Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
15 25
10 32
Cover Story 10
Ten Common things to know about MRI Scans
Featured Article 16
A Lung Recruitment Strategy for Patients with
Respiratory Failure utilising Aerogen
Business News 25
Survey cites enhanced patient experience and anxiety reduction as top benefits of
Philips Ambient Experience
Product Launches 41
Mayo Clinic, Thermo Fisher Scientific Collaborate to Benefit Patients
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet and radio
waves to look at organs and structures inside your body. Health
care professionals use MRI scans to diagnose a variety of
conditions, from torn ligaments to tumors. MRIs are very useful
for examining the brain and spinal cord. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet and radio waves to look at
organs and structures inside your body. Health care professionals
use MRI scans to diagnose a variety of conditions, from torn
ligaments to tumors. MRIs are very useful for examining the brain
and spinal cord. During the scan, you lie on a table that slides inside
a tunnel-shaped machine.
The cover story of this month titled “Ten Common things to know
about MRI Scans” contributed by Microbioz India editorials. An
MRI scan allows your healthcare team to see the internal
structures of your body without making an incision via detailed,
high-resolution images. All areas of the body can be scanned from
any direction or angle using MRI technology, which means this test
can be used for both the diagnosis and monitoring of many health
Added to this, the magazine has a unique featured article entitled
“A Lung Recruitment Strategy for Patients with Respiratory
Failure utilising Aerogen” contributed by Aerogen Medical
Devices. The article is all about the Strategies to improve lung
recruitment in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) and respiratory failure which mainly include the use of B-
agonists. These drugs are used extensively to treat hypoxemic
ventilated patients even without a confirmed clinical benefit. A
recent study has investigated whether providing inhaled
Salbutamol delivered by Aerogen technology can improve the
lung function of paediatric patients14. Compared to baseline,
aerosolised Salbutamol improved the functional residual capacity
of critically ill children with respiratory failure.
Dear subscribers, I trust you to discover some exciting topics in the
magazine. Additionally, I might want to express gratitude toward
you for being together on this beautiful excursion up until this
point. We couldn't expect anything more than to have your
significant criticism and proposals as they help us to think of better
substance each time. For any suggestion and feedback please feel
free to write: [email protected]
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Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Cover Story
Ten Common things to know
about MRI Scans
M agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 2.MRI’s are safe, there are some common risk
uses a large magnet and radio associated with magnetic fields and radio waves.
waves to look at organs and If safety is truly a concern for you, please discuss
structures inside your body. Health with your physician. Before your MRI you will be
care professionals use MRI scans to diagnose a asked to complete a safety screen and it’s important
variety of conditions, from torn ligaments to that you answer those questions openly and
tumors. MRIs are very useful for examining the honestly.
brain and spinal cord. During the scan, you lie on a
table that slides inside a tunnel-shaped machine. “With a traditional MRI, your
Doing the scan can take a long time, and you must
stay still. The scan is painless. The MRI machine body slides into a tight tube.
makes a lot of noise. The technician may offer you You will have enough room to
The following are ten things you should know breathe. But, you'll need to
about MRIs: stay silent many times during
1.MRI scans are often used to identify tumors or
bone fractures that are too small for x-ray. MRI ”the procedure.
scans are ideal for orthopedic, neurological, and
vascular imaging, but can be used for other
diagnoses as well.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 10
Cover Story
3.It’s important that MRI scans
you lay still in the
machine, so the MRI 9. Using a contrast material called gadolinium may
technician can get improve the MRI images for some conditions.
the pictures needed. You'll get gadolinium through an intravenous (IV)
Moving can decrease line in your arm or hand. Ask your doctor in
the quality of the advance if you'll need contrast for your exam.
photos or make the 10. With a traditional MRI, your body slides into a
photo unreadable. tight tube. You will have enough room to breathe.
So stay as focused as But, you'll need to stay silent many times during the
possible and try not procedure. The entire process may last up to an
to let your mind hour or two. If you have a fear of closed spaces,
wonder as it will be you may be very uncomfortable.
very easy to move
around. References:
4.Because MRI uses
strong magnets, it https://www.diagnosticimaging.com/view/we-all-make-
can move metal mistakes
inside your body. Let
your doctor know if you have any type of metal https://msfocusmagazine.org/Magazine/Magazine-Items/5-
implant. Your doctor also needs to know if you Things-to-Know-About-MRIs-and-MS.aspx
have a bullet or metal fragment somewhere in your
body. MRI also can damage metal or electric https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146309
medical devices like pacemakers and hearing aids. https://www.ibji.com/blog/imaging-diagnostics/what-you-
5.Some medical devices are compatible with MRI
and you should get an ID card stating it as such. should-know-before-mri/
Before your MRI, your MRI technologist will go https://www.mana.md/10-facts-about-mris/
over all the possible metallic or electric objects that https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/mri.html
could be a problem. Make sure to leave all your https://www.healthgrades.com/right-care/tests-and-
jewelry at home.
6.Unlike X-ray or CT scans, Magnetic Resonance procedures/6-things-to-know-about-having-an-mri
Imaging does not use ionizing radiation.
This makes MRI a popular alternative to scans that
do use radiation.
7. An MRI scan can take as little as 10 minutes or
as long 2 hours. The duration depends on the
specific purpose of the MRI scan.
8. MRI machines are calibrated in Tesla units to
honor Nikola Tesla, who discovered the rotating
magnetic field in 1882.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 11
Featured Article
MRI scans more precisely define, detect
abnormalities in unborn babies: Study
Recent research has The authors said that the work is invaluable both to
concentrated on clinicians caring for babies before they are born and
correcting for fetal for teams planning the care of the baby after
movement in fetal brain delivery.
MRI and, more recently,
for imaging the fetal heart. Recent research has concentrated on correcting for
However, there is an fetal movement in fetal brain MRI and, more
increasing demand to recently, for imaging the fetal heart. However, there
assess the entire fetus with is an increasing demand to assess the entire fetus
MRI. with MRI, and research from King's College
London School of Biomedical Engineering and
According to a new study, Imaging Sciences at Evelina London Children's
MRI scanning can more Hospital, have recently been able to develop a post-
precisely define and detect acquisition pipeline to motion correct and volume
head, neck, thoracic, reconstruct images of the whole fetal body.
abdominal, and spinal
malformations in unborn Lead researcher, Professor Mary Rutherford, from
babies. The findings of the the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging
study were published in the journal 'Lancet Child Sciences said ultrasound remains the gold standard
and Adolescent Health'. The large multidisciplinary for fetal screening and indeed is complementary to
study was led by King's College London with these optimised MRI approaches for evaluating
Evelina London Children's Hospital, Great abnormalities of the fetal body.
Ormond Street Hospital, and UCL.
"Until now, ultrasound has been the modality of
In the study, the team of researchers and clinicians choice to diagnose those anomalies.
demonstrated the ways that MRI scanning can
show malformations in great detail, including their However, sometimes the ability of ultrasound to
effect on surrounding structures. Importantly, they define the most detailed anatomy is limited.
noted that MRI is a very safe procedure for
pregnant women and their babies.
“MRI scanning offers the
potential to more precisely
define malformations that
could help support clinicians
in their planning of care and
counselling of parents,"
Rutherford added.”
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 13
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Featured Article
MRI scanning offers the potential to more precisely New approaches to imaging the fetal body with
define malformations that could help support MRI allow both motion correction of the fetal
clinicians in their planning of care and counselling images and volume reconstructions of body organs
of parents," Rutherford added. MRI is commonly and defects. Researchers say this improves
used in the classification of fetal brain anomalies. visualisation and therefore detection and
characterisation of abnormalities.
Although its use in fetal body anomalies is less
widely adopted, advances have led to the validation The project brought together surgeons, fetal
of its role in the antenatal investigation of several medicine specialists, radiologists, and physicists to
conditions including the investigation of fetuses review the use of magnetic resonance imaging to
with spina bifida: imaging of the fetal brain along investigate conditions in the unborn baby. This
with the spinal cord is an important factor in approach has already been integrated into clinical
evaluating which patients could benefit from fetal practice at Evelina London, which is part of Guy's
surgery. For fetal neck masses, MRI provides a and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. Videos
clear advantage over conventional ultrasound for and images are also available for viewing. Ongoing
assessing tumour extension and giving a 3D work is focused on a fully automated process
visualisation of the tumour's relation to the suitable for clinical translation and wider
airway.MRI may also be better than ultrasound for dissemination into clinical practice.
distinguishing between normal and abnormal lung
tissue, and in making other diagnoses such as Source: ANI
diaphragmatic hernia--particularly in late gestation,
when doing so with ultrasound is challenging.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 13
Medical Imaging and Healthcare : An interview
with Mr. Satyaki Banerjee,CEO, Medical Imaging,
Trivitron Healthcare
The Medical Imaging market in India is approximately USD 1.5 billion which is 5% of the global Medical
Imaging market and is growing at 9-10% every year: An interview with Mr. Satyaki Banerjee CEO,
Medical Imaging, Trivitron Healthcare.
What was your journey like to get where you are? Post implementation of the ERP System, I was
involved in conceptualizing and executing the
I am a science graduate, certified software development of a healthcare portal named
engineer with post graduate education in BestOnHealth.com providing validated scientific
International Business Management. I have information to the medical community. At the core
been working in the healthcare sector for 25 of the healthcare portal was an AI enabled
healthcare programme called Personalized Disease
years and have held various roles in my career Management System that could record and track
the medical condition of patients and provide the
that started in 1996 as a freelance software necessary information and alerts to the doctor,
which assisted them make precise differential
developer creating websites and database systems diagnosis.
while pursuing the final semester of my Having developed a strong understanding of IT
and its role in a Business Environment, I decided
management programme. While I was developing a to switch into managing the mainstream
pharmaceutical business. Over the next one and a
website for Panacea Biotec, I had the fortune of half years, I worked in various departments that
included production, quality control, quality
having the audience of the managing director of the assurance, regulatory affairs, and R&D.
company which gave me the opportunity to explain
the potential of
internet. The
Internet was a very
nascent thing in
India at that point of
time and I had to
explain the concept
of the internet and
make people
understand the
difference the
internet could bring
to an organization in
terms of information
marketing, product
positioning &
corporate brand building. This interaction led to
my first corporate role at Panacea Biotec as a
management trainee having the fortune of
reporting directly to the managing director. I began
with understanding the Information Systems needs
at Panacea Biotec and for the next two to three
years my primary responsibility was to develop and
implement an ERP system.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 15
I was instrumental in negotiating several out-
licencing deals while at Panacea Biotec, and was
able to pursue R&D collaboration with some of the
biggest pharmaceutical MNCs in the world.
In early 2015, after spending 18 years in the
Pharmaceutical Industry; I decided to switch over
and pursue a career in Medical Equipment. This
marked the beginning of my journey with the
Trivitron Group. I shared the vision of the
chairman Dr. GSK Velu of ‘Making Quality
Healthcare Affordable and Accessible across the
With the aspiration of becoming the world’s largest
player in Radiation Protection and India’s largest
player in Imaging Equipment we have navigated an
innovation driven journey in the past 6 years
launching indigenously developed surgical C-Arm,
Digital X-Ray Systems, Digital Mammography, Flat
Panel Digital C-Arm, Ventilators etc.
Mr. Satyaki Banerjee CEO, Medical Imaging, Trivitron With a firm foundation established in Imaging
Healthcare awarded as CEO of the year Equipment, Trivitron’s journey over the next few
years would focus on establishing absolute
With a holistic exposure at the dynamics of running leadership in India, Europe and America’s and
every facet of a company, I took the charge of developing a diverse portfolio that would include
running the International Business of Panacea CT, Cathlab, Ultrasound and MRI in the times to
Biotec and established the company’s business in come.
Europe, USA, LATAM & ROW. That's when my During this entire journey from a management
career gained momentum while I served as the Vice trainee to the recent recognition as the CEO of the
President of International Business. Year; my family stood by and supported me as the
wind beneath the wings..
