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Published by Sanguinetti, 2022-07-05 03:17:47

The Frostpine Horror

[Adventure] 2017 2CGaming

The Frostpine


Ryan Servis


2CGaming, LLC.


© 2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Frostpine Horror v1.0 digitally published December 2016, by 2CGaming,
LLC. The 2CGaming logos and name, the book name (The Frostpine Horror), and the series name (Epic Legacy), are
protected by appropriate copyright and trademark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained
herein is prohibited without the express written permission of 2CGaming, LLC. or its authorized representatives.

Ryan Servis

Valerie Valdes, Jonathan Kelly, Steven Gordon

Ambrose Hoilman (Illustration), Kadra Alvaro (Illustration), John Cason (Graphic Design)

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The Frostpine Horror

Table of Contents

Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Adventure Outline............................................................................................................................................... 4
Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Part One: A Cabin in the Woods....................................................................................................................... 5
Part Two: Icebough’s Hollow........................................................................................................................... 10
Part Three: Darkwater Pond ........................................................................................................................... 12
Part Four: The Wendigo................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix A: The Wendigo............................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix B: Epic Affixes................................................................................................................................... 24


The Frostpine Horror


Introduction what he intended to be a quiet retirement has instead
turned into a gruesome tale of fear, depravity and
Welcome to the first installment of three adventure corruption.
modules for 2CGaming’s Epic Legacy project, The
Frostpine Horror. This module is intended for four At the epicenter of this calamity is a malevolent evil
22nd level characters as they explore their first taste of of great strength. A Wendigo has arisen in the wilds
Epic levels, and will likely run for two to four sessions of Frostpine, and has chosen Colonel Maximar as its
of gameplay, depending on your preferences and first victim. The players find themselves trapped in a
experience with Epic Legacy. To run this game, each horror story they must see through to its end, as they
player and the Dungeon Master (DM) should have a deal with the fearsome powers of the Wendigo. Only
copy of The Epic Legacy Player’s Guide, which is available the creature’s defeat will ensure their survival and
at prevent horror from being unleashed on the world.

This module is intended for DMs only, so players, stop Adventure Outline
here and pass this over to your Dungeon Master to avoid

spoilers. We recommend that Epic DMs review both

The Epic Legacy Player’s Guide and The Frostpine Horror The Frostpine Horror follows a fairly linear storyline,

thoroughly before running this module, as the former though expect deviation from the story as the players

contains Epic spells monsters will be using and the latter experiment with the powers of their Epic characters.

4 contains details of the adventure. Epic Legacy brings Encourage them to explore the world you’ve set up,
substantial changes to 5th Edition, and as the Dungeon but keep their focus on the task at hand. This module

Master, you will need to help guide your players through isn’t trying to be a campaign setting capable of handling

this new style of play. It is critical that you read through all the curveballs your players throw at you, but it

both documents before the first session begins. shouldn’t force the story down their throats.

If you’re running The Frostpine Horror as a one-shot Part One: A Cabin in the Woods
adventure, you won’t need to flesh out the world much
for your players; they should know what they’re getting For reasons you determine, the players come to visit
into. Alternately, this module very cleanly drops into their mentor, Colonel Bartimaeus Maximar, only to
an existing game with high-level characters. Level the find his cabin abandoned and clues abounding as to
group up to 22nd level using the rules in The Epic Legacy the nature of his fate. They must brave a dangerous
Player’s Guide, then let them loose! blizzard, discover Maximar’s traumatized animal
companion, and form a plan to deal with the situation.
In this tale, the players visit an old mentor from their
pre-Epic adventuring days, who has requested their If you are running this as an extension to your own
presence to pass on his personal sword, Equalizer, as game, rather than a one-shot, you can use any high-
a final gesture symbolizing his imminent retirement. level NPC your players have rapport with. You’ll
Living in seclusion, Colonel Bartimaeus Maximar has want to find an alternate creature to take the role of
taken up residence in the woods of Frostpine, well Maximar’s animal companion, who plays an important
away from the turbulence of civilized life. However, role in directing your players through portions of the
adventure. Whatever you choose, make sure it can

The Frostpine Horror

Part One: A Cabin in the Woods

communicate with the players in some way, as it has a players are creating new characters for this adventure, 5
lot of important information to share. their remaining starting magical gear should be of the
players’ choice as follows::
Part Two: Icebough’s Hollow
• 1 Very Rare item per player
A roleplaying encounter with a wizened old Treant, • 1 Rare item per player
which should allow players to learn about the legend • 1 Uncommon item per player
of the Wendigo, the nature of their situation, and clues
about Maximar’s fate. From here, have your players establish their personal
relationship to Maximar, whether it is that of a father
Part Three: Darkwater Pond figure, student to master, or even a wise mentor. Even
evil players should feel some sense of affection and
A powerful mini-boss that awaits the players at obligation to him, for he has selflessly believed in their
Darkwater Pond, the Night Lurker is a suitable potential for their entire adventuring career. While
challenge for Epic characters, able to easily slay an ill- you can forge their bond however you choose, for
prepared or overconfident party. Noteworthy is the some reason, the players should have been adventuring
encounter with Maximar, the players’ involvement together for most of their time spent under Maximar.
in which will significantly alter the future encounter Once all of the preparations have been made, your
with the Wendigo. players are ready to make the journey to Maximar’s
humble abode, and encounter their first signs that
Part Four: The Wendigo everything is not as it seems.

The Mythic Monster responsible for this entire Part One:
debacle. This creature represents an extremely A Cabin in the Woods
dangerous foe, and could result in a total party kill
even against Epic characters. You should consult the
details of the Wendigo before running this encounter,
as the monstrosity is as powerful as it is detailed.

Getting Started Approaching the Cabin

Colonel Bartimaeus Maximar serves as an anchor for Depending on how your players approach Maximar’s
your players, as he has mentored them for most of their cabin, they will encounter different obstacles and
career. An Epic ranger himself (also called a Slayer), environmental effects:
Maximar is overjoyed his students have ascended to
Epic strength, and has given them a gift of a Legendary Weather Effects: While within 10 miles of Maximar’s
Magic Item as a “graduation” present. If your players are cabin but still more than 5 miles away from the cabin, a
democratic enough, you can let them vote on what the blizzard rages, thickening in intensity as the characters
item should be and for whom (the weapon should not approach. While the weather is non-magical, it is
be a sentient weapon, as these often far surpass their ferocious and not easily traversed.
peers in power), otherwise we recommend providing
them with a single +3 weapon of your choice. If your Those analyzing the blizzard with a Survival check
against DC 20 identify its detrimental effects, below.

