UO brings Israeli
innovator to Eugene
as visiting scholar
– page 2
Wasserstrom joins
Oct. 13, 2021 / Cheshvan 7, 5782 Volume 56, Issue 22 mayor's office – page 2
"Be there" for your community Climate change, the
law & Judaism – page 4
You don’t need to show up – in person or vir- it is not possible to gather.
tually – in order to be there for your community. “As much as we want to hug and engage and Event briefs: EJC
As the pandemic continues down an unpre- bring people together, we can’t,” says JFGP open house; Shabbat
dictable path, the Jewish Federation of Greater Campaign Director Wendy Kahn.
Portland decided to focus on keeping everyone “The Don’t Show Gala is not a synchronous Shebang; Shmita
safe physically – by forgoing an in-person event gathering of our entire community, but we en- class; Israeli-
– and emotionally – by not adding a Zoom com- courage the community to celebrate where we Ethiopian activist;
mitment to busy online schedules. have come from and where we are heading in a and child survivor
The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland’s way that is meaningful for them,” says Jessica
first-ever “Please Don’t Show Gala” is a Zutz Hilbert, who co-chairs the Federation cam- – page 5
fund-raising “event” that will enable donors to paign with Ted Nelson.
give their support as one community even when See DON'T SHOW GALA, page 4 New books from local
CSP brings back old favorites authors – page 6
They’re back! “They” being animals, smiles and Jennifer Fel- Zoom
berg, all of which returned to Cedar Sinai Park this fall.
The pandemic has seriously limited both human and animal vis- with
itors to senior living campuses for nearly 18 months. As much as director
residents have missed seeing family and friends, the loss of animal – page 6
visits also has been felt keenly.
“Animals play a huge role in curbing depression and loneliness
– especially in a skilled nursing and assisted-living setting,” says
Jennifer, who returned to CSP in early September to serve as 22nd Oregon Jewish
Director of Community Life. Voices comes to
When Jennifer previously worked at CSP, she oversaw a “very Zoom – page 7
active animal therapy program that helped people.” She recalls one
woman in hospice who was greatly calmed when a therapy cat Chaplain's Corner:
curled up with her for her final two hours.
See RETURNING TO CSP, page 7 Restore our comfort
Benito the zones – page 8
therapy llama
brought joy Jobs Board: CSP,
and smiles BB Camp, MJCC,
to residents
at Rose OJMCHE – page 9
Manor and Life-cycle: Worley-
Harold Spiegel wedding
Schnitzer – page 10
Center for
Living on his
first visit to Obituaries: Fox
Cedar Sinai – page 10
Park's senior
campus since Kol Shalom moves
the pandemic – page 10
Shuly Wasserstrom
Refael Shamir, right, to serve as Mayor's
presents his Letos social media specialist
physiological mon-
itoring technology Shuly Wasserstrom was recently hired as
at a conference in Communications and Social Media Spe-
Lisbon. Now Shamir cialist to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler.
is working with Shuly attended
Univerity of Oregon Portland Jewish
graduate students Academy through
and Ph.D. candi- 8th grade. She spent
dates to adapt his time in Israel during
technology for and after college,
U.S. markets. getting her start in
Israeli visiting scholar at UO journalism at the
Jerusalem Post as a
Breaking News Ed-
BY DEBORAH MOON and respiratory rates throughout the day. itor, Newscast Host
Israeli innovator Refael Shamir arrived in “The device can be attached to clothing and Features Writer. She spent over six
Eugene early this month as a visiting schol- and allows a robust measurement to allow years in the newsroom at KOIN 6 News,
ar at the University of Oregon, where he people to give to their family doctor an rising to Social Media Manager, before tak-
will work with graduate students and Ph.D. objective, rather than the usual subjective ing this new role. She was also a freelance
candidates to adapt his physiological moni- assessment, when they ask questions like writer for Oregon Jewish Life magazine.
toring technology for the U.S. market. ‘how do you feel’,” says Shamir. “It is an Her mother, Judy Margles, is the Execu-
Shamir, 31, is the founder of Letos, a com- aid for diagnostics for doctors.” tive Director of the Oregon Jewish Muse-
puter software start-up that specializes in be- Shamir has already spent a couple of um and Center for Holocaust Education,
havioral sciences, affective-neuroscience and months working with UO remotely and and her father, Steve, is a professor of Ju-
well-being technologies. In Oregon, he will will be in Eugene for two months. daic Studies at Reed College.