What do you consider the most important
contribution of your academic experiences have
made to Kiran Medical Systems? What was your
“The Medical Imaging market in I have a management and science background, but
I have done several post-graduation programmes in
India is USD 1.5 billion which is 5% Regulatory Affairs, Intellectual Property &
of the global approximately Medical Patenting. The planning of a complete
Imaging market and is growing at 9- transformation of an organization from being a
manufacturer of radiation protection products and
”10% every year. radiology accessories to complex medical
equipment manufacturer requires a grassroots
understanding of the science that goes into the
making of such equipment.
It also warrants an in-depth understanding of the
regulatory pathway to get approval and an
understanding of the nuances of navigating
through existing intellectual property and
developing something on which we can generate
our own intellectual property.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 16
The basic education which I had in these areas The third accomplishment is quite recent. When
came in very handy which helped me to take the the Covid-19 pandemic hit us in February and
relevant decisions to develop this product portfolio March, we decided to take up the challenge and
and enabled me to guide the team to navigate support the government of India by manufacturing
through the development process and proper a ventilator at an affordable cost. Over the past few
project management. months, I have been leading a team that has been
working day and night in developing a ventilator.
Share your personal views on Medical Imaging Today, as we speak, we have successfully
market in India Vis-a -Vis the global market. developed, conducted several clinical trials and
secured multiple regulatory approvals and are
The Medical Imaging market in India is USD 1.5 installing ventilators at various government
billion which is 5% of the global approximately hospitals across the country. We are happy to have
Medical Imaging market and is growing at 9-10% contributed in a meaningful manner in our
every year. As announced in the recent budget; Country’s fight against Covid.
there is increasing expenditure by the government
on the development of healthcare facilities across What major transformations do you
the country which is going to add an impetus to the foresee in the Medical Imaging sector post-
growth rate. Furthermore the expansion of pandemic?
corporate hospital chains; diagnostic and imaging
centres across the country will further drive the At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the
growth. top priority for the healthcare sector was Personal
Protective Equipment, In-Vitro diagnostic test kits
What are Your 3 Biggest Accomplishments for Covid and Ventilators. Once the core
in your career? necessities were addressed, there was a shift of
focus towards development of Covid-19 vaccines
I would put the development and launch of a highly followed by mass scale vaccination at a global scale.
differentiated surgical C-Arm as the first major While the Covid centric necessities were being
achievement of my career. Within 3 years of the addressed; the Medical Imaging sector was gearing
launch of the product we consolidated our position up the manufacturing of CT and Mobile
as the second largest manufacturer of C-Arm in the Radiography configured for diagnosis of Covid.
country in terms of market share. This further Covid has affected every facet of human life in an
paved the way to the development and launch of unprecedented manner. It has also changed the way
the first digital C-Arm system of Indian origin. healthcare is delivered across the world with
increasing importance of online medical
The second major accomplishment, which I can consultations, access to diagnostic reports and
think of, was the time when we received approval imaging data online through the cloud, AI enabled
for marketing a digital mammography system, algorithms helping clinicians make diagnosis while
making Trivitron Healthcare, one of the first Indian accessing patient information remotely; that’s
companies to have developed a fully indigenous where the Medical Imaging sector is headed. Cloud
digital mammography system, putting India on the based storage and transmission of Medical Imaging
global map as a serious manufacturer of high-end data and equipment and software with built in AI
medical equipment. algorithms is the pivotal aspect that will drive the
Medical Imaging sector post pandemic.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 17
Featured Article
A Lung Recruitment Strategy for Patients with
Respiratory Failure utilising Aerogen
Strategies to improve lung recruitment in patients Blake et al. discussed substantial cost savings in conjunction
with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with staff satisfaction after switching and a potential system
and respiratory failure can include the use of B- wide annual saving of up to $1.74 million across 105
agonists. These drugs are used extensively to treat hospitals15.
hypoxemic ventilated patients even without a confirmed Loborec et al. investigated the financial impact of replacing
clinical benefit. A recent study has investigated whether ipratropium-albuterol MDIs for Aerogen and calculated a
providing inhaled Salbutamol delivered by Aerogen three-month cost saving of $99,359 and projected yearly
technology can improve the lung function of paediatric saving of $397,436.18
patients14. Compared to baseline, aerosolised Salbutamol
improved the functional residual capacity of critically ill Mitigating the transmission of patient
children with respiratory failure. This study provides new generated infectious aerosols
evidence for the use of aerosolised B-agonists as another
strategy to improve lung recruitment with ARDS14. The latest GOLD Report1 states that for COVID-19 patients
receiving ventilatory support
Comparison of Aerogen with MDIs
It is vital to keep the circuit intact and prevent the
Although drug delivery efficiency has been shown to be transmission of the virus. Using a mesh nebulizer in
similar between a pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) ventilated patients allows adding medication without
and Aerogen22, the actual dose emitted from the pMDIs (e.g, requiring the circuit to be broken for aerosol drug delivery.
100μg per actuation with Salbutamol) is much lower than
the typical 2.5mg dose used with Aerogen. In addition, Aerogen is the only closed circuit aerosol drug
pMDIs aren’t without difficulties as failure to synchronise delivery system that mitigates the transmission of
actuations with inspiration has been shown to reduce the patient generated infectious aerosol2-7 and delivers
aerosol drug delivery25. It is also important to ensure effective aerosol treatment.2,8,9
canisters are shaken before use as the dose may vary due to
separation from the propellant26. Discover how Aerogen’s vibrating mesh technology, can
efficiently deliver inhalation treatments for COVID-19
There are several studies, which provide evidence that the patients and is designed for the safety of both the patient
cost savings of switching from combivent MDI to the and the caregiver.
Aerogen Solo is significant15-18, .27
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 19
Featured Article
Closed-circuit-with-Aerogen Fang TP, Lin HL, Chiu SH, Wang SH, DiBlasi RM, Tsai YH and Fink JB. Aerosol Delivery Using Jet
Nebulizer and Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer During High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation: An In Vitro
Multiple international guidance has been published Comparison. Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery. 2016.
outlining the use of this mesh technology in the treatment
of COVID-19 patients. 1,4,6, 10, 11 Abdelrahim ME, Plant P and Chrystyn H. In-vitro characterisation of the nebulised dose during non-
invasive ventilation. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology.
Why is a Closed Circuit important? 2010;62:966-72.
Galindo-Filho VC, Ramos ME, Rattes CS,Barbosa AK, Brandao
Prevention of VAP (Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia)/VAE DC, Brandao SC, Fink JB and de Andrade AD. Radioaerosol Pulmonary
Deposition UsingMesh andJet Nebulizers During Noninvasive Ventilation in
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a Healthy Subjects. Respiratory care. 2015;60:1238-46.
nasocomial (hospital acquired) pneumonia that
develops more than 48 hours after endotracheal McPeck M. Improved Aerosol Drug Delivery with an Electronic
intubation. Mesh Nebulizer during Non-invasive Ventilation AARC poster. 2012
Ari A, Harwood R, Sheard M, Dailey P and Fink JB. In vitro
It is one of the most common infections acquired comparison of heliox and oxygen in aerosol delivery using pediatric high
by adults and children in intensive care units (ICUs) flow nasal cannula. Pediatric pulmonology. 2011;46:795-801.
and is a cause of significant patient morbidity and Reminiac F,Vecellio L, Heuze-Vourc’h N, Petitcollin A, Respaud R,
mortality, increased utilisation of healthcare Cabrera M, Le Pennec D, Diot Pand Ehrmann S. Aerosol Therapy in Adults
resources, and excess cost. Receiving High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Therapy. Journal of aerosol
medicine and pulmonary drug delivery. 2015.
References: Alcoforado L, de Melo Barcelar J, Castor Galindo V, Cristina S.
Brandão S, Fink J, B. and Dornelas de Andrade A. Analysis of Deposition
Ari A, Atalay OT, Harwood R, Sheard MM, Aljamhan EA and Fink JB. Influence of nebulizer type, Radioaerosol Nebulizers Membrane in Healthy Subjects. ISAM poster
position, and bias flow on aerosol drug presentation 2015.
Ari A, de Andrade A, Sheard M, AlHamad B and Fink JB.
delivery in simulated pediatric and adult lung models during mechanical ventilation. Respiratory Performance Comparisons of Jet and Mesh Nebulizers Using Different
care. 2010;55:845-51. Interfaces in Simulated Spontaneously Breathing Adults and Children.
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery. 2014.
Berlinski A and Willis JR. Albuterol delivery by 4 different nebulizers placed in 4 different positions Dugernier J, Reychler G, Depoortere V, Roeseler J, Michotte JB,
in a pediatric ventilator in vitro model. Respiratory care. 2013;58:1124-33. Laterre PF, Jamar F and Hesse M. Tomoscintigraphiccomparison of lung
deposition with a vibrating-mesh and a jet nebulizer. ERS conference
poster 2015.
Hickin S, Mac Loughlin R, Sweeney L, Tatham A and Gidwani S.
Comparison of mesh nebuliser versus jet nebuliser in simulated adults with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Poster at the College of
Emergency Medicine Clinical Excellence Conference. 2014
Page References 1 DMG Halpin , GJ Criner, A Papi, D Singh , A
Anzueto , FJ Martinez, AA Agusti , CF Vogelmeier on behalf of the GOLD
Science Committee.
Global Initiative for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention
of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: The 2020 GOLD Science Committee
Report on COVID-19 & COPD https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1164/rccm.202009-
3533SO 2 Ari A.
Practical strategies for a safe and effective delivery of aerosolized medications to patients with
COVID-19. Respir. Med. 2020; 167. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2020.105987.
Miller A, Epstein D. Safe bronchodilator treatment in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients: A
single center experience. J. Crit. Care. 2020; 58: 56–57.
Respiratory care committee of Chinese Thoracic Society. [Expert consensus on preventing
nosocomial transmission during respiratory care for critically ill patients infected by 2019 novel
coronavirus pneumonia]. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi 2020; 17: E020.
Aerogen Internal data on file, Aug 2020.
Fink JB, Ehrmann S, Li J, Dailey P, McKiernan P, Darquenne C et al. Reducing Aerosol-Related
Risk of Transmission in the Era of COVID-19: An Interim Guidance Endorsed by the International
Society of Aerosols in Medicine. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv 2020; : jamp.2020.1615.
O’Toole C, McGrath JA, Joyce M, Bennett G, Byrne MA, MacLoughlin R. Fugitive Aerosol Therapy
Emissions during Mechanical Ventilation: In Vitro Assessment of the Effect of Tidal Volume and
Use of Protective Filters. Aerosol Air Qual Res 2020; 20. doi:10.4209/aaqr.2020.04.0176.
Dugernier J, Reychler G, Wittebole X, Roeseler J, Depoortere V, Sottiaux T et al. Aerosol delivery
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MacIntyre NR, Silver RM, Miller CW, Schuler F, Coleman RE. Aerosol delivery in intubated,
mechanically ventilated patients. Crit Care Med 1985; 13: 81–84.
Cinesi Gómez C, Peñuelas Rodríguez Ó, Luján Torné M, Egea Santaolalla C, Masa Jiménez JF,
García Fernández J et al. Clinical consensus recommendations regarding non-invasive respiratory
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Intensiva (English Ed 2020; 44: 429–438.
Swarnakar R, Gupta N, Halder I, Khilnani G. ICS guidance for nebulization during the COVID-19
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(accessed 13 Nov2020).
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Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 20
Healthcare Desk
Five Ways to Detox Your Liver Naturally
by Vinoda Kumary - Dy.C.M.O, Jindal Naturecure Institute
The liver is one
of the largest
organs in the body
and performs more
than 500 functions,
including getting rid
of the toxins in the
body. Ideally, the
liver should cleanse
itself. However, for
most people, it does
not function
optimally as it is
overburdened with
both environmental
and dietary toxins.