The Frostpine Horror

Part One: A Cabin in the Woods


Exhaustion: Unless protected by magical means, any duplicating its features exactly, including all terrain,
journey through the storm requires a Constitution structures and objects mimicked perfectly. Unattended
saving throw against DC 20 to avoid gaining one magical items and other equipment are transported
level of exhaustion. Long rests within the blizzard do to the plane instead of recreated, leaving behind non-
not remove levels of exhaustion, instead requiring magical facsimiles in their place. Creatures entering
another such saving throw to avoid gaining another the area for the first time must succeed on a Perception
level of exhaustion at the end of each long rest. check against DC 25 to notice their transition onto
the demiplane; otherwise, they are unaware that they
Cold: For each hour a creature spends within the have travelled to a new plane. Creatures attempting
storm, it deals that creature 5 points of cold damage. to use teleportation or other magical means to reach
Maximar’s cabin find their spell diverted, placing them
The Plane of Malevolence: The area within 5 at the edge of the demiplane (just inside it).
miles of Maximar’s cabin is enclosed in a demiplane
known as The Plane of Malevolence. Once inside The blizzard within this area is an Epic magical
The Plane of Malevolence, creatures are no longer effect; at the edges of the plane, the blizzard’s effects
subject to the weather effects of the blizzard outside. are the most intense, tapering off towards its center.
This demiplane takes on the form of the affected area, Additionally, those within the demiplane suffer from

The Frostpine Horror

Part One: A Cabin in the Woods

The Wendigo’s Curse (below). Plant life within the (including those granted by alternate means), but find
demiplane withers and dies in hours, while mindless their hit points and hit point maximum reduced by
beasts set upon one another in ravenous fervor. Within 2d10 per level of exhaustion. This hit point reduction
a week, the area is reduced to lifeless wasteland. cannot be cured while in The Plane of Malevolence.

Non-Deific creatures attempting to leave the demiplane Even creatures that do not require sustenance and are
via its edges are lost within the blizzard (no save) and immune to starvation, such as undead and constructs,
magically redirected toward the demiplane’s center. Non- are compelled to eat, feeding endlessly on whatever
Epic magic attempting to transition creatures between meat they can find.
planes (such as planeshift, or spells that interact with
extradimensional spaces) has no effect while in The Plane MAXIMAR’S CABIN
of Malevolence. The Plane of Malevolence persists until
the Wendigo is slain, or until it devours all living creatures As the players approach the cabin, read them the
within the demiplane, and returns to its slumber. following text:

It should be noted that spells which manipulate weather As you step toward the solitary wooden cabin in a 7
function normally until they come into contact with clearing surrounded by trees, an overwhelming silence
The Plane of Malevolence, at which point they fail. surrounds you as the remnants of the blizzard abate.
Only a most foolish spellcaster could ignore this curious There are no birds, no signs of life. The windows hunch,
inability to manipulate the weather there. dark and empty, with a small pile of firewood outside,
and a modest but chilly-looking privy around the back.
The Wendigo’s Curse: Creatures afflicted by The Surrounding the cabin on all sides is a line of thick pine
Wendigo’s Curse are unable to gain sustenance from trees that obscure any attempt to see past them more than
food; even magically created meals feel empty and fifteen feet. A set of red-stained footprints lead away
unsatisfying. from the cabin, apparently made by a humanoid in bare
feet fairly recently. The front door is ajar, its creaking
Creatures taking a long rest while affected by the curse the only noise you can hear besides your own breathing.
are seized with the desire to cannibalize the flesh of Under a tent to the right you can see a small woodshop
themselves and their comrades, gaining a level of set with half-made arrows and tools. The inside of
exhaustion at the beginning of the long rest. Except the cabin is bare and drafty, with only the minimum
as noted below, these levels of exhaustion cannot essentials for survival, as is typical of a ranger. A wisp of
be removed or prevented while in The Plane of smoke rises from the ash-filled fireplace, but otherwise
Malevolence. the cabin appears untouched.

A creature that gives in to its urges may feast on its The cabin is where the majority of the adventure will take
own flesh or that of a nearby living creature of its same place, with the players searching for Colonel Maximar
species or subspecies (for example, humans may feed on and dealing with threat of the Wendigo. After they arrive,
elves and gain this benefit, but a human could not feed inform the players that the sun is setting and it will soon
on a wolf to gain this benefit). Creatures that partake be night. A quick sweep of the area reveals Maximar’s
in this fashion are stripped of all levels of exhaustion boots and equipment are still here, left neatly folded

The Frostpine Horror

Part One: A Cabin in the Woods

military-style in their rightful place. A Perception check direction of Darkwater Pond, bare and stained

against DC 15 identifies Hunter, Maximar’s Winter red with a single small bone lying within one

Wolf animal companion, hidden under the bed (an of the most bloody impressions. A Medicine

impressive feat for a large creature) in a near-catatonic check against DC 15 identifies this as the toe

state. A successful Animal Handling check against bone from an adult human male, which has

DC 22 or a healing or restoration spell of 5th level or bite marks of human teeth upon its surface.

higher can restore Hunter to his normal state, causing This knowledge is made all the more unsettling

him to recognize the players from their time training by the notable lack of a toe upon the left

under the Colonel. It is immediately obvious Hunter is foot in the footprints. Any who pick up this

suffering from acute effects of starvation, and curiously bone are suddenly struck with a cannibalistic

it appears all of the food in the cabin has been eaten. hunger, and the bone grows more tasty in that

character’s eyes the longer they stare at it.

Hunter is quite intelligent, and can communicate with

the players in Common, providing them details or hints • Behind the cabin is a weapons shed made of

about Maximar’s whereabouts as you see fit. steelwood, an extremely hardy substance not

easily broken. The lock and door are warded

With only an hour or so of daylight left, there is some against magic, immune to spells of 5th level or

opportunity to search the clearing for clues as to the fate lower and trapped (Perception DC 26 detects).

of Maximar and what might be lurking out in the woods. Three consecutive Thieves’ Tools checks against

8 DC 24 are required to bypass the lock, the failure
• Within the cabin lies a map of the surrounding of any of which triggers the trap. If the trap

area, detailing two significant locations besides activates, a cloud of poison is unleashed within

the cabin. The first is Icebough’s Hallow. A 30 ft. of the shed, requiring a Constitution

map note describes an ancient treant that saving throw against DC 20 to avoid 70 (20d6)

can be consulted if approached respectfully. poison damage (half on success). Alternately, the

The second is a large body of water named shed can be forced open by dealing 200 points of

Darkwater Pond; Maximar has drawn a small damage to the lock (AC 15), which automatically

fishing shack upon its shore, from which he triggers the trap. Finally, the shed is shielded

would often acquire fresh fish. with a variant of the forcecage spell, requiring

any who attempt movement into the shed via

• While at the cabin, the Wendigo is observes teleportation or other magical means to make a

the player characters under the effects of Charisma saving throw against DC 24. A failed

invisibility per its Into the Shadows ability. save causes the spell to fail and triggers the trap.

Despite its invisibility, the Wendigo also takes If the players get the shed’s key from Maximar’s

pains to conceal itself, requiring a Perception body, they can safely open the shed. Inside the

check against DC 29 to notice it. If noticed, the shed is the following equipment.

Wendigo attacks the players immediately.