work on adapting the technology for which His project with UO is part of the NGI
he developed the hardware in Israel before Explorers program, which provides Eu-
moving the company to Germany in 2018 to rope’s top researchers and innovators an Volunteers sought for
continue the development of software. immersive experience in the United States. mobile vaccine unit
Unlike cardiac monitors used in hospitals “NGI connected me with UO and financed The Congregation Neveh Shalom
or head or wristband monitors, the Letos the process,” he says. “NGI is a consortium COVID-19 Outreach and Services
monitor does not require skin contact and of three organizations in Europe. Together, team is launching its own mobile vac-
can be worn comfortably on the outside of they use a pot of funding to connect European cine unit. Under the leadership of CNS
clothes to accurately monitor respiration researchers with U.S.-based universities.” board member Dr. Michelle Alberts,
rates and pulse. A recent study by the Uni- Born in Jerusalem, Shamir was just 17 CNSCOS will host its own COVID-19
versity of Potsdam showed the technology when he began his studies at the Jerusalem vaccine events and work with part-
provided data consistent with more intru- College of Engineering while still in high ners around the greater Portland area.
sive monitors. school. He was able to continue his stud- This program will give CNSCOS new
“We provide a remote, discrete solution ies during his military service. Following flexibility to reach as many people
… to monitor physiological parameters graduation, he worked in Israel in industry as possible. As booster shots become
(such as heart and respiratory rates) for and startups for five years, including work available and children become eligible
the purpose of objectively assessing user on medical devices supporting diagnosis, to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s
comfort and well-being,” says Shamir. specifically cervical cancer. imperative that we have more avail-
“Together with UO, we wish to adapt the “When you work for start-up companies, able vaccinator teams.
solution for the U.S. market to provide large corporates come to the start-ups and We need a pool of volunteer medical
early signs of a developing infectious dis- offer them some of their next-generation professionals (currently working or re-
ease (such as COVID) from the comfort of developments to see if the start-ups can help tired) who are trained to administer vac-
our homes, while maintaining the highest find uses for such technologies,” says Shamir. cines. We’re looking for volunteers who
levels of security and privacy standards.” “During my last year working for that start- would be able to work one to two vac-
The original premise of the technology up, I came across a very specific technology cine events per month at various times of
was to offer the field of psychology an as- that was initially aimed at long-term moni- day. If you’re not a medical professional,
sessment of stress levels. But Shamir says toring of patients in clinics and hospitals to we also need volunteers to work at our
stress-related acceleration of heart and respi- replace the 12-lead electrocardiogram that vaccine events in other ways.
ration are also early indicators of infection. might be used for overnight observations.” If you’d like to be a vaccinator,
“An early reaction that manifests via the Shamir founded Letos to use the technol- or other volunteer role to help with
increase of resting heart rate over 24 hours ogy in a more consumer-oriented approach. events, fill out the interest form at
is an early prediction of infection, which This is his second time in the United In the
manifests a few days before symptoms of States. In 2018, he was invited as a speak- next couple of weeks, you’ll receive
fever and cough for COVID or other dis- er to discuss wearable technology at a a more detailed form with questions
eases,” he says. NVIDIA GTC conference about your availability. For questions,
Letos offers a consumer-oriented ap- For more information on Letos, visit email [email protected].
proach with at-home monitoring of heart
2 Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021
Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021 3
Solomon’s Legacy to explore climate change
Solomon’s Legacy will explore climate change from a legal per-
spective on Zoom at 11:45 am, Oct. 27.
“Climate Change and the Public Trust” will feature University of
Oregon Professor Mary Wood and Nigel Savage, founder of Hazon,
the Jewish Lab for Sustainability. Solomon’s Legacy is the Jewish
Federation of Greater Portland’s affinity group of local Jewish attor-
neys, judges and law students.
Wood is a Philip H. Knight Professor of Law and the Faculty
Director of the law school’s nationally acclaimed Environmental
and Natural Resources Law Center. Savage led Hazon from 2000
to 2021, during which time it became the largest faith-based en-
vironmental organization in North
Professor Wood will focus on “the
role of law and the courts in this cli-
mate emergency.” For example, she
plans to explore a case filed in 2015
by 21 youth plaintiffs challenging Nigel Savage, in striped tallit, led a Hazon group at a climate march
the entire U.S. fossil fuel system in in Washington, D.C., in 2019. He will talk about climate change at
federal district court in Oregon. She the Oct. 27 Solomon’s Legacy program.
also will draw on the legacy of great
judicial figures in Oregon who have chose to address climate change because, “There is much we can
paved the way for judicial remedies learn from our tradition as to how we can be stewards of our planet
in times of ecological crisis. … Education and awareness can lead to action.”
Savage stepped down from his post “Being a steward is about doing in the present to help ensure
as Hazon CEO to spend the Shmita a better, healthier future,” says Spector. He adds that Solomon’s
year in Israel. Commonly translated as Professor Mary Wood Legacy shares “the wisdom of our sages” and information about
the sabbatical year, Shmita is the sev- “what is occurring in the legal arena” in order to “inspire action for
enth year of the seven-year agricultural cycle, when the Torah dictates us as Jews and lawyers.”
the land of Israel be left fallow and debts be forgiven. Savage says the Solomon’s Legacy is named for the late, longtime Oregon U.S.