Poor lifestyles,
unhealthy eating habits, and the presence of You can start with an 18-hour fast, and confine all
the eating to the remaining 6-hour window. Once
dangerous pesticides and heavy metals in food are you try this for a week, you will begin to see visible
changes in your mood and energy.
factors responsible for over-stressing our liver. So,
Use supplements strategically – Certain
helping out your vital organ with natural supplements have shown to support liver health by
reducing inflammation, guarding the body against
detoxification methods will counter the harmful injuries from toxins or chemicals, stimulating the
production of bile, and more.
effects of chemicals and pollutants by reducing the Buttermilk thistle has anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that it
inflammation and aiding detoxification pathways. helps regenerate liver cells and protects it from
damage caused by harmful substances like
Here are a few safe and effective habits that will acetaminophen and alcohol. It also boosts levels of
glutathione, which is a potent antioxidant that
keep your liver healthy, and help it do its job better. fights free radical damage. Similarly, turmeric
protects the liver from injury by reducing the
Make sure your diet is liver and gut-friendly – Your oxidative stress and increasing the production of
diet should be balanced and healthy, and must glutathione. It also stimulates the production of
contain nutrients that promote gut and liver health. bile, which is responsible for digesting fats in our
A 6% reduction in body weight can reduce the fat small intestine.
levels in your liver by up to 40%, taking a massive
load off the body’s detoxifying organ. Maintain Sweat session – Detoxification is contingent on
ideal weight, avoid processed foods, addictive two main factors – avoiding exposure to toxic
drinks like alcohol and caffeine, and consume more substances, and removing any that are already
of whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole present in the body. There are two ways to get rid
grains, sprouts, seeds, nuts, and beans. Drink 3 to 4 of the toxins in your body. The first method is to
liters of water, as it promotes proper digestion and improve the functioning of the liver, and the
helps the lymphatic system function optimally. second method is to sweat them out. The skin is
the largest organ in our body, and sweating is the
Try intermittent fasting – Once you have most effective way to get toxins out of your system.
overhauled your diet regimen, you should try
intermittent fasting once every week. Research has
shown that, during fasting, the liver cells produce a
protein that helps improve sugar metabolism and
reduces the levels of fat. Fasting also promotes
Autophagy, which is when the healthy cells in the
body eat up the unhealthy cells, promoting cellular
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Healthcare Desk Inhale, and lift your spine and arms towards the
ceiling. As you exhale, slowly twist over the right
While aerobic exercises are an excellent way to shoulder, place the right palm on the ground in the
induce sweat, a steam session at a naturopathic direction of your gaze while the left elbow is
facility is much more efficient. pressed against the outside of the right knee. Stay
in this position for five breaths and repeat it on the
Yoga – Yoga asana offers several benefits, other side as well. Make sure you practice it under
including detoxification. With twist variations and the guidance of a certified yoga instructor before
proper alignment, you can significantly improve you master it.
digestion and detoxify your liver, which will help
remove toxins from your body. Marichyasana is A healthy liver is essential for maintaining overall
very effective at massaging the internal organs and health, and you can do that without the aid of an
promoting optimal function. Sit down on the expensive diet. Research-backed diet changes and a
ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. healthy lifestyle will go a long way to improving
Make sure your spine is erect, and your core liver function in promoting good health.
muscles are engaged. Bend the right knee and plant
the right foot’s sole beside the stretched left knee.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 22
Healthcare Desk
Myths about Oral Cancer
Contributed by Dr. Rajdeep P Guha, Head & Neck Onco Surgeon, HCG EKO Cancer Centre Kolkata
Head and neck cancer is a term used to Surgery is very painful. Surgeries are very risky.
define cancer that develops in the Contrary to popular belief, surgeries are not
mouth, throat, nose, salivary glands, oral painful. Modern anaesthesia with good safety
cancers or other areas of the head and neck. 85% measures make surgery acceptable. Even long
of head and neck cancers are linked to tobacco use duration surgeries can now be performed safely.
and 75% are associated with a combination of I will never be able to eat after oral cancer surgery.
tobacco and alcohol use. Although oral cancer surgeries are morbid, most
Here are the few myths relating to head and neck surgical removals (excisions) can be reconstructed
cancers. safely. This allows for early rehabilitation for most
I am a smoker/tobacco chewer. I won’t get cancer patients and most patients are able to eat normal to
as I brush my mouth daily near-normal food post-surgery.
The carcinogens from tobacco are directly
absorbed from the inner lining of the mouth Radiation is harmful for body
(mucosa). They are not removed by brushing or Modern radiation machines are linear accelerator
rinsing of mouth. machines which emit radiation only when switched
Biopsy will result in cancer on.
Biopsy is the only reliable way in which oral cancer
can be confirmed. Modern radiation techniques can effectively
Biopsy is done if contour radiation areas to spare vital structures like
cancer is suspected. spine, brain, eyes, salivary glands and blood vessels
Biopsy itself does not thereby reducing toxicity without compromising on
cause cancer. Early efficacy.
detection can lead to Cancer is contagious, right?
early and better No, oral cancer is not contagious. Patients can
treatment. safely stay and enjoy the company of friends and
Oral cancer can be family and even share food and stay together. They
detected by blood test can continue with their usual physical, sexual and
The only reliable way professional life as before. Currently, there’s no
to confirm oral cancer research which suggests any inheritance pattern of
is to take a biopsy. this group of cancer.
Currently, there are no
blood tests available to
confirm or refute oral
cancer. Early detection
can lead to early and
better cure.
I have oral cancer, and “cancer has no answer”,
isn’t it?
Oral cancer is one of the most common cancer in
India. Most patients who have oral cancer, present
late and thus the treatment becomes difficult.
However, like most other cancers, oral cancers can
definitely be treated with good success, and the
results can definitely improve if the disease can be
detected early.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 23
Healthcare Desk
Oral cancer is disease of males. Tobacco causes cancer but supari is safe
Although oral cancers are more prevalent in males, Supari contains arecoline and other harmful
it is probably related to the pattern of use of chemicals which act as carcinogens and are
tobacco or supari. Oral cancer is among the top 5 responsible for causing cancer.
cancers in females in India and there is a rising
trend. There’s a safe limit for cigarettes.
Even smoking one cigarette a day is known to
Oral cancers are painful. My oral ulcer is painless, increase the risk of oral cancer significantly.
so it is not cancer. Smoking and other forms of tobacco usage carries
Most oral cancers present as painless non-healing a significant risk of oral cancer.
ulcers in the mouth. The pain in oral cancers is
usually due to involvement of nerve, bone or deep Drinking alcohol is safe.
tissue penetration and is a sinister sign of advanced Alcohol gets converted to aldehydes in the oral
disease. Do not wait for pain – if you have an oral cavity by commensal bacteria and is a known
ulcer which has persisted for more than 15 days, carcinogen. Alcohol has a synergistic effect with
seek immediate opinion of a doctor specialised in tobacco to increase the risk of developing oral
oral cancer management. cancer.
e-cigarettes and Hookahs don’t cause cancer.
The carcinogens present in e-cigarettes and
Hookahs are the same as in normal smoked
cigarettes and are equally harmful.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 24
Business News
Survey cites enhanced patient experience and
anxiety reduction as top benefits of Philips Ambient
2000th customer installation of Philips Ambient Experience at bdz Bilddiagnostisches Zentrum Münster
in Germany
91% of surveyed users are likely or extremely likely to recommend Philips Ambient Experience to other
R oyal “The ability of Ambient Experience to
(NYSE: help hospitals deliver on the quadruple
PHG, AEX: aim is also supported by multiple studies
PHIA), a global
leader in health across hospital sites in Germany,
technology, today
announced the ”Denmark and the UK.
installation of its
solution, together
with the results of
a comprehensive
customer survey
that reveals 91%
of users are likely,
or extremely likely, to recommend Philips Ambient
Experience to other hospitals. The survey also
further confirms the solution’s ability to help
hospitals deliver on the quadruple aim of enhanced
patient and staff experiences, better outcomes, and
lower cost of care. Philips’ 2000th Ambient
Experience install started at the bdz
Bilddiagnostisches Zentrum Münster in Germany,
as an integral part of the diagnostic center's newly
equipped radiology suite.
Philips Ambient Experience solution is a unique The majority of survey respondents indicate that
combination of optimized design, site planning, Ambient Experience decreases patient tension
proprietary software, lighting, sound, video (76%) and fear (71%), induces patient calmness
projection and multimedia content that applies (66%), and improves cooperation during exams
human-focused innovation and design thinking to (63%). Ambient Experience is found to have the
offer hospital patients and staff an engaging and highest added value for patients with
pleasant experience. It can be applied both in claustrophobia or anxiety, pediatric patients, and
radiology exam/treatment rooms and peripheral patients undergoing longer studies like MRI exams.
areas such as reception areas and waiting rooms.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 25
Business News Ambient Experience is at least impactful, and up to
extremely impactful, in alleviating patient anxiety.
By helping to improve the patient experience and
reducing anxiety, Ambient Experience can help Based on their current use of the solution, 91%
facilitate first-time-right scans and diagnoses to were likely or extremely likely, to recommend their
help drive better health outcomes, improved current Ambient Experience offering to another
hospital efficiency, and higher patient and staff hospital, and 87% were likely, or extremely likely,
satisfaction. to include Ambient Experience as part of a new
purchase. 75% of respondents in the US and 59%
“Health systems are looking for ways to increasing in Europe believe that Ambient Experience
patient satisfaction while improving patient encourages patients to choose their facility.
throughput and compliance in diagnostic imaging,”
said Werner Satter, General Manager Healthcare The ability of Ambient Experience to help
Experience Solutions at Philips. “Our customers hospitals deliver on the quadruple aim is also
confirm that Ambient Experience helps them supported by multiple studies across hospital sites
improve the patient experience, reducing the in Germany, Denmark and the UK. More
patient’s anxiety and thereby increasing first-time- information is available in the Philips Ambient
right imaging.” Experience Press Backgrounder.
Customer survey results across Europe Philips is showcasing its Ambient Experience
and the U.S. solution during the European Congress of
Radiology (ECR) virtual event (March 3-7, 2021).
Analysis of the information provided by 59 For more information on Philips’ new portfolio of
respondents across Europe and the U.S. to a diagnostic and interventional solutions and AI-
customer survey, conducted on behalf of Philips by enabled applications to enhance radiology
The MarkeTech Group, indicate improved patient workflows at ECR 2021, visit the Philips ECR site,
experience (endorsed by 83% of respondents) to be and follow @PhilipsLiveFrom for updates
their most valuable attribute of using Ambient throughout the event.
Experience in radiology exam rooms. The majority
of customers surveyed (83%) indicated that
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 26
Business News
HCG Cancer Hospital Bengaluru The swelling was like an ice burg, the visible part
was just 5cms but the MRI revealed that the
successfully operates on a patient swelling was spreading internally very massively &
the right side of his abdomen was almost replaced
with ‘Congenital Hemophilia’ a rare by blood. Satish initially consulted an orthopedic
doctor who later referred him to Dr. Sachin Jadhav.
life-threatening blood disorder When Dr. Sachin analyzed his case, he immediately
proceeded with further evaluation.
HCG Cancer Hospital has successfully As per Dr. Sachin Jadhav, Group Head of
treated a 49-year-old young man suffering Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant, HCG
from Hemophilia, a rare life-threatening Cancer Hospital, "This was an extremely
blood disorder who had developed a massive challenging and complex case as the patient was
tumor near his abdomen. Dr. Sachin Jadhav along
with Dr. Pramod Chinder and Dr
Indushekar’s team successfully
performed the procedure. Due
to his pre-existing Hemophilia,
the procedure to remove the
tumor was extremely challenging.
The entire treatment cost was
borne by Govt. of India with the
support of Govt. of Karnataka
and ESI Hospital routed through
Hemophilia Society Bangalore
Satish (name changed) a patient suffering from a rare condition ‘Congenital
from Kengeri was presented with Hemophilia’. In people with hemophilia, there is a
a massive tumor near his deficiency of plasma products which helps in
abdomen at HCG Cancer stopping blood loss. Factor 8 and factor 9 help in
Hospital Bengaluru. He was clotting the blood so that they do not suffer excess
suffering from a rare condition blood loss. In a hemophilic patient, this product is
‘Congenital Hemophilia’ which is caused by a absent. So, in case of an injury, these patients may
deficiency in clotting of the blood. This is a rare, experience excessive bleeding or may even bleed to
chronic, inherited bleeding disorder caused by the death. Factor replacement is created to artificially
deficiency of clotting factors VIII (hemophilia A) supplement what is not there in the body. Once
or IX (hemophilia B), and over time may cause these factors are diagnosed and the patient is
damage to the joint’s leading to recurrent joint known for a factor deficiency, then according to
bleeding. This is gender-linked and predominantly their bleeding tendencies, the factors are replaced
affects males. so that the patient does not bleed abnormally."
