplies to customers, ensuring examination of cellular structures in their near-to-
laboratories have the critical DNA and RNA native state. However, this technique presents users
analysis reagents needed for uninterrupted research with complex challenges, such as time-consuming
and diagnostics. preparation and imaging procedures,
The IsoFast Bst range is available in flexible devitrification, ice contamination, or loss of
formats, with 2X mix formats streamlining set up samples.
for high throughput applications and components
available separately for those customers wanting to
optimise the reaction for their specific needs.
Furthermore, the reagents are offered with optional
fluorescent dyes, facilitating real-time amplification

About PCR Biosystems

PCR Biosystems is a London-based UK manufacturer of PCR kits
and reagents for molecular biology diagnostics and research.
Founded in 2012 by two PCR experts, the company has developed
a range of PCR and associated reagents that maximise speed and
sensitivity from the simplest to most challenging of reactions. The
company’s portfolio covers a broad range of applications including
hot start PCR, long range PCR, high fidelity PCR, PCR direct from
crude samples and molecular diagnostic PCR. ISO 13485:2016
certification means customers have the assurance that products
and processes meet the required standards and regulations for the
manufacturing of medical device components. PCR Biosystems
offers a broad range of standard and custom solutions including
bulk supply of reagents, OEM manufacturing and expert technical
support to help customers achieve the most from their market-
leading enzymes. Today, PCR Biosystems has an international

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 40

Product Launches

“At ZEISS, we are generally working to ensure that Possible Use at Room Temperature Increases
researchers can collect their data faster and analyze Productivity
them better. With the ZEISS Correlative Cryo Unlike other solutions, the ZEISS microscopes
Workflow, we are taking the next step towards involved in the workflow can be used not only for
simplifying and optimizing work processes for cryogenic microscopy, but also for room
scientists so that they can fully concentrate on their temperature applications. Converting the
research,” emphasizes Dr. Michael Albiez, Head of instruments from cryogenic to room temperature
ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions. usage is done quickly and doesn’t require technical
expertise. This flexibility gives users more time for
Various research fields, such as cell biology, cancer their experiments. Imaging facilities benefit from
research, plant science, and developmental biology, better utilization and a faster return on investment.
benefit from the ultrastructural information
acquired with cryogenic microscopy. ZEISS Diaago, Mawi DNA
Correlative Cryo Workflow gives researchers easier Technologies Partner to
access to this advanced technique, letting them Provide Customizable
faster evaluate the quality of their samples, acquire Solutions with iSwab
high-resolution, high-contrast 3D datasets, and
streamline their TEM lamella preparation. Diaago, San Ramon, Calif, has partnered
Simplified Workflow and Safe Transfer of Samples with Mawi DNA Technologies to create
ZEISS Correlative Cryo Workflow connects and provide customizable solutions
widefield or confocal microscopes (ZEISS Axio utilizing Mawi DNA’s iSwab technology and
Imager, ZEISS LSM 900/980 with Airyscan) and diaago’s large range of sample storage tubes for
focused ion beam scanning electron microscopes optimal lab workflow automation.
(ZEISS Crossbeam) to enable volume imaging and “The Mawi portfolio of proprietary buffers for
efficient production of TEM lamellae. Dedicated various analytes in Micronic sample storage tubes is
accessories simplify the workflow and facilitate a only available from diaago,” says Jackson Hyde
safe transfer of vitrified samples between the Founder and CEO of diaago. “It is a forward-
microscopes. The components are compatible with thinking, researcher-focused solution that we are
the cryo-correlative microscopy stage Linkam proud to bring to the market.”
CMS196V³ and the cryo system Quorum
PP3010Z. Data management is assured by ZEISS This collaboration will “expand market access,
ZEN Connect, the software for correlative especially for automation and biobanking,” says
microscopy. A series of processing tools help to Bassam El-Fahmawi, PhD, president and CTO of
enhance the imaging results. Mawi DNA Technologies. “Diaago offers a wide
Highest Imaging Performance Across the Entire range of tubes and racking systems that fit well into
Workflow automation and manual sample processing
Thanks to cryo-compatible objectives and the high workflows. [This will] allow us to expand the
sensitivity of the ZEISS Airyscan detector, ZEISS offering of the iSwab room temperature stable
LSM systems enable the detection and localization sample collection technology into different tube
of proteins and cellular structures at high resolution formats that are amenable to the existing lab
while gentle illumination prevents samples from infrastructure.”
devitrification. The FIB-SEM ZEISS Crossbeam The iSwab technology and alcohol-free iSwab
microscopes provide high-contrast volumetric buffers allow for noninvasive collection,
imaging – even without heavy metal staining stabilization, concentration, transportation,
applied to the samples. Both modalities provide extraction, and storage all in one tube.
valuable functional and structural information for a
thorough understanding of ultrastructure.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 41