Shmita is a reminder that “We’re overconsuming our world.” District Court Judge Gus Solomon, the first Jewish federal judge
“It has never been more important for every Jewish community to for Oregon, and for the biblical King Solomon, who was renowned
start to take serious steps to address the climate crisis – and I’ll talk as a wise judge. Judge Solomon was well known for welcoming
about that in my session,” says Savage. He also plans to share a Tal- new Jewish lawyers to the community.
mudic text about the commons (land and natural resources) to lead The first 10 to 15 minutes of the Oct. 27 Zoom program will give
into a discussion about “the relationship between Jewish tradition participants the opportunity to gather in small breakout rooms to
and the world around us.” network before the presentation begins at noon.
The Solomon’s Legacy committee, chaired by Marshal Spector, Register at
DON'T SHOW GALA (continued from page 1)
“I think it goes without saying that
what JFGP did in terms of COVID re- “As much as we want to hug and engage
lief was nothing short of extraordinary,”
says Jessica. “To have raised nearly a and bring people together, we can’t.”
million dollars (in addition to our An-
nual Campaign) to buoy our commu- ~ JFGP Campaign Director Wendy Kahn
nity during an incredibly difficult time
of darkness and uncertainty will be
something I will be proud to have been and looking forward to a world where donor who will match all increases of
associated with for the rest of my life. COVID doesn’t dominate every decision 10% or more.”
But all of that effort was, to some degree, we make,” says Jessica, whose family From the French phrase Répondez s’il
to maintain a stasis.” increased its contribution this year. “I do vous plaît meaning “Please respond,”
The 2022 Campaign for Community think that our needs are greater than ever RSVP takes on new meaning this year. This
Needs can provide even more critical ser- at this time. I personally am witnessing that year, it is a request to respond with a do-
vices for seniors, children and everyone in our community is alive and poised for fu- nation rather than attendance – to be there
between that JFGP has supported for more ture growth.” for your community, while staying safely
than a century, while also looking forward Wendy adds, “We want to inspire the apart. The RSVP card in the invitation in-
to the next 100 years. Jewish community through our collabo- cludes three ways to donate: returning the
“We believe we are at a turning point, rative work and keep Jewish life flourish- card, scanning the QR code or going online
straddling the line between pandemic life ing. And once again we have a wonderful at
4 Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021
Oct. 15: Eastside Jewish Commons Open House Havurah Zoom rooms, call the Havurah office at 503-248-4662,
Eastside Jewish Commons invites the community to visit its Jew- ext. 2, or email [email protected] to set up a time to answer
ish community space from 1 to 2:30 pm, Oct. 15. some basic security questions. If you are a nonmember, a $10 per
This upcoming open house will be the 10th that Executive Di- class donation is suggested at
rector Cara Abrams has hosted since she began her position in Havurah also plans to hold Shmita events during 5782. One of the
July. Cara and EJC Board members offer tours of the Commons’ first is a collection drive of clothing and housing necessities for NE
13,000-square-foot building, winding through the many spaces homeless camps. Tikkun Olam’s Poverty & Homelessness Com-
available for rent, including its co-working space called the Hive. mittee member, Jenn Louis, has been supplying food and more to
In addition to checking out the facility, the open houses have been those on the streets. Jenn posts regularly on Havurah’s Facebook
nice opportunities for people to learn about the EJC’s mission of page “News from the Streets.”
creating and sustaining a thriving hub of Jewish community on the
eastside. Oct. 20: Israeli-Ethiopian activist Ashager Araro
Cara looks forward to meeting visitors and hearing ideas and Israeli-Ethiopian activist Ashager Araro will share her story and
dreams for a community building on the eastside. the contributions of Ethiopian Jews in Israel in an 8 pm, Oct. 20,
EJC is located at 2420 NE Sandy Blvd. Come to the far-left en- Zoom program presented by Neveh Shalom’s Israel360 and PDX
trance and ring the doorbell if no one is waiting to greet you. If Hillel.
eligible, vaccination is required. Thank you for wearing a mask Araro was born on an Ethiopian roadside while her parents were
upon arrival. escaping to Israel through Operation Solomon – a covert military
For more information, visit mission that airlifted nearly 15,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel over
36 hours in 1991.
Oct. 15-16: Shabbat Shebang with NCSY As one of eight siblings, she grew up in central Israel and went on
Portland NCSY invites 8-12th graders for a Shabbat Shebang to excel in the Israel Defense Forces, where she rose to the rank of
weekend with two events in one weekend. lieutenant in the prestigious Paratroopers Brigade. Following her
On Friday, enjoy a free Shabbat dinner 7:30-9:30 pm, Oct. 15. military service, Araro pursued a career in diplomacy and social
Dinner will be at the NCSY Building, 6688 SW Capitol Hwy., advocacy, visiting countries around the world to engage audiences
Portland. as a proud Black, Jewish, Israeli woman.
