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Nebulization is a common and alternative method of drug delivery to the lungs. It is largely used in clinical settings for the treatment of acute respiratory ailments as well as for the long-term treatment of obstructive airway diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis.
The cover story of this month titled “Nebulization is safe, say experts” contributed by Mediawire a case study which mainly focuses on Nebulization safe practices, the article explains the view of Indian Chest Society (ICS), over the use of Nebulization, the apex body of pulmonologists in India, appointed a task force to gather all the updated available evidence to come out with a guidance document for physicians. The said guidance was recently made available online ahead of print.
Added to this, the magazine has a unique article as a case study of Aster Hospital entitled “High Efficiency Aerosol Drug Delivery During Ventilation” contributed by Aerogen-Pioneering Aerosol Drug Delivery. Aerogen devices are highly efficient vibrating mesh aerosol drug delivery systems which can be used inline during any type of respiratory support including mechanical ventilation, high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), non-invasive ventilation (NIV), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)1-4, 7, 20, 23.

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Published by Kumar Jeetendra, 2021-02-25 05:19:48

Microbioz India: February 2021 Medical edition

Nebulization is a common and alternative method of drug delivery to the lungs. It is largely used in clinical settings for the treatment of acute respiratory ailments as well as for the long-term treatment of obstructive airway diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis.
The cover story of this month titled “Nebulization is safe, say experts” contributed by Mediawire a case study which mainly focuses on Nebulization safe practices, the article explains the view of Indian Chest Society (ICS), over the use of Nebulization, the apex body of pulmonologists in India, appointed a task force to gather all the updated available evidence to come out with a guidance document for physicians. The said guidance was recently made available online ahead of print.
Added to this, the magazine has a unique article as a case study of Aster Hospital entitled “High Efficiency Aerosol Drug Delivery During Ventilation” contributed by Aerogen-Pioneering Aerosol Drug Delivery. Aerogen devices are highly efficient vibrating mesh aerosol drug delivery systems which can be used inline during any type of respiratory support including mechanical ventilation, high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), non-invasive ventilation (NIV), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)1-4, 7, 20, 23.

Keywords: Nebulization,COPD,respiratory illness,lung infection

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021



14 26

Cover Story 10
Future Hospitals: New therapy approaches for the patient

Featured Article

Combined heart and lung transplant and Bilateral lung transplant gives new
lease of life to two patients at Aster Hospitals, Bangalore

Business News 21

Philips highlights central role of healthcare in the
home at CES Digital 2021

Product Launches 35

Zeiss Enhances Field Emission SEMs for Sub-nanometer ImagMinicgr,oAbnioazlyItnicdsia, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

ebulization is a common and alternative method of drug
delivery to the lungs. It is largely used in clinical settings for
the treatment of acute respiratory ailments as well as for the
long-term treatment of obstructive airway diseases such as
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis
and bronchiectasis.

The cover story of this month titled “Nebulization is safe, say
experts” contributed by Mediawire a case study which mainly
focuses on Nebulization safe practices, the article explains
the view of Indian Chest Society (ICS), over the use of
Nebulization, the apex body of pulmonologists in India,
appointed a task force to gather all the updated available
evidence to come out with a guidance document for
physicians. The said guidance was recently made available
online ahead of print.

Added to this, the magazine has a unique article as a case
study of Aster Hospital entitled “High Efficiency Aerosol Drug
Delivery During Ventilation” contributed by Aerogen-
Pioneering Aerosol Drug Delivery. Aerogen devices are highly
efficient vibrating mesh aerosol drug delivery systems which
can be used inline during any type of respiratory support
including mechanical ventilation, high frequency oscillatory
ventilation (HFOV), non-invasive ventilation (NIV), continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) and High Flow Nasal Cannula
(HFNC)1-4, 7, 20, 23.

Dear subscribers, I trust you to discover some exciting topics
in the magazine. Additionally, I might want to express
gratitude toward you for being together on this beautiful
excursion up until this point. We couldn't expect anything
more than to have your significant criticism and proposals as
they help us to think of better substance each time. For any
suggestion and feedback please feel free to write:
[email protected]

Disclaimer: Microbioz India, February 2021
Neither the Microbioz India nor its publishers nor anyone else involved in
creating, producing or delivering the Microbioz India (in printed, web or CD
format) or the materials contained therein, assumes any liability or responsibility
for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the
Microbioz India Magazine (in printed, web or CD format), nor shall they be liable
for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages
arising out of the use of the Microbioz India magazine.

Microbioz India, February 2021

Cover Story


is Safe, Say Experts

uring these unprecedented times, a Dr G C Khilnani from Delhi, Dr Neeraj Gupta

D lot of misconceptions have arisen from Ajmer and Dr Indranil Halder from Kolkata
related to lung health and its
treatment, including the role and are other co-authors.
use of nebulisation therapy. In view
of this, Indian Chest Society (ICS), Nebulization therapy has been frequently used for
the apex body of pulmonologists in
India, appointed a task force to gather all the controlling acute asthma attacks, chronic
updated available evidence to come out with a
guidance document for physicians. The said obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
guidance was recently made available online ahead
of print. exacerbations, and for home maintenance
The released guidance document talks about
nebulization during the pandemic, not only in the treatment for respiratory diseases like cystic
hospital but also at home. The lead and
corresponding author of this clinical commentary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, etc. Nebulizers are useful
is Dr Rajesh Swarnakar from Nagpur while Prof
in patients who are unable to use an inhaler (such

as elderly patients) or need a large dose of an

inhaled medication.

The authors clarified that nebulization is

categorized as low to medium risk as far as Covid

19 spread is concerned.

Microbioz India, February 2021 10

Cover Story

ICS guidelines state that the use of traditional face Dr Mishra, further added, "Creating awareness
mask during nebulization should be avoided during
the pandemic, especially while treating Covid 19 about the safe use of nebulization therapy and
imparting knowledge to empower the doctors,

paramedics, caregivers, and patients to manage

Instead, jet nebulizers are recommended to be used nebulization better has become very crucial in these

with a mouthpiece. times. The first step is to consult a doctor before

The guidance document was shared recently by Dr starting nebulization therapy."

Rajesh Swarnakar, National Secretary of ICS, in a "COVID times have led to re-evaluation of many

live webinar organized for physicians across the essential practises. In the Respiratory arena, the

country. Many doctors across India shared the initial fear of aerosols needs to be looked at again

similar views with ICS and stated their option on so as to not deprive people of essential aspects such

recent guidance. as nebulization. This is especially true when the

Dr Swarnakar clarified that nebulization is benefit outweighs the risk." Added Dr Mishra.

categorized as low to medium risk as far as Covid Additionally, when COVID prevalence diminishes

19 spread is concerned. ICS guidelines state that the in the community, these practices can be done

use of traditional face mask during nebulization similar to pre-COVID times. In the winter period,

should be avoided during the pandemic, especially appropriately done nebulization is an invaluable

while treating Covid 19 patients. tool to prevent worsening, keep patients at home

and avoid hospitalization.

Instead, jet nebulizers are recommended to be Nebulization at home should be performed with all
used with a mouthpiece.
According to Dr Rajesh Chandra Mishra, Honorary safety precautions such as using a clean nebulizer in
Consultant Intensivist & Internist, Ahmedabad,
General Secretary ISCCM (2019-2020) stated, a well-ventilated room and disinfecting the
"Asthmatic patients with no symptoms or no
confirmed diagnosis of Covid 19 can continue with nebulizer after every use. It is RECOMMENDED
essential nebulized medications, as
recommended by their physician. Standard to NOT share the nebulizer between family
guidelines like maintaining safe distance and
washing hands must be followed. A fresh mask, members. To prevent the spread of infection, every
mouthpiece and tubing should be preferred for
each nebulization treatment." nebulizer should be a single person use nebulizer.

A patient can also opt for a disposable nebulizer

accessory. Cleaning and disinfection of nebulizer

pre and post nebulization is a must!

Note: This story is provided by Media wire only.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the
authors' and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this
publishing house. Unless otherwise noted, the author is writing in his/her
personal capacity. They are not intended and should not be thought to
represent official ideas, attitudes, or policies of any agency or institution.

Microbioz India, February 2021 11

Featured Article

High Efficiency Aerosol Drug Delivery
During Ventilation

erogen devices are highly efficient patients in the inspiratory limb) and before the
humidifier2 (Figure 1).
A vibrating mesh aerosol drug delivery While the Ultrasonic nebuliser efficiency is
systems which can be used inline during comparable to the Aerogen Solo at the Y, there are
any type of respiratory support including many limitations with the device which include an
mechanical ventilation, high frequency inability to aerosolise viscous solutions, heat
oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), non- generation which can degrade some solutions and
invasive ventilation (NIV), continuous positive large residual volumes21. Furthermore, the use of
airway pressure (CPAP) and High Flow Nasal ultrasonic nebulisers is now minimal in the
Cannula (HFNC)1-4, 7, 20, 23. hospitals.

Figure 1: Comparison of drug deposition after aerosol therapy through a ventilation circuit with standard small volume
nebulisers, ultrasonic and the Aerogen Solo. The position of the nebuliser tested included: at the wye and before the
humidifier (closer to the ventilator). In this paediatric model of mechanical ventilation with bias flow the Aerogen Solo

outperforms both small volume nebulisers in both positions in the ventilator circuit. *p<0.001. Adapted from 2.

