Weber eber eber
El El
Elementary ementary ementary
Blended lended lended
Learning earning earning
Become a Big ecome a Big ecome a Big
Brothers Big rothers Big rothers Big
Si Si
Sisters Mentor sters Mentor sters Mentor
2019 C
2019 C
Campus ampus ampus
Teachers eachers eachers
of the Yearf the Yearf the Year
o o
CCISD Earns CISD Earns CISD Earns
Purchasing urchasing urchasing
Operations perations perations
Award of ward of ward of
District chatter for staff that matters
APRIL 2019
Weber Elementary Hosts Blended Learning Showcase
Dozens of educators from area school districts and
CCISD campuses gathered for a stimulating day of
learning during Weber Elementary’s Blended
Learning Showcase. The learning session included
an overview of the Blended Learning program,
interactive classroom visits and a teacher panel
discussion. As one of CCISD’s six Blended Learning
pilot schools, the showcase gave Weber staff an
opportunity to share instructional strategies and
lessons learned when implementing and sustaining
the program on their campus.
An initiative through Raise Your Hand Texas,
Raising Blended Learners (RBL) encourages
students to drive their own learning by combining in-
person instruction and online technology to deliver a
robust personalized learning experience. Since
being selected as one of 20 school districts to
participate in the RBL network, CCISD has
implemented a comprehensive Blended Learning
pilot program on six of its campuses and is working
to expand to more.
Weber Elementary is currently in the second year of
the program's four-year demonstration initiative.
Some of Blended Learning's key pillar strategies
include data driven instruction, flexible instructional
groupings, student agency, competency-based
progression and creating an individualized learning
experience for students.
Click here for more photos from the showcase.
CCEF Special Innovative Grant
The Clear Creek Education Foundation’s Special
Innovative Grant (SIG) applications are now open
through June 15! A Special Innovative Grant is a
grant of up to $50,000 designed to encourage and
support innovative teaching and learning on a large
This school year, the Foundation awarded a Special
Innovative Grant for $48,690 to Julie Edwards and
Toni Longino at Bayside Intermediate School! The
"Star Lab for Secondary Schools" is a grant that
focuses on areas such as space and earth science.
The digital star lab is a 360 degree dome, large
enough to walk in and hold a full class of high school
students. The dome offers curriculum support on plate
tectonics, layers of the earth and rock cycles. This grant is a district-wide initiative that will impact 17,000
kids from 6th grade to 12th grade, made possible by the tremendous support received from the Foundation's
Quarter Century Club Partners.
Click here for more information!
We’ve Got Spirit, YES WE DO!
Order Your
Shirt Today
Sizes SM – 4XL
*One dollar of every
purchase will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters
CCISD Cares, a
501(c)3 support Mentors Needed
organization formed Are you an employee looking to make
to assist Clear Creek a positive impact on the life of a CCISD
ISD families with student? The Big Brothers Big Sisters
basic needs during School-Based Mentorship Program
times of crisis. may be for you! Consider mentoring a
student during your lunch time where
you can read together, play games,
work on homework or simply talk about
Click here to place your order! life. Click here to apply.
For Your Benefits
Roth 403(b) and 457(b) Plans
Coming Soon!
Clear Creek ISD will soon be offering employees the
ability to participate in Roth 403(b) and 457(b)
retirement plans in addition to traditional plans.
Traditional 403(b) and 457(b) plans are made using
pre-tax dollars, thus deferring taxes until the
employee retires. Roth 403(b) and 457(b) plans
allow employees to contribute to their retirement
plan using post-tax dollars, thus allowing the
distribution of funds at retirement to be tax free.
Roth 403(b) and 457(b) plans are subject to the
same annual contribution limits as a traditional
403(b) and 457(b) plans.