On Saturday, get She is active on social media and uses a strong presence on
lost at the corn maze Twitter/Instagram to speak on crucial topics and shed light on
with us at Bella the diversity of the Jewish people. Alongside her fulfilling work
Organic Farm on in public diplomacy, Araro built Battae, a center for Ethiopian
Sauvie Island. There Israeli heritage. Through educational programs, the center en-
are approximate- ables Israelis and members of the global Jewish community to
ly 2.7 miles of start- explore the unique story and contributions of Ethiopian Jews
to-finish pathways in Israel.
in Bella Farm’s To register for the free program, go to
7-acre Sauvie Island
corn maze, and it Oct. 23: Next Generations hosts child survivor
takes intrepid vis- The Next Generations Group will host child survivor Rosalyn
itors an average of Kliot on Zoom at 3 pm, Oct. 23.
one hour to figure Rosalyn will speak about her family’s history, her parents’ daring
their way out. Cost escape from a concentration camp, and their resistance, resilience,
is $10 per person. endurance and strength. She’ll also reflect on her own experience
NCSY is dedicated and survival growing up as an “inheritor of a genocidal legacy.”
to connect, inspire “This is a story not only about the tragedy of war but is also a
and empower Jew- love story about her parents who met and fell in love at Klooga
ish teens and to encourage passionate Judaism. For more informa- Concentration camp in Estonia,” says Rosalyn. “It’s a story about
tion, contact Meira Spivak at 503-757-3037 or [email protected]. miracles and healing, and in Rosalyn’s words, ‘that trauma is the
Register for one or both events at crack that lets in the light, and that anything is possible – that good
can come out of anything.’”
Oct. 17: Class on Shmita and mental health Rosalyn is an award-winning artist as well as an occasional writ-
Havurah Shalom will present a virtual class, “A Shmi- er, and her art, poetry and essays have been published in various
ta for Hearts and Minds: Building Our Mental Health Re- journals and books. She is a longtime member of NGG, and her
silience While Doing Climate and Social Justice Work, art has been featured in many of the group’s holiday greeting mes-
and Our Personal Healing,” at 7-9 pm, Sunday, Oct. 17. sages. Creating art has been a personal lifetime-sustaining force
The Shmita, or sabbatical, year has foundational teachings to nour- for her. She has been speaking out against hatred, discrimination
ish our mental health. Join Harriet Cooke and others for a presen- and anti-Semitism to students and community groups for almost
tation and discussion on how we can build mental and emotional 30 years and is a member of the OJMCHE Speakers Bureau. Ro-
resilience inspired by Shmita and other teachings. We will explore salyn grew up in Chicago and Skokie, Ill., and has lived in Oregon
the four kabbalistic worlds to better understand and practice what nearly 40 years.
contributes to our mental health. To attend and receive the Zoom link, email NGG co-coordinator
Registration is available on To get access to Sue Wendel at [email protected].
See more online and in-person events at
Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021 5
Lisa T. Sarasohn wrote
Getting Under Our Skin: David Sarasohn and Gregg Coodley co-authored The
The Cultural and Social His- Green Years, 1964-1976: When Democrats and Republi-
tory of Vermin. cans United to Repair the Earth.
Three locals pen two books on
vermin and the environment
Two new books written by members of From eighteenth-century London mer-
Portland’s Jewish community were pub- chants anointing their carved bedsteads
Free screening of lished in September. with roasted cat to repel bedbugs to mod-
Lisa T. Sarasohn’s Getting Under Our Skin: ern-day hedge fund managers hoping
“Upheaval: The Journey The Cultural and Social History of Vermin neighbors won’t notice exterminators in
of Menachem Begin” was published by Johns Hopkins Universi- their penthouses, the studies in this book
ty Press Sept. 21. Lisa is Professor Emerita reveal that vermin continue to fuel our
Congregation Neveh Shalom, Israel 360 of history at Oregon State University. prejudices and threaten our status. Getting
and the Jewish Federation of Greater Port- Lisa’s husband, David Sarasohn, and Under Our Skin will appeal to cultural his-
land invite you to a free online screening of Gregg Coodley co-authored The Green torians, naturalists and to anyone who has
the documentary “Upheaval: The Journey Years, 1964-1976: When Democrats and ever scratched – and then gazed in horror.