The Aerogen Solo utilises active vibrating mesh This difference in aerosol deposition related to
technology, where energy applied to the vibrational positioning was originally studied by Ari et al. and
element, causes vibration of each of the 1000 demonstrated improved deposition when the
funnel shaped apertures within the mesh. The mesh Aerogen Solo was placed before the humidifier
acts as a micropump drawing liquid through the compared to at the wye with both adult and
holes producing a low velocity aerosol optimised paediatric settings when utilising a bias flow1;
for targeted drug delivery to the lungs. without bias flow improved aerosol deposition was
noted when the nebuliser was positioned closer to
The Aerogen device can deliver 9 times more the patient22.Physiological lung dose was studied in
aerosol dose compared to standard small volume- an infant animal model, where quantification of
nebuliser during mechanical ventilation2, and radiolabelled aerosol was measured after inhalation
outperforms all standard small volume nebulisers through a ventilator circuit, tested with both a small
when positioned at both the wye (proximal to the volume nebuliser and the Aerogen Pro.

Microbioz India, February 2021 12

Featured Article

The Aerogen Pro demonstrated a 25-fold higher References:
deposition of aerosol in the lungs compared to a
standard small volume nebuliser13.  Ari A, Atalay OT, Harwood R, Sheard MM, Aljamhan EA
and Fink JB. Influence of nebulizer type, position, and bias
Figure 2: - Lung Scintigraphy images of a ventilated infant flow on aerosol drug
animal model after inhalation of radiolabelled aerosol using delivery in simulated pediatric and adult lung models during
either a small volume nebuliser or the Aerogen Pro. The mechanical ventilation. Respiratory care. 2010;55:845-51.
Aerogen Pro delivered a significantly greater lung dose than
the small volume nebuliser. Adapted from 13.  Berlinski A and Willis JR. Albuterol delivery by 4 different
nebulizers placed in 4 different positions in a pediatric
The Aerogen Pro achieved a lung dose of 13% and ventilator in vitro model. Respiratory care. 2013;58:1124-33.
the difference in aerosol deposition between the
two systems can be clearly observed in the  Fang TP, Lin HL, Chiu SH, Wang SH, DiBlasi RM, Tsai YH
scintigraphy pictures below (Figure 2)13. and Fink JB. Aerosol Delivery Using Jet Nebulizer and
The superior drug deposition available with Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer During High Frequency
Aerogen is associated with the minimal residual Oscillatory Ventilation: An In Vitro Comparison. Journal of
volume left in the device after nebulisation. aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery. 2016.
Standard small volume nebulisers on average leave
up to half of the drug behind which can be quite  Abdelrahim ME, Plant P and Chrystyn H. In-vitro
costly when using more expensive drugs24. Dubus characterisation of the nebulised dose during non-invasive
et al. observed that the standard small volume ventilation. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology.
nebuliser has a residual volume of 1.1 mL after 2010;62:966-72.
nebulisation of 3-mL of solution. In contrast the
Aerogen Pro had a residual volume of 0.1 mL after  Galindo-Filho VC, Ramos ME, Rattes CS, Barbosa AK,
0.5-mL13. Brandao DC, Brandao SC, Fink JB and de Andrade AD.
Radioaerosol Pulmonary Deposition Using Mesh and Jet
Nebulizers During Noninvasive Ventilation in Healthy
Subjects. Respiratory care. 2015;60:1238-46.

 McPeck M. Improved Aerosol Drug Delivery with an
Electronic Mesh Nebulizer during Non-invasive Ventilation
AARC poster. 2012

 Ari A, Harwood R, Sheard M, Dailey P and Fink JB. In vitro
comparison of heliox and oxygen in aerosol delivery using
pediatric high flow nasal cannula. Pediatric pulmonology.

 Reminiac F, Vecellio L, Heuze-Vourc’h N, Petitcollin A,
Respaud R, Cabrera M, Le Pennec D, Diot P and Ehrmann
S. Aerosol Therapy in Adults Receiving High Flow Nasal
Cannula Oxygen Therapy. Journal of aerosol medicine and
pulmonary drug delivery. 2015.

 Alcoforado L, de Melo Barcelar J, Castor Galindo V,
Cristina S. Brandão S, Fink J, B. and Dornelas de Andrade
A. Analysis of Deposition Radioaerosol Nebulizers
Membrane in Healthy Subjects. ISAM poster presentation

 Ari A, de Andrade A, Sheard M, AlHamad B and Fink
JB. Performance Comparisons of Jet and Mesh Nebulizers
Using Different Interfaces in Simulated Spontaneously
Breathing Adults and Children. Journal of aerosol
medicine and

 pulmonary drug delivery. 2014.
 Dugernier J, Reychler G, Depoortere V, Roeseler J,

Michotte JB, Laterre PF, Jamar F and Hesse M.
Tomoscintigraphiccomparison of lung deposition with a
vibrating-mesh and a jet nebulizer. ERS conference poster
 Hickin S, Mac Loughlin R, Sweeney L, Tatham A and
Gidwani S. Comparison of mesh nebuliser versus jet
nebuliser in simulated adults with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Poster at the College of Emergency
Medicine Clinical Excellence Conference. 2014

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Country Manager -India & Subcontinent
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Microbioz India, February 2021 13

Featured Article

All you need to know
about Breast Cancer

he most common cancer amongst We have been witnessing a surge in breast cancer
cases amongst women in the age group of 25-49
T women, breast cancer covers 25% of years in India.
all cancer burden, globally as well as in
India. With alarming rise in its While genetic predisposition is a prominent risk
incidence in the country, factor, it is not the only one. Lifestyle and
environment factors too could be at play. Hence, it
predominantly in urban India, is important for women for all ages to pay attention
to their breasts and regularly examine them. Timely
estimates suggest every four minutes an Indian diagnosis and treatment at early stages of breast
cancer can go a long way in improving the survival
woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and every rates.

13 mins a woman dies due to the condition. Myth 2: Leading an active and healthy lifestyle will
keep breast cancer at bay
According to a recent report by WHO and
Yes, staying active and eating nutritious food is
International Agency for Research on Cancer helpful to keep the body healthy and to lower risk
of various disease conditions including breast
(IARC), India saw 162,468 women newly detected cancer but it can’t eliminate it. It is critical to watch
out for warning signs such as lump in the breast or
with breast cancer and 87,090 losing their lives to underarm, thickening or swelling in the breast, pain
and redness in the nipple areas, dimples or bulges
the disease in 2018. on the breast skin and nipple discharge. If you
notice any unusual changes, it is recommended to
While genetic predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, consult a doctor. A self-examination of the breast,
longer working hours, late pregnancy, smoking, regular screening with mammography, ultrasound
excessive alcohol consumption, stress and obesity is beneficial for early detection of the cancer.
are some of the risk factors associated with breast
cancer. Medical experts believe delayed diagnosis Myth 3: Lumps around breast indicates breast
and lack of awareness are major reasons for its high cancer
mortality rates. Most women do not know enough
about breast cancer to get themselves diagnosed No, a lump or lumps in the breast area doesn’t
early. necessarily mean its cancer. Lumps can be formed
due to various reasons including infection,
This World Cancer Day, Dr. CB Koppiker, inflammation, hormonal changes, trauma, tumor,
Breast Onco-surgeon and Medical Director at etc. Breast cancer might or might not cause a lump.
Orchids Breast Health Center, Pune, debunks
various myths related to the condition and its Microbioz India, February 2021 14

Myth 1: Breast cancer usually happens in older
women and those with family history

It is true that elderly women may be at a higher risk
for developing breast cancer, but it can occur in
younger population as well.

Featured Article

So, if you discover a new breast lump do not ignore Myth 5: Breast cancer means removal of the entire
the change or panic, instead get it checked by a breast
doctor. Annual clinical breast exam and
mammography is recommended for those above A radical mastectomy or surgical removal of the
30 years of age. entire breast is suggested only when the cancer has
spread extensively to the chest muscles. For each
Myth 4: Treatment for breast cancer is same for all patient, the course of treatment varies per the
cancer stage and his/her condition. With surgical
Management of breast cancer depends on the advances breast conservation surgeries are a norm
severity/stage of the disease and the patient’s today. During a skin/nipple sparring surgery,
preference. In breast cancer, information about surgeons remove only the cancer-affected breast
whether the cancer has spread from primary tumor tissues/tumour and re-construct the breast.
location to other locations is very critical. During Fluorescence Imaging helps surgeons to assess the
the minimally invasive biopsy, technological vascularity of the skin flaps during surgery allowing
advancements like fluorescence imaging enables them to ensure that the skin or the nipple areolar
surgeons to selectively remove the lymph nodes flap that are left behind after nipple sparring
and improve clinical accuracy of cancer staging. mastectomy are safe enough for reconstruction.
Enhanced precision and selected removal help
avoid post-op complications like lymphedema, References:
sensory deficit, pain, and impaired arm movement.
Treating breast cancer may involve surgery,
chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone therapy. awareness-needs-better-marketing-in-india/63939/1

Microbioz India, February 2021 15


“The science of

genomics and
metabolic disorders
was rapidly evolving
which further facilitated
diagnostics and
therapeutics of
undiagnosed diseases
thus we had a whole
new world of Rare

Diseases unfolding.”

Here I am sharing an Interview Dr. Ashok Gupta, Professor of Pediatrics, Incharge Rare Disease,
with Dr. Ashok Gupta, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
Professor of Pediatrics,

Incharge Rare Disease, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India

What prompted you to become a doctor & why did How do you like to be recognized for your hard
you choose this specialization? work?