• 4 Arrows of Slaying (Monstrosities)

• Obvious to everyone is the set of bloody • Potion of Invulnerability - A perfect cube of

footprints leading out into the woods in the adamantine, 2 inches on a side. (See the Epic

ritual force field, for details)

The Frostpine Horror

Part One: A Cabin in the Woods

• Equalizer - Weapon (Long Sword), Legendary HUNTER, WINTER WOLF COMPANION 9
(Requires Attunement, Maximar’s personal Medium Monstrosity, Lawful Neutral
‑‑ You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage Armor Class: 21
rolls made with this magic weapon. Hit Points: 120 (From Maximar’s 30 levels)
‑‑ When you become attuned, if you have fewer Speed: 50 ft.
hit points than your target when you make an
attack roll, you attack with advantage. If you STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
have more hit points than your target when 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
you make an attack, you instead attack with
disadvantage. Skills: Perception +13, Stealth +11
Damage Immunities: Cold
If reconstituted, Hunter immediately informs the Senses: Passive Perception 11
players about recent events once he has recovered, Languages: Common, Giant, Winter Wolf
particularly of the Colonel’s disappearance. He is Challenge: N/A
also willing to accompany them as they search for
his master, aiding them in battle and with tracking if Traits
necessary. Read them the following excerpt.
Keen Hearing and Smell: Hunter has advantage on
My pups! My dear pups. You are warm comfort on a Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
cold day. Something dark has come. Master is gone. smell.
Left into the night. I am bonded to him, and his heart
still beats. But the eyes. The red eyes. They watched Pack Tactics: Hunter has advantage on an attack roll
him. Stalked him. Hunted him. Made him mad with against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5
fear, mad with hunger. Please, my pups, help end this. ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Help free us.
Snow Camouflage: Hunter had advantage on
If the players attempt to immediately try to set off after Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in snowy
Maximar, a conscious Hunter begs and pleads for them terrain.
not to go. Claiming that the creature “owns the night,”
the setting sun terrifies the Winter Wolf and he will Beast Bond: Hunter cannot be reduced to zero hit
refuse to leave the cabin for any reason until dawn. points while Maximar is still alive due to his bond
with his master, nor can he be affected by a condition
If the players agree to wait for daybreak and rest, make or Epic condition unless Maximar was also affected.
sure to detail the effects of the Wendigo’s Famine
ability, and the unnatural hunger that comes with Actions
it, but they gain the companionship of Hunter for
the remainder of the day. Players can easily persuade Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
a friendly Hunter to come with them should they target. Hit: 19 (2d6+12) piercing damage. If the target
so choose, but Hunter will also patiently wait if the is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.

Cold Breath (Recharge 5-6): The wolf exhales a
blast of freezing wind in a 15 ft. cone. Each creature
in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 26 (4d6+8) cold damage on a failed
save, or half as much on a successful one.

The Frostpine Horror

Part Two: Icebough's Hollow

players would prefer to leave him behind. He is well died in Icebough’s care. Icebough is too weak to bury the
trained, after all. victims himself, having spent all his strength fending
off the scavengers. Because he refuses to indulge
It is recommended they visit Icebough first, for his the unearthly hunger of The Plane of Malevolence,
wisdom is great and can provide them with some more Icebough is near death. He would rather starve than
information as to what lurks within the woods, and give in to the darkness. As the players approach the old
also why they are currently suffering from starvation. treant, the howl of the Wendigo can be heard, echoed
Visiting Icebough is not necessary, however; by the calls of the Ravenous Hounds. Icebough groans
proceeding directly to Darkwater Pond reveals the in fear, and begs the characters to prevent the beasts
horrible fate that has befallen Maximar and forces the from taking the bones of his animal friends, so that they
players into a mighty battle with the Night Lurker. may get a proper burial. At this point, you should start
the Ravenous Hounds encounter.

Icebough’s Hollow

Creatures: 8 Ravenous Hounds

As the players approach Icebough’s Hollow, read them Battle Map: Icebough’s Hollow is a circular clearing

the following text: of snowy but firm terrain about 50 ft. in diameter.

The area is ringed by dense trees, with no more

10 As you journey forth into the howling wilds, the cold than 10 ft. of space between them. The Ravenous
air bites at your starved frame. While only a few miles, Hounds approach through the foliage, surrounding

the journey is far more arduous in your weakened the players on all sides. At the center is Icebough,

condition, and your nerves are frayed from exhaustion. whose only meaningful contribution to the area is

Along the path are many bodies of slain Dire Wolves, something for characters to hide behind.

whose emaciated forms have been stripped of flesh and

the bones contorted into grotesque shapes as an act of When the characters encounter the Ravenous

pure vile sadism. Soon you come upon a hollow, at the Hounds, read them the following text:

center of which, hunched over in despair, is a frail and

barren-looking Pine Treant. Its form has withered away From the shadows stalk four pairs of lithe,

as it refuses to indulge in the hunger brought on by the emaciated figures, their growling and low-slung

Wendigo’s curse, leaving you with the impression it gait conveying their malevolent intent. While

could drop dead at any moment. Scattered around it are clearly starved, something primal and hungry has

the corpses of various animals who came to the treant taken hold of these Dire Wolves, sending a shiver of

seeking aid, all showing signs of extreme starvation. dread down your spine.

The Treant speaks Common, Druidic and Elvish, Tactics: The eight Ravenous Hounds work in pairs to
making meaningful communication easier than typical take down prey, using their pack tactics to gain advantage
treants. The relief upon its wizened face is palpable on their attacks and the knockdown effect on their bites
as it has been tormented relentlessly by the ravenous to keep foes prone and on the defensive. A Ravenous
hounds that hunger for the bodies of the animals who Hound that loses its partner uses its bonus action to

The Frostpine Horror

Part Two: Icebough's Hollow

hide, striking from the shadows until it is sure the fight RAVENOUS HOUND (DIRE WOLF) 11
is won. Note that the Ravenous Hounds will not be able Large Beast, Unaligned
to hide when out in the open; they must retreat back
to the tree line in order to conceal themselves properly. Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
In addition, on Initiative count 20 on the first round of Hit Points: 237 (5d20+210)
the encounter, the Wendigo will use its Howl of Terror Speed: 50 ft
from deep within the woods. If the players fail their save
versus this effect, read them the following passage: STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
The howling fills you with unspeakable dread, of what
you do not know. You only know the source of your Saving Throws: Str+18, Dex+8, Con+16, Int+14,
fear is near, and that it could strike at any moment. Wis+12
Damage Immunities: Cold, poison, necrotic,
The Wendigo is a sadistic monster, and savors the dread bludgeoning, slashing, piercing from non-magic
it inspires despite not joining the fight itself. weapons
Condition Immunities: Frightened, petrified,
Once the hounds have been defeated, Icebough is more poisoned, exhaustion
than willing to speak to the PCs about everything he Skills: Perception +13, Stealth +14
knows. However, Icebough’s memory is slow and Senses: Passive Perception 23
inconsistent, making getting meaningful information a Languages: ­–
bit more involved than a casual conversation. A player Challenge: 15
can make a Charisma (Diplomacy) check of 20 or higher
to get a piece of significant information, or present Traits
Icebough with a piece of physical evidence to jog his
memory. The following pieces of evidence are admissible Keen Hearing and Smell: A Ravenous Hound has
to gain an important piece of information: Maximar’s advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
toe bone, Hunter or another of Maximar’s personal on hearing or smell.
possessions, and the map of the surrounding wilderness.
Pack Tactics: A Ravenous Hound has advantage
Icebough knows the following important pieces of on attack rolls against a creature if at least one
information: of its allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and isn’t
• The Wendigo’s background (see Appendix A)
• The nature of The Plane of Malevolence, Actions

including its characteristics, limitations, and Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one
what is needed to escape it. (see Appendix A) target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage and 14 (4d6)
• Maximar’s current plight at Darkwater Pond, necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must
the presence of the Night Lurker, and some succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
basic information about the Night Lurker’s knocked prone. This attack critically hits on a roll of
abilities. 18-20.