Product Launches The combination of a simple workflow with a
simultaneous extraction of DNA and RNA at high
Samples collected in the iSwab buffers are room yield and quality enables researchers to maximize
temperature stable, eliminating cold chain rare or precious FFPE samples.
requirements and reducing transportation and “Our customers inquire about purifying RNA and
storage costs. DNA from the same FFPE specimens to perform
“Time is critical, now more than ever,” says Hyde. downstream assays,” says Ajay Pandita, CSO at
“Researchers can save time and reduce risk by Canopy Biosciences, a Bruker Company. “With the
receiving the Mawi buffers in the Micronic sample Ionic FFPE Complete Purification Kit, we can
storage tube.” simultaneously extract RNA and DNA with less
For more information, visit diaago and Mawi than half of the hands-on time that other methods
DNA Technologies. require.”

Purigen Simplifies The Ionic FFPE Complete Purification Kit utilizes
Simultaneous Extraction Purigen’s Ionic Purification System, a compact
and Purification of DNA benchtop instrument that enables the automated
and RNA from extraction of pure and abundant nucleic acids from
Challenging FFPE a wide range of sample types, including cultured or
Samples sorted cells and FFPE tissue. These biological
samples are gently lysed and loaded into an Ionic
Purigen Biosystems, Pleasanton, Calif, Fluidic Chip. The Ionic System uses the company’s
launched the Ionic FFPE Complete isotachophoresis (ITP) technology to apply an
Purification Kit. Scientists are now able to electric field to the chip, which isolates the nucleic
consistently recover both DNA and RNA (mRNA acids in their natural, native form. Since the nucleic
and miRNA) simultaneously from formalin-fixed, acids are not denatured or dehydrated, nor are they
paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples in a bound and stripped from fixed surfaces, the
single workflow. Purigen is showcasing the process minimizes fragmentation and eliminates
advantages of the new kit during the virtual any bead or buffer contamination. The prepared
Advances in Genome Biology and Technology nucleic acids are ready for analysis by downstream
(AGBT) 2021 annual meeting. techniques such as next-generation sequencing
(NGS) or qPCR.
Purigen’s dedicated FFPE to Pure DNA and FFPE “The FFPE Complete Purification kit takes the
to Pure RNA Kits enable scientists to purify and advantages of our first kits for FFPE samples a
concentrate superior yields of DNA or RNA from step further by providing a simple workflow to
precious samples, and the new Ionic FFPE simultaneously purify both RNA and DNA from the
Complete Purification Kit rounds out Purigen’s same sample,” says Barney Saunders, PhD, CEO
FFPE purification portfolio. With this addition, of Purigen Biosystems. “Scientists can now
Purigen enables users of the Ionic system to access high yields of high-quality DNA and RNA
simultaneously extract and purify high yields of while conserving precious sample and saving
DNA and RNA from the same FFPE section or time.”
scroll—all while using a streamlined workflow that The Ionic FFPE Complete Purification Kit consists
reduces hands-on time by as much as 75% in of 12 chips and a reagent set with all necessary
comparison to manual column or bead-based enzymes and buffers to perform DNA extraction
methods. from 48 samples. The kit is available now through
Purigen’s direct sales channels.

Featured image: The Ionic FFPE Complete
Purification Kit from Purigen Biosystems
(Courtesy: Purigen)

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 42

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Product Launches Hands-on time is further reduced by innovations
including a reagent input carousel to minimize the
Beckman Coulter Life manual transfer of reagents, along with an
Sciences Debuts Biomek integrated thermal cycler and labware transport
NGeniuS Workstation system.