Human physiology always fascinated me, as a There is no specific modality of getting to be
young student I dreamt of understanding the recognized in some instances it is just a small social
variables that produced different clinical responses appreciation or it may be that i get nominated to
amongst different individuals and also how important decision making body on Rare Diseases,
suffering could be minimized. After doing my any major journal publishing my case report and
specialization in Pediatrics, I was exposed to a lot above all the smile on the face of my patients and
of undiagnosed diseases which became the starting their families.
point of my tilt towards Rare Diseases.
How do you try and create a great patient
The science of genomics and metabolic experience?
disorders was rapidly evolving which
further facilitated diagnostics and For a great patient experience i would spend time
therapeutics of undiagnosed diseases thus to research to reach to a good diagnosis which also
we had a whole new world of Rare involves multiple organizations teaming up to
Diseases unfolding. provide free or subsidized investigational cost. Also
coordinate the access to treatment at an affordable
Thus, the novelty and the challenges brought me price.
into this specialty.
What is a rare disease and how does it affect

A rare disease is one which affects very few people,
there are over 7000 rare diseases.

Microbioz India, February 2021 16


The manifestations are varied and range from How has COVID impacted the treatment course
dysmorphology to low blood sugar to convulsions for rare disease patients?
to mental retardation to blood/joint/skin...protean
manifestation. Covid phase made travel very difficult and many
patients could not reach the hospitals. Even the
What are the challenges that rare disease patients transport of diagnostic samples and treatment
face in India? medicines suffered.

There are multiple challenges that rare disease There is a renewed impetus on Healthcare
patients face, lack of trained medical personnel, infrastructure. What kind of support do you think
poor access to diagnostics, delayed diagnosis, there can/ should be for the Rare disease burden
highly expensive investigations and therapy in most in India?
instances. Non availability of Medicines, inadequate
social and governmental support. There is an urgent need to establish regional centers
of excellence where in all possible investigations
What are the challenges you face while should be done. A good transport facility and
diagnosing Pediatric cases? proper network of the regional centers need to be
The challenges faced at my end are essentially
financial constraints both for diagnostics and
therapeutics. The turnaround time for
investigations should also come down.

Microbioz India, February 2021 17

Business News

Godrej & Boyce aims to strengthen Vaccine Cold Chain
till the last mile, for India and the World

 Unveils ‘Made in India, for the world’ ultra-low-temperature freezers (below -80 °C),
expanding its existing portfolio currently deployed in India’s Covid Vaccination Drive.

 With advanced vaccine cold storage technology, Godrej & Boyce makes India
atmanirbhar and ready, for vaccines of the future

 Partner to ongoing Covid Vaccination Drive in India, Godrej & Boyce ready for last
mile Covid vaccine deployment

G odrej & Boyce, the flagship company The mRNA-based Covid 19 vaccines are extremely
of the Godrej Group, has been temperature-sensitive as well and must be stored at
contributing to making India self- very cold temperatures. mRNA is constantly at risk
reliant since its inception. Taking a of being destroyed by other molecules in the
step further towards building the environment. Although manufacturers of the
vaccines have made chemical changes to the
nation’s healthcare infrastructure, synthetic mRNA and wrapped it in a protective
layer, they need to be stored at temperatures as low
Godrej & Boyce through its business unit Godrej as below -80°C, to prevent wastage of vaccines,
which has a direct implication on human health.
Appliances, has been partnering the ongoing Covid
Godrej Vaccine Refrigerators being
vaccination drive in India through its advanced, manufactured at its Shirwal plant

made in India, medical refrigeration solutions Hence, any wastage or inefficiency in the
vaccination process due to logistical issues related
which safeguard the sensitive vaccines at just the to cold chain must be avoided. The operating
principle for the Godrej Ultra Low Temperature
right temperature. Today, it added state of art ultra- freezer is a cascading system having a PHE (Plate
heat exchanger) as a heat exchanger between the
low temperature freezers to its portfolio, primary and the secondary system. This lowers the
standing pressure of the secondary system leading
strengthening the vaccine cold chain further. These to lowering of temperature. Additionally, Godrej
Ultra Low Temperature Freezers have inbuilt safety
advanced medical freezers can preserve life-saving systems with alarms to protect secondary
compressor in case of unlikely pressure build up.
medical supplies including critical vaccines below -

80°C and are aimed at boosting both Indian and

global medical cold chain.

Godrej Appliances is currently deploying vaccine
refrigerators which maintain a precise temperature
of 2 to 8°C to store the highly temperature sensitive
Covaxin and CoviShield vaccines being
administered in India, as part of the national tender
it received in October 2020. Medical Freezers
which maintain -20°C are also being deployed for
diluents and ice packs needed for the last mile
delivery in the Covid vaccination drive. The
vaccines run the risk of damage if they are subjected
to fluctuations beyond the specified temperature
band, leading to both health and economic

The ultra-low temperature freezers are a new
addition to this portfolio and are particularly suited
to mRNA based vaccines which are being deployed
in other countries currently.

Microbioz India, February 2021 18

Microbioz India, February 2021

Business News and life-saving supplies that can help governments
across the world in their fight against the covid-19. This
Features like (a) 2 step sealing & Internal separate pandemic has underscored the need to be future ready
doors to help avoid temperature ingress and (b) Oil when it comes to vaccine cold chain infrastructure. As
recovery for secondary system for long running, a group we are constantly transforming to get newer
boost the overall efficiency of the unit during technologies and partner to make the nation self-
operation. Furthermore, back-up systems like reliant. Our latest offering of Ultra Low Temperature
Liquid CO2 or Liquid NO2 ensure safety of stock Freezers will help make India more ready for vaccines
stored, by maintaining a stable temperature for over of the future as well. This endeavor also brings alive
48 hours, in case of a power outage or an unlikely our ethos of Made in India for the World.”
system failure.
Commenting on these developments, Mr. Kamal
The current capacity for Ultra Low Temperature Nandi, Business Head and Executive Vice
Freezers is 12,000 units per annum, which Godrej President, Godrej Appliances said,
Appliances is working towards quickly ramping up
to 30,000 units per annum, to meet the growing “We are glad that we have been able to apply our
global demand. refrigeration expertise in developing a strong vaccine
cold chain in India at a critical time. Our medical
Godrej Appliances is also exploring other ways to refrigerators and medical freezers deliver the precise
assist in the next phase of vaccine deployment till cooling temperature of 2°C - 8°C and -20°C
the last mile. It has successfully piloted a mobile respectively, needed for the vaccines being
clinic in rural Maharashtra, running an ambulance administered by India currently. Now, with our newly
equipped with a vaccine refrigerator, without launched range of advanced ultra-low temperature
connecting it to a power source for three days. The freezers, which can provide a temperature of below -
temperature was monitored every 2 hours and met 80°C, India will also have the storage solutions readily
the required temperature norms. As India available, for other Covid-19 vaccines being deployed
accelerates the pace of vaccinations, more agile across the world. We are partnering with various
remote deployment may hold the key to success. stakeholders in strengthening the healthcare cold
chain and aiming to assist in other potential vaccine roll
Godrej & Boyce has been committed to serving the out challenges - like through mobile clinics for last mile
country especially in the trying pandemic times, vaccine deployment in remote areas, for the next
through its diverse offerings – be it through phase of Covid-19 vaccine inoculation.”
medical components - Hospital Bed Actuators and
Electro-magnetic valves for ventilators, or through About Godrej & Boyce: Godrej & Boyce (‘G&B’), a Godrej Group
disinfectant devices aimed at keeping the company, was founded in 1897, and has contributed to India’s journey of
population safer at home, or setting up socially self-reliance through manufacturing. G&B patented the world’s first
distant offices to keep people safe at work; and is springless lock and since then, has diversified into 14 businesses across
proud to serve not just the country but the world various sectors from Security, Furniture, Appliances, Aerospace to
with Made in India medical refrigerators, freezers Infrastructure and Defence. Godrej is one of India’s most trusted brands
and ultra-low temperature freezers, at a time when serving over 1.1bn customers worldwide daily.
they are most needed.
About Godrej Appliances: Godrej Appliances, a business unit of Godrej
Commenting on the recent developments, Mr. & Boyce, is one of the leading Home Appliances players in India. Godrej &
Jamshyd Godrej, Chairman and Managing Boyce was the first Indian Company in 1958 to manufacture Refrigerators
Director, Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing and since then Godrej Appliances has expanded its portfolio across many
Company Ltd. said, “Depth of coverage and other categories like Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Microwave
sustenance of Covid-19 vaccination drive will be key to Ovens, futuristic Thermo-electric cooling solutions, Air Coolers, Deep
ward off further spread of the pandemic. Today, Freezers, highly specialized Medical Refrigerators and more recently, UVC
nations across the globe are facing challenges in Technology-Based Disinfecting devices and Dishwashers, all powered by
running effective covid-19 vaccination programs. the driving philosophy of 'Things made thoughtfully’.
Inadequate cold chain equipment is one of the key
challenges, which can lead to inefficacy of the vaccines This thought extends from human-centric design to planet centric design.
and cost human health. With Godrej’s decades of Environment is a core value at Godrej. Both manufacturing units of Godrej
expertise in refrigeration technology, the brand offers a Appliances became the first in the country to win the coveted Platinum Plus
range of advanced cold storage solutions for vaccines Green Co certification for their pioneering green manufacturing practices.