Bonus Actions

Hide: The Ravenous Hound takes a Hide action.

Icebough has one final request after conversing with
the characters. Unable to move, and near death, the
treant would like his final act to be one that gave them

The Frostpine Horror

Part Three: Darkwater Pond

a greater chance of victory. If the players remove the or approach within 15 ft. of Maximar, immediately

bones from his form and give them a proper burial, read to players the following interaction.

Icebough can sacrifice his life to remove all points of

exhaustion from the party. Alternatively, he can grant Clad in the rags of clothes torn by a night in the

them the effects of the bless spell for the next 24 hours, wilds, barefoot and grizzled, the imposing form

the effects of which cannot be dispelled. With the of Maximar lurks on the cold ice, a manic look

application of this magic, Icebough gently expires as a of hunger and rage upon his bearded face. As you

smile crosses his gnarled face. approach, his head snaps to you with such speed you

Part Three: are shocked his neck didn’t break, and a rasping
Darkwater Pond voice, barely recognizable as belonging to the hearty
hunter you once knew, drifts across the frozen lake.

(Epic Challenge 2) “Ah! Friends. I knew the beast would be back. I’ve seen

it in my dreams. It is good it is here. Its meat could

Battle Map: Darkwater Pond is a oval body of water feed an army for an entire campaign. Come now!

about 200 ft. across at its farthest edges and a mere 70 Earn your share. We shall join in battle once more,

ft. at its closest point. The ice can be walked on safely as only we know how.” Suddenly, a massive shadowy

as the surface is rugged and jagged. The fishing shack form erupts from beneath the ice, having been

on the shore occupies a measly 5 ft. of space, and the obscured by the darkness. As Maximar sails through

Night Lurker appears roughly 40 ft. offshore. the air laughing maniacally, the creature seizes him

12 in a writing tentacle and pulls him beneath the water.
When the players first look upon Darkwater Pond,

read them the following text: The creature that has taken hold of Maximar is the

Night Lurker, a manifestation of a Kraken slain

As you climb the hills surrounding the cabin, the by Maximar in his glory days, its malevolent form

wind picks up to a steady howl that chills you to brought to life to haunt him in his final moments. The

the bone. After a short hike you find yourselves creature begins combat half above and half below the

overlooking Darkwater Pond, which has been frozen ice, allowing those who take the battle (or are forced

over with a thick sheet of navy blue ice lightly dusted to take it) underwater to continue to target and attack

with snow. Nearby you spy a small wooden shack it freely. Maximar himself delights in the battle as he

with fishing tools visible even at this distance. As struggles in the creature’s grasp in the frigid water. He

you peer in its direction, a hunched figure with a is far too exhausted and starved to be of any real help

fishing rod becomes noticeable about 30 ft. from the or escape, but he is not a Slayer for nothing, and should

edge of the pond, sitting on the ice. The figure does survive the encounter if the players are victorious.

not noticed you in any way as you approach, its gaze Treat Maximar as being grappled by the Night Lurker

fixed upon the blackened depths of the water. at all times, though he makes no attempt to free

himself. If the Night Lurker loses its grip on Maximar

The figure is of course, Maximar, who has come to the by action of the players, it focuses its attacks on that

pond suffering from starvation, old age, and delirium player for an entire round in a rage before returning

as he relives old battles from his glory days in the form to standard tactics.

of vivid hallucinations. If the players step onto the ice,

The Frostpine Horror

Part Three: Darkwater Pond

NIGHT LURKER Tentacle: Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 30 ft., 13
Gargantuan Undead, Chaotic Evil one target. Hit: 28 (4d8+10) bludgeoning damage and
the target is knocked prone.
Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 682 (36d20+288) Bonus Actions
Speed: 20 ft., Swim 60 ft.
Drag Under: The Night Lurker can shatter the ice
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA around a target within 30 ft. standing on the surface
30 (+10) 11 (+0) 26 (+8) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) of Darkwater Pond. Creatures within the area may
attempt a Dexterity saving throw against DC 23 to
Saving Throws: Str+18, Dex+8, Con+16, Int+14, avoid falling into the water, becoming completely
Wis+12 submerged. Prone creatures are not afforded this
Damage Immunities: Cold, poison, necrotic, saving throw, instead falling into the water.
bludgeoning, slashing, piercing from non-magic
weapons Legendary Actions
Condition Immunities: Frightened, petrified,
poisoned, exhaustion The Night Lurker can take 3 Legendary Actions,
Skills: Perception +13, Stealth +14 choosing from the options below. Only one Legendary
Senses: Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 14 Action can be used at a time and only at the end of
Languages: Understands Primordial another creature’s turn. The Night Lurker regains spent
Challenge: 29 (Epic Challenge 2) Legendary Actions at the start of its turn.

Traits Tentacle Attack: The Night Lurker makes one
tentacle attack.
Freedom of Movement: The Night Lurker ignores
difficult terrain, and magical effects can’t reduce its Drag Under: The Night Lurker uses Drag Under.
speed or cause it to be restrained. It can spend 5 ft. of
movement to escape from non-magical restraints or Dive (Costs 2 Actions): The Night Lurker dives
being grappled. beneath the surface, moving up to its swim speed to
a space it can see. When the Night Lurker breaches
Paragon: The Night Lurker is an extremely powerful the surface, targets in that area must make a Dexterity
being born from an Epic Character’s memories, it is an saving throw against DC 23 or be knocked into
Epic creature. the water and submerged in a space adjacent to the
Night Lurker. Those who succeed, or are already
Actions submerged, are still moved to an adjacent space.

Multiattack: The Night Lurker makes three tentacle Flash Freeze (Costs 3 Actions). The Night Lurker
attacks. casts the Epic spell flash freeze, with Spell Save DC 23.

Evil Gaze: The Night Lurker magically projects two
beams of negative energy, each of which can strike a
target it can see within 300 ft. This effect is identical to
the spell finger of death, dealing 62 (7d8+30) points of
necrotic damage on a failed Constitution saving throw
(DC 23) or half as much on a success.

The Frostpine Horror

Part Four: The Wendigo

On Epic Challenges Wendigo will telepathically taunt the player, usually
with a line about how much it will enjoy feasting on
You may be wondering what an Epic Challenge their bodies, though you are free to use whatever is
is. A creature with a level of Epic Challenge is an most appropriate. This effect will only occur once per
appropriate encounter for a party of four Epic encounter, and the Wendigo will not respond to any
characters with at least that many Epic levels. attempts to address or communicate with it.
Later on when the players face the Wendigo, you
should note the Wendigo is a creature of Mythic The lake is covered in a thick sheet of ice, which re-
Challenge. Like an Epic Challenge, a Mythic freezes at the end of the round in which it is broken. A
Challenge’s associated number refers to how creature with Strength of 25 or greater can break through
many Epic levels a party of four should posses the ice as a part of its movement (considering it difficult
to encounter the enemy. However, creatures terrain). Otherwise, a 5 ft. space of ice can be destroyed by
with Mythic Challenge are considerably more dealing 50 points of damage in a single round.
powerful than Epic ones, and a party with an
appropriate number of levels has a chance,
sometimes a slim one, of defeating their foe.