Celebrating more than 85 years of “This newest addition to our Biomek family
innovation, Indianapolis-based Beckman builds on a rich history dating back to 1986
Coulter Life Sciences announced its newest with the launch of the Biomek 1000,” adds
automated liquid handler, the Biomek NGeniuS Musgnug. “For more than 35 years,
workstation, at the virtual Advances in Genome Beckman Coulter Life Sciences has been
Biology and Technology (AGBT) General Meeting. at the forefront of liquid handling innovation
Advances in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and we’re proud to offer this cost-effective
technology mean more labs—of all sizes—can solution to NGS labs.”
leverage the power of NGS to accelerate genomic
research. The Biomek NGeniuS workstation is a Following the Biomek NGeniuS workstation debut
purpose-built liquid handler for NGS library at AGBT, virtual demonstrations are available from
preparation. It offers an easy-to-use solution that Beckman Coulter Life Sciences ahead of the
reduces manual transfers and hands-on-time for projected launch later this year.
the traditionally labor-intensive process of library For more information, including to request a
construction. demonstration, visit Beckman Coulter Life
“This demonstrates our unwavering dedication to Sciences.
listening to our customers and meeting their Featured image: Biomek NGeniuS workstation
evolving needs both in and out of the laboratory,” (Courtesy: Beckman Coulter Life Sciences)
says Mike Musgnug, Beckman Coulter Life
Sciences vice president and general manager of the Global Launch of
Biotechnology Business Unit. “Its compact size
and value brings an ingenious option to labs that Handheld Analyzer for
want the benefits of automation yet are using
manual library preparation kits.” Diabetes Care
The Biomek NGeniuS workstation virtually
eliminates loading errors by combining a EKF Diagnostics, Cardiff, UK, has globally
sophisticated optical analytics technology— launched its Stat-Site WB handheld
Dynamic DeckOptix system—with a heads-up analyzer, which delivers β-ketone and
display, to provide users real-time feedback on glucose measurements from whole blood in
labware placement. The company’s exclusive seconds. This action follows the securing of its CE
Biomek NGeniuS Portal software allows any batch mark certification alongside its FDA CLIA-waiver,
size, from 4 to 24 samples, to be set up from meaning that the portable, dual-purpose analyzer is
anywhere and monitored remotely from a Google ideal for professional use in the management of
Chrome or Microsoft Edge enabled computer. diabetes patients.
The Stat-Site WB is used for the quantitative
determination of β-ketones (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
or BHB) and glucose in whole blood taken from
capillary or venous samples. The easy-to-use
analyzer is reagent free, utilizing two different test
strips to deliver results in just 10 seconds forβ-
ketones and 5 seconds for glucose.

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition | 44

Product Launches The analyzer uses two

βHB is used to aid the diagnosis and monitoring of 1.5V AAA alkaline
patients with ketosis (diabetic ketoacidosis or
DKA). As β-HB accounts for 78% of all ketones batteries, which are
present in the body, and is the first to appear during
ketosis, it provides the clearest indication of a easy to obtain and
patient’s condition before and after treatment. The
Stat-Site WB is calibrated to the gold standard replace, while test
Liquicolor Beta-Hydroxybutyrate method,
meaning that it delivers laboratory accurate results strips are available
within seconds near to the patient.
The handheld analyzer is simple and intuitive to individually foil
use, even for inexperienced users. The Stat-Site WB
auto-starts when a test strip is inserted and will also wrapped or in a vial
automatically detect if it is a BHB or glucose test to
be undertaken. Just 1 µL of whole blood is required with a shelf life of 6
for direct analysis and the system will also detect
and alert if insufficient blood is available. An months once opened.
automatic strip ejection function ensures that
cross-contamination is avoided. Results are clearly

displayed on a large

LCD screen interface

with capacity for up to

400 measurements to

be stored on the system – these can be downloaded

via a mini-USB lead.

“STAT-Site WB provides an affordable, easy-to-
use technology that can help to reduce the cost of
long-term healthcare of the growing diabetic and
pre-diabetic population globally,” says Gavin
Jones, head of product management, EKF
Diagnostics. “Having direct access to lab quality β-
ketone and glucose near patient results ensures
the practitioner has the essential data needed to
make informed clinical or lifestyle decisions in
For more information, visit EKF Diagnostics.

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Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

Microbioz India, March 2021 Edition |

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