The brand takes pride in not just its carefully designed products and
environment-friendly technologies, but also best in class after-sales service
delivered through over 680 service centers and more than 4500
SmartBuddy service experts spread all over the country.

Microbioz India, February 2021 20

Business News

Aster DM Healthcare launches a dedicated

‘Women and Children Care Hospital’ at

Whitefield, Bangalore

ster DM Healthcare, one of the largest DM Healthcare is happy to announce the opening
of the Phase 1 part of our 350-bed Aster Whitefield
A integrated healthcare service networks project, our latest offering to the Garden City of
in the GCC and the third largest Bengaluru. The Phase 1 part consists of a boutique
healthcare company in India, has Women and Children hospital that has best in-class
announced the launch of its 49 bedded technology and equipment backed by an eminent
dedicated ‘Women and Children Care clinical faculty. While the entire Aster Whitefield
Hospital’ at Whitefield, Bangalore. Comprising of project envisages a total investment of Rs. 200
14 bedded Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) crore, this phase 1 launch of the Women &
and a 7 bedded Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Children Hospital has been established at an
(PICU), this hospital will offer cutting edge investment of Rs. 25 crore. Aster is also looking at
multidisciplinary women and child care that will be further expansion of our Kolhapur Hospital in
steered by highly skilled medical professionals
Maharashtra called
Aster Aaadhar,
wherein we are
adding extra 60 beds
to the existing bed
capacity of 180 and
also includes a new

Oncology Block.
The investment for
this expansion is Rs.
35 crore.”

dedicated to providing world-class care and highest “With a history of
safety standards. over 32 years of
care, our team of
The new unit offers a wide number of specialties highly experienced
that include gynecology, paediatrics, paediatric experts will offer advanced treatments to patients
superspeciality, neonatology, fetal medicine and using cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic
24/7 emergency care. The other different facilities technology. The dedicated women and child
and services available at the hospital includes hospital is standalone concept hospital that will be
labour delivery suites, Modular Operation Theatre, supported by a large multi-specialty hospital. The
Cardiotocography Monitoring for a foetal availability of a multi-specialty support can become
heartbeat, 3D and 4D Ultrasound, Paediatric ICUs, an indispensable entity for the expecting mothers
Neonatal ICUs, X-Ray, Birthing Suites, and a 24*7 and can prove to be a life-saviour for both the
Walk in Pharmacy.Commenting on the mother and the child care at all stages and beyond.
establishment of the hospital, Dr. Harish Pillai, At Aster, we strive for excellence, every moment
Chief Executive Officer, Aster India, said: “Aster and every day – to bring great healthcare within
reach of people. We live by our motto We’ll Treat
You well to the last detail.” said, Dr. Nitish Shetty,
CEO, Aster Hospitals, Bangalore.

Microbioz India, February 2021 21

Business News

Fortis brings together Cancer Survivors, shares
stories of hope & joy!

n the occasion of World Cancer Day courage to the cancer patients and their care givers
who are currently undergoing cancer treatment.”
O (February 4th), Fortis Cancer Institute Commenting on the initiative, Dr. Mohan
undertook a distinctive approach to Keshavamurthy –Director- Department of
celebrate cancer survivors and inspire the Urology- Urology, Uro-oncology, Andrology -
patients who are recently diagnosed with Transplant & Robotic Surgery, said, “It gives us
cancer. A series of activities were held for immense pleasure to see our patients completely
recovered and leading a healthy life. Through
cancer survivors and their caregivers to address the
Aasha, we are able to meet our patients again and
less discussed issues in cancer at Aasha, a cancer hear their stories of leading a happy and cancer free
life. As we are putting the survivors and cancer
support group patients both on the same platform, it will help
encourage and motivate the recently diagnosed
initiated by patients in their cancer journey.”

Fortis Cancer To highlight the importance of therapy like yoga &
music will also be a part of the session.
About Fortis Healthcare
Fortis Healthcare Limited – an IHH Healthcare Group Company – is a
Aasha, is a leading integrated healthcare services provider in India. It is one of the
largest healthcare organisations in the country with 36 healthcare facilities
place for (including projects under development), 4000 operational beds and over
400 diagnostics centres (including JVs). Fortis is present in India, United
celebrating the Arab Emirates (UAE) & Sri Lanka. The Company is listed on the BSE Ltd
and National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. It draws strength from its
courage and will partnership with global major and parent company, IHH, to build upon its
culture of world-class patient care and superlative clinical excellence. Fortis
power of cancer employs 23,000 people (including SRL) who share its vision of becoming
the world’s most trusted healthcare network. Fortis offers a full spectrum of
survivors and to integrated healthcare services ranging from clinics to quaternary care
facilities and a wide range of ancillary services.
inspire those

who are


diagnosed. At

Aasha, a 90-



session is conducted with doctors, support group

team and survivors which is followed by yoga

session, session on power of healthy eating and

concluded by some music therapy. As part of the

session, cancer survivors and their caregivers also

share their experiences of battling cancer to

encourage the recently diagnosed cancer patients.

Aasha would be an ongoing monthly activity which

will be conducted with different patients each

month with Yoga/ Music sessions for them.

Dr. Niti Raizada, Director - Medical Oncology

and Hemato-Oncology- Fortis Cancer

Institute, said “On the occasion of World Cancer Day,

we take the opportunity to introduce Aasha an initiative by

Fortis Cancer Institute. This Cancer Support group will

serve as a platform for cancer survivors as well as the cancer

patients to understand the importance of healthy living with

the help of yoga session, and a session on healthy


While, we also urge cancer survivors to share their

journey of fighting cancer that would give hope and

Microbioz India, February 2021 22

Microbioz India, February 2021

Business News

Hunjan Hospital launches Mako Robotic Arm-
Assisted Technology for knee replacement in

udhiana reached an important milestone outcomes and making healthcare better makes our
partnership with the hospital very special.
L in knee replacement as it became the first
We are truly excited about the potential impact on
city in Northern India to have the world’s serving patients needing knee replacement across
Northern India.”
most widely adopted US FDA approved
Dr. BS Hunjan, Director and Joint Replacement
Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted Surgeon at Hunjan Hospital, while talking about
the difference between conventional and Mako
Technology. The first Mako System in Robotic Arm-Assisted Surgery during the press
conference held in Ludhiana, explained that one of
Northern India has been installed at Hunjan the challenges with traditional surgery is that
surgical accuracy depends on the surgeon’s
Hospital, said a press release issued jointly by experience and technique. Mako Robotic Arm-
Assisted Surgery System allows surgeons to make
Stryker India, a leading global medical device precise bone cuts on the diseased joint, every single
company, headquartered in the US, and Hunjan
“First 8 patients that we operated on have shown
Hospital, a renowned orthopedics hospital in the encouraging results. With Mako, we have been able
to know more about our patients than ever-before
city of Ludhiana. and we are able to cut less.

The launch comes as an important milestone for For some patients, this can mean less soft tissue
Hunjan Hospital and Stryker, in their endeavor to damage and for others greater bone preservation.”
bring the most advanced technology and treatment
for patients suffering from knee joint disorders.
Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted Surgery System
enables surgeons to deliver more predictable
surgical outcomes with increased accuracy.

Congratulating Hunjan Hospital on this
important milestone, Ms. Meenakshi Nevatia,
the Vice President and Managing Director of
Stryker India, said, “We are very happy to partner
with Hunjan Hospital and it is indeed a proud
moment for Stryker. Our common vision of
bringing newer innovations to improve patient

Microbioz India, February 2021 24

Business News

Dr. Jaiveer Hunjan, Consultant Orthopaedics at This planning, done even before entering the
Hunjan Hospital further added, “While operation theatre, helps in deciding the most
conventional knee replacement surgeries have been accurate bone cuts and alignment of implants.
improving life of patients effectively over last three
decades, the Mako System will enhance our The technology allows the surgeon to modify the
accuracy significantly. As suggested by the literature plan during the surgery, if required. And once the
and our experience with initial surgeries, we have plan is locked, the Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted
seen tremendous patient benefits such as precise Surgery System assists the surgeon in executing
planning and bone cuts, more bone and soft the bone cuts in the operation theatre. The unique
tissue preservation, less post-op pain, faster haptic technology ensures that the surgeon
recovery, quicker discharge and less blood remains within the virtual boundaries created.
loss.” Speaking on the technology, Dr. BS Hunjan Since the robotic arm cannot be physically moved
said, “This technology has the potential to outside the virtual boundary, it enables the
transform the way knee replacement surgeries are preservation of soft tissue. This allows most
performed. I am sure a day will come when this accurate bone cuts, positioning of implants and
technology will be a Standard of Care in every protecting any injury to soft tissue.
operating room. We are very proud to bring world
class care to the doorstep of patients in Punjab.” The largest global install base of more than 1,000
Mako Systems (and counting), more than 350,000
Each patient’s bone anatomy is different, and Mako procedures and more than 145 publications
arthritis further tends to alter the diseased joint. In in published, peer reviewed studies establish the
case of a knee or hip surgery, Mako System’s clinical prowess of Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted
software helps create a 3D model of the diseased Technology.
joint based on the patient’s CT scan. The software
then allows creating a personalized virtual surgical For more information:
plan for each patient, based on their specific disease
condition. [email protected]

About Stryker

Stryker is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies
and, together with its customers, is driven to make healthcare
better. The company offers innovative products and services in
Orthopaedics, Medical and Surgical, and Neurotechnology and
Spine that help improve patient and hospital outcomes. More
information is available at

Microbioz India, February 2021 25

Business News

100+ corporates sign up for Practo’s corporate health
plans to promote employee well-being

 Practo’s corporate health plans, which offer a myriad of integrated healthcare services,
witnesses a surge of over 35% since March 2020

 L&T financial services, Marico, Hexaware Technologies,Tata Realty, Denave India, and Telus
International are among the companies that have availed the Practo plans for their

racto, India’s leading integrated Through Practo, employees of the partnered
companies can have 24*7 access to 25,000+
P healthcare company, has witnessed a doctors for instant online consultations across 22+
significant growth in the demand for specialties on the ‘Practo Plus’ health plan network.
its corporate health and wellness With a response time of about 120 seconds,
plans, with over 100 corporates thousands of employees have availed online
signing up for them in 2020. The consultations so far. GP, dermatology,
increase in sign-ups is recorded as gastroenterology, gynaecology, pediatrics,
psychiatry, and cardiology are among the most
organizations continue looking at strengthening consulted specialities.

employee-safety initiatives and providing them Thanks to these health plans, companies have seen
a significant drop in the number of employees
with easy access to healthcare in response to the taking sick leave or being admitted to hospital,
while their productivity has also improved over
COVID-19 pandemic. L&T financial services, time. Furthermore, employees could get their
medicines delivered to their doorstep.
Marico, Hexaware In the work-from-home situation, these health
plans enabled employees to address their health
Technologies,Tata concerns from the comfort of their home.