In the case of Satish, he had severe hemophilia,
usually 40% factor is required for the human body In the case of Satish, his swelling was made of
to function whereas he had less than 1%. At the age blood which is called as pseudo tumour. The
of 12 he was diagnosed with this disease and had tumour had arteries feeding into it. When a
lost his two brothers due to the same condition. hemophilia patient is given with factor 8, inhibitors
Due to this condition his life was also under threat may developed. Patient with hemophilia A or B can
and the treatment for hemophilia is lifelong. develop inhibitors, which prevent their factor 8 or
In 2018 he developed a small tumor on his back for 9 replacement treatment from working to form a
which he underwent surgery. In 2020 the same clot to stop bleeding.
tumor developed and started growing. This tumor
was due to internal bleeding and blood kept on
accumulating forming an enormous 29cms swelling
in his left abdomen. Satish consulted other private
hospitals that rejected his case due to the severity.
Later he decided to seek medical advice at ESI after
which he was referred to HCG Cancer Hospital
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 27
Business News
On evaluation Satish was found to have inhibitors. The patient recovered well without any
Hence he needed a special medicine called FEIBA
(Factor eight Inhibitor bypass activity) during complications and has been discharged from the
surgery. Another challenge was that the drug was
not available in India and had to be shipped from hospital. He is now leading a normal life.
Before proceeding with the massive surgery to Speaking about the complexity of the case Mr.
remove the pseudotumor, a procedure called
embolization had to be performed. Embolization is Pemroop Alva, General Secretary,
performed by placing a small catheter inside the
blood vessels that supply the area that is bleeding. Hemophilia Society Bangalore Chapter said
Carefully navigating the catheter, under image
guidance, to the safest and farthest point, a variety “Mr. Satish's case very was complicated and we
of different materials can then be used to block the
bleeding vessels. have handled very few cases like his successfully in
“This is the biggest tumor we have operated the past. We are grateful towards Dr. Sachin and
of this hemophilia condition. It was a huge the entire team of HCG Cancer Hospital
tumor that kept on bleeding to itself and led to
the decrease in hemoglobin which was highly Bengaluru, for taking up this case and handling it
challenging while operating the patient. The
bleeding was uncontrollable and was threat to successfully. We are truly impressed by the
life of the patient. We were extra cautious and
multidisciplinary focused approach adopted by the
prepared during the surgery to face any
complications. With the support of Dr. Sachin team.
and multidisciplinary team approach we were
We are confident and believe that together we will
”able to successfully perform the surgery.
make our Hemophilia community better. Wishing
Dr. Indushekar and team worked on this process.
This reduced the risk of excessive bleeding during more successful endeavors to the entire team”.
the surgery which was planned for the next day.
The next day the surgery was performed by Dr. Mr. Satish, the patient said “I would like to thank
Pramod Chinder and team which lasted for 7 hours.
the entire team of specialists at HCG Cancer
Dr. Pramod S Chinder, Director & Head of the
Department- Orthopedic Oncology, HCG Cancer Hospital Bangalore, without them my life would
Hospital says, “This is the biggest tumor we have
operated of this hemophilia condition. It was a not be the same. I had no hope for the future. But
huge tumor that kept on bleeding to itself and led
to the decrease in hemoglobin which was highly the doctors here at HCG gave me the best care and
challenging while operating the patient. The
bleeding was uncontrollable and was threat to life treatment. This is a second life for me, and I am
of the patient. We were extra cautious and prepared
during the surgery to face any complications. With extremely happy to be leading a better life”.
the support of Dr. Sachin and multidisciplinary
team approach we were able to successfully About HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd.
perform the surgery.” Post the surgery the patient HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd. (HCG), is one of the largest providers
was kept under observation for a couple of days of cancer care in India. Through its network of 22 comprehensive cancer
and two drains were put, to keep a count on the centers across India and Africa, HCG has brought advanced cancer care to
blood loss. the doorstep of millions of people. HCG’s comprehensive cancer centers
provide expertise and advanced technologies required for the effective
diagnosis and treatment of cancer under one roof. Under the “Milann”
brand, HCG operates 7 fertility centers. Strand Life Sciences, an associate
company of HCG, is a precision diagnostics company with strong track
record in bioinformatics and a pioneer of genomic testing in India.
For further details contact:
HCG Cancer Hospital
Apollo Spectra joins hands
with Miracles Healthcare &
Apollo Cradle to launch a
boutique Hospital in Sector
82, Gurugram
Gurugram: Miracles Healthcare, Apollo
Cradle and Apollo Spectra have joined
hands to launch a boutique Women &
Children and Multi-Specialty Hospital in Sector 82
- Miracles Apollo Cradle Spectra Hospital,
equipped to address the changing requirements of
healthcare in the aftermath of COVID-19 and
serve a larger number of patients in Gurugram and
its neighboring districts.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 28
Business News
The hospital brings together, at the same location, ranging skilled capabilities, the hospital will also
the renowned Women & Children care offer allied specialties including general &
synonymous with Apollo Cradle, the Multi- laparoscopic surgery; dermatology;
Specialty Surgical Expertise of Apollo Spectra and gastroenterology; radiology; orthopedics, joint
over two decades of operational & customer replacement, pulmonology, urology, plastic
service excellence associated with Miracles surgery, and ENT specialties.
Healthcare. The ‘state-of-the-art’ hospital has
modular operation
theatres, Level III neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU),
diagnostics, world-class
rooms backed by an expert
clinical team of specialists
and much more.
Recognized as one of the
best medical service
provider in Gurgaon,
Miracles Healthcare, is
dedicated to provide best
personalised health care
tailored to individual
patient needs complete
range of world-class
healthcare services
including Specialist
Consultations (best
Gynaecologists, The Miracles Apollo Cradle / Spectra Institutes of
Excellence will serve in the fields of orthopedics,
Orthopaedics, ENT, Cardiologists etc.), general and laparoscopic surgery, eye, nose, and
throat (ENT), obstetrics and gynecology,
Diagnostics, MRI / CT, Preventive Health checks, neonatology, pediatrics, and urology. The hospital,
compliant with ICMR guidelines to prevent
Dental clinic, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy and best COVID-19 in healthcare facilities, will have a fever
clinic, will screen all staff, patients and visitors at
doctors from various medical fields – all under one- the entry point, and will undertake thorough
sanitization and social distancing measures.
roof. Miracles Healthcare is committed to
“Miracles Apollo Cradle is a renowned name for
providing consistently superior quality health care providing broad-spectrum Women & Children
healthcare treatment from last 15 years and we aim
services to address the day-to-day health care needs to strengthen our reputation with this new addition
with Apollo Spectra, a name well-known for multi-
of the family to maximize convenience and specialty surgical treatment. With this we wish to
deliver personalized services and international
comfort along with preventive health packages for standard healthcare by focusing on quality patients
care, high medical standard and constant
individuals and corporates. innovation,” says Dr Sheetal Dhawan, Director
Operations, Miracles Apollo Cradle / Spectra
Apollo Cradle provides the comforts of home and Hospital, Gurugram.
the unifocal approach to deliver the highest medical
care in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and “The team of well-known specialists at this hospital
neonatology, fetal medicine. It has a Level-III bring a collective experience of many years. With
NICU Unit, for premature and sick newborns, the launch of this hospital, we wish to cater to all
equipment and procedures specifically designed for your primary and secondary healthcare needs.
babies help the team treat sick newborns until they
are healthy enough to go home. It has a team of
medical consultants – specialists in endocrinology,
urology, cardiology, nutrition and physiotherapy –
to monitor the health status of the mother and child
on a regular basis.
The hospital brings Apollo Spectra’s superior
surgical capabilities backed by modern surgical
intensive care units (ICUs) for complete post-
surgery support. Combining Apollo Spectra’s wide-
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 29
Business News Due to rapidly developing visual and hearing loss
the patient was advised to undergo a stem cell
We have chosen to adopt a holistic approach and transplant by the doctors in Dubai. His elder
hence will offer most specialty services one may brother had also expired 4 years back due to a
need in lifetime. similar illness. When Rasheed’s health started
Also, the preventive health checkups and corporate deteriorating, he was asked to go to India for
health solutions will enable us to provide one stop further treatment as stem cell transplant was not
solution to the millennial working population in the available in Dubai.
area,” says Dr Mandeep Kaur, Medical One of his father’s colleagues who was residing in
Superintendent, Miracles Apollo Cradle / Spectra Mumbai advised them to consult Dr. Suraj
Hospital, Gurugram. Chiraniya from HCG Cancer Centre Borivali for
further treatment. Initially, they had a video
10-year-old boy successfully treated consultation with Dr. Suraj, and immediately after
consultation the patient’s family readily agreed to
for rare fatal disease come to India for further treatment.
Hemophagocytic Lympho Initially, due to the Covid-19 crisis, travel
restrictions, and visa issues his treatment was
Histiocytosis (HLH) syndrome at delayed. It seemed like it was difficult to travel due
to the overall adversity. But Dr. Suraj and his team
HCG Cancer Centre at the HCG team did not give up easily. Against all
odds, the young pediatric patient finally reached
HCG Cancer Centre Borivali successfully India with his family. The treatment was started
treated a 10-year-old boy from Kabul, immediately upon his initial evaluations and the
Afghanistan suffering from a rare doctors prepared for the transplant procedures.
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a Due to liver and brain involvement, it was a high-
life-threatening syndrome in which an uncontrolled risk stem cell transplant.
and ineffective immune response occurs with a five
percent survival rate. The only curative option for After explaining the high-risk consequences to the
this is allogenic hematopoietic stem cell family and taking their consent for the treatment,
transplantation. high dose chemotherapy was performed on the
patient to destroy the defective bone marrow.
Rasheed (name changed) was presented at HCG Fortunately, Rasheed’s only sibling who had
Cancer Center Borivali with hemophagocytic accompanied him was a fully matched donor.
lymphohistiocytosis syndrome. He was diagnosed Collection of stem cells from the donor by non-
with type 3 by mutations in the Munc 13-14 operative procedure with help of apheresis
(UNC13D) gene which is fatal. When he was machine was conducted and stem cells were
presented at HCG hospital the patient had infused. Due to his family’s financial background,
developed a hearing problem and loss of vision in Dr. Suraj helped the patient family to raise funds
his right eye. Little did Rasheed’s parents know that through online fundraising platforms.
a minor fever in 2018 would turn out to be
dangerous and a threat to their sons’ life. His Dr. Suraj Chiraniya, Hemato Oncology and BMT,
immune system completely damaged, even the HCG Cancer Centre Borivali, Mumbai said, “The
smallest infection harmed him. Initially, in 2018 he primary Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
was taken to Pakistan for treatment where the (HLH) due to the genetic cause is an extremely fatal
doctors were unable to diagnose the disease post condition. The post-transplant period in HLH is a
which he was taken to Dubai for treatment where major challenge because 40% of patients suffer
his father was working as a taxi driver. He was major health issues. Rasheed underwent stem cell
diagnosed with hemophagocytic transplantation and as it was a high-risk transplant
lymphohistiocytosis syndrome by the doctors in patient suffered major life-threatening
Dubai and despite treating him immediately his complications like severe Veno-occlusive disease,
condition deteriorated. Candida parapsilosis sepsis, steroid-refractory
Grade IV gut GVHD.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 30
Business News
He also developed multi-organ dysfunction in the “BMT is a very important therapy in the
liver, kidney, and lung. But with extreme care and management of patients with blood cancers like
dedication, we were able to do the transplant Myeloma, Leukemia, Lymphoma & certain non-
successfully”. cancerous blood disorders. The science and art of
BMT has evolved to such an extent that even older
“With this successful transplant, 3 years of pain and patients can now be taken up for BMT successfully.
misery is now over. We had thought we would lose
him like our elder son and had completely lost hope This transplant in the 56-year-old patient had
in life.
But it was Dr. Suraj Chiraniya and his team at HCG certain peculiar manifestation known as Auto Graft
Cancer Centre who gave my son a new lease of life
and made him stay positive throughout the versus host disease during the course, which was
treatment. I heartfully thank the doctors and the
management here” said Rasheed’s father. successfully dealt with”, said Dr. Ragesh R. Nair,
Director- Haemato Oncology & Bone Marrow
Transplant, Meitra Hospital.