Participants currently enrolled in a traditional 403(b) Professional Learning
plan should check with their vendor to confirm that
they offer the Roth 403(b). Clear Creek ISD will be hosting
Setting the Trend, Librarians as
For more information on the Roth 403(b) plan, Leaders conference on Thursday,
please contact TCG Services at (800)973-9179. June 6, 2019 at Clear Falls High
School from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Various professional learning
A Special Event for Expecting sessions will be offered to explore,
Parents! collaborate and learn about trending
topics. This will be a blended
learning experience with a vendor
fair, presentations, and special event
speakers including a keynote
presentation covering teacher and
librarian collaborations. Currently,
we have 640 librarians from the
Houston and surrounding areas
Kelsey-Seybold will be hosting a Baby on the Way scheduled to attend.
Expo from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 4
at Berthelsen Main Campus, 2727 W. Holcombe Blvd.,
Houston, TX 77025.
The Baby on the Way Expo will be all about preparing for parenthood. Guests will enjoy breakout
sessions, a panel discussion about transitioning to parenthood, daddy boot camp, 30+ premier
vendors, a VIP “Very Important Preggos” relaxation lounge, swag bags, and more than $6,000 in
baby gear giveaways. Meet with Kelsey-Seybold physicians, Houston-area experts, local vendors
and national baby brands such as Britax, UPPAbaby, Peg-Perego, Doona, and many more!
To RSVP, visit and use the code CCISD to get your FREE ticket to
this event.
Tickets are limited, so reserve your spot today!
Kelsey Seybold is an Active Care Select provider under the TRS medical plan.
Naveed Ahmed Brenda Esquivies Jaime Mills
Uzma Aroog Xander Ford Misty Moffitt
Whitni Bailey Lorie Ghirardi Brandon Mouton
Samara Barber Melissa Gonzalez Sudha Murugesan
Austin Bennett Lisette Gutierrez Tamara Palacio
Tiffany Bergmeier Carol Harmon Ana Porras Vega
Roniyah Block Sonya Haygood Cheryl Reed
Marden Bonilla Harmony Hernandez Ronald Roby
Audrey Bowser Karina Hernandez Araceli Rodriguez Rodriguez
Crystal Brown Steven Hestand Nohemi Roman Castillo
Johnny Caraballo-Rodriguez Jennifer Hines Arriyaunne Sandifer
Lupita Ceron Derek Holmes Collin Teatsworth
Rachel Chavarria Katherine Ice Lauren Thomas
Walter Cook Matthew Jones Christian Tirse
Becky Crum Andrea Leger Van Dat Tran
Yvette Culp Robyn Lewis Van Tham Tran
Pearl Deplacito Carlos Maldonado Amy Tully
Hung Do Alyzabeth Malone Amaris Vigil
Hector Echevarria Sofia Martinez Dilshad Wasaya
David Elizondo Jennifer Mendoza Keith Whitely
Emily Ellis Stacia Milligan Monica Wilder
Congratulations to the 2019 CCISD
Campus Teachers of the Year
Congratulations to the 44 teachers who have been
selected to represent their respective campus in the
community’s search for the District’s Elementary School
Teacher of the Year and the Secondary Education Teacher
of the Year. These honorees will be publicly recognized
during a luncheon at South Shore Harbour Resort and
Conference Center at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 20,
2019. The Rotary Clubs of Space Center, League City and
Seabrook sponsor the luncheon. During the luncheon, the
2019 CCISD Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the
Year will be announced from a field of six finalists.