Realty, Denave

India, and Telus

International, are

among the

companies that

Practo currently

extends its services


Buoyed by the
positive response
for the corporate
health plans, Practo
is looking at
covering the healthcare needs of 2.5 lakh
employees by the end of 2021. To drive this, Practo
will be fully involved and support employers
through different stages - from onboarding to
sharing utilization insights. Retaining the current
customer satisfaction score of 4.7/5 across
organizations by providing them with quality
service will remain Practo’s priority. Since March
2020, Practo’s corporate health and wellness plans
have been used by over one lakh employees and
their family members for online consultations with
verified doctors, preventive health check-ups,
pharmaceutical needs, mental health sessions, and
COVID-19 screenings.

Microbioz India, February 2021 26

Business News cover all specialties, along with offering a number
of benefits. And the best part is that we have
Elaborating on this trend, Siddhartha Nihalani, VP received very positive feedback from our
- Product Growth, Practo, said, employees about these health plans.”

“With people in general trying to make healthier Based on their requirements, organizations can
lifestyles choices in a pandemic-battered world, choose from a variety of packages that Practo
corporates are leaving no stone unturned to offers. From online doctor consultations to
ensure employees’ good health and well-being. conducting an ergonomic assessment, Practo’s
While health insurance plans still form an integral health plans come with myriad advantages. Other
part of employee benefits, companies have also benefits include annual health checkups, OPD
started opting for digital healthcare solutions that services, at-home diagnostic services and medicine
are accessible, affordable, and safe. In the work- delivery covering 16,000 pin codes (depending on
from-home situation, teleconsultations catered to the packages).
both the physical and mental health requirements
of employees and their family members. About Practo:
Convinced by its efficiency and effectiveness, an
increasing number of corporates across India are Practo, the country’s leading integrated healthcare company, connects the
switching to Practo’s health and wellness plans.” entire health ecosystem together – patients, doctors, clinics, hospitals,
pharmacy, diagnostics, and other partners, to generate exceptional value
Speaking about the partnership, Sanhita Ganguly, and service for all, esp. the end consumers. It integrates different parts of
HR Head, Hexaware, said, the patients’ healthcare journey so they can have one seamless
experience, right from finding and booking an appointment with verified
“Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors, consulting verified doctors online with ETA as low as 60 seconds,
providing our employees with easy and timely getting medicine and lab tests at the doorstep, and accessing insightful
access to healthcare has been a challenge. With health articles authored by verified doctors. Practo also makes software
physical appointments becoming difficult under products that help healthcare providers ranging from small clinics to large
current circumstances, the need for online Doctor hospitals digitize and deliver more efficient and higher quality healthcare to
consultation has been on the rise. Employees millions of patients around the world.
have become more conscious in choosing the
healthcare benefits and the services provided by As technology becomes an integral part of healthcare, Practo has also
doctors. This has pushed a need for become an essential enabler in helping doctors understand the nuances of
technologically-assisted doctor consulting. managing and securely storing all health data. Practo encrypts all data with
Practo’s corporate health and wellness plans 256-bit encryption, uses HIPAA compliant data centers, and is one of the
few healthcare companies to be ISO 27001 certified. Practo is present in
20 countries, helps 18 crore+ patients a year, and connects patients with 1
lakh+ verified doctor partners.

Microbioz India, February 2021 27

Business News

Arctoris Celebrates 5th Anniversary and Launches
Its Expanded Robotic Platform Ulysses

rctoris Ltd, an Oxford-based technology This success is the result of our amazing team’s
dedication and hard work over these past five years,
A company operating a fully automated combined with guidance from experienced and
drug discovery platform, celebrated its insightful advisors and board members.
5th anniversary on the 4th of February.
Over the
past five

years, Arctoris has

grown from a

technology startup to a

globally operating

company delivering

integrated drug

discovery projects with

partners on three

continents from its

headquarters in Oxford

and its Asia-Pacific hub

in Singapore. On the

occasion of its 5th

anniversary, Arctoris

unveiled its new and

expanded, next-

generation robotic platform, Ulysses.

Arctoris was founded in 2016 by Martin-Immanuel We are looking forward to the next five years,
Bittner MD DPhil (CEO) and Tom Fleming which will see even greater change and accelerated
MChem (COO), as the world’s first fully automated growth, toward a future where treatments and cures
drug discovery platform. Through end-to-end can be generated at a fraction of the time and cost,
automation, the company’s unique technology and we are privileged to play our role in building
platform rapidly delivers reliable, reproducible, and that future”
fully auditable datasets enabling better decision-
making early in the drug discovery process. Having strengthened its team over the past few

years with several high-profile hires and Advisory

Looking back at the past five years, the company’s Board appointments, the company has recently
CEO Dr Martin-Immanuel Bittner said “The drug
discovery ecosystem is evolving rapidly, and the key announced partnerships with Insilico
to success is having access to the right data at the
right time, to progress the right projects towards Medicine and Syntekabio, while further expanding
the clinic. Arctoris plays an important role in
enabling true data-driven drug discovery globally, its operations globally.
by generating the data that powers decisions in
biotech and pharma companies on three Arctoris invited media representatives to an
continents.” exclusive, virtual press event to celebrate its

Tom Fleming, COO of Arctoris, added “Drug The event featured a presentation by Martin-
discovery is undergoing a rapid digital Immanuel Bittner outlining the history of Arctoris
metamorphosis, and Ulysses plays a central and trends in the drug discovery market, followed
catalytic role in that transformation. by a presentation and live tour of Ulysses by Tom

The Chairman of the Board, Dr Vishal Gulati,
echoed the founders’ enthusiasm: “Five years ago,

Microbioz India, February 2021 28

Business News

the founders set out with the idea to make it About Arctoris ltd:
possible for any scientist in the world to run a
biotech company with a laptop and a credit card – Arctoris Ltd is an Oxford-based technology company that is
and thanks to Arctoris, this is now entirely possible, revolutionizing drug discovery for biotechnology companies,
harnessing the power of automation for drug pharmaceutical corporations and academia. Arctoris has
discovery. established the world’s first fully automated drug discovery
As Chairman of the Board of Arctoris, I am platform, delivering integrated drug discovery projects with partners
incredibly proud of where the Company stands and clients globally. Accessible remotely, the platform provides
today, and I am excited about what lies ahead, on access to a wide range of biochemical, cell biology and molecular
our path to redesigning drug discovery from the biology assays conducted by robotics, enabling rapid, informed
ground up.” decision-making from target identification to IND filing. These
assay capabilities are augmented with a powerful online portal that
streamlines experiment planning, tracking and data analysis.
Thanks to the Arctoris platform, drug discovery programs can
progress rapidly, accurately and cost-effectively towards the clinic.

Microbioz India, February 2021 29

Research News

Hydrogel injection could help fix harm to the
heart muscle after heart attack

esearchers at CÚRAM, the SFI The hydrogel is based on a family of unique
biomaterials, known as elastin-like recombinamers,
R Research Centre for Medical Devices that BIOFORGE-UVa had grown in the search for
based at NUI Galway, and innovative hydrogels for regenerative medicine.
BIOFORGE Lab, at the University of
Valladolid in Spain, have developed an “The hydrogel was created to mimic the
injectable hydrogel which might help environment around the heart after an infarction
repair and prevent additional damage to the heart and then customized to be able to protect and
muscle following a heart attack occasion. promote regeneration of the cardiac tissue”, he
The results of their research have only been explains.
published in the prestigious journal Science
Translational Medicine. The therapeutic effect of multiple shots of this
Myocardial infarction or heart disease is a leading hydrogel into the cardiac tissue was assessed during
cause of death because of the irreversible damage the first-ever preclinical study of its type,
caused to the heart muscle (coronary artery ) during demonstrating its efficacy for cardiac tissue
a heart attack. The regeneration of cardiac tissue is remodeling after a heart attack. The worldwide
minimal so that the damage caused can’t be fixed research team, which included researchers in
by itself. Ireland, Spain, Sweden, France and Italy, were able
to show that if their hydrogel was injected into the
Latest treatments lack an effective procedure to
avoid death and subsequent coronary artery repair heart muscle shortly after a
following a heart attack. heart attack, it resulted in less
“This project involved the development and testing fibrosis (scarring of the
of an elastin-based hydrogel derived from a coronary artery) and an
naturally occurring biomaterial in the human increase in the creation of
body”, explains Professor Abhay Pandit, Scientific new blood vessels in the area.
Director of CÚRAM and job lead.
They were also able to
observe the increase in the
preservation and survival of
cardiomyocytes, a sort of cell
that allows the heart to
conquer, in the affected area.