A multidisciplinary team of specialists consisting of Dr. Ragesh R. Nair who performed the
medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, transplantwas trained from All India Institute of
pathologists, radiologists, physicians, and Medical Sciences(AIIMS-Delhi). He has the
anesthesia provided optimal and supportive care to experience of performing exceptionally complex
the patient and is discharged now. The expertise of transplants of patients from Kerala to Northern
the doctor and the technology helped in improving India to across the globe from Iraq, Oman, Saudi
the quality of life and increase the survival rate for Arabia, various African nations, UK, Netherland,
the patient. The patient can now lead a normal life Switzerland, USA, Canada and the CSR Countries.
without any complications. He is adept at performing adult and pediatric bone
marrow transplants for not just malignant blood
HCG Cancer Centre Mumbai disorders such as a range of blood cancers, but also
HCG Cancer Centre is the first dedicated Comprehensive Cancer Hospital for non-malignant blood disorders.
in Mumbai, India founded with the aim of providing consistently high quality Meitra hospital with its advanced facility is set to
and result oriented cancer treatment by adopting global innovations. With offer superior treatment for not just malignant
the latest technology and expertise to treat cancer HCG Cancer Centre is blood cancers but also non-malignant conditions
emerging as one of the Best Cancer Hospital in Mumbai, India. requiring bone marrow transplants. There are three
HCG Cancer Centre is a state-of-the-art comprising of 119 beds along with common types of BMT currently being performed
oncology facilities. The hospital provides quality cancer care through globally like Autologous Transplant - which uses
Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology & Medical Oncology, all under one your own blood-forming cells, Allogeneic
roof with a complete range of diagnostics. Transplant - which uses blood-forming cells
donated by someone else and Haploidentical
Another milestone achievement for Transplant – a type of allogeneic transplant.
Meitra Hospital by successfully About Meitra Hospital:
performing Bone Marrow Transplant Meitra Hospital, India’s first ‘hospitel’, is a 220-bed quaternary care facility
spread across 4.5 million square feet area in the lush greens of Kerala.
for a 56-year-old lady Established with a vision of creating the best healthcare delivery system in
India, the inception of Meitra was a culmination of collaboration of industry
Meitra Hospital, Calicut, crosses yet leaders across the world- Patient Centric Design in collaboration with
another milestone when its team of TAHPI Australia, Superior Hospital Infrastructure manufactured at KEF
Haemato Oncology & Bone Marrow Holdings’ Offsite Manufacturing Facility, and Care–Path Model developed
Transplant headed by Dr. Ragesh R. Nair under the advice of Cleveland Clinic physicians.
performed a successful Bone Marrow Transplant
for a 56-year-old lady. The patient was diagnosed In a short span of three years, its five centres of excellence- Heart and
with Multiple Myeloma three months ago. After Vascular Care, Neurosciences, Bone and Joint care, Gastrosciences, and
undergoing Chemotherapy, her symptoms got Renal Health- have established themselves as amongst the best in South
subsided and she underwent Bone Marrow India. The hospital is completely paperless, utilizes unit dose drug delivery
Transplant. The transplant was done in a Hepa- system, and has implemented clinical pathways for key specialties. It has 7
filtered and positive pressure BMT suites room state-of-the-art operation theatres, South India’s first robotic hybrid Cath
while maintaining stringent infection control Lab and 52 one-of-its kind individualized ICU cubicles.
protocols, thereby accelerating the recovery rate of
the patient.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 31
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition |
Business News
Hospitals in India Turn to Remote “The entire healthcare system is under pressure
Patient Monitoring Solutions to with spiraling cases and this time it is multiplying
Manage Shortage of Beds in faster than in the first wave. The country has 2
COVID-19 Second Wave million hospital beds and only 100,000 ICU beds.
Coupled with the shortage of trained nursing staff,
Hospitals in the most affected states of it is impossible to keep an active watch on the
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & health of all the patients continuously, especially
West Bengal, which are reeling under outside the ICU during these challenging times. We
COVID-19 surge, have turned to Remote Patient have adopted Dozee RPM to help us manage
patients who require continuous monitoring while
Monitoring Solutions to serve COVID-19 patients safeguarding our staff. Dozee is playing a crucial
role in monitoring over 150 patients at a time and
in need. has helped the timely transfer of over 200 patients
to the ICU.”
Dozee, a pioneer in Contactless Remote Patient Mudit Dandwate, CEO & Cofounder, Dozee
Monitoring (RPM) solutions is helping more than “With the second wave spreading on a larger scale,
hospitals are now adopting RPM & new AI
150+ hospitals across India to convert any bed into technologies to help combat the Coronavirus
outbreak. Remote Patient Monitoring significantly
a step-down ICU in under 2 minutes and enables reduces the risks of in-person contact, managing
staff shortages, and providing people with an
remote monitoring of alternative to the traditional forms of medical
consultations especially during COVID. We are
patients outside of the committed to providing our technology & closely
working with hospitals to protect healthcare
ICU. In the last two workers and patients in the global fight against
weeks alone, more India is facing a spiralling health crisis, with its
second wave of virus infections hitting record highs
than 15 hospitals have every day and overwhelming hospitals around the
country as supplies of intensive care beds come
signed up with Dozee under pressure.
across India and
currently over 4000
COVID-19 High
Dependency Unit
(HDU) Beds are being
continuously in
institutional settings.
Dozee has also set up a
Patient Monitoring
Cell within hospitals to
ensure 24*7 on-ground support and alert
escalation. IGMC Nagpur and ESIC, Bengaluru
have these centres up and running with many other
hospitals looking to start operations this week.
The Patient Monitoring Cell enabled by Dozee
helps keep track of all the patients and alerts the
doctors and nurses on any escalation. The hospitals
are overwhelmed by rising cases and hospital
admissions coupled with shortage of staff and beds.
Dozee has stationed a dedicated resource at these
centres to help the doctors with prioritising alerts
and monitor critical patients. This is helping
doctors with the required data on each patient’s
vitals at the right time and enabling them to take
any action required.
Dr. Vaishali Shelgaonkar, Associate Professor &
HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesia
Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 32
Business News Made in India, Dozee has been launched with a
98.4% medical grade accuracy after successful
To tackle shortage of beds and effectively treat clinical trials conducted with over 1000 subjects at
patients requiring continuous monitoring and NIMHANS and Sri Jayadeva Institute. Apart from
treatment, hospitals across are adapting Remote its use in hospitals, Dozee also allows healthcare
Patient Monitoring in the fight against the second providers to remotely monitor patients’ vital signs,
wave of Coronavirus outbreak. receive updates and deterioration alerts from home
and other care settings outside the hospital.
Dozee Pro is a Contactless Vitals Monitor for The solution includes an integrated early warning
hospitals and features an AI-powered triaging system for patients in the post-discharge,
system that enables the continuous (more than 100 outpatient settings and hospital-level home care
times per hour) and accurate monitoring of a settings. Dozee Pro helps patients, their family
patient’s heart rate, respiratory rate, and other members, and healthcare providers with real-time
clinical parameters like sleep apnea, myocardial data and alerts, enabling early identification of
performance metrics without coming in contact clinical deterioration.
with the patient. It comes with an industrial grade
contactless sensor, communication pod and cloud- About Dozee
based patient monitoring tool with an AI-powered
triaging system which captures real-time body Dozee is India’s First Contactless Remote Health Monitoring Startup that
vitals, and provides round the clock monitoring for tracks heart health, respiration, sleep quality and stress levels with 98.4%
patients who were previously manually monitored accuracy as compared to medical devices. Dozee’s AI-based module
only every couple of hours. The Dozee Pro also Advanced Health Intelligence, detects early signs of health deterioration by
features an extensible platform where it integrates continuously assessing user’s vitals data and conducting a risk analysis.
with other devices such as a SPO2 sensor. Dozee was started in October 2015 by IIT graduates Mudit
Dandwate and Gaurav Parchani and has till date raised over INR 19 crore.
“The solution includes an Launched in July 2019, they have been awarded grants by the GoI’s
BIRAC, Sine IIT Bombay, ACT and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The
integrated early warning start-up has also filed several patents on detecting and predicting
respiratory, cardiac & neurological patterns & providing in-depth analysis of
system for patients in the vital signals for early warning of health deterioration. For more details,
please visit: https://www.dozee.io/.
post-discharge, outpatient
settings and hospital-level The Innovation Hub of Siemens
home care settings.” Healthineers in Bengaluru to set
The Dozee Pro captures 250 data samples per standards for the workplace of
second and gives a reading every 30 seconds. This
consistent stream of patient data aids the medical the future
staff with early detection of patient deterioration
and notifies the care team of any abnormalities The futuristic campus aims to intensify
before it becomes critical. Doctors & healthcare collaboration and creativity, coupled with
teams can remotely monitor the patients’ health environment-friendly, sustainable, energy-
from the centralised patient monitor, where at a efficient solutions.
time, hundreds of patients can be monitored from When completed, the campus will be Healthineers’
the web-dashboard and also from a mobile phone largest site globally in terms of built-up area.
app. Bengaluru /India, 6th April, 2021: Siemens
Custom alerts can be put on every patient, helping Healthineers announced the winner of their
doctors optimise treatment plans, focus on architecture competition for the upcoming
deteriorating patients and provide improved ‘Innovation Hub’ in Bengaluru today. The
proactive care. company invited six architecture firms to
participate in a contest to design a campus that
combines the existing research and development
center and a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility
for entry-level medical imaging products. The
campus will also house the Indian Sales
headquarters and is to be set up over the next five
years with an investment of INR 1,300 crores.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 33
Business News
The winning design was developed by Eller + Eller We are very pleased that we were able to convince
of Duesseldorf, Germany. Their proposal has many the jury of our concept, against renowned
futuristic elements to enable people to be more international competition to win this prestigious
collaborative and creative. These aspects are architectural contest,” said Erasmus Eller, Dipl.-
especially important as the innovation hub will play Ing. Architect BDA
an increasingly instrumental role in creating
impactful solutions to address healthcare
challenges for international and Indian markets.
The design sets standards for the workplace of the Key features of the new-state-of-the-art-center
future through its open design and networked 70,000 square meters of office space for the
campus concept with terraced buildings of varying development center and 5,000 square meters of
heights connected by skywalks and sky gardens and manufacturing space in the first phase. In a second
arranged around an experience center. Stairs will phase, a total area of around 114,000 square meters
not only connect floors but will also serve as a will be added. This will make the campus the
collaborative meeting place. The abundance of company’s largest location in the world in terms of
glass and open views blur the borders between the area.
inside and the outside. Green, climate-friendly, and connected campus -
green terraces at 38 to 53 meters high with sporting
The jury was also impressed by the emphasis on areas for badminton, volleyball, or cricket, while
sustainable implementation, the focus on reducing others can catch up for a meeting in the Working
water consumption, and generating Café.
environmentally friendly electricity on the roofs via
semi-transparent photovoltaic systems. The design The green surroundings and the pleasant climate
also exploits the prevailing wind direction for provide an opportunity to host townhalls in the
natural cooling. covered outdoors.
The building will be a combination of open and
One of the jury members was Dileep Mangsuli, private workspaces with an atmosphere of a busy
who was recently appointed as the Head of Siemens locality with cafes, shops, and offices rather than
Healthineers Development Center. In his new role, that of a closed office complex.