of Menachem Begin” to be enjoyed any- Republicans United to Repair the Earth, In The Green Years, 1964-1976, Gregg and
time between Oct. 31 and Nov. 5. A free which was published by University Press David offer the first comprehensive history
Zoom discussion with the film’s director, of Kansas Sept. 30, 2021. After a stint as of the period when the
Jonathan Gruber, will be at 7 pm, Nov. 4. a history professor at Reed College and a United States created
Watch the incredible life story of former magazine editor, David joined the Orego- the legislative, legal
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin nian in 1983. When he retired, he was the and administrative
– imprisoned by the Soviets, orphaned newspaper’s Associate Editor. Gregg is a structures for environ-
by the Holocaust, crowned Peacemaker physician and the Medical Director at the mental protection that
by the Nobel Prize Committee – in this Fanno Creek Clinic. are still in place over
captivating documentary. With evoca- David recently finished his second term 50 years later. They
tive imagery, rarely seen archival mate- on the board of Congregation Beth Israel, tell a dramatic story
rials and revealing interviews with those where all three authors have been members. of cultural change,
who knew him, Upheaval portrays the In Getting Under Our Skin, Lisa tells the grassroots activism
life and essence of this brilliant, tough, fascinating story of how vermin came to and political leadership that led to the pas-
complex, loving and proud man, who signify the individ- sage of a host of laws attacking pollution
never compromised when the survival uals and classes that under President Johnson. With Stewart
of Israel and the Jewish people were at society impugns and Udall as secretary of the interior, the Wil-
stake. View a trailer for the movie at ostracizes. How did derness Act, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act these creatures go and other land-protection measures were
Jonathan Gruber has been directing, writ- from annoyance to so- passed, and the department shifted its fo-
ing and producing award-winning docu- cial stigma? And how cus to broader national conservation issues.
mentary films for more than 20 years. His did people thought of The fast-paced story the authors tell is not
documentaries include “Miriam Beerman: as verminous come to only about the Democratic Party; in this era,
Expressing the Chaos,” “Follow Me,” be considered almost there was still a vital Republican conserva-
“Life Is a Banquet,” “Jewish Soldiers in a species of vermin tion tradition. In both the House and Senate
Blue & Gray,” “STU” and “Pola’s March” themselves? Focusing on Great Britain and and in the Nixon and Ford administrations,
He was also the co-creator and executive North America, Sarasohn explains how Republicans played vital roles. President
producer of the MSNBC series “The Story the label “vermin” makes dehumanization Nixon established the Environmental Pro-
of Cool.” and violence possible. She describes how tection Agency and signed into law the
To reserve your space for the Zoom dis- Cromwellians in Ireland and the U.S. cav- 1970 Clean Air Act, revisions in 1972 to the
cussion and receive the links to the movie, alry on the American frontier both justified Clean Water Act and the 1973 Endangered
please register at slaughter by warning “Nits grow into lice.” Species Act. Under Nixon, actions were
For questions, contact Rachel Nelson at Nazis not only labeled Jews as vermin, taken to protect the oceans, forests, coast-
[email protected] or 503-892- they used insecticides in the gas chambers al zones and grasslands while regulating
7415. to kill them during the Holocaust. chemicals, pesticides and garbage.
6 Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021
Joan Dobbs Ellen Michaelson Daniel Pollack-Pelzner Willa Schneberg Amy Shapiro
Oregon Jewish Voices returns Oct. 26 on Zoom
Now in its 22nd year, Oregon Jewish Voices will feature promi- Care of Strangers, winner of the 2019 Miami Book Fair de Groot
nent Oregon Jewish poets and writers reading selections from their Prize, is her first book.
work at 7 pm, Oct. 26, on Zoom. Essayist Daniel Pollack-Pelzner grew up in Portland and taught
Started in 1999, this annual event organized by writer Willa literature at the American School of Paris, Kehillah Jewish High
Schneberg features readings by prominent Oregon Jewish poets School in California, Harvard University and Linfield College.
and writers, whose work spans a range of genres, including fiction, He is a visiting scholar at Portland State University, scholar-in-
poetry, nonfiction and essays. The free program is sponsored by residence at the Portland Shakespeare Project and Shakespeare
the Oregon Jewish Museum & Center for Holocaust Education. scholar for the Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association.
Oregon Jewish Voices was co-founded by Willa and OJMCHE Daniel last appeared onstage as Mordechai in Havurah Shalom’s
Director Judy Margles. adults-only Purim spiel.
This year’s featured writers are Joan Dobbie, Ellen Michaelson, Poet Willa Schneberg is a poet, essayist, visual artist, curator and
Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, Willa Schneberg and Amy Shapiro. psychotherapist in private practice. She has authored five poetry
Poet Joan Dobbie was born to refugee parents in Trogen, collections including In The Margins of The World, which received
Switzerland, and grew up in a small town in New York. She holds the Oregon Book Award, and her latest volume, Rending the Gar-
an MFA in creative writing from the University of Oregon. De- ment. A new manuscript, The Naked Room, was a runner-up for the
spite her many small press publications, chapbooks and two full- Sally Albiso Award.
length poetry collections, her greatest claim to fame is that she was Singer/songwriter Amy Shapiro was born in Madison, Wis., in
actually at Woodstock. Joan resides in Eugene and co-hosts the 1952 and now lives in Portland with her husband, Jeffrey Olenick.