Professor Pandit added:”
This project demonstrates
the effectiveness of a
distinctive biomaterial-only
system able to induce a positive healing effect on
cardiac tissue following a heart attack event. The
functional benefits obtained by the timely injection
of the hydrogel supports and highlight the possible
use of this therapy in the clinic. The next step will
be to develop a prototype for a delivery system for
the hydrogel.”

Microbioz India, February 2021 30

Research News The recent announcement of a $46M reinvestment
in CÚRAM by Science Foundation Ireland in
In this study, we employed a model to specifically look at February 2021, demonstrates the Government’s
a type of heart attack that has increased in incidence and strong commitment to the MedTech industry in
is not often treated until the acute phase resolves. Scar Ireland, encouraging the continuation of
tissue that forms after the heart attack often remodels substantial academic, industry and clinical
negatively, causing future problems like heart failure. The collaborations that are central to CÚRAM’s work.
timely injection of this hydrogel appears to change the
way the heart muscle heals after a heart attack. There is Source:
a significant positive histological, biological and functional
recovery of the injured heart muscle. Work is progressing Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
now to deliver this to the sites of injury in different clinical
settings and will be followed with translation into a clinical Journal reference:
trial.”Mark Da Costa, Study Senior Co-Author and
Professor and Cardiothoracic Surgeon Contessotto, P., et al. (2021) Elastin-like recombinamers-
based hydrogel modulates post-ischemic remodeling in a
CÚRAM’s research focuses on developing non-transmural myocardial infarction in sheep. Science
diagnostic devices, biomedical implants, cell-device Translational
and drug-device combination products to address Medicine.
unmet clinical needs.

Microbioz India, February 2021 31

Research News

Study describes cisplatin-prompted hearing loss in
pediatric cancer growth patients

ermanent hearing loss is a common But the data showed that not all treatment
schedules came with the same risk. Children who
P side effect of the medicine, but until received higher doses of the chemotherapy were
now, studies have been too little and more likely to experience hearing loss, even when
too varied to accurately characterize the complete amount of cisplatin over the course
this risk. of the treatment was the same.

Today in The Lancet Child & The team also uncovered a second, previously
Adolescent Health, researchers at Children’s unknown, risk factor for hearing loss: concurrent
Hospital Los Angeles published results of the use of vincristine, a second chemotherapy agent
biggest analysis of cisplatin-induced hearing loss to often added to treatment regimens.
date. The analysis establishes the initial benchmarks
for the prevalence of hearing loss, and reveals that The team addressed another barrier to
the probability of hearing loss is affected not only understanding cisplatin-induced hearing loss:
by how much medication is given, but by how that variation in distributing audiology scores. Many
drug is delivered–dosing schedules, complementary international medical centers categorize hearing
treatments, and much more. loss differently, making direct comparisons
The lot of factors involve means that permanent
hearing loss can occur in anywhere from 20- To overcome this issue, the group reviewed all of
90percent of cisplatin-treated patients. But the new the study data using the identical global consensus
study shows that another important aspect of system for cisplatin-induced hearing loss
chemotherapy can affect a child’s risk for hearing (developed by the International Society of Pediatric
loss. Oncology), allowing investigators to evaluate
hearing loss using over 2,000 tests from patients
Dr. Orgel and a team of researchers, including treated at 19 unique institutions.
CHLA’s Diana Moke, MD, MS, collected
information from over 1,400 patients treated in Uncovering how real-world variables affect risk of side
hospitals across the USA and Canada. A data pool effects enables oncologists to better serve every child.
of this size is no small accomplishment. “Pediatric “Studies such as these are a crucial first step in
cancers are rare, so they’re hard to study,” states Dr. developing a truly individualized approach to each
Moke, who treats children with many of the individual,” says Bruce Carleton, PharmD, who led the
included cancers. “We have gathered data from the Canadian arm of this study. “Data provided by this
greatest group ever of cisplatin-treated children and study will help oncologists identify patients that might
adolescents with a wide array of cancers,” she says. be at greater risk of hearing loss in order that protective
strategies can be considered.”
We found that how we infuse the drug can significantly
alter the risk of side effects. Cisplatin has been used to “We have developed these powerful tools to
treat cancers in children and adults for more than fifty effectively fight cancer,” says Dr. Orgel. “Now we
years, but for the first time, we have insights into how can focus in on how to use these tools in a way that
something as simple as adjusting our dosing approach maintains their power but reduces their footprint.”
may prevent hearing loss and still maintain effective
treatments.” Source:

Etan Orgel, MD, MS, Study Lead Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Overall, the study showed that 44 percent of
pediatric patients treated with cisplatin suffered
from moderate to severe hearing loss.

Microbioz India, February 2021 32

Microbioz India, February 2021

Research News

Scientists investigate how messenger substances
impact singular decision making

ccording to other studies, different determines the’E/I equilibrium’ between excitatory
and inhibitory transmission action.
A parts of the brain are responsible for
different kinds of decisions. A research The researchers used magnetic resonance
team headed by Luca Franziska Kaiser spectroscopy to assess the concentrations of
and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jocham
in the HHU working GABA and glutamate in different cortical areas of
group’Biological Psychology of Decision different subjects. The team then used the
Making’, and Dr. Theo Gruendler together information to correlate the ratio of the two
with colleagues in Magdeburg examined messenger substances with the individual decision-
the balance of the messenger substances making behavior of the subjects. In the patch-
GABA and glutamate in 2 forms of leaving scenario, subjects with a greater ratio of
decision-making. GABA to glutamate in dACC were quicker to leave
a depleting resource. By comparison, people with
The background to the research was to higher concentrations of glutamate needed a larger
discover how different concentrations of quality improvement before choosing to leave their
the substances influence the person current patch. In the other scenario, subjects with
making the choice. higher concentrations of GABA relative to
glutamate in vmPFC exhibited significantly
On the one hand, the investigators looked increased decision accuracy. They were more
at’reward-based decisions’, which involve reliable at selecting the higher-value option.
maximizing reward by selecting the greater of two
current options. Luca Kaiser gives a simple Luca Kaiser states:”Our results show a correlation
example:” Where do I purchase coffee on my way between decision-making behavior and the balance
to work, depending on the purchase price, quality of 2 messenger substances in the brain. People with
and whether the café is in my way?” a higher ratio of excitation to inhibition in dACC
need more of an incentive to move away from their
‘Patch-leaving decisions’ are about long-term status quo. By comparison, people with more
tactical issues which have an extensive balancing of GABA in vmPFC exhibit greater accuracy for
cost against gain. A good example of such a short-term conclusions.”
decision would be whether to move from
Düsseldorf to Munich for a job offer. Source:

The job in Munich may offer a higher salary and a more Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf
interesting role, but may also involve stress and the
effort involved in finding a place to live and moving to Journal reference:
Munich as well as higher rents and the loss of social Kaizer, L. F., et al. (2021) Dissociable roles of cortical excitation-inhibition
contacts in Düsseldorf.” balance during patch-leaving versus value-guided decisions. Nature
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jocham, Heinrich-Heine University

So there are lots of factors that influence this type
of decision. According to the literature, such
decisions are made in the brain’s dorsal anterior
cingulate cortex, or dACC for short.

Both messenger materials glutamate and GABA
play a key role, and the ratio between the two

Microbioz India, February 2021 34

Product Launches

MedTrainer Introduces New clients can pick the features that are
most appropriate for their organization.
LabComply to Simplify Lab Once an organization becomes a
customer, a dedicated account success
Compliance manager is assigned to ensure a quick and
successful start-up that can be completed
M ed Trainer, Redlands, Calif, released within a matter of days after signing up.
LabComply, a cloud-based software
package that provides a For more information and to schedule a demo of
comprehensive resource for managing all aspects LabComply, visit MedTrainer.
of CLIA testing. LabComply addresses the most
common deficiencies found by CMS and Report Reveals Adoption
accreditation organizations such as staff of Digital Pathology
competency assessments, QC and maintenance Accelerating
documentation, reagent and supply lot number and
expiration tracking, and verification of standard
operating procedures.

Compliance with CLIA Waived testing, as defined H amamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu,
by the Manufacturer’s Instruction Use and Good Japan, published a new market report
Laboratory Practices, is proving to be an expensive on perceptions and utilization of digital
and time-consuming task for long-term care pathology solutions, At the Tipping Point. With
facilities and other organizations that were findings from a survey of pathologists, laboratory
provided covid-19 testing equipment and online directors, and hospital leaders across the United
training, but not a comprehensive method to States, the report reveals that most see value in
manage compliance requirements. MedTrainer’s digital pathology. However, a significant number of
LabComply affordably simplifies required pathology professionals aren’t leveraging whole
compliance processes for any type of organization slide scanning, and the large majority rely on
that utilizes CLIA-Waived equipment. sending physical glass slides for secondary consults.