Dileep will expand the digital capabilities within the
Innovation Hub and drive the development of Siemens Healthineers AG (listed in Frankfurt, Germany: SHL)
products for emerging markets. is shaping the future of healthcare. As a leading medical
technology company headquartered in Erlangen, Germany,
Speaking about the winning entry, Dileep Siemens Healthineers enables healthcare providers worldwide
summarizes: “We were looking for a campus through its regional companies to increase value by
feeling, with lots of open spaces, coupled with an empowering them on their journey towards expanding
iconic design to represent the open-culture in our precision medicine, transforming care delivery, improving the
company. Eller + Eller’s proposal had all these patient experience, and digitalizing healthcare. Siemens
properties and classical design elements, and that is Healthineers is continuously developing its product and service
why it is a winner.” portfolio, with AI-supported applications and digital offerings
that play an increasingly important role in the next generation
“Recognizing the strategic importance of Siemens of medical technology. These new applications will enhance
Healthineers’ Innovation Hub, our highly the company’s foundation in in-vitro diagnostics, image-
committed team ensured that our design truly guided therapy, and in-vivo diagnostics. Siemens Healthineers
reflects their way of working. also provides a range of services and solutions to enhance
A campus provides a forum for this remarkable healthcare providers’ ability to provide high-quality, efficient
culture; where, many committed people can come care to patients. In fiscal 2020, which ended on September 30,
together, exchange ideas and network to discover 2020, Siemens Healthineers, which has approximately 54,000
and develop new things together. employees worldwide, generated revenue of €14.5 billion and
adjusted EBIT of €2.2 billion. Further information is available
at www.siemens-healthineers.com.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 34
Research News
Scientists recognize neural circuit associated with
reciprocally controlling weight gain and
Research has found that The findings, published in the journal Molecular
obesity and mental Psychiatry, for the first time, not only show a key
disorders such as regulatory mechanism for coinciding obesity and
depression and anxiety seem to mental disorders, but also suggest the possibility of
often go together. Researchers a pharmacological treatment.
at Baylor College of Medicine Reports indicate that 43% of adults with depression
and cooperating institutions are obese and that adults with mental illness are
are providing new insights into more likely to develop obesity than those who are
this association by identifying mentally healthy. Factors such as hormonal
and characterizing a novel dysregulation, genetic deficiency and inflammation
neural circuit that mediates the have been proposed to be involved in the
reciprocal control of feeding connection between obesity and mental disorders.
and mental conditions in Here we provide evidence that supports the
mouse models. involvement of a neural component.”
Similar to human patients, mice who consumed a Dr. Qi Wu, corresponding author, a Pew Scholar
high-fat diet not only became obese, but also for Biomedical Sciences, Kavli Scholar and assistant
stressed and depressed, a condition mediated by a professor in pediatrics-nutrition at Baylor’s
defective brain circuit. When the researchers Children’s Nutrition Research Center
genetically or pharmacologically adjusted specific To investigate the neuronal circuits which could be
disruptions they’d observed within this circuit, the involved in reciprocally regulating weight gain and
mice became less anxious and depressed and later depression or anxiety, the researchers supplied mice
lost excess body weight. with a high-fat diet. As expected, the animals
became obese.
“We discovered in normal mice which two They also developed depression and anxiety. In
these mice, the group analyzed the role of neuronal
groups of brain cells, dBNST and AgRP circuits.
neurons located in separate brain areas, form a “We discovered in normal mice which two groups
circuit or link to each other by extending cellular of brain cells, dBNST and AgRP neurons located in
projections,” said co-first author Dr. Guobin Xia, separate brain areas, form a circuit or link to each
postdoctoral associate in the Wu laboratory. other by extending cellular projections,” said co-
“This newly discovered circuit was first author Dr. Guobin Xia, postdoctoral associate
malfunctioning in mice that were both obese in the Wu laboratory. “This newly discovered
circuit was malfunctioning in mice that were both
”and depressed. obese and depressed.”
Interestingly, weight loss wasn’t the result of lack of
appetite, but of the animals’ change of food
preference. Before the treatment, the mice
obviously preferred to consume a high-fat diet, but
after the treatment they turned their preference
toward a healthier diet with reduced fat and
abundant carbohydrates and protein.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 35
Research News “We found that the combination of two clinically-
approved medications, zonisamide and granisetron,
“Using genetic approaches, we identified specific profoundly reduced depression and anxiety in mice
genes and other mediators which were changed and and encouraged weight loss by synergistically acting
mediated the circuit’s malfunction in the heavy and upon two different molecular targets within our
depressed mice,” said co-first writer Dr. Yong Han, newly identified brain circuit. We consider that our
postdoctoral associate in the Wu lab. results provide convincing support for further
“Importantly, genetically restoring the neural research and future clinical trials testing the worth
defects to ordinary eliminated the high fat diet- of a cocktail therapy combining zonisamide and
induced anxiety and depression and also reduced granisetron (or a variety of the derivatives) to take
body weight,” Xia said. “We were amazed to see care of metabolic-psychiatric diseases.”
that the animals lost weight, not because they lost
their appetite, but because genetically-aided Source:
readjustment of the mental states changed their Baylor College of Medicine
feeding taste from high-fat to low-fat food.” Journal reference:
“Bearing in mind translational applications of our Xia, G., et al. (2021) Reciprocal control of obesity and anxiety–
findings into the clinic, we investigated the potential depressive disorder via a GABA and serotonin neural
for restoring the publication circuit circuit. Molecular Psychiatry. doi.org/10.1038/s41380-021-01053-
pharmacologically,” Wu said. w.
Basic dietary enhancement enhances
schizophrenic traits in mice
After additional experiments, including Hirokawa and his lab members have categorized all
visualizing the fluorescently stained 45 members of the kinesin superfamily of genes in
dancing advantage of brain cells, mammals, most of which encode motor proteins
researchers concluded that the nutritional that move materials throughout the cell. Normally,
supplement likely protects proteins which build the KIF3B protein joins together with a different
neurons’ mobile skeletons. kinesin superfamily protein and transports cargo
The supplement betaine was initially isolated from throughout a neuron by traveling up and down the
sugar beets and is often associated with sweetness cell’s skeleton.
or umami flavor. Healthy levels of betaine come Mice used in the recent study had only one
from both outside food sources and internal functional copy of the kif3b gene and are often
synthesis within the body. Betaine supplements are used as an animal model of schizophrenia. These
already used clinically to treat the metabolic mice prevent social interactions and reveal the same
disorder homocystinuria. weak response as human patients with
“I don’t encourage anybody to take betaine for no schizophrenia at a test called prepulse inhibition,
reason, if a doctor has not recommended it. which measures how startled they are by a sudden,
Hirokawa was part of the Japan Academy, a loud noise preceded by a quieter sound.
national honorary organization recognizing
scientific accomplishment, since 2004 and received Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 36
a Person of Cultural Merit award from the Japanese
government in 2013.
Genetic studies of people diagnosed with
schizophrenia have found possible connections
between the disease and variations in the kinesin
family 3b (kif3b) gene as well as another gene
involved in the body’s internal synthesis of betaine.
There are treatments for schizophrenia, but they have side effects
and unfortunately there is still no effective drug for patients to
take that we can explain biochemically why it works.”
Nobutaka Hirokawa, M.D., Ph.D., Project Professor,
University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
Research News
“By shielding CRMP2 from filamentous actin. In kif3b mutants, this dance
motion, which experts refer to as lamellipodial
damage, betaine treatment allows dynamics, is noticeably reduced and the division
between tubulin and actin is blurred.
kif3b mutant neurons to build The actin in a neuron’s cellular skeleton is
constructed in part by another protein called
proper structures. With a CRMP2. Chemical analyses of the brains of kif3b
mutant mice and human schizophrenia patients
structurally sound skeleton to reveal significant chemical harm to CRMP2, which
causes the proteins to clump together.
browse, the remaining functional Betaine is known to prevent the type of chemical
damage, carbonyl stress, that causes this CRMP2
KIF3B protein could shuttle freight dysfunction.
“In postmortem brains of schizophrenia patients,
around the cell.” CRMP2 is the protein in the brain with the most
carbonyl stress. Betaine probably eliminates the
Kif3b mutant mice raised on a diet supplemented carbonyl stress part of the schizophrenia equation,”
with three times the normal quantity of betaine had said Hirokawa.
regular behaviour, indicating that betaine By shielding CRMP2 from damage, betaine
supplements could treat schizophrenia symptoms. treatment allows kif3b mutant neurons to build
To determine why betaine had this effect on mice, proper structures. With a structurally sound
researchers grew nerve cells with the kif3b skeleton to browse, the remaining functional
mutation in the lab and added fluorescent labels so KIF3B protein could shuttle freight around the cell.
that they could watch the cellular skeleton take Other test tube experiments revealed that KIF3B
shape. and CRMP2 can bind together, but their exact
The shape of a healthy neuron is reminiscent of a relationship remains unclear.
tree: a cell body surrounded by branches, the “We know that the quantity of betaine decreases in
dendrites, attached to a long trunk, the axon. Kif3b schizophrenia patients’ brains, so this study
mutant neurons grown in the lab have an unusual, suggests that betaine could be curative for at least
hyperbranched structure with too many dendrites. some kinds of schizophrenia,” said Hirokawa.
The UTokyo research team is planning future
Similar hyperbranched neurons can also be seen in collaborations with pharmaceutical companies and
brain samples donated by people with clinical studies of betaine supplements as a
schizophrenia, no matter what treatments or treatment for schizophrenia.
medications they took while they were alive.
During healthy neuron growth, the main body of Source:
the cell fills with a skeleton element called tubulin. University of Tokyo
Meanwhile, the front growth cone of the cell builds Journal reference:
outwards in a spiky, erratic dance due to the Yoshihara, S., et al. (2021) Betaine ameliorates schizophrenic
motions of another skeleton component called traits by functionally compensating for KIF3-based CRMP2
transport. Cell Reports. doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108971.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 37
Research News
New examination reveals insight into complex brain
measure that learns and structure new memories
Making memories
involves over seeing
friends or taking
photos. How neurons do so –
reaching out arm-like dendrites to
communicate with other
neurons–requires a ballet of
genes, signaling molecules,
cellular scaffolding and protein-
building machinery.
A new study from scientists at
Scripps Research and the Max
Planck Florida Institute for
Neuroscience finds a fundamental
role for one signaling molecule, a
long, noncoding RNA that the
scientists called ADEPTR.
Using a variety of technologies,
such as confocal and two-photon
microscopy, they monitor
ADEPTR’s moves, watching as it
forms, travels, amasses in the
synapse and activates other
proteins upon a neuron’s
stimulation. The study,”Activity controlled synaptic targeting of
lncRNA ADEPTR mediates structural plasticity by
Its journey to the far reaches of a brain cell is made localizing Sptn1 and AnkB in dendrites,” is
published online April 16 in the journal Science
possible by a cellular carrier that that tiptoes along Advances.
Long noncoding RNAs have often been described
a dendrite’s microtubule scaffolding. Called a as”genomic dark matter,” because their role in cells
has yet to be fully characterized, particularly in
kinesin motor, it deposits ADEPTR near the neurons, says the study’s lead author, Scripps
Research neuroscientist Sathyanarayanan
synapse junction, where it activates other proteins. Puthanveettil, PhD. Puthanveettil’s team is finding
that they play a signaling role in neural plasticity–
The group also discovered that if ADEPTR is how neurons adapt and change with experience.
Here we report activity-dependent dendritic
silenced, new synapses don’t form during targeting of a newly transcribed long noncoding
RNA for modulating synapse function, and
stimulation. describe its underlying mechanisms. These studies
bring novel insights into the functions of long
“Long noncoding RNAs have often noncoding RNAs at the synapse.”
Sathyanarayanan Puthanveettil, PhD, Study Lead
been described as” genomic dark Author and Neuroscientist, Scripps Research
matter,” because their role in cells Institute
has yet to be fully characterized, The first writer is Eddie Grinman, a graduate
particularly in neurons, says the student in Puthanveettil’s laboratory.
study’s lead author, Scripps
Research neuroscientist
Sathyanarayanan Puthanveettil,
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 38
Research News
A long noncoding RNA is a type of RNA that “These findings add another layer of complexity in
surpasses 200 nucleotides, and does not get synapse modulation and plasticity,” Puthanveettil
translated into protein. states. “Synaptically localized long noncoding RNA
There are thousands of these long noncoding RNA are important regulators of adaptive neuronal
in our cells, but in most cases, their function is not function.”
yet known. What’s known is that usually, they tend Going forward, the group intends to keep on
to remain within the cell nucleus. Some regulate the characterizing how stimulation affects neuronal
transcription of genes. plasticity. Additionally, the authors hope to learn
“It was surprising to observe a long noncoding more about the function of ADEPTR in vivo.