River Road Reading Series. She is a Jewish music performer, songwriter, teacher, lay can-
Novelist Ellen Michaelson is a physician in Portland and an MFA tor and community activist. In June of 2021, Amy achieved her
graduate from Pacific University. An assistant professor of medi- 30-year goal of getting the Oregon State Legislature to officially
cine at OHSU and vice president of the board of the NW Narrative change the offensive lyrics in Oregon’s state song, “Oregon, My
Medicine Collaborative, she was an NEH Fellow in Medical Hu- Oregon,” to her updated lyrics.
manities and attended the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. The Register at
RETURNING TO CSP (Continued from page 1)
“I can’t imagine not having had that,”
Jennifer says. “We are excited to bring back
Jennifer worked at CSP for eight years
before leaving four years ago to work with therapy dogs, cats, bunnies,
her sister at Applied Curiosity Lab, “where
we had a podcast and performed corporate etc., like we did BC
trainings on how to use curiosity as a stra-
tegic tool for business.” She then sold tile (before COVID).”
and stone for two years before CSP CEO
Kimberly Fuson asked her if she wanted to ~ CSP Director of Community Life
“come back home.” Jennifer Felberg
“Of course I did, because I love the com-
munity here,” Jennifer says.
Jennifer wasted no time getting animals “We are excited to bring back therapy Salty Dog' – and cake."
back on campus. Mtn Peaks Therapy Lla- dogs, cats, bunnies, etc., like we did BC With her return to CSP, Jennifer’s prima-
mas & Alpacas used to bring a llama to (before COVID),” says Jennifer. “We had ry focus is to ensure staff, volunteers, resi-
visit the seniors about every three months. a yearly visit from the Portland Traveling dents and the community understand CSP’s
During Sukkot, Benito the Llama came to Zoo that would even bring a snake.” culture as a community with Jewish values
the campus to bring smiles to many seniors. She also hopes to bring back “our dog where people love and support each other.
Jennifer hopes to have a llama or alpaca birthday parties with music – think 'Who For more information on the senior living
on campus about every three months. Let the Dogs Out' and 'I Wanna Be Your campus, visit
Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021 7
Chaplain's Corner
Restore Our Comfort Zones
The days are getting shorter. The nights are get-
ting longer. The skies are dreary. The mist and
fog are returning … and with it the rain.
Published biweekly by Fall has knocked me out of the comfort zone of
Jewish Federation of summer. Granted, at times the heat was brutal.
Greater Portland But I enjoyed the blue skies, the long sun-filled Rabbi Barry
9900 SW Greenburg Road, days and plenty of opportunities to get outside. Cohen is
the Jewish
Suite 220 For nearly two years, how many times have we community
Tigard, OR 97223 been knocked out of our comfort zones? chaplain of
503-245-6219 Pre-pandemic, I had settled into a comfortable the Greater rhythm. Consistently, I met face-to-face with in- Portland area.
dividuals, families and groups. We shared quality
Editor time, whether in private homes, retirement com- What knocks you out of your comfort zone?
munity residences, communal meeting rooms,
Deborah Moon the MJCC lobby or coffee houses scattered After we answer that question, we face the next
[email protected] throughout Portland. Hospitals were wide open one: How can we find a way to get back into our
503-892-7404 (message) for visits. There were also hospice interactions comfort zone?
at various locations. I enjoyed in-person teach- We can transform our indulgences into regular
Circulation ing in retirement communities, high schools and self-care. Why not spoil ourselves more often …
To receive the Jewish synagogues. guilt-free?
Review in your email inbox, I spent more time away from my office than in We can embrace the beauty of the changing
email your name and email my office. season. The day I look at the natural setting that
address to Cue the pandemic-imposed screeching of tires. surrounds us and take it for granted will be a sad,
[email protected] COVID completely disrupted my rhythm and soulless day.
your rhythm. We can slow down. We all know how strange
OPINIONS printed in the Then the tease. I thought we turned the corner time can be. Sometimes it crawls. Sometimes it
Jewish Review do not in the summer as we began systematically to flies by. I believe we play a part in dictating the
necessarily reflect those lift restrictions. Cue the Delta variant. We were pace of time. We can be proactive. We can frame
knocked out of our comfort zones again.
portions of our day. We can set clear boundaries,
of the Jewish Review The High Holidays offered me some solace. At not to be violated. Then we can be open to what
Committee, the Jewish least I was able to gather at Congregation Beth happens next.
Federation of Greater Israel for worship. Even though we were outside We can devote portions of every day of the
Portland, its governing … even though we were masked … it beat the week to our passions: hiking, reading, coffee,
board or the staffs of either alternative of another virtual experience on my cooking, music or podcasts. We can make con-
the newspaper or the Microsoft tablet. nections with people, nature, art, religion or
Federation. The High Holidays were a valuable time to re- spirituality.
flect and to get in touch with my emotions. I now Being in our comfort zone is not always about
Upcoming clearly understand what knocks me out of my what we do. It is not dependent on productivity
comfort zone. It’s just one word. It’s four letters or on accomplishments. Often, we can be in our
issues long. comfort zone when we are in the moment, when
we are connected, and when we are in relation-
I fear that everything will be shut down again. I ship with someone, something, some power be-
Issue date Deadline fear a breakthrough case of COVID for me or my yond ourselves.
children. I fear schools becoming virtual again.