“Quality testing and patient safety are essential for “Technology has always been a part of bleeding-edge
laboratories,” says Jorge Fernandez, COO, healthcare, but pathology is an area where digital
MedTrainer, “We understand the challenges of imaging innovation has been slow to catch on,” says
changing regulations on point of care testing Don Ariyakumar, Hamamatsu’s product manager for
facilities. We developed LabComply based on whole slide imaging and digital pathology. “Using glass
customer need to the support training and slides is reliable, but slow and inefficient, and a lack of
administrative tasks so that labs can efficiently and superior digital solutions, along with a lack of FDA-
accurately manage their regulatory processes.” cleared systems, for years made pathologists hesitant
to adopt digitization. Now, digitizing slides can be fast
MedTrainer customers can easily add the and produces high quality images that are relatively
LabComply tools to their current portfolio of small in file size. It also creates an essential archive to
services. the original glass slides that can quickly and easily be
shared or retrieved for further diagnoses.”

Key findings from the report include:

 In-depth interviews with key opinion

 Key factors that influence digital pathology

Microbioz India, February 2021 35

Product Launches Binx Health Inks Distribution
Agreement for binx io
 The value of whole slide scanning for Launch
clinical diagnosis
B oston-based Binx Health has partnered
 Impact of covid-19 for digital pathology with global healthcare leader McKesson
for the sale and distribution of the binx io
“Pathologists can’t sustain our profession now. It’s platform in the United States.
impossible to scale up our work, do more
complicated testing and meet the demand of
precision medicine the way pathology is practiced
today, with the number of pathologists we have,
and with the microscope as the dominant tool,”
says Liron Pantanowitz, MD, director, anatomic
pathology, department of pathology, Michigan
Medicine, University of Michigan and a paid
consultant to Hamamatsu, in the report.

“The pandemic has shown how important remote A first-of-kind FDA-cleared infectious disease
pathology is and has pushed healthcare leaders platform, the binx io provides results in about 30
and clinicians to embrace and want to invest in minutes, which enables diagnosis and treatment of
digital solutions,” adds Ariyakumar. “This truly is chlamydia (CT) and gonorrhea (NG) to take place
just the tipping point—we’re going to see the field in a single visit. The binx io’s test performance has
of pathology advance significantly as digital been demonstrated to be on par with central
solutions are more widely embraced, leading to a laboratory testing.
rise in assisted diagnosis and quality control
programs using AI algorithms. I’m excited to see Today, about 35 million CT/NG tests are
how this change will help push the boundaries of processed at central laboratories, with virtually all
medicine and healthcare as we know it.” patients leaving a clinic before results are ready.
Under this traditional care model, up to 40% of
For more information, visit Hamamatsu patients who are subsequently determined to be
Photonics. positive do not return for treatment once they leave
the clinic, leading to further infection spread and
Featured image: Hamamatsu NanoZoomer for comorbidities.
whole slide imaging (Courtesy: Hamamatsu)
The company says the binx io is poised to change
all of that, by delivering results within the time
window of a typical OB-GYN visit.

Microbioz India, February 2021 36

Microbioz India, February 2021

Product Launches

Initial distribution of the binx io will be into that offered by currently available covid-19 tests.
settings that are certified to perform moderate or
high complexity diagnostic tests under the Clinical AnteoTech intends for the tests to be combined
Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). into a single multiplex test platform and be
available in as little as 6 to 9 months following
The binx io platform also may be used in satellite clinical trials and regulatory approvals.
point-of-care (POC) settings designated under such
moderate or high complexity certificates. Binx also AnteoTech is currently looking to build strategic
completed its CLIA waiver study and submitted a partnerships with medical device manufacturers to
request to the FDA in 2020 to classify the platform expedite commercialization. Once deployed, the
as CLIA waived, which, upon FDA clearance, will portable test could significantly reduce covid-19
enable distribution to the 200,000+ CLIA-waived spread by enabling detection and quarantine of
locations nationwide. infected individuals before symptoms develop.

“At Binx we consider evidence-based care and “The development of this new platform
consumer convenience central to all we do,” says marks a critical step in our collective
Jeffrey Luber, Binx Health’s chief executive officer. journey to halt the spread of covid-19,”
“Today’s announcement is a win-win-win for says Derek Thomson, CEO of AnteoTech.
clinics, patients, and the public health and we are “By leveraging many years of expert insight
especially proud of this new distribution in the form of our AnteoBind europium
partnership for national reach.” nanoparticle technology and applying it to
this unique challenge, we’re enabling
For more information, visit Binx Health. detection of the lower viral particle levels
seen in earlier stages of covid-19
Featured image: A first-of-kind FDA-cleared infection—levels which aren’t detectable
infectious disease platform, the binx io enables with current gold-based diagnostics. As a
diagnosis and treatment of chlamydia and result, we’re opening the possibility for
gonorrhea to take place in a single visit. (Courtesy: better clinical decision-making and earlier
Binx Health) direction of patients into quarantine to
curtail disease spread.”
AnteoTech Developing POC
Lateral Flow Tests for Covid-19 For more information, visit AnteoTech.
and Influenza

B risbane, Australia-based AnteoTech, has
successfully developed proof-of-concept
antigen and influenza

A and B point-of-care

lateral flow tests that

can detect the presence

of SARS-Cov-2 and

influenza in less than

15 minutes. The tests

utilize AnteoTech’s

patented AnteoBind

activated europium

technology and

provide significantly

higher sensitivity than

Microbioz India, February 2021 38

Product Launches

Featured image: Workflow for the AnteoTech BNK Reagent with Trucount Tubes has along with
COVID-19 antigen/Flu A&B multiplex other testing in determining the covid-19 patients’
test. Courtesy AnteoTech. risk of IMV and mortality at hospitalization.

BD Assay to ID Covid-19 As shown in peer-reviewed clinical studies, some
Patients at Increased Risk of patients with covid-19 may exhibit a decrease of
Intubation, Mortality Gets CE specific lymphocyte T-cell subsets (CD4+ and/ or
Mark CD8+ T-cells), and this decrease is associated with
increased risk of IMV and mortality. Knowing a
B D (Becton, Dickinson and Company), patient’s accurate T-cell count, therefore, can be
Eysins, Switzerland, announced the CE instrumental in informing the right course of
mark of BD Multitest 6-Color TBNK action, and the BD Multitest 6-Color TBNK
Reagent with BD Trucount Tubes with expanded Reagent with BD Trucount Tubes may aid in these
clinical application to help clinicians identify covid- types of determinations.
19 patients at increased relative risk of intubation
with mechanical ventilation (IMV) and mortality at Results from a study conducted by BD have shown
hospital admission, in conjunction with clinical that a covid-19 patient’s risk for IMV and also
findings and the results of other laboratory testing. mortality is five to six times higher for T-cell
By providing deeper understanding of immune subsets below cut-off levels of: CD4+ <250
responses, clinicians can better understand an cells/µl and/or CD8+ <100 cells/µl compared to
appropriate course of action for patients while also those that were above the cut-off.
prioritizing the use of precious hospital resources.
“The BD Multitest 6-Color TBNK Reagent with BD
Trucount Tubes assay’s new claim related to risks
of IMV and mortality may help clinicians better
determine an appropriate course of action for
hospitalized covid-19 patients, which is a top
priority for this population,” says Puneet Sarin,
worldwide president of BD Biosciences. “BD
Biosciences has a long history of helping clinicians
and patients understand immune function, and
this new indication may help guide important care
decisions while also prioritizing resources.”

The BD Multitest 6-Color TBNK Reagent with BD
Trucount Tubes is used in conjunction with the BD
FACSLyric and BD FACSCanto II Clinical Flow
Cytometers for covid-19 clinical applications.

BD tools were utilized for research early in the For more information, visit BD.
pandemic and early publications showed that the
BD Multitest 6-Color TBNK Reagent with
Trucount Tubes was useful in assessing immune
status for covid-19 patients. Further clinical studies
have demonstrated clinically validated cut-off levels
and further refined the role BD Multitest 6-Color

Microbioz India, February 2021 39

Product Launches with therapies including hormone treatment that
can momentously impact their quality of life, while
Study Validates Ability of still appropriately treating their prostate cancer.”
Myriad Genetics’ Prolaris Test
to Guide Treatment for Prostate The new data comes from a second study following
Cancer previous data, recently published in Clinical
Genitourinary Cancer in January 2021, that
M yriad Genetics, Salt Lake City, Utah, incorporated men treated surgically or with
announced additional data further radiation therapy. This new study combined a
validating the prognostic power of its Prolaris molecular risk score threshold with a
Prolaris test and its ability to help accurately predict clinical model for predicting a patient’s benefit
which men with more aggressive prostate cancer from androgen deprivation therapy. Prolaris
will benefit from intensification of therapy and determined that about one of every two men with
which patients may safely avoid such treatments. unfavorable intermediate-risk and one of every five
This second validation study was presented during men with high-risk prostate cancer are below the
an oral presentation at the American Society of proposed threshold associated with aggressive
Clinical Oncology Genitourinary Cancer disease and can therefore safely be treated with less
Symposium (ASCO-GU) by Jonathan Tward MD, intense therapy while maintaining the benefits of
PhD, associate professor in the Department of treatment. Additional key findings revealed that the
Radiation Oncology at the University of Utah. Prolaris test was an accurate predictor of
progression to metastatic disease.
According to estimates by the American Cancer
Society, 248,530 new cases of prostate cancer are “Myriad Genetics was the first
expected to be diagnosed this year in the United company to offer a test that directly
States. While early screening tests have helped measures the molecular biology of an
reduce the mortality rate, they can often result in individual patient’s prostate cancer,”
overdiagnosis and overtreatment of a disease that is says Todd D. Cohen, MD, vice
clinically insignificant. The Prolaris test can more president of Medical Affairs for
accurately predict the aggressiveness of the cancer Urology at Myriad Genetics. “This
allowing for more precise treatment and avoidance study by Dr. Tward and his team is
of more intense therapies with a patient’s parallel another strong validation of the
morbidities. prognostic power of the Prolaris test
“There are many viable treatment paths for men and our ongoing commitment to
with prostate cancer,” says Tward. “This new data providing healthcare professionals
helps distinguish the most appropriate personalized with the tools needed to determine
treatment path for each patient based on how their the most effective treatments and
specific tumor is behaving. For some men, this monitoring strategies for each patient.”
means being able to avoid overtreating patients
In March 2020, the National Comprehensive
Cancer Network updated its professional
guidelines to include biomarker testing for
unfavorable intermediate and high-risk patients
with prostate cancer. With the updated guidelines,
Prolaris was one of only two prognostic tests to be
considered for those expanded indications.
Approximately 60% of men with prostate cancer
currently have insurance or Medicare access to
Prolaris, and Myriad continues to work toward
expanding access so that every man who is facing
difficult treatment decisions will be able to utilize
the full benefits of the test.