RNA move from nucleus to the synapse so rapidly “It would be interesting to learn what role
and robustly,” Grinman says. ADEPTR plays in forming new memories in living
The hippocampus is the area of the brain where organisms,” says Grinman.
learning, memory and emotions reside. Working in The work is showing one of the most fundamental
hippocampal neurons from mice, the team processes of learning and memory, adaptation to
stimulated the neurons with pharmacological changing information and circumstances.
activators of learning-related signaling. “Neural plasticity is what allows us to learn, react
They found through molecular and high-resolution to stimuli, and put down long-term memories,”
imaging techniques the ADEPTR long noncoding Puthanveettil states. “There is still much to learn
RNA was quickly expressed and transported to the about the magnificent complexity of this
outer arms of the mobile. There, the ADEPTR fundamental biological process.”
molecules interact with proteins that play a role in
structural organization of synapses, proteins known Source:
as spectrin 1 and ankyrin B. Scripps Research Institute
They found that ADEPTR became downregulated Journal reference:
if exposed to an inhibitory neurotransmitter, Grinman, E., et al. (2021) Activity-regulated synaptic targeting of lncRNA
GABA. ADEPTR mediates structural plasticity by localizing Sptn1 and AnkB in
dendrites. Science Advances. doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf0605.
Pregnancy builds the danger of first-time
symptomatic kidney stone
Though researchers have
long known that several
physiological and
anatomical changes occur
during pregnancy which could
contribute to kidney stone
formation, evidence of the
connection has been lacking.
An observational study that
reviewed the medical records
for nearly 3,000 female patients
from 1984 to 2012 finds that
pregnancy increases the risk of a
first-time symptomatic kidney
stones. The risk peaks near
delivery and then improves by
one year following delivery,
though a small risk of developing kidney stones The study’s goal was to determine whether the risk
of a first-time symptomatic kidney stone increased
lasts beyond one year after delivery. with pregnancy and if the risk varied across
different time intervals before, during and after
The analysis, published in the American Journal of pregnancy.
Kidney Diseases, included 945 women who
underwent a first-time symptomatic kidney stone
and 1,890 age-matched female control subjects.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 39
Research News During pregnancy, ureteral compression, and
ureteral comfort as a result of elevated
We suspected the risk of a kidney stone event would progesterone hormone can cause urinary stasis in
be high during pregnancy, but we were surprised that the body. Additionally, increased urine calcium
the risk remained high for up to a year after delivery. excretion and elevated urine pH during pregnancy
There also remains a slightly increased risk of a kidney can result in calcium phosphate stone formation.
stone event beyond a year after delivery. This finding Awareness of a higher risk of kidney stones during
implies that while most kidney stones that form pregnancy and the postpartum period can help
during pregnancy are detected early by painful healthcare providers offer diagnostic and
passage, some may remain stable in the kidney preventive strategies for girls.
undetected for a longer period before dislodging and “Urinary obstruction due to kidney stones can lead
resulting in a painful passage.” to pain that some patients describe as the worst
Andrew Rule, M.D., Mayo Clinic Nephrologist and pain they have ever experienced,” says Dr.
Study’s Senior Author Thongprayoon. “During pregnancy, a kidney stone
A symptomatic kidney stone occasion has become may contribute to serious complication, and the
the most common nonobstetric hospital admission results of this study indicate that prenatal
diagnosis for pregnant women. A symptomatic counseling regarding kidney stones may be
kidney stone event occurs in 1 of every 250-1,500 justified, especially for women with other risk
pregnancies, research shows, most often occurring factors for kidney stones, such as obesity.”
during the second and third trimesters. Kidney Mayo Clinic specialists also recommend
stones, though uncommon, can cause significant appropriate calcium intake during pregnancy of at
complications, ranging from preeclampsia and least 1,000 milligrams every day, preferably from
urinary tract infection to preterm labor and dietary sources such as dairy products as opposed
delivery, and pregnancy loss. to calcium supplements.
Diagnosis of kidney stones during pregnancy can The study examined data from the Rochester
be challenging, given limited diagnostic imaging Epidemiology Project, a collaboration of practices,
alternatives because of concern about radiation hospitals and other health care facilities in
exposure, says Dr. Rule. Treatment can be Minnesota and Wisconsin, and community
complicated by obstetric concerns, as well. members that have agreed to discuss their health
Several physiological reasons may contribute to records for research. This project enables vital
why pregnancy contributes to kidney stone research that may discover causes, treatments, and
formation, says Charat Thongprayoon, M.D., a cures for disease.
Mayo Clinic nephrologist and the study’s
corresponding author.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 40
Product Launches ZEISS Introduces New
Microscopy Slide Scanner
Mayo Clinic, Thermo Fisher
Scientific Collaborate to Author/source: ZEISS
Benefit Patients
Mayo Clinic and Thermo Fisher Scientific, ZEISS Axioscan 7 combines scanning
Waltham Mass, have joined forces to performance with application freedom
bring innovative solutions to patients by
accelerating clinical validation, and With the release of ZEISS Axioscan 7,
commercialization of selected next-generation ZEISS presents its next-generation slide
sequencing (NGS), mass spectrometry, and scanner for the automated digitization of
immunology diagnostic tools. The Advanced microscopy samples. Following its successful
Diagnostics Laboratory in One Discovery Square, predecessor ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1, ZEISS Axioscan
which is part of the Destination Medical Center 7 provides significant improvements in almost
initiative, will be the home for this collaboration. every aspect: a new acquisition engine for higher
“By pairing cutting-edge, innovative technologies scan speeds, a broader range of imaging modes for
with world-class clinical and diagnostic testing more application flexibility, extended capabilities
knowledge, this collaboration will ensure that the for advanced fluorescence imaging, and a
promising innovations are both clinically relevant dramatically improved user experience.
and accessible globally,” says William Morice II,
MD, PhD, chair of Mayo Clinic’s Department of The demand for creating high-quality virtual
Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and president microscopy slides in an automated and reliable way
of Mayo Clinic Laboratories. has been increasing in life science research labs,
core imaging facilities, and in pharma research.
The Mayo Clinic and Thermo Fisher teams are ZEISS Axioscan 7 addresses both the need for
working closely to identify candidate solutions for reliable 24/7 scan performance as well as highest
clinical validation and global commercialization as imaging quality across a multitude of applications
part of the collaboration. by combining continuously high scan speeds and
“We are excited to join forces with Mayo Clinic to simple operation with application-specific
accelerate access to precise and affordable customization options.
diagnostics for patients across the globe,” says Additional brightfield contrast methods enable
Gianluca Pettiti, senior vice president and more comprehensive sample characterization
president, Specialty Diagnostics at Thermo Fisher. ZEISS Axioscan 7 allows automatic switching
“The collaborative effort will leverage NGS, mass between different brightfield imaging modes to
spectrometry and immunology technologies to adapt to the requirements of different applications
advance hematology, oncology, allergy and while maintaining optimal scanning performance.
autoimmunity diagnostics.”
Mayo Clinic and Thermo Fisher are evaluating
diagnostic solutions for multiple applications,
including myeloid leukemia and therapeutic drug
monitoring panels to deliver access to more precise
and personalized insights for patient care.
For more information, visit Mayo
Clinic and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 41
Product Launches
Circular and linear polarization are now fully The powerful combination of accommodating a
supported, opening a new range of experiments broad user base with robust design places ZEISS
and modality combinations. Transfer of Intensity Axioscan 7 as a top performer when it comes to
Equation (TIE) is a new digital method for contrast usage hours, and it quickly pays for itself.
generation in transparent samples, adding phase
and relief contrast to the wealth of imaging modes. New SARS-CoV-2
TIE enables detection of transparent tissues with NeutraLISA Assay to
little to no contrast in regular brightfield mode and Determine the Neutralizing
can therefore aid experiments with sensitive Capacity of Anti-SARS-CoV-
fluorescent dyes by protecting the samples from 2 Antibodies
bleaching and accelerating the subsequent
fluorescence imaging process with very fast Author/source: PerkinElmer
CE marked assay based on well-
Highly productive fluorescence imaging established ELISA technology expands
EUROIMMUN’s offerings for labs that seek
Speed, gentle treatment, and the optimal to understand immune response to
wavelength are critical when it comes to COVID-19
multispectral fluorescence imaging. ZEISS
Axioscan 7 employs swift and reproducible LED EUROIMMUN, a PerkinElmer, Inc. Company,
illumination, fast filter wheels, and a sophisticated has announced the launch of the SARS-CoV-2
filter concept to efficiently separate a broad range NeutraLISA™ assay, a surrogate neutralization test
of fluorescence channels. Two light sources – the intended for the detection of neutralizing
super-fast 7 wavelengths LED light source ZEISS antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen
Colibri 7 and the white light LED light source X- causing COVID-19. The CE marked assay adds to
Cite Xylis – provide flexibility in selecting the the Company’s broad portfolio of COVID-19
appropriate wavelengths. Newly designed filter sets diagnostics and is currently available in more than
for multiplexing applications allow for clear 30 countries that accept the CE mark.
spectral delineation without the need for additional
software to separate fluorescent channels.
Advanced cameras enhance image quality
The new slide scanner is equipped with the most
advanced Peltier-cooled cameras from the ZEISS
Axiocam portfolio to support brightfield and
fluorescence applications with state-of-the-art
imaging performance. With 55 frames per second
acquisition speed and a large field of view, ZEISS
Axiocam 705 color rapidly accomplishes brightfield
and polarization imaging tasks. ZEISS Axiocam
712 mono offers small pixels (3.45 µm), fully
capturing the resolution potential of the high
numerical aperture optics, and very low readout
noise, making this camera the preferred choice for
advanced fluorescence imaging applications.
A sound investment
The demand for higher throughput and screening
capability drives the charge towards automated
instruments. ZEISS Axioscan 7 provides
automation without sacrificing flexibility or the
high quality of images needed to attract a very wide
range of users to core imaging facilities. With
approaches as varied as multiplexing in tissue
sections to polarization in rock sections, the new
slide scanner attracts users from departments as
diverse as life science and geology.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 42
Product Launches
In COVID-19, antibodies that target the viral solution to support assessment of the immune
receptor binding domain (RBD) in the S1 domain response. In addition, EUROIMMUN offers the
of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have been shown Interferon-gamma Release Assay to evaluate
to exhibit a virus-neutralizing capacity, which specific T-cell response, currently available for
predominately are IgG antibodies. research use only, and provides automation systems
SARS-CoV-2 enters a human host cell through for small, medium and high sample throughput
interaction of its RBD with the host cell ACE2 workflows.
receptor. However, if the RBD is blocked by
specific antibodies formed during immune Philips, Ibex Link
response, the virus cannot continue to infect and Up to Accelerate AI-powered
proliferate within the human body. Digital Pathology Adoption
This is why many leading COVID-19 vaccine
developments are also based on this protein Royal Philips, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
domain. and Ibex Medical Analytics, Tel Aviv,
The EUROIMMUN SARS-CoV-2 NeutraLISA Israel, announced a strategic collaboration
imitates this natural process by determining the to jointly promote their digital pathology and AI
inhibitory effect of antibodies capable of solutions to hospitals, health networks, and
hampering the interaction between biochemically pathology labs worldwide.
produced RBD and ACE2. Unlike standard The combination of Philips digital pathology
neutralization tests, which can be labor-intensive solution (Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution) and
and require handling of the live virus in a Ibex’s Galen AI-powered cancer diagnostics
specialized high-safety laboratory setting, the platform, currently in clinical use in Europe and the
SARS-CoV-2-NeutraLISA assay is based on well- Middle East, empowers pathologists to generate
established ELISA technology and uses non- objective, reproducible results, increase diagnostic
pathogenic viral proteins. As such, the assay can be confidence, and enable the productivity and
processed in common lab settings either manually efficiency improvements needed to cope with ever-
or automatically. increasing demand for pathology-based
“In addition to disturbing or altogether inhibiting diagnostics.
the pathogen from binding to a host cell, This announcement marks the latest extension to
neutralizing antibodies may last for years in the Philips’ AI-enabled Precision Diagnosis solutions
human body and can potentially prevent SARS- portfolio, which leverages Philips and third-party
CoV-2 infection and reinfection,” said Dr.