Tactics: The Night Lurker fights best on the water Part Four: The
and will go to great lengths to draw the players into Wendigo

fighting on its turf. Using Maximar as bait, the Night (Mythic Challenge 2)

Lurker will retreat out of range of most ranged attacks

14 and drag Maximar with it, forcing the players to brave Battle Map: The cabin is a building large enough for
the treacherous ice to save their mentor. If there are a man and his rather large dog, occupying a 30 ft. by

no players in melee range on the Night Lurker’s turn, 25 ft. space in the center of a large circular clearing

it instead uses its action to visibly torture and strangle 120 ft. in diameter. The trees along the edge are

Maximar before their eyes. You should indicate to the extraordinarily dense, with only 5 ft. of space between

players that this action brings Maximar closer to death. them and qualify as difficult terrain due to their thick

If the Night Lurker takes this action three times in a foliage. A single trail 15 ft. in diameter leads westward

single encounter, Maximar is slain. away from the cabin, providing the only clear point

of entry and exit from the clearing. The Wendigo

Should he die, and the players attempt to restore can attack through the trees, but will happily use the

Maximar to life, they find his spirit is unwilling to clearing if it knows it is not being observed.

return and is resting peacefully in the afterlife. If

Hunter is still alive at this point, he will fight viciously Appendix A contains the game statistics and tactics for

with them in battle and hope that he is slain so that he The Wendigo.

may join his master in death.

Once the Night Lurker has been defeated, the players

Lake of Ice: The Night Lurker fights in Darkwater can take stock of the situation. Assuming he survived

Pond for a reason. Any creature submerged in its depths the battle, Maximar is in no condition to talk, though

takes 11 (3d6) points of cold damage at the start of its powerful healing magic of at least 6th level or higher

turn, and is subject to drowning if applicable. If a player can restore him to consciousness and return his ability

is submerged under the ice at the start of their turn, the to speak. A successful Wisdom (Medicine) check of

The Frostpine Horror

Part Four: The Wendigo

20 or higher reveals a powerful force of Epic strength the cabin, Maximar regains consciousness (if he hasn’t
(the Wendigo) has caused Maximar to consume parts already) and is able to provide the players a few details
of his own flesh, reducing his maximum health to 10, about what has occurred, as well as some tools to help
and preventing any restoration to full strength. (See the them survive the Wendigo. Preferably after a fire has
Curse of the Wendigo ability for more details.) Any been made and comfortable seating arranged.
attempt to speak to Maximar while he is away from his
cabin elicits this feeble, fevered response: • The Wendigo arrived seven days ago, its
presence heralded by the coming storm. It
“Take me home. I wish to die in my own bed, on my caught Maximar alone as he was returning
own terms.” from fishing, having sensed danger was afoot,
and together they engaged in an epic struggle.
If Hunter accompanies the players, he refuses any course Unfortunately, the beast landed a series of lucky
of action that delays or prevents this from occurring, blows, and had Maximar beaten within an inch
attacking the players if necessary. Once returned to of his life. To his shame, Maximar cowered in

Epic Rituals cannot be interrupted or pursue any other significant 15
activity during this time. The area can be any size you
The spell that protects Maximar’s cabin is the Epic wish, encompassing entire cities or your own personal
ritual force field, the details of which are provided outhouse, as long as you have the necessary amount
below. Epic rituals are a component of Epic Legacy of adamantine to create it. Once cast, you must
still in development which will be made available once choose a single command word to activate the ritual.
complete, but this sample should give you a taste of Anyone within the area of the force field who knows
what is to come as well as some idea of what to expect the command word can speak it to activate the ritual,
as it continues development. so shrewd individuals rarely discuss the command
word loudly or in untrustworthy company. When the
Force Field command word is spoken while inside the ritual’s area,
the following effects take place for the next 24 hours:
Epic Ritual
• The area is completely encompassed in a
Class Restriction: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard. barrier of force meters thick that prevents
Preparation Time: 1 week per 100 sq. ft. all non-Deific exit and entry by any means,
Casting Time: 8 hours including teleportation or planar travel. (Spells
Components: V, S, M (a cube of adamantine worth that summon creatures will not function if
10,000 gp per 100 sq. ft.) those creatures must arrive from other planes.)
Duration: Permanent
• The barrier lasts for 24 hours, at which point
Speaking a simple command word of your choosing, the effect immediately ends and cannot be
you erect a nearly impenetrable fortress of force activated again until one week has passed.
similar to a giant forcecage, which bars all forms of
exit and entry. When you prepare this spell, designate • Powerful Epic abjuration magic can create a
an area, either a cube or sphere with a minimum of hole in force field for a brief period of time. The
100 sq. ft., to be its affected area. While preparing the Epic spell antimagic ray or a similar effect can
Epic Ritual force field, you must carefully measure the cause a collapse of the barrier for 1d4 rounds.
precise dimensions of the area; any flaw in your survey Treat force field as a Tier 3 Epic Spell for the
could lead to the ritual failing catastrophically, so you purposes of determining the chances of the
opposing spell being effective.

The Frostpine Horror

Part Four: The Wendigo

fear and cried out for the player characters to Maximar himself is once again unable to assist in the

save him. Intrigued, the Wendigo ceased its battle in any meaningful way, but Hunter certainly

attack and interrogated Maximar, ultimately will. Treat Maximar’s taunt as an automatic success

deciding to use him as bait in its twisted trap to as he releases a flurry of cusses, insults, and threats

weaken them as they hunted for Maximar while that send the Wendigo into a rage. The monster can

starving. hardly believe it has been outwitted, and immediately

uses its ability Into the Shadows to get a surprise attack

• If the players have not recovered Equalizer, and attempt to kill Maximar. To determine whether

Maximar gives them the key on his person Maximar survives the assault, roll a d20. On a result

that allows them to open the shed safely and of 10 or higher, Maximar lives but on a 9 or less, he

retrieve it. Once they have it in their possession dies. If the player characters render some form of

(or if they have it already, much to his chagrin), protection or assistance, you may grant advantage on

Maximar will bestow his blessing and attune a the roll. If Maximar survives, he assists by informing

player to the blade if they so wish. the players how wounded the beast is. Maximar can

accurately state if the Wendigo is within 300, 200, or

• Maximar can give the players basic descriptions 100 hit points from death, or has transitioned to its

of the Wendigo’s attacks and abilities it has in second phase.

its first phase.

If the players come up with some strategy of their own

16 Maximar has a plan to catch and kill the Wendigo, but to protect Maximar, note that the Wendigo has been
it will not be easy. Serving as bait, he and Hunter go watching the events unfold for some time at a distance,

outside the cabin and taunt the beast, claiming that he and could easily be aware of hidden characters or trap-

is fully restored and more than a match now that the like spells. Allow the Wendigo to make Perception

players have arrived. In reality, Maximar will remain checks with advantage against any who operate in the

in his weakened state (10 hit point max) and likely clearing prior to the battle.

suspects that he will be killed. However, the cabin has a

built in defensive perimeter than prevents anyone from Finally, if the players come up with a plan to bait

leaving the clearing thanks to a powerful Epic ritual he the Wendigo on their own (a necessity if Maximar

had an archmage cast upon his home. A person need is dead), only an incredible Charisma (Deception

only speak the word larsarakinas to activate this shield, or Intimidation) check of 30 or higher can draw

preventing all physical, magical, or incorporeal access the beast into attacking, using the same strategy as

to and from the cabin for 24 hours. before, but this time targeting the offending player

instead. Alternatively, if a character leaves the cabin

The players need not start the Wendigo encounter unaccompanied or if the Wendigo is unaware of any

immediately. They can still visit Icebough and learn nearby allies, it will attack.

more about the Wendigo before engaging in combat.