We can do this. We can rediscover our comfort
But fear is just an emotion. That word is not re- zones and develop strategies to protect and pre-
Oct. 27 Oct. 21 flective of reality. It’s only reflective of a possible serve them. The beautiful result will be the heal-
reality … a reality that is inside my head. ing of our bodies and spirits.
Nov. 10 Nov. 4
Nov. 24 Nov. 18 Rabbi's Corner
In addition to the Chaplain's Corner, the Jewish Review offers space for a
Dec. 8 Dec. 2 Rabbi's Corner each issue. Our community's rabbis are invited to share their
thoughts on the week's parsha or current events. The Oregon Board of Rabbis
Submit news, photos organized the project.
and obituaries to Rabbis are invited to schedule a date to submit a 500- to 600-word piece.
[email protected] For more information, email [email protected].
8 Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021
Jobs board
Submit job openings to [email protected]
CEDAR SINAI PARK tion; case management, program development and implemen-
CSP is a nonprofit, community-based, residential senior living, tation; caring for the well-being of campers and staff including
skilled nursing and long-term care organization with a dedicat- evaluation and intervention; developing and implementation of
ed workforce. Check out all CSP available positions and apply at MESH and inclusion staff training; and parent communication, reporting, record keeping and information collection.
Director of Development and Communications Assistant Director – Programming
The Assistant Director – Programming will include camper re-
The primary purpose of this position is to develop, organize and cruitment, hiring and supervising B’nai B’rith Camp program
execute all fund-raising and development programs managed by summer staff; day-to-day summer camp program; budget devel-
the Cedar Sinai Park Foundation on behalf of Cedar Sinai Park, its opment and management; and planning for improvements and
subsidiary entities and their associated programs. growth. This position is also responsible for the development,
Duties include maintaining accurate and current donor records, execution, and logistic implementation of current and new Family
potential donor lists, accounting records and minutes relevant to Camps, family program and new Camp Initiatives. As a key person
development work. This person creates and approves all correspon- on the summer camp team, this position will serve to help with all
dence and develops appropriate marketing materials, and assists in camp-related events.
determining goals and establishing short- and long-range strategic
fund-raising plans that will realistically help to meet those goals MITTLEMAN JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER
in a pre-determined time period (i.e., planned giving program,
newsletter). This person creates a campaign calendar; develops an Senior Manager of Operations and Programs
annual budget and specific budgets for all fund-raising activities in Salary range: $60,000 -$68,000
collaboration with the CEO and CFO; works with the Foundation The Senior Manager of Operations and Programs provides daily
Board and boards of subsidiary entities to identify strategic goals oversight and supervision of the staff and programs in the fitness
and policy issues and to develop fund-raising plans; and develops and camp departments. The Senior Manager of Operations and
and oversees conformity and compliance of all marketing collat- Programs is responsible for the development and implementation
eral with either contractor and/or on-staff marketing support and of programs in those areas that meet the needs and interests of the
internal marketing committee. diverse membership of the Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Medical Billing and Collections Specialist (MJCC). This position is responsible for ensuring that programs
The primary purpose of this position is to prepare billing and col- and services are delivered by staff with a strong commitment to
lection for internal and external customers. customer service and in facilities that are clean, well-maintained
Commitment to superior customer service. and appropriately equipped. The Senior Manager of Operations
Quality, care, and concern for internal and external customers. and Programs actively assists the Assistant Executive Director
Accurate and timely billing, data entry, charge corrections, ad- with the overall operational needs of the entire MJCC, as well as
justments, and invoice corrections. actively promotes membership through a variety of means, includ-
Electronic billing of Medicare, Medicaid and third-party carriers. ing program development and special events. This position will di-
Accurate use and maintenance of medical billing and collections rectly oversee the fitness and camp departments, with the potential
software/portals including Point Click Care (PCC). to shift and grow as we rebuild our membership.
Adherence to best practices for billing and collection protocols. For the full job post, visit
Generates monthly aging reports and is prepared to comment on For questions, email Human Resources Director Miriam Stroud at
aged accounts. [email protected].