For more information, visit Myriad Genetics.

Microbioz India, February 2021 40

Microbioz India, February 2021

Product Launches

Roche announces the upcoming “Rapid testing continues to play an important role
launch of the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid in the fight against COVID-19, especially in places
Antigen Test Nasal allowing for when laboratory testing is not available and quick
patient self-collection results are needed, such as nursing homes,
healthcare facilities, and schools.” said Thomas
R oche today announced it has obtained
the CE Schinecker, CEO Roche Diagnostics.
mark for its
new SARS-CoV- “The SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal
provides patients with a more comfortable testing
2 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal. experience.”
The test will be available in
countries accepting the CE
mark by mid-February 2021.

In comparison to the The launch is a partnership with
existing Roche SARS-CoV-2
Rapid Antigen Test, the SD Biosensor Inc., with whom Roche has
SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen
Test Nasal collects the also launched a SARS-CoV-2 Rapid
sample from the front area Antibody Test in July and a SARS-CoV-2
of the nose instead of the nasopharynx, resulting in Rapid Antigen Test in September 2020. SD
a simplified and faster testing procedure. Biosensor, is currently preparing to submit
an Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) to
This testing method can help reduce overall the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
patient discomfort, particularly in sensitive The test is the latest addition to Roche's
individuals such as children, elderly people and/or comprehensive COVID-19 portfolio to
people with disabilities. support healthcare systems in diagnosing
SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Besides being less invasive, the test also provides
patients with the option to self-collect their nasal For more information: Roche
sample under the supervision of a healthcare

Through reduced physical contact, this method of

testing can help to decrease the risk of exposure to

the virus for healthcare professionals. Whether the

test could also be used without supervision of a

healthcare professional will depend on local

regulatory requirements.

Microbioz India, February 2021 42

Product Launches

Owlstone Medical Introduces Available as an early output from the company’s
test development process and supported by
Breath Biopsy Panel for scientific publications and Breath Biopsy client
study data, the panel will initially be offered for
Respiratory Diseases research use only as part of an expanded Breath
Biopsy products and services offering to
O wlstone Medical, Cambridge, UK, supplement the Breath Biopsy Omni Assay. It will
introduced the Respiratory Diseases be used by pharmaceutical and academic/clinical
Research Use Only (RUO) Panel. The research clients to support therapeutic
breath biomarker panel, which is now development through characterization of disease
commercially available, is intended to support endotypes and monitoring response to therapy, and
research to distinguish between different types of to better understand the onset, development, and
chronic inflammatory airway diseases including exacerbation of disease.
asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), Building from this panel, an in vitro diagnostic
and to facilitate better therapeutic decision making (IVD) is intended to be developed to support

treatment decision making through
patient stratification and monitoring of
therapeutic response.

“The Respiratory Diseases RUO Panel
is the first to be commercially launched
by Owlstone Medical and opens an
important new phase in the application
of breath to address areas of high
clinical need,” says Billy Boyle, co-
founder and CEO at Owlstone

and monitoring. “Building on our recent announcement on
the use of limonene as an EVOC probe in
Owlstone Medical’s Respiratory Diseases RUO NASH/NAFLD, this panel further validates
Panel consists of a set of biologically relevant our strategy of identifying promising
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that have been biomarkers from multiple sources including
linked to inflammatory respiratory diseases and can endogenous discovery, EVOC probes, and
be easily collected on breath to enable direct in-licensing. We look forward to making
characterization of disease biology in the lungs by further announcements as our robust test
non-invasively sampling the airways. pipeline continues to develop.”

For more information, visit Owlstone Medical.

Microbioz India, February 2021 43

Microbioz India, February 2021

Product Launches

New Plant to Expand Particle Manufacturing
Capacity for Covid-19 Testing

Ceres Nanosciences, Manassas, Va, has “This new facility is a huge step up in capacity for
completed the build-out of a new 12,000- Ceres, giving us the ability to rapidly respond and
scale to current and future virus outbreaks and
square-foot Advanced Particle testing needs,” says Ross Dunlap, Ceres
Nanosciences CEO.
Manufacturing Plant in Innovation Park, Prince
“We are thrilled that our new
William County, Virginia. The new facility will be manufacturing plant is also located within
Innovation Park near our existing R&D
capable of generating a supply of Ceres’ Nanotrap facility,” says Ben Lepene, Ceres
Nanosciences CTO. “This means that we
Magnetic Virus Particles to enable more than 10 can ensure a stable supply of Nanotrap
particles to our growing portfolio of
million covid-19 tests per month, with room for customers while simultaneously
maintaining our development efforts for
added capacity in the future. new Nanotrap products right down the
Nanotrap Magnetic Virus Particles improve
diagnostic testing for covid-19 by eliminating the For more information, visit Ceres Nanosciences.
need for RNA extraction kits, reducing sample
processing time, and improving the sensitivity of AnteoTech’s AnteoBind
the downstream assays in point-of-care systems,
high-throughput laboratory tests, and wastewater Technology Supports
and pooled sample testing workflows. Nanotrap
Covid-19 Home Test
Magnetic Virus Particles also improve diagnostic
testing for influenza virus, RSV, and variants of Queensland, Australia-based AnteoTech’s
SARS-CoV-2. long-term customer Ellume, Brisbane,
Australia, has secured a $231.8 million
The new facility was constructed in under 4 months agreement with the United States government to
with funding support from the National Institutes support accelerated manufacture of its covid-19
of Health (NIH) Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics home test. The test makes use of AnteoTech’s
(RADx) initiative. unique AnteoBind technology to support
significantly improved sensitivity, and is the first
rapid self-test for SARS-CoV-2 detection
authorized by the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for use without a

Microbioz India, February 2021

Product Launches

Through the

patented AnteoBind

technology and the

expertise and know-

how delivered via its

contract services in

assay development

and bioconjugation,


continues to address

the pressing

challenges of the



biopharmaceutical, and vaccine development

markets. The improved conjugation process increases the

Read FDA Authorizes First Over-the-Counter performance for diagnostic assays, and enables
Fully At-Home Diagnostic for Covid-19
superior quality control, candidate screening, and

efficacy-measurement processes in

With the help of AnteoTech’s AnteoBind biopharmaceutical and vaccine development. The
technology, the Ellume Covid-19 Home Test
provides accurate results in 15 minutes or less, Ellume Covid-19 Home Test is an example of how
detecting SARS-CoV-2 in both symptomatic and
asymptomatic individuals. Ellume’s offering is the AnteoBind technology can aid in delivering
first test which utilizes AnteoBind to receive FDA
emergency use authorization (EUA). conjugation stability, unmatched sensitivity and

batch-to-batch reproducibility—all while being

manufactured at scale.

“With the Ellume test receiving FDA “Our recent emergency use authorization was a
authorization and subsequent significant key milestone in our mission to make a significant
financial backing from the US government, contribution to global health,” says Sean Parsons,
this is further evidence of the immense BSc, MBBS, chief executive officer of Ellume.
value the AnteoBind technology continues “AnteoTech’s AnteoBind has greatly assisted us in
to bring to the life sciences industry for life- the development of a highly sensitive test that is
changing solutions,” said Derek Thomson, vital for an effective covid-19 mitigation strategy.
chief executive officer of AnteoTech. “The We look forward to our continued partnership with
capabilities of high-sensitivity diagnostics, AnteoTech as we deliver accurate diagnostic
such as Ellume’s Covid-19 Home Test, will solutions to the market.”
ultimately enable rapid and reliable
screening to minimize community spread, AnteoTech’s AnteoBind can be purchased directly
relieve burden on healthcare systems and as an AnteoBind-based ready-to-use kit to
facilitate the reopening of economies.” streamline and improve the conjugation process, or
is available through AnteoTech’s Assay
AnteoBind is a nano-sized molecular glue used to Development Services. The Assay Development
facilitate simpler, faster, and more reliable Services are focused on the application of
bioconjugation. AnteoBind, and draw on the AnteoTech team’s
extensive biomedical research and assay
development experience, particularly in difficult
conjugation assay design and quantitative assay

For more information on AnteoTech’s AnteoBind
technology and contract services, visit AnteoTech.

Microbioz India, February 2021 46

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

Microbioz India, February 2021

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