The Wendigo will not attack until it feels its victims

are suitably weakened by starvation and cannibalism.

The Wendigo is unlikely to fall for any trick other

than Maximar’s due to its high saves and perception.

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix A: The Wendigo


The Wendigo

Description ft. tall. Its head becomes that of a misshapen deer, 17
with the fangs and jagged canines of a predator,
“Go on, take a bite. I promise they won’t be missed.” and massive arms tipped with raking claws that
reach nearly to the ground, like those of a great
The sight of this monstrosity sends a chill down your ape. Its muscular legs end in cloven hooves, and the
spine. Its face is a twisted visage of a fanged elk, while creature’s stomach is so taut that its ribs are visible,
its muscular body is oversized and warped by some hinting at the eternal hunger that drives a Wendigo
malevolent evil. A single thick line of drool falls from its ever forward.
mouth as it slinks into the shadows with deceptive speed.
Heroes that become a Wendigo often hunt down
Background their loved ones, killing and feeding upon everyone
they once held dear. Once this grim task is finished,
Evil lurks in the hearts of mortals. Pushed to the a Wendigo retreats to the site of its transformation,
limit, even a good person will do unspeakable things slumbering there until it is disturbed by the presence
to survive. The Wendigo is a beast born of that of life. The Wendigo is patient with its new prey,
desperation, that willingness to cross any line, any allowing them to settle, build homes, and start
boundary, just to make it through one more day. families before awakening and descending upon
Many lesser creatures have been called Wendigo, and them in a flurry of snow and death.
the real thing is a blessedly rare occurrence. A true
Wendigo is only spawned when a hero falls, when a Regional Effects
dire situation pushes them to succumb to the darkness
within. They begin to consider killing friends or even The Plane of Malevolence: When a sleeping Wendigo
family for food, and while they fight those urges to awakens, it encapsulates everything within 5 miles of
the bitter end… once they cross that line, there is no itself in a demiplane, The Plane of Malevolence. The
turning back. demiplane is identical to the affected area, with all
terrain, structures, and objects mimicked perfectly.
Fully aware of what is happening to them, such Creatures that are awake at the time of transition
creatures will flee from civilized lands into colder must succeed on a DC 25 Perception check to notice
climates, compelled to distance themselves from the shift, otherwise they are unaware of what has
civilization. The transformation is brief and happened.
agonizing. The creature’s body twists and expands,
growing in size and stature until it stands nearly 10

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix A: The Wendigo

Regardless of the original weather of the area, The creature continues to starve, however, and will

snow immediately begins to fall, quickly becoming continue to gain one level of exhaustion at the end

a blizzard that is most intense at the edges of the of each long rest. Even creatures that do not require

plane. Creatures that attempt to leave the area find sustenance and are immune to starvation, such as

themselves walking back toward the center without undead and constructs, are compelled to eat, feeding

ever having turned around. Non-Epic magic spells endlessly on whatever meat they can find.

that would ordinarily teleport or move a character Tactics
outside the area, such as planeshift, do not function

while in The Plane of Malevolence, sputtering out

when cast in a disappointing display. This effect As a Mythic Monster, the Wendigo has a staggering

lasts until the Wendigo is slain, which frees those number of abilities and effects that it can use, with

trapped in the plane by causing it to collapse, or until devastating consequences. The following section is

it devours all living creatures within the area. If this divided up into two sections, one per phase. These

occurs, the Wendigo will seek out a new location to tactics will detail the suggested strategies to use when

hibernate, becoming a looming horror over the land running a standard encounter, though you are certainly

as it slumbers. encouraged to synergize the Wendigo’s abilities with

additional obstacles, hazards, and other monsters if

The Wendigo’s Curse: The Plane of Malevolence you so desire.

is inhospitable. Creatures trapped within are unable

18 to gain sustenance from food; even magically created Personality

meals feel empty and unsatisfying. Plant life withers

and dies, animals feed upon each other, and within The Wendigo is not an overly intelligent creature,

a week, the area is a complete wasteland. Creatures operating on primal emotions such as hunger, hatred,

in the area find themselves perpetually starving, and spite. It is just as likely to attack its most dangerous

gaining one level of exhaustion at the end of each enemy as it is to attack the one who looks most delicious.

long rest. A creature that gives in to its urges may, In addition, its sense of self preservation is not overly

as an action, feast on its own flesh or that of a nearby strong (it is a Mythic Monster, after all, fearing few

living creature of its same species or subspecies (for enemies), and will gladly suffer the triviality of one foe’s

example, humans may feed on elves and gain this attack to get to a particularly irksome enemy. The one

benefit, but a human could not feed on a wolf to gain thing that upsets the Wendigo more than any other is

this benefit). Creatures that partake in this fashion enemies who limit (or attempt to limit) its mobility.

are stripped of all levels of exhaustion (including To the Wendigo, this is a personal insult as well as

those granted by alternate means), but find their hit being extremely dangerous. It attacks perpetrators of

points and hit point maximum reduced by 2d10 per these effects with extreme prejudice.

level of exhaustion removed in this fashion. This hit

point reduction cannot be cured while in The Plane

of Malevolence.

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix A: The Wendigo

THE WENDIGO (TERROR PHASE) • Howl of Terror: The Wendigo lets loose a 19
Large Mythic Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil terrifying wail that is heard throughout The Plane
of Malevolence. All creatures in the demiplane
Armor Class: 24 must make a Wisdom saving throw against DC
Hit Points: 683 (65d10+325) 23 or become frightened. At the end of each of an
Speed: 60 ft. affected creature’s turns, it can attempt another
saving throw, ending the effect on a success. This
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA action cannot be prevented by any means except
24 (+7) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 22 (+6) a Deific source, and creatures immune to fear can
still be affected by Howl of Terror.
Saving Throws: Str + 16, Dex + 14, Con + 14, Int + 9,
Wis +9, Cha +15. Actions
Skills: Stealth +14, Nature +9, Animal Handling +9,
Perception +9, Survival +9, Intimidation +15 Psychic Ambush: The Wendigo teleports adjacent
Condition Immunities: Charmed, frightened, petrified, to a target it can see and rakes it with its terrible claws
stunned that shred the mind. This effect ignores all movement-
Epic Condition Immunities: Tainted, traumatized impairing conditions from non-Epic sources that affect
Damage Immunities: Damage from non-magic weapons, the Wendigo.
psychic, cold, necrotic
Damage Resistances: Acid • Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Sense: Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 19 one target. Hit: 51 (8d10+7) psychic damage. If
Languages: Telepathy (5 miles) a struck target is frightened, it is also knocked
Challenge: Mythic 2 prone.