Beyond educating students, the following teachers have
also been identified as a leader on their campus, working
collaboratively with co-workers to improve the school
culture. CCISD congratulates the 2019 Teachers of the
Elementary Secondary
Armand Bayou Jenifer Gilmore Bayside Intermediate Tiffany Levesque
Bauerschlag Ashley Hosek Brookside Intermediate Emily Soderdahl
Bay Micaela Cowan Clear Creek Intermediate Gilberto Bonet
Brookwood Allison Grindstaff Clear Lake Intermediate Terri Nicolosi
Clear Lake City Natalie Szczypien Creekside Intermediate Amy Watkins
Falcon Pass Caitlin Turner League City Intermediate Kelly Boultinghouse
Ferguson Rebecca Nations Seabrook Intermediate Katharine Moore
Gilmore Jason Gardner Space Center Intermediate Crystal Delaney
Goforth Julia Simon Victory Lakes Intermediate Veronica Quiballo
Greene Angela Sanders Westbrook Intermediate Danielle Muesse-Caples
Hall Heather Weger
Hyde Allison Etzel
Landolt Rachel Willard Clear Brook High School Alaina Garza
League City Janice Green Clear Creek High School Elizabeth Radicioni
McWhirter Lucero Munoz Raba Clear Falls High School Hany Rezk
Mossman Josephine Burke Clear Horizons ECHS Carmen Hampton
North Pointe Melody Tanigawa Clear Lake High School Laura Dunham
Parr Christie Morgan Clear Path High School Rafael Sepulveda
Robinson Rhonda Koenig Clear Springs High School Melody Hermes
Ross Alexandra Adams Clear View High School Ann Sebastian
Stewart Erika Greer
Ward Krysta Walthall
Weber Bao Khanh Truong
Wedgewood Cal Hitchman
Whitcomb Melissa Hedrick
White Lyzette Ruiz
Tickets for the Teacher of the Year luncheon are $32 and may be purchased in the CCISD Office of
Communications through Monday, May 6. For more information, call (281) 284-0021
Awards & Accomplishments
The Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) recognized 35
school districts following best practices in the area of purchasing operations.
Among those school districts was Clear Creek ISD. These districts were
recognized by TASBO at a breakfast sponsored by BuyBoard Cooperative
“This award reflects our commitment to being strong stewards of taxpayer dollars and for meeting the needs
of each student in CCISD,” said Dr. Greg Smith, Clear Creek ISD Superintendent.
The Award of Merit is provided to school districts and Education Services who follow professional standards
when obtaining goods and services.
“There’s no better way to achieve professional purchasing operations than to share best practices throughout
the state and document your district’s policies and procedures,” said Tracy Ginsburg, TASBO Executive
For more information on TASBO or the Purchasing Operations Award of Merit, visit the Texas Association of
School Business Officials (TASBO) webpage.
Notable Notes
Congratulations to Dara Ferguson, Bayside and Clear Lake
Intermediate Math Coach, and her husband, Josh. The couple
became the proud parents of a daughter, Abigail Lou, 10 lbs,
6 ounces on April 6, 2019.
April Board Report
Read here for important information and photos from the April
Board of Trustees regular meeting.
Click here to view CCISD Discounts & Deals!
How to Submit Stuff
Got Questions? Call 281-284-0020
You can submit news about yourself and/or fellow employees through Eduphoria. Click on Help Desk, then
click Create a New Request in the bottom left corner. Once there, click Office of Communications, then click
Employee Newsletter to find the submittal form.
Notable Notes
Copy and paste text below into the description box, edit, proofread facts then submit. You may also attach a
photo as a .jpg.
Marriage: (name of employee), (school and title), became the bride/groom of (name of bride/groom) on (date).
Birth (Parent): (name of employee), (school and title), and his/her wife/husband (first name) became the
proud grandparents of a son/daughter (name of baby), (weight of baby), on (date).
Birth (Grandparent): (name of employee), (school and title), and his/her wife/husband (first name) became the
proud grandparents of a grandson/granddaughter (name of baby), (weight of baby), on (date). Proud parents
are (ex: Suzy and John Smith) of (city, state).
Death: Sympathy is extended to (name of employee), (school and title), whose (relation: ex: father) (name of
relation) died on (date). Retirement: After (number) of years in CCISD working as a (job title) at (campus or
campuses), (name), is retiring in (month).
News Features & Photos: Check the box by Award, Achievement, or Photo Worthy, and in the description box
add details such as who, what, when, and where. Attach a photo as a .jpg and hit submit.
Collaboration Corner: Send us your contact information and information about a community service project or
other idea suitable for collaboration with other teachers or employees around CCISD.