I nspired by my mom, Kristen
I n Honor of my Family
Kate’s Bad Day!!!
Written By: Brooklyn Ochsendorf
Hope you Enjoy Reading
Hi, my name is Kate, and my job is a veterinarian, and I have a
story to tell you! One day it was as sunny as could be on a
gorgeously sunny winter morning. This was super early in the
morning, probably six- thirty in the morning. But by the time I was
ready to leave the house at 8:30 it snowing so hard you could
barely see five feet in front of you! I knew I couldn’t back out and
cancel all the appointments today there were a lot and I had to do
some very important surgeries to save some very cute animals and
some any time surgeries! There were probably twenty-three
appointments and ten surgeries!
Now that might seem like a lot, but to me it’s really not, but
then again I’m a veterinarian, so I have seen a LOT more than this, I
think the most hectic I have been my entire life is ninety-four
appointments and thirty-one surgeries all in twelve hours, it could
have been more though, that is if people didn’t cancel their
appointments because they felt bad I had so many already
appointments and surgeries!
When I was only three miles away from the clinic my car
broke down! I knew I couldn’t give up not when I was so close! So I
decided to walk the three miles. Good thing I decided to wear all
my winter gear! But by the time I had one mile done I knew I was
going to be late to work. So I decided to alert my boss. Whoops, I
forgot to grab my phone off the counter!
By the time I had the second mile done, I was so drained. I
could have foundered right there, but I knew I had to keep going.
But I just couldn’t get up! My legs were so tired!
I think I fell asleep after a little bit because someone was
shaking me. I didn’t know who it was until I heard them talking and
they didn’t sound happy! When I identified the voice I sat straight
up, as straight as I could. It was my boss, Kris. I knew I was in big
trouble! Luckily for me I didn’t have to walk the last and final mile,
yes! But the worst awaited.
When we got the clinic Kris told me to go to the secret room.
When I heard that I knew then and there I was in HUGE trouble, the
worst possible! You have to do something REALLY bad to have to go
to the secret room. I’m going to guess you want to know where the
secret room is, but I can’t my boss made me swear on my grave I
wouldn’t tell anybody, that’s only one reason I won’t tell you.
Anyways back to the story. Where was I again? Oh, yeah where I
was about to get busted. By the time Kris came, I already had a
million thoughts swimming through my head about what she was
going to do to me. But one, in particular, stood out to me the most,
it was “YOU ARE FIRED!”
But to my surprise instead of yelling, she said in a “warm”
tone, “Why were you lying on the snow and ice filled ground?”
I said, “Because my car broke down three miles away from
here and I was fighting the snow and wind for two of the miles. I
just got so tired and when I was going to call you I realized I forgot
my phone on the kitchen counter.”
Then she said, “I see, so you didn’t find anyone on your
Then I said, “No, well, I did but they didn’t stop to help me
even though I waved around like a maniac trying to get there
attention and some of them were even our customers. In fact, I
think some of them are here waiting to have their pet checked out
to have a surgery done.”
Then she told me to go check how many people there were out
there that I saw and didn’t stop to help unless they have a very
important appointment. Then to come back and report how many
and their names. She also said to report the very important ones
but to say they have a very important appointment today. So I did
and came back with ten people total, three of them were in the
very important “file”. When Kris heard this she told me to follow
her and we went out into the waiting room and asked, “How many
of you saw this woman on the side of the road this morning?” and
all ten of them raised their hands!!
After that, she told the people who didn’t have a very
important to go into a checking area and told the others to wait and
be ready when she came back into the waiting room. It didn’t take
long for me to realize what was happening until everyone was in
the waiting room, that’s when I realized she was going to tell them
they were no longer allowed in this building! When she told the
people that they were all super mad. Then she told them once
someone sent her a video of them doing something nice to a human
and animal she would allow them in this building again. They all
thought that was going to be an easy job but everyone rejected
there asking of taking a video! After she told the first group, she
told the second group the same thing except they got there
appointment or surgery today.
They acted the same way as the first group but they got people
to take a video of them doing the nice thing and Kris approved of it,
so did I, so they are allowed in this building again! When the
people who got kicked out of this building, but then became
patients again, said they were sorry for not stopping and helping. I
said, “It’s okay we all make mistakes.” and everything was superb
Thanks for Reading!!!
Special Thanks to the B EST English Teacher I
have ever had in my years of
school!!! (so far )