Traits Legendary Actions

Unstoppable Terror: If the Wendigo fails a saving throw The Wendigo can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing
against a creature that is frightened of it, it can choose to from the options below. Only one Legendary Action
succeed instead. option can be used at a time and only at the end of
another creature’s turn. The Wendigo regains spent
Phased Monster: When the Wendigo is reduced to zero Legendary Actions at the start of its turn.
hit points, it enters Rage Phase, gaining new hit points and
abilities on its Rage Phase sheet. When the Wendigo enters Gaze of the Ravenous: Fixing its eyes upon a single
Rage Phase, it immediately uses its Howl of Rage Epic target, the Wendigo instills the spark of madness within
Action as detailed on its Rage Phase sheet. Nothing short of a creature it can see. The target must succeed on a
a Deific ability can prevent this action from occurring. Constitution saving throw (DC 23) or gain a level of
exhaustion. If the target is frightened, it gains two levels
Elusive: The Wendigo never provokes opportunity attacks. of exhaustion instead.

Lethal Stalker: The Wendigo’s damage rolls are always Into the Shadows: The Wendigo casts invisibility on
maximized when it attacks a creature that cannot see it. itself. This effect cannot be countered or dispelled by
frightened creatures.
Mythic Actions
Bone Spear: The Wendigo pulls out one of its many bone
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Wendigo spurs and throws it like a spear at a target within range.
causes one of the following effects.
• Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 120 ft.,
• Consume: The Wendigo moves up to its speed, one target. Hit: 32 (6d8+5) piercing damage. If
unhinges its jaw and bites down with terrific force. the struck target is frightened, this attack deals an
Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one additional 27 (6d8) psychic damage.”
target. Hit: 8d6+7 piercing damage. Critical Hit: 19-20.

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix A: The Wendigo

Terror Phase ‑‑ Into the Shadows can dramatically increase
the damage of any of the Wendigo’s attacks
This phase is focused around the Wendigo’s theme of via its Lethal Stalker feature. If a party is
terror and hunting, using its abilities to frighten its doing particularly well, consider using this
enemies, which empower its other abilities against ability prior to its Mythic Action or Action,
them. If you wish to roleplay during this phase, make then using Consume/Psychic Ambush for a
sure to emphasize the Wendigo’s sadistic nature when brutal hit. Keep in mind Consume is more
targeting frightened opponents. likely to critically hit.

• Mythic Actions: The Wendigo will use its ‑‑ Gaze of the Ravenous is very effective against

Howl of Terror at every opportunity until characters that are difficult to injure, as

the majority of its opponents are currently exhaustion can quickly become a problem

frightened. The reasons for this are as tactical for even Epic characters, causing them to

as they are thematic. The creature enjoys seeing consume their flesh to deal with the stacking

the look of terror on its foes’ faces, in addition debuff. If they are frightened, so much the

to gaining significant combat advantages better.

against its frightened foes. The Wendigo will

happily use Consume if its frightened effect is ‑‑ Bone Spear is your solution if the Wendigo

having little impact on its combat effectiveness, is getting paralyzed, grappled, or has its

20 or if there are few targets to affect. Consume movement significantly reduced. If a
is a great ability for targeting characters with concentration spell is giving you trouble, a

large hit point pools, as the traumatized status Bone Spear or two to a frightened caster’s

can take out even the meatiest warrior in a face should help you deal with it.

mere 3 rounds.

• Defenses: Speed is the Wendigo’s best defense.

• Actions: Psychic Ambush is a great maneuver You can use its movement to quickly navigate

against opponents who are staying safely out the battlefield and away from dangerous areas.

of range, or have put themselves inside areas This works even better if targets are frightened,

of protection. Obviously, if ideal targets are as the Wendigo can choose to succeed on

frightened, all the better. If forcecage is in your saving throws against those characters. This

party’s repertoire, expect having to use this makes passing through dangerous magical

ability to escape it. hazards, or dealing with other saving throw-

based abilities trivial, and able to be dealt with

• Legendary Actions: Because the Legendary on your terms.

Actions take place at the end of other creatures’

turns, they are not nearly as powerful as the

Wendigo’s Mythic Actions, but nevertheless

can be used to make a party’s life extremely


The Frostpine Horror

Appendix A: The Wendigo

THE WENDIGO (RAGE PHASE) • Howl of Rage: The Wendigo lets loose a furious 21
Large Mythic Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil roar that causes its body to swell with might.
Until the Wendigo is slain or all living things
Armor Class 24 within The Plane of Malevolence die, when the
Hit Points 473 (45d10+225) Wendigo deals damage to an enemy, it deals an
Speed: 60 ft. additional 5 damage. This effect stacks.

34 (+12) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 22 (+6)
Bloodhunt: The Wendigo teleports adjacent to a target
Saving Throws: Str+16, Dex+14, Con+14, Int+9, Wis+9, it can see and rakes it with its terrible claws that shred
Cha+15 its body. This effect ignores all movement-impairing
Skills: Stealth+14, Nature+9, Animal Handling+9, conditions from non-Epic sources that affect the
Perception+9, Survival+9, Intimidation+15 Wendigo.
Condition Immunities: Charmed, frightened, petrified,
stunned • Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Epic Condition Immunities: Mutilated, tainted target. Hit: 54 (12d6+12) slashing damage. Struck
Damage Immunities: Damage from non-magic weapons, targets must succeed on a Strength saving throw
psychic, cold, necrotic (DC 23) or be knocked prone.
Damage Resistances: Acid
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 19 Legendary Actions
Languages: Telepathy (5 miles)
Challenge: Mythic 2 The Wendigo can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing
from the options below. Only one Legendary Action
Traits option can be used at a time and only at the end of
another creature’s turn. The Wendigo regains spent
Bloodbath: The Wendigo’s rage grants it advantage on Legendary Actions at the start of its turn.
saving throws.
Greater Gaze of the Ravenous: Fixing its eyes upon a
Magical: The Wendigo’s attacks are magical. single target, the Wendigo instills the spark of madness
within a creature it can see. The target gains two levels
Savage: If the Wendigo is damaged by an attack from of exhaustion on a failed Constitution saving throw (DC
an enemy, it may use its reaction to move up to its speed 23) or one level of exhaustion on a success.
toward that enemy, and if in range, make a Savage Claw
attack. Flensing Roar: The Wendigo unleashes a bloodcurdling
roar that peels flesh from bone. Each creature within a
• Melee Weapon Attack: +21 to hit, reach 10 ft., one 40 ft. cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 23).
target. Hit: 36 (6d6+12) piercing damage. A creature takes 64 (16d6) thunder damage on a failed
saving throw, or half as much on a success. If a creature
Phased Monster: When the Wendigo takes a long rest, that fails its saving throw is adjacent to the Wendigo, it
it returns to its Terror Phase, returning to maximum hit becomes traumatized for 3 rounds.
Pounce: The Wendigo leaps to a target within 30 ft. that
Mythic Actions it can see and makes a single slashing claw attack.

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Wendigo • Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft., one
takes a Epic Action to cause one of the following effects. target. Hit: 33 (6d6+12) slashing damage.

• The Wendigo casts the Epic spell: ethereal nightmare.

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix A: The Wendigo

Rage Phase party is feeling overconfident. Traumatized is

a scary Epic Condition, and can put even the

If the Wendigo gets to its second phase, it flies into a most robust fighter on the defensive.

berserker rage. Its abilities now focus on raw power

rather than fear and stealth. Roleplaying this phase ‑‑ Even in its Rage Phase, the Wendigo is a mobile

should mention the Wendigo’s indiscriminate fury, monstrosity. Pounce should make sure that

attacking those that greatly injure as its highest if anyone is being too successful at avoiding

priority, and nearest enemies second. damage, the Wendigo has a little extra mobility

in store to ensure they get their fair share.