Other available positions include CNA, Communications &
Events Manager, Infection Preventionist, IT Helpdesk Technician, FOR HOLOCAUST EDUCATION
Life Enrichment Coordinator, LPN, RN, cook and server. Part-time Guest Services
The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
B’NAI B’RITH CAMP explores the legacy of the Jewish experience in Oregon and teach-
es the universal lessons of the Holocaust. Through exhibitions,
For full job description and to apply for any of these three full- programs, educational resources and opportunities for intercultural
time openings, visit conversation, OJMCHE challenges our visitors to resist indiffer-
Salary: $37,000-$40,000 DOE. Benefits: Employer paid medical, ence and discrimination and to envision a just and inclusive world.
dental and vision; employer contribution to retirement fund; gen- We are seeking a dynamic individual to work in Museum Guest
erous paid vacation, sick leave and holidays, plus other benefits. Services each Saturday between 11 am and 4 pm. Responsibilities
Assistant Director – Portland Area BB Day Camps include welcoming and greeting museum visitors; collecting ad-
The Assistant Director – Portland Area Day Camps is responsi- mission fees and providing tickets; directing people to exhibitions;
ble for assisting in the implementation of Portland Area BB Day sales activities in the gift shop; answering telephone; and extend-
Camps and Year-Round youth and family engagement programs. ing a positive image of the museum. The position also includes
This includes (but is not limited to) camper recruitment, program Concierge activities: providing information about the museum,
development, and implementation, hiring and supervising of staff; neighborhood, transit, etc.; Docent activities: providing specific
building a vibrant Jewish community for campers and staff; pro- information about the exhibitions – specialized training will be
gram budget development and management; and planning for fu- provided as exhibitions change; and Membership activities: an-
ture improvement and growth. swering membership questions, welcoming and soliciting new
Assistant Director – Community Care and Inclusion members, and providing the extra touch for members.
The Assistant Director – Community Care and Inclusion is re- To apply, please send cover letter and resume to OJMCHE
sponsible for camper recruitment, screening, intake and orienta- Administrator Heather Brunner, [email protected].
Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021 9
Life-cycle events
Kol Shalom members stopped by throughout the day Oct. 10 to
say farewell to the rental space the group has used since 2004.
From left are Walt Hellman, Roberta Hellman, DeBi Strode, Rich-
WEDDING ard Lazere, Myra Himmelfarb, Karen LaMorticella, Randy Splitter,
Laura Worley-Joel Spiegel Karen Hyatt, Mary Raskin and Robert Rubenstein.
Larry and Corinne Spiegel are delighted to announce the recent
marriage of their son, Joel, to Laura Worley. Joel is the grandson Kol Shalom joins EJC, leaves Hillsdale
of the late Gloria and Albrecht Bacharach, z”l, and the late Sidney Kol Shalom, Community for Humanistic Judaism, has become a
and Eloise Spiegel, z”l, and is brother to Sam, Nathan and the late community partner of the Eastside Jewish Commons. With its new
Jasmine Spiegel, z”l. Laura is the daughter of Stuart and Sherrie partnership providing an option for meeting space, Kol Shalom
Worley of Lake Oswego. will move out of its rental space in Hillsdale, where it has been
The happy newlyweds live in Tualatin with their dog Abigail. since 2004, on Oct. 31.
As with virtually all organizations, the pandemic greatly changed
Submit births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries how Kol Shalom operated.
and landmark birthdays to [email protected]. “All our activities went online, and members have found that, in
many cases, online is more convenient than in-person attendance,”
Obituaries says Kol Shalom Newsletter Editor Walt Hellman. “Kol Shalom ex-
pects many of its activities to continue online and so is giving up its
physical space in Hillsdale. Of course, many activities, especially
LILLIAN FOX holiday observances and social activities such as Havdallah dinners,
Lillian (Horowitz) Fox, z”l, passed away Sept. 26, 2021, at Cedar will resume in person. We expect in-person activities to resume at
Sinai Park in Portland, where she’d been living since moving from rental spaces as needed, homes and, of course, the Commons.”
south Florida five years ago. Lillian is survived by her sons, Leon- Kol Shalom’s new mailing address is Kol Shalom, 2420 NE
ard, Gary and Dennis; nine grandchildren (three of whom held her Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232.
hands and stroked her hair as she breathed her last breath); and
13 great-grandchildren scattered from Milwaukee to Rotterdam to
Jerusalem. Public Service Announcement
Lillian was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on May 17, 1926. Brooklyn
is where she went to school, got married to her first love Al (who
passed away 10 years ago), and had three sons and the first few of
her eventual nine grandchildren. She focused her time, love and
attention on her husband and children, with enough left over to
touch the hearts of a large and always expanding extended family.
At various times, she worked part time or short term in offices
ranging from the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II to a
dentist’s office, a hospital and the Brooklyn College Registrar’s
Office. She had close friendships that lasted all her life, enjoyed
family summers in the Catskills, and traveled around the United
States and eventually abroad.
After Lillian and Al moved to Florida on his retirement, the life-
long couple continued to travel, often on cruise ships where Al was
the on-board square dance caller. Lillian and Al became accom-
plished dancers and attended square dance conventions around the
At her funeral in Brooklyn, family and friends gathered to appre-
ciate her life. She would have been very pleased to see everyone
Submit obituaries to: [email protected].
10 Jewish Review Oct. 13, 2021