Wolfgang AI solutions to deliver cutting-edge clinical
Schlumberger, CEO decision support and optimized workflows.
of EUROIMMUN. The trend toward centralized pathology labs, the
“The SARS-CoV-2 global shortage of trained pathologists, and
NeutraLISA assay increasing demands on histopathology posed by
supplements the growing number of cancer patients, leads
EUROIMMUN’s pathology labs to actively seek efficiency-enhancing
existing CE-marked solutions that enable to maintain high accuracy
QuantiVac™ ELISA levels.
and SARS-CoV-2
Release Assay which
is expected to be
available with CE
mark soon. In
combination, the assays make a powerful trio to
help evaluate the immune response to SARS-CoV-
2 induced through natural infection or vaccination
with S1/RBD-based vaccines from multiple
EUROIMMUN offers a comprehensive COVID-
19 product portfolio, including real-time PCR tests,
an antigen detection assay for acute diagnostics,
multiple antibody tests and a dried blood spot
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 43
Product Launches
Digital pathology, enabled by solutions such as The accuracy level of Galen Prostate for cancer
detection was the highest level reported in the field,
Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution, has already with a sensitivity rate of 98.46%, specificity of
97.33% and an AUC of 0.991. When used as an
been shown to improve pathology lab productivity automated ‘second read,’ the platform alerts
pathologists when discrepancies between their
by 25%, while also allowing remote image reading diagnosis and the AI algorithm’s findings are
detected, providing a safety net against error or
by specialists and the immediate sharing of images misdiagnosis, previously reported as high as 12%,
and increasing overall quality of care.
with referring hospitals as part of comprehensive “We have been using Philips’ IntelliSite Pathology
Solution together with Ibex’s Galen platform as
pathology reports. Ibex’s AI-powered Galen part of our routine practice since 2020, and this
‘second read’ implementation has already helped us
platform further streamlines workflow and improve our diagnostic quality,” says Delphine
Raoux, MD, pathologist and head of innovation
improves accuracy via automated case technologies at Medipath, the largest network of
private pathology labs in France. “The work we
prioritization, cancer heatmaps, grading, and other presented recently showed that Ibex’s AI platform
can further provide significant productivity gains
productivity-enhancing tools. when used during primary diagnosis and helps us
reduce total turnaround time. This is an important
“Building on our strong portfolio to support step forward as we look for new technologies that
clinical decision-making in oncology, we bring can help meet an increasing demand for pathology
together the power of imaging, pathology, services and could enable seamless remote reading
genomics, and longitudinal data with insights from of biopsies in times of covid restrictions.”
artificial intelligence (AI) to help empower For more information, visit Philips and Ibex
clinicians to deliver clear care pathways with Medical Analytics.
predictable outcomes for every patient,” says Kees Featured image: Philips digital pathology
Wesdorp, chief business leader, Precision (Courtesy: Philips)
Diagnosis at Philips. “By teaming with Ibex to
incorporate their AI into our digital pathology New Line of Urology Testing
solutions, we’re further able to provide a to Screen for Prostate
continuous pathway, where critical patient data is Cancer and Renal Cancer
made visible to both pathologists and oncologists Hereditary Genetics
to help improve the clinician experience and patient
outcomes.” Medical Diagnostic Laboratories,
“Pathology is transforming at an increasing pace Hamilton, NJ, a CLIA-certified, CAP-
and AI is one of the major drivers, supporting a accredited laboratory specializing in
more rapid and accurate cancer diagnosis,” says high-complexity DNA-based molecular analyses,
Joseph Mossel, CEO and co-founder of Ibex has launched a new line of urology testing, available
Medical Analytics. “By joining forces with Philips, through Uroveda Institute of Urogenital Diseases.
the leader in digital pathology deployments, we can The testing blends DNA-based molecular testing
offer new end-to-end solutions enabling with traditional pathology and cytology tests to aid
pathologists to implement integrated, AI-powered in diagnosing or screening for urologic conditions.
workflows across a broader segment of the Medical care costs for urologic diseases in the
diagnostic pathway, improving the quality of United States neared $11 billion in 2020, according
patient care and strengthening the business case for to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Ibex’s Galen platform adds AI-powered cancer Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 44
detection, case prioritization, grading, and other
productivity-enhancing insights. Users have
reported significant improvements in diagnostic
efficiency, with 27% reduction in time-to-diagnosis
compared to conventional microscope viewing, 1-
to 2-day reductions in total turnaround time, and
37% productivity gain.
In addition to cancer, the AI platform supports
pathologists in the accurate grading, as well as
detection and diagnosis, of multiple clinical
features, such as tumor size, perineural invasion,
high-grade PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial
Neoplasia), and more.
Product Launches
Urologic malignancies such as “This new offering through Uroveda is an all-
prostate, bladder, and renal cancers encompassing platform where urologists can order,
present challenges in diagnoses, in addition to the standard bladder and prostate
treatment decisions, monitoring, and cancer cytology and histopathology requests, tests
recurrence testing. Prostate, bladder, for sexually transmitted and urinary tract
and renal cancers rank second, infections,” says urological pathologist Jonathan
seventh, and ninth, respectively, in the Epstein, MD. “Current genetic panels for
top 10 cancers in the United States hereditary prostate and renal cell carcinoma and
based on new cancer cases. Hereditary data entry points for clinical information will assist
cancer genetic testing may confirm a the pathologist in the interpretation of results.”
diagnosis and help guide treatment and For more information, visit Medical Diagnostic
management decisions. Identification Laboratories.
of a disease-causing variant would also guide testing
and diagnosis of at-risk relatives. Prostate cancer is Rebus Biosystems
hereditary in 10% to 15% of cases, often due to a
single inherited genetic mutation. In approximately Launches Automated
15% to 20% of cases, prostate cancer can be
familial, with some hereditary cancer features but Spatial Omics Platform
no detectable mutations. Pathogenic variants in
multiple genes have been implicated in hereditary Rebus Biosystems, Santa Clara, Calif,
renal cancer. launched the Rebus Esper spatial omics
This comprehensive menu of testing offers a platform. The new spatial omics platform
unique blend of traditional laboratory tests like will allow researchers to better understand the
tissue pathology and cytology with advanced DNA- biology of tissues and could lead to advancements
based molecular diagnostic testing for the detection in neuroscience, cancer, infectious disease, and
of urologic pathogens implicated in urinary tract immunology.
and sexually transmitted infections. Selective Launched at the Advances in Genome Biology and
molecular testing platforms are specifically Technology (AGBT) virtual meeting, the Rebus
designed to provide healthcare providers with Esper leverages the unique capabilities of Rebus
important diagnostic results well beyond the Biosystems’ patented Synthetic Aperture Optics
identification of a specific pathogen by (SAO) technology, a super-resolution technique
incorporating factors such as molecular that allows routine quantitative analysis of tens of
antimicrobial resistance profiles and genetic millions of cellular features across hundreds of
surrogate markers. Hereditary genetics panels thousands of cells. “The Rebus Esper brings a
detect the presence of genes and germline whole new dimension to biological research.
pathogenic variants associated with a hereditary
predisposition to prostate cancer and renal cancer.
Hereditary genetic testing may confirm a diagnosis
and help guide treatment and management
decisions. Identification of a disease-causing
variant would also guide testing and diagnosis of at-
risk relatives.
Pharmacogenomic testing uses state-of-the-art next
generation sequencing technology to evaluate an
individual’s genetic makeup to predict how an
individual responds to drugs based on their genetic
variability. It provides information about genetic
influences on the dosing, toxicities, and efficacy of
specific drugs used in the treatment of bladder
incontinence and urologic malignancies.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 45
Product Launches This ultra-sensitive assay, based on cyclic single-
molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
This fully integrated, automated instrument (smFISH) chemistry, can resolve and map
delivers high-throughput, quantitative, single- individual RNA molecules in their original
molecule, single-cell data with spatial context and locations, giving researchers a complete picture of
subcellular resolution by bringing together tissues across a wide range of expression levels for
advancements in imaging, fluidics, chemistry, and up to 30 custom genes.
bioinformatics,” says Paul Sargeant, PhD, CEO of
Rebus Biosystems. “Whereas other methods for Rebus Biosystems plans to rapidly expand the assay
spatial omics analysis require tradeoffs between menu for the Rebus Esper platform. During 2021,
quality and throughput, the Rebus Esper platform the Esper High Fidelity suite of assays will enable
delivers an unprecedented combination of higher level of multiplexing and protein co-
resolution, scale, and speed in a single instrument detection. In addition, the company will focus on
with walkaway operation.” developing assays enabling multiplex gene
The Rebus Esper instrument is designed to be expression in formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded
incredibly easy to use. No experience with imaging (FFPE) samples and simultaneous analysis of over
or image processing is required. Preparing a run 1,000 genes.
follows a simple protocol that requires less than For more information, visit Rebus Biosystems.
one hour of hands-on time. Using the instrument
is as easy as loading the reagents and flow cell, UniFlow Radioisotope
starting the run, and coming back at the end to Fume Hood
collect processed data that is ready for single-cell
analysis and precise spatial mapping. Hemco’s new UniFlow Radioisotope Fume
Hood is engineered to meet the strict
“We have been using the Rebus Esper platform requirements for lab work involving
radiochemicals. With safety at the forefront, the
to look at how genes are different in terms of their hood is constructed with a welded one-piece,
spatial position across different brain regions. It seamless type 304 stainless steel interior fume
has allowed us to visualize our data with high chamber with all corners coved for easy cleaning.
sensitivity across individual tissue sections, as
well as across different samples, says Aparna
Bhaduri, PhD, assistant professor of Biological
Chemistry at the David Geffen School of Medicine
”at UCLA.
“The number of genes, the speed of data collection,
and the ability to image large areas has enabled us
to look at more genes
across more
tissue than any
other method
currently The work surface is welded to the fume chamber
liner and is reinforced to support weight loads
available.” assay to be associated with isotope work such as lead barriers
The first and equipment. LED lighting and vertical slide
released for the Rebus tempered glass sash are standard features.
Esper platform is the The fume hood is offered in widths of 48 inches,
Fidelity assay. Esper High 60 inches, and 72 inches and can be outfitted with
a wide selection of accessories including service
fixtures, electrical service options, cabinets and
tables, and suitable exhaust blowers to safely
remove hazardous fumes or particulates.
For more information, visit Hemco.
Microbioz India, April 2021 Edition | 46
Product Launches
Porvair Launches Affordable Operated via an intuitive graphical color LED
Single Plate Sample touchscreen, software features include up to five
Evaporator stored alphanumerically named programs and
multi-step evaporation programs.
Porvair Sciences, Wrexham, UK, has
launched its new generation Ultravap This functionality combined with real-time run
Levante nitrogen blowdown sample displays showing actual gas temperature, gas flow
evaporator. The second-generation system offers rate, and stage height means the Ultravap Levante
the many benefits associated with Porvair’s flagship puts the user in full control of the evaporation
evaporator, the Ultravap Mistral, in an affordable, process. A removable acrylic splash guard
easy-to-use package. This state-of-the-art single safeguards the operator and also ensures efficient
microplate evaporator is designed to meet the removal of the solvent vapor from the evaporation
current needs of most chromatography laboratories table.
while providing the future option of fully
automating sample dry-down in applications such The Ultravap Levante is supplied with an
as LC/MS analysis, dry recovery, or reconstitution. evaporator head of the user’s choice, which may be
interchanged quickly and easily with a head of a
The compact, standalone Ultravap Levante is fully different pattern as workflow demands. The
programmable and easy to control from a robot precision engineered mechanism uses a standard
liquid handler. Its advanced head technology ANSI/SLAS plate nest to accept most microplate
enables delivery of evaporation temperatures up to formats and tube racks. It can accommodate tubes
80 degrees Celsius for faster solvent evaporation up to 50mm in height in a variety of configurations
rates. If required, the system has the option to be to allow the use of 2 Dram vials, 1.5ml HPLC vials,
fitted with ducted fan fume extraction. bar-coded tubes in racks, and many other common
formats. Evaporator heads are available for
efficient dry down of 24-, 48-, 96- and 384-well
microplates at temperatures up to 80 degrees
The Ultravap Levante can be operated from both a
gas cylinder and an in-house supply of nitrogen or
clean dry air. The blow-down evaporation
technique is well proven for efficiently removing
chromatography solvents such as dichloromethane,
acetonitrile, methanol, and hexane.
For more information, visit Porvair.
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