• Mythic Actions: The Wendigo can choose Treasure
between Howl of Rage or casting the Epic spell

ethereal nightmare. Howl of Rage will gradually

increase the damage of all of its abilities each Mantle of Hungering Fear

round it is used, making the fight unwinnable Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement; you must

for its enemies as its damage increase gets to consume 1 pound of flesh from a member of your own species)

absurd levels. This effect should be made obvious

as the Wendigo increases in muscle mass each The Wendigo’s hide and antlers can be removed through

round this is used. If a particular player is giving skinning and worn as a grim testament to one’s power.

the Wendigo trouble, using ethereal nightmare The hide makes up the cloak one wears upon the back,

22 on them can be a complete disaster, effectively while the head of the Wendigo with its antlers makes a

doubling the damage they take coupled with the grizzly hood that strikes terror into those who behold you.

general potency of psychic damage.

While wearing this item, your form appears gaunt and

• Actions: Bloodhunt works similarly to its emaciated as though you had not had a proper meal in

Terror Phase ability, but without the psychic weeks (this is not an Epic effect). While unattuned, the

damage. It should be used similarly. mantle has the following properties.

• You are immune to the frightened condition.

• Legendary Actions: See Terror Phase • You no longer need to eat or drink to survive.


While attuned, in addition to its unattuned features,

‑‑ Greater Gaze of the Ravenous is simply a more the mantle has the following properties:

powerful version of its Terror Phase ability, • As a bonus action, you may lose 25 hit points

which should add to the sense of imminent and consume a chunk of your own flesh to

doom as the Wendigo’s increased strength remove a single non-Epic condition from

becomes more evident. yourself, or a single point of exhaustion.

• When you act with surprise, you may take an

‑‑ Flensing Roar is a big ability that is particularly additional action on your turn.

devastating at point blank range. Using it • Creatures have disadvantage against spells,

after Bloodhunt for optimal positioning and abilities, or other effects from you that inflict

maximum effect can be a game changer if a the frightened condition.

The Frostpine Horror

Death Throes Appendix A: The Wendigo
When the Wendigo is slain, it lets out a final
howl that can be heard by all living things
within The Plane of Malevolence. For those
who struck the Wendigo down, this howl
will haunt their dreams for the rest of their
lives. The creature who slew the Wendigo
(or directly controlled creatures that slew
it) with the final blow is afflicted with a
terrifying, if relatively harmless curse.
Whenever that creature takes a rest in
which they sleep, they experience
a nightmare lasting one hour in
which the Wendigo stalks them
through a shadowy forest. At
the end of this nightmare,
the creature is caught and
consumed by the Wendigo, and
the nightmare ends. Creatures
that no longer sleep are instead
frightened by the Wendigo for 1
hour when they take a long rest,
manifesting as a paranoia that
cannot be cured. Only Deific
power can end this effect.

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix B: Epic Affixes


Epic Affixes

Even a massive pack of dire wolves a hundred strong Fortification has their Armor Class increased by the

would likely swiftly fall to your epicly-powered PCs. following:

One of the encounters in The Frostpine Horror instead • Fortification I +4 AC

features eight Dire Wolves empowered by Epic • Fortification II +6 AC

Affixes, powerful improvements easily applied to any • Fortification III +8 AC

monster design that make them an opponent Epic

characters won’t be able to wade through unscathed. Hearty: Hearty creatures are imbued with bonus hit

The following Epic Affixes are used in this adventure points, granting them bonus staying power on the

to augment the Dire Wolves used in the Ravenous battlefield. For each point of Hearty, a creature’s max

Hounds encounter, to make them a threat that takes health increases by the following:

a reasonable amount of resources and a tactical mind • Hearty I +100 hit points

24 to defeat. In addition, the Paragon Epic Affix is used • Hearty II +200 hit points

for the Night Lurker encounter to give it the Epic • Hearty III +300 hit points

Creature trait, preventing Epic Prestige Classes with Brutality Affixes
exceptional advantages against non-Epic creatures

from making the mini-boss a trivial encounter with a

single feature or ability. Brutality affixes ensure that the foes an Epic party

faces can deal threatening damage, requiring caution,

Tenacity Affixes healing, and tactical decisions to prevent serious

injury. Classic monsters can certainly hit hard, but may

Tenacity Affixes are design to draw out an encounter’s be missing the necessary attack bonus, damage type, or

length by granting resistances, immunities, damage abilities to threaten players.

reductions, and the ability to spawn allies. Most classic

monsters, even mighty dragons, will quickly fall to Keen: A creature with a Keen affix is more likely to

Epic characters in a round or two without at least one score vicious blows against a target. A creature with

of these affixes. the Keen affix has its chance to critically hit on its

attacks modified according to the following:

Fortification: Fortified creatures have exceptionally • Keen I Critical range 19-20

improved armor. Whether they are outfitted with • Keen II Critical range 18-20

godlike armaments, or have developed shockingly • Keen III Critical range 17-20

thick hides, fortified creatures present a challenging

target for many martial characters. A creature with

The Frostpine Horror

Appendix B: Epic Affixes

Impact: The Impact affix increases damage on the the strength of this ability can vary dramatically
depending on which ability or attack you improve,
basic attacks and spells of a creature, so that even the though as a general rule you should aspire to make the
bonus action an ability significant enough to cause the
most simple of attacks can be a cause for concern. A players to take notice.

creature with Impact deals additional damage when Paragon: Even with Epic affixes, creatures can still be
shockingly vulnerable to the power of Epic characters.
they make an attack or cast a spell that does damage. The most extreme powers will not afford non-Epic
foes a chance to save against instant death effects,
You determine the damage type associated with the for example, allowing for wholesale massacres. The
Paragon affix treats a creature as an Epic creature for
Impact affix at the time of the monster’s creation. the purposes of determining effects of Epic abilities.

• Impact I +1d6 damage per hit Predator: Some Epic characters may be exceptionally
sneaky. For when the unstoppable Epic rogue begins to
• Impact II +2d6 damage per hit bypass all your encounters, the Predator affix provides
a solution. Creatures with ranks in this affix gain
• Impact III +3d6 damage per hit bonuses to their senses according to the list below:

Precision: It is all too likely that many monsters • Predator I +10 to Perception
• Predator II +15 to Perception, Truesight 120 ft.
will need an improved attack bonus in order to have

a prayer of striking Epic opponents. The Precision

affix exists to offer a solution, dramatically improving

a creature’s attack bonus to new Epic-level strength.

The creature’s attack bonus improves according to the


• Precision I +5 to hit

• Precision II +7 to hit 25

• Precision III +9 to hit

Utility Affixes

Utility affixes help fill the gaps between Brutality
and Tenacity affixes. While some may still improve
a creature’s attacks and defenses, the main focus is to
give a creature more tactical abilities to increase its
movement, support skills, and general frustration for
Epic characters. Forcing an Epic character to consider
their next move is the bread and butter of powerful
monsters with Utility affixes.

Alacrity: Creatures with Alacrity take bonus actions,
where they ordinarily would not. Generally, this is
done by improving the speed of one of their current
abilities or attacks so they may do it as a bonus action.
For example, a sphinx may get to roar as a bonus action
instead of an action, while a goblin may get to take a
dash action similar to a rogue. For obvious reasons,

The Frostpine